Heston Blumenthal's Eggs Benedict | Waitrose

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eggs benedict is one of those classic dishes classic breakfast dish but it's not a it's not a certainly not an everyday breakfast dish it's one of those ones where you're having a bit of a decadent weekend breakfast which is basically poached eggs hollandaise sauce served on a toasted buttered muffins so first off i'm going to make the hollandaise sauce it's a bit like making a mayonnaise in mayonnaise you'll use groundnut oil or plain flavoured oil with hollandaise the oil is replaced by butter but you still need that acidic base so for that into a pan i'm going to pour some white wine vinegar i'm going to add shallots i'm just going to take a few white peppercorns the short length of time that's required to reduce this is enough to change the flavor you'll get the sweetness and the smell of the shallots coming out with the peppercorns i've got a couple of yolks here and then time to add the butter the main difference between this hollandaise and the classic one is in the classic hollandaise you just pour melted butter but here i've made burn rosette which is basically take butter put it in a pan put on medium heat it will start to sizzle and bubble and as that sizzling dies down all the water is being driven off and as that happens some of the proteins and solids in the butter just start to brown you then strain those off you end up with a really delicious sort of hazelnut flavoured butter a little bit of salt just a touch more white pepper now time to poach the eggs the most important part of all is that poached egg it's incredibly important to use a fresh egg just gonna pop this onto this slotted spoon the reason for that is as the egg gets older over time the proteins start to break down as they break down the egg white then becomes less thick becomes more runny and you can't make a poached egg with the runny egg white because when you put it in the water it's going to go everywhere so i'm just going to pop it onto this spoon you should see some of the wetter stuff draining through okay and then back into the bowl so i've got a pan of water here it's got an upturned plate on the bottom of it and that's really just to protect the egg from the direct heat of the pan okay so we've got this at 80 and the reason for that is just dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of trial and error to kind of get a temperature where the water's hot enough to set the egg white quick enough but not too hot it starts bubbling and then the turbulence of the water chucks it all over the place for me the key to this dish is the actual poached egg itself so no vinegar makes the white go leathery if the water's not hot enough the egg white will take too long to set if it takes too long what will happen is it kind of gradually starts to dissipate through the pan you end up with a sort of spider of egg white it's not exactly the nicest thing and if it's too hot and if it's really boiling then all of that turbulence chucks the egg white all over the pan so you've got to find the balance the temperature first 80 degrees works really well then just wait four minutes i'm just gonna add a little bit of lemon juice just to finish off the hollandaise poached egg [Music] that white is beautiful and soft i'm just going to add a couple of slices of bacon on the side which isn't quite technically eggs benedict but it is delicious finish off a little bit more pepper salt [Music] and the hollandaise over the top [Music] let's finish off with some parsley [Music] that is one of the great dishes when you get the egg [Music] you
Channel: Waitrose & Partners
Views: 869,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Heston Blumenthal, eggs Benedict, poached eggs, hollandaise sauce, how to poach eggs, Waitrose, Waitrose recipe, breakfast recipe, brunch, eggs, egg, easy brunch recipe, easy breakfast recipe, classic brunch, classic breakfast, recipes, waitrose recipes, how to, how to make, waitrose, best recipes, ingredients
Id: k-RHFu0WnZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2015
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