Heroic Shattered Halls - TBC Classic

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howdy y'all my name is brent heffernan mr undertale award that miss from the tribe and today i wanted to talk to you all about heroic shadow dolls now heroic shattered halls may be one of the most slap adapter ouch time raids that exists let's just set up some ground rules let's get some sheep targets moon sheep diamond equals potara cc let's do star equals spaz cc perfect okay so a little bit about this dungeon this place trucks it's a bunch of physical hitting fell orcs that are all hopped up on demon blood and they deal tons of damage so i'm going to take you through here pull back pull and we're going to try to see what we can do here what to watch out for and i'll talk you through my process of how i'm doing stuff so we just got these first two i want to make sure i have thread on both i'm using tab targeting shield slamming revenge heroic tapping back to the x nice stun from the holy paladin healer group composition is fairly important in heroic shattered holes you want to make sure you have enough cc to handle the big pulls there are a lot of five packs that hit really hard so we have warrior tank we have a mage we have a holy paladin healer we have a couple warlocks as well let's pour this guy taunt if anything gets off me and for shout decision i'm going to be going for a challenging sorry commanding shout instead of battle shout because we don't have much physical damage these guys are hitting for about 1k and their attack speed is really fast you want to make sure you have shield block up every time put up a demo shot take the edge off the incoming damage also keep an eye on your healer's mana i'm pulling stuff with throne i don't really want to charge and fight a second one if i don't have to we want to take this instance as steadily as we can heroics hit really hard shattered halls is on a whole different level with how hard the stuff hits it's better to take a couple extra seconds make sure your healer has full mana than to rush into something and then have a wipe and have to run back we should have soul stone if we have a soul stone on the holy paladin so we have a little bit of white protection and then now we can charge this last one just getting a little stun defensive stance shield slam i did pop a major armor elixir for some heroics if you're pretty geared you may be able to skip out on that but for this one good luck we'll give a second for mana and i'm gonna pull this one back i'm wearing pretty much full mitigation in here five four three two one these ones you cannot cc they've got sword and board but it's like a fist weapon that's attached to their hand so i'll just show you here to demonstrate it but you can't disarm these see it says target has no weapon equipped even though they have they're hitting you with something but these shattered hand sentries are so metal that they're willing to fuse metal onto their hand instead of having a hand with fingers and a thumb clean pull healer man is good alright this is where it gets a little bit tricky we'll put a mark on this guy just so we keep track of where he is and we should be able to shape a couple of these and maybe pull two at a time but if not we can do stuff like this so i'm gonna pull quick before he shows up i'm gonna shout and it did not change because he wasn't there yet let me get the nice sheep i'm just going to devastate blood rage throw up a demo shot and we're tanking the more you can set up single target pulls for yourself the cleaner this run is going to be so rogues can sap you can purge this uh power word shield that's on these converts come in they hit kind of hard but they're not elite so they don't have a ton of health just make sure you clean them up and they're not on your healer he's in the middle right now once he passes we can do something like this just pull these two and line the side again good shape they're hitting pretty hard and this is on plate acolytes are the casters we can interrupt another convert showing up shaman or priest could dispel that power with shield and i'll use this guy to build up some rage for the next pull all right whenever we do pull this guy we want to focus him down first because he's summoning other stuff and he hits pretty hard we could do a big pull he may go back across the room we'll wait for a second here see if we have a chance for an easier pull you're gonna move buddy you're just gonna stay there okay is all the way to the right there i might be able to pull this we did great see how hard that hits this guy hit him one time and his health went down to like 10 percent okay we'll pick up the skull now this other one came i just want to devastate him once she'll be fine demo shout i'm just throwing a war stomp you can use physical stuns on these guys the legionnaire also target has no weapon equipped he fused something to his hand i think that's what the warhammer orcs do i'm not superverse in that lore but some of them fuse metal onto themselves i don't know there's this curse that goes on you curse of the shattered hand you deal more damage and take more damage it's kind of like death wish man it looks fine i'm just gonna charge defensive stance shield slam i can spell reflect that mind blast it's for about 1.4k 1.5 so the nice cc we have in this party we have fear from both warlocks but fear is more of a volatile cc because the stuff is running around there's also death coil which is kind of in a similar category but it's a nice emergency button to get something off you and then there's seduce from the succubus which is also quite good majors can sheep they can frost over the melee stuff just be aware if the mage does frost nova some stuff that they will attack any target that's in melee range so don't stand next to something with frost nova on it unless you're the tank in which case that's your job good pull all right now we get five packs those will go first these reavers have a two-hander and they do a mortal strike we can also cc this one and cc this one the dual wielding guys hit pretty hard we'll kill the acolyte second they don't hit too hard get a line of sight pull around the corner five four three two one blood rage devastate devastate devastate on the skull i could even use an aoe fear here because we have a lot of room since we pulled back and everything around us is cleared focusing this guy first put a demo shot on him make sure this guy's not on the healer i'm gonna intercept him so he doesn't run too far toward the other packs i'm also going to disarm i top this guy off i want to keep an eye on the x interrupted that mind blast these guys hit pretty hard too i'm just gonna get a devastate on him i still have threat on this guy or stomp the two of them demo shot this guy mage can resheep without too much issue yeah just let them do that pop a defensive trinket save my healer samana commanding shot is slip and these sharp shooters do a lot of damage it's gonna make sure that you're on top of them they do less damage in melee than they do in range so make sure they're not just off in the distance getting free damage off on you reavers hit really hard they can be disarmed though so we'll just do that next pull is coming up hold them back looks fine okay that's two groups of them do the same thing i can sheep this guy can fear this guy fear that guy oops then we'll kill this one second that is a dark caster probably a warlock kind of buddy i'm gonna line this light pull again i'll just go around here make sure i have thread on the skull gotta devastate tab devastate tab devastate and the spell reflect the next thing he does he's doing rain of fire interrupt that we taunted this sharpshooters are back there i want to make sure this reaver does not get on my healer so i just built some thread on him now i'm going to intercept this guy to get a stun and we killed him nice counter spit on this one let's keep our head on a swivel see what's behind just going to reflect that shadow bolt but he died all right let's get on the reaver next disarm is up so we'll use that commanding shot this guy's hitting for like eight fifty eight seventeen now we'll get the last target clean it up these polls are about control managing the crowd and then strength of being able to survive the heavy hits all right this is a big bull let's get cc on those and on the sharpshooter this one has three sharpshooters so we'll kill x and triangle all right i'm gonna go get some initial threat on all of them this is gonna look pretty risky but it's gonna get me a little bit of threat on all of them so i'm going to charge thunderclap demo shout i'm shield blocking i'm stunning i'm tabbing devastate tab devastate accidentally broke that sheet that's my bad i taunted the x devastated it devastate the triangle shield blocking defensive trinket demo shot on all of them that are in range of me i'm just pulling back i'm gonna war stomp these three i lost three on this one so i'm gonna taunt it shield block still up this guy is free we're gonna disarm him and use a health stone right away and since we pulled way back i'm free to use this aoe fear i want to get up in the sharpshooter's face i'm taking this one i don't want the sharpshooter to be shooting me he's sharp stun him tap back to this one nice fear from the warlock keeping up commanding shout get him up in his face i don't want him shooting us a really crucial aspect of having this dungeon be pretty clean is using the rooms behind you that you've already cleared as a resource which means you can use more of the the big cc stuff like intimidating shout if you pull right up where the mobs are then if you intimidating shout you can fear them into other enemies but if we pull them way way back then we can just go ham and use every cc in the book football all right another massive pull this one has some non-elites mixed into it so we do want to kill those but we don't need to prioritize them super closely let's just get these cc targets out so people know what they're crowd controlling and then we got triangle square everything is marked so big pull okay i'm gonna charge defensive stance thunderclap demo shot just to get some threat on the table with everybody i'm also going to spell reflect that warlock i've reflected the shadow bolt i'm pulling these back i'm tapping through making sure i have thread on everything i've got the skull that's the most important i'm keeping an eye on these here i'm going to intercept this guy tab taunt devastate and they feared into the dog pack so we just got ads we need to pull way back way back we didn't go back far enough there yep fear was not the play there you gotta go seduce all right looks like the hillstone expires so we're hoofing it yeah so that's a good point to raise sometimes warlocks they don't usually seduce it's not something that you have to do in regular dungeons so they have more of a zug zug mindset they have pets that deal more damage and have greater effects for just their raw output the succubus channeling seduce is not damaged for them but it's the most reliable and smooth form of crowd control they have so be sure to make that clear to the team which i did not do adequately enough yeah fear the moms run pretty fast in a random direction so you're risking it for the biscuits if you just fear in a big room like that very generously they placed the instance closest to the ghost run as they figure that you're going to die in shattered halls the most of all the runs re-up our defensives marks are still up let's get a food buff let's go all out hillstones buffs guardian elixir defense elixir this is one of the hardest pulls in the whole run so if you can get this one down you have pretty good chances this was the pack that pulled with that one so the charge thunderclap demo shout it does have a downside if people cc from here let's get it ready check out i'm gonna pull this way back just throw this on this guy when he's out in the front i'll get a commanding shot we're pulled way back way back gives us tons of room they can seduce and everything as things are running by i'm going to devastate on this guy i can put up spell reflect i'm just going to tab devastate tab devastate thunderclap and demo shot so i reduce the incoming damage of these i'm gonna get some initial threat on this guy i'm gonna talk this one back i'm gonna stun him they're fearing the diamond that's good seducing the star sheep in the moon this is perfect scrolls down getting on x just want to keep my eye on everything this guy's channeling rain of fire but it's in the middle of nowhere so i don't really care the seduce broke there but the succubus can re-up it nice paladin bubble whenever that fear broke and it wasn't re-feared healers staying alive popping a defensive you can just go up and bash those but the succubus was able to re-up the seduce take this one now we got this one let's intercept this one getting on the top of the thread table interrupting that can't guess that you can't do that and then we just got a reaver and give him a nice disarm okay there are a bunch of people sleeping here you don't need to wake them up you just want to make sure that you don't like fear stuff into them these dogs hit very hard even though they're not elite so be careful and that is a houndmaster in the middle behind this there's a gate so you could charge thunderclap demo shot this one produce the incoming damage feared the x it went in a good direction for us but we're too close to the beds here so this one pulled got that one you can disarm these and i'll talk this one i'm gonna war stomp this they're fearing the dong it's good shield slam devastate all right you're coming up on the first boss now i think if you have the key you can skip this does anyone have that key maybe not well anyway we're into the sewers now now if you can jump down here and then charge on something it'll take less damage a warrior trick see no fall damage so you just want to make sure you mainly hold the elites here as the tank the mages can aoe this stuff i'll throw a thunderclap demo shot just to reduce the incoming damage taken there's a blizzard on them so they're all slowed and i'll let them work on those while i make sure this one doesn't hit him see the corruption on stuff all that good jazz taunting it this one might pull us too it patrols a little bit we'll just throw and see what happens okay we pulled both so i'm going to mark the other big one i'm going to make sure i hold those two as my top priority there's a thunder clap there's a demo shout there's a war stomp i'm tabbing through i could even throw a challenging shout here just make sure i have everything make it nice and stable stack them up tight there's one on the warlock over here i could just intercept that skull is dead i can throw a concussion blow on the x you can use physical stuns on these uh man looks good pulling and we're going to be running up here back up to civilization after being down in the sewers this is a gross sewer nice aoe on those holding thread on the two big ones and we can skip that one at the end just run it up all right this guy is kind of like a warlock rogue hybrid for his abilities and stuff there is that debuff those put on you so be careful okay we can just pull these i want to make sure the dps mana up he's summoning a different pet these are non-elites they're not too tough you can use them to build rage get your shout out yes he's pretty funny he doesn't seem to have much regard for these converts what these fellows did was they traded power for their autonomy so they get a bunch of physical boost to their damage with this fellow blood but they can't really think for themselves too much so he aggros whenever those are dead we're getting our devastates up just trying to get on the top of the threat table he does a death coil here i can't do anything about that it's a horrify effect and it's also physical so it can be dispelled by magic you want to stand away from those things void zone kind of deal he's hidden for 1.4k heavy plate get off that he nicely death coiled me off of it all right make sure you're not staying on those that's called again he's going to do a spinny shadow bolt thing you can actually disarm him so the spin shadow bolt you can't really do too much about i can try to reflect and i reflected it for 1.4k so he's spinning around hitting people for 1.4 k you do need the tome of dusk he has one book and then the next boss in here has the next book this is a a belt thing what else you drop heroic he's got spell strike helmet he's got some gems ap edgy cloak damage and healing spell pin wrist ap mp5 pretty good tank helm starfire boom chicken thing all right next area here we want to make sure everybody's ready there are some assassins in these halls we want to make sure the group is all together okay he does a gouge into a cheap shot nice death coil there we dictate the pace of the pool with that devastating them you can even shout these out too sometimes invaders have breached the defenses okay so we're saying they can pull these way back this is kind of a gauntlet event where waves of attack hurts are going to come at you we just fight these here they're not elites are not super tough you're saying don't go down further than that or it resets all right so we're pulling these there are guys at the end of the hallway shooting flaming arrows at us it's going to make sure we don't stand in that dps and down mark stuff to keep track of them can throw this guy he stacked up that fire gonna dodge it i'm gonna pull this and throw a stun reduce incoming damage i'll just pop my defensive trinket and re-up our commanding shout make sure he's dead charge defensive stance shield slam into a revenge devastate tab over to this guy just watch out for where you're standing no stand in the fire that's the thing that hurts the most in this hallway more so than these guys mana looks good i'm going to thunderclap demo shout these because we got a four pack here watch out for the fire taunting anyone that goes off me want to build up some rage if i can these do hit fairly hard on the clothes another non-elite pack i'll just pull this off to the side man looks fine kind of dance these through the fire so make sure i'm not standing in any of the fire that's actively burning two more coming devastate him mark him another one coming in devastate put a triangle on it f3 i'm using f1 through f8 for my target markers you don't need an add-on for that just set it up in your key bindings target marker section i don't know why this guy didn't come but he didn't i'll just go ahead and mark this one with a sheep and a diamond he's gonna keep pulling a few of these he thinks we should just nuke that's fine all right we got a good bit of rage here let's go make sure i hold this main guy defensive trinket demo shout out thunderclap is up i'm also going to war stomp this guy is done immune on heroic he also gives a badge of justice which is nice you can disarm take that job to incoming damage physical fear you could break with berserker rage but not dispel tremor totem is good if you have a shaman or if your dps warrior my death wish so you've got this timer for this um heroic and if you can make it all the way to the end i think without dying without wiping from the point when you get past that uh or up to the gauntlet event then you get some bonus loot or something so he drops a bop on heroic and don't forget your battery justice okay i wonder if they want to do the skip here because you can pull these or you can skip them if you skip them you're going to need to pull this one way in the back if you want to use fear where's the pad there's a pat with a houndmaster and some dogs so we want to pull at a time when that's not going to mess us up too bad let's get this guy and this guy and then we'll cc these two okay i'm gonna pull you gotta make sure they run down the center of the room so they don't pull the side packs i'm going to get a couple shots off so i have initial threat on everything i devastate this guy is the most important have threat on it's mind blasting i'm just kind of tabbing through making sure i have everything i'm gonna demo shout make sure i have the skull i'm gonna war stomp it as well taunting the skull so it's back on me i can stun him too i cleave this guy i'm just holding threat popping defensive trinket i'm going to spell reflect here because these guys are mind blasting me i'm going to interrupt the rain of fire these pools you got to be mobile i'm going to reflect that shadow bolt we got it 1500 damage we're taking a bunch of them we're cleaving it i'm tapping through spell reflect the mind blast we got it i can disarm this reaver i'm going to taunt it it's a mage head threat doing revenge please i'm going to spell reflect again maybe i can get something i gotta resheep on that nice shield blocking it still healer mana still not too bad nice decurse i'm gonna taunt this guy revenge crit it's good we got one more please do a cleave so if your melee or if you're in melee range in your coffee you might die be smart good bull give people some time for mana i'm just kind of keeping an eye on stuff you want to run directly down the center of the room here these packs if it is the daily and you want to try to fight these you can do so they're in here sparring basically so they're at full hp and then this middle guy here the centurion he says hey you guys fight and if you look at their health bar they are taking damage you want to pull when they're at about half hp it's a pretty good time to do it we're pulling this wolf pack i want to pull it directly down the center of the room so we don't pull those side packs we want to skip them if we can intercept him devastated up you notice the dogs just barely touched the warlock and he died instantly there may have been this uh sharpshooter as well they're gonna take some heavy damage the dogs do this physical damage every three seconds that's taken for 445 on me i'm gonna stun him dps gotta wait a couple seconds for you to assemble stud on everything i could have initiated that pull a little bit better myself too the warlock in here saying those are hidden for 3k with their regular white hits on their cloth armor bandage them up let people man up and then we'll press on a bit of an easier pull here this should be a tuple got one brawler they're just punching stuff and then a reaver if they pull together you could shape that one or seduce good seduce i'm just gonna build rage get in the reaver now disarmed him all right bunch of cc we're gonna pull way back all right diamond star we'll shape the reaver with the two-hander skull triangle we're going to pull so far back they won't even realize we can even do a fun trick here check this out intervene get even more distance i got my first shout off so i have an initial threat on this guy nice stun from the paladin i'm gonna thunderclap demo shout out devastated this guy i'm gonna taunt the skull make sure i still have him i'm gonna war stomp everything i wanna make sure this guy's not on my healer just tapping through checking to see who's on what a diamond is loose that's a warlock's responsibility i'm going to disarm this guy nice fear i got another spell reflect coming up and we just reflected his mind blast i'm gonna interrupt that mind blast because i don't have spell reflect yet and i'm just taking a bunch of stuff now demo shout curse of weakness is coming from one of those warlocks that's also good i'm going to taunt this guy make sure he's not on anybody but me i'm also going to do a stun nice re-sheep there still blocking it and a defensive trinket just take the edge off the damage this guy's dead back to this one and we're looking pretty clean for this bowl the savages hit really hard and they hit fast because they're dual wielding good pull and we pulled that one way back so these two packs are still up remember to run directly down the center be careful and give people a break on their man if they need it next poll is a bit smaller so we'll just kill two of these and shape one just a three pole bear in mind there could be another dog pad patrol i'll bandage people up okay just ready to go i'm gonna try to pull this guy so they don't go too far to the sides single pull actually yeah a three game so we'll get a sheep off if we can and it pulled the side pack so this is going to be crisis management but we can handle this technically i'm gonna demo shout out stuff i'm gonna war stomp i'm gonna challenging shout get a little bit of threat on everything i'm also gonna march stuff last stand shield wall and now we aoe fear and we're gonna try our best i'm gonna mark other stuff too if it pulls this back we're dead but it didn't i'm gonna pull way back way back i'm just gonna keep pulling back i taunted this one i've got it i'm gonna stun one okay i'm kiting them for now the healer died but they might have had a soul stone i'm not sure we can keep using the space that we have yep we're kiting this great job from the mages i can also throw an aoe fear if i need to i'm just kind of babysitting the mage now letting the spellcleave team do their work can even stun him i don't have threat on this one so we're just letting them handle it and we recovered sometimes that can happen if you want to play it extra safe just pull the side packs your run will be slower but it'll be cleaner so we we ended up having a little bit of extra work there trying to do the skip but we made it run down the center be careful and there's a dog patrol pack we'll kill the dogs first and then the hound guy and we'll give people a man a break that's the pack that we just cleared food buff still got four minutes on it can re-up that before the boss these guys you can't cc just do a ready check out of courtesy you never know what the casters need to do for like rebuffing and stuff some people died okay so that pad is pretty far away we're gonna try to pull this now you can't really cc these but you can disarm them i'm gonna pop a defensive trinket they do hit fairly hard physically taunting anything that goes off me keeping up that shield block i'm gonna throw a concussion blow on this guy didn't work they also do a concussion blow hello fellow tank daunted shield slammed the dog patch should be coming back soon i believe there could be an assassin in this hallway too so be careful man looks good enough this would be a charge defensive stance thunderclap demo shout pull because that's a lot of physical damage we can reduce by putting those debuffs on okay and they feared that's probably not the safest idea because it could go into that pack but it did turn around in time you can disarm the houndmaster guy they have a nice scimitar be a shame if they were to drop it but i'll save it for this next pack shield slammed tabbed taunted devastated concussion blowed tab shield slam count back switching to x the taunt should last until he dies more or less did now save rage for the boss we'll just use the shield slam and then not heroic or anything so i get full rage just refresh my shout defensive trinket is up i'll re-up my food buff and i'll give people a nice full timer this guy's got a two-ended mace it's pretty hard he does a threat drop kind of thing so we're gonna have to pivot into building threat three two one this may be a fight where i would favor rage potion over iron shield potion just to make sure i keep control over the fight blood rage threat is looking good but i'm going to try to keep a decent bit of rage i want to stay ahead in threat i want to demo shout him so he doesn't hit other people too hard there's this thunderclap ability which can be dispelled it's a magic effect my threat's fine i'm in the lead okay there he did his thing now he switched to someone else and he lowered my threat by a lot so i just got to try my best rebuild threat paladin used blessing protection that was a really good play so it went back to me but now he's back on this guy i can switch to dual wielding to get a little bit more rage and threat so i can devastate dual wield you just gotta heal whoever gets focused by this he's immune to taunt so i can't get it from him i'm effectively a dps until i get threat but i am staying in defensive stance so i get more threat all right let me put the shield back on now he's on the healer the healer bubbled good play he's back on me if you're a rogue you probably vanish if you're a hunter you can probably feign death so there are ways to get out of that this can also be dispelled nice play he is immune to disarm one trick that i could have done but i didn't think of was you can intervene the person who's getting focused it's only one hit every 30 seconds but that could be just enough to keep him alive don't forget to loot your badge what does he drop hey this is a war bringer guy stamina spell cred healing int strength stam gem this is the boot he dropped healing mp5 spell crit damage and healing dagger two-handed mace gives brazil decent pvp starter weapon pretty good bow gives you some hit and ap and then some damage and healing elemental shaman shoulders who's the person who drops the other book look at for not in games from names from dark weaver sith in the set to call so i need to go somewhere else for that okay moving up toward the last boss now one more of these double tank poles no cc you just got out muscle them demo shouts up shield block is up concussion blow on him tab devastate shield slam revenge heroic and then i'm back on skull devastate heroic shield slam our van heroic defensive trinket nice paladin stun foreign assassin in the hallway sap into a cheap shot it's physical he hits really hard look at that look at that ouchy mama i didn't have the rage for intervene nice death goal to stay alive you can break sap with berserker rage learn that from pvp let me just try that oh nice rain of fire he fished him out you could do that get your blizzard get your reign of fire these rogues are a lot less strong if they don't get the opener on you good pvp practice another thing warriors can do oh i just used berserker rage i broke it berserker rage removes incapacitated effects so you can get out of sound but not blind there's another one got the taunt off throw a war stomp on them mark them look at the damage they're dealing okay we're gonna pull this back because there's a dog patrol just get a concussion blow off another assassin came i got it and i'm gonna try to pull this one devastate on this dog demo shout there's a aoe fear there and we're down there was a lot of incoming damage and the healer had to heal a bunch of people good try good try we needed to keep a better eye out for this pound master patrol so i don't think we have a soul stone we might have one okay soul stone is not up we're hoofing it once again shattered halls showing you what can go wrong we can give you the cleanest guide of all time but is that realistically going to happen in your runs nope did it happen in my run nope we wipe twice we shake it off we're tough let's take a look at the combat log see what damage i was taking so the assassin melee hits were 700 325 a backstab from one for 1k warhound hit for 2.3 k and that's a hit not a crit so the hounds really truck assassin for 500 warhound for 2.7 k and then the assassins are hitting from between 200 and 900 for their regular hits you could iron shield potion that would be another improvement i could have done on that pole i could have also used my health stone and i could also use my last stand and as a tank i have a personal rule that if i die so fast that i wasn't able to think of using a health stone i can't get mad at the healer healing is pretty tough so trying to be compassionate on their situation because they're also trying to avoid damage they're trying to keep the party up yes the tank is meant to be healed but sometimes like in that circumstance you get a really big pull bigger than you're expecting and you just can't handle everything i would say if we're talking about the relative power level of this group here uh this warlock here got priebus kind of level stuff the more fresh 70 of the group nice throw more exalted weapon there this warlock is one of the more geared ones that we have in the guild you got a moussar weapon badge of justice thing shade of iran thing he's pretty geared remember to watch out for the packs on the sides this would be our best holy paladin healer in the guild you do want to make sure your healer is pretty strong for this run and the tank needs to be relatively geared as well if you see everything and pull one at a time you could make it through with the pre-biss tank if everyone knows what they're doing and they play really well but having a bit of karazhan gruelman gear is going to make it easier on you badge of justice is another good way to fill out the pieces that you haven't been able to and we're running it back shattered holes is a nice linear run not too many mazes twists and turns just a bunch of heavy-hitting big packs we are rounding that final corner to the last boss so just a couple pulls left oh this was the guy and our mage was brutally stabbed all right we have entered the danger hallway apparently and that dog pad is going to come soon too so want to be quick on this as soon as the res goes off i'm going to bandage right away there we go the mage said 3k into 3k head back to back yep six point whatever k health wait how did that assassin get in this hallway this is before this boss i'll keep a sharp eye i'll be in berserker stance so i can use berserker rage to break the sam we'll give people time to man up this is a danger hallway skull you get these dogs down they is super hard he's trying to fish for assassins with that reign of fire all right let's get that physical damage down from them defensive stance thunderclap demo shout i'm just gonna bash a dog i'm gonna eat my health stone too because they just put this down i can just pick up a new one disarming this guy i'm tapping over to the x building thread on it gonna use a defensive trinket why not all right fresh hillstone great blessed are the warlocks who give hillstones i'm gonna put up our commanding shroud so everyone has more health i'm gonna try to find this guy taunton got him demo shouting him wound poison from these two sap on me pretty long duration nice fear i wasn't in berserker stance i'm gonna taunt him and disarm him i'm gonna stun and then let's go berserker stance so i can break the sam yep there it is found him defensive stance taunt devastate shield slam shield block demo shout there's probably another one the hallway of infinite assassins okay let's charge thunderclap demo shout shield block taunt tab devastate devastate on each of them just double checking the threat meter here all right i'm gonna save the defensive trinket because we're up on the boss now and i'm gonna save a bit of rage if i can threat looks good so i'm just gonna let the auto attack take the wheel nice crits good hits okay last boss let's stay in four corners here i'm gonna mark us what mark do you want you can have a moon warrior x makes sense patara could be diamond that was your cc mark you can be triangle [Music] okay holy pound is lower left mage is far left i'm going to tank the boss near these steps because a bunch of ads are going to come down this hallway toward the boss just relaying that to them he hits really hard with physical and there's an ability he does where he dashes around and hits everybody so you want to make sure you are spread as much as possible i'm going to food buff up i'm going to ready check let's do this dance warchief cargath bladefist is the town named after him or is he named after the town like walker texas ranger all right doing it up five four the only they need to get spread out i see the stuff in the hallway there so as stuff comes past me i want to tab and just hit it make sure it's not on my team they could spread out more than that but i know he doesn't want to be line of sight i'll just stand here this makes a little bit better on them so he called this guard i devastate him tap back to the boss keep demo shout up keep challenging shout out now he's doing his charge thing i'm just gonna build rage on this okay he has decided to murder our mage i'll try to intervene the next one see if that's any better there's a reaver here it's a non-elite i'm gonna demo shout it and i can also intimidate and shout it he needs to be more spread than that he's too stacked up i would advise killing the answer so they're not beating you up consistently i'm gonna move over war stomp that guy keeping up the shield block iron shield potion if you're feeling pressured sundering it up devastates a good ability she'll block it and we're bringing it home another guards coming in i'm gonna intervene no instantly died you may be able to instantly intervene right as he casts it i'm not sure i intervened the healer and that's the boss so if you're a clothing good luck as the tank you can try to charge onto him taunt him asap or intervene in taunt those would be the main methods but really trying to spread out as much as you can is going to be the way paladin tank boots spell crit damage and healing wand expertise main hand fist pretty cool fist weapon and then your nether for your crafting there's executioner here uh he hasn't killed these two guys i don't know if we get extra stuff here maybe do okay let's see if we get anything these guys are all prisoners so i'll sit down executioner he's got a two-hander would be a shame if he were to drop it all right two primal air and a badge of justice cool oh i guess they got the the quest done too free badge well yeah that's nice make sure you get your badge on this guy oh crap well hope you all enjoyed this walk through maybe a little bit scuffed but i did show you a little bit what can go wrong shattered halls is a beast of a heroic do you think it's the hardest heroic or is another one harder than this one let me know in the comments thank you all for watching for me brunt half a ton mr and atomor the mystery in a tribe don't forget to repair before you leave town and ancestors watch over you what oh end the video
Channel: Neuro
Views: 12,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NeuroZerg, Neuro, warrior, druid, paladin, wow, walkthrough, tutotial, SH, hardmode
Id: C4uGJ6QWNpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 46sec (4126 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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