Old Hillsbrad HEROIC Guide - TBC Classic

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howdy y'all my name is brent efferton miss johnner tomorrow the mystery on the job and today i want to talk to you all about old hill's bad potatoes heroic now this is an instance that's a little bit different because you have to wear a disguise so in this one my persona is that of uh brent uh um brent griff gunner and i'm whenever anyone talks to me i'm going to pretend to be a human so this is how you got to do it you go over this guy erosion and you see i need a pack of bombs and you get a pack of bombs they look like this next thing you do is you talk to the nice dragon and you say let's go old hills around the foothills it's part of the caverns of time so you're actually traveling back in time and this is in the same region in the eastern kingdoms northern part of uh old hillsbrad or hillsbrad but this is in the past and back in this time it was just the humans in the alliance so everybody is a human and thrall is in jail wrongly so they're not very nice to throw so we're gonna break them out of jail basically and if anyone tries to talk to you in like a human sort of way like any npcs come up and they're like hey what what's your business here just say it like this for the king and then they'll say that back to you and then go away so you guys keep your shoulders loose on this flight it's a pretty nice flight doesn't take too long it's nice a mixture of autumn colors nice green in the trees i just like to take it all in and remember what it was like to level back here in the zone and then you can even see this this bridge area before was all scuffed and now we have arrived so you want to make sure you wait until everyone else arrives some people they had delays you just look at the board there some people's bags got sent to the wrong town you know how it goes so we're all teamed up make sure you're buffed up no no we're still waiting for someone i think he that he had one of those security checks they had to check him when you come in some people they say we need to check your backpack so they had to check his they've got some nice little flags there that's to show their team spirit and loyalty to whatever their team is okay he's here so just to play it safe just have armor elixir well make it a little bit easier on your healer and then i'm just going to take you through here pull my pull about how to do this dungeon we got a bit of room here so i'm going to charge defensive stance build rage build threat bear in mind there are a lot of patrols that go up and down these roads we're going into durham hold keep here which it's a keep it's like a castle they've got a lot of defenses so heavily armed guards and stuff they've got a couple ones coming here we can just wait for that patrol okay you pulled i'm gonna stop that sometimes in the heroic the wolves are not elite in this one they are they're hitting me for about 1.5 k 1k or so the wolf isn't hitting too hard shouts up our group composition is warlock rogue with the resto shaman healer and we got a mage dps these ones have a two-hander you can disarm them the riflemen have a rifle and they will shoot at you generally for riflemen units in here and also sharpshooters in shattered halls they deal more damage in the ranged mode than in the melee mode so you want to make sure that they're not using their range mode if you can like this if i get up in their face then they'll pull out the one-handed axe and that's not as high dps as their ranged weapon hitting your healer so that's good we take that you can just throw demo shouts make sure thread is good and one thing that i do regularly is i just keep looking where is my healer's mana bar how is it doing if it's over half you're pretty much good to keep going one thing to bear in mind too is it's good to just make sure that your healer has enough mana for an emergency because sometimes you ask [ __ ] something you didn't expect let's get a moon sap here sap yep i like that bull okay so i'm mark diamond sap i'm mark marked moon sheep or a turtle and now we just have to fight two a great way to create an edge for yourself in heroics is to just turn them into turtles or make them very tired another tactic is if you have a warlock you can use succubus and you just create a romantic moment for one of them they didn't expect it they were here on guard duty but they just found someone who they found very attractive and it's just an exciting time all warfare is based on deception okay these veterans you can disarm take the edge off the damage healer man is still good and we're just going to clear this keep here first just so we don't have to do it later it's already here kind of up on the hill so i'm going in we're going to clean them out marking this one skull i tab i get to the tracking hound f2x my target markers are bound to the f keys f1 skull f2x f3 triangle throw more stump healer man is a little bit low we'll give him a second we can even help out i still have my riding crop on do the guide over no it's fine okay healer man looks good this room has and armor he's just making armor now be careful of patrols here there are some people up here we have to fight in the room on the beds so there's a rifle lady on the bed but you have to fight up here so we fighting like this if you don't jump up here she will evade so i just have threat on that one and then we have a fight in the beds i don't know why they made the game like this okay okay let's just do a commanding shout triangle and square these are all marked let's interrupt that got the interrupt pop a defensive it would have been best to probably shoot one of these but we did not so we'll pop defensive iron shield potion tab taunt if we miss anything that's a heal they did get it off got a taunt on this one let's get a stun reduce incoming damage let's get a disarm reduce incoming damage see this one's attacking the mage i'm gonna shield slam it until it's attacking me because i'm the tank so a little bit scuffed one thing that we could have done better there would have been whenever you round that corner you round this corner here you can see a couple of them just mark the ones that are the closest so say this one here i like to give to the rogue to sap and then the next one over the mage can sheep that would have been yeah that would have been better okay so this is all clear and throws there we're gonna come get you thrown just wait there we'll be right back don't worry throw we're gonna come get you we're just cleaning the area out he's unfairly and unjustly behind bars this is a righteous prison break because the humans have not been very nice to orcs so how we're going to do it here is just jump down over here come on down here gives us a lot of room to pull back we'll have a lot more control over these poles if we can pull back okay so we'll give a sap and a skull so he can samp and i'm gonna pull and then i'm gonna mark one of them if they move to line of sight that would be really clever okay let's do an x let's do a moon i'm communicating that to my mage and now it's a turtle you see that so you decide what the marks are ahead of time and then you don't need to type it out every time the rogue knows the diamond to sap he snaps the diamond the mage knows that the moon is turtle and it's eternal so the wardens cast to heal as you can see they also cast fear tremor totem is good anytime you have a two-handed target disarm i missed my hit rating is bad you're supposed to have like 96 hit rating and my hit rating is not in the best spot i've been trying to favor mitigation so i don't die on bosses it's better to have your dps hold back a little bit and to have clean pulls than to just try to have the max possible threat there's a hound back there okay so you click these little barrels in here to plant the bombs one person can plant all of them get the riflemen get the hound let's just pop a defensive trinket one thing that i like to do is pop defensive every time they're up over the course of the run for things like a trinket just because that's reducing the overall healing done that the healer has to do for the whole raid the whole heroic which means less time drinking more time pulling nothing more devastated yeah whenever i get a few more upgrades i'll start jamming some hit in because i can currently tank everything now and i'm not really dying unless there was some kind of [ __ ] up so i've got a few level 60 pieces on these my chest is still over 60. okay there is a rifleman back there i'm going to intercept that tab the defensive taunt shield slam it and the dps they can finish off that school these do a scatter shot shadow word pain is magic effect it hits pretty hard 759 and it can be dispelled if you have a paladin or a priest okay so you have to find one pack of four of these for every one of these uh houses just click this barrel placing incendiary bomb and then you can see here one second cooldown so i can do that again there are no charges so you don't worry about every person doing one of them okay our warlock didn't wait so we'll do this that's marked it's a triangle fixed my tab over trying to interrupt missed if the dps ever like zugs the skull super hard like that and isn't really holding back as long as they stun it they can usually handle one of them rose have kidney shot the warlock can use the fail guard to stun they can death coil stuff they can usually handle one thing so for me there i chose to take the x in the triangle and let them just deal with the skull at range i could have tabbed over to intercept but yeah dps can handle themselves and if they don't wait like in that case he didn't wait for the sap sometimes you just gotta let them learn if you pull before the tank pulls then you have to sign up for those consequences [Applause] okay good pull very clean i'll disarm the x less damage taken for me i can demo shot these battle shout from my friends and they do run whenever they're about to die so you could apply some slows or stun if they're about to run into another pack the fear there was a physical fear looks like so it's more of the intimidating shout variety which means you probably can't break it with a dispel just tremor and berserker stance berserker rage trimmer totem is good no fear war two sap kill first i don't know why he's so hurt come [Applause] i'm gonna stun the skull here in a second bam and i'm just let the dps finish that one work on x bear in mind sap and sheep have a chance to break early i think depends a little bit on the type of unit like there i don't have enough rage to intercept let me get feared that one was shaped somebody's cleaning that nice cheap shot [Applause] intercept but then what if at a moment's notice we had to go watch out for the shaman intervene snap call the mobility of the warrior is better than ever before with the charge intercept intervene okay saps out shaman has no mana just top off teamwork all right are we good [Applause] i'm just gonna mark the next one that comes out perfect and sticks tab targeting is good stunned working on x revenge just hang both all right final bomb and we're done with this part your orcs better get ready to get out of here this place is blowing up get out run man they're heavy sleepers oh he's running get on out they're gonna make it okay they made it down okay we gotta be wary there's gonna be a boss coming up next he comes down these steps and he's mad as hell so we set all these on fire now the orcs are loose quickly he hits really hard this is like herod's big brother that's how you think about him so defensives i'll just pop defensive trinket right away shield block his key battle shout you could even commanding shout watch out for the whirlwind look at that look at that rogue he ceased to exist you see that remember heron he was gonna blades of light spinning and stuff okay there's a sphere so i'm gonna intervene taunt run they need to back up he does hit me pretty hard too look at that look at that damage he hit me for 3.5 k 5.5 k mortal strike and then the hamstring hit for 2.4k this boss is the real deal run you blasted cowards you gotta pop everything you got warlock just died and run he died and this is the power of the shaman can dampi do this he didn't do this okay the question is can you rez from this he does patrol round yep okay he left we're gonna try to go for the res before he comes back he's the kind of boss that would probably yeah if you're a low geared tank he'll probably murder you as you can see here we've got karazhan pants boots aq-40 belt prebis gloves cara helm badge neck gruel shoulder carob cape and the knight being shield and we still died yeah you might just go all out for this one last stand try to make sure the fight is as stable as possible and then once you're up if you have to res bandage do everything you can to get ready so he rest we bandage we're even going to food buff okay armor elixir clam bar plus 20 stam another thing we can even do less a word of shielding gives a thousand points of damage to block on your shield we're doing it perfect what else have we gotten scroll protection god damn it i just can't sit on the warlock scroll protection maybe he'll pull threat and it'll save him then we'll look like a genius but if it doesn't then well nobody noticed where did he go he's coming all right everybody's good i'm gonna make sure i'm not too far out of range my healer but i do want some charge range so i'm going to wait until he's a bit closer and then i'm going to charge defensive shield block into a demo and i'm going to shield block again as soon as i can so we're going to practice being really defensive i don't have thunder fury buff up so i'm gonna thunderclap shield block again whirlwind i'm gonna pop a defensive trinket back up just a touch okay i'm gonna fight him again taunt i just saw him target someone else threat looks okay but we're focusing on being defensive if a boss sits really hard and you need to be defensive just do so tell your dps and it's their job to watch their threat the most important thing is that the fight is stable and it is stable whirlwind is up that's hidden from 4k a swing nice dodge rating armor stamp trinket that's not bad yeah that will help you survive this fight that was lieutenant drake he also drops gems that's a nice gem damn spell crit damage and healing hit ap male helm and you can mount in here offhand healing ap mace pretty good okay go up the steps now we're going to go into the keep we already cleared all this if you want to wait to do this keep clear until after using the bombs you can do so dealer's choice for that then we're going to talk to throng hey man we're going to get you out of here we're going to get you out of you're going to be a big strong warrior one day very well then let's go see then he probably doesn't believe it on the inside but it's true some say he was one of the better warchiefs of the horde and he just punched that guy [Laughter] is he dead he's not dead he just knocked him out look 100 hp knocked out cold 69 all right it's all armored up and ready to go what is it you wish all right so thrall is pretty big we just did a aoe fear there i'm going to tab and i'm going to mark some of these i'm going to mark that one too okay we taunted school i have it that's looking good for all his tank and triangle and he's big so if he takes one of them for a little bit that's fine you don't need to keep everything off thrall at all costs one nice trick you could do is just give him a target marker and tell your healer to keep an eye on him you can heal him he's got a lot of health and he does a decent bit of threat it also seems like he doesn't break your cc i'm not sure so these mages do a polymorph after thrall fights to an area he goes back to where before he started the fighting my destiny and he runs pretty fast next pull is down there i'm going to go ahead and mark it oh my god one two three i just let him tank for a few seconds that's fine okay i'm shaped and this is bad because we have no magic dispel on the party so it is up to the team to survive for the next 10 seconds i've marked the poles for the targets in the poll and they're cc and some trying to deal damage and i'm just a sheep thinking about grass okay i'm out make sure i got it we're killing an order and thrall decides he wants to fight this one you can interrupt the mage you can disarm the veteran check healer man we're good now there's another pool down here behind us is going to keep going so we need to go fast mark mark mark mark and he got the sap in time that was clutch very clutch throne needs some healing we did mark sheep different target got cheap we can adjust if thrall dies we fail this so he must live obviously you want to prioritize your party members to an extent these do a cleave so the warlock should not be face checking here mages whoever [Applause] you should probably keep a person on the mage you don't really want these loose free casting because they'll do polymorphs and who knows what that we just interrupted the poly shield bash okay i'm gonna bandage the warlock so the healer can drink thrall did heal up this day is long overdue out of my way let's get on the mage i'm just gonna stun him oh he dodged nice touch gonna taunt this the unfortunate don't resist these things can happen you see the challenge of old hillsbrad is your inability to have as much time as you want to set up to pull thrall is booking it and who knows what he's going to attack next so i just let him engage with the moon and i'm going to taunt it off him i want to get ready to swap to this one and interrupt and we're on it nice kick on that polymorph again bandage up bandaging yourself means the healer can drink more you get a little bit of rp here a little bit of time to breathe thrall you didn't really so i marked a sheep target did you first kill you and your allies shall answer to blackmore after i've had my out of my way wanna make sure i have this guy mainly the warden is a caster he shouldn't hit too hard i'm just gonna let them handle him i interrupted that holy light you need to get out of this consecrate it hits pretty hard but i'm stunned i'm out i'm stunned in it i'm just gonna last stand when i'm out [Music] and you notice it keeps the consecration on the ground from the previous times i'm gonna hailstone now interrupt that nice guards clean them up did we get here healing by 227 main hand weapon pretty good what else he dropped popping a defensive because i'm low all right cloth healing pants leather helm male legs healing plate feet brazil neck really nice pvp don't forget your bench enthrall he waits for you here so you get a break until you restart the dialogue what is it you wish thank you friends i owe my freedom to you where's taratha i hope to see you one last time and thank her before leaving into the mountains yeah we'll just we'll go over there it's fine fresh health zones page table repair bot whatever you need if you die you can do stuff kind of in phases so you don't have to do the whole instance again unless thrall dies i think if that happens and it's too bad let's ride one of the points where i've been in here before and we wiped we wiped it near the end there's some i'm not gonna spoil it the enemies at the end uh killed us but we could just start the next dialogue that's up here and just do that last part we didn't have to do the whole run again like you would with black morass and mainly for this part i just take in the scenery you can cc these thrall's gonna fight them anyway and we might end up getting five here i'm just gonna airweave fear we got a school we're going to kill that this one's here market carl is over there fighting he can handle one be fine i'm gonna get this one now intercept taunt devastate that one's down the thing i really like about this dungeon is it feels a lot more open than the other ones you're not really on a single track from start to finish and you don't have too many options like you could just go that way just go for a swim we do need to keep an eye on thrall yeah he's fine he's winning that fight [Applause] i'll give him a sunder look at how much threat he has damn thrall with the instant remount too all right we're turning right just following through here you can target mark him make a little bit easier would you believe that the turtles that are here are the same turtles that you face in hillsbound foothills they're just a little bit younger here i remember this river if you keep going down this river aways there's that little hut with the troll guy and that's where you get your whirlwind axe leveling up as a warrior maybe some of y'all remember that i don't know if he's here inside old hillsboro foothills all right now it's a secret mission we're showing up at taren mill check started he's booking it we'll catch up okay there are some spawns outside that happen so if anyone is outside here they're just going to get blapped so you want to make sure your team is together whether you're inside or outside just be as a team we tabbed we got an x marked i thunderclap a disarm he got a sap outside that was a good play so the rogue was waiting outside got an easy sap and the mage got a turtle good place we're finding our way out they cast a flash hill you can interrupt that all right thor goes back to where he was when the fight started just to reflect let's head into town okay just some peasants more work what is it oh fuggo then and that kind of thing all right we're going in here he needs to go pray at church she's not here where is tabitha school x let's find him this one triangle i taunted it i'm gonna bring it in with others thrall's tanking fine i'm gonna war stomp them i'm also going to demo shot turn the fight in our favor battleship demo plus a minus now thrall's a pretty good tank it's almost like they give you a second tank for this run whenever he's around he is rocking the sword board or the axon shield one-handed x he gets expertise with that axe so that's a good choice for him as opposed to a sword i'm a torn so it doesn't matter a weapon's a weapon we're gonna go see tabitha then this day is long overdue one two three sheep okay i got threat on these ones i'm gonna make sure i get the triangle as well i taunted it i'm gonna disarm him and pop a defensive trinket i'm being careful not to cleave or thunderclap in this room because it'll break the turtle so no aoe you want to single target this if you want it to be clean using cc cleared now get this one good pull hello my name is brent grit gunner and i'm a warrior for the king that works every time you gotta do the voice like that though hello it's playing we're going to talk to her hey tabitha strange wizard we'll get you out of that situation [Music] see someone's saying go outside [Applause] surely surely you you wish wish too to save savor this this echo hunter he's kind of there you are a voice all problem one two three you can fear these these hit really hard the slayers hit really hard the defilers are casters the saboteurs also hit must hard i'm just going to fear as soon as i get the rage yep you feared you got lots of room here you're just fighting these dragons at a time they come in waves so we fight this wave see see what we can talk this one throw a slap in that one you can interrupt these spells okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna bring this back over here so we kind of reset the pole in a good location come on thrall go this way okay next wave is coming out i think it happens over there yep and there's a third one back there okay it's marked he's fearing that good call taunted that one i was building thread on the x i've got both defensive trinket and hillstone because these do a gnarly set of attacks this is basically a mortal strike effect damage taken increase but healing effects also huh weird [Applause] yeah healing effects increased by 50 and damage taken increased by 50. so the damage is gonna spike a lot next is boss oh no one more before boss and these pulls are rough healers got to try to be as efficient as they can there's a fire elemental i need to get on top of this because they're hitting my healer okay on a war stop nice piercing how we'll try to kill school if we can i'm gonna disarm him i'm also gonna shield wall give my team some space okay the healer died he probably doesn't have ankh so we're dead we'll get to show you where the reset point happens good try good try that's a toughy you've got to play that really well look at this they're trying thrall's fighting it how's he doing he's winning he's fighting this one okay he died mage got that one thrall is still at it but the boss will come down next so good luck you have time to rest yeah oh no he killed it it's gonna summon the next wave i don't know if we had time to ris we didn't have time to rest can the shaman get out of combat in time you see that damn thrall he's tanking this without too much issue look at him using shield block struggle as much as you like we're up he's not dead i'm gonna instantly eat after struggle as much i'm gonna bandage the warlock i will fight to the last okay someone else is bandaging him i'm just gonna keep eating [Applause] taunt it okay i'm gonna pop every defense i have iron shield potion demo shell our healer has no mana he doesn't have mana to lust he lusted can we do this things are looking grim mage is kind it's got full dots on it twenty four percent may just gotta blink and run around look they're running mage is gonna blink every cooldown around this building the benny hills beam plays in the distance the rogue is still alive but there's a dot on him impending death he died but the mage is still running she's dead but the warlock is still up and so is thrall 13 percent he's running around the building you see this around the church he's doing the around the church technique and the warlock pet and thrall are just slapping the dragon it's got curse of agony and corruption on it eight percent not so fast okay he died does it reset or does he fight thrall throws low ten percent three percent seven percent to two percent one percent and that's our old hills red foothills we did it can we get a clap in the chat for thrall wow i'm glad you're safe tabitha i had to fight a dragon and there were five people who showed up to help me but then they got killed oh man it's good that you rez them or disabled whatever that was well i want to show you all some more about old hillsbrad wasn't expecting the last boss to be so entertaining but basically what happens you've got the three dragons you have to fight you kill those as fast as you can you don't get a break from mana there's another set you fight the next four i would say try to fear true fear too if you can or fear one trap one if you have a druid i believe they can sleep dragonkin so you can use that as well but trying to cc one or two every time if you can and then try to have a dps order so you can focus fire one down and be aware that there's a mortal strike on them and they do hit very hard with physical and there's also usually one caster in the mix the caster ones are the girl dragons the melee ones are the male dragons there's also a black morass heroic guide black marissa rook is probably more difficult than old hillsbrad largely because you can't just join in part way like if you wipe part way in old hills brad it does save some of your progress so you don't have to the whole thing from scratch but they both have the aspect in common where a lot of it is about tempo of the run and not given your group breaks is this the right way no it's this way you look for the turret tower because there's one of those in hillsbrad running back is not so bad sometimes this is a pretty cool run so we got the boss good job and now you're kind of free to run about the zone this isn't like other dungeons where you kind of get corroded through the whole thing and you don't have many options it's a huge area and i wanted to show you all something there's a town called south shore and this dungeon run if you're doing the heroic it doesn't require you to go there but it's a living breathing town with a bunch of characters and they're doing stuff and you might recognize some of them so let's just let's go to south shore there's loot on the boss i can show you what it is i don't think i need anything in here mp5 plate legs male legs crit ap mp5 leather bracers angie ap cloth healing belt mp5 badger justice some gems okay south shore old hillsbrad oh who's this kel'thuzad i know kel'thuzad i was just slapping the [ __ ] out of you and max rammus the other day have you been man kel'thuzad is the last boss of next he gave us a bunch of hunger and gold he's a generous man well i believe that he ends up becoming a villain because here he looks like a human and then he became a lich and you have to do all kinds of evil [ __ ] to become a lich look at this we've got some citizens they've got fancy hats look at these hillsbrad citizens they're following me maybe doing loot or something this guy who is this guy he sells capes he seems very happy that's good some citizens some children what are you looking at over there bookshelves countezan just walking about getting fresh air this lady's doing alchemy best of luck to you ma'am they're having a nice conversation let's go into the inn no tyrion fordring i think he worked with patrick starr to make the ashbringer oops didn't mean to sing on the table you can just sit you just sit down and just kind of chill and they're over here doing very ominous [ __ ] by the fireplace and you're just cool as a cucumber having a beverage witnessing history unfold before you a couple of pirates buccaneers healing neck not bad mp5 healing kind of a pre-base yeah for your dps pre-base not bad you can get rumsey wrong black label from this guy that stuff used to be like two gold on the auction house oh but this is old hill's brand so the prices were different back then oh who's this this is heron before he was a boston scarlet monastery wow i fought herod 17 times to get the axe that makes you spin that's a ravager oh that's an ethernose i thought that he was in retail wow and he was hanging out with sylvanas and [ __ ] best of luck to you mr nathanoos there's a magistrate very fancily dressed people and that's a badge of justice well hope you all enjoyed this run it's a little bit wild and kind of scuffed but you get to see the main points and what can go wrong forget to repair before you leave town and as always ancestors watch over you
Channel: Neuro
Views: 7,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NeuroZerg, Neuro, StarCraft, StarCraft II, StarCraft 2, SC2
Id: 2XP5SsApWeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 5sec (3605 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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