Hermitcraft 7: Episode 75 - BIG BARGE SWEEP!

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this video is sponsored by audible thanks guys do you want to see something you don't see every day i was flying along i hopped in i'm just aqua town and look at what i found what the heck now i don't know if this is intentional or not but i'm thinking there's a wandering trainer that somehow has spawned oh yeah there he is what are you doing the chances of this are astronomical they've spawned and the llama is dang i thought it was a superhero look look how majestic oh look at this this is a new superhero i'm here to save equitone yay i'm not the villager that they wanted but i'm the one that they need anyway you've distracted me for long enough i hope that they just stay there because this is hilarious so anyway the reason that i've come here is because it is time to work and finish the hc bbs now the entrance is over here and impulse has been very busy making the beginning so if i take my music disc i hop in the minecart this should in theory work if i just play the music disc it should launch me there we go brilliant that is so slick the redstone on that is brilliant so now that we're here it is time to start working on the hc bbs as you can see we've got the track and it needs to be properly finished now i've been considering how to go about this and what themes to add and there were a bunch of really great suggestions so i mean this is not a small task this is going to take an awful lot of time now as we know we got impulse involved last episode and he has decorated his own section of the track which i don't really want to ruin but it looks like he's gone for just pure color instead of any kind of like you know theming and then yeah he's got he's even included some shulker boxes which i didn't expect him to do that's amazing so maybe we'll check that out when we've got our sections done but i want to add some secret rooms i want to add different ways you could go so basically when you're traveling along on the minecart you can press buttons to change your direction and it gives a lot more variety to this shopping experience so i don't know if we'll be able to get the whole thing done in one session i don't have three you know three whole days to go and do this so let's do a couple of sections and let's begin [Music] [Music] i'm not gonna lie i may have bitten off a bit more than i can chew for this one so as you can see i have made quite a lot of our hc bbs and there has even been a bit more redstone work done by the fabulous impulse now we've not done any kind of test run yet but i have added a couple of secrets so you can see every time the track changes that means that there's an alternate route that you can take so i don't want to spoil where all of the track changes are but maybe i'll show you the most obvious one this one here so if you basically if you right click this it changes the track long enough for you to go down this route here now i haven't got any easter eggs to put in here but if you saw in the time lapse i actually made a couple of rooms which are a little bit unique so if you can find the way to change the track here at this point you go down this route now it looks like it's just part of the abandoned supermarket but no there's a little bit of an easter egg because here is a copy of the original barge so it's a bit of a throwback and i've even created like a fake shopping district mushroom island from the beginning i don't know why i put the hep building there because chronologically so incorrect the hep building didn't come in until way after all of this was gone so i don't know why i chose that but i don't know it's kind of iconic so we got our original barge and you may have noticed that there are currently no shulker boxes here there's no point doing the shulker boxes until way at the end but it connects up to impulses section here and then you go on a ride and then it comes out of impulses section here and you can see i've been very very busy and this is a bit that didn't actually make it in the timelapse but check it out danger danger go back and then i've added a few little jokes in here guess you can't go back and then you come through this very dangerous looking segment here and that is as far as i've got for now because blimey i need a break i need five minutes to breathe five minutes to chat because it's been a very very long project but the thing that i really want to do is give it a test after building this i haven't tested any of it so i reckon we should give it a little whirl now before we test it a quick word from today's sponsors i really appreciate the fact that you guys sit through this and there's a cameo from my cat so quick word from our sponsors it's no secret that i'm a big fan of audible it's an app that lets you listen to any audio title wherever you want in the past i've talked about how i've listened to the same seven audio books on repeat non-stop but over the last 12 months it's been pretty difficult and i've spent more time at home than ever before and it's fair to say i've gone a little bit peculiar professor so i decided to branch out and listen to a wider variety of things turns out audible has more than seven audiobooks to offer to stop me going crazy i listened to some guided meditation some more sci-fi stories and even boot camp for the brain it's fair to say that for me having that extra voice in the room has done wonders for my mental well-being over the last year and at the moment audible members get access to the plus catalogue which is basically an all you can listen service that doesn't use up any of your audio book tokens which is great for someone like me who wants to listen to a wider variety of things and try some other audio titles out my book recommendation this time is the martian by andy weir it had me grip from the second i started listening to it and if you're a fan of space and science i thoroughly recommend it it does have a little bit of bad language but if you like those things then this is definitely worth a listen if you feel like you could use that extra voice in the room at the moment then head on over to audible.com forward slash korean or text green to 500 500 there is a link in the description and you can start a 30-day free trial of audible thank you for watching this little ad segment and if you are interested the link is in the description again that's audible.comgreen now let's get back into the episode i've just figured out that you can jump backwards like look at if you walk backwards and jump what i i can't quite work out what what's happening here weird so as promised here is our first test of the hc bbs since building it so you've seen this intro bit before so i'll just skip to the end of the tunnel all right here we go so this is what it feels like there'll be loads of shulker boxes around to open oh goodness this goes really fast oh man okay here's impulses section why what [Music] this is amazing i can get some stuff oh no no i hit i hit shift i've lost it i've lost i've lost it it's gone okay let's try that again i'm just going to skip to where i messed up so in this game the problem is when you are shift-clicking through a inventory you basically will always leave the mine cart so anyone that wants to play this game will have to go into their options and they'll need to change their controls so i'll do that now so it says there i need to press a very strange button in order to dismount meaning that i'll be able to shift click that is a problem that we knew about i just forgot about it so let's try this again and i'm going to skip to where i messed up blimey this thing goes so fast i don't know if anyone's going to be able to get anything out of this this is where we got to before oh impulse is a magician look at this what on earth what's he done there was that intentional oh wow look at that magic i feel oh and there's shulker boxes there this goes so quickly oh oh no we almost made it i've just needed a bit of track tell you what let's just continue because there's only a little bit left [Music] because you can't go back and then you go through here so there's still as you can hear the song is still going on [Music] okay so that is another minute that i need to create i need to create another minutes worth of track which is uh that's a lot of work if we're talking six hours for this bit and this is only 10 seconds i i'm in trouble i don't know if there's any other hermits that would be interested in making a small segment of track but if they are please please get in touch i could use some help right we're getting pretty hc bbs heavy on this episode so what i want to do is just take a quick break we are going to continue it because that's basically the big project that i need to get done but i i just i need a breather it's too much at once oh wow look at the majestic shopping district okay so i saw that there's something going on in i don't even want to call this aqua town it makes aqua town makes this place seem far too safe and happy look at this this town is essentially the monster mash there's just mobs everywhere and it's raining i'll admit i don't know what's going on with all the pigs this this is new to me i don't know why some of these pens are pigs and some of them are not but i did read that there is basically a competition here and each plot is up for sale in aqua town and there's bids on each one now i would actually like some extra land i actually got this way before aquatan even existed but over here i'm thinking this place is so dangerous over here i'm thinking this might be a good place you know what i could just put a bid on most of them and just see what happens i'll just put five diamonds on each of these plots and we'll see if we win any and i can just keep an eye on it it ends on the 24th which is not long away how funny would it be if i just won all of it and last one done bid on each one uh nope there's more do you know what i really hope that i don't win all of them i don't i don't have enough time to fill each of these plots i just i want to win one so i'm just spreading out my bets over multiple plots i only really want one plot so i don't know what i'll do with the land if i win more than one maybe i haven't thought this through ah it's worked for me in the past oh my goodness oh my god i think i figured it out so i've just put a bid on each one of these now i can only assume that these belong to b-dubs and there's a clear book with instructions check it out scar has put this up good times realty ladge with views contact scar for more info scar instead of making a book easy to read catches the eye he's got a pigsty with some signs on it that are so difficult to read best land in town contact scar for more info this is nuts because i don't think anyone is gonna like i didn't see these i thought that these they look lovely i couldn't even read the signs i didn't even realize that there were signs i think point to b-dubs on this one cause i was immediately attracted to the lectern i just thought these were really fancy street lights and balloons so it looks like you have to negotiate with scar individually what's a large lot hang on how long have these been getting away with this you guys see this right huh they just vanished weird oh there's another one wait where did it go something weird is happening here i don't know if you guys know this but i have everyone's doors labeled and i've got them stored in multiple shulk shulker boxes so i need to do a bit of maintenance in the barge i've created this whole extra new space but i haven't actually done anything with it so i actually need to move some of the logs over while i move all of this stuff over why don't have a quick chat about my new series basically i started a new series called third life it's a minecraft hardcore experience but with a little bit of a twist and it's definitely worth giving a shot if you didn't already it looks like most of you already clicked you have no idea how scared i was about uploading something different because i've been doing hermitcraft now for over three years and it's kind of taken over my channel and i just wanted to try something different with a different vibe that took the pressure off because hermitcraft videos i love them i love making hermitcraft videos they are amazing but they do take up an awful lot of time as in it takes me about three to four days to make one and if i'm busy at any point that hermitcraft video gets delayed and delayed and delayed and it it really does pile on the stress essentially so having a different series that's a bit easier to upload is a huge huge stress reliever for me so the fact that people have not only clicked on the video but they seem to have enjoyed it i just have to say massive thank you it means it means everything to me so if you haven't checked it out do give it a go and also i i can't believe this nick you know me i don't ever really ask for subscriptions on youtube but uploading that video i did actually at the end of the video say hey do you want to subscribe and i couldn't believe it i couldn't believe it it was like 10 000 people in one day it was it was absolutely insane so i can't there must be a lot of people that are watching this episode that aren't subscribed if you're not please do consider it because it does actually help the channel quite a lot anyway that was a there's a bit of a real talk there for a second but uh basically it's all good things hermitcraft videos will not be interrupted by the new series simply because the new series doesn't take long to record at all we record it all in one session and one evening basically means i'm less stressed out during the week and i can work on other things like hermitcraft so it's basically a win-win more videos overall but anyway enough of that we've got some movements to do we go we've got a brand new log stand i've been meaning to do that for a while now so i'm glad that that's out the way got everything i think that looks pretty nice i still need to do a lot of decorating in here anyway i mean there's there's a lot to do in general but i'm glad that that's out the way just need to put the price on there we go okay i think i've had a long enough break from the hcbs and i'm quite ready to get back into it because this project unless i just sort of grip my teeth and get it done it's it's basically not gonna get done so let's get into another time lapse of building this thing and try and get a bit more done there is a whole no well another minutes worth of track to try and get maybe i can kind of cheat a little bit in the sense that i can slow down the the player a little bit with some with some trickery but other than that there's not a lot i can do but i the good news is i still have a lot of space to work with up here so let's see what we can get done in the rest of this episode let's go i hope you like throwbacks because we are done with the second half of the hc bbs in fact i've done all the segments that i want to make so we've already been through these and all the secrets i will admit there's still a little bit of work to do but i have added as you saw in the time lapse a throwback to season six the old base and i tell you it's uh it's actually really difficult to build this on a small scale but you you know what it is you recognize that right of course only if you've watched season six in fact some of these may not make any sense at all this is impulses bit we've been through this and then we go to the hall of jokes and over the lovely calming souls of madness right so there's two options here you can either turn left up the secret passage there or you turn right and admittedly they go through the same sort of thing it's a pitch black room it's meant to be really difficult to see where the shulker boxes are as you go through right now we're on to the new segment where we get to man i think this is the only time we're gonna see him again it is the poultry cave or a miniature version of the poultry cave and i didn't really know what to do for these two rooms here but then i just got kind of like a hit of nostalgia and i wanted to make something for everyone that's been around for a long time and would recognize what these are and the second room is a throwback also to season six and this is ren bob's rv so the track actually goes through there and this is what i mean i've still got a little bit of decorating to do but the actual track is now complete even if there's i need to add a few more secrets and such but other than that this will take you all the way to the end so i think for the last time we should get ourselves another test run of the hc bbs in full and hope that the track is all complete so i'm ready if you're ready this is gonna be the final test pretty much for this episode at least because i've still got a little bit of work to do but let's do it here we go welcome to the hc bbs the hermitcraft big badge sweep your task is simple open shulker boxes and grab items here's the shulker box coming up now see if you can open it oh dear it's empty the ones coming up though won't be your task is to grab as many items as possible but here's the catch you have extremely limited time don't dawdle and make sure you look around looks like you're about to begin good luck [Music] oh the timing of this is amazing [Music] [Music] through the poultry cave through the rv i think the song might be a little bit too long [Music] okay i don't know how long it goes on for i'm gonna see the song through to the [Music] end okay so we got quite a lot of extra time to fill so i can make the actual song a bit shorter or what's more likely is that i need to slow down the player through all the tracks now i'm probably going to use impulse for this and also the track will depend on how long and i also realize that it's so confusing because i say track as in the rail the railway track not the track of the record it even confuses me sometimes so i can either make the song a bit shorter but then all of these little shortcuts or well they're not even shortcuts all of these detours that send you on access journeys to other rarer shulker boxes they will also increase the amount of time that you're on the rail track so i'm gonna need impulse's help to make this all timed perfectly but we did make it all the way to the end with no issues pretty much so from that point we have succeeded in making the hcbbs and i think it's actually come out really well there's enough diversity in all of the builds there's some really nice jokes and of course it's been quite a nice collaborative effort between me and impulse so how do you feel about this project it has been oh man i've got to admit over like 30 to 40 hours that's that's why this episode has taken me so long i've basically just spent my entire time making this and i can't tell you how excited i am to actually see some people play this shopping experience and see if i can make some more diamonds but unfortunately that is the end of today's episode i know i've basically just spent all of it making this but i've enjoyed this project and i just i just need to see it finished so that's it for now thank you very much for watching i hope you have enjoyed this episode and i shall see you in the next one where hopefully it will be entirely finished and we can start doing a grand opening okay thank you very much for watching and good bye you
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,442,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, grian hermitcraft, hermitcraft, episode 75
Id: nHhJarOsOj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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