Hermitcraft 7: Episode 71 - READY FOR CHANGE!

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hermit challenges in the previous episode iskall challenged me in a hermit challenge to be a butler i have to approach a random hermit without telling them what i'm actually doing and that i am actually being a butler and just start helping them forcefully they can't do anything about it i just have to come along and i just have to start helping them which is why i'm over here you see this this is doc's base and underneath his base he has got an enormous just ridiculous tunnelball system i'm incredibly jealous of this tunnelball system i really want one of these tunnelball systems i've always wanted to build a tunnelball system on hermitcraft i've always been too scared to do it he's actually gone and done it the madman however it's not all sunshine and roses there's a lot of things that need to be done first off obviously you need to pick up all of the ores and you need to place torches behind it otherwise creepers could explode the tunnel ball machine and if one part of it explodes the whole thing needs to be reconstructed that that's serious so i thought i would help out i thought doc could be the person that i battle before i've just followed him over here and it does seem like he's potentially gone down the minor i mean i can't really see his name so i'm just gonna make my way down here i mean i'm assuming this is it this seems promising it does seem promising okay yeah we are definitely in the correct spot all right i'm not seeing doc's name anywhere how how much has he find out this is crazy i mean i knew that he had built one of these things i hadn't realized how far this is mad how many diamonds has he managed to get from this this this must have produced some serious diamond edge you know i expect to be paid well for my services i don't know if i'm actually going to get paid for my services do you get paid for your services if people didn't actually want the services but you've performed them exceptionally well like doc might not have expected to have a butler but if i'm a really good butler does that mean that i get paid i don't know how this thing works this this tunnel is still going this is crazy oh there is there is there is this is a nuts looking machine i mean i have to be really careful because if i in being a butler accidentally blow up this machine that would be so bad but that would be the worst i would literally be the worst butler and i i don't think i'd ever be able to talk to doc m again i think he well more importantly i'd want to talk to him but i don't think he would talk to me ever again i can't see his name but it's fired that is very cool i mean i can't see him anywhere is he picking up wars i guess i should just start lighting things up i suppose oh oh there he is all right okay well i'll just start lighting up then i'm just going to be real careful i have to look out for overhangs okay because if anything drops down from the ceiling you know this is this is gonna be end of days for me is this am i doing a good enough job i'm so nervous oh my goodness there's things falling from overhangs now now i see oh and i have a flame bow okay i i can't miss either because if i hit a piece of tnt then i've really i'm going to run into issues i mean being a butler it shouldn't be this stressful why have i i've picked the most stressful butler job this thing's falling from the ceiling so i've got i've got this adorable shulker box of torches i mean hopefully this is enough i plan on being here for the long haul you know he seems a little bit confused but i'm just going to place torches and hopefully he understands what my plan is see like yeah he seems he seems perfectly on board he seems to totally understand what's going on he's now just doing his thing he's moving his tunnel ball forwards i'm walking along i'm placing in my torches ah you know he knows what i'm doing i mean i wonder if he needs help mining out the oils maybe i could help him mine the oars what does he mean by that i don't know what he means about being a disciple i'm just a butler okay i'm with you i'm just gonna i'm gonna roll with it i'm really trying my hardest i mean i don't like my own builds so what makes me think that i would do well at lighting someone else's build up oh doc seems to have come over to me he seems to he's placed the diamond door for me is this my payment no i mean i'm a battler i guess does he want me to mine his oars is this my job now is this is this really what i have to do this is like the strangest thing i mean i could totally ditch this hermit challenge and just run off with doc's diamonds at this point in time because i've got 44 in my inventory what is this how many diamonds does he have what on earth he's going into orbit okay well i guess down we go there seems to be more diamonds being placed though this could be a constant concern i could be here for i could be here all day so i've made it to the bottom of the first pile but then there's a new pile that seems to have appeared and now doc's working on another new pile i mean this is incredibly satisfying as far as butler's jobs go this is about as fun as it gets this is not what i was expecting to be doing i mean how long has this taken him has he just been storing this up waiting for someone to come along and mine them for him i've got i've got like four stacks of diamonds in my inventory this is bonkers when will it end when will it end i mean this is this is this is crazy he's placing them faster than i can take them out honestly i never thought i'd say this all right and i don't want nothing to hear this but i'm getting kind of sick of mining diamond door there comes a point where even mining diamonds isn't satisfying anymore it seems like it's it's been successful right what else does he need doing does he need anything else doing i mean maybe i could i could sort his chest so i could i could do something like that why why did i say what is this oh no i've made an offer that maybe i shouldn't have shouldn't have made i mean this could be this could be tricky are the red ones are they anything i mean maybe if i what can i do in this situation this may be a struggle yeah it's hopeless are you satisfied with my services because if he says yes then that means that i have i i've been a good butler right give me a second i just need to find a piece of kelp butler that should do the trick and there we go all right i have been released i've been released of my duties i would consider that a successful hermit challenge but on the topic of hermit challenges i've just arrived back in my base and it looks like it looks like the list gal here has has left something i'm assuming i'm hoping this is to do with the quest give me a second i've just got to refill my inventory with all this junk having such an empty inventory was making me uncomfortable universal balance has been restored let's have a look then in my best iskall impression hermit challenges initiation yay in fact no i think about it iskall is imitating me when i say that so that was an imitation of an imitation i really need to stop getting distracted hobbits went out on a quest to find the true meaning one of them had a giant mustache the mustache be extraordinary it was said but was it ever combed i never said it myself but hobbits thought it looked lovely is this the first thing is this is this a clue because if this is a clue i'm going to need the help i'm going to need the help of my hobbit friends there is no way my two brain cells have caught fire they've literally caught fire stop drop and roll stop drop and roll there was a lot of talk about mustaches there i mean it could be something to do with the maps maybe there's a meeting here i can't help but notice that the two hobbits actually appear to be online at this point in time so maybe i could just start spamming them with messages asking them to come around i mean this works hobbit hq we assemble a hobbit hq right away i wonder if they i'm assuming they know where hobbit hq is i mean they must stay where he'll be hq okay this is all right that's not ideal my base oh no something cleo doesn't even know where my base is but what am i meant to do now i'll just i'll i'll come to the shopping district then hello fellow hobbits hello fellow hobbies hello hello well okay so this this is like an unofficial start to the quest all right but we're going to count this as part of the quest is get into hobbit hq does that sound good yeah yeah great i mean you're you're super enthusiastic right now i mean i can really oh yeah right it's awesome let's go all right let's get started why haven't we left yet let's go i know here we are this is this is hobbit hq so i don't know how we never knew this was here it is so obvious yeah oh so right under our noses i'll give you a quick tour all right so we've got food hall number one and then we have food hall number two now look okay i tried to create a pig things went south fast okay and it looks a bit horrendous all right but this is this is food hall number i don't i've lost count now by the way uh and then we've got another food hall over there and then this is the final food hall this is the fish food hall there is there's one other room which is this meeting room now i must admit like i kind of began to run out of space a little bit because obviously the food halls took up a lot of room yeah i mean this is the least important room so exactly so i mean this is it i've got a little map here it's not actually specifically of anything and as you can see i kind of didn't actually render the corners of the map so it's a little bit low budget uh you know i'll be the first to admit that i'll happily admit that all right but this is it oh this map's even worse i'd forgotten about this one look at that i don't even know what that's off you're just a true true artist that's what you are but um so here we are this is it i guess we're going on a quest and um the quest actually starts in the middle of my base so i don't know this this whole place why are we here look i built it all right and i didn't want it to go to waste so i felt like i should show you but actually we need to we need to leave here we need to make our way to the first part of the quest hermit challenges initiation yeah yeah i mean i he he built the quest as a as a challenge it's a whole thing and i i won't go into but yeah as you can see like if you if you read through it's it doesn't make any sense whatsoever like it makes none stash be extraordinary is is okay is the cap random capitalization a word west west okay of yeah west of west oh [Laughter] yeah it appears in your base and then the rest of us translate it go team yeah this is great hobbies okay a hobbit hole so west of mumbo's base is a hobbit hole well i remember that is actually some top-notch deciphering right there i'm actually impressed see now you're glad you brought us along yeah see this is this is why we make a good team we're an adequate team west of mumbo's base is a hobbit hole how far west is he talking is he talking about miles oh okay he's showing me right up honey he showed me right up he's built an actually decent this little hobbit hole here i'm actually quite upset oh what are we gonna do with you i'm gonna have to send an angry message to be honest with you i can't believe he's just gone and done that right anyway six basil squeaks oh okay there are signs around this room right oh so is this oh is this all the things that we actually have to go i i i don't no i don't know i mean there is a book oh yeah we should probably read the book guys xb has nominated themselves uh book reader so you have found the magical hobbit hole before you could turn this into your house you need to complete the hobbit puzzle downstairs is an empty puzzle frame and around your signs for where the pieces you need to complete the puzzle find eight hobbit boxes using the clues on the walls ps the numbering of the puzzle pieces are important good luck hobbits is okay so there's a wall well i did see that there is a box out here there's a box it's what aha oh that's hobbit books number eight okay right so we need he did say it did say it's him hang on hang on where's the hobbit box number eight okay yeah yeah so we've got that one okay so let's okay all right so the first one is where challenges are the challenges are burnt okay i know where that is that's the hermit challenges area so okay we can make our way over there i guess if you just follow me just follow my explosions oh i can see a box i can see a box oh we got a box we got a box team box cool all right okay there's a bunch next one it connects to the nether it connects the nether oh that's got to be the nether hub right so i i i'm worried because this is going to involve math yeah do we just pick up the box i'm guessing we just pick up the box i think yeah i would say just pick up i mean who do we oh i guess trusting mumbo with the box i don't know actually no no i've had it i don't want it and the keeper of the box yeah in fact you know what cleo we could just chill here and xb could just go into the quest hello oh how did we miss this i mean it doesn't look good it does actually yeah it is teal and it and the floor is teal and yeah all right experience do the honors okay so what was i stressing about right i mean professionalism that we're professional professional we're at least semi-professional we're like league we're like division two division two or some sunday league sunday league maybe maybe maybe maybe like just kids kicking about occasionally uh accidentally a football just rolled into our feet wasn't bernie right here i thought so or maybe it means i mean iskall collects leaves like all the time that bernie was here maybe i clear some of these diamonds just to make sure no it wasn't under any of those [Laughter] wasn't under any of those i can't i can't see it down here to be honest with you there's a bunch of shulker boxes but none of them are the right color unless like i said that the only other thing i can think is there's a box up here but this is not i found a future box i think oh no hobbit box number four which one are we looking for three three well i found the next one i've jumped the level [Laughter] but it does seem unlikely though it it is unlikely but it is but but maybe somebody else has picked up the hobbit box it doesn't seem like them too can you can you imagine my whole quest gets derailed because someone just saw free concrete woo okay should we should we let's head over to iskall's base i feel like iska's base has got to be the one that doesn't feel like a hobbit box it looks like a hobbit box did you find it no oh i think it's down here at the bottom where about something if it has a sign on it then yeah but bernie's down here what whoa all the way down the center of the tree i am now confused so we'll fly up to the top and fly all the way down to the bottom oh in the tree right oh that's that's a detail that i personally would have mentioned if i was talking about it [Laughter] would you though you might be right no ah he got us pretty good there actually that was that was that was embarrassing that was slightly embarrassing we know where number four is right yep yep yep well what's the clue what's the clue button 2.0 2.0 oh okay yeah yeah box number four are we uh xp are you keeping the correct order of the boxes in your inventory or is that just not nope professionals i guess we'll just fly back to my base and uh we'll make our way to the shopping district again this is gonna be like an ongoing theme i think just going back to where we just found the last box yeah yeah he's just secretly just trying to get us to go to his base a lot yeah just getting as much coverage as he possibly can oh oh no oh my goodness how i've never seen that many cars in one place okay so we've got that one what's the next clue then um there is none there is none there is none there is no clue so but there were clues on the wall there were clues on the wall so maybe we go we're gonna have to go back to my base again guys i knew it this is the biggest advert for my base in the world okay so so so box number one was four was tv channel no one knows but it counts down so that was the clock so then number number five is the scales are not even in this shop we're gonna have to go faster all right what's number six basil squeaks that that specific that's the pacific i know that one okay so that's good and then seven is the heart of gold that's my face and then number eight is the one out front yeah right here okay okay so xb you've placed these down do we know what order these go in at all i have no clue no no no and are they in are they are they different i don't think they are different i mean what's down at the bottom here yeah let's let's go let's investigate down the hall this and remember he said the order is important so he did say that the order is important this looks like nothing yeah it it definitely does look like nothing good and you've got number oh but you've got you've got addition you've got sums is this going to be just another replica of your face maybe that's which would be very hilarious these are the correct blocks to create my face yes that's actually a really good shout out that actually might be what it is it's just a big mumbo advert it's a what we've been a vector for oh yeah we've forgotten the clue oh no oh there's something to do with scales i think it's uh that's got to be that has got to be ren's shop surely oh shady ease yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh there it is yeah yeah nice teamwork absolute champions right xp you do the honours keep them in order this time just in case all right that's number five oh did we [Laughter] oh well we have heart of gold as one of the next what were the ones that we know we have gold there's in your backyard so there's just the one in between which i've totally forgotten what it was it was something in the shopping district i think it's pacific pacific pacific it's pacific it's to do with basil squeaky basil here we go the pool floaties and there it is oh i love the pool float can we just just stay here for a minute see and this one doesn't even have a clue i know so clearly you got lazy we've basically gone to the shopping district in your and also they all seem to be like pacific is a build that i'm personally working on you know they're they they all seem to be like me related for the most part this isn't we're building your face definitely building your face let's be honest i mean you know we went to the the hobbit hq and ex-speedcrafted had paintings of me on the wall you know there's there's a lot of me in this in this quest it seems i'm feeling like your ego's got a a bit of a rub that going on there where is the heart oh it's right at the top of my base right at the top yeah you should be able to hear the heartbeat and everything okay you you can take the thing because i can't reach the top because i suck at flying so um i'm okay with this cool are we are we good and then i guess you just go to the front garden yeah and that should be it and i've i'm down to my last two rockets so i had the perfect number of exploding fireworks to actually complete the quest which is quite exciting right do we know what is this going from top left because that i feel like my face i feel like i've got hair up there you know so maybe it's not all about you mumbo it's what we're saying oh that's wow okay i've got three plus one which is obviously four unless there's a four in here somewhere unless yeah there's a number four right here yeah i think plus one is coming from the wall here you think so plus one is not so it's out from the wall i think a layer so it's one two three four and then that goes there oh so all these basalt blocks they're the plus ones right there ah okay they're my hair it's still me yay i like this it's coming together i'm looking handsome already this is stuff i enjoy the fact that iskal decided you know what i'm gonna make them do math yeah grid references and things like that right 13 plus one much more confusion over grid references later 253 54 this is an interesting look [Laughter] i don't know if we're doing this right we're down to like the last blocks by the way yeah 64 is this bottom corner obviously i mean are we out we're now our blocks it's a little is this am i meant to have like a splat on my face is that what that is honestly replaced wrong like it should be it could be that um oh yeah you might be right yeah there may be no i think i think what's more likely is it is it is it's here and then this one's meant to be here but that makes the most sense but i feel like we really messed up so badly and i'm not it's like we need to speak to iska else i mean this is definitely this has got to be the correct one there's no denying that this is the correct one i don't understand how we got the original one but we have like i mean i'll have to take a screenshot from the video and send it over to us gallon be like was this the intention and i'm sure i'll just get it well i think i mean look i would say even though we did some slight corrections at the end i would say we we we did the correct i think we did the quest correctly and i think i mean we it was all xp xp was in charge on the maths and he got the he got the mustache and the boxes and the reading he was in charge of everything and he that's where we went wrong yeah flaming xp it's all your fault yeah well i mean so if we look at who our leader was to to start somebody had to take over right blame the orc play i am as hobbity as anyone else on this team okay okay i wasn't gonna mention it look sorry i just felt cornered okay and i wasn't going to bring it up that you you know it's fine it's a skin condition [Laughter] well i would say we've been successful i guess i don't know how we're going to call it that but yeah i don't know how we're going to present this to the countdown clock when it when it arrives at the end i haven't really thought somebody's skin is going to have to match that i think i think well thank you hobbits for for joining me today on this incredibly successful quest i'm now feeling much better about the end of of the countdown clock and i feel like we're prepared and i feel like all the other hermit's gonna die and burn up but we are gonna be great we're gonna be hopping forever exactly we'll be doing this sort of thing forever i mean it's it's probably not good for my blood pressure i'll be honest but that's not to say it wasn't enjoyable so there we go one quest fully completed iskall has completed his hermit challenge to perfection i have completed my hermit challenge to perfection everyone has done their hermit challenge as well and it has been a ton of fun i hope you enjoyed this hermitcraft episode and i'll catch you in the next one see ya and to be honest forget about you guys enjoying it i personally really really enjoyed this hermitcraft episode this has been just so much darkness this might be one of the daftest hermitcraft episodes i've done in quite some time maybe since in fact the last staffed episode was the hermit challenges one where we did all the changes it turns out that hermit challenges just creates daftness and i love it
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,082,968
Rating: 4.9781966 out of 5
Keywords: Hermitcraft 7: Episode 71 - READY FOR CHANGE!, Hermitcraft 7: Episode 71, Hermitcraft 7, Hermitcraft, Hermitcraft Season 7, HERMIT CHALLENGES, HERMIT CHALLENGE, Hermitcraft Butler, Season 7, Mumbo, Bumbo Baggins Society, Bumbo Baggins, hermitcraft hobbit quest, hobbit quest, hermitcraft hobbit, Hermit Challenges, Challenges, CHALLENGE, Hermitcraft Server, HCBBS, Mumbo Jumbo, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft challenges, Minecraft quest, Minecraft quests, Hermitcraft quest
Id: 7nxHh5jnS0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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