Hermitcraft 7: Episode 40 - CHALLENGE REVERSE CARD

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The question is now is it etho or imposter etho

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/DarkLord55_ 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
well that was ominous that was an ominous start to the episode i didn't even i didn't even start my intro so remember last episode there was lots of parrots or chickens all over the shop and i lost them i thought they'd all gone well i found them for some reason they're all chilling in here i thought they were lost forever but no they've pretty much all just gone in the various villager cubby holes it's like they've all got their own little peck so what i thought i'd do is i'd try and get some of these out of here with a lead does this even work and we'll kick off today whoa and we'll kick off today fight someone's up to their own challenges by doing some hermit chariots i mean challenges give a present to mumbo okay well there's one what else have we got in here i'll actually get to them i have to try and fly in this hole out we can give a present to iskall those sneaky boy where did that other chicken just go i can't i can't leave these alone for two seconds where's he gone he's literally run off and vanished oh there he is give a present to mumbo and give a present to iscao hmm well this gives me an idea so they gave me a giant chicken slash parrot charat thing whatever this thing is and i also i have no idea what to do with this i'm going to leave it there for now i say we pull an uno reverse card on mumbo and iskall give a present to mumbo give a present to iskal i say what we do is we go straight over to their bases we like go somewhere in between the two bases and we give them a taste of their own medicine i think we should pull a quite literal uno reverse card they're going to give me a bunch of nonsensical hermit challengers i'm going to give them a bunch of a nonsensical hermit challengers the plan is so dastardly unoriginal that it's perfect so somewhere between the two would be here let's make it nice and obvious to both of them where we're going to put this i actually had to go and think about it for a second so i went and i got some concrete and all the bits that i need and i've actually designed something so let's get cracking we are going to need a platform in the air that mumbo and iskall can stand on and also i've tried to make it as close to in between these two so both people can see it the idea is pretty simple we have an uno reverse card or as close to an uno reverse card as i can make floating here in the sky and on the inside of the card is going to be a bunch of renamed chickens then when they arrive what they'll find is a button on this platform they press the button the card falls the chickens come out everyone gets challenged this is going to take a wee bit of engineering to get done i think it's probably best if we time-lapse this because it's going to take a little while so let's hope that this all works and let's get cracking [Music] i'm not sure you would know what this is until you're told it might look familiar it might look like a picture of a football an american football that is but the second that i tell you that this is an uno reverse card you can see it you can definitely see it a bit more when you're further away that's just the limitations of pixel art in minecraft it looks much better from afar if you ask me but either way when mumbo and iskal see this they come over here and they see my sign it says as per the challenge here is a present for mumbo and iskaw and then there's a mysterious button here now i actually need to check if this works because otherwise it's going to be really embarrassing for everyone i've kind of winged it i yeah okay it's very simple redstone but we're going to try i haven't put any chicken challenges in there this is just to make sure it works and then we'll have to reset it so three two one boom yes yeah it works abs spot on so the chickens will then fall down from there and then they'll get stuck in this lovely place here now the chickens might fall down in here that's why i've left a sign that's somewhere somewhere around here somewhere around here there we go this box was designed to keep your chickens nice and safe just because i uh yeah i'm not mine minecraft expert i couldn't i couldn't figure out anything else but i think this works this definitely works and now we've got to reset the whole thing but it says here hermit challenge is yay initiation etc and stuff they say words and then it means hermit challenges so i'm just getting in on that your present is an original concept chicken challenges it's up to you who does which challenge uno reverse card so let's get this set up again really quickly and skedaddle out of here before one or the other of them turn up and ruin it all the pistons essentially push the scaffolding and then it all breaks and then of course this falls down and bingo bango all the chickens are let loose there we go all reset the final piece of the puzzle is to get the chickens in here and it's a good job i came prepared with eggs that was 32 eggs and one chicken i just want to point that out i guess i need to start thinking about some challenges so 32 eggs and you get one chicken another 16 and you get like six maths there we go that's a that's a fairly decent amount of chickens but i think we've got to go a bit more overboard okay i've brought five anvils with me and now i need to come up with enough challenges to keep mumbo and iscow busy for at least a few episodes just like they've done to me of course i have no levels back to the trading hall i go okay got 20 levels and now we need to start coming up with some challenges now i don't actually know all the challenges they've given me so there might actually be some repeats that would be really funny so we'll see how like our minds are so let me think like how crazy can i go use someone else's intro i have far too many chickens cola with someone and say nothing can you hear me can you imagine just recording with someone else on the server and you just don't say anything only turn left only turn left for three minutes it's the really simple things can you imagine like i can't okay so if i want to turn right i have to do that every time refer to yourself in the third person [Laughter] it's up to them how long they want to do it for to be fair i'm trying to think what they gave me obviously they had each other to bounce off of i i just i'm just doing this solo i'm just sort of thinking what would be quite funny wear a hermit skin and follow them attempt to sell your face to someone i have to use occasionally i have to use like text language to make sure it fits on there imagine that like they can don't get me wrong this one attempt to sell your base to someone mumbo can be like oh do you want to buy my base he could he could sell it for like 10 million diamonds he just he just has to try and convince someone to buy it okay i'm not gonna i'm gonna keep going but i'm not going to reveal what all of them are because i want some of them to be a bit of a surprise i've just i've been spending like half an hour just coming up with ideas i don't know if all of these will even work replace the diamond throne with mycelium replace the diamond throne with mycelium that's gonna stir up some trouble okay okay okay i'm gonna do this off camera now they're all named all inside the uno reverse card ready to be deployed job is done and we should go because i want to check up on one of the more exciting things going on in the server in my opinion or at least ones that involve me the mycelium little turf war resistance thing that's going on i'm gonna go and see if i can build it a little bit bigger free samples and a button bro you don't need to put free samples i'll press the button contracts on your free glass okay well thank thank you for the thank you for the glass it's a bit weird over here it doesn't look like the establishment has got rid of it just yet and it is creeping out i think i think we should uh make this a bit more insane they've got their own highway we can make the mycelium highway i'm thinking we need to like link these two up and i keep having to go over here this is like the only place that's actually got mycelium left now i need to make sure i actually have a supply of mycelium because if this if this area actually gets used for something in the future i'm gonna lose my my supply why can't i pick these up is that lag bruh what's going on okay i think i understand the glass thing now that gray glass is the exact same color as my inventory that's that's devious what did i think of that that's genius soon the entire shopping district is going to be covered in the fungi that is mycelium there we go there we go it's starting to spread and we'll make another patch as well somewhere over here just start to get the guys on hermitcraft panicking and interested in the mycelium movement is quite literally a movement and i also had a fantastic idea on how to kind of recruit people to the movement so in the barge i was going to give some resistance um huh um yes burn sticks i have been rose bushed i think i've been pranked but i'm not quite sure well obviously i've been pranked but what does this mean what did i do to deserve this the barge has been an innocent bystander okay we're getting we're getting rid of these roses this is insane what is hello oh it's honey oh my goodness that was the weirdest thing there's um there's a honey bee hive there gross leaving a mess this is this is actually quite insane that's a lot of rose bushes is this because i i is this because i refuse to pay the mayor money i mean i vote i voted for him what does he want from me diamonds honestly the mayor the last thing the mayor needs on this server is more diamonds oh there's straight up bees just flying around i kind of like the bees actually look the mystery boxes are all gone oh at least i i hope they are look there we go over two and as half stacks of diamonds the joke's on you i'm now selling these rose bushes in the barge same with the grass thank you very much for the stock that means i now need more mystery boxes they take too long to make there we go our diamond pile is looking a bit more healthy from the the treasure island incident we may even be where we started so my plan to recruit people to the mycelium resistance is really simple and hopefully quite effective because what i plan on doing is selling mycelium selling mycelium and then we're going to have a hopper underneath this chest and whenever someone purchases mycelium which indicates to me that they are an ally in the movement because you know no one's going to buy mycelium unless they're wanting to sort of spread it around the server so you pop your diamond in there'll be a hopper it then detects it and opens up the mycelium resistance headquarters so that's what we need to make now by digging underneath the barge i don't know how deep we want to go for this thing we got a what what on earth is this under the barge i'm scared someone's beaten me to building a secret thing under the barge not good oh it's massive okay we'll um we'll make we'll just make our thing on top of this thing i've no this is clearly quite a big project that i've stumbled upon and i'm not sure what it is but we're not going to interrupt it but this is technically land owned by me so i'm still going to use this land underneath the barge so let's hollow this out and get something made [Music] a couple of hours later it's here selling mycelium for two diamonds now that sounds very expensive and it is intentionally so that we only attract people that truly want to join the resistance so again it was two hours and a couple of lessons from our one and only who gave me a short basically tutorial on how to do whatever's going on here with the observers and the one tick triple piston extender i was able to make the item detection because it's going to detect diamonds going in i was able to do that and i was able to make the piston door work but i wasn't able to put them together and make them work in the same space so iskal thank you so much for that now let's test it out we put two diamonds in boom see look at that flawless clean smooth and we're in to the resistance hq it's not an awful lot at the moment now what i tried to do was have like tunnels i wanted to make it look like this place was spreading underground which it kind of is but i wanted to have like dark tunnels where it looks like it just extends across the shopping district we've got our meeting table for just me and of course we're growing some fungi i've added a couple of signs welcome to the resistance we need you to continue the turf war and keep mycelium alive in the district i feel like what i really need is an area where we can place dirt and basically farm lots of mycelium so that i don't have to keep stealing it from the only stronghold of it left but here we are the mycelium resistance headquarters i need to add some more here but i'm not entirely sure what this is as deep as i can go because literally just underneath me oh dang it uh is is this so we're a bit limited more limited than i wanted to be on this and then if you want to get out that get it getting out is actually cheaper than getting in uh there's just a secret trap door that leads out here that i don't think anyone will find now as we saw earlier there was some honey boxes here now i've actually never drank a bottle of honey in minecraft what i wasn't expecting was you know how you drink a potion in fact let's go and drink one right now oh looks like stress didn't pay either look here's it here's a potion it makes the most horrible minecraft noise right like oh i drank it dang it now i gotta pay for it you drink it you pay for it oh i'm out of diamonds no i'm out of diamonds okay it's one diamond for three i'll just put a stack of emeralds in there that that'll do so as i'm saying it's the potion and then this is what honey sounds like arguably arguably more disgusting in my opinion it sounds like you're like gargling like i i don't understand why this this noise makes me gag it makes me feel sick i don't know i really don't like that sound effect it's really grim suspicious the law enforcement is out and about so the turf war continues we've made a bridge hopefully we can make a mycelium highway but what we're really waiting to see is how scar and his enforcer are going to react to the fact that there's this giant living piece of mycelium that is crawling over the shopping district because i can't imagine it's going to be a particularly good reaction now we need to head over to the upside down really quickly because i heard that b-dubs has done an awful lot of work and i really want to see and it turns out that scar has broken the rules whoa how how have they done this how did they put the text upside down the upside down now entrance now enter now entering the upside down okay that took me a little bit longer than i thought whoa whoa scar has been busy scar has been so busy this looks amazing it looks like he's actually excavating all of this stuff that isn't going to stop the fact that he's on tunnel duty for a long time here's the evidence of what he did check out this little clip here i did some serious afk up at grien's mansion there and he's built this i don't care i don't care he still break the rules and all and there's a new rule all entering then upside down must appear upside down ah poop we better get upside down fortunately for me i'm always prepared check it out there's nothing unusual here nothing unusual at all i think there's a bit of my hair still up there hello this is this is some cursed minecraft right here hello so what i wanted to see that looks like potentially a spoiler free sample courtesy of impulse i better check if this is a spoiler wall of some kind or he did this to protect himself from gas edubs has confirmed that i can go and have a little look my goodness doesn't look like the ceiling is done but that's not necessarily a bad thing because we need to open that up with some tnt shenanigans i didn't bring why do i always do this look at look at the state of my inventory a bit of wood a couple of eggs and some empty bottles why am i never prepared i'm supposed to be a professional oh my face is gone this is looking pretty cool i can't wait to see the final product and indeed i encourage you to go to b dubs channel when his video comes out and hopefully he'll have the whole thing so the plan is maybe next episode we open that up we actually make our pigman farm we get this thing rolling and then we create a proper gold farm or at least that is the plan make this thing really really functional aha here is scars upside down drill i love the fact that everything's upside down including the inside so scar you went afk in my base 30 minutes tunnel duty improve the tunnel with ice you're on tunnel duty for breaking the rules now with that all said and done i don't really like talking with my feet but unfortunately that is all i have time for today it might seem like the videos are coming a little bit slower than usual and that is the case i am actually getting married very soon in fact this week and my time has been almost entirely taken up with planning and preparations and i actually did another secret thing that you won't know about until october so my time has been strained maybe i shouldn't talk with my feet maybe i should talk down down here i almost lost my lunch oh jeez okay now we can talk i almost walked off the edge that would have been the end of me so this is ridiculous so i have been extremely busy and just a little bit longer a little bit more patience because in a couple of weeks everything will go back to normal and we should be back on it with the hermitcraft shenanigans so i want to say a big thank you and just thank you for being patient as well it's been a pretty stressful time recently and it's a miracle that i managed to get anything done seriously i finish a video and i think yeah cool i'm done for like i'm done for it i can relax i can get some stuff done for a couple of days i blink and then it's been five days it is literally that is exactly how it goes i blink and it's five days okay i think i think this is where i'm gonna have to say goodbye look into my eyes not my feet the goodbyes goodbye
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,573,525
Rating: 4.9715052 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermit challenges, hermitcraft grian, hermitcraft, episode 40, season 7
Id: aCiGh1yBt_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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