Hermitcraft 7 | Ep.01: THE START OF A NEW ADVENTURE!

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pom pom pom pom pom pom pom ladies and gentlemen welcome I'm Corrales and this is the first episode of hermitcraft season 7 so just sit back ladies like that relax and enjoy if you guys do enjoy this make sure you give this video like and if you do so spank you very very very much gentlemen as you can see we are shameless I was waiting for my to record my first episode so stop defying God updated with the with the shader supports but that has that has not been a case yet another picture as soon as this episode goes live it that update will drop and the series will be available but I just can't hold myself like I like looking to myself I'm all excited and I just I just can't hide it like I really really wanna play and I really hope you guys will enjoy it so like if you do was that dolt I got office um if you guys do enjoy this or will enjoy this I want to see more of this make sure you leave a comment and leave a like on this video but we are back so not much I was part of the first server day and when the server got up and I did record some not much happened so let's let's see what exactly happened the first day roll the tape hello everyone and welcome to hermitcraft season 7 go when we're doing the intro [Music] oh no game spider Wow and get out of here life seems so simple a lot of mobs oh the one one spawn or one sleep that's awesome yeah what well here's what I'm gonna do I'm just got enough wood to make a bunch of boats I'm gonna head back to the spawn Island if I can find it and put a chest full of boats there for a dude you're no angel I'm Omar gates so somebody and that somebody is moi got the first death by a mob and also somebody more again got the first death by a player East Cal I kind of forgive you only if you killed run I don't think he knew that I only had like half a heart left in health so you're forgiven only if you build run but this gentleman today's episode we will go on a little adventure I don't have much as you see I got boots that's about it Amy have pants and I do have a little bit of tools and I found this place some might be like careless this is fugly Savannah the grass is all and and all and I'm like I see I see possibilities I see possibilities yes I do cuz with shaders this place will look fantastic believe me all right even though it's a little bit like yeah finally I guess at this stage I have plans but I don't want to do this season which you guys like input from feedback in the comment section and we gonna do stuff or make stuff happen it's gonna be absolutely magical so what I had in mind for this place is to make some type of like town holiday destination type of deal it's it don't worry you're right I know it's a Savannah and all but I think we can make this happen so we do it a savanna biome a beautiful hill we have this beautiful bay over here which we can build like I don't know maybe like a little marina of some type then we have a desert on this side and in the far distance there's a jungle and what comes to neighbors what I dunno ok look how I would would kinda cannot kind of make babies not with you but make you make babies with our cows but I do need a little bit of food and so I'm gonna kill them temporarily I'm gonna resurrect them so we need to connect it but then our closest neighbors as as far as I've seen I believe beef is somewhere over here like in a love village vintage beef etho is somewhere here in the jungle and so it's just um avoid then we have believed Mambo in that direction behind them the Mount is some whereabouts but first things first you know let's yeah there's a shipwreck over here as you can see I've never really got a treasure map until yesterday there little mark over here there's where I am at right so I should be heading south right how does this even work you were facing east south so across that mountain or maybe not even is it just in the Bayeux here yeah okay traders venture what is that oh fishes and how okay so x marks the spot right I mean it's this tricky look at the size of red X it could be anywhere look at the hole for this beautiful coal or a lagoon ladies and gentlemen lookie look yeah that's my cookie no please don't but we do have one chest one chest to rule them all what I'm hoping for is enchanted diamond pickaxe enchanted diamond armor I don't think gonna find that but one can only hope right let's just dig down from here I take that there's a little bit of diamonds and goodies I'm not sure what a TNT fish I take fish prismarine e one diamond okay I'm alive don't be the guy but we're rich I'm just thinking like what is what is hard to see think speaking it can I throw it don't provide it why do you happiness it's not a Pokeball Corrales I gotta catch them all oh by the way have you seen my humble abode a beautiful place we had a beautiful staircase going down to absolutely nothing oh but I just gonna change today cuz that plan is oh I also got this their degree in face the green it just day hello there we go we're gonna make yourselves a very very humble abode e where's my face very very very happy OD where we can have a place where we call home let's maybe let's maybe get those in let's get some of the dad we do have a little bit of food with us cuz I do want to go on on a tiny tiny tiny tiny adventure has got some of the oak planks do we have any treats outside girls yes no look at that B first DC is he making like a little holiday destination this might be like a hotel so this is gonna be perfect having a little holiday it just next to this but one thing which you're gonna do I don't wanna spoil his stuff but I need wool you might be for what I bear to begin with it cuz I don't want to like I was hiding before cuz I was the only personal server without a bed and I was like okay so I was just standing in my little humble abode e all night waiting for somebody to log in but he's got a little town and he's got room he's definitely got a rule and I just gonna borrow a little bit leaf so beautiful over here beavers and let me just go like I saw like I saw and disembark your else there we go eat the steak hold its nose okay he's got what I need I'm so sorry this might be technically stealing oh no oh hi no no how do we learn we need we need to have a quit quit oh there is something I if I can borrow as well uh let's like yes yes yes yes yes yes there we go I have to see this is the first time I achieve Hoover city place even do we have any carrots carrots carrots carrots and thatis that is dead carrots but it's beets right well I think bees as well they not but but be true they don't buy it by dre but I take him is that carrots oh no not at is Beatrice as well oh my goodness I cannot screw that up I guess butter and no cares okay night is coming this is nice go let's get a proper place I have nothing I'll have nothing but is online a lot of people okay so hopefully they will see if they will speak and what I need to do is alert this guy back into the pen mr. Shi this way please this way up up in in come on make room make room everybody my group there we go there's stuff all over the place this is the beauty but I'm trying to live by the way I'm trying to find okay that is another village the beauty about the beauty about about something fresh is that you look at us because people are like all over the place you find stuff which you like you have never seen it before and everybody is on the same page kind of feels like so I'm super stoked they're super eager to you to play from like the beginning stages I don't really care about like making shops or anything not at not at this stage by the way this might not be a river crawlers of all time will tell it does continue a little bit over here let's just jump out let's get the boat and what I want to do I want to go well hello what who it is over here this is what I mean you just find stuff okay who dig here I've never seen a bee hi I was like your face is so muddy it's like a bumble bee hey don't die what are you taking damage like obviously it's going into the water but uh but it's it's something wrong look forward let's go this way hopefully we can find more shipwrecks I'm not sure they like out on the deep seas there it is found it okay was that our sound from a dolphin it might have been okay disembark let's maybe not die as people been here before okay let's go get it get to get in there might not be any chests on my own place like this hmm interesting a treasure map okay let's get back in the bottle what is dad there's one more shipwreck um let me see here we should be going east switches which is this way right east so if I go east it seems to be going off the map treasure hunting with Charla's it's you just bees on the soft Peninsula okay has somebody dug this up no flipping way somebody's been here already oh no okay that kind of sucked a little bit boom you go away but I guess it doesn't really matter now does it these three chests over here this is a huge one there's a lot Doran going in okay I'm gonna dice comm-pass take him we do have a compass and we do have ourselves clock none that we need one but we need one and I'm just thinking is that all or is them there's more okay somebody's been in this as well ladies and gentlemen is that what I think it is that is in our village okay I'm not sure people have been here already but we found a beautiful village hmm hi oh that was rude what is it what is this guy hey maybe we should wait until date night arrives Oh bet I do kind of wanna wanna lose places maybe somebody's already been here by the way cuz cuz cuz who knows a sapling a saddle and bread I take that I'm so sorry I took that yeah this is unlaid a bit of a fe house thought there's no chest in that so let's just leave them to be oh it's a beautiful little girl keep system underneath this block hello um it's a lot of paper doing paper for anything take it however we're running very low on our inventory space so let's maybe leave some less less cool face behind what is that by the way there is a I am not sure how you craft that but I don't even care this by the way could be definitely used for bread making I'm gonna steal some of those so sorry people's in the village this over here the super place what is the head and not clickable okay what is fletching table yeah I take a floating table man this is absolutely incredible what a fantastic looking village just feel so bad it's got like I just want to take it all sir I have 48 cables which is just not bad I'm a little bit out I would need some onion and tolls of it but I'm a little bit scared for creepers because we need armor and also I do want to get down deeper before we get ourselves the house built do willing to get down deeper and try to find some diamonds okay beetroot seeds saplings atcha into the houses ago maybe they maybe don't they don't do that however I will leave this place because I don't want to die I will carry on the thing about this place is that this whole what is you have to be kidding me there's another village just here I have a little bit of change of heart when it comes to my base location at this stage but I have fantastic neighbors like we have we have beef we have um avoid evil is just around the corner then we have bumble bumble so I'm happy with meet with my place or with my choice of place I guess but this is fantastic it's just over there this is a new one okay oh we've seen that before okay this is a funky little little place I love it to bits I'm just here to lose I'm like I see books I will take those books there's an interest over here hello that is a nice looking Matt one of those as well okay throw away time what do we throw away yellow one get rid of this and let's get some blue shells or I can't I forgot I don't have silky but I get I'm gonna get the books I guess there we go perfect perfect perfect how many do we have 27 to be precise yeah I kind of wanna what happens with this girl how does this mechanic work [Music] hey by the way do you have any chest sir cuz I wanna I wanna see no not just in this house perfect are you inside yes you're inside I'm gonna block him off just in case somebody wants to keep them for anything so they don't get killed by zombies man I like those houses they're like super amazing to get a stack of those daily go perfect and I'm happy with that I'm gonna leave you started bunny it's not a bunny she wouldn't make some steel off from bunnies and such there's a lot of Donnie's over here man bunny still the best you but but just in case people like we're gonna be upset I'm not going to kill the bunnies cuz cuz bunnies are F kinda kinda cute no don't run away I just you could talk withdrawal is killing everything insides well not really everything was this is this a land shipwreck if that makes any sense I guess it might be it's like an upside down well what if this is somebody's house and I'm like what is this one okay what is in this okay Kirsten vanishing what is our curse of vanishing I like the curse of maybe now other fire protection in Torrance I'm oh this is Karis I told you yes I want the carrots right so I'm gonna get this here this is over here I'm gonna get all the carrots I think like I saw potatoes let's get potatoes as well and leave some of this behind then obviously we need to Fratus get this and put it on boom pence okay there it is I'm amazing I like my sense of direction is fantastic where's home I don't know there's a lot more treasure map let's get the books I'll just get it all okay paper not so much what does one throw away we still have the best let's get rid of their wool and bam Butterbean seems to not be wrong one more second at our disposal get on BOTS where is this I guess I need to head west and West this just this direction perfect okay yeah seems that somebody's already been here dang it yeah man that kind of sucks that's the second one I have just been too slow and how does one okay that is this you might be cross where are you million miles away from home oh my goodness like a kid in a candy store got it found it let's see what this holds I bet you like since that our treasure was not real ooodle this is so as well but who knows maybe there's some cool stuff legacy yay bottle of enchanting get their ball so there we go both inside and I mean get the Nuggets on I don't care about those if they're more chissus there should be there is yeah okay Ferris okay so where is this one it's dad interesting knock-knock okay this is not a looter please treasure Oh diamonds diamonds diamonds okay get there get all boom got it and cut and let's get out of here okay let's try to find hold well does bubbles crawls yeah no is it treasure in those guys mm scary noises like that's what this is what I mean I haven't I haven't really played around with with updates okay there's a lot of bad guys down there I don't play around with that with with a quad ago and updates so much Sam I got a little bit clueless like what those guys are over here like is there like treasure is this just by a sea ruined still like I really like it the lost city of Atlantis under Section girls girls bubbles both suck it down bubbles oh you suck you down below the microphone capillary is non-existent oh is that the one we've been to you okay nope that is oh that is I think that is the same cuz that is gonna be the little island yeah that is the same cuz the brown thingy on the small island in the middle I believe that is the shipwreck from the previous attempt so let's just what go in the jungle the mighty jungle lie asleep hello tonight mo mo mo mo when this is gonna be a stupid Oh goodbye careless because the jumpy for a jungle is the most painful thing you you can do besides stepping on Legos cuz that is painful as well so we're gonna be jumping for this jungle and trying to find my way home cuz I know F the jungle comes home cuz then is gonna get desert and then is gonna be my savanna biome like okay like what is just why me share a avoid I'm going home we follow just ravish Romi's Billy something I'm gonna show it much which way is home I believe it is okay this direction I have to say this is not a bad first episode not least me cuz usually just diet on seeing episodes once the button now we've got will get down and you know I'm gonna do I'm gonna do this I'm gonna create myself a pickaxe and like I saw like I saw and then we have quite a bit of stuff look at us okay nothing in chanted yet alright butter we're getting better I still have to figure out what this is hard to see but I don't dad like I was I was thinking okay let's make a humble abode II but you know what I rather do and we'll I will get it I won't get it done not to date oh I'm gonna get it the stuff in between episodes and let's do that in episode 2 but I do want to take it down it might be don't dig down I wanna have but okay that was bad accurate straight off we need to get some some letters will give us find diamonds thank you and find out something like this which letters is that that is south that is north so which way do we start I guess we go mmm this way let's do something like so like so like so like so I'm just thinking like how the most efficient mine look like I think what I'm gonna do is something like this and then take down one more maybe like the hara then we dig this and we they get this right yeah okay let's like oh let's try to find something like diamonds would be would be amazing did they did their diamonds how many that is the question one two three four and five six come to Papa key digit diamonds one two three four five six seven and eight and that is 14 look at this a Minecraft shaft okay you know what this is this is great cuz pooping my pants over here oh maybe we should just go up and grab ourselves some diamond armor enchanted I am NOT the bravest like like this game everything is just trying to kill you like literally look at this guy tells uneasy oh my goodness come at me bro come at me oh my gosh dude drop that enchanted bow no well don't then I guess okay this was a great find it's I'm just trying to light it up a little bit i little bit of zombies here and there a little bit terrifying let's get some gold you see my mage D flanking me I repeat they are flanking okay let's go let's see we can find something something amazing in this mine shaft what does that get us a skeleton yeah that's right okay there's okay that's amazing there's a minecart there as well right let's open this up yeah more diamonds please more diamonds please a Golden Apple I take that okay did you guys hear that sound who makes songs creepers no vows I'm spinning there's two of them there's feet don't go below me my face boy it's a witch it's always your base there Oh is she getting stuck over here what is you doing down here which thought you liked the displace gotcha did diamonds oh you know we're not finding like one or two we find like huge nodes in total 40 aides there is almost a stack of diamonds like hands down this is insane there's like diamonds that is 54 we're like 1 1 volt enemy away from from a stack so ladies and gentlemen I can I've thought like okay I'm gonna go down here maybe get a chest plate maybe a sword beam para beam we have 64 plus 3 it's just insane okay I've been at it for a quite a bit of time okay so it's not like I'm getting Jessica down here but I'm over the moon happy so obviously we're not gonna do there a bully in today's episode because I've been recording this for quite a bit of time now and I need to cut it down even further because I've managed to cut down like two hours into 20 minutes or 25 minutes and now I've done like two hours Nora so I'm gonna see how data goes about and but this is a great start so we have quite a bit of Ian young iron that is should hold everything do we need that at nine know what I just smelt it and it's melted is there anything else so you got the diamonds with that's a lot of diamonds I'm gonna I'm gonna pin pink myself a little better Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean where's that Mossad a shovel okay cover me with the diamonds yay let's do let's do this let's get your undressed let's get this this this this and this song we've got every single - okay let's maybe keep that until it breaks we could also repair those guys right let's get some of this I'm not even sure why I'm keeping this some of the stuff and we have 34 diamonds remaining ladies and gentlemen look at us look into my eyes nothing on my eyes but hey I'm happy let's just climb this please didn't let me know it came cuz we haven't really done much in today's episode besides me gearing up to not to die as much but let me know about the idea like I'm building a city um I like on that mountainside like a marina like I don't know like I'm not I guess a Monte Carlo but it won't be kind of course having something similar just what not gonna happen okay but but saw something in that in that in that mmm that area just a city let me know what you think about the idea and obviously I'm gonna be back with my body in a day or two hopefully like we're in two days via a new episode where we build a little storing house and get some get some stuff prepared cuz we need stuff prepared like how I drew doors grown like this this is melons because I love melons hopefully they do and I'm not proud of my whole I'm not gonna even go down there they just closed the door let's just go up here hopefully the sheet is gonna gonna be updated for the next episode as well so I'm just gonna do this thank you so much for watching you're amazing I have a very very nice day I am careless and I'm gonna see you guys in the second episode of hermitcraft season 7 I'm happy to be back and hopefully you guys will enjoy this by the way can we see but what Bevers is doing cuz he sees a line hmm see yes careless over and out
Channel: Keralis
Views: 891,457
Rating: 4.969521 out of 5
Keywords: hermitcraft, hermitcraft seven, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft7, hermitcraft VII, episode 1, ep 1, part 1, keralis, hermitcraft 6, hermit craft, minecraft, minecraft base, family friendly, lets play, let's play, lets play minecraft, minecraft lp, hermit, minecraft house, keralis minecraft, keralis hermitcraft, keralis modern house, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft keralis, hermitcraft S7, season 7
Id: tCk9cqVhMZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 44sec (2084 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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