Hermitcraft 7 | Ep 048: Bad Omens & Double Decked Out Run!

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what's going on everyone my name is impulse and welcome back to hermitcraft guys i am excited because after months of hard work tango's new game decked out is finally open to be played and we are going to be playing it today for sure but i am excited i actually helped him a little bit on this on some live streams and things like that so i know a little bit about the game but there is a lot to it and we will get into that later but first there is an issue i've been having if i don't die oh that was close that we need to take care of today and we need to head over to where my pillager raid farm is because yeah like i said there's a problem we need to address oh but wait what is this we've got something left for us in the base you won chicken all too easily yeah that's right we did pretty well didn't we well done next time it'll be harder okay i mean yeah i heard zuma's game was a little easier than he thought i think all of the people that played it pretty much ended up getting the highest score you could get i wonder if he delivered these diamonds to all of us i know that xb played it false plated i don't know if anybody else played it he ended up shutting it down because it was easier than he thought but hey look at that we got something oh he did he left the middle open okay all right but hey we got some diamonds out of the deal so i will take it and put it on in here we're safe and sound and yes my base is a little bit of a mess right now i think i'll be cleaning that up today too so i'm out here at my pillager raid farm slash hero of the village farm and the modification i want to make today isn't really having anything to do with this farm in particular it is how we get the bad omen effect in order to get this farm started so you may know that the way i've been doing it is there is a pillager outpost right over here next to all my cool little farms and things that i've been doing out here i guess in a way this is my own little industrial district as i build up all these farms out here but right next to it this pillager outpost this is the way i've been doing this i've been coming here and just kind of hanging out a little bit waiting for these guys to spawn and then looking for a guy with a banner there's one and then coming down and manually killing him oh two banner guys that's interesting and we come in here and we kill him and now we got the bad omen and we can go to our raid farm and as you can see it's a bit dangerous it's a little bit dangerous and we got to avoid any other villages coming in contact but now with the bad omen we can come over and do this now it's not always that easy we just got very lucky actually because sometimes that process of waiting for a guy to spawn with a banner could take like five to ten minutes and it's kind of a hassle also every once in a while we actually lose the bad omen effect i think i might have another issue i want to address today with sometimes these guys are dying as they fall instead of me killing them i think they're they're falling and dying on that block so i don't always get bad omen again in the cycle to keep this thing repeating so yeah i want to make it easier to get the bad omen effect basically and i think i'm gonna do that by actually making a bit of a farm out of the pillager outpost but first you can see there is like this hill next to it and in order to make this farm i think we're gonna actually have to get rid of that hill and i need some milk ah that's better okay all right let's head down there guys we have to flatten this mountain we've got a time lapse brewing let's get started [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we did it people we removed the entire mountain behind me and oh my gosh that was a lot of work and it didn't really help that i was being constantly attacked the entire time i was trying to tear it down by these guys but i have now put a border around this area and flattened it out as you can see all the dirt i had to add and again yeah these guys they don't like me being here that's for sure they can sense me from very far away and we're super annoying that entire time but yeah this netherrack bounding box is basically where all these guys can spawn around this pillager outpost here so now we know where they can spawn i want to be right in the middle here right where this pillager outpost is and i want to lure them into a trap of my own doing here and that is the plan so first thing i need to do actually is tear down this entire entire pillager outpost which um i'm looking forward to this because you know free wood and stuff but uh yeah one more thing in here that we need to tear down and to prepare this area for this little farm i'm making is definitely taking a long time but i'm excited because it is going to be fantastic when we're done alright so with that torn down the next step is we need to be able to stand safely in the middle here without these guys being able to shoot us and we're gonna accomplish that by putting down some water that should hopefully push them back you can tell we are absolutely surrounded right now let's see if we can clear out some of this stuff oh yep you can see the second i get up they are shooting at me like crazy so let's remove all these blocks and see if we can get these guys pushed back all right moment of truth now we're gonna remove these blocks and let's see if they actually try to shoot at me they want to they're definitely staring like they're gonna try to shoot but i think they're just out of range if i come a little closer will they shoot let's remove some more blocks here oh we gotta clear that block out of the way i don't think i'm gonna oh oh right there yeah right there in the corner apparently they can still reach so we might need to extend the water out a little bit more if we want to be fully safe in here or just try to find a way to back them off even more than that oh that was oh okay okay yep we are gonna die if we stand here okay let me figure this out so what i've been doing is every time these guys are a bit of an annoyance like this and we have too many of them built up i just fly up over 128 blocks away from this point they'll all despawn and when i come back down we have a little bit of time to kind of figure things out so if we go into f3 here you can see we're up at 200 i'm gonna go all the way up to 300 just to be sure and then we come back down you can see we got the water spread and in fact we can probably safely come on out here now at least for the time being we'll remove all this here and hopefully we have a little bit of time before our guests show up nope not much time at all this spawning around here is absolutely crazy fast with these guys but let's try to stay out of their way my armor has taken a beating so far this episode and so have i i've gone through so much food and i am going to die aren't i i'm gonna die they are they're all after me and they are relentless oh you can see just how annoying these guys are to work with oh my gosh and yeah i'm completely out of food i'm eating carrots at this point i got to go back and get some golden carrots look at my we got a lot of fans here they just uh i think they don't they just want an autograph right right just no they don't like me all right i'm out i am back with more food and i also took a look at azuma's video that he did a while back on pillager outpost and he did this he put some magma blocks on these spots here because they won't try to go on top of these guys and that should hopefully keep them back far enough as i'm getting shot already to not be able to shoot at me when they're standing at these ankles oh this is always so annoying oh my gosh okay okay okay calm down guys calm down once they get going i don't think they're gonna stop here and we're gonna have to fly away and come back but you can see just how challenging this has been oh oh i guess they um they they if they're mad enough they're gonna stand on the magma blocks i wonder if something's changed since the zuma did this video on this oh my goodness um that wasn't expected at all all right we're going to figure something out here all right i think i finally got a simple but effective solution fences yep we just put some fences on the corners and now they work their way to the middle and they fall down and they are spawning and coming in right now this is great so now i can just come here and kind of stand here wait for a banner guy to actually spawn and once they do kind of pay attention to which hole they fall into and then i can just go down below and let's say he fell into this hole then we could just go in here and slice away once we hit him i think he's gonna yep there we go we got their attention and now they will come on over and i can get the bad omen effect pretty easily of course uh we got some more coming in here so let's go up and see do we actually have any banners banner guys coming in just yet nope not yet so let's wait this out for just a second they're not shooting at me anymore you can see i've already got the bad omen from testing this so uh we gotta be careful with that i need to go up and take some more milk here before i enter any villages because i wouldn't want to start a raid that i didn't intend to start anyway but yeah let's just keep our eyes peeled there's got to be a banner guy spawning soon here oh there we go banner guy right there the pillager patrol leader has come in and we know he's in this tube so basically once we clear this out we should have the bad omen effect no problem oh and it is super loud i just saw the the banner fall which means we got the pillager patrol and if we hadn't already had the bad omen effect we would have just got it for the first time and you can see there's actually guys under the ground there because as i covered this up i need to do some spawn proofing we got some pillager patrols down underneath this platform gonna have to half slab that or button or something because i don't want them spawning down there i want them all up here and falling into our little chambers here which are not very safe but i think the next step for me to do is i want to create a portal system so that once we get the bad omen effect we can go straight from here into the nether and pop out that portal up there and we don't have to worry about coming across any other villages i know i got a villager breeder set up right there and if i wander into that area right now it would be bad news we'd trigger a raid over in our little industrial farm district there so all right let's do that let's set up a portal somewhere just down here i think will work and then we'll go through the nether and create a little network there all right i've got kind of a four-way portal here just to keep things symmetrical so let's go through one of these and let's see where we end up in the nether i think oh is this a new portal it looks like it could be although it also looks like somebody may have gone through there is this an existing portal that somebody made interesting let's go take a look and see what this is all about okay maybe that was nothing just happened to be a hole in the ceiling okay we are kind of in a weird spot here but i need to definitely do the whole portal linkage with the coordinates and divide by eight and all that stuff because i don't think that's the portal we're gonna want to come through okay i think i got something figured out here it works it's pretty crude but hey as long as we can get from point a to point b and we don't cross any villages along the way we're gonna be good to go so i'll just fly up through here take this tunnel right over here and it's just a short distance and this right here is the tunnel to our raid farm slash hero of the village farm so if we come through with our bad omen effect we can come into here and we can get this machine started and we can start all the raid cycles pretty easily and then if it dies off it's pretty easy to just fly down from here uh once we don't have bad omen anymore and we don't have to worry about anything so i think that's how we're gonna do it now there was one other thing i mentioned that was kind of a problem and that is every once in a while we have death happening here i think what happens is these pistons fire back and forth when the machine is on and sometimes the guys go all the way from up there and they get through both trapdoors and will land on this block and that is just a little too much of a fall for them to survive and sometimes it's the pillager leaders the patrol leaders that die and therefore we don't get the bad omen effect so i think the best thing for me to do would actually to be i could either mess with the redstone and ensure that the trapdoors are always going to catch them or i could just reduce their drop up here by one maybe so let's see the way this works is these guys spawn on this platform and they all kind of push each other and then they go into this water and then they just fall down into this guy and then from here they fall down into this guy now if i was to bring this down by one block that should make it so that they can survive that fall so i think what i'm gonna do is this bit right here i'm gonna lower by one block all right lowered by one block and hopefully this means they will survive instead of dying on the fall so now it is time to give this thing a full test run we will pretend in fact we'll just do it we're gonna set off the raid farm and we're going to run the whole system right now from start to finish so step one is to get ourselves into the middle here and wait for a patrol leader wearing the banner all right here he comes he's down this way it is time to get that bad omen there it is all right now let's step through the portal if we go to the raid farm if we can get through this little gap oh okay if we don't kill ourselves if we don't kill ourselves i said okay flying is hard we might need to do something about that okay here we go bad omen effect we just need to step into the chamber press ourself here align our cursor and now we just swing away all right and as we fall we should trigger the raid there it goes and after a second we should go back to the top and we should have our raid party raining down upon us and hopefully we can keep this cycle going for a very long time so let's let this run and see how it goes [Music] [Music] [Music] well i'd call that a successful test it seemed to be working great and we got some good stuff out of it and a couple more totems as well which i'm gonna need to restock this shop and we got hero of the village still meaning if uh if we go hang out next to these guys they're gonna continue to throw stuff at us in fact i guess if they do right now right it's going to get collected in the hoppers below but that's the whole point so let's see if we got any new goodies down here and i still need to do something about this storage it's not the best but all right look at all these cool arrows i love these tipped arrows they're so awesome fire resistance oh my goodness could totally troll the other hermits using those too oh my goodness so this is great this is exactly what i wanted to take care of today we've got ourselves basically a bad omen farm if you will so we can fly and get that bad omen easy way to get back here get this farm started so now i feel a lot better about using it more often and i think it's time guys i am excited i've been excited about this all day it is time for us to finally go check out tango's decked out game so let's head to the shopping district and see if we can get ourselves a key to get in all right before we go into decked out we need to actually get our own player head so that we can mark our board inside of the game for all of our artifacts to be stored on so i don't actually have any of my own head at the moment so i think i'm just gonna you know do do a little bit a little bit a little bit of that and eventually hopefully i will i will i will die um i have too many beacon effects though and it's making this super difficult and this is probably not the the best way to go about this uh although i am on fire so the one more i think and we got this there we go oh there's my head excellent and just outside my base there is the entrance to decked out this lovely ravager head right here oh i am so nervous and excited to come in here finally i've been in here a lot you know helping tango out with the game and things like that but i haven't yet to actually play it and look at tango look at this i mean what a gracious host just hanging out in here greeting us look at that all right let's see what's going on here we've already got some hermits taking these boards it looks like cub fans been in here i think that's joe jevin if we go to the other side it looks like a few more heads have been listed here that scared me we got a ravager up there beefs up there we got false symmetry all right let's see let's come in here and as we enter we'll just take oh zuma as well i was gonna say we'll take an immediate right but we'll put our head next to a zuma here and take this guy and i think we just need to plop our head up there and we take out decked out number 61. this is our box let's see what we actually get to start with in here oh i didn't bring my pickaxe i wonder if that's going to be a problem here so we get a decked out key we get compass number 61 and some coins okay so we're only supposed to take the compass into the game now this game is fairly complicated so if you guys haven't seen tango's video on how this game works and all the rules and everything i will put a link in the description i highly suggest you check that out otherwise this might be a little bit confusing for you but uh let's go ahead and take our key we're gonna need that our compass and i guess we'll just leave our coins in there and um that's hi that's my board yep mm-hmm that's me no no oh i'm not that's not did i do it wrong i already messed up his game no how did i i i no i did it right he's messy with me i i read the rules i watched his video i think i'm good we're gonna go in i think um it's just this way it looks like the doors are closed that's good that means nobody has gone in just yet and we can just place the key in here right and that should open the door up yeah we're in hopefully nobody's in the dungeon okay so now that we are in this room uh we need to do some things here so to activate the dungeon place your shulker deck against the the wall here now we don't actually have any cards or anything just yet if we had special cards that would help us with the game we could put them in our shulker box put them in here and it would help us out so we are going gonna do that here in a second uh it's gonna be returned to us after we run the game we can have a choice of some cards so hopefully we'll win something also it's very important that uh that we leave all of our stuff in here and we only go in with this and i think i will take these coins and store them in here for safe keeping so we need to set our spawn because there's a good chance we're gonna die in the game oh and we have our compass and we put that there and no cards to activate but we're gonna push the button and there we go uh when you completed your run press this button and the game's over okay so um so we can i have something to eat i'm already hungry it's already generating clank right you're or it's a heartbeat right okay that's a heartbeat all right it's scary let me make sure my note blocks are all the way up for you guys because that's going to be important note blocks where are you note blocks definitely turn that up to 100 i'll crank up the volume just a little bit too you know so i can hear a little bit better in there as you can tell i'm kind of nervous all right here we go we're going in oh oh got some music all right let's see if we can't follow the compass oh the heartbeat oh oh i have my armor on oops oops i went in with my armor run good thing we got tango watching dude i forgot to take my armor off oops okay okay okay can we go back in dude you saw nothing you saw nothing [Laughter] do we get to go back in again oh no was that my only run did i mess it up can i go in again oh no i broke the damn i broke this game i tried to come out put the arm away don't let me back in i ruined it i'm a ruiner while we wait for tango to fix the game after i derped up the entry there okay lesson learned check your armor before you go in i would have i would have still gotten wrecked and lost all my armor in there okay it's put away now he's resetting the game for me thank you tango i'm sorry i broke stuff i didn't see the glass but he's reset it but we might as well read these signs because they're pretty funny actually rest weary traveler in this bed because very soon you will be dead for in the dungeon you can meet your demise or walk away with a glorious prize or the third option is just you'll break his game and not be allowed to ever go in ever again um so okay i think is that a good sign can we can we put that okay okay thank you i thank you he said i should be ashamed and i am i just i was i had this down i just forgot to take my armor off geez guys it happens okay now we can press the button and we get it going for real this time that was that was like anti-climactic or something okay here we go cup is 61. we gotta remember that all right let's try this again no armor this time okay good apparently you can't go out and back in all right follow the compass the compass points this way anywhere there could be a ravager seems like it points this wait why'd the music stop already um this way hmm oh i generated clank that's what that dun dun dun means that's not a good thing so we're gonna travel through here now i don't have any food so i'm trying to preserve my my hunger a little bit oh look at that oh that heartbeat is so scary all right let's walk through here oh compass is pointing back this i hear ravager why is there a button on the ground i feel like press it okay oh there's a ravager in there that's the way i need to go i need to go that way ravager oh geez okay okay okay we're gonna have to go this way and can we like get around the wrap can we get her get do you put us another ravager oh i'm surrounded okay okay we got past him kinda he hurt us a little bit but i'm all right let's keep running okay we drug him out there we need to go this way this is the way the compass is pointing right oh look at these rooms i don't have time to look at stuff i'm gonna die um yeah i totally got face punched by a ravager all right uh let's see down here it looks like it's either it's either this way oh yeah do this way or this way ah no okay i gotta go back this way i really hope that ravager wasn't following me okay see now i'm getting hungry already all right let's go down this way oh look at this place this is so amazing wait wait wait wait wait wait i need to go that way somehow ah the compass is pointing that way i really want to find something in here all right can we go up does this turn to the left okay excellent this is the way we want to go trying to just follow our compass we still need to go out that way a little bit oh my goodness the longer we're in here the more dangerous it gets so we don't want to be in here super long but we need to find where this compass is pointing is this it is this is this it oh it is we got our box of loot 61. we found it i have to find my way out of here now that's probably not easy okay great um i'm definitely gonna run into a ravager again okay these rooms are are somewhat familiar right feels like this has something to do with the entrance let's take a look oh i keep hearing is that the soul flame hmm all right let's go this way let's see if we can find our way out of this now safe and sound with our box if we could just find the entrance this looks familiar there it is so we we got our loot we got our loot we're getting out of here we're getting out we're taking it we're safe oh don't hit me oh my goodness we got something i don't know what we got but i hope it's good okay we completed our run we're supposed to press this button and oh it takes our box again and a shulker box will be uh returned with cards uh i didn't have any cards so i guess i'll just pick this up and now since we had a successful run we can choose from soul seeker interesting be sense and stealth hmm now having b sense would be nice kind of knowing where the beasts are in the dungeon but also stealth means that i could be in there longer as well but if i'm gonna get hit by a ravager these are tough decisions i'm gonna go with beast sense okay so we're gonna take that one and next time we play this game we actually have a little bit of a power up which is super cool i can't believe i survived that i i definitely got hit in the face by a ravager but uh we did it we got in we got out let's see what we got can i hang out here for a minute let's see what we got in this box okay so we got witch set uncommon very nice poison set common end set rare b set rare and a decked out coin oh my goodness that's not bad i will take that now we do have to put our artifacts on the board outside all right but before we go we better grab our stuff out of here and uh lesson was learned today a good lesson learned don't go in the game with your armor on uh definitely we'll remember that for next time but we got him we got out in one piece only got hit by a ravager one time and uh i want to play again i want to go back in i think i have to wait though i think you have to wait till the doors close and yeah we need to go put our stuff on the board so i'll wait a little bit um i actually have another key that tango gave me we don't have a compass but i have a key that tango gave me for helping him with the game i think we'll just go in and kind of look around maybe just try to look for some loot or something we'll see all right let's go ahead and put our artifacts on the board and four artifacts is not bad it looks like zuma's got three if we kind of look around yep we're starting to build up some artifacts everybody's getting some here and what else uh oh they're putting their shulker box i believe we don't need to put our shulker box on the board i think he said we can keep this like we can keep our coins in it i got seven decked out coins uh but this box right here that was given to us i think we need to return so somewhere there's a place to return this so that uh you know he doesn't have an endless supply of choker boxes so uh we'll we'll be kind and make sure we get that back to him oh wait a minute i didn't even have to kill myself it was a permanent head right here i killed myself for nothing oh wow ah here it is system return i think we just throw this in here and that goes back into tango's shulker box pile also look at this the compass ticker is all the way lit that means uh when it lights up blah blah blah blah button's gonna appear press the button we get a free dungeon compass key okay seriously nope i get a free button press i do oh my goodness i got a free key at a free compass we gotta run the game again with an actual compass oh my goodness guys we're going for round two let's see if we can be just as successful and the doors of the game are closed once again which means we can go back in now tango's actually afk so we got to make sure we don't actually break the game this time or we won't get a play uh so let's go ahead and put that in there i think we're we're professionals now right so we know what we're doing so we can actually use our beastsense card now i'm going to put it in there and we'll put this box in here and we're going to do this right this time okay before i press the button let's let's do this again let's let's make sure our spawn point oh i just want to set the spawn point okay and then we make sure our armor is off oh jevin's in here uh oh uh oh jeff and spawn points in here that's kind of awkward hello bye-bye he can't play two people can't go in this game at once that that wouldn't be good all right so there's our compass oh man and uh yeah we're ready ready so let's press the button and we get to go in and hopefully now we actually get b sense oh this is exciting what just happened okay jevin bashed his face on netherrack that happens that happens to the best of us jeff oh okay here we go uh if we go this way now the compass kind of feels like it's pointing this way i'm really excited to see that looks scary is there a way to cheese that can we like fit in between oh we could go up on okay we're just hanging out too long i got stuff going off um i don't think there's a way to cheese that and that's super super scary i don't want to mess with that i don't want to mess with that because we just found this company if i was doing it without a compass maybe and exploring i think i would try that out but uh i think with the compass in our you know possession here we want to we want to see if we can sneak past that all right but it does kind of lead back that direction so we're gonna have to figure out how to get there looks like the long way hmm okay so we'll go through here again where did we leave those ravagers it was like back there i kind of led them back there so hope okay there's a there's a drown just walking around okay drought just hanging out here walking around and uh hello oh hi iskall how you doing oh let's go this way looks like the compass is pointing this way i hear i hear a beast is it a beast what am i hearing oh my goodness this is terrifying being in here look at this place though the detail the detail in this place is absolutely amazing oh oh oh generating clank i think not good we need to be looking for those soul flames as well i hear fires i didn't really do a good job okay that's not soul flame we only need to punch soul flame wait a minute wait a minute something's this way though okay follow the compass follow the compass directly this way nothing in the box oh the bell's being wrong that means we should be able to see ravagers there must not be any around us right now because i don't see any uh oh uh oh do we have to really go in the wither rose room this is scary uh there's no other way to get get to where this is pointing though hmm maybe can we go this way okay we need to keep going that way though i think that with a rose room is the only way to do it judged by this compass here so we'll go through this wither rose room very very ow nope nope nope nope that's a big bag of nope oh oh okay uh i think we don't have much choice here i literally have to hurt myself to get through here oh gosh okay okay fine fine we did it we did it for you okay oh great this that didn't that didn't help me at all i came all the way in this room i came all the way to this roof and it's done go take my combo come on i don't want to have to go back out there oh okay maybe we can navigate these weather roses a little better okay if we do this kind of go through here and then through here i don't want to get hit by them okay well that didn't work okay hopefully we don't die because of that um how else can we get to that area that it was trying to get us to maybe if we come through here hmm oops soul flame very nice that's a point or something all right i'm glad i found one of those oh look at this that's amazing i helped take it with that i'm proud all right let's keep going let's keep looking i don't know where this compass is pointing but it wasn't in the rose garden there that's for sure i feel like there's like a an upper deck or a lower deck that we need to get to and it's very deceiving here so let's work our way around okay here we go here's a downstairs maybe this will help nope is this the spot did i actually find the spot is it right here it is oh my gosh i got the loot i actually found the spot i think i walked by that spot like two or three times i have three and a half hearts and i have loot in my inventory how in the world am i going to get out of this place especially since i'm completely lost uh let's just go through here i think i remember that and uh yeah i'm extremely lost okay great we are deep in the dungeon and i have to find my way out because i got this amazing loop i don't want to look in this thing um yeah i don't want to look in this thing because i'm going to lose it this is loot box number 82. okay yep yep i remember this is skull okay so i think i know where we are oh i hear here oh we can't get hit by the drown we can't get hit by anything we got three and a half hearts we need to get back somehow in one piece i left the ravagers over there should be safe to come through here hopefully nothing's in here i think this is the way okay this material is good to see i recognize it i think this is on our way to the doors to get out if i'm not mistaken just up here and around the corner and down and we made it oh my gosh we made our way out once again with another loot box oh two successful runs in a row that was exciting all right before i die let me get a bite to eat here see if i can get healed back up and then we will retrieve our goodies end the game here actually let's just do that now while we're where we're going uh so when you've completed press the button we press the button we should get our yep there's our b sense back excellent and i don't know why i didn't bring a pick i definitely made it hard on ourselves but let's see soul seeker so we have b sense there's a soul seeker one again there's resistance one and there's also b sense one so we could stack the b sense but i feel like resistance might actually be good for those moments like we just had right okay i'm gonna go ahead and go for the resistance one we are starting to build a proper deck now this is amazing and i'm sure you guys want to see what's actually in my loot box here we've got another set common poison set uncommon poison set rare and a decked and four more decked out coins we are getting a lot of decked out coins today that is awesome so a couple of the poison sets now that is not one that we already had right oh we do poison set common now we got poison set rare and poison set uncommon so there's one more that we need to get of the poison set in order to complete it all right so we got one one poison set artifact to get and we can turn it in and that would be our first official point of decked out oh my goodness this game is super fun tango my friend i know you're afk but you my friend you you're a genius man and you put in a lot of hard work on this game guys please head over to tango's channel and let them know how amazing this game is i'm gonna have fun playing this for weeks as long as i don't die too many times to these guys actually before i go let's stop by the ye old shop and see if we can purchase anything i got 11 decked out coins and it looks like we can buy stuff there's a loot finder one for eight there's an ocean set common for twelve you can get a dungeon key for ten b cents for eight and decked out uh dungeon key for a 10 again um let's let's get another card here let's get the loot finder one i guess i've already got b sense so what do we do here do i okay hang on i should read the signs to purchase an item place the required corns in the barrel stand back uh sand on black carpet to receive the item if the lamp is off the item's unavailable okay so the lamps are all on and this is eight coins so leave three right there and we'll put these in there and we stand on the black carpet and bada we get a we get a book there it is loot finder and the light is off this is our book now oh nice we are building out this deck very nicely we've now got b sense resistance one and loop finder next time we go in guys i got a good feeling we are going to continue to be have more and more success in this game oh my goodness what a fun time i still have arrows in me for some reason that's a little weird but anyway that's going to do it for me today hopefully you guys enjoyed the video if you did hit the like button if you're not subscribed make sure you do that before you go and with that said i'll see you again next time have a good one everyone [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: impulseSV
Views: 724,685
Rating: 4.9717941 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft hermitcraft, hermit craft, lets play minecraft, minecraft server, no swearing, family friendly, let's play, let's play minecraft, impulse, impulseSV, minecraft lets play, hermitcraft, minecraft, yt:quality=high, impulse hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, minecraft 1.15.2, minecraft 1.15 let's play, raid farm, guardian farm, minecraft kelp farm, automatic kelp farm, lets play, minecraft survival, impulse base, gaming, Hero of the village farm
Id: 5f8WSwAqpVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 16sec (2356 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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