Hermitcraft 7 | Ep 072: I FOUND GRIAN'S SECRET BASE!

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Don't know why Impulse put bells so close to his secret base... Solely by digging through his base in an attempt to find the bells, Grian will accidently mine into Impulse's secret base.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/StarTrek238 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

It didn’t last long :,(

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Eggmaster42Reddit 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
what's going on everyone my name is impulse and welcome back to hermitcraft i'm gonna start today's episode off by making a confession you see i'm gonna have to admit i've done a little digging off camera you can see all the way down to bedrock oh my goodness okay okay another confession some of this i actually did on a live stream just hanging out talking to chat digging away good old time telling some stories if you guys are missing those live streams you can catch them in one of two ways you can catch them live at twitch.tv impulsesv and i usually announce that i'm going live on twitter as well at impulsesv there also or you can check out the replays that i usually post on my second channel here on youtube impulse sv and the number two and you can see the replays of the streams because we have great conversations you guys should check them out but as you can see the digging is all the way down to bed don't break the glass i don't want to fall through slime farm's still working i think i just saw slime oh my goodness this is going to give us plenty of room for farms which we're going to start designing what's going where today and maybe even building up a few farms but there's something i need to address you guys know i need to address something i need to i need to talk to you about a little something something you guys have all been in on a secret haven't you have you been in on a secret i know about it you don't think i know about it i know about it and here i'll tell you why because you see i subscribe to fellow her mate her mate hermit green i subscribe to green and you see the other day i was refreshing my subscriber feed and and i saw a thumbnail that looked a little curious you see the thumbnail it's dark outside we're speed dubs when we need them the thumbnail was of my base of the corner of my base actually and it was like kind of cut out and there was a picture uh and there of like some other kind of material that looked like it could be something else and and you see it it says something about a secret base so green i believe has tried to hide a secret base in my base but it's not very much a secret when his thumbnail kind of just showed me a picture of it so um you know besides that there was a few of you that might have left a comment or two in my comment section trying to tell me about it so anyway i know all about green's base secret base in my base the one thing i don't know is which corner it's actually in so it was definitely a corner i don't think yeah i don't think it's this one so i'm gonna start looking around for signs there's only four corners we're gonna find it it shouldn't be too difficult to spot well of course it seems it's probably in the last corner that i checked because uh it wasn't in the other three so i didn't really think it'd be in this one because we've got a storage system here which means there isn't really there's not a lot of room back there because the storage systems uh that's definitely not something i put there so there's gotta be a way into it right i i'm gonna go out front here and take a look let's see if there's any visible way into this it should be like right here in the corner like behind this bit is it maybe underneath is there a way oh what's this what's this these are definitely not natural blocks to this structure that's not it i don't think is there another way and i'm not really seeing anything down here oh there's got to be a way in i mean you can't make a secret base without having some way to get into oh oh okay this has got to be it right i didn't put that button there either oh yep oh oh geez it opens up it closes really quick that's it yup okay we i think we found it yeah we definitely what what is happening here what is happening oh no no this is where my pumpkin and melons are going to oh my gosh is he really what is happening you were losing lots of pumpkins in the melons but i couldn't keep oh no yeah i was gonna find this anyway because i needed to come in here and hook up my melon and pumpkin farm to the storage system and it looks like oh it looks like green had kind of figured that out so oh look at this place this is fancy trust no one what is this what does this go down to what does that lover do i don't know what that did let's just open these up i'm not really okay i think that was just to power those trapdoors i'm not really sure what that was about did you really think i could trust my audience or not think you would see my thumbnail this base has been abandoned don't worry i'm sure i will find somewhere else to live t e g always one step where's that music coming from totally wasn't spying on you i promise what is he talking about what is he talking what's this what is he talking about [Laughter] oh my goodness are you serious why oh he's online when did he get online oh my gosh are you serious right now oh my gosh where where is he at is he around here he says where is that music coming from and i said i can't find it hey god hey guys oh what is it [Laughter] [Music] we've got pesky birds in here look at this oh they're dancing i love it look at this what is happening oh huh what who just hit me what's going on it's gotta be him is he is he invisible this is great look at this little look at those little bird cages how on earth did you get these birds in here without me noticing oh my gosh look at this oh wait a minute did he take my original pillars and like push them back oh that is awesome oh my goodness and here i was afraid to step foot in his base to deliver his gift last episode and he's just been living it up in my base oh how good is that oh my gosh wow big reveal what is he talking about what oh there it is [Laughter] hello welcome home oh eddie's gone just like that oh my goodness so good so good well done now i do find it kind of ironic that last time i was here at green's base to drop off this gift for him i felt awkward about going inside when he was inside my base the whole time making a secret base so oh looks like he just left the game so all right we're good i was a little worried he might be in here as we just stroll in so i also can't help but think i could do a better job doing a secret base inside of his base because i don't think i'm gonna make the same mistakes i'm not going to post a thumbnail that shows my secret base in his base and and i believe in you guys i believe that you would never tell grien about this plan so shall we retaliate shall we see if we can make a base inside green's base and get away with it longer than he did so for reference i think he probably had that base in my base for about three days maybe three real life days before i actually found it so yeah let's see if we can last more than three irl days but now that i'm inside his base i just noticed he doesn't have a whole lot going on in here so i'm gonna have to really get creative about where i can tuck a secret base in here oh my gosh he also has a lot of mobs tucked in every little little nook and cranny there he's gonna need to light it up maybe get some lessons from scar on how to properly light things up anyway i'm gonna look around a little bit and see if i can find somewhere around here to maybe sneak a secret base into so this seems to be a better area to tackle i think because yeah there's a lot more going on in here i i went up the stairs and assumed up there would be good but now that i'm down here below look at this place we could definitely find somewhere to go there's got to be lots of little nooks and crannies in here that we could utilize like for instance can we get behind these stairs what do we have here we're just kind of digging around in his base oh look at this this looks like prime real estate if you ask me i think i think we might have a winner there's no way he'd ever know if i tucked a base right there behind his stairs so this is actually too tight of a space for me to do much with look there's just not room in here to really do much so i'm thinking i might actually kind of move these walls back a little bit i'm hoping that there's not really anything behind here so i can just dig this out and we can open it up just a little bit and we'll live right here beneath his stairs oh that's gonna be hilarious we'll just have to be sure if he ever comes in to get materials out of his storage room in there that we hold shift or something and we'll have to come up with a cool way to get in and out of this place undetected all right i think this is definitely gonna work as a sneaky little entrance to our secret vase inside green's base and i've done some decorating and i've pushed this back wall back of course to give us some space oh doesn't it look beautiful here's the steps right here if he comes in this way met by our nice logo in the floor i'm sure he's gonna know immediately whose secret base this is and we've got a nice little kitchen over here as you can see we got a little stools to sit on at the uh the bar here and we had our sink a little armor stand action going on of course dirty dish left out on the table there got our stove with the uh the hood what's this thing called not sure anyway it's got the thing to vent out the smoke or it shouldn't be smoke we shouldn't be cooking things that catch fire steam sure we got a refrigerator in the corner here some decorations you know oh i did have to leave the the ceiling here kind of exposed because i didn't really want to bring it down another block i wanted to leave it open and it kind of works i guess but this is really the his floor up above so anyway uh that way we can see him better if i'm in here i can i can crouch in fact i forgot to check okay he's not online but if he does sign in we need to keep our wits about us and we'll have to sneak back out of here potentially i didn't bring any invisibility potions oh well we'll figure it out all right and then we've got this living room look at this i love this some paintings on the wall get a little decorations look at this little candle holder beautiful of course we gotta have our face on the wall another indication of whose secret base this is and of course we've got our big screen tv so we can kick back and watch our favorite tv show i have no idea how this game works well i kind of do but just lie just live yeah yeah i'm pretty sure it's not iskell because we were together for quite a while all right we worked together he was waiting to kill you in a decent time where were you okay so i was down down landing i didn't kill anyone i haven't seen anybody dead i haven't seen nothing i i was downloading files and then i came up to the cafeteria i absolutely love that animation if you guys want to see more of that i will put a link in the description shout out to the creator there such an amazing job go check it out leave a like and all that good stuff you know show some support for the community because i thought that animation was super cool and fun to watch anyway hopefully you guys like the design of our secret base here look at this and um yeah that's it so i don't know we'll see how long we can go i didn't i'm sure there's nothing in here that makes noise right i wanted to make sure i didn't like how have any fireplaces or anything like that that was gonna make noise but uh i think what i will do though is i'm gonna try to draw attention away from this base and maybe make noise elsewhere to try to lead him away from it right so that he is maybe looking elsewhere in case you know just maybe a little bell that goes off or something i don't know but i'm gonna go ahead and uh where's the secret button there we're gonna leave here and go look for other spots to hide some little noise effects so i make my way back into my base and i'm met with this bamboozled get it bamboo bamboozled um is this still from green i mean there's been a couple of pranks lately right we had the free glass in my base but is green still openly mocking me here for living in my base for a few days without my knowledge wait are the parrots still here okay good the parrots are still here uh oh did we lose a parrot where did he go oh no we have a parrot that's gone i hope he's okay i miss him already anyway i think this might be from greed just still poking fun at us okay i think i've come up with a fairly brilliant idea i have myself a couple of these bells that i bought off of some villagers and i put this little cactus here and i think what's gonna happen is when this cactus tries to grow up it's gonna grow in front of that observer which should set it off sending a signal to the bell and that should ring the bell so this will only happen every once in a while just as this cactus actually gets a tick in the uh the game code to grow up and then it will go off fairly randomly and yeah i guess probably not too often so we can put a few of these sprinkled around the base and just every once in a while he's gonna hear a bell ring and it's probably gonna drive him mad trying to look for it because he's just gonna hear it once and then not have any clue where it is so i've got four more bells so we'll have five total and this device is actually pretty cool maybe we'll also do this with some some note blocks as well just to sprinkle in some other sounds it just depends on how many different areas in his base we can find but i think i'm gonna sit here and wait for this thing to go off just to make sure it works [Laughter] well either this thing is very slow or it's not working i'm not sure but i've been waiting for this thing to grow up for at least 10 minutes now and nothing has happened so i realized maybe i should go into a creative test world where i can actually speed up the game ticks to test this thing out and make sure i thought for sure it would at least attempt to grow into this space and then get broken off immediately which should set that off but nothing seems to be happening so i'm gonna go into creative and test it real quick all right here we have the same setup in our creative test world and i'm gonna change the game rule for random tick speed to 3 000. typically it's at three i believe so this should really crank things up and we'll get a chance to see yep okay right away we can see this is working so i was just a little impatient before i mean i really did wait over 10 minutes long and uh maybe that's what we can expect so as we get back in to the regular hermitcraft world we'll just have to maybe put more bells around if we want to make sure they go off at a decent rate and look at all my farms going crazy now all right now that we know that's gonna work i think i will buy a couple more bells from this guy okay good he's even lowered his price since last time so maybe we can get a few more here and we're gonna level him up as well in the process oh yeah 11 bells okay that should do the trick hopefully that means they'll be going off at least i kind of want them to go off like once a minute but in different areas so i think it's really gonna drive green nuts as he hears these random bells going off all right we are back in green's base setting one up right now and this is terrifying i'm currently online by myself but at any moment green could easily come online and we could get busted so i don't even i haven't even thought of like an escape route if this happens i didn't bring any invisibility or anything like that but that should do okay that is one down 11 to go and also i think i brought some note blocks as well if we want to add some more note blocks so we just put this one right here um i don't even know how to get out of here let's just let's just stack up and we'll get out of here yeah we put this one right under the stairs here so really close to the actual secret base and it should go off anytime he's in here doing trading oh i just found this other little nook that we could use actually now that i'm looking around his base a little bit more there's a ton of spots that we could have put our secret base in but i i don't know i love the idea that we're directly underneath the stairs i think it's gonna take him a while to find us all right i've hid quite a few of my devices around his base both down here and up above we know that above there there's a whole bunch of unfinished area so that was definitely difficult in fact i left one pretty easily to to be discovered so that it will definitely get him thinking about what's going on a little bit but if we hang out long enough i'm sure we'll hear one of them go off [Music] there we go it just went off that didn't take long so it seems to be about every minute or so one of the bells is gonna go off and i think that's gonna be just right to drive him mad i don't even know which one went off but we're surrounded by them and they are not easy to find okay well we did well we should probably get out of here while we can before green logs back on and gets working on his base of course it's nighttime out but that's gonna be great all right so now we sit back and we wait to find out how long is it gonna take greed to find our secret base inside his face all right we're gonna take a break from the shenanigans today i know we've been doing quite a lot this episode but we need to get some work done because we have an issue here you probably saw in green's video all the melons and pumpkins coming from the farm which you can see is quite a lot right now are going nowhere they're actually just going down below he showed that off and just just kind of decaying now so i started to come in here and take a look and before what i had was only sugarcane was coming in and it was just going to this hopper line here and filling up all these chests in here and we have pretty much backed up on sugarcane by now because there's so much but what i need to do is actually start creating some item filters and all the farms that we have down below are going to need to go through a set of item filters and instead of them being stored in regular chests like these were i think i'm going to be a little smarter about it and i want to actually put them in shulker box loaders so that we can just pull out a ton of items from shulker boxes and yeah we don't have so much room being taken up by storage like we did the sugar cane so unfortunately that means i'm gonna have to find some spots for it i might as well just go ahead and utilize this space here because i think i do want to kind of leave green's secret base intact for a while cause it's just too cool to be ripping down because yeah anyway i wanna leave it as long as possible so i'm gonna go ahead and try to fit in some shulker box loaders into this space here we need some item sorters gonna need tons of stuff it's time to get a little redstone action happening today we've got some redstone and i believe it is working so you currently can see this shulker box is filling up with melon slices right now and that's because back here we have an item filter actually it's this one right here we've got an item filter making sure we're only getting watermelons into this system and it is bringing the items through into the shulker box and as soon as the choker box fills up it should send a signal to that piston there it's gonna smash it down into this honey block and then it's going to be able to get sucked up by this hopper and then we can store 27 shulker boxes filled up completely with melon slices in this chest and then after that we should get a pulse to this dispenser here to put this empty shulker box in its place so it can continue to fill up and uh yeah it will just continue to cycle until all the shulker boxes i suppose are dispensed and i probably should put a little bit of extra shulker box storage i'm gonna need a lot of shulker boxes for this system so let's help this guy along a little bit here and yeah as soon as it gets to 64. let's watch it there it goes smash and a new one comes out perfect so this should be completely filled up with the watermelon slices now yep all 64 stacks in here and we are good to go and now this one's gonna start filling up as well i can't open this one now because it's facing up into that piston but this should be three wide tileable i believe tried to make it that way so i could put another one here and there and there and there and we'll just continue them down for as many items as we have and because we have these item filters in place we can be sure we know which is uh gonna end up in the shulker boxes so good to go i may even make this chest bigger or maybe extend it down i don't know but i did have a limited amount of space here look at this we literally used every bit of space possible to fit this guy in so uh yeah probably will cover this up i'm not sure exactly how i'm gonna cover this up but we'll do something to cover up all this once it is all said and done i'm gonna put in a few more of these systems of course and we're going to have a lot more farms that we put in so yeah we're going to need a lot of these guys i got a feeling i have a shulker collecting stream coming up because last i checked scar's shulker shop was completely out of stock so i'm gonna need to make a trip to the end and get some more but i think that is gonna do it for me today except one thing i did as i was building this i noticed this what what is this is this this a new secret base did green put another no okay sorry nothing in here it what is happening is he just gonna keep doing stuff in my base i feel like i have to walk around my entire base and see if green has done anything else to it but my base is so big i probably wouldn't even notice anyway like it took me a while to notice that one even i was like in the middle of building that after about 30 minutes to an hour trying to figure out how to squeeze in all this redstone and i look over and like that looks a little off to me i'm not sure what's happening there oh my goodness i'm sure i'm gonna be discovering stuff for days but we have paid him back haven't we and you guys are gonna prove that you know how to keep a secret right do not do not tell green that i put a secret base in his base we got to win this in my mind it's a competition we want to make sure that we have our secret base hidden much longer than he had his okay you guys with me all right cool we got this one and i'm not gonna put i'm not gonna put it in the thumbnail i'm not gonna show where i put the secret base in the thumbnail no way anyway all right guys hopefully you enjoyed the video if you did hit the like button if you're not subscribed make sure you do that before you go and with that said i'll see you again next time have a good one everyone [Music] you
Channel: impulseSV
Views: 995,867
Rating: 4.9670129 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft hermitcraft, hermit craft, lets play minecraft, minecraft server, no swearing, family friendly, let's play, let's play minecraft, impulse, impulseSV, minecraft lets play, hermitcraft, minecraft, yt:quality=high, impulse hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, minecraft 1.15.2, minecraft 1.15 let's play, raid farm, guardian farm, lets play, minecraft survival, impulse base, gaming, kelp farm, grian hermitcraft 7, grians secret base, secret base
Id: 3NcSj8uZjsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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