Hermitcraft 6: Episode 74 - the FARMING Episode!

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everyone this is number welcome back from the episode on the hermitcraft server is episode 74 and today we're going to start things off by finishing the chorus plant farm it is happening finally finally this thing is going to be done all I need is some golden carrots to get me started yeah one dime per stack is that expensive that might be expensive these days and apparently some mixture of redstone resources where all of my resources gone I don't even have any Pistons anymore seriously what if I use them on basically my entire storage system has broken for some reason I think I must have put a subscribe cobblestone or subscribed dirt in there and it's broken everything so I'm gonna have to fix that at some point but for now chorus plant farm we need more instant good news the entire thing has been constructed it is built now the only thing that is left is I need to do all the blocks at the back so we need to fill in this error right here and I also need to place in all of the pistons making their way up on either side but this thing is now all done fine and I thought it'd be a good idea to just kind of skip past a lot of the building process simply because you know you you've seen this and it's quite a repetitive thing but it should now all be done Pistons in this piston has been replaced in theory it should all be functioning here we go here we go it's causing some lag it is going higher than that isn't it it's just it's not rendering I'm assuming okay yet might might not be able to run this know it seems like running that actually broke a lot of things and I'm not 100% certain why however I fear it might be to do with lag there's a few people online right now so I guess I can only really use this thing when no one else is on the South but because it does kind of destroy the server a tiny bit regardless for now it is completely finished it is done we've got a working ridiculous Korres plant farm let's move on something else and I should probably explain something here so the other day I was speaking to SQL because he offered me something ridiculous okay as you know I keep breaking my pickaxes during mining sessions and he said that he would give me ten silk touch efficiency five unbreaking 3 mending pickaxes for just 35 diamonds which is five diamonds more than it would cost for me to just craft them I mean it seemed like a joke but apparently he's actually going through with it yes I come with a delivery for you so you were interested in them a little bit of pickaxe action that is oh they are actually called subscribe to mumbo all bar one you've missed one yeah this no it's not a tip not a miss it's like a I've wanted it to be special [Laughter] yeah I I also like I watched of every time you go on a mining session you just break your pickaxes yeah every time that's what I need ZZZ yes well that would be 34 diamonds sir they are in the mum box and I gave you one I give you one extra for the special one I guess you could say I could have earned I love boredom or is it just because yeah ok fair enough you get to keep the Shanker box well so I'm a bit confused because okay I'm gonna be honest so though these diamonds would have cost me thirty diamonds to make right yes and so so I've I've only tricked so you've only charged me five extra diamonds for all of these enchantments is that how are you getting no the the the pickaxes would have been 30 diamonds you're actually paying the four diamonds plus the tip for the schalke box which in town would be at least six diamonds see I'm but I'm confused as to where you're getting these pickaxe from surely you're not crafting them well I put them together but I have a very good village trading center let's say and I'm buying a pickaxe and then I'm putting together the books on it so yeah I didn't spend a single dime on so this is all profit amazed iamonds in vanilla minecraft if you play on a server that is absolutely I'm very impressed by that well yeah I'm sold this is a this is gonna come in so handy this is gonna last me at least two and a half mining sessions I would say [Laughter] it's perfect we're gonna be in business a lot my friend we are gonna be a business a lot so this is awesome I mean okay this girl's gonna be getting a lot of business of me anyway he has also built a ridiculous farm so we're going to be taking a look at that later on in the episode but it is 100% inspired me and now I want to build a ridiculous farm of my own so I think I'm going to go off on a bit of a hunt for a witch hat because I've never really built a proper witch farm on the hermit craft server wait these fireballs that have been shot from the Civil War I think I've just gone past fire balls that were shot during the Civil War that is amazing ladies and gentlemen we have got ourselves a witch hunt and I have to say I actually stumbled across this thing I was flying to a difference from biome and I feel over this area and it was just plunked down on the bottom there and I gotta say I mean it's gonna be difficult to turn this area into a perimeter because obviously we're gonna have to stop mob spawning in this entire Mis entire space it's going to be a pretty beefy farm but I am excited for it I love which farms we're gonna get so much redstone it's gonna be fantastic so now it's time for me to do tons of research on what which farm is best I was gonna design one myself but I'd probably do a terrible job after a lot of YouTube watching and speaking to people in the Minecraft technical farming community that know what they're talking about this is the farm design that I've ended up on now this is designed by el mango I'll put a link to it down on the description because all of you should be watching ill mangoes videos they're just fantastic and this farm design right here is really really smart for a number of different reasons reason number one is that it's essentially an intelligent smart shifting floor design so you can see that we're alternating sole sand and solid blocks that's because shifting floors were nerfed at some point it used to be that you could just use all solid blocks and that worked perfectly but now we have two alternates all sand and solid blocked so that the which is actually kind of glitched through and that's what these trapdoors are for as well because you don't want the witches moving side-to-side that will stop them from being able to fall the next thing is is that the pattern in which the shifting floors move means that the witch actually travels straight down through the farm and it doesn't get held up which is pretty intelligent and then also as you can see we have got this rather crazy-looking area around the farm which is the perimeter and this is definitely something that I want to build on the hermit craft server and that's because my player is up there and he is loading up the farm and nothing else so that means that the only things that can spawn in this world right now are these which is right here and they're drops obviously end up in these hoppers which will end up in the chest now there are a few different killing methods for this farm one of them is entity cramming which involves minecarts is pretty simple one of them is suffocation or you just suffocates the witches in the bottom layer that's a super simple design but I want to go for full damage simply because I kind of want to build this I well this I want this this big domed thing this giant hole I just think I'll be satisfying and I think while mining out that area that seems like it would just be a fun live stream just to chill out and and crack on with that massive mining project and just do it until it's done hmm yeah let me know down in the comments section if you'd be interested in that sort of thing anyway let's head back over to the base and start gathering some resources except I'm not going to do that just yet because I've just been chatting with nan Baum and he mentioned that we could potentially very potentially increase the efficiency by using detection systems so I've just created this little setup right here so if we chuck a witch into here you can see that as soon as it spawns it then drops through so then we don't need the clocks anymore and we don't have which is waiting around in the farm it could make things faster so we're gonna do a little bit of testing now this first concept I came up with works until it stops working and then it just fills up and that's because these really needs to be on redstone clocks they need to be on independent redstone clocks so we'll see I'm getting really close but it also feels like I'm really far away and that is that's depressing I wonder actually no note that's silly ah this is Frost no it's not I've just thought I could flip at the redstone clock around and then this one will be on a different cycle to the other one so they are what have I done what have I done there no that was also so close after about two more hours I actually came up with something well I guess you could argue it's quite obvious a good old-fashioned smart piston setup so as we are standing on top of this tripwire those blocks are going back and forth and as soon as that observer moves across into that block and then fires into this piston which causes this piston to push or blocks back and it seems to be working pretty nicely all very good right let's try it throughout the entire farm except that didn't work because once you put it through the entire farm spiders can still spawn on top of my smart piston setup which means that it breaks but finally we have managed to get this thing working and boy oh boy it feel good I mean look check it out look how many witches are falling out the bottom of this thing and they just they drop out the bottom instantly so there's no waiting around these guys just fall straight out of it very very interesting I'm curious to see if this is any faster than the other design which is automated using a redstone clock I'm gonna have to do a lot of comparative testing here but anyway now we're going to take a look at another ridiculous farm and I'm gonna be honest it might be a little bit cooler than this one to be honest with you yeah it's girls where the farm is very very impressive this is the yeah this is Thor of the collection area don't mind this nether portal I was gonna I was gonna bring some villagers over but apparently we have a world border and this place is three thousand blocks out in the nether so yeah yeah that's outside the world border yeah that's a bit far out what happens if you go through if you make another portal on the other side of the world border did you just pop out and die how does that work no it actually put the nether portal like this is a super teleporter I can teleport like 2,000 blocks in the old world with this thing because this portal leads to the wrong location just inside the world border right so yeah I could travel very quickly well one time yeah one time then alright so this form is ridiculous and I wanted to take a look at this shell key box here yep okay that's one really ridiculous by the way that's that's just that just a little stalk you know just a little stuff that's an insane quantity with the skulls so yeah that's that's enough to make doesn't have to make a stack of beacons and a bit yes laughs and then some and then some but because we don't have anything in the top-left corner everything that's gonna be in the top-left corner when we're done here is gonna be produced by the farm so I say we give it like a fireman and tester right get an ID that's probably where do we go here minecart elevator how sweet minecart 2012 I love these things it's very oh oh okay no see I'm yeah I'm clearly not an old-school Minecraft because I still struggle to use those things now hopefully no one's in the nether because then obviously this won't work as good but I'm gonna need you to stand like stun on this book I think cuz you're actually going to lower the spawn rates just a little bit but I can you stand there yeah we shall see it's very quiet then that scares me but we should see well there's there are okay but there's definitely a frame rate change there are five people online right there we go this thing is pretty insane this thousand I feel like what you've done is you've you've collected a bunch of my renamed mobs in like an area and then you'll just gradually push them in yeah [Laughter] I'm totally gonna do I are gonna do that some friends for too long the race will run down there must be more people online or something oh yeah yeah someone loaded the nether all we're looking good Jonah's here thank you okay so what you want to do is just fly straight up with the job right Wow and you will see the farm now the way this works is basically you can swim with their skeletons anywhere in the boundary box of another fortress what I'm using the old crossing trick where the spawning rate for wither skeletons are the highest my reason I'm doing that is because I want to spawn them on ice so you can see the ice layers up there I got ya layers of spawning spots and that's important because ice will push them the mobs will glide on the ice much quicker than they will on on a normal on a normal sort of block so of course I've got six pushers or six flying machines up there pushing them all the way down to the middle trench the conveyor belts where they land on beds the deaths are there to stop their fall a little bit and it's also - yeah they day then it breaks the four base B and then another flying machine squishes them together into this final - oh yeah I can see it all happening I've just flown down so I can see the flying machines kind of funneling them in and then yeah you've got this wall so like it's crazy yeah and the reason for that though is what you see around you it's it's a 50,000 buttons some of my chunks on loading in I think we might be pushing this over a little bit so I'll quickly go over here okay yeah yeah no there's that looks like I mean I don't know if it's quite it looks like 48,000 to me but I'll you know I'll have to think about well yeah maybe I I mean I did not count exactly but around 50,000 buttons and of course that's this form proof the whole thing so nothing else can spawn it took took me four days dude yeah that doesn't surprise me in the slightest this looks like it was a horrendous endeavor ie it was fun though because like from one day to the next or from one button to the next in all of a sudden this form just kicked into gear yeah now you know what I do I like these sorts of work but I do kind of like doing big projects like this in terms of just a repetitive task over and over again where you can just sit down I chuck Podcast is almost of music and just chill out or for you it's for you live stream like that it's just perfect you can just just chill and just devotion very good you don't have to think much that's the thing yeah that's that's the thing yeah man this is this is completely ridiculous alright let's go down another look then so I timed it we were doing that for four and a half minutes four and a half a minute Inc let's have a look I hope so much that there's none in there I really do there's ten there's ten that's not very impressive that's pretty bad not bad I mean for four minutes yeah but you see it's it's orangey minecraft orangey right so not all of them will will drop skulls I I've seen I've tested it for five minutes that I've got like 39 skulls so it's if you do it consistently over an hour with the fun produces 270 skulls an hour that's crazy III the only reason I'm laughing because 10 is still ridiculous and I'm very still three beacons I guess I can just hear the disappointment in your voice your opinion but in addition I mean yeah it produces a ridiculous amount of place place roads and yeah bone bone and gold and of course flashlights it's pretty Claro's yeah this is this is totally bonkers I can't believe you've actually constructed this thing to be honest of you this and during the the Civil War when you're also doing ridiculous projects on the Civil War have you not been sleeping I can see the bags on your eyes from over here you need to it might take a relax it's yeah I'm pretty tired inside but you know I'm loving it I'm loving it a lot so that was out that was super super cool we're now coming back to my slightly more measly looking farm here I mean it's not as impressive but it is going to be incredibly useful and now I'm actually going to do some overnight testing so I came up with an idea and that is to run two two versions of the game at the same time in several worlds this one is the separate one with the detection systems that we've created and then we have the original design in another world Morganza days I'm going to run them simultaneously and we'll see how many drops we get from leaving both of them running overnight exactly the same length of time this test should be pretty good but unfortunately ladies and gentlemen that is actually all I've got time for today I really do hope that you enjoyed this hermit craft episode it's been a lot of fun to record if you have leaves also that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is the Mambo and I'm out RCL [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,019,899
Rating: 4.9708786 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: Cfi0K5DUAls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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