5 Houses for 5 Different Types of Players!

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what's up guys swashb is here and what's up guys Smosh PC and welcome to it wait what who are you I'm you from the future really yeah cool why are you here I don't really know just probably quite a fun intro oh well I guess it's okay by the way you have two kids having cats um 33 tortoises but I don't even like talk about my problem bye I don't know why I keep trying to make these intros weirder and weirder but welcome back to a new video guys where today we are going to be doing five different houses for the five different minecraft players out there ranging from noob to red stone expert over to you Joel where you'll be taking over why thank you Joe from the past the first person we're going to be building for is the player who is the hardcore player the paranoid player they take no risks when it comes to safety they don't ever want to die and they want to be secure so that is why I'm building this little base here in the air we've got some pillars going up so no mobs can clamber their way in or knock down the doors we've also got an iron door on the front so they can't even clamber their way onto the walkways but Joel what if they spawn in on there well they're not gonna spawn in on there because we're gonna light this place up we're gonna have torches literally everywhere okay there's gonna be no bad guys getting into this also just to make everything super secure we're even gonna have half farm and our animals on this level we've actually got them in a little barn underneath the main house as you can see there which I know you're thinking it's loud the animals make a lot of noise but that's the sacrifice these hardcore players make to make sure that they are super safe and not going to get hurt so the final base is insanely secure the only way to get in is by pressing at this button here and then you can head up the stairs to the farm and choose where you want to go inside this building over here is the chest room we have so much storage in here and also all the diamond armor you would ever need if that stuff breaks don't worry you've got a replacement on hand quickly also potions just in case you're going outside you want to make sure that you're not gonna die you're gonna heal up you'll take these potions with you over here we have the barn the barn has all the we need in it we've got sheep cows pigs and chickens everything we need to survive and they're safe from the evil mobs you may also notice on the bottom of each floor there is obsidian in case someone comes by I could creeper and tries to blow up it won't blow up that obsidian very easily up the top here we have the main building where they sleep there's only the bare necessities in here you don't want anything distracting you or any where mobs could hide you've got another set of diamond Armour we've got some chess by the bed where we'll keep our golden apples and potions enchanting table in the chest all our tools we need and nothing else apart from the skulls of our enemies we have Slade to warn off any intruders and there you have it the house for the hardcore player the next build is a high contrast to the last one as we are moving on to the build for a noob someone who has never really played Minecraft that much before they only think the blocks you can get a dirt and stone so obviously they make a dirt hut with a stone roof now this took me like 3 minutes to make so decides you know what what if the noob had some building skills so I made a house out of dirt and stone but I tried to make it look nice which is pretty tricky when you're using dirt and cobblestone but I think I did a pretty good job that noob has also learnt that wood is a thing and has used wood for their flaws however the build is still hideous and I feel like it is only suitable for a noob to live here as it's not really pro worthy so the original noob house is just hideous it's just a square block with some weird cobblestone in the roof you don't even have a door to get in you've got a gate and a bit of carpet white carpet of course and a white bed literally some basic tools it's not pretty it's not nice and it's very newbie however noob 2.0 the noob upgrades we also have white carpet white bed and chests but we also have more furnaces and a couple more chests but again is lychee like we've got the wood floor but each it's just very newbie I know I know just hideous let's be real so yeah it's not really much more to say about this one so let's move on to the creative player this player they only ever play minecraft in creative mode and they use whatever blocks they want however rare they are they just use them because they are pretty in color so I went for pepper blocks as these blocks are really kind of tricky to get you have to get to the end City to get them and also they're just very pretty and pink and I thought I could make quite a nice house out of them so obviously the creative player builds houses that's a massive way too big and way too stupidly oversized for any actual regular use and the creative builder are lazy that's why they're using creative mode although it is a big and grand house and took a long time to build they didn't gather any of the resources themselves and also they are too lazy most of time to decorate the inside yes that's right this is my style of building I always build these big houses and can't be bothered to decorate the inside so I can relate on a big level here however the final design is a very pretty very nice looking house with lots of complex rooms which you would really struggle to do in survival mode plus things you wouldn't really need in survival modes like a pond what's the point in a pond that we're then to look pretty and also flowerpots like you're wasting all this clay on flowerpots you wouldn't do that in survival mode the rooms are massive there's way too much space for everything you can't be bothered putting a staircase in most of time because look staircases are awkward but there is plenty of flaws plenty of space way too much space no one uses this much space that's why no one builds houses this big however it looks pretty and you can brag about it to your friends or subscribers on YouTube our next player is the animal lover this player spends little time at building a house for themselves and in fact spends most of time making sure their animals are very safe very well looked after very fed make sure they've got all the animals as well they want all these animals not just at the boring old chickens and sheep that you can find everywhere you want there ocelots you want the wolves you want whatever you ask pretty much it to be honor today I'm talking about so of course you have a little house which of course looks like an animal I don't know what animal is meant to look like but it's an animal okay and then you have the barns the barns are big they're spacious they're protected from the weather because you want the animals to be safe and of course they've got to be multi-coloured they don't have to be but I've made them multi-coloured because multicolored bands just cheer me up and I also added a little path in added a load of animals some hay into each of these bands to make them feel very homely for the animals that are living there let's go have a look around which animals I added in so here is the weird building that is our house of course it's got the whiskers the ears and the nose and the eyes it could be a cat it could be a mouse I'm not entirely sure yeah I can tell you one thing it's definitely not a dog look at it is hideous whatever it is is terrifying and we've had to go in through the mouth where we have literally nothing apart from a bed because we care about the animals we don't care about ourselves we're animal obsessed the red barn we have our sheep and our cows inside plenty of space for them the best quality grass you can find in Minecraft for the sheep to feed on and the cows are happy too the blue barn we have our chickens and we have our pigs these guys are just happy they're content wherever they are and this house is perfect for them and finally the green barn where we have our wolves and we have our cat I know what you're thinking wolves and cats next to each or a Joel you're crazy but we love our animals so much that these guys have been trained to be the friendliest of all animals they just want to love you and each other and I know what you're thinking what about the other animals Joel well of course you can always add more bands if you want to like you can add as many bands as you want you can add 25 bands although I feel like that's a bit excessive also to note no animals were harmed in the making of this apart from one horse which is suffocated in some grass sorry horse the final player is the accidental time traveller someone has accidentally travelled into the future to our present time now and has tried to build something in Minecraft and has literally no idea what they're doing they know basic shapes of houses but they don't know what blocks are or what they do and they just put a mash of everything together which is why this house has appeared they also know about fire because they have a chimney on the house but no one needs a chimney in Minecraft they have no idea about fences work so all the animals are escaping from the farm as you can see there they put glowstone blocking what an idiot I really didn't know what to do for the fifth house so I'm sorry about this mess it looks horrible I know I'm apologizing please don't hate me okay let's have a look now they say the perfect Minecraft house doesn't exist and I will agree with them no perfect minecraft house exists and this is nowhere even close like this doesn't even enter the competition because looking at what the heck is going on here we have the farm where all the animals have escaped there's some up there as the Sheep pig chicken over there yeah they all escaped we got a pond which is just clipping the water looks hideous a lapis statue but the lap is all a bit glass and snow around it don't know what that is we've got the terracotta yeah I just what yeah I don't think this I can't even explain this why is there an iron door here no reason the bed is in the middle of a room but it's well lit at least so they got that right this is the house it's it's a house not really I'm sorry there's only really one thing you can do to this and that is you know this ah that's much better on the eyes and today you have it guys I hope you did enjoy this video with the 5 bills for 5 different people let me know which you think is your favorite and if you say this last one I know you're lying ok because it's no one's favorites thank you so much for watching make sure to leave a like and a comment and I shall see you another time or goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 1,451,766
Rating: 4.9096932 out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game
Id: Ch02Bx26Fcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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