[Music] all right we should be going you know streaming it's um still new to me it's still still very new to me hopefully hopefully we're all good it is eight o'clock that means it is the Hermit Craft stream day those of you coming over from Concord welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome and you've got me for about two hours before we then pass you on to Red Dog and welcome so I'm I'm down here in my this is like my miniature green style training hall except it's not really trading hall this is just my emerald farm I guess it gives me potatoes it gives me carrots and I've actually upgraded it and unfortunately this dream comes at a pretty inconvenient time because tomorrow I have a pretty big episode coming out with blimey a lot of things a lot of things coming out there's a there's a big time-lapse which we'll talk about a bit later there's a lot of Sherlock green going on so uh neva tably this livestream will contain spoilers for those of you that don't know but most of you will know it takes me a really really really long time to make one episode of hermitcraft I'm just a slow worker basically and yeah it means that there's ultimately spoilers just because the episode comes out tomorrow instead of today anyway this is basically what I do here I just trade all my potatoes and carrots and stuff and I get myself pumpkins from up above so that's a bit of a spoiler cuz I worked on that just casually I guess up here I made another tube the pump pump to pump good the pumpkin tube it's not very efficient I didn't actually do a very good job I should have made this wider should have made that one over but I thought I was doing a good job but basically pumpkins get stuck on it I can't she see any yeah they get they get stuck which is really rather quite annoying however there so that's already one spoiler taken care of but I mean it wasn't exactly the highlight of my episode tomorrow don't you worry all right so let's get started let's get you let's get rid of all these carrots and potatoes etc we've got lots of things and there's already donations coming through massively oh geez I forgot about those why do I private my old streams no I don't like the old one is still up there but here's the thing it took YouTube over a week like eight days to put it on my channel utterly ridiculous it took such a long time anyway there's no what we're gonna be working on is the Sahara project if you've been watching the stream day you've already seen the progress so big spoilers we've done a lot of work to it and there's actually a big gap here that still needs doing so that's basically what we're going to be doing today in today's stream at least that oh yeah so earlier in the stream mumbo like arrived in style on one of these and I left it here because I wanted to I wanted to learn learn this way there's nothing more dangerous than me learning how to do a flying machine so I was gonna I was gonna reverse engineer this and see what I could do anyway so yeah let's just get the spoilers over and done with because I mean ultimately it's just it's already happened people have already shown it on their stream especially ask our mumbo so look here it is this is Sahara HQ it's got the architect logo in the middle it took a long time for us to actually figure out what this would end up looking like and I'm pretty pleased with how it looks it all it all and it's obviously taking a lot of concrete but I'm hoping that we can get this a bit more finished by the time by the time we end and pass over to Rennes so yeah this is what it's gonna look this is what like building in the background looks like I'd normally obviously time-lapse this sort of stuff but me you'd know we're gonna get a first hand so I spent a bit of time gathering some materials that I think we might need in these schalke boxes I think we should start round the back here so the thinking the problem is with this is we don't exactly know apart from the redstone so the redstone is going in this big bit here that's wise there's absolutely massive space I don't have to worry about this thankfully I don't have to worry about this one little bit however I do have to worry about this bit over here that's a total mess at the moment so hopefully we can come up with a few ideas for rooms and I'm thinking this out here needs to be completely terraformed and a lot of people are saying Sahara looks great thank you so much me mumbo myself mumbo and it's cow all helped build it at the same time cannot claim all the credit okay so I guess we could get started I mean one of the things that I definitely wanted to do was get rid of all this snow up here put it as wool I don't really like either discuss that we could do snow on the top instead of this but I was liking too late already done carpet so I don't know we did carpet over there maybe it just seems right it's not really the big deal at the end of the day so that's let's crack on with some more boring bits we'll do a little bit first as we've just started and then we'll we'll move on to the building's layer mainly because I'm not entirely sure what I want to make out the back there it's it might be a little bit trial and error normally these things have to be planned out somewhat lots of donations coming through I want to thank everybody that is donating that's amazing oh man that's that didn't get get us very far did it let's keep going so how is everyone how is everyone doing this is my second ever hermit craft stream which is terrifying not experienced streamer so if you do donate and I do miss it I do profusely apologize but yeah Sahara is definitely underway in a big way we are we are on we are definitely we are definitely doing quite well here Oh rent says my game sounds a bit oh it is down because it's often too loud in my ear should we put some minecraft music on you know I normally turn this off because I cut so frequently maybe that that's probably due loud but if the minecraft music comes on so be it if it annoys anyone we'll turn it off again but I normally keep it off because I cut so much so like when I'm recording obviously if it just starts with the nostalgia kicks in you know then it cuts and it's gone it can be really like disruptive so I don't normally well no I never play with the minecraft music on let me know if there's any problems with the sound at all I'm just gonna 31 is where I normally where I normally have it anyway right let's continue that didn't do very like this is not gonna be enough wool at all I mean I maybe I should have gone snow I don't know I'm a fool sometimes the game sounds are a bit too loud now Wren next time just did leave it where it is leave me leave me to Rena I'd rather have it to quiet than to loud my my my commentary is that is the main main thing anyway let's have a look so someone said put string on the ceiling that would look really odd and I I think that would look really strange I don't like the the carpet really doesn't matter too much I don't think I really don't think it's that bad it's obviously not ideal but overall when it's completely finished not a big deal not a big deal all right let's oh man I've only done like a few stacks and I'm already I'm already burnt out on this for some reason okay so when I normally am when I normally time-lapse the building of these kinds of things I usually listen to an audio book or I listen to some music but now I have to talk unprecedented unprecedented oh my goodness I need to read some of these donations so so it's a great great work cool mumbo yeah obviously the the coolbrian cool mumbo thing this is never gonna end is it although I do love I do love winding up mumbos chat I really do you're all you got to do is write cool green in the chat and it sets everybody off it sets everyone off man right we're gonna do a little bit of this and then we're gonna go back to go back over there and work on the courtyard area see we've got a lot of just space to fill you see TF sees bass is right here and his little wooden shack there and what we didn't realize when we set up here is that his bass not only just goes straight down but it also spreads underground to about here maybe it is really really actually quite large under there so that's why sahara has ended up being the shape that it is so that we don't bump into him and ruin any of his work so we've kind of got to come up with a big project i suppose or courtyard space here so that we don't bump into him and that's why this is at the back and then we're gonna have the shop front here so this space has got to be filled up which is gonna be a bit of a challenge right so over here I'm gonna have to sleep on this this area we've learned is really really dangerous so when we were recording the time-lapse I guess spoilers again what happened was we had this one tiny dark patch the the the roof there and all sixty mobs of the the mob cap limit spawned in this tiny tiny space and it was chaos it was absolutely chaos we couldn't cope and a scale like did a one-man battle while I watched it was pretty it was cool anyway I was thinking of doing a few trees like really tall trees cuz this is one big gray wall I mean if I press yeah there you go look that is one big grey wall so I'm thinking what we could do and I just have to remember where I put the leaves right here I'm thinking what we do is we do some custom trees to decorate this a bit so I'm thinking they need to be quite tall they do need to be quite tall these trees in order for it to in order for it to actually make a dent in this which is why I've planned out this giant patch of grass here this is obviously like fake in quotations fake grass I mean this isn't real grass but this is like the like if you've mowed the lawn kind of thing this is like the back and forth pattern I don't know the right words for these things now I think this might be a two-block Center it is it is alright we'll put the we'll put the trees forward one so one two three four let's just test the spacing first I think maybe five actually just looking at that alright now this is something embarrassing that I do on minecraft I don't know if anyone else does this but I have to like hit the block and count one two three four five so five block gap that's not gonna be big enough I can already tell that's not gonna be big enough at all so has to get one two three four five six seven maybe seven let's take a step back because what you've got to imagine is that these trees are gonna go up and they're gonna kind of circle around so I think maybe so that's that's eight nine ten so let's have a gap of ten that should be ten three four five six seven eight nine yep so let's try and have a little visualize of that and oh my goodness someone donated 9999 is through super chat that was alpha Alex you're amazing green and truly a quality youtuber was that hope you are do I like big Chung's I don't I don't know what that is hopefully you're having a great day and tell mumbo to get a new outfit he doesn't need a new outfit yeah I don't think Mambo needs a new outfit his suit is slick he I mean that's the great thing like me and me and Isco ah that's yeah see here's the thing when you're holding an axe you're you're when you're holding wood or logs you want to hold an axe at the same time it's just like association hey um I always just I always just right-click although it might look decent I don't know whether to go stripped oak or normal oak hmm I think that looks more natural but this might fit in more hmm maybe we could try both because I mean the the thing is I'm placing leaves so they're not gonna decay they're not gonna decay at all so the oplog I mean I can always just take it down and put put it back there really easily so let's just yeah let's go for the stripped oak shall we so like that oh that's rather satisfying you could make a remix out of that for sure right how tall do we want to go because remember we don't want to go all the way we don't wanna go all the way up here if for the the log we also have like quite a long way to go up with the leaves now this is gonna look really bad this is just gonna look like a pillar whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo that's a terrible looking thing if I've ever seen one yeah but that's the basis of our tree anyway that actually might be the right size all it might actually be a little bit too tall I reckon we probably want to go about as tall as that so we'll get rid of that and sort of shift all those leaves down there and that's that's where we're gonna start hmm all right this is a this is where the skill comes in on flying and it's probably not gonna happen but can we landing on one blocks one block is not easy to do come on come on server give me my wings all right round two ladies and gentlemen of the trying to land on one block if we don't do this yes oh we did it okay right then we go again we're gonna make this a little bit shorter this time we're gonna make this a little bit shorter about at all maybe and then three four five six I mean it's easy to shave the bit off the top there probably a bit lower probably too low this is like this is where like just it comes in just eyes you gotta just I I oh yeah this is the stream day torch that they passed on to me cub and scar I had to rename it because I was like what happens if I put it down on the floor and take it back again and it obviously reset the name so I've um I've had to rename it but I'm sure I'm sure it's fine it's exactly the same torch though is this no beep all right so the shape that we want to try and get is it kind of goes up and you know the kind of tree I'm talking about it's it kind of goes like a little bit of roundness to it but then it's mostly really pointy I've actually got a reference picture I need to just hold on a sec I need to just I've got a screenshot of one that I made and I just need to check it because you know reference pictures help quite a lot hold on there we go I've got a bright got that up there we go sorry Chris Chris Stewart donated ten pounds and said it's Marge Simpson as a tree yo you are right you are absolutely correct it is Marge Simpson as a tree it's her it's her hair just not blue it's green thank you very much for the the donation there that's very kind of you very kind indeed okay so right we're gonna put Marge Simpson's hair on a tree that's exactly what we're gonna do so yeah I've got I've got my my reference picture but the problem is my reference picture has some like well then at trickery going on as well so like there's like leaves on it as sorry not leaves mate leaves it's got grass on it which helps like make it look a bit more texture them hairy I guess you know the branches coming out this is gonna be a a bit difficult but like it when you make trees there's no fine art one of the biggest like bits of advice I can give for anyone making trees is when you when you go ahead and make tree the reason minecraft trees don't look amazing is because they're very uniform so if you go ahead and do a tree and it's like it's perfect all the way around and it looks like that then it's that's that's where the trees start to look a little bit on the unnatural side but as soon as you like add some variation in and like just a few blocks missing one that sticks out it starts to look a lot more natural of course I don't have any shears to take this back but hopefully that explains it a bit better all right let's crack on with this then so I kind of like the bottom here I'm gonna remove that one I mean it's just gonna be a bit of it's kind of like an abstract painting in some respects you just you just whack the leaves on there and see what you get although I haven't got an unlimited amount so I'm not gonna tell her off with this I was gonna mix in some leaves but I might do that very occasionally just for a bit of texture or I might actually do that a bit later on I think the leaves around the the middle here these can actually pretty much stay the same maybe the occasional gap the idea is that the log in the middle of the tree we don't really want to see that you really don't want to see that oh my goodness is 18,000 people watching according to my would you call it the YouTube studio thing nearly 19,000 that's crazy that's crazy so we don't want these to be level at the top now making one tree is one thing right but making many of these trees that's where it starts to get a little bit painful you know what actually talking it through on a live stream makes it somewhat harder for me to be honest with you like the the whole like when I normally like live stream I don't think about it I just I build and I mainly listen to my my audiobooks or podcast or whatever it is I'm um I'm listening to and I made me focus on that and then my sort of minecraft autopilot takes over and I just I go I just go ahead now remember we haven't taken a step back yet to look at this and we have no idea if this is gonna look right or not yet at all so I have a feeling it's probably going to be a little bit unbalanced is how I describe building sometimes when when when when me and Isco were looking at this thing he made this concept and then I copied it over and then I kind of built on that a bit more and I wasn't staring at it for a good hour and I was like it's still unbalanced it's totally unbalanced and he was like I don't understand and I was like when you were when he had been eating minecraft building he yeah you just you learn these terms and that's where that giant gray pillar came in I was like boom that solved the problem you know what that's not bad for you know it obviously needs a bit of tweaking at the top it actually looks like it's a little bit on the short side now I believe I think we need to go up to about there and sort of stretch the whole thing up on the whole though not bad for their first attempt of just randomly placing them I think we've rather oh there we go they're not a nice shape there so let's erm you know I'm just gonna land I'm just gonna take the easy landing cuz we brought it we gonna extend this up anyway so might as well do that nice and uniform probably to about here and then up we go again there we go lots of it a donation saying and appreciate your effort and lots of hello Green someone this had bananas that that still are a hundred that was a that was mumbos I think probably biggest and failure I think being a mole it was absolutely hilarious though goodness oh we definitely chose the wrong man for the job there so let's also mix in some of these birch leaves just to try and give it a bit more texture that's something you can do at custom trees that will infinitely improve the look of your trees is just mixing it in because you see like this all kind of looks the same but if I change that to birch it kind of just breaks it up the pattern a little bit and it helps though this is where I wish I could fly you know this is where creative mode comes in handy because I'm probably gonna have to yeah add a little bit here maybe bring this out a little bit more because obviously that see this is what I mean this is uniform versus a bit more randomly placed so yeah this kind of shows like how I'm gonna have to I'm gonna break a few of these and add a few in probably gonna have to make this just a touch wider down the bottom in order to in order to get this to have the perfect shape all the way up the top oh we got we got a donation from and a crawl who says a fellow Egyptian cat Egyptian male cat owner wanting to show some support My partner and I watch your home and craft episode in the evening and have a good old laugh keep up the good work oh that's that's wonderful that uh if he is she so this person obviously has the same breed cat as myself so Maui and pearl are a Egyptian Mau and they're absolutely gorgeous cats I haven't met a bad-looking now you know so these these cats are intelligent they are they are beautiful they are clean and they are full of charisma and they're also quite rare they're very they're like pedigree and they're they're just really nice they're snuggly cats haven't got a bad bone in their body so they make excellent excellent house pets or you know house cats sorry unfortunately Mike at the moment I'll the the tiny tiny little one she's been sick a bit recently so she's got to go to the vet very soon she's but yeah she's kind of been sick and we've tried you know changing her food up she's quite happy she's like still perky and yesterday right so we were recording building this because this was only made yesterday a very long day it was as well and my cat it was on my desk and all I hear is this no no no and I'm kind of like I don't know whether to keep recording grab the cat stop her throwing up what do I do I just panic and shout and she gets scared and runs across my desk and as she was running across the desk she threw up she I should have just let I should have just let her be because there was sick all over my desk and I had to yeah I'd to take a quick break to you know deal with the horrible what's really awful really really awful but yeah I cleaned it up she's absolutely fine like she's absolutely okay but she's yeah unfortunately a little under the weather in that regard but you know I looked it up as well obviously I've been to the vet now as well got some some special food to try on and also also I think like this tree I'm you don't want to overwork the trees either but yeah she's absolutely fine just need to keep a good eye on her I need to keep an eye on OHS now people are saying cool green in my own stream you do know that I'm green right you don't I don't I don't need to call green all right so I think this has got to go as well like I didn't really plan to too far ahead so I think all of this maybe needs to be the same level which means a lot of grinding out here I think Eskow just pop this down and perhaps didn't think too much about the terrain so it's a it's not a big deal this is one layer above I don't think yes yeah I guess I can just shave all of this I'm just thinking because like it's a delicate operation here now I've got to make a big fountain in the middle here at some point and that's yeah that's gonna be a bit of a challenge actually so I'm not entirely sure so you know that like Concorde they've got their Concorde Plaza it's got the branding the Concorde branding and everything like yeah we're gonna we're gonna make a bigger fountain because Sahara we're bigger we're a bigger name bigger brand okay better shop i I think honk or are secretly shaking in their boots they keep they keep just insulting us you know saying like inferior product or whatever inferior product well I think they're just scared I don't want the server to lag so I'd better take care of this all of this and yeah this is like I'm just trying to wonder maybe we should mark out where this path is gonna go as well so maybe I'm just thinking I'm just thinking we can hmm so I've been using the stone brick here and I'm thinking we just continue it it's not the most exciting path block but hear me out I don't want a brightly colored path block because I want the focus to be on this oh wow we need to fill that in that's not meant to be like that I mean yeah we spent a long time and obviously plenty of building mistakes were made let's just pop some of this stuff away cuz I don't think I'm gonna need all this oh no I better keep a stream torch hmm now remind me not to place that down I can't lose that apparently it's a tradition although nobody told me nobody told me there was a stream torch or anything so Oh anyway what are we what do we think of this tree oh it's definitely from this angle from this angle it's not shaped correctly at all it looks it looks very messy it needs move it a bit more uniform especially on this side but I think from the front I kind of nailed it although I haven't actually checked let's take a look quick look yeah it's got a bit missing there we're gonna have to try and reshape this oh it's actually such a pain but hopefully once I get one tree done it'll be easier to replicate this over that's generally the case once you've done one and mold it should be fairly easy you hear that lots of mobs going on so a lot of this stuff that we've got to build am sahara at the moment it's like chaw stuff I mean I've got a lot of the chore jobs at the moment those guys are gonna be working on the redstone I keep saying to them that they should just you know tell me what to do and I'm you know I can place redstone right I made a melon farm no I didn't I made a pumpkin farm I mean I made a carrot farm I might have copied someone's design but I made it I need just need to be told where to place stuff you know okay right let's this is gonna be tough because this is where normally if I was flying well you know had creative mode I lean back take a look and then go and place another one but that's a very inefficient way of placing the blocks this is going to be a really tough one and I also thought I I quite naively thought I had enough leaves for two or three trees I haven't got enough leaves for one tree let's take a little fly back oh come on come on Winx come up there there we go still not perfect we've got a we gotta fix this up the top here this isn't good you know what I don't I think I probably should have taken some full damage there but I didn't I think maybe the server took graze on me I don't know this might need to be a touch higher a little bit it's really tough when you start getting into the sort of the really thin parts that's where it starts getting a little bit trickier when we bring this up take another step back take a look yeah that's starting to get there it's starting to shape up a lot more I think probably just a couple blocks here maybe a 1-man it sound it looks like that every single leaf block has a reason to be placed where it is that's not the case at all I'm totally winging it I really I even made a tree like this in a really long time so it's it's yeah it's gonna be a bit trial and error yeah I'm not gonna overdo it too much I think that's pretty good I'm actually probably gonna remove just there's a problem here and I think the issue is probably move that and then I'll leave it at that I'm not gonna over-engineer it I'm not gonna overthink it these things are just like decorations that if you're looking too much at the trees see you almost don't want to beautiful trees otherwise everyone's gonna be looking at that rather than Sahara so I'm thinking maybe we can add a couple of flowers around at the bottom just to give it a bit of like nice garden feel and then yeah you can see why like adding some long grass and some small flowers on this would like give it that pop of color but you know what that's not bad that's really not bad it's got a nice shape it looks natural but not too you know not to put together not too would you quit choreographed I guess like and then yeah we can do this all over again except I don't have to leave so we're not going to and I'm pretty sure I'm all treed out anyway now where did this where did this go up to did it go there just there now there's you know what's baffling to me is that there's 20,000 people watching me build a Minecraft tree all right that's 20,000 people I could just place a sapling and then there'd be 20,000 people watching me place a sapling all right let's carry on with our chores shall we we've got a lot to get through so maybe we do a little bit of everything we've done a tree we've plied some flowers I reckon if Jack and the spacing on that still isn't enough cuz imagine that with the the leaves the leaves there I reckon that needs to be over a little bit as well so yeah probably a good idea we leave that for now let's mark out some of this courtyard area and then we'll start doing a little bit on the back and where did I put this is just like my base where do I put all my stuff oh not bad you know what I haven't heard any minecraft music yet but the music's there none none no music we could go and actually do you know what let's go and splash some cash because the minecraft music isn't happening for some reason so [Music] what we should do is play our own play our own music so I got jukebox lets going buy some music discs as some of our favorite music discs and then we'll actually play our own minecraft music to build to because it doesn't seem to be popping up I don't know we've been streaming what that way I don't even know how long I've been streaming for 34 minutes now and no minecraft music which is a real shame I don't know why it's not playing but there's a music shop somewhere down here mmm this one did I hit nope I always get lost in here is it around the corner music there we go right let's take some votes oops let's not ruin someone shop let's get rid of these okay so we got more let's let's just go through I can't even remember what most of these sound like let's see let's put that up a little bit to put 19% just like just gently in the background alright it's kind of mellow that's a chirp chirp [Music] oh hey hey donated 28-pound saying too much the same one message but thank you green for what you do thank you so much for the donation that's that's really really kind of you far let's take a look at far mmm that's a negative blocks oh oh oh sold on the blocks how much you won diamond yeah we'll have the blocks where did it go guys oh how whoa I'm pretty sure that popped out of there and magicked over that was weird you know what we're gonna put that upside down but anyone even knows anyway let's have a let's have a little look at Ward isn't that it starts off scary but then it's kind of nice I think oh yeah I'm not supposed to put the money in here there's not the right vibe thirteen now that's like the og is it that's pretty sure thirteen was one of the original now there's the scary one we don't need to be known to buy that one mmm not feeling it wait yeah that's that that's one we'll get one of those we'll get one of those how much are they three diamonds one two three and Strad that'll do for the music yeah we'll have we'll have one of these then we'll have one of these and we got alright we got our own minecraft music got a take we've got to take these matters into our own hands I think I'm not going to spend any more on minecraft music this is this is like my replacement for audiobooks minecraft jukebox you know what I just because I haven't really heard these songs in so long so long anyway right go on then let's let's hear it guys so what are we what are we gonna have we have we've got Strad wait and blocks so let's let's hear it in the in the old comments here or the the chat let's see what you eat what you want oh I don't even remember their names you know what white blue red white blue or red let's let's hear it and then we'll pop we'll pop one of them on so someone said how long do it Kraft sessions last if you mean the live stream this particular live stream will last another power and twenty I guess or but they last two hours these like live stream days I guess I mean this is my first time doing this but like if you mean just how long does a session on minecraft last yesterday oh I'm hearing I'm seeing a lot of reds yeah we're gonna get red guys we're gonna go red here first but if you mean like just on hermitcraft in general it can last a reit like me mumbo nice guy were playing minecraft for about nine hours yesterday I was admittedly I was doing another video and hermitcraft but like I didn't get any videos done I didn't get any videos done at all but I still spent the whole day on minecraft so sessions are as long as they need to be basically once the once the video is done the video is done and why did I bring a jukebox if I'm just gonna walk away from it there we go whoo Dandan there this is how you mind with jukebox by your side the jukebox is highly underrated sounds a bit off or something like almost like - and playing at the same time right I reckon what we should do is try and plan out some of the pathing here I don't know if this building is temporary or not it's guys that you're alone I could ask him but I don't know if that's staying or going I think it's a temporary place to do to do business obviously Sahara is a start-up company so we've still got like a long way to go concorde have been going you know this this entire season they've been going and we've already made this giant headquarters in like a couple of days come on we I think we all know who the superior company is I don't think I'm so impatient I don't think I've actually listened to these more the way through not me just like I don't know I'm one of those people they find listening to music I rarely listen to the whole song I listen to it for a bit I hit the chorus and then I go to a new something I'm seem really really impatient alright listen right let's take a little fly up and see actually we could probably purge yourself up if like you know for someone that's like oh yeah I forgot about this that's where all my stuff's gone now it's just well hmm left the jukebox but anyway so let's take a look so actually this could end up being just a straight a straight path here you can just hear it you could just hear it but that's where that like the interface is gonna be like the main shop so this actually makes a lot of sense just to go straight to that shop and then I guess we have decoration there I don't I don't know I we didn't really plan that far ahead hmm another thing that throws a spanner in the works is this is the train station this is like squeeze we might need to like shrink that down a little bit scars building that's a hopefully scar we can work with him to make that a little bit smaller hmm I'm trying to think cuz I mean I could send them on a wild goose chase it could go around the back I mean I could make this path go out here but the reality is you're probably just gonna take the shortest route I think it should probably just go straight to be honest with you I think that's probably the easiest easiest thing to do and I think as for design of this part of the building absolutely no I don't think any of us have even thought that far the Redstone may be they've got some big plans for that but as for the design of the building they're probably gonna leave that to me I imagine I usually start out by making some pretty awful drawings in ms paint or something put it together it helps just to sketch out because you know placing blocks in a line especially in survival it's very very time-consuming so you know I can draw a really powerful picture in Photoshop or pain in you know two seconds to actually build a prototype I want to fill this in this is probably why we have such a mob problem this for a while so just a regular dudes they $35 thank you very much very generous so people are saying the torch has the wrong date on it no oh it does 23:02 it's not February you know that the evidence is there I'm gonna have to rename this that's embarrassing they come and scar handed me this torch right and they said take care of this torch it's very important oh so they told me to look after that torch and I immediately ruined it listen let's fix the date shall we let's fix the date - so it is the 23rd of March 2019 there we go streamed a torch fixed and what I did was I just I put it down on the floor yeah I put it down the floor picked it straight back up and it obviously vanished and became a regular sort Jen but don't worry it's exactly the same torch and it's actually got the right date on it this time and this is how we do the date in the UK by the way it's day month year it makes the most sense we don't put the month first that never made sense to me all right let's continue we've got a lot of laying out to do we've got a lot of chores to do when it comes to this sort of building and this is the sort thing I would never normally record so you know you're getting a bit of an insight here into how how I how I do things for my videos like this is the sort of thing I would never record it's just got to be done I might time lapse it at most at most I might time that's it right so let's assume that this path is gonna go all the way here as a directive route it's not actually how I pictured it but it actually makes the most sense probably doesn't need this in here either that's unfortunate we've got as you might leave that there simply because this is the rail track which we might actually do but I've I filled that in I spent a bit of time filling that in the thing is the the train stations right there and so like that train track was gonna cut straight through our building and Ren agreed that it could go underground as long as there was a glass top so compromise found right there Ben Smith's donated to Palace said not much but keep up the good work you know I'm very grateful that you're even watching so thank you very very much it's really really appreciated oh we need we need a new we need new music we need a new music music has stopped we need more we need more jukebox right let's take pop that out and yeah I'm surprised they haven't added more music discs it's been a while how come we keep leaving now where my stone actually I could just craft something so lazy that's let's just bring one of these crafting tables over here oh I know this one yeah actually no this one a bit better you guys are gonna have to warn me when it's nearly time for friend to come on by the way cuz I'm deaf so I'm thinking we do this junk in my factory all the time so I'm thinking maybe we do something like this just to give it a bit of a pattern of some kind [Music] it's always I have to sacrifice something in my inventory all the time because of this it's put the diamonds away you know what we're actually running low on diamonds again but that money that I got from scar has been reinvested into making this like it sometimes it's just quicker you've seen how long it took me to build that tree like it sometimes it's just much easier to just buy the materials that you need you know actually that's we're just gonna do this so yeah ivory invested all of my diamonds and I finished all of my did you die boxes so maybe when we hand over the stream day torch we can try and sell a box to Reyn see if he wants one because I need to basically target the people that die the most on the server and one of them is me so I can't resell one to myself cuz I can't even afford my own did you dye boxes but I think Ren is rich from the lock shop scar definitely could I hope that he actually found found it to have good use I probably should try and sell one to mumbo he's also a pretty high def count we'll see we'll see who else really like dies a lot of the server [Music] you know this is a really chill one by this I again I think I don't fit I don't think I've ever listened this far into it it gets more chill can you believe that minecraft is nearly two years old that's mad to me yeah it's a little bit dull I think this walkway just the stone stone brick maybe but like I said I kind of want it I could add a couple of little things to improve it I don't really want to have any scrap stone brick in here because it will make it look like Sahara isn't brand new which is definitely not what we want we wanted to seem about as new as it gets we need it we need a parrot on the jukebox Ryan wait wait fear donated 10 and said we need a parrot on the jukebox you know what you are so unbelievably correct we're gonna take a good minute out of our time to bring over one of our trusty verbs I'm not sure if this is gonna work it took me ages to get the birds in from from the jungle to hear in the first place well did you see that little lag spike where's we're sorry I'm sorry should be well he should be there it there is there is all right so I believe that he should you see that's why I'm the best liar on the server he should teleport to me I believe there is okay so if I go down here there we go oh man I love maybe we'll do some acrobatics later embarrass myself because I've got an audience right I should be in the same chunk as the bird yeah there is where are you going yeah get get back here okay we can head back over to the jukebox and started all over again I should have brought bought more than three discs I feel for sure all right I think I think we're safe now I think we could go all the way back to the box oh do you see that little bit of lag there little bit like ah the song finished well I've only got one more to play where are you can you pop over here yeah come on come on you know but that'll do well place one yeah yes yes [Music] shake it why is that so funny is that the only dance that they do that's that's a pretty good imitation of what how I danced in real life as well let's carry on I should have brought all of the birds I should have brought all of the birds with me [Music] [Music] that's just making this path all the better all the better I love Minecraft little little quirks quirks like that I wish I brought more and more music discs with me I think that's all we've got basically if I it trust me if I had a face camera so I would I would dance I would dance just like that probably in time as well are you saying upside down staircases and then you waterlog them is that is that what you're saying does that give a different color because I thought the water just appeared on the top I might I might be about to be taught something that I wasn't fully aware of I've met we don't have a bucket here I'm gonna have to make one if this is a thing this could be revolutionary for detailing could be revolutionary it needs some water we're gonna go for a swoop down come on there we go server no that was a fail as a failure you need to like youth like skin the top and then take the water right let's find out if this is a this is got some merit I see no color variance so maybe I'm misunderstanding I and I don't see any color variants there at all am i misunderstanding I mean I even had the wrong block for a star so unless unless they literally meant like that and then have water along the edge in which case that could be really interesting because I could add water all the way along and it could even feed into a fountain over there that's not a bad idea I guess I totally misunderstood that so yeah the more obvious thing of course was to put it on the edge there I got really hype with that I thought it might actually make the stone brick like look a little bit damp as if it was wet or something that that's actually would be really cool you know slightly darker stone brick you could you could use that I'm pretty sure is it possible to make a redstone jukebox is that what you're saying like all I could have a jukebox in there you say oh yeah I could actually I could move the jukebox up into my like mini jungle that's for sure you know what there's only a little bit left just gonna play some stairs there we go right that little chores done you're not dancing does he dance if he's on your shoulder right well I I wish I'd bought more now but I guess we'll go back to this one why isn't he going on my shoulder if he flies and waddles why isn't he why only dancing why aren't you dancing I can't believe he flies and waddles gone go back oh there we go I picked him up he doesn't dance on the shoulder or do I have to restart it let's try risk oh that's really disappointing I'm disappointed in you burb I am disappointed I am very very disappointed in you I thought they did why is he decided these doesn't want to easy or danced out all right hope you get it's not dancing anymore huh that's alright I don't think I can dance for either even that's kind of sad that's kind of sad anyway we keep getting distracted by the birds I think maybe we should try and like what's out The Fountains gonna go that's gonna be very up we go needs more height I don't have a slow falling potion before you'll tell me that I need a slow falling potion okay okay okay I'd you know what I want desperately on the server is someone to make a flying course a proper a really nice flying course videos keep up the good work and well yeah they are pills a little bit sick you missed it earlier but oh my goodness there's 25,000 people watching that's got to be a record that's unbelievable you're watching me in my parrot Jam and we're just all we're doing is placing some smooth grass at Sahara you know what yeah I'm getting a little bit burnt out on this I want to I want to try and just do small things so it looks like we're doing a lot but in reality we're we're not actually committing and finishing any one thing so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna place a little bit of this and then we're gonna go and work on the back of the Sahara thing there crazy for a day donates a ten-pound saying gran I love that you'll put your time and effort into these videos and thank you for your work oh well thank you very much for donating but you know this is it it is really is a is a very very fun job to do so you know it is a lot of time and effort but you know a lot of people also do this job they you know they all put their time and effort into this why was I saving all of this grass off when it's probably gonna be grass anyway hmm let's take the cobblestone find the midpoint roughly that's too long that's too that's too long to count I'm gonna lose it let's just guess to me it's guess to me [Music] mm-hmm there we go that's probably about right if it's not I'll shift it around but if that's we may also want to try and send to this approximately with in the center this guesstimate again around here I want to put a giant a of course in the middle of the fountain so let's guesstimate the size and probably estimate guesstimate this is how I build those maybe guesstimate probably around that sort of size now that's one two three four five six seven we may be we may be way off here one two three four five six baby wails see since I'm thinking that the fountain goes here around that guestimation and we have a giant a architect logo and since then since we're passing on the torch to rented a day we should probably probably do something probably set something up not sure what though I want to sell him and did you die box that's the problem I need his money I need his his diamonds I could I could I could but I could barter the the stream torch I'm not gonna pass him the torch until he paid he buys one of mine did you dive boxes [Music] [Music] hopefully we'll take a step back and find out if this is even remotely correct the mobs have started pouring in or was actually there's one creeper one skeleton they're gonna trust me this place is an absolute nightmare it's not worth why did I just fly into a wall all right we're going in here I heard it I heard it blew up my bed at the same time oh this is when you need a did you die box right let's see if we can get back oh that's terrible at least it's daytime so it won't be a big problem problem did you guys see him cuz I definitely didn't see that creeper I was looking out I was looking out oh man that's really bad hmm this way question mark well that's not very helpful all that looks like the right way when in doubt follow the black concrete Oh is that minecraft music or is that nether music now that might be the music of the nether I just realized what Sahara dude this is really spooky minecraft music when did when in Minecraft gets spooky I don't like this at all we need to get out of here okay I know if you guys can hear that anyway what's a horror really needs that I did not think about one bit we need another portal we absolutely need another portal and it would go somewhere here let's pop into this one shall we I've completely forgot I'm like planning out all of the rooms in my in my head but I didn't consider that kind of far away I kind of wanted to to commandeer one of horses but I'll be fine fine oh there we go oh there we go we go soon we got some nice alpha music coming through here that's nice I like that I can't believe that guys honestly I did not see that creeper one bit one bit it's bound to happen I think I'm not even top of the death list though like I think you know the server keeps count of how many times you've died you know once we get our stuff back we're gonna find out please tell me there's nothing more bit of bit of damage not a problem easy to fix I love the music here we go believable actually what I mean to say is totally at least the parents alright let's get rid of all this junk forever collecting collecting jug right so let's do tool check we've got two pickaxes we got the shovel we got the axe it's always the tridon there we go try it in check I tell you what guys I'm not losing another Trident it's absolutely ridiculous how many tries I've missed there we go problem solved and you know what we're gonna place down some more torches dear we're gonna need some more white concrete you know that's probably a good time to start working on the back of this whole thing let's go should we bring the jukebox with us it's been it's been pretty Pleasant actually having the jukebox will bring we'll bring our e in the jukebox with us since that's it's been useful oh that's a surprisingly tough to break of course I've got just sacrificed some stuff don't need the bucket probably can do that sticks there we go right come on you let's uh actually let's just take a look at what this looks like I didn't actually check this placement at all there we go yeah I think we might want to actually send to this I know that here's the thing guys so this lets actually purge our selves up on here so I can explain what the problem is here so right it looks slightly too far to the right at the moment at the moment that's the problem okay so it should be about there if I want it to be centered but and here's the thing I really don't want to encroach too much on TFC space so we may create a small wall just to make sure that we separate and like make sure we we don't intrude on anything going on over there sorry buddy come on right so we don't want to intrude so we might build a small wall just to make sure we define our area much better so maybe along here that then makes that more centered so or we could send to this whole space but then it might encroach over there so it might be in the right space I think it does need to shift a little bit hmm thinking emoji alright let's let's go to the back of the base here and get ourselves set up so there's not like I said earlier not a lot of thought has gone into this too much I suppose do you know what I didn't do guys I didn't I didn't I didn't actually change the title this is how terrible of a streamer there's there's 20 there's 24,000 people watching a stream by Green who has nearly 3 million subscribers who forgot to put the title of the stream in it just says hermitcraft 6 live that's it it doesn't have a title oh my goodness hold on I need to change the title I'm gonna call the title cool green no no I'm gonna call it working on Sahara because that's what we've been doing and hopefully does that say but I guess it just saves butt so there's no save button oh well if you refresh it maybe it'll work ok so let's think about this logically we need to create a lot of rooms here so that's all red stone behind there that's all red stone and this is gonna be the little courtyard so I think this might need to be dug out which is frustrating if we got re with where's the bird gone the bird is missing and the bird is definitely missing well ill TP to us so these mobs how has he seen me from all the way over there is that normal how much vision do these guys have no that was a terrible shot bad well that went straight through him I didn't even miss that one but don't want any of this these guys are tough there we go oh there you are right so I think maybe we should start up there and make it make this as big as we need I think there should be a little overhang here so this could come out see this is where it gets complicated so I want to utilize this space as much as possible and to be fair I could put anything I need to underground as well underground as well hmm oh my goodness oh my goodness the back packing trombonist has had a genius idea you should put a did you die satellite store on spawn Island so if you die properly lose your bed everything you can buy something there I could I could actually do that I could do that that's a really smart thing to do I'll get some sales from there for sure all right let's just start let's just start building sometimes you just got a crack on with it I just need to remember to light it up otherwise we're gonna just contribute even further to this horrible mob problem our let's torches oh we need some right come on then come on in chat red blue or white let me know and then we'll pop the jukebox on where's the bird is it areas all right let's pop you down let's see so yeah I think we want to I don't know why this is here maybe maybe it's gone mom loaded that but I need to make sure that I actually have enough space I'm thinking like the conference room needs to go in here so we need to we need to make sure we leave enough space like we've got big plans for siharan it's it's gonna be so much more than just a place where you buy stuff okay it's more than a shop it really is gonna be more than a shot this is gonna be the likes of which hermit craft and probably minecraft has never seen they the amount of the amount of things the Sahara is going to be doing in order to sell some sand shall we say it's going to be absolutely insane and I can't wait for you guys to see it I'm kind of bummed out that you guys didn't get to see my episode on all of this before the livestream today it's just the way things worked out the videos not done ever literally everyone is uploading on Sunday it's just you know the stream they landed on Saturday in an ideal world stream day would have been Sunday and then upload day would have been wait yes I all right white disk white disk blue disk okay let's go blue disk shall we there there we go they don't just hold him does do they only danced a certain disks no no they dance to all of them all right we're good we'll go to we'll go blue disc for you I don't think that I don't think that's ever gonna get old I'm getting so many cool Mambo spam please don't spam I'm not calling Mambo because he's not even there so forget it please don't spam you know what the G box really does listen this is me on of this is me on my Saturday night guys [Music] only 45 minutes left for today's stream I think what we'll do we'll do this for 15 minutes and then we're gonna go and I'm just looking inside cap the submissive we can't all be as wholesome as that parent [Music] I gotta say guys thank you so much for all the donations that you guys are sending through it really does make doing these live streams worthwhile because normally I would just basically spend my time you know I'd spend the hours doing this into a time lapse or something but you know with with the donations it makes it totally feasible to do this on stream which you know it's really not something I'm used to streaming is still a bit of a odd concept to me so yeah I really really appreciate the support it kind of yeah I don't know I just I really appreciate it I don't know else to say thank you thank you oh man I don't even know how far out I want to go here maybe this is about as far because I want this to overhang a bit and that's probably big enough for a conference room so I'm thinking this is probably the place to stop which means all this has got a gun not sure where all this came from anyway I'm pretty sure also we want a want a courtyard here think I think Sahar is also gonna need like a secret our R&D research and development facility we need like some racing like major major Sahara secrets and like as as a fan you guys gotta keep your keep your silencer fill this in that's one of the things that's easy to forget filling in like it's very easy just to leave this small stuff keep keep hearing zombies but it's just this guy jamming out doing some zombie noises there we go [Music] four Rockets oh yeah did I leave the bed I left the bed out here let's see if I can nope sometimes I really suck at flying Helena said spawn Island store should be called the oh oh no fool me once fool me once you know what that was really scary because I was actually reading out a donation and I saw it not on my game but on the tiny little screen that I have for obs and I saw it in like what you guys see on the stream right oh no no no no no no no dear wait okay so there's clearly a bit of a torch problem around here so let's just let's just overdo it maybe with the torches get rid of this problem altogether I still got the streamed a torch we'll leave that up there let's get rid of so much junk as well there we go that's that's the Flying Eye no see oh my god I'm gonna need more torches why is this girl it's girl you've missed a bit I haven't actually got any more torches which is a bit of a bummer the music stopped why are you still jamming also me on a Friday night will there be a Sahara cafeteria that would be a really smart place to like sell some food I think but I don't think so I really want every room that we create in Sahara to have a purpose and by purpose I don't just mean like the meeting room I wanted to actually be used in videos or in other people's content and I don't really want to spoil it especially in an industry my the rooms that I'm gonna create for Sahara they are they are tip-top secret at the moment so we've got to keep it to ourselves now that is a very awkward gap there I guess we'll just see probably best just extend them unless we actually accept I think maybe we should extend black yeah forget this a lot of this has been built on just a total win the rest of its been planned out so there's like bits like here that haven't been thought through but still look okay I reckon in order for this to look perfect [Music] it's just extend this out [Music] yeah I reckon about it and then that way they can stay exactly where it is I'm probably gonna run out of white concrete but that's okay cuz we've only got 20 more minutes and then we're gonna go call someone yeah I'm out of like concrete please tell me there's some just around we could go on a little flying spree actually that's always fun I like I like to fly around the shopping district right check check check not in the mood the amount of concrete we've had to grind out for this project is absolutely the same there we go ah there we go Jack there's always a bit lying around you know what we've had you made some progress but it's been two hours I know we messed around with the parrot but like we've we've made that and we made a tree and yeah that's about it you haven't done a lot we added some carpets up here that's kind of gonna give you a little bit of an idea of how long this build has taken so far I mean I think we built four I think we started recording about 3:00 p.m. and we didn't finish till late easily six hours of building with three people that's that's quite that's quite impressive and a song yeah so what we can do is just connect this up and then that should be it for so the dimensions of this room I don't know quite how this is all gonna connect up here because obviously this room has got to flow into that yeah this is the bit that we haven't thought through at all did we do blue or red I think we'd there we go yeah you keep jamming you keep jamming probably need to extend this over just connect it up probably best not to have these random gaps everywhere [Music] hey guys I'm gonna go home oh you cheeky Skelly I can't I can't really see consuming it oh my cats are so Maui and pearl right now are playing a game called I'll chase you and then you chase me it's their favorite game to play they absolutely love it all right we're gonna need some torches not that torch we're gonna go make some more cuz yeah this girl's probably gonna rip my head off if I leave this place to spawn more mobs there's got to be torturous as well we've basically got everything we need but we keep like just putting it all in random chests there's got to be some tiny bit of calm there's some cold you know I can take it from there problem solved problem solved seven minutes until the mischeif is happening so guys I need to I need ideas I don't know what I'm doing everywhere left for one second get go downtown there we go I don't even want to deal with these guys right I need some ideas mischief mischief mischief I'll tell you what we could do and this is them I guess it's a stupid but I want to promote suhara preemptively like yeah you know what we can't do that we can't actually promote suhara until we've actually got something to sell so we'll might have to leave that for now I'm just gonna say what we could do is put some signs outside all the con Corp shops saying like shop at Sahara but there's no point because you can't shop at Sahara yeah and that's kind of what they've got over us at the moment the fact that they've got shops and retailers busy devilish that's what I was devilish yeah we can definitely I can't wait to get all of this Sahara stuff underway it's gonna be amazing [Music] I need to I need to picking that up but I can't this angle all these mobs I understand why a Scouts annoyed me now I really do [Music] isn't seen yet off you go okay so there's gonna be enough space for a room down here enough room space for a room up there oh there's more than enough space for a room here a little plenty of space absolutely plenty of space don't know what we're gonna do you know what would be really cool kind of what they do in really fancy places is they kind of have like exposed rocks all the way up here like I could have have it like you know but it's almost like the inside of a cave or whatever like we have kept we've kept the original details but so how big do I want this room fairly big Oh [Music] oops let's get rid of that let's put the music down cuz we got the jukebox still running anyway what was I gonna look I was gonna look up deaths how many times have I died die death death death death here's a crazy statistic for you he is a crazy statistic so since last death 23 minutes per time cept in a bed 600 where am I looking number of deaths a hundred and thirty nine that's pretty impressive but it's not the worst on the server what I was looking for his time played it was something like 34 days which is crazy but I can't seem to find it I've spent one point four days of my life sneaking sneaking in minecraft yeah it's nearly 35 days ok 35 days played just not on minecraft but on hermitcraft in particular so just on hermitcraft alone I've spent 35 days that's over a month ok now here's where it gets complicated so over a month now the Hermit craft server has been going for about eight months now nearly nine months eight hours yeah let's call it nine just in case I'm I'm wrong with the egg so one ninth of my entire time and that's you know not including the time I take to sleep and stuff has been spent on hermit craft unbelievable amount of time has to be spent in order to make the episodes I'm only on episode like 56 I think I'm probably one of the lowest you know out of the people they're active on the server I'm probably the furthest behind in episode number it's just I just take my time basically on on making making sure that they yeah they're up to scratch Aiden donated and said coolbrian hi grant I just shout green now Korean I think it seems so quiet without the jukebox doesn't it just heard a llama in the background oh my goodness did I miss a big donation at some point I must have missed a big donation at some point I I haven't really been paying how much I've been focused on trying to steer that's a problem I'm not the best stream in the world like in fact I'm probably one of the worst but I don't pay attention to some of the things that I perhaps should it says that their darkest legend is the top donator for 173 pounds now I must have missed that that sounds like $200 to me so I just want to say a huge huge huge thank you I think I've I must have missed it at some point oh great can't even look at that is there no one else dead us on the server but he's not sleeping he probably in the nether yes I think that's where he lives I mean this is this this shows you earth man okay yam Balin I'm bailing can we take off with one rocket there we go let's see if there's a see this is the problem this is the problem look at all of these mobs that is the problem we have in this area on Sahara is just the insane amount of mobs that's born oh I think I just D spawned them by flying away less embarrassing anyway let's go and sleep and we've hit the last half hour so it's time to cause some mayhem let's put the building blocks away I must admit I thought rather rather naively I guess that I could just carry on building where I left off we got in such a good groove yesterday with building we just we just actually just got on with it and got it done and now like when you build something like six hours straight we didn't break it so you know it's kind of hard to pick up again a little bit a little bit it's hard to just pick up where you left off on a big session like that kind of burnt out on it let's pop these music discs away hmm I'm gonna think do my best thinking when I'm stretching Oh No yeah okay I'll tell you what I did want to do I want to reverse engineer that that looks like two Pistons two observers and a couple of slime blocks hmmm do we even need we probably need a power source we'll need a piston probably sticky not sure observer yes check done let's see if we can fly up here this is gonna be a tricky one oh I didn't want to flap here all right let's get this is gonna be a tricky one need to fly and land yeah we made it okay okay I don't have this line box that I need here so how does this work so we have piston facing that way piston facing that way an observer that way in that way hmm so I remember that now let's take that down we're gonna reverse engineer this mumbo is afk mumbo is afk I'm not sure where mumbos afk though I was gonna say we could put him on a flag machine and send him a million blocks away but I'm not entirely sure where he is and we could spend easily over half an hour trying to find him anyway that's hugely the blocks that we need I must have some at the base although slime blocks is not my particular strong suit I have to admit look at how much of a mess this has become by the way it's it's growing I almost want this to continue growing oh they were sticky pistons if I was sticky no slime blocks to the blocks ah there's one no that looks so close to slime blocks there we got some slime balls that'll do that will do excellent excellent all right I've never made one of these before by the way this is a bit of a new thing why they're signs they're pancakes a yummy pancakes a yummy huh pancakes are yummy you always find something new on the hermit craft server there's always something that you missed always always always all right so I believe that I have to build this at least let you know floating otherwise it's just not I'm not gonna work so I've already forgotten the way it goes is it like I'm rubbish at this don't have the thought of the support mechanism for this all right so there was one like that and then there was it definitely wasn't facing down this is this is gonna this is what it looks like when green does wet redstone just no idea no idea what I'm doing I'm just copying blindly like I know that this works because I saw it work but I don't know how it works and I'm guessing when I make it again ultra glitched one five eight says hey green your imagination has helped me in Minecraft also mumbo jumbo you are afk he's always afk dude always thank you very much for the donation I really appreciate it now we have to try and remember I didn't see any slime blocks so it must have been something like that I think they were facing inwards and then I place these are you know what I think I've nailed this I might be speaking too soon but I am pretty sure I've nailed this we placed down the boat now how do we power it that's what I want to know how to power it hmm maybe I don't even know I mailed it in the wrong direction that's so embarrassing that's like having it having the car stuck in Reverse and then just man that's embarrassing right yeah okay I deserve that we have to fix this I've never been inside here oh that's cool should have lit that up though sure to let that up that's so so embarrassing so embarrassing so I should have put I think I know I did wrong I should have put it on the other side I haven't even got enough prismarine here probably this block so embarrassing all right let's try this wait I don't want to ruin this please go here clearly okay round two everybody round two so we're gonna do the same thing again but this time I believe what I did wrong was I put the torch on the wrong one because I need that piston to go first I need that piston to go first so think we just we do the same thing all over again question mark I don't even know why I'm doing this I just want to practice learning how to make these sorts of flying machines because I know that this is gonna be useful for me I know that one day I'm gonna need a flying machine and even this very simple one that mumbo made this this is gonna this is gonna help me I just I can feel it I can feel it in my bones alright so let's try it again it went something like this and then we try again now this goes backwards we're done that's it we failed the mission believe that alright boom and then this time it's not connected to anything is it get it there we go ha ha ha perfect that is the sound of success I have no idea how this is even working I literally I literally don't understand let me try and fathom this so no way I totally understand so I put the torch on the side of the observer on the right that activates the piston which activates it the observer on my left which then you know activates the one on the right again so edit because it pushed that one piston pushed all of the slime blocks are just sticking together it then dragged it along and butterbean bada-boom we have a winner you know what I think I'm gonna go up this is the only you know rent Ren I'm sorry bro your your rail network is nothing nothing compared to my boat in the sky and I've just had an idea you could you could make one of these and like have checkpoints I guess because obviously I saw mumbo with his tea and II think back and he could control it what if he could create like sky lights so you basically just had corners so we need when the machine gets to the corner it then turns right and it turns left you have stations and you could blocks ah there we go that's why that's why you put that back where it was you know messing with the micros ass oh no I think Ren I think I think Ren heard us he knows he knows what we're up to I'm flying with extremely low FPS like it's like it's like I'm printing across the sky this is this is actually kind of cool the hermit craft server is a weird mix and a match and I think that what's cool is that what you see here is obviously a lot of different people's style of building however it's actually very representative of a lot of Minecraft servers in general like you know for those of the servers that actually stay and I have a community etc you end up with a whole diverse catalogue of buildings and that represents it just as much it's kind of cool it's very very cool I don't really know where we're going with this I guess we're taking it all the way to Concord Sahara is on its way to Concord and we've only got 19 minutes left on this stream because I could only do two hours on this livestream day everyone has been streaming on Liam hermit craft server has been a pretty pretty busy day all around and it looks like quite a lot of stuff has been done oh no porn Oh almost got him oh he's got him is that coming back there it is wait but okay I thought I thought it was going to stuff oh this is so cool it is very slow though I could have flown this in about two seconds in about two seconds in about two seconds a lot of people are telling me that jangula is a scowl and just random to his and thing guys so there's bit spoilers already for next episode but we've already started like investigating who the Jaguar is and you'll find out what we found out tomorrow in the episode but for some reason right everyone is spamming me telling me the random people are the jangula I've heard that it's cows the jangula I've heard that Cubs the Chandler I've heard that stresses the jangling I've heard that I'm the jangula I mean I'm not the jangle I'm the one trying to find out who the jungler is well I like the jungler and I just don't know it hmm oh wow would you look look how beautiful that is that that is really really cool anyway I did also say that we would do some intense flying so I think we should do that but I have a question to ask everybody how do you stop this thing that was something I really honestly did not think about at all at all how do you stop this thing if I get out I think I'm gonna fall out so I'm not gonna do that now if I break this maybe I can't break it in time I think this is my life now I think this is my life aha instant break come on how do i okay there we go problem solved everybody problem solved redstone stuff super valuable so I'm gonna fall down and get all this but that was fun that was the neat little project now I know how to put somebody in a fail-safe flying machine that's that is the simple redstone that I can remember forever i I've always pictured flying machines as one of these incomprehensible bit of redstone that I didn't understand but now I actually kind of get it that very simple design mind I probably wouldn't be able to build anything much bigger than that however there we go there's all the blocks floating around now that I know that we can definitely send someone off into the infinite generation shall we say I'm gonna go and put all of my stuff away because I promised everyone that we would do some intense flying around the shopping district now intense flying means it just means that I fly in between things at a very high pace and I basically spam rockets and do that now because I'm streaming it does produce a little bit of lag so there's there is a chance that I'm going to hit something and I always do hit something it just looks like I'm in total control so anyway we're gonna go and get some rockets we're gonna put this stuff away and we're gonna go fly around the shopping district and that should lead us i'll there's some slots there it should lead us nicely onto handing over the torch to Rend dog we need a route though I need a route a good a good strong route to take I missed a sticky piston oh well hmm that's not good all right I mean inventory management's probably my weakest weakest thing on the server oh my god empty maps so much rubbish everywhere alright let's get rid of all this stuff I'm gonna need some more I'm gonna need some more rockets for sure we can do that at my base now guys I don't need I don't need to anything I don't need to buy well yeah that's a lie Annie I don't need to buy any rockets anymore because I've got infinite gunpowder or enough gunpowder to last me a lifetime like where is it a lot of sand I didn't know I had that many pumpkins and I've got infinite reeds with my Reed farm so we take the sugarcane I still call them reeds to this day how weird is that if they were called reeds when the game first came out when mike refers came out and i still call them reeds all right that's so one two three one three and we can make plenty of rockets I don't need to buy rockets anymore I can burn through as much as I can without being judged anymore I could judge so much by my flying oh no I had Rockets all right let's get rid of this all righty we're probably gonna die but let's go so here we go here we go 22,000 people about to watch some intense flying and I'm gonna go first person so if we get enough height we can actually get so much we can get more speed than if I use a rocket burn so down we go now the hardest route that I found is going through those trees there but also through through here up and around down mmm I can't quite move fast enough sometimes Oh we had up yet as a fall through here Oh got away with that one it is a little bit hard with the with the lag here because obviously I'm streaming it's putting a lot of pretty intense on the computer because it's like doing four different screens but we can get away with some cool stuff I think I need more trees and stuff too able to fly in and out one of the cool things I like to do now this is not actually that difficult because you can just find a route but trying to fly through here is is actually good fun let's eat as well I love I love flies it's one of my favorite things I don't know what I'm gonna do when eventually we hit season seven and I don't have my Electra take that SpaceX Korean exits coming this it's true Scott it is very true I can I can weave I can go I can go to space I can go to space I need SpaceX that was really nice bit to fly around Ren because yeah he's got his dragon it's ghost dragon right through here oh he's got rid of that there was a little hole there that I could fly through oh I messed that up flying through the trees is always difficult ran this is the Kings this is looking cool he's not even there he's not even there dudes is he just he's really not there he's he's a gonzo he's gonzo hmm oh I finally I kept my redstone stuff we could have sent him on a little little journey he's got he's got sunglasses on look at his cool dude under there he's a tired man under they'll do that through his eyes oh I've got an idea got an idea at one point in Minecraft right pushing pushing someone on minecraft was like super useful and annoying they removed it you used to just like go straight through them then they brought it back and everyone that had played the game since the start were like oh come on then come on Randy you going in the drink if this doesn't bring him back I don't know what will he shouldn't be afk anyway let's be honest he's not wearing armor he shouldn't be afk he needs to be taught a lesson I haven't got any blocks so this could be dangerous I can't even save him if I wanted to oh well hopefully he'll learn his lesson guys let's get some sad oh no he's probably terraforming this let's get some throwaway blocks nope let's skedaddle let's get out of here he's she shouldn't be afk gran you should no be afk no like that that was a delayed portal type I really I need a better route all the skull scars not afk mumbos FK let's go see if numbers that is based by the way I need to sell it did you die box thank you so much for reminding me oh my goodness I totally forgot about that I've had a few donations come through and some guys same locus is saying that he's the jangula well I knew it of course I knew it from the beginning of course you're the jagneauxs so obvious had loads of donations cover theory hey big fan thank you very much great stream sorry it's not much hey that honestly just watching is absolutely amazing you know being here to support me there's 22,000 people somehow there's 22,000 people I don't don't don't understand right oh yeah see I was gonna pick up one of these cuz we're gonna need to sell one of these I checked that all of these are full of their enchantments yeah punch that couldn't be better it's not bad not bad that's perfect perfect perfect all bane of arthropods that's not a great sort of let's swap that out they're not all the same they're not exactly the same I didn't even put the sword in that one we need to get our sail together we need to get our sales pitch and you get a sales pitch okay right hmm all right good luck get a look in the mirror you can look in the mirror hello Brandon bye boxes that should do it that should do it that's a good sales pitch that's a that's a brilliant sales pitch that's all we need basically anyway I was wondering like for my base I'm not really happy with like the layers so the big thing about my base is like it's pretty iconic it's got a really nice like it's like kind of like a landmark in a way in its size but a lot of its wasted I was gonna move my storage system up here but that never happened and it's probably not going to happen as well it's probably not gonna happen because this is this is my jam this is me this is me all but these bits up here this one in particular has absolutely nothing in it and I don't know what's put in it I can't change my skin at the moment I want to put the bowtie on but that would require me logging which is so frustrating anyway I could I could see better hold on I'm gonna I'm gonna see if I can change my skin real quick I can pretty sure I can put the bowtie on not gonna be a big deal just give me a second we got if we got to do the sales pitch we've got to do it properly guys got to do it properly mmm bowtie bowtie Korean areas boom now hopefully if we disconnect and we log back here oh of course of course give me a second guys it's just gonna be a black blank screen for half a second oh I need to restart the launcher as well I've really that that is one of the things that really annoys me is basically every time every time you've got to do this one of the really annoying things is just invalid session really annoying all right let's go again should be back up any second and boom boom boom we got the bowtie we got the bowtie that's all we need okay all right we are five minutes away from Ren the dog being the stream master so let's head over to him and join him in discord and let's make some money let's make some diamonds I've been waiting to do this for a long time because I'm running out of diamonds again mmm so where's his basic I always get lost falses bass is coming along it hadn't changed for a really long time and now oh now this is somewhere to fly now I like this okay we're getting distracted there we go let's go and hop into the discord and I'd be something I'm sure it's good Oh actually and hello beautiful no no no no no no no this is all wrong this is all wrong this is all wrong okay this is all wrong no no no I need to borrow would I need to borrow would I just you know rent just hold your horses yeah I'll fix this in a minute I'll fix this later all right it's really important really important it's really important it's family off horses are being held married to a problem what's up okay all right let's start again okay okay hold on maybe just quickly don't worry I'm Wayne all right all right all right oh hello I'm not gonna open your door for you so hold or rent gonna open it oh yes oh hi oh hello good sir good to see you good I'm trying to sell you something wrong you don't need to compliment me you look great oh you and you look great by the way I'm loving those boots I love it oh thank you mm-hmm handsome very handsome anyway I'm I'm hearing your door today - yeah ask you - get out I've good is it the bow tie is it the bow tie because if it's the bow tie in the yeah the trousers were kind of offensive so this is this is much better much better okay anyway so I'm here to ask you how often do you find yourself dying in her craft um it's hmm that's a bit of a touchy subject for me fun honest cuz it happens a lot well don't worry we're in the same boat yeah you and I were in the same dragon skull wait yeah yeah don't worry I'm on the same page but boy have I got summon for you this oh it's the did you die box it is the kit you need when you die on hermit craft it has Oh every my goodness all the trinkets now you and I both know when you die lose your stuff it's over an hour of trying to get everything back Oh easy easy easily so it's got Yeldon carats you got a fully enchanted bow trident yes you know Trident dummy I'm sorry one arrow - that's a great touch oh yeah honestly it's it's all about the fine details and the chest in there the Electra plenty of rockets and then you're fully inside chanted diamond gear feather falling included aquifer tea everything you could possibly need mm-hmm all mending it's absolutely beautiful I'm not gonna lie did is this a gift is this for me oh no no I thinks no no I didn't come to you I ought to give you a gift this sir cost diodes these take a long time to make these take a look right right now normally well normally I charge people three stacks of diamonds yeah but for you there are three stacks of diamonds I mean bro discount two and a half boom two and a half two and a half for you because you're a cool guy you're handsome man two and a half diamonds - well I thank you baby I mean that compliment you know I mean that kind of that was good that was good um I am not sure whether okay let me just check my bank real quick um I've only got ID okay these are all the diamonds I have in the world right now G all right I mean I can't look inside your ender chest yes two stacks and 18 that is literally that is literally all I have you know what I'm even gonna prove it to you man it's a little light you know it's a light on the short side side but yeah I'm willing I'm willing Oh I mean look can I keep 18 I need to buy food dude all right I'll tell you what I'll throw in the stream de torch as well I'll take the two stacks of diamonds you take the box and the streamed a torch I thought this was a negotiation is that you put it on the table it's over like you've accepted you know how hard I work for those diamonds ooh that's like three weeks of profits from the lodge well at least you're covered really what do you spend your diamonds on when you when you die you have to spend a lot like that Electra 25 diamonds and Ryder's not usually the same yep yeah that's true you know what like this gives me the courage to go to the end to do some end busting this gives me the courage to fly around the nether it is definitely worth the diamonds dude for shell and you know I I know how many diamonds you've spent on Rockets and it is absurd yeah I love it thank you dude I will treasure in the diamonds thank you for the day huh may I just say for the future okay this is the very first Sahara customer review oh no I'm not here with Sahara I mean I would have my uniform on oh sorry this is this is green the door-to-door salesman and I'm gonna take my right well Caswell this is this is a little bit of advice for Sahara okay the devil is in the details my friend this schalke box is called schalke box not acceptable I forgot to name that one yeah oh I mean I don't mean to point small detail out but um that that's that's cost you 18 diamond and I gave you a discount so yeah everyone's perfect say so all in all its I think it's fair all right in fact fine fine fine two stacks of diamonds it is pop those in there and hey excellent thank you thank you very much rent and for everyone that is watching my stream head on over to twitch TV for slash Bren dawg I will put a link in the chat because this stream is officially over and I've passed the torch over to Rend dog along with a sale of a did you die let's go and check him out it's hard to read somebody from YouTube to twitch but we're gonna try it yes I'm gonna pop a link in there I don't even know if this is gonna go through but there we go pop the link in in my chat and thank you very much for watching everyone good luck Ren and thank you sir good luck on your stream I will be watching and probably annoying you oh by the way just before you go I would like to say that you so far have the moment of the day in today's stream day oh yeah well the highlight was it was just it was the best it's moment of the day so far amazing he's probably still jamming over by the jukebox yeah all right thanks everyone all righty see you later man all right I think that's all right everyone's still watching please please please head on over to read the whole point of these stream days is that the people that are watching get passed on over to the next person and the next person next person so we have like a full day so please please please head on over there we'll be spamming the link in the chat but thank you very very much everyone oh I finished thank you very very much for watching two hours is about my limit anyway on streaming so thank you very much for watching everyone I hope you've enjoyed this if you want to see more let me know and thank you very very much to everybody that sent in a donation I do apologize if I missed your donation I will be looking at all of the messages afterwards to make sure that I read your message personally even if I didn't say in the chat itself so thank you thank you thank you for all the support that your donations are the reason that I'm able to even do streams like this and of course boring bye