HermitCraft 6: 85 | THE SPECIAL MEETING

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These three are adorable. I'm having a lot of fun watching architechs develop.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BruxSC 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another episode of hermit craft I got this thing in my base the other day and I still haven't opened it I I can that that's clearly that's clearly a Timon clock right there but I've just come back I've just come back from an and reigning with mumbo-jumbo we were out in the end during the hermit craft life livestream day I have a terribly hard time saying that hermie crafts livestream day that took place yesterday for you guys Saturday if you missed it and you want to see the end busting in its entirety you can go to my twitch channel and check my board and mumbles YouTube channel and check his YouTube livestream video because yeah we kind of intersected each other we had a lot of fun and anyway this is the stuff that I got out of it I of course needed to go to the end as I've said earlier because I needed to collect a crafter of schalke boxes for the eyes forum so I think yeah that's wait that's two stacks and I nearly have three stacks I think I needed 76 for the eyes form to be fully primed so hopefully hopefully we can stock that today and try it out I'm actually super excited about that I also got a bunch of swords and lighters I actually purposely tried to loot swords and shovels because swords I could buy from villagers but shovels I can't and yeah bunch of stuff now the funny thing was that I got fifty diamonds as well and busting which is kind of like I think we're out there for one and a half hour and that's like more than I get from mining it's absolutely ridiculous did I open this chest no actually I want to start by addressing a thing that was brought up in the comments on the last video so if you guys remember we did the partnership with the IQ and we got the opportunity to now sell eyes and a lot of people actually seem concern over the fact that we can't sell the packed eyes and we can't sell the blue eyes but I didn't really worry about it because if you think about it ice is all we need like Sir Horace essentially selling pack ties and blue eyes even though it says in the partnership that we can't sell it because we are selling pack it yourself packed ice and pack it yourself blue ice it's kind of a little bit like IKEA this is actually an idea that people said on my on my harmon craft stream day it's like ikea a little bit we don't actually need to sell pack ties in blue eyes because you can craft this stuff out of the ice so we we figured that you know people should should themself feel responsible of their blue ice collection in their packed i can't believe that it's just 14 pieces for two rows of eyes to blue eyes that's crazy it's basically for every shulker box full of ice you get 21 blue eyes that is that is ridiculously ridiculously pricey now the second big concern in the contract was that we can't sell snow all I gotta say is who cares about snow like come on if you need snow you'd put up a snow farm in one second and just mind it out yourself now we'll say this I realize after reading your comments that it may seem like we got a bad end of the deal and a lot of people were concerned that I didn't actually consult with mumbo and green beforehand but luckily I actually did we did have a meeting in the Infinity room so I will show you that footage just so you guys don't think that I didn't speak with the boys before I made my super business deal of doom hello guys thank you for coming to the Infinity room and I'm sorry about the chair situation I'm kind of glad we solved that by the way both of you are looking very fancy today I gotta say dude there is something with you I can't really say what it is but I just love your guys's shirts I really think that's a horror needs to go into partnership with people I don't like the idea of competing with others I think that's other other companies are already doing that on the server I don't know what what do you guys feel about that sad I am chuffed with this genius idea Eskow partner ships ah totally the way to go oh my days awesome angry in its cow okay long now that clearly clears he clears that clearly clears any confusion in the fact that I wouldn't have met up with the guys beforehand and discussed the ID of partnerships and that's a good thing now I'm as you can see just heading out to the ice farm and I brought all of these schalke shells with me that I collected in today's Endre during yesterday's end raid by this time you're watching this video because I want to fill this thing I'm really really excited about this and I also brought light blue dye or materials to make pipe read I do it yourself like blue dye because yeah they should be likely with it's nice boxes I shouldn't have to explain that so I'm gonna chuck all of these boxes into this super sophisticated system and I just realized something I do need to empty the system of all the sulky test boxes that we put in now I gotta say I had quite a few Schottky boxes to test out with that's pretty crazy okay that is batch number one let's run that away I think I need to do that I don't know math five times I'm not sure that's that's a very easy math it should be able to solve that batch number to go and batch number three and if my math is correct which I'm not sure about we actually should see this like turning on after a few laps here any moment now if the system works and my math is correct yeah that's not a good sign that is not oh yes yes I just about to give up that works oh yes okay so what that means is that the system is now full of schalke boxes it has 76 shulkie boxes in there and eight hours afk should produce 74 sulky boxes yeah look at that oh that is that is beautiful my substracting machine is working indeed oh that is fantastic absolutely fantastic and I actually had quite a few Schalke shells and chests over so my math was clearly wrong but this is all good because I'm going to put these chunky boxes here because whenever the farm has run once I don't want to have to go back to the hermit lands immediately and empty them to run it again or if I just want to come back and do a short run when I have no shell key box here basically I will dedicate these boxes to their to the farm here I think that would be really cool and with that I now have one large chest plus the minecart in buffer so I have seventy six salty boxes plus a few extras for this form plus the ones loaded we've got a crap ton of chunky boxes in this farm and that feels pretty good so I guess only one thing remains and that is to actually test this thing full overnight so at the moment I got nothing in my inventory I got sixty one girl in carrots there's nothing left in the chests here the storage system is full I think everything is primed and ready to go could a creeper blow this up if a creeper walks in here and somehow tracks me I'm gonna take that I'm gonna take that chance and I'm actually very nervous and very excited to see what happens so I guess here we go well this is what I woke up to we need two more proof this thing regardless of the death of the zombie we managed to afk for two and a half hours so that's not very good that's not very successful clearly we do need two more proof to place but I'm curious okay alright we did get quite a bit of ice regardless and I think yeah these two are probably yeah those are the first two that came in so that reset two of the modules that is that is pretty good I am NOT going to complain let's see how many pickaxes we used oh that's pretty Oh No oh no this is bad but we use quite a few pickaxes so we went through a bid of yeah but then how did that happen my pickaxe system broke the only way this item frame would break is if this happens and that only happens if the item frame is or if I'm not feeling it with a pickaxe for example if a sambar rolls over this pressure plate ah there is a spawning spot right here oh for goodness sake his collar I have just gone through the entire farm and there was quite a few spawning sports I'm not gonna lie that I had to fix but I just had I just had a very bad epiphany now there are cases yeah here's happened good there are cases where you don't mind out the blocks that are pushing back the ice and then this will happen of course it will happen and this zombie can even reach me in here so if I mine the eyes and then let's say that I have my down time for eating it will of course create a perfect spooling spot on the packed ice for mobs to spawn and it won't be until I come back the next time and do that well not even then I have to make sure I hit all of them that that small a spot will be disappearing and that's that's a really bad thing I am I am I'm gonna call this a successful test regardless of the fact that we died because I mean we did mine quite a bit of ice in two and a half hours and I'm very happy with that I'm back at the laboratory site and I actually think that the ice mined out last night would be enough to cover all of this up like I'm planning to you so just to bring you back to speed I want to cover everything here I'm trying to mark it out in Minecraft one more I want to I want to fill up everything here with eyes and I think that's gonna look absolutely spy tacular and then we can get rid of things like this because that has mob spawns but of course in addition to that I'm trying to become a better businessman and I know that that's not my strongest suit at least my suit is very businessí and my beard oh my goodness that beard it is absolutely beautiful but I did actually have a meeting with green and Mambo at our new temporary Sahara office the other day because we all realized that we need to get on with it we basically need to to do some building and that's what we ended up doing the only problem with green building this amazing mega build is that I I personally I have no clue where to like you know help out chicken I mean I I have absolutely no I'm more of a redstone guy myself so yeah I mean I've I have no clue in the slightest either are you saying let's go do some stuff let's just we could leave this is like a partially built thing and then just build up the redstone and then that's good enough I think I mean to me it would look it would look spectacular but I think I think Korean actually has a plan so coming to my temporary SAR office that I make we have our Gertrude to the the receptionist here Wow yes don't mind her oh my oh my goodness anyway okay hope you don't mind disco I mean you can sit you can sit on the sofa I'm gonna sit behind it she wasn't like this in the interview process outside let's do it in the ball okay that's fantastic redstone boy this is the worst meeting room I've ever seen it's a vault it's not a meeting room it's a vault yeah I might want to close the door because there's a crazy guys okay we need to take a serious rain check here can we actually run a business to get into the office room you've hired a terrible receptionist we can't make it into our own vault the vault is touching good food that's not that's a good thing that's a security thing remember that we have this man on the server agree and he pushes every buttons 500,000 times this world is so safe but not even we can get into it I think that's a plus so I've come down now we got the partnership our first partnership I took care of it don't worry when are you guys gonna actually help building yeah that's kind of what we're here I mean we realize that we can't just I mean you're you are the architect like you're an amazing builder but but we'll we'll help you place blocks excellent okay so maybe we should time-lapse this together and then I can kind of guide everybody on what the plan is and then and then when it comes to doing the redstone you can just tell me what to do can you hear me still saying no can I place the buttons at the end no because you'll hit them at million times as you place it in the grid you haunt the customers are gonna do though what we could do is that we could install a rollercoaster for you while we do the redstone so you could be traveling around and look at us yeah what do you say okay that sounds actually quite fun yeah let's definitely do that even if I said no we should do that anyway yeah and if we do it anyway he's just gonna jump in anyway it doesn't we don't need this approval [Music] it took us about five hours to build and another five hours to collect the resources and turn the concrete that the hardened concrete but look at this guy's I mean it it's not fully complete but we are so close to being there we gotta fill in that little patch we gotta have a nice entrance down there we got to do all the interior and speaking about the interior over here this is a part of what I did in the stream day we installed a floor I realized that doesn't sound too exciting but what is it what it's exciting is that this place here is going to be the warehouse this is going to be where we are fitting the mumbles redstone modules that he came up with for packaging all the items that were selling at suhara now there seems to have been a confusion by the way about the fact that Sahara is gonna be selling everything we are practically gonna be selling everything that'sthat's the new slogan of course we're not gonna sell every single item in Minecraft because that would probably be I don't know it's or do we have over a thousand items in Minecraft at the moment the point is we're gonna be selling a lot of items and we're gonna be selling items at a very good price so this area here is where me and mumble are to install the the warehouse everything that has to do with the redstone for packaging the items when the order comes through etc and it's gonna be a real challenge and I think it's gonna look spectacular we both agreed on the fact that it would be so nice to have these big windows to look into the to the machines as they're working and we're gonna make them in a very bright sort of color I think I think we discussed yellow because of Sahara I think that's gonna look great and over this place I've no idea what this parrot is doing here I think this was part of green stream is he gonna dance [Laughter] well over here grievous going to stole the corporate part of the business so we're gonna have a meeting room and a few other bits that he is planning on his holy that is that is absolutely hilarious and I gotta say guys I don't know about you dudes but all in all I really feel like we've over that music was really loud there I really feel like we've over accomplished on this one I I think we've definitely taken it to the next level it looks absolutely fantastic we're also starting to work on the courtyard outside the Kezia green let's put up a custom tree I think we're gonna have a few more of those last night me and Gris and actually spend some time flattening this area out there's gonna be a little bit of a wall there so that we have a plot saw sort of building here and then this red marking here is going to be where the actual shop front is being put so if everything works out we will have the items being packed in the warehouse fully visible and then transported in a mine cart over here visible in the air probably in like a glass tube or something and then delivered to the shop so as you're ordering things you'll be able to see what you're well you'd be able to see the minecart come in I guess you can't actually see the redstone components there but I think that would be really really cool now as far as the roofs go I actually got a few tweets after the after the stream saying this roof looks like die rise please change it and yeah we are in the process of installing wool carpets because that will improve this whole area I'm actually responsible of trying to get all of the carpet needed and it's thousands upon thousands of carpets so I have to actually use my string farm in between episodes probably overnight again to try and get enough string or rule for this to be completed but don't worry it's not going to look like patched up like this on the ceiling that's just the natural snow that's fallen I'm gonna enjoy the Paris for this because I'm gonna say thank you guys so much for watching I hope you have enjoyed so why are you not dancing ari come on dance oh you are pouring me you are pouring me anyway thank you guys so much for watching I hope you've enjoyed this episode if you did pre please hit the like button down below and if you're brand new consider subscribing and I will see you in the next episode [Laughter] do you have a preset color oh no that's just your neck okay so Green has put up this amazing go behind the desk read so isn't this thing that green has put up pretty amazing [Laughter] [Laughter]
Channel: iskall85
Views: 284,368
Rating: 4.9722195 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, iskall85, iskall minecraft, hermit craft, hermitcraft sahara, sahara hq hermitcraft, sahara head office, sahara minecraft headquarters, grian, mumbo, mumbojumbo, iskall grian, grian iskall, mumbo grian iskall, grian mumbo iskall, architects hermitcraft, hermitcraft architects, infinity room hermitcraft
Id: 4-NBph3aUF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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