HermitCraft 6: 86 | THE POWER GRID

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft today we're starting things off once again in the ice for my guess we didn't start things off here last episode but I've been f king overnight once again and this is including the last day of K yeah it didn't go very well I think I got like 6 boxes or something like that Exuma had messaged me this morning that he kicked me after I'd been afk for about two hours three hours but apparently the reason he kicked me was because I didn't have a pickaxe in my hand I was essentially bobbing along like this that's obviously not gonna give me any ice the good news though is that I didn't actually die this time and that may be because I actually took my time in between episode and we did this in a livestream and changed out all the packed ice that was in these trays or I shouldn't say all the packed ice but the packed ice in the middle of there the trays here with regular ice as you can see here and the reason I did that was of course because there would be possibilities for mobs to spawn here as I said in the last episode but having it regular ice means that the mobs cannot spawn now I did get a lot of comments suggesting suggesting how to fix this issue and most of them were saying that I should put blocks above this but I think you guys forgot about the important thing this is an ice farm if you put blocks above the eyes the eyes won't form even glass wouldn't work that has solved the situation of the mobs and in addition I actually put a wall around this it's super fancy but it is a bit of a mystery to me how we didn't get a pickaxe because another change that I made to the farm was actually a suggestion by Jeff I'm not kidding in my last video I had a comment from a guy named Jeff saying actually actually you'd be surprised here's how you can fix the pickaxe situation because remember how last time the in frame was shot down into the chest into the collection system and that had happened because at some point this had got triggered without there being any items in the item frame so he suggested and a few others did as well I should say why don't you trigger a base of a comparator signal instead of the pressure plate and I mean that's absolutely genius I don't understand why I didn't think about that myself to be honest so all I did was that I installed a circuit on the back leading from that comparator which turns on whenever any item is in the item frame up around and empowering the snowball and then powering the new pickaxe dispenser as well but I'm still confused as to how it was possible that my AFK session last night got me zero quick access because I've actually tried this like I've tried this like 15 times this morning and not a single time have I been able to replicate what happened there must have been like a massive lag spike or something so here's how this works I traveled past and comparator goes on and I get a new pickaxe so visually it's the same but it's also very different because yeah it's triggered by the comparator I'm not gonna lie it's a little bit disappointing oh I didn't even check this oh no wait this was from my testing yeah I was gonna say welltake but as I was gonna say it's a little bit disappointing that the ice form once again didn't work but I'm gonna try it I'm gonna run it another time some night soon I don't know exactly when but for now I want to head back to my base and I want to bring some of these eyes boxes because I'm gonna put these to use for building oh wait a minute there's a sign here price at minus-6 33 114 minus a 20 price ice price or do they mean prize as in a reward I feel like this has taken me in the direction of Khan Corp yeah look at this a 20 okay and there's a sign well played and after we chased the sign for no reason I'm kind of glad I did it anyway put that up but I realized that I owe you guys one thing from last episode and that is the opening of this chest on the diamond block because I have yeah I forgot I'm very sorry I was gonna open it in the last episode in the end but I forgot I just want to make sure that this is not some kind of weird TNT trap to blow up everything in my base I mean if I do this yeah okay I don't know how that would have prevented a explosion but let's mine that I mean that's very welcome oh my goodness I am so rich I did actually collect their profits from the slime shop and I shared it 5050 with mumbo okay but I didn't actually collect that on a live stream in between episodes and we have made a lot of sense that's because Khan Corp had apparently sold or bought everything that we had which is really weird strategy do they really think that they can buy us out on Corp I'm sorry to say this but you're not gonna be able to buy us out right so the chest let's see I'm doing it I gift someone something useless so in order to understand these guys I realize that a lot of people in in in the comments probably won't understand this but this is actually a play from season 4 from hermitcraft season 4 where I had a shop that's old devil Souls for one stack of diamonds no one ever understood why they would buy them so the people who bought devil souls back then I remember being tango and impulse and Exuma and possibly some more people and yeah they'd never got anything for it but I had a plan with these devil Souls I still have a plan with these devil souls I'm gonna put them in a chest they're not useless so with all of that out of the way I want to move on and I want to spend some time filling this in with the eyes like I planned and there are a few challenging bits that I don't know if we're gonna tackle today these sand islands here I really don't like but in order to remove them I'd have to like dig down quite a bit you can see like ten blocks down there to make it to make an impact that actually matters so think what I'm gonna aim to do is fill in the area between these two ice mountains all the way around the circle the monster and all the way around these pylons with ice and then sort of cut in here somewhere close to the sand but maybe to the left of the kelp I want it to look like it makes sense as well yeah that's a lot of ice I got a place and then on this side I guess we're gonna fill it in from that ice mountain over to this ice mountain so most of this is filled in with ice yeah it's this is gonna be this is gonna be a grind and a half but it's gonna look fantastic I hope so I thought that we would do one of these a third person time-lapses while I fill in the ice where I can actually spend a little bit of time talking with you today I've never done one of these before so it's a little bit nerve-wracking but I do it because I have a question that I would love to see your guys's answers on down below in the comment section minecraft 114 is very very soon coming to an end the development of 114 is coming to an end it's have a weird saying the microphone forty coveted add but the development is very soon coming to an end I think they've said that the 114 is feature complete so they're just working on like balancing things and doing bug fixes and really like to know what one function is the or what one thing in 114 is the thing that you are looking forward to the most is it all the new slabs is it the campfires is it the taiga biome is it that maybe the folks is I don't know but I would be very keen to hear what you guys are the most excited about personally I gotta say it's the TNT changes the fact that TMT will now not break the blocks that it that it explodes is a change that I didn't expect but if you think about it it's completely logical because all of a sudden TNT has a use you can now build mega forms with it concrete makers three forms miners that runs underground and blows up the blocks and mines your diamonds for you I am super super excited to hit the start playing around with the TNT I yeah that that gotta be my favorite I do like the the smokestack as well the particle spots TT gotta be the favorite so let me know down below and let's get back into this episode well that rendering bug doesn't really help right there but look at this place I mean the cool thing with eyes if you haven't yet understood that is that its spawn proof mobs cannot spawn and regular eyes as you can see here we're getting there mobs to spawn wherever we don't have packed eyes so in the final product we need to go through all of these old glaciers that we'll see here all the old mountains we need to switch that out for ice and also all of these monsters I want to spawn proof eventually so I'm gonna add ice I've done down there I'm gonna add regular ice on top of that ice and double snow layers in places essentially I want to turn this entire area mob proof I wouldn't be able to stand outside and not well I guess the app there are phantoms and looking at this Pilon I think I think I'm actually gonna go ahead and break out a patch underneath yeah that is awesome oh my goodness that turned out much better than I thought next I want to tackle something that I have been wanting to do since I made my wither skeleton farm I want to create a beacon grid an intelligent beacon grid in our base and I think this is gonna be absolutely fantastic to have however I had a look here earlier and yeah we definitely need a lot higher than that so we got a hope the tango has stocked his iron shop recently oh yes look at this freshly stocked iron five diamonds for one stack of blocks it's still pretty expensive considering that this iron is infinite for tango he must be so rich and as you guys know Sahara are looking for partners now there is no way that we can compete in the production of iron because essentially there's only one spoon chunk and that's been taken up by my tango at the moment so I mean he built that iron tide in whatever it's called nowadays arm Phoenix he built that and we can't look what is going on here look at the amount of diamonds just chill in the air yeah so I was saying there's no way we can compete on iron production so we need to get into partnership also with tango that is for certain now that begs the question how would we partner with a man that clearly has everything like how do we do this I think a little bit of flirting is in order to start things off with this partnership so I made a few notes hiren or siren get it because of Sahara tango plus ahora equals love Sahara loves your iron tango the iron king I think this is probably the way to start things off and hopefully by doing this he will like slowly but surely think that Sahara or Sahara is the greatest thing ever which it totally is oh the ways we actually made sale of the last two because we are sold out we're sold out now obviously this shop is going to come to an end with Sahara opening and the plan is that Sahara will be selling beacons instead but this means that I actually made quite a few stacks of diamonds from my beacon shop which is absolutely fantastic I think I just came to a horrible realization yesterday on the server I tabbed out without logging out of Minecraft and I came back an hour later and obviously had I been killed I had been killed because I'm an idiot that I left Minecraft running that's happened a lot of times to me and I'm sure it happened happens a lot of time to all of you the horrible realization is that I think I think I had 6 beacons in my inventory because I was doing some testing at the time oh dear I obviously lost all my stuff as well so I have actually remade all my stuff what yeah they aren't here oh are you freaking kidding me oh ok ok so I do I did not lose my beacons oh that is such a relief how come I put them away I can't I can't believe I was this good of a nice calm this is a much bigger project that I anticipated this is gonna be a little bit tricky to pull off so what a beacon grid is is essentially beacons integrate that's that's okay that you you guys understood that but I want to in my base be able to have these buffs that you get from beacons for example haze to speed jump maybe regeneration and I want to be able to have those four buffs wherever I am in this base as you guys know a beacon reaches 50 blocks out to either direction of the beam except for upwards upwards is infinite so you can basically place a beacon down with my level 11 and as long as you have a beacon every hundred blocks I guess because 50 plus 50 is hundred yeah math hello yeah I think that's correct is if you have a beacon every hundred blocks you could then cover the entire area of a place with a big grid so I have to start by mapping out all the different beacons that I need to put down to make sure that I'm not hitting any buildings both on the overground but more importantly underneath here because well we can't really see it but trust me on this one the lab is right down here this is the very center of the lab and it goes out quite a way with a lot of redstone a lot of hoppers and stuff that I can't break but we got about a few hours later with some block breaking wither killing and wither skeleton forming I have got myself jump boost to speed to resistance regeneration haste to right in my base this is powered by 16 beacons for forecourt beacons after I did the measurement turned out to be all that we needed I actually originally thought that it was gonna be a little bit more but yeah this is working out great so now all that remains for me to do is to take down the scaffolding and I have a bit of a redstone plan for these beacons I gotta say this is extremely satisfying some reason now as I said I have a little bit of a plan to make a redstone controllable circuit that can disable any of these effects whenever we want to so you can do that by just pushing a block over it so here's an example of that if I push that out this I think is there yeah this is the region and regeneration and like that and I should now have one line for each piston and it's already looking a little bit messy but very straightforward redstone here if I disable this lever I lose whatever that may be I think that's jump boost yeah jump boost this is resistance and regeneration haze - and the final one that removes speed - yeah cool now of course I don't want to have to run down here and to do this and this is just one of the core beacons or in order for this to work I need to wire all of these wires all the way back that way to a central point and I guess at this moment in time it would be really handy to figure out where I want to put this control station of dude and this wall here is gonna be the winner it looks like a face it looks like a face it's like a panda I don't know if that's a panda but anyway this wall is gonna be perfect for this and yeah I just need to wire everything up here so the way I'm thinking about this is I'd have I guess that have levers like this and then I have two levers here oh goodness I'm never gonna unsee that face now it's a koala bear bear that's what it is koala bear yeah koala bear and this is the mouth we got a little bit of a beard Oh anyway I got a wire this up now and with this that should be 2 of the 4 chord beacons connected i heavily underestimated how long time through this takes this is actually our day 2 of this o day 3 of this video 2 sleeps of this video and I think I've spent a good five hours on this and absolutely crazy not speak about the redstone that I've been using for this I am completely out almost at this point in time I'm so very happy that mumbo has made the witch form so that we can stock Sahara with redstone because I'm gonna be a big customer I'm gonna be a massive customer of that stuff and I think about it I should probably get a she probably be getting an employee discount right so let's try this out I think my signs are wrong yeah they're wrong hold on okay so it goes jump boost let's try that one out this is exciting I should be loosing oh no oh no oh okay there we go that should be yep let's jump who's going away very nice okay and then if I turn it back on I get it back nice resistance and regeneration and yep they are now completely gone that works haste which I honestly I would probably never turn off but it is turned off right now and they works sweet and then speed yep it works nice okay awesome if I follow one of these lines down it's very simple redstone and I was actually considering making a decoders type of deal instead and running just one wire to every beacon and I also considered making like an I'm stream in an item sorter and that that could also be a thing where you just just have one transportation line but in the end of it I decided to do it the old-fashioned way and yeah these these things have taken me absolutely it's just to run it's absolutely crazy digging all out all of this and making sure I can go up and down through the base and not hitting anything but the result is perfect it's exactly what I wanted lights are installed and I made a few items to instead of science illustrate what we are doing here so a horse armor it's gonna be the jump boost we got a gold Apple for the regeneration and then haste is a pickaxe and speed sugar I'm a I'm a I'm a change tells out at some point because they may not be the best but for now that's pretty good and I guess I guess that is it so light indicating that we no longer have jump boost oh this is so sweet this is so awesome I love this it's just one of those quality of life things to have in your base I decided to decorate this as well and I personally think that's looking really good I am yeah I also changed this up and remove the slabs in 114 once we update all of my slab grid scallion lights are gonna break which is absolutely gonna suck I really don't like the mo yang is changing the slab lights let me know what you think about that down below in the comments because personally I think they're removing something that I understand I understand that this isn't the this isn't how it should behave but it's been like that for ever for 10 years so why change it now people have like learned to build cool things with it with all of the stuff that we've done today I am now out of completely out of time for this video so that is gonna be it for me today I was hoping to get to started with the Sahara warehouse modules today but Mambo wasn't around yesterday so I'm gonna try and meet up with him and crack on with that because we still really need to get Sahara up and running nice landing but anyway for now that's gonna do for today so thank you guys so much for watching I hope that you enjoyed the video if you did please do hit the like button and if you're brand new consider subscribing and I will see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 293,667
Rating: 4.9716969 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, iskall85, iskall minecraft, hermit craft, iskall base hermitcraft, iskall hermitcraft 6 lab, iskall hermitcraft 6 base, wither skeleton farm 1.13.2, wither skeleton farm iskall, beacons switches minecraft, beacon switch minecraft, hermitcraft best bases, hermitcraft best builds
Id: ofKf1TmZaFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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