HermitCraft 6: 84 | SAHARA'S FIRST PARTNER!

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For, 1. building the ice farm for Stress, 2. granting her monopoly for packed and blue ice (two things where a huge ice farm is actually worthwhile), 3. declaring that they'd never sell ice more competetively than her, 4. granting her monopoly on all snow products (WHY?!) Iskall got her declaration that she wouldn't undersell Sahara using the ice she gets from the farm he built her.

And he's stupidly happy about the outcome!

Grian, Mumbo. Make sure Iskall is NOT ALLOWED to make any deals in the name of the Sahara project.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/sharfpang 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back whoo that was beautiful welcome back to another episode of heavy craft season 6 now as a few of you noticed in the last episode let's just talk about the elephant in the room a lot of people were asking about my clothes about my skin about my green laser eye and it's true I handed my skin over to the artist Danny who's done a little bit of a cleaning job on it and he also gave me this really cool feature which is my my eye that now look at this I can now take it off and put it back on so if I need to be extra extra ordinary and anything I turn my eye on boom and there we are today guys I am well I have a lot of different things that I want to get done today so last episode we built this mega eyes form of Tim and oh you can't fly unless you have you're like John what an idiot I am last time we built this ice form of Tim and I am super super happy with the results you guys had a lot of awesome comments in the video one thing though that stood out was that of what did the question I think was asked a thousand times hey it's called why didn't you just use frost Walker boots much faster than waiting for the ice to freeze and I gotta say it's a pretty good question I mean there is the enchantment frost Walker and essentially if you have frost Walker boots and walk close to water its freezes to ice so I understand that a lot of you thought that that was a good idea however it is not normal ice it breaks after wise or thoughts after a while as you can see and more importantly this is a silk touch efficiency 5 diamond pickaxe watch what happens if I try mine it first of all it takes a long time it's not in the mining and secondly it doesn't actually give me any ice long story short is that the frost Walker boots they create another type of ice you can walk on it it behaves the same but you cannot mine it so it you will have a setup like this for example that would be totally possible on the on top of the ice trays it wouldn't do any difference if I'd put an armor stand right there I put him on a bunk and then give him the frost Walker boots and I'll shoot him across like this then that would freeze the ice but again yeah it's not realized so I can't mine it and that's why I didn't use that method but I thought because I got so many people thinking this was a thing I'll show you how it works I don't know if this is it maybe maybe this is a bedrock thing you guys can let me know but in Java it does not work so with that out of the way I want to show you a little bit of progress that I've been making here since the last episode I've even made a little bit of a what they call these project boards with lights and this was actually part of another livestream that I did after the ice foam was finished but there is a bunch of different things we need to do storage system which is done Tara shape design form exterior workshop room mo proofing snowball form which is also done obtain a hundred and forty schalke boxes I'm gonna need to end rate badly obtain icy picks which I actually did in the end of the last episode so I have a ton of those and create a nether portal to this place which is also done up here so now that you come through the nether you will go down this walkway and this is the ice form entrance so right here you go into the farm and over here I have that snow bull form I think I need to grab the snow shovel load this thing and this is just a classic snowball form that creates a ton of snowballs in this chest and that's a silk touch oh my goodness that was that was ok that was the wrong that was the wrong shovel it needs to be a fortune shovel I have done some work here it's far from done though there's a lot of bits and pieces remaining and one of them and the reason for me having my green laser is Scalia my own at the moment is this to finalize the storage system you see the storage system for this farm has to be pretty complicated it can't just be an area of chests well it could be an area of chests but that would that would not be the most convenient way to do it I want a system that pack down the ice into shulkie boxes using shulkie box loaders and that's what I've done over here this is a chunky box loader just like the one we have in our base for example and whenever a Sheltie box is full oops I hate being down here here we go boom whenever I shall ki box is full it will spit it out into these hoppers and bring it through that item elevator all the way back to the chest that's visible inside the workshop this chest over here so we should have that smooth stone that I broke very nice and that's all nice and good and actually something that we need to test out because I haven't actually tested this out yet so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna preload this with a with a nice box that's almost full like a sole so I guess what I should do to test this out is grab one of these ice picks and just run through a few of these trays and that is of course very satisfying to do almost um with two rolls and there we go actually went well timed and I honestly think that's enough quite frankly I'm a little bit nervous we should that's not a good oh I think it just I think it just processed there I was gonna say I think we should definitely have one chunky box filled and ready and yeah that that just that just shot back up I think the good news is that the shelter box did make it back here and it seemed to broken another schalke box as well which is not good I'm gonna force this to enlist I'm gonna illustrate what happens when this first is full and see what happens yeah it it breaks two of them oh it's oh oh oh this is not good yeah don't want to do that because then that piston will power this repeater as well or that repeater will power this piston these Pistons are actually getting powered by quasi connectivity so we do not want to power this block we're gonna have a block that doesn't get powered so I think putting glass there would fix the issue let's just double check so if I now illustrate that this guy is full nice that's awesome this should have come back down yeah there we go okay sweet so that's all good that's all good that's the shell key box loader all fixed and completed so this moment in time you may be wondering what this monstrosity is this is actually something that I came up with during a livestream and it's a it's a bit of circuit it's a bit of a circuit that we need in this machine and that bit of circuit is going to be responsible of this lamp here you see because this form is so ridiculously mega as I said it we need basically if I'm if I'm going to go afk for eight hours I need to know that the form is loaded I need to know that the form has 130 something shelcha boxes ready to accept ice because otherwise we're just running the farm for no reason so in order to do that because I have four shelcha box loaders which I have because hoppers won't be able to process this farm quick enough because it's so fast and it's mega because hoppers only process nine thousands items an hour and this form will produce sixteen thousand items an hour I made a couple of x star shelter box loaders that's why I have four of them but because of that I ran into a little bit of a problem how do we make sure that each one of these chunky box loaders have the enough or sufficient chunky box in them well we need to take a signal from the input hoppers these hoppers down here but we need to make sure that all four of them are full to the brim if they aren't full to the brim the system doesn't have enough schalke boxes in it because the way I'm calculating this is nine chunky boxes per dispenser five per hopper and there are two hoppers so that's 19 times four which equals to 76 shaky boxes which is about what you need to load this form with before you do an eight hour session I think I got the math right I know I said 140 but I think the reason I want 140 is because I want to be able to run the farm with that with the 76 chunky boxes and then run it again I just wanted more schalke boxes than I need it sometimes I surprised myself how stupidly I said I explain certain things but I hope you all understand anyway what this with us here is that it does exactly what we need so it's and it's essentially a NAND gate and it's some comparators that subtract and check the subtract and check the value of the hoppers here so only when these hoppers are completely full like this one it's the torch that's connected to that hope will come off so that words there that words there etc etc and when all four torches are off this lamp will be turned on by this am gate and that's essentially what we are gonna have here and like so that should be that so the circuit is added down there and that will now power that light whenever the storage is completely filled to the brim meaning that these back hoppers have the items needed I don't know about you guys but I would love to personally test this out unfortunately I don't have enough shelf key boxes to do so I desperately need to go on an end raid but we can at least make sure that that is yeah that it's going good it should be empty by now when it comes back and yeah that's filling up the shell key boxes I guess we could test it with other unstackable items and we have quite a bit of on stackable items let's just load our system with our ice picks in lack of shelter boxes I've now rigged the systems with ice pickaxes and dirt to make sure that it requires exactly two more chunky boxes for it to think that it's completely loaded with schalke boxes so if I send these two off we should see this light turn on yes it works it works yes oh that is beautiful so now the system would be primed it would have exactly 76 shulkie boxes inside the system and it would be ready to go so with this thing working I suppose a final touch is to install a couple of double chests over here and this is where we would store empty schalke boxes that doesn't fit the system so every time we want to go on a longer AFK session we load this thing up make sure that the light is lit and then we can go afk all empty socket box can go in here and then we come back after IFK session we go into this chest we pick up the ice boxes that we've mined out and this is actually three large chests stacked on top of each other so it holds all the 76 chunky boxes and that way we can easily transport it back to the Hermit lands where yeah what we're gonna do with it is it's a little bit uncertain at the moment there is there's someone I have to meet there's someone I have to have a little bit of a meeting weird so with your order being processed and the ice form being complete I mean almost I just need to finish the story system but with the ice from being completed I we never we never really discussed any sort of pay payment for for this I thought you know oh it's fine stressed wants to is such a gorgeous person that she will surely offer me something or we'll deal with this afterwards and it would be all fine and you know that these are only these are only the thoughts that I had right so let's discuss have a seat in your eyes drone drone welcome to my office in this beautiful be a beautifully destroyed area that is a that's a ship yeah that's that's don't I was over there it's yeah what you should be asking at this point in time is what is this why this is a death pit of doom we're negotiators fall down if they fail negotiate just just letting you know that that is there you know okay so we've now built the supply chain for the ice queen you yeah and I would like to say as well I've throughout the season I've respected ice Queen's Authority and make sure that you know as I shall as I should always purchase your ice as payment I would like to today offer you the very first and exclusive partnership of Sahara the new big business opening in her Midtown because we want we want ice queen on our side and we respect your eyebrows and so what I'm proposing is this this form could literally make you millions of diamonds you can use this at your convenience whenever you want and in in return of that in return or as payment for the farm Sahara will be selling ice at four stacks of these ice blocks per diamond okay which is a lot cheaper than your shop so your shop needs to also change the price to four stacks the diamond right and we agree to to go into partnership where we will never compete about ice so if the market requires us to lower the price at any point both of us will do so together I mean this is important because no no no I'll mind the ice for Sahara do you mind the ice for your shop and and and we keep I mean there will be locals combats that will want to buy stuff from your shop and there will be others that would want to buy from Sahara so I mean your shop will still be fully relevant because we'll have the same price I see so you're suggesting that Sahara are not allowed to sell the packet okay I see I can see that I can see that and I didn't say anything about snow do you not the small Queen are you this night I know you do but are you the Snow Queen do you know okay sorry I don't know where that came from I don't know about snow though I think packed ice and blue ice exclusive rights we won't sell that but snow it's not really you know fine fine fine fine okay then it's a deal I will shake your hand don't be mean about tribe I've tried them I'm nobody I'm not very I'm not very manly with my shaking I've never been you don't have to point it out okay that's that's always the thing they do you're handy show garbage you can't even shake but they always said it every single day well well well that went extraordinary well that means that Sahara now have our very first product that we do produce ourself and that we can sell at ridiculously good prices with this with this ice farm and besides we are still benefiting the ice queen which feels really good because she does have monopoly on ice this season and I the last thing we want to do at Sahara is upset anyone we want to make partnerships as much as we can now I have put on my architects suit because I think it's time we write the very first Sahara partnership contract and hand over the copy that we just agreed with stress monster about to her tiara stress monster the ice queen hereafter referred to as the IQ this is a contract between IQ and Sahara in regards of the sales of ice on the hermit craft server we have agreed upon the following we will be selling ice at the same price and change the price together depending on the markets requirement will therefore not be competing on ice sales Sahara will promise to not sell any other ice and snow products the eyes shall be obtained from the same supplier ice mega form of dude Sahara values the Sahara IQ partnership greatly and wish is it to never end iq partnership signing close let's make a copy of that book and we'll put that copy in her mailbox Queen ice queen ice queen I screwed up there what she still got her blocks of diamonds in here holy crap okay there we go I keep partnership and we don't really have a building yet so I guess we'll just keep this book in my ender chest for now just we have our copy of it speaking about having an office yet have a look at this progression that Greene has made wow this is starting to take shape I was here earlier today and I actually made quite a bit of concrete I think I filled two double chests you had these ones here let's see how much is used okay there's still a little bit left so I've been trying to get a hold of green for a little while now and yeah it's online with this camera account I haven't managed to get a hold of him I think he's busy maybe doing something else I wanted to get ahold of him because I needed some instructions of where I can place blocks because obviously green is an architect like look at this look at this build it looks absolutely ridiculously amazing but looking at his sketch that he showed me the drawing I don't think there's anything on the drawing that he hasn't already built so I don't want to be the guy who starts placing down blocks and then we have to take it down because look at my face I'm I know my beard is absolutely beautiful in my architect suit but I am kind of stupid so what I'm gonna do instead because I think that we definitely need an office prompt oh I am going to raise a temporary a temporary small architect office that we can use while we are building or a sahar office I should say that we can use while we're building the Sahara main headquarters of do and we need this because I want to store our contract in there our first partnership contract and I also want to start creating a list over the items that we can sell because so far I've been working mostly on supplies having the the skeleton farm and now the ice farm and doing the partnership deal so I think it's very very wise that we start kind of marking down the things that we have the things that we have stalking are able to sell and I don't think this temporary office needs to be much bigger than this this is a pretty good footprint actually it's going to require having a little bit of a vault on the back here where we can store the contract and our secret books yes we're totally gonna have secret books I think fancy high-end glass panes are totally in order high quality dark oak floors feel totally in line with Asahara style and the vault gets high-security concrete floor metal flooring state-of-the-art super secure super door of two high marble quartz super protective roof of doom and this is looking really good we do need some interior though and I'm thinking that we'll have some sort of reception desk over here nice flower on it looks good and as opposed to old boring offices I think that we should have this big couch where customers new partners etc and us can sit and discuss terms and agreements of our partnership why not add in some high-end architect architectural bookshelves or just shelf server we'll put some more flowers to add a little bit of color and of course it is a very temporary office but I gotta say that's that's not too bad so we've got a nice reception we got a nice little sitting area where we can discuss new partnerships but you're cool Sahara patented lamps yeah these are these are these are super modern right now guys you should totally get some of your own and of course the very high-tech super secure vault of team where we have product stock lists and partnerships now these tests are currently empty but we do have a space for it and can go ahead and put the IQ partnerships into there I think that we are looking to partner with majority of the hermit's about sales and making sure that we don't take anyone else's sales because we don't want to do that we we want to create a a very cool shop that everybody can use but we don't want to take over and just you know ruin other people's shop so of course we need we need to we need to do partnerships with people but anyway guys that's gonna do it for me today thank you guys so much for watching I hope you have enjoyed this episode if you did of course do hit the like button down below and if you're brand new consider subscribing and I'll see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 433,539
Rating: 4.9551554 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, iskall85, iskall minecraft, hermit craft, hermitcraft minecart station, hermitcraft railway station, hermitcraft railway, hermitcraft shopping district, mega ice farm, hermitcraft ice farm, hermitcraft ice base, hermitcraft sahara, sahara hermitcraft, iskall sahara, hermitcraft architects, architects hermitcraft
Id: kjoBGe_3ZMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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