Hermitcraft 10 - Shops & Wings - Ep. 10

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i m my skull come on what what happened to you buddy oh dear oh gosh that just does not look right at the time I'm recording this my video completing the skull has not even been posted for 24 hours yet that's how quick the Hermits are hello everyone and welcome to hermitcraft season 10 this is my base but today we're not going to spend a lot of time here I have other plans for us that is much better You've Got Mail I've got mail look my beacon went red perfect these are my Pearl stamps finally ah I didn't have any from Pearl because I got my stamps before Pearl actually had a post box but now we should we should send something let's send something to Pearl shall we that would be so fun and exciting let me put together a little box for her maybe of some coraly thingies I feel like Pearl would be one of my better Coral customers so maybe I'll give her a little sampling of some of the coral and we'll just send it along in a box uh maybe with a pun all right here is the fishing related box that I've put together for Pearl and of course we've got to put a piece of paper with a pun on it there we go perfect now we put our Pearl stamp in here and in it goes press the button oh that is cool that is so cool now while we're on the topic of the giant eyeballs thank you Joel and Gan um I'm actually going to take some inspiration from those and go and spread the love to somebody else that's somebody else being imp and I'm I'm actually just going to use some of the concrete that Joel gave me thank you Joel this is very helpful I will use these colors that's perfect I also of course have this sheep running over here and I've actually been changing the Sheep's colors so I have a lot more wool than you would probably think in a quite a variety of colors I think maybe we'll also mix in some red you see my neighbor impulse has invited us all to Graffiti his giant wall yeah you see that wall right there just past shingles uhhuh that wall is open to be graffitied and I think this is the perfect time to do it because I have an idea I think I had to uh summon Gemini slay for this one just need perhaps a few more supplies You've Got Mail oh hey Pearl must have replied to me let's go see what my mail says oh this is so cute I can't leave you hanging business is blooming oh this is adorable Pearl how incredibly thoughtful of course my inventory is a disaster cuz I was about to go build something but this is awesome this is so sweet the flowers the daylight sensors oh all right all right all right that's enough postal box fun let's convert some of this concrete and head over to impulses now of course I have to pick a spot on this wall where I want to put my graffiti and I think selfishly I'm going to put it on this wall and I talked to impulse and he said the outside was the best way to do it as you can see I've put a little gem special door here because uh well he can't wall me he he just can't it's impossible and so I think since I've already claimed a little section of the wall right there it probably be a good idea to do my mark in this area here where I can see it from my base so let me summon Gemini slay and let's get to work originally I wanted to do a sword or something in this but I couldn't figure out how to fit it so we got the little sus guy I wanted to not only do text but also an image so I saw somebody do pixel art of the Among Us characters before in Minecraft and I know Mumbo always gets called out for his b is looking kind of sus so the nice thing about that is the words look a little strange on this side which I did check with impulse and that's okay but this character over over here who luckily is kind of close to the street in his build that is actually very legible from both sides so I'm very happy with this graffiti I don't get the chance to do pixel art stuff very often so this is a real treat right now that we've got griefing each other's bases out of the way let's move on to the next segment of the video it's time to head to the shopping district you may remember this is my shopping section of the shopping district and we have been doing very well I actually restocked this just last night but the Moss has been selling the coral is still selling as well as the pickles and the clay well the clay is completely sold out now I have four permits and I have pretty big plans for the coral and Trident sectors but today I thought that we would focus our attention on the smaller bits the Moss shop and the clay shop because I think those can be sort of lumped together not actually lumped together but just put next to each other thematically sort of I brought some blocks here so that I can just Mark out a sort of area that I want and although this is a really nice area I'm actually really inspired by beb's shop just over here and I want to build on a pretty similar scale and I also wanted to be close to the water for a future coral and Trident shop so I was thinking maybe where this big tree is is potentially a perfect area for my shop let's just claim a little area right here along the other side of this path that beat Up's marked out all right here's my plan so we have the MTH section and then the colle play section down here which I'm going to have to figure out my exact pet for but at least for the Moss section I think I really genuinely want the bottom of the shop to just be Moss I mean I want this to stand out as very clearly this is a moss shop now I suppose we' better also get set up in this area so let me just create a quick double chest so I can get completely prepared to be building out here I think this actually meets the water just perfectly all I have to do is get rid of a couple of these trees all right plot is marked out now we material gather don't just creepily stare at me from a distance you're staring at me well you whacked me in the face why would I not stare at you were you doing you looked like you were doing an intro or something you're like looking with your build in the background like hello I am pearlescent Moon good day mate oh oh oh you pearlescent Moon is that how we say in the Australian language now okay I see all right I mean you weren't wrong I was doing a bit of a monologue wonderful I got to interrupt thanks Jim but I was I was in between sentences so I could totally cut out this entire thing and they would even know materials have been gathered and now it's time to get our basic Freeman of course I'm going to do this basically exactly how I usually do building up a foundation getting the roof line and the walls in and then we can come in with some details afterwards shall we timelapse this part I think we should timelapse this [Music] part this build is probably going to give bebs a heart attack when he logs on um but it's been a while since I've played with some good oldfashioned birch logs unstripped they're going to be fantastic I think the only thing that we need is just to break it up a little bit more cuz you know it is probably a little bit too heavy on the Birch right now but I think if we add in a few windows and kind of delete a couple of things to put in you know larger spaces here get some windows get some doors it's going to start making sense and it'll break up all of the chaotic Birch plus I really think that the Birch just goes really well with beat Up's build I think these compliment each other maybe I'm crazy crazy or not I'm going to keep going oh and I also brought melons yeah yeah yeah I this might also be crazy but I was thinking right here I really want to have like a cute shop overhang like with the stripey beat ups kind of has that too a lot of other people do as well you see xbs over there also got it it's like the classic so what if we did a similar thing right here but with melons to tie in the green might be crazy easy or it might be genius I'm not sure let's do one more row of melon that's already helping a ton kind of becoming obsessed with detailing windows in this way with the trap doors on the side and this way you have no glass which means people can fly in with elytra if they want but also I just think that it's really fun look at that you can't tell me that's not a fun window to break it up even further I also wanted to get some like utility poles of sorts going and I think I'm going to start that just maybe right here like so and then a pot yeah that's cute it's definitely adding to the chaotic style of course we're going to want to tie in more of the jungle wood over here as well and since it technically is a second shop it's having its own sort of big garage entrance here anyways that's enough chatting let's get into some of the details dets I absolutely love detailing this build it's so chaotic but still fun and of course I had to include one of those slanty windows that Etho hates details are really coming along next on the list I just want to get like a little bit of structure here in the back this is the back of the build so it doesn't need a crazy amount of detail it does need to be finished uh just probably go back up there afterwards as well but I just wanted to add like a little bit of a dock this will tie into my base theme a bit as well and I I just think that it adds a lot to the overall build I may need a few more logs to actually complete these but I just love a little dock I think this is so cute hopefully eventually everything on the server can be a little bit more connected by water as for the details of the build itself uh things are coming along on the front here but I'm thinking I really want to get some banners going I'm seeing a lot of the shops not just beat ups I also noticed corales up here also used some banners which look epic let me show you look at that that looks so cool it really makes it pop so I think that the next thing that I want to do is head home and get some banners going so I can really decorate the front of these and get them advertised and then of course I should probably move all of my stock and actually get an interior going because I can work on the rest of the details and have a functioning shop at the same time I'll just need a loom a bunch of dye and then a bunch of wool and from here I'm going to look up some tutorials on the internet and hopefully it'll tell me what I should do it's it's not perfect but I think these Banners are pretty legible so I'm going to go ahead and take these over to the shopping district moss and Clay only thing left to do now is to work on a ton of the details so let's get to [Music] work shop complete I think I didn't put quite as much effort admittedly into the backside but there are still little details back here I did a little balcony here a little uh Warf entrance right there and there is much more that can be added in the future right now we need to focus on getting our stock so I've got our Moss section right here which I need to fill these chests and put a sign then I saved this section here because I think we need to go to the permit office and see if we're allowed to sell the aelia bushes so I think they were supposed to be included in my permit but they're not so I'd better talk to Gran about that but for now yeah again we just need to stock some clay in here I've put a bunch of pots and bricks and stuff around and I feel like it's a very inviting store you don't see a lot of raw clay and raw Birch log being used so I feel like it's going to probably draw people in I hope and if it's going to draw people in I suppose we better go ahead and get some actual stock and some signs in in this place Moss blocks one Diamond per 64 clay blocks two diamonds per 64 all right there we go I've moved all of the stock over to the new shop I'll take those down after people kind of get used to using the new one that was a long day of working in the shopping district but I'm proud of this this looks epic I almost forgot I need to display my permits I don't know exactly where I should be displaying them I guess over here by my stock and another one right here okay now we're all set hi I'm I'm here to incentivize sales across the server by rewarding Hermits with shiny trophies wow you see previews of them over here uh-huh oh my goodness you want to get your hands on some of these yeah the bar seems to be a bit High Exuma you know my permits are not that good well I don't know what to say because someone's already like approaching 1,000 I believe that however I'm selling Coral ah yeah that's a hard sale that one isn't it yeah it's selling it's just a bit slow I'm not at this one yet definitely not I see I see I can understand the lack of motivation but uh I would say I would say go for it like get one try and try and get the first one so basically I sign up and then how do I get one how what do I do then okay so it works it works on an honor System like I trust all the Hermits to count so you know when you get to 100 you can come over here and you can buy your first trophy you have to know how to count zum I don't know if I can count that high yeah that's uh you know you've only got 10 10 ERS 10 digits I know you'll have to invest in a calculator I think probably so yeah um if you do reach further goals which might be tricky with uh Coral blocks but then use the male system and like you send me in your request and then I send you uh back the next oh you send the trophy that's right through the post which is just exciting so do I have to send you like the 100 diamonds for you to count no no no you just you you send me 10 diamonds each each trophy costs 10 diamonds this is a business where's your permit hold on uh well here's the thing about having a permit the office is never open and they don't seem to be bothered I've had no letters of complaint that's a good point that's a good point so I'm just rocking and rolling here okay yeah fair enough so yeah if you got any questions I'm I'm in the area oh I have a question for EO as it goes I like it I want to sign up how do I sign up he's coming through the ceiling did he I have a question for you actually as well auma oh okay you're interrupting my Exuma time Etho sorry sorry my Exuma time I get very Little Exuma time no it's okay you can come back I missed you already gone he's just eating it scared him off um I'm trying to diagnose the male problems yep I think that's my cue to leave ah home sweet home after a long day in the shopping district finally time to relax oh look got more mail it's it's a Mumbo stamp that says want to go in busting I don't have any Green Stamps Good News Post Office is next door here we are green um one diamond for any eight okay one Diamond I get the feeling I'm going to need a few of those after buying the grand stamps that I needed I decided to give Pearl some static to hopefully get myself some free stamps it worked no come on let me give me some give me some of your free ones you can have some extra anyway it's fine can I just have one of every hermit my free samples because I'm not going to send them to people who don't have boxes okay don't be like Gan then if I can trust you not to be like green I can oh I am nothing like green okay all righty I mean in that case just take two of your hermit that you don't currently have how am I supposed to well okay well that you got to leave it to me I all right that's fine I'll take two of Gren and I'll let you work out the rest um uh you need a skizzly okay and I think that's it that's everybody yay wow you're the best five stars way better than the permit office even though I've never been there okay now I have all the stamps that I should need including the grand ones Grand stamp gem message press button all right that should do it you've got mail maybe that's screens reply okay but why didn't you use a Mumbo stamp come over when ready I'm enjoying that I just have an unhinged series of Mumbo stamps coming in I suppose I could use a Mumbo [Music] stamp I love the mail system feel like I should probably make some pants if I'm about to go in busting there we go now I'm ready right let's go see green shall we I think I've got everything Anvil blocks Rockets Unbreaking for the elytra bow you name it I think we got it mhm I'm ready we go let's go right I wait wait where's the portal oh you have a portal nether portal no I meant the end the end portal oh right yeah it's a long way it's a long way so we got to Nether your portal oh yep okay this is the perfect I've said it before I say it again this is the perfect nether Hub so clear and concise it's it it doesn't need to be fancy it just needs to be usable and this is perfect yeah right where is is it the gray carpet the Green carpet yeah maybe it's the green it's one of these I didn't say it earlier but the post office system is so good so clever I don't know how it works I was I was taking I was taking the mick about how slow it was but it's actually super impressive it's awesome we're just across the river from each other so you know all right okay ready is this n come on yay nice nice all right oh wait yeah this is the respawn if we wanted to yeah we want to do that do we want to right so here's the question yeah do we want to use the community elytra well there's probably a lot out there already raided which is going to make it hard if we don't we either we either kill the ender dragon and have to replace the end crystals to open up a new spot or we take the elytra sky's the limit I hate the fact that we're doing this hello where'd you go are you through uh wait did you go in the you went in the little I haven't yet I'm at the stairway I was going to fly in a different direction come honest oh that's an interesting Strat it's only five it's only 1,000 blocks right yeah so which direction do you want to go uh I'll go the opposite guess so South wait South has a border okay I will choose one direction that isn't that uh East no wait east east okay right you've got you've got to pay attention cuz you can end up we need to keep each other in sight so we have perspective cuz it you can't actually tell what's up and down yeah this is awful by the way I hate that I've agreed to this if you if you just keep me in sight then you know it's not you know where I am and therefore I'm not in the it's okay it's okay oh wait I see l I see the end oh that was super quick that was fine I can wait hold on turn around oh yeah I can see the Ender Ender bless up Bobby mod Bobby Mod's amazing wow that wasn't too bad at all all right well this is going to this is going to be easy with the community elytra this is super easy all right we got we got to end here a lame one all right we'll get some Shockers I think this is already done this is already done oh yep it's done it's a goner all right continue East we should just go straight right I'm thinking that if that one's done someone's already done this way so well I think somebody's probably done all the ways yeah probably yeah let's keep going east we need to get like 5K blocks out really probably people end bust we're end bust him ah end City no no oh yeah still oh yeah Boat Boat over here Boat Boat Boat Boat there's a boat yes here we go first one and it's been raided there's no dragon head it's been raided no yeah it's been raided oh wait there's ltra here did they get the wait they didn't they left the elytra and there's there's super Lots in here yeah ooh they left a really good pickaxe as well well they didn't leave any shulkers so I guess they were Shuler hunting I guess yeah they they must have they got all the shulkers but not the elytra yeah okay well we keep going east yep flying over the void will never not make me nervous I don't even know why do you want to do you want to know how to make it more nervous how where are you I'm under you coming up ready want to see this watch this watch this watch this ready uh-huh oh my God GRE no no way uh-uh woo [Laughter] try it there is something wrong with you all right hang on wa border all right try it okay okay okay okay okay I didn't like that very much that was scary I've got I've got such a good idea for when we get back oh no those are never good words okay another end City ah shers oh finally we might actually we might actually have a chance here okay oh yeah yeah yeah and this is a big room oh there's nothing worse than the Shuler sound not only that I I've I made got hit yep just floating they have so much health it's actually insane I have a power five bow aren't they good against Bows Oh actually they hurt as well mhm mhm the one bit of advice that we got given was don't die don't die that was that's the one bit of advice we were given yep impulse s Fe told us thanks impulse thanks impulse professional Minecrafter so he would we taught him how to build he told us the obvious yeah I've got two Sher shells so far make that four at least we know we're in New Territory finally yeah I think we're loading it in it's not too bad going in right time to pick up your elytra oh heck yeah look at that it's glorious what's in there what else is in there just picking up some gold and there's a chest plate in there not a good one though curse of binding and curse of Vanishing it has got mending it yeah St mending on it yeah you can never take it off so this elytra would be uh useless this is going to be a short end bust I think I need I only need a little bit yeah it's mainly just an elytra and a couple of shulkers really yeah yeah yeah this is this wasn't going to be a big this community elytra has turned this into a very easy thing to do like yeah very easy goodness Sher I think we might be the last ones as well got a shulker head ooh got to put that on a notebook yeah so I can relive this glorious glorious time over and over yeah that's is my favorite part of Minecraft hearing Shuler boxes throw up it is a horrible no oh okay found another one someone's been here cuz the elyt rotated they didn't take I'm so confused I just didn't want it oh yeah it's a shocker none of the Shockers are in this Tower but they just rotated the elytra that is very random I got a Ming shovel I'm happy right we keep going east yeah gem mhm I think it might be time for me to stop being a fisherman what I don't know I've I have fished and I've fished mending and uhuh I've got to confess something okay yeah go on I'll tell you at the next end City okay aha here we go you found one that's a big one oh nice all right is there a boat yeah there is it's off to the side right I have a confession to make okay sure yep I I might I might need to stop being a fisherman I don't like this talk I lost Rodney wait I don't know where I don't know where Rodney is oh this is tragic and what is a what is a fisherman without his fishing rod yeah you you have a point but you know what maybe what you actually just need is a storage system what I actually need is [Laughter] therapy you know could be on to something it's on the list all right all right right after my my sheep farm okay you know I got more important things your priorities here are questionable I must admit I'm in one of those giant shulker Towers right now it's very epic oh I almost killed myself don't do that because I don't even know if we're at the same city I don't see the arrow the arrow just bounced and hit me that would be an embarrassing way to go Gran it would be the worst going to need you to not do that [Laughter] because that would be awful think oh yeah there you are you're going You're Going to the ship now yeah there's like three in this area there's three ships yeah no three cities I was at one that was more it's so many wa all right Prim location yeah pick pick pick your poison I'm I've been doing this one over here all right I've got my elytra oh you know what I might actually take a dragon head as well these things do so much more damage than they should do this is so frustrating I'm so trapped dude you got to go all right so I've got there's a chest here with seven diamond oh I got a Spire armor template that's actually the first one I saw oh I didn't even know that was that that's cool yeah that would be nice actually God please spare me from levitating yes it's frustrating oh my gosh losing my mind all right where are you I'm so done with these shers yeah me too just pick picked up the last of them we did our job we did it we did it we we're going fantastic right where are you right let's find the Tic Tac out of here yep yep yep yep there we go found the Tic Tac all right can you fly into it you are good it's good to be back turns out you keep flying when you're in I just I flew straight into the wall good thing we're in closed was so boy we have just gained a lot of freedom oh I'm so excited to be able to soar around the hermitcraft server that was such a lovely adventure and now I finally have Sher boxes which means we can take on even more complex builds and maybe even finally detail that skull for now though that is all for me thank you so much for watching another episode from the hermitcraft server and I'll see you all in the next one goodbye
Channel: GeminiTay
Views: 552,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, GeminiTay, hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 10, hermitcraft end busting, geminitay hermitcraft, hermitcraft shopping district, minecraft moss shop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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