Hermitcraft 10: Dragons vs. Fireworks! (Ep.13)

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[Music] oops hang on we need two two donkeys nobody around now's my [Music] chance all right we're done we made it prank successful let's go so ladies and gentlemen welcome back to hermitcraft today guys we got ourselves a fun episode planned we're going to be doing a lot of stuff today uh but first we're checking our Rocket Shop in the shop Shing area see if we made any diamonds off of this shop yet again today and it appears we have done so one Diamond there very good couple diamonds here very nice we got to refill these uh fireworks here we're running a little bit low so we're going to fill these with some new fireworks we also sold a uh special box I believe this is the peace love and pinks box so we got seven diamonds today which when combined with some of our excess diamonds from past sales to Hypno and Scar actually allows us to craft a new diamond block for the shop here so let's just go ahead and we will get this put in fantastic but today instead of focusing on building up more firework infrastructure I want to focus on some of our other permits cuz we've been we've been kind of neglecting those permits for a long long time now so let's just take a look at what we got so here are our permits right there we got all the horns we'll get to that one I got a plan for that one light gray glass we got nilum or nyum we got gilded Blackstone all the amethyst and white glass so today I think we're going to focus on the glass here because this is a collective item and I know for a fact that if we make our way over to the other side of the shopping district down this way Etho has quite a few glass permits and so he's made like a little collection of glass uh for purchase over here two diamonds per stack so he's got yellow glass he's got red glass Blue Glass ET Etc and since we have white and light gray which are two of the Best glasses if I'm honest uh these are probably going to be used quite a bit um we need to get these shops up and going and yeah join this little Collective that Etho has started here so I think I think we'll start here is this actually Joe Joe Hills unaffiliated black glass pylon he made it like twice as tall as all the other ones okay so um yeah we may join this little area here where all the glass is taking shape uh this may not be a permanent shop but I think it's good to get this out uh so that people can purchase glass from us if they need so let's go ahead and we need to go gather some sand actually to smelt some glass and get our shop started smelting of the glass is happening ladies and gentlemen as you can see here we got our glass rolling in from the sand that we mined and now all we got to do is just pop it out and craft it up and so we're going to do let's do like a couple stacks of white glass couple stacks of gray glass uh and yeah we'll grab all the rest of this all the rest of this there we go make that into the gray variety there we go all right we're already on our way couple stacks of each one we'll let the rest of this smelt up and then I got a few more dyes up here or we can go gather more at our Factory uh so yeah it should be no problem getting a bunch of this thing glass and there we go ladies and gentlemen our glass shop now completed filled with some white glass two diamonds a stack and some light gray glass as well two diamonds per stack with our permits displayed proudly on the front of each shop and Ender Chest right here so that will hopefully sell quite a bit we're also right amongst the other members of the glass collective in the same we have the same sort of shape you know some people decided to build theirs a little taller for whatever reason but uh yeah everybody is like in the same space more or less uh I think there's a few glass colors still missing um but hopefully they will be added soon uh as the glass Collective sort of starts to work together toward a common goal hopefully um but yeah those are our two shops we've made today and now we have to head on back to the uh firework Factory cuz we got a lot of stuff to work out there today so welcome back to the base everybody today we got to make a few fireworks because we're going to fight a dragon soon or actually a bunch of dragons soon however before we make the fireworks at the factory here I want to show you guys something back here we've made a new miname the first mini game in the gaming District or it will be the gaming District so if we fly back here behind our base you can see a structure here and there's a circle here this is going to be like the center of the gaming district and we've made a new game here called called pot shot now it's a pretty simple game it's basically a race to fill up a decorated pot one of these guys if I get one of these out make one of these one of these guys and the first person to fill this pot with 64 items so that the lamps go all the way to the top wins via firework shooting their pot uh so we invited Asuma over here to play this game with us and let's see how it went like is this like the center of the gaming area here Circle I believe so I think Zed and Tango made this giant Circle which is going to be the center and then it's going to spread out like east and west from here so I'm thinking this is it thinking this is it huge yeah it is pretty cool it's going to be it's going to be big but we need we need more games oh yeah more games I I have an idea I have an idea for a couple of little games I just need to Tinker around and find out if they're any fun yeah yeah yeah yeah you've got the first game in the gaming District yes the first game in the gaming District potot poot I love it I think when I saw the picture of this it reminded me of my season seven game but it's like it's totally different right yeah yeah so the way this one works x uh you craft up a pot here you can use some of these shirs as well like mix and match do I do I do that like when the game starts or can I do it now you can do it now you can do it now I'm going to make uh my own right now with a couple of different shirs uh let's do that one there we go feel bad using these but then when you break the pot you get the shirts back so yeah exactly so when the game ends you get them back yeah yeah kind of Reus I have a little fun there I'll put it like put it like that one yeah perfect perect oh dang I rotated mine oh wor T it yeah you can you can punch it and get it back yeah there you go the fishing RS Co sweet okay so then you got to get your blocks you get one stack of any of these blocks 64 I'm going to use got to go honey obviously just throwing diamond blocks in that cup going to use the honey block yeah I had them so I was like why not you know got to have them got to have them okay so then what we do is we race uh so I'll just demonstrate here so like as you fill up more you know it goes up the lamps go up and the first one to reach the top will have their pot destroyed by a firework oh I knew fireworks would be involved mhm mhm and so there's also like a countdown like I hit this button so when you hear that d That's when you start high pitch ding that's when we go okay yep yep so you want to you want to give it a go you want to give it a shot yeah yeah should we rage you some diamonds on this uh I mean we can we can if you want to what are you thinking uh I I'm thinking 10 diamond blocks 10 diamond blocks okay you're on you're on all right we're on 10 diamond blocks dang it's right click not left click I just want to double check that as well right click yeah right click yeah okay okay honey versus honeycom okay all right I'll hit the button and then we'll start well you want to do best of three let's do best of three here okay cuz it goes pretty quick okay ready first game here we go oh my God oh my God oh you got it you got it nice it good job X good job that was a reason I responded to this so quickly well done well done all right let's do it again let's do it again okay best of three like of feeling confident feeling confident uh okay on did I press the button yep go ahead go for it here we go oh there goes the click in oh little slow oh you got it I got it I got it so fast good job X I got that technique man you got it do we even need to do a third round nope nope that's it you got it make sure and put your stuff back in the uh in the chest and things now X yes did you rebind anything for your clicking okay didn't use an auto clicker I used more than one thinger I'll tell you that that's the oh so you have both left and right click maybe so you can do two clicks no no I just I use my left hand on my mouse right like I don't know if you can hear this but can you hear that a little bit yeah yeah okay but that's just me tapping my two fingers okay you can tap two fingers really fast oh so you're butterfly clicking all the struts it's got a term I like it I like it yeah yeah yeah I was wondering if somebody could do it but congrats X yeah let me get let me get your diamonds let me get your diamonds hang on one sec oh I could have walked away from there I forgot I was just very confident because uh I don't think a lot of people think to do that with the mouse but yeah oh look at me there you go there you go earning earning some bigs I also have um a little bit of a suggestion here I don't actually think it's necessary but you could have like Pistons that come up when you press the button around the decorated pot and then they go down when you're ready to click oh yeah that could work yeah to prevent people from going early yeah yeah yeah I thought I thought that might be cuz then then you could actually be clicking and like as soon as the Piston comes down then you legitimately get the first click right right yeah cool that would be cool that would be cool yeah I'll consider that yeah well thanks for playing X this was fun it was good fun yeah I'm going to I might challenge other people to this and put wages on it again this could be a a diamond ear earning scheme for me you know oh yeah absolutely absolutely feel free to do so feel free to do so thanks for playing again man so with that ladies and gentlemen we are now back at the fireworks Factory and we have a lot of firework crafting to do because today we are going to fight the End Dragon more specifically we're going to fight it about 20 times to open up all the end gateways and we want to do so with fireworks so uh what we'll do is we'll try and make a super firework similar to the Hawkeye velocite firework we had uh and gave scar last time because these things they do a lot of damage they got a lot of brakes that's a lot of Firepower in a firework like that uh so we're going to try and make our own uh but we'll try and make it like end Theme so I've put in some purple d dies in here so we got some purple dies in here some purple dieses in here and then we're going to make it a flight duration two since we're shooting these out of crossbows uh so we'll have six breaks in each Firework and hopefully that'll be enough damage to slay the dragon relatively quickly so if we hit this button here we should see two firework stars coming at time one two one two and then the third one will craft up and then everything resets very good and then into here yeah and we get the purple balls so we have six breaks in this one Firework and so if we then shoot this guy off we should see pretty heavy concentration of explosions if we test the damage let's just test this out real quick Let's uh reset our spawn put this on and let's just get all of our stuff off how much damage does this do oh yeah eight hearts that's pretty solid that's pretty solid damage uh and it has some decent range too since it's flight duration too so hopefully this will help us to slice some dragons so uh let's just let this run we'll get up our numbers here in terms of the number of rockets we have and then head out to face the dragon off by the way guys I thought for one of the Dragon fights we could do uh fireworks only I made like three different types of fireworks and I got some crossbows here for you guys if you need some shoot the oh great yeah oh we have to do this the dragon head on do we yeah feel free to to put the dragon head on I think I'm going to wear I'm going to wear one yeah if you have one yeah there's some in here yeah feel free all right we ready to go we ready to go think we're ready we're ready all right ready let's do it I don't have a dragon yet you have one after the first kill y there you go oh true oh that is true stays in the end now mhm fancy interdimensional I would say her sophisticated all think we need to I think we need to kill 19 open all the things and that's the goal for today yeah we're we're doing all of them but like I said you guys are more than welcome to stay for one a few how many how many you want take a minute yeah yeah M yeah are you guys ready ready I'm ready let's do it are we crystals they're going to respawn right so we we got dang it I don't have a good sword dang it oh no Joe oh one down wow I'll wait I'll wait how did that happen I don't think I looked at him ah Joe poor okay I didn't bring a good sword because I was like well we're not going to use the swords on the dragons so yeah apparently we still need good swords for I wasn't sure if the dragon head would count as like a pumpkin head almost effect but guess not yeah I don't think so yeah all right everybody set guess I'm set yeah yeah oh wait are we worrying about the crystals at all or we just going to try to kill it before it can heal oh I think we can take out the crystals use the fireworks to take out the crystals maybe yeah that's okay okay all right here we go spawning in the first one oh here we go let's do it baby somebody looked at some there's a safe pillar over here careful careful oh be careful it's that going to fill with obsidian though oh oh no no imp I killed myself oh no imp out get impulse you're going to be yeah that was close barely es I was not prepared for that all here we go here we go that was great that was I was not prepared for that I should break the crystal how high do these how high do these I shot myself with a rocket on pretty far what I saw yeah whoops they don't break the crystals I don't think they're breaking the crystals oh do they not oh my oh interesting I don't have a bar so I have a regular yeah yeah take them out take them out that's surprising they don't take out the yeah I would have thought they did Regular crystals yeah wow hey I'm doing great huh interesting I'm going to fly up I'm going to fly up yeah yeah it is strange that it doesn't look out that's a bummer you think it would be like like a TNT effect where it's like a blast effect mhm it's so [Applause] pretty all right back to an I feel like we're not doing a lot of damage on his bar I'm seeing a lot being heal healing you can't shoot him on the portal remember wait how what what do you mean he you need to do sword damage on the on the totem there I don't have a sword I mean he still takes damage though at least I thought he was no not not while he's on yeah when he does a direct it's taking damage oh really interesting damage from the rocket different in range someone's going to break that one in the cage though he's not taking Health damage otherwise oh I see I see there you go there's one more falling with an elytra looks so funny yeah you got to get the got to get the Vantage Point upper Vantage Point all three crystals for those that are those fancy arrows oh dragon look out all right I got him I got him there another don't shoot don't shoot the small Dragon here I'll um I'll get rid of the totems or the pillars there's one more you healing oh where's the other one I got it up on the to I thought we got them all come here guy there we go that's a good hit oh nice now we're doing some damage is it is it doing decent damage yeah yeah yeah where'd it go where'd it go most colorful dragon fight you'll ever see that's so anybody else's crossbow taking a ton of damage like maybe I don't have Unbreaking on this one but like wow I don't know mine mine it seems like I guess I can run the real quick it might take some damage yeah okay cuz mine's like down to a quarter durability oh no no no no oo I got [Music] hit oh I'm in dragon breath oh the dragon stun lock W okay it's taking this is this is a little tough got to lead when when we should be able to smash it [Music] out when they hit they do good damage about to PCH right now it's taking a long time to perge it's been like 5 minutes it might be wor what are you doing there we go there he is let's go Dragon there we go there we go yeah there we go some big damage let's go yeah I got a there yeah that was good we got this now now now it's much easier C with a triple shot look like a cannon up there man that was close this is the way to go man the slow falling helps out a ton you can really look like you're literally just floating yeah this is amazing okay I've got to retreat to fix my cross oh I'm coming down ping ping we got this we got [Music] this oh get it oh that's so pretty there it is let's go GGO uh drop ahead very good very good no it's it's right here it's right here hold on guys hold she hasn't had any onion give me that breath girl that's a line that's certainly a line oh oh my loud this thing oh it's loud oh man that took down like half the health IB my sword most colorful dragon fight ever yeah def expensive true true yeah breathe oh There She Goes the fact that I haven't aggroed another Enderman is pretty awesome so far cuz I've nothing but looked in the [Music] [Applause] air what I'm breath dang it don't jump in front of me get the breath off Rockers are uh kind of a bad idea oh my God that's the second time I've killed myself with off Rock oh amazing that hurts a lot I'm more of a danger to myself at the moment is there any breath around I haven't got any uh there'll probably be a launch a mint launch regular arrows now on the bright side I've gotten multiples of my head so the head Shop's going to be doing very well there you go yeah yeah yeah good shot oh no no no no I didn't know oh oh no oh face oh no this thing's about ready to perch go nice nice well done got get here we go here we go here we go here we go yep Get Wrecked Dragon let's go love it you might say it was a blast taking out the dragon with some fireworks Rockets we are actually totally out of fireworks now all the dragon fireworks were used up and that is actually a pretty quick way to kill the dragon especially once you realize you can shoot the dragon on the portal which is not the way uh it works with arrows so once we realized that it was pretty quick uh pretty quick uh slay of the dragon and I think we killed about 10 total with the fireworks and the rest we killed just with traditional like sword and bow so pretty fun time and with that let's head back to the base with the dragon now defeated via fireworks we're now ready to swoop on into the fireworks Factory and do some things here so if we make our way through the door we built last time you can see yeah opens and closes as we walk toward it and away from it and let me sort of share with you guys what I'm thinking for the factory so obviously this is going to be like the first floor here now um there's no elevator up to the second floor where the actual Factory is so kind of an issue and one where looking to fix today um you can see that hole up there I've just been flying in that hole to get to the factory um so we need an elevator here pretty badly um So the plan is like this first floor is going to be more or less like a lobby area I'm thinking you know plants water features maybe some fireworks as you walk through the lobby something of that nature would be kind of cool uh and then on the far side like opposite the door so like over here roughly this is where I'm thinking we'll have a bubble column upward to the actual Factory on the second floor which is right here um so yeah this is going to be sort of the main floor of the factory where we'll spend the most time and in fact we've been spending some time crafting even more fireworks up cuz we've been selling these like crazy at the uh the firework shop so yeah this is going to be the main floor we have space to expand over here and add more things uh to craft help us craft fireworks quicker uh which we may do in the near future but this is going to be the second floor then up to the third flooor I want a third floor actually I need a third floor let's say uh I need a third floor here because this helps us to craft bone meal here at our bone meal Farm if I just turn this on bow meal starts getting crafted which is pretty useful since that you know helps to keep all the above Farm stocked uh which you'll see and then we have our dye storage over here which I like to be able to come into and grab you know whatever colors we need like if we need purple grab some purple dye out of here uh and we can also check to make sure we're not overflowing on certain dyes which we actually are in the case of the light blue dye um so that's useful so that's why we need third floor here I can also topload the factory underneath of us uh if I add a little bit more Hopper action so that's something I can also do from this floor so we got options here basically then the fourth floor is going to be the actual Farms so the sea pickle farm all these Flower Farms up here which you know these feed the die Factory below just by automatically crafting up all the dye we got the cactus farm up here we got the cocoa bean Farm we got the shulker box unloader which we use to load uh flowers from our far away Flower Farms like the cornflower farm and the Blue Orchid Farm Etc uh and then I might also want a fifth floor up here just to be able to check in on the villagers and sometimes maybe turn on and off the uh the flower creators right here so like if I turn this on then I get torch flowers instead of orange dye uh and the same thing with this one over here if I turn this on I get uh piter plants instead of uh cyan die uh so yeah it beuse useful to check in on these guys so we may have a fifth floor above here it's purely basically a technical floor all right everybody so here is our elevator this is both an up and a down elevator so it's going to take us up to the floors and back down uh we actually have a powdered snow on top of some carpet right here uh that will break our F from any height uh and we're basically using the honey block elevator which I first showcased in herocraft season 7 in The Pyramid uh if you don't know basically honey blocks are not full blocks so you can be affected by blocks in the corner in arase a bubble column you can see one of the bubbles going up there uh so yeah bubble in the corner so if I step into the corner you'll see the elevator takes us up uh and yeah this takes us to the second floor we'll get to this we've totally redone this area don't worry about it it's fine uh so then if we get back in uh we're using a technique that assuma used to basically control this trap door so I can just right click this note block it takes me up to the third floor right click again takes me up to the fourth floor and right click one more time takes us up to the fifth floor which is currently the top floor uh up here so that's that uh We've added a little bit onto each floor here just some copper grates I want to decorate these floors though I don't want to just leave them as copper grates uh but it will take some time to do and then of course to get down you just come down like this hit the button you keep going down like this you can also you know fall faster like that and then go down and then you can fall all the way to the bottom cuz pattered snow uh with the carpet on top negates all fall damage which is kind of nice so that that's that uh let's talk about the second floor now because we've totally redone this there's a whole bunch of new stuff and let's just take a look so first of all we redid the floor wasn't liking the the spruce floor it was too much Spruce was too bland um and yeah I thought this just looked a lot better so just went with the tough this is polished tough tough bricks and then throughout the area we have some chiseled tough uh and some chiseled tough bricks like over here for instance near the bed um so yeah we got all that done uh we added some decoration of course we got this guy uh Batman over here uh because he's Batman um which is kind of nice also I will note this armor kind of a flex not going to lie kind of a flex all these are leather armor with netherite trim so that's kind of cool that's kind of cool so yeah there you go and they got the bad head up there uh also some little details we got the uh fireworks and invisible item frames here but check it out we got the firework Unicode symbols on the signs in different colors why well of course because this area can produce fireworks of all sorts of different colors so we have the Unicode symbols on there to uh portray that uh that's just simply done via the special uni code symbols that uh Minecraft supports so kind of a cool detail there we've redone this as well so it has the cool like uh wispy chisel tough texture here which kind of you know sort of looks like fireworks a little bit you know how they sort of spiral and explode and yeah looks kind similar to what fireworks look like when they uh explode we got the clock there uh and then over here we have you know the bed area wanted a proper area for the bed cuz we might be spending a lot of time here uh then we have a bell no reason just thought it would be cool to have a bell here uh these are for dying shulker boxes if we make shulker boxes of things uh we can dye here and UND here uh I guess is more accurate uh right here this is actually a functional uh crafter here we have some Redstone behind this um so effectively we can quick craft any types of fireworks here so let's say we have some leftover firework stars which does sometimes happen uh if we for instance stop the machine over here uh and there's you know a firework star to left in this crafter sometimes happens uh so basically when that happens what I want to be able to do is take the fireworks stars and we can just come over here make sure that this is full up so that all the slots are disabled except for the ones that we want and so then we can just put this in here two crafts and we're done put that in there and that's all there is to it how easy is that so yeah this basically will AutoCraft whenever it receives a signal input of nine so whenever we yeah have leftover firework stars we just pop them in there and it'll craft up the fireworks we can also use this if we have to to get flight duration one Rockets just by disabling all the slots uh but we're going to just keep uh one or two slots open all the time uh so we can make uh interesting fireworks with the leftover fireworks Stars uh also we have mass storage here for fireworks so you can see we used some uh yeah things on the sides here these are just uh item frames I believe invisible atom frames with the fire charge the feather and the Wither Skeleton skull because these are going to be where we store our fireworks so as an example we have all these fireworks we crafted which I showed you earlier so let's just say we grab an assortment of these uh so these are star shape and different colors that's the flight duration one so let's just see where these go so like for instance if we look here this is a yellow star shape so yellow and Then star shape is in the middle so these go right there this is star shape light gray so light gray over here star shape in the middle boom got that star shaped pink right here we got star shaped red in the middle here and then star shaped light blue right here so this just a way to organize things and yeah make it so that we can you know store our fireworks uh from the mass crafting firework Factory over here oh by the way these uh these shelves here these these are where we're going to store the orders we do the custom orders like the past custom orders so it'll be like a nice like historic way to uh keep those alive we don't have any of those yet in here we got to move them over from our base but that's the plan with these chisel bookshelves we'll actually use these for custom orders that we receive so all this extra storage all these extra things we've added here kind of cool but you know me if you've been following this channel for any length of time you know I'm a big fan of Secrets and this Factory is going to be full of them and you might have already sort of inferred one if you're watching very very very very closely but if not I'm going to show you guys what we got to going here in terms of secrets so uh we have the way down to the main entrance or the main door here right this is fine we can just drop down land on the pwed snow walk out the front door that's cool but is it the really cool way to get out of the fireworks Factory it is not it is not let's go back and up our elevator because ladies and gentlemen we have the cool way to leave the fireworks Factory right back here behind the painting by the way this is accessible from any floor on the fireworks in the fireworks Factory so if we were up let's say at a higher floor we can still use this same method of Escape so let's just say we're way up here let's just go to the top floor why not uh we have a painting here just so happens to be there kind of a peculiar spot for it but we jump on in the cool way to exit the fireworks Factory and we just drop on in our fall damage is negated by some powdered snow we then see a mysterious button and some slime blocks I wonder what could happen that's right the cool way to exit the fireworks Factory is revealed so and we just press the button it goes back like nothing ever happened and so if anything ever goes down inside the fireworks Factory we got that cool way to exit it's a little secret back there uh so don't tell anybody don't tell anybody so that's that uh so kind of an interesting thing right there uh like I said I probably won't use that too often but it's there if we need it it's there if we need it it's also uh actually is faster than just sliding down the honey uh although we can just you know go straight down like that too so lots of options here I like a lot of mobility in my builds and yeah hopefully you guys do as well so ladies and gentlemen with that that is all for me today thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed today's episode please be sure to hit the Subscribe button as that will notify you when I upload next thank you so very much and I will see you guys in the next episode farewell
Channel: cubfan135
Views: 93,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _94tjx_J8oQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 35sec (2135 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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