Hermitcraft X 1150 Diamond Block, The New Currency?

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yeah wait you want to see it okay let's go down below that's that that was stupid that was stupid oh he pressed space bar in time those golden boots wouldn't have saved you no go on J nice where you at oh I'm up here if I if I hit you off the edge will it give me a head dang it it didn't work come close enough Jeff Jeff I'm I'm up here I swear X I'm going to come and kill you bud not if I fall off the edge first I see what I see what you're doing this is Day After Tomorrow business happening here wait wait you follow oh now you're going to get me wait Ren got me Ren got me come on come on J come on you're a pro look at that netherite sword shoot him on the way down oh there you go oh oh he missed it he missed oh I think he got I might actually kill you from that one yeah for that one it did down there yeah it I get you a thank you awesome one more one more discover that one day chat thank you hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft yes those were some Shenanigans from The Big Dig which took place last Saturday and what can I say the hermit showed up we dug out an immense space here to build all of our farms for logland and at the very end of that jevin was kind enough to decapitate me I want to get all of the hermit heads actually for our sales leaderboard and I've got some ideas on how but that might just be something for another another episode I'm not entirely sure what the plan for this episode is but as you know I have the copper hermit and while The Big Dig was taking place I was running around scooping up all of the copper ore our furnaces over here been running for hours and we just got an insane amount of copper but while that was taking place a very funny little moment happened in the live stream that I just had to share with you I decided um for the first time in like probably 5 years to go to the cinema and just watch June like on the main screen with the with the sound and the Coke and the popcorn and the smarties and do the whole thing but I do want to I do want to rant though because um I had to move seats the it was quite an empty Cinema but um I was I was sat behind like a group of teens look I'm not I'm not I'm not uh saying anything bad about teens I was a teen once too I used to go to the the the cinema with my mates and my girlfriends and we used to cause chaos and havoc in the cinema it's what you do on a Saturday when you're 4 teen you know but that was not what bothered me about the teens I was fascinated to watch them but unfortunately it meant that I wasn't watching the movie so this is why I had to move basically what they would they they were unable to not check their phones and I'm not kidding every 10 seconds for 3 hours and every time you know they they they kept their notifications on so every time they got a ding like the phone screen went on and it distracted me from the screen you know but it was just fascinating to watch they EV it was every 10 seconds they they checked their phones it was really mind-blowing to me um what has happened like where are the concentration levels where have they gone like you can't even sit in a cinema and watch a movie anymore like what Tik Tok generation because kids these days that have nothing outside of their phones and screens they have no respect for their Elders theyve probably never even read an actual book of pages they read it on a tablet or an e-reader they're addicted to these screens back in my day we used to we used to have to read with actual Pages we had to exert physical effort to turn them and if it was too dark you couldn't read you would have to get a flashlight or even a candle oh my god when you ran out of books you had to go to your next door neighbor who happened to be employed as a scribe and he would get into the best ink sck it dip it into his his his ink quill will thing and write it out on the finest Papyrus this is gold oh my God I love it came in right right when he said that sounded that sounded so much like it reminded me of The Simpsons is there like a character in The Simpsons awes grandp yeah is it is it like Grandpa Simpson you go for oh so good I don't know that's just my generic old man voice from it's amazing it's amazing so we had a lot of fun hanging out and of course we did a lot digging and thanks to all of that copper that I was able to scoop up I have oxidized a bunch of it overnight and then had a whole bunch more come through this is like the biggest batch of copper I've ever had now I know some of you like tracking numbers and statistics like I do and that kind of stuff so have a rough guess how many copper blocks do you think we earned from that 1,940 absolutely Bonkers that is going to keep the copper shop stocked up for some time although ironically I head back over here and look at this we've sold out again so this time we're going to do things a little bit different I'm actually going to up the price but going to change it so that now a stack costs one diamond block for some reason I was thinking that was an increase of one Diamond no it's actually five diamonds more expensive now but for all the effort I'm putting in that's got to be worth it one of the reasons I'm doing this is cuz I've noticed that quite a few Hermits are starting to sell things by the diamond block and look at that that's awesome to see oh that's a really cool way of showing it oh I need to get my hands on a on a mini block like that wow and five diamond blocks just for a load Stone we have of course encountered this pricing structure before at the Beacon shop that Ren set up and many of you pointed out that I underpaid for these I think the first time I opened these whoever was buying the beacon to just space them out like this so I assumed it was one diamond block for one Beacon but of course it's two and I brought two beacons for which I underpaid and now I'm going to get myself an additional one too now when it comes to wo blocks I'm not sure if we want to bulk sell this stuff just yet because I haven't actually got a huge stockpile of it I'm constantly running out of the greyall it is a big seller and it's just made us another 12 diamonds which brings our total up to 357 I need to get that next trophy on display over here anyways you might have noticed that we're now selling blue wool because I have obtained the blue wo permit and I got that from a jevin so jevin I was on my travels I was thinking I got to hustle a bit more here don't you have a glass one as well as a wo one um they both they're both pretty na Green Glass and blue wo yeah how about those two for the all the bucket mobs I mean that's a lot of things you can sell right there add a sweetener a beacon the man doesn't understand how important thinkon yeah that's fine the one's big GL one is good it's a deal woo wait what's just happened oh wow wow a beacon for all the buckets permit exchange hands live nice it's it's being done that was great extra glass terra cotta or the glass the glass terra cotta the glass uh Collective is uh going to be building some stuff soon so oh nice while I'm in thank you yeah welcome yeah welcome I'm also in the glass Collective so yes I also now have a glass permit meaning that I need to build a cactus farm go to a desert mine up lots of sand smelt it and then build one of these little setups in this area but anyways with the gray wool being popular and us getting another wool permit I of course need to keep the farm over here stocked up and now that there are 16 lots of sheep oh look at this we are absolutely churning through bone Mill so I have a new priority to get in order which I'm happy to tell you I have taken care of we recently built a mob farm and I got to say the rates on it are absolutely superb we are pumping out tons of items but we never really created a storage system but here it is and it's kind of massive my favorite thing though is that it doesn't actually store bones it autocrafts them into bone blocks and I going to be feeding this stuff to the sheep farm but if you would like to see how this works it's a pretty straightforward the farm isn't running at the moment so no drops are coming down down into here but we aligned the items that come through against these honey blocks a practical demonstration is always a good idea um so you saw them get aligned and then they disappeared let's actually throw another stack however this is probably going to go all the way across basically the item filters can only pick up so much so once they're full the items keep on going but we rarely produce that much at once which is why there's free filters here for arrows and also so FAS about rotted flesh of course we want to collect gunpowder we actually get feathers from the baby zombies that spawn on top of the chickens although that one I think is still filling up the filter up top then we got spiders Redstone from the occasional witch and the bones last of all that's because we got an autocrafting setup here which is a little bit crude but essentially we've got an item filter three times over just for the bones those are going to feed into this crafter here which is always activated and then it will just create bone Mill which goes into this one and when that becomes full it creates a bone block to go into storage now the item filters here are your classic impulse SV designs these ones though are slightly modified because the filter is that Hopper there it uses one less Hopper because you don't have a hopper chain going over the top but it turns out that powering it this way is actually a little more efficient it just means that items don't get stuck in The Hoppers here that design was necessary because of the alignment of the honey blocks and so I discovered something rather interesting involving sea pickles during this live stream if we go ahead and create a water source here and then put down four sea pickles the items will hit the sea pickles then actually be aligned on this side of the water stream over here and let's put a hopper at the end here to pick up the items okay so down they go they slide across and then the hopper picks them up and so what this means is that I could have actually set it up with the regular item filter and have The Hoppers on this side so that's just a cool thing that I learned you can use C pickles in Redstone with item management and that might just be useful for you if ever you're creating a system like this with a bunch of water streams anyway the job here is done it's working without a floor and one day I'll probably come back and decorate this and properly hook it up to our honey VOR but now though I want to show you the latest with the area for our future storage system and I've been digging out the space for this and I'm happy to say it's done but now you get a sense of just how massive a project this is going to be I mean it's one thing to spend a couple of hours digging out this space but now I need to craft like thousands of Hoppers chests Shuler boxes repeaters loads of redstone components so this will be something that I keep chipping away at and from time to time I'll just bring you up to speed on where we're at also someone left this sign here do not move this thanks why I say why these are my chests welcome welcome let me tell you this I'm uh I'm actually here to reduce the price to a diamond block so you save one diamond oh how epic s perfect timing perfect timing that's amazing because I've only made 180 so far off of my qu shop so I uh I could use the savings okay so I can pay just a diamond lock now yeah yeah yeah cuz I've what I've noticed is the other Hermits are starting to use diamond blocks as the currency so I was like I think I'm going to embrace that you know let's go next level this season it does look it looks so much better doesn't it in the chest the oh yeah yeah yeah okay well this is sweet look I got my I got my my first 100 oh yeah you're wearing it already I love it can I uh can I request something of you while you're here sure um wow I'm so not prepared for this it just crossed M can I can I kill you oh my gosh uh such an awkward question uh you know like I'm look I'm going to provide you with a chest to put your items in I have a 720 eight levels but okay oh are you doing like a thousand levels thing I wasn't really trying it just been it's just been happening right it's your call basically if you follow me through here I'm figuring out how to create a leaderboard because there's a secret room back here oh you need my head yeah I'm going to put heads in here and uh okay what if what if I I might have a head from earlier deaths that I could Supply you that's perfectly fine yeah preserve my levels I think you should keep going it should be like a thing how how much xp can impulse get in one season you know yeah and I'm not cheesing it I'm not holding a totem or anything yeah yeah that's it you're doing it proper proper challenge it'll happen it'll definitely happen I like it yep that's right we're reducing the price down to one block and we're opening up the leaderboard back here because I've figured out how we're going to do this as you know it involves player heads and the only one that I have is my own and thank you so much to everyone for commenting I read absolutely loads of suggestions and picked out my favorites and because of that we got a really cool concept now so one of them was to introduce copper so we got bronze gold diamond for third second and first and then a lot of you mentioned that Tango of course had made a leaderboard using snow layers these however are Sandstone slabs so now the room doesn't slope down quite as much because we don't need as much vertical space for each level as Sals as now we've half the amount that we need and then we're going to put our little trophy display on top of this and Cleo is at 750 which is why there's two gaps here but we use the armor stand mod to make it invisible remove the base plate and gravity and then I reduce its position by Min -75 and bring It Forward by 705 and that then puts it nicely positioned on top of the slab and that might turn out to be somewhat of a pain as we have to keep updating this leaderboard over time but it's worth it for all the D diamonds that we'll be making right so I've probably got a few more tweaks and adjustments to make here like the floor but otherwise the leaderboard room is now good to go we just need some of those hermit heads so feel free to comment on other Hermits videos and encourage them to bring their head over here all right is this like is this like the center of the gaming area here the circle I believe so I think Zed and Tango made this giant Circle which is going to be the center and then it's going to spread out like east and west from here no nice I I'm thinking this is it think huge it's the first game in the gaming District shot I love it dude when I saw the picture of this it reminded me of my season seven game but it's like it's totally different right yeah yeah so the way this one works x uh you craft up a pot here you can use some of these shs as well do I do I do that like when the game starts or can I do it now you can do it now you can do it now I'm going to make uh my own right now I feel bad using these but then when you break the pot you get the shirts back so yeah exactly so when the game ends you get them back they're kind of reusable cool I'll have a little fun then I'll put it like like that one oh dang I rotated mine can I still yeah yeah you can you can punch it and get it back yeah there you go the fishing rods cool sweet okay so then you got to get your blocks you get one stack of any of these blocks 64 uhhuh got to go honey obviously just throwing diamond blocks in there up going to use the honey block yeah I had them so I was like why not you know got to have got to have okay so then what we do is we race uh so I'll just demonstrate here like as you fill up more you know it goes up yeah go up and the first one to reach the top will have their pot destroyed by a firework oh I knew fireworks would be involved mhm mhm and so there's also like a countdown like I hit this button go yeah that's when we go okay yep yep so you want to you want to give it a go give it yeah yeah should we raage you some diamonds on this uh I mean we can we can if you want to uh I I'm thinking 10 diamond blocks 10 diamond blocks okay you're on you're on all right we're on 10 diamond blocks dang it's right click not left click I just want to double check that as well right click yeah right cck okay right I I'm ready okay all right I'll hit the button and then we'll start well you want to do of three let's do best of three here okay cuz it goes pretty quick okay ready yep first game here we go oh my God oh my God you got it you got it I got it good job X good job there was a reason I responded to this so quickly come well done well done all right let's do it again let's do it again okay best best of three like you said I'm feeling confident though feeling confident should I press the button yep go ahead here we go oh there goes the clicking oh that slow oh you got it I got it I got it so fast good job I got that technique man do we do we even need to do a third round nope nope that's it you got it make sure and put your stuff back in the uh in the chest and things now X yes did you rebind anything where you're clicking okay didn't use an auto clicker I used more than one thinger I'll tell you that that's that's the secret right there oh so you have both left and right click maybe so you can I just I use my left hand on my mouse right like I don't know if you can hear this but can you hear that I will bit yeah yeah okay like that's just me tapping my two fingers like okay you can tap two fingers really fast oh so your butterfly clicking oh the stress oh it's got a term I like it yeah I like it yeah yeah yeah so I was wondering if somebody could do it but congrats X yeah let me get let me get your diamonds let me get your Diamonds oh I could have walked away from there I'd forgotten I was just very confident because uh yeah I don't think a lot of people think to do that with the mouse but yeah oh look at me there you go go earning some big bucks love it I also have um a little bit of a suggestion here I don't actually think it's necessary but you could have like Pistons that come up when you press the button Around The Decorator pot and then they go down when you're ready to click oh yeah that could work yeah to prevent people from going early yeah yeah I thought I thought that might be because then then you could actually be clicking and like as soon as the Piston comes down then you legitimately get the first click right yeah that would be cool that would be cool I consider that yeah well thanks for playing X this was fun it was good fun yeah I'm going to I might challenge other people to this and put wages on it again this could be a a diamond ear earning scheme for me you know oh yeah absolutely absolutely feel free to do so feel free to do so thanks for playing again man so I have a potential scheme to make more diamonds but one of a little loose thread to tie up we of course obtained the green permit and a part of the glass Collective and I've joined in with this design over here and set my price again using diamond blocks but yeah I've been doing the grind going out there Gathering all of these materials for the shop so that wraps up this episode if you enjoyed it leave a like thanks as always for the support and I'll see you soon with another episode of hermitcraft bye-bye
Channel: xisumavoid
Views: 149,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diamond block, hermitcraft diamond block, diamond block shops, cubfan xisuma, cubfan hermitcraft, jevin xisuma, jevin hermitcraft, 1150, Hermitcraft X, hermitcraft neighbours, hermitcraft 10, hermtcraft nine, hermitcraft season 10, hermitcraft season nine, hermitcraft s10, hermitcraft ix, xisuma hermitcraft, first episode, Season Ten, xisuma, xisumavoid, hermitcraft s10 seed, new hermitcraft episode, minecraft, hc10, ijevin, witch farm, hermitcraft witch farm, s10 witch farm
Id: SDImr2hVpDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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