Hermitcraft Season 10 - EP13 - MYSTERIOUS Things Are Happening...

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welcome back to another episode of Minecraft from the hermitcraft server and welcome to my beautiful empty storage room check it out guys I have moved all of my thing well most of my things I've still got a little bit of Overstock here with the uh with the dirt a little bit of Cobble I still got to get rid of my first poppy Harvest there and then of course the heads um I'm going to need a lot more chest I'm thinking of maybe storing just the heads in this room and this room alone that might be cool but where did the other things go you might ask well well oh here it is okay look check it out I remove the button I changed it to a pressure plate so you have to duck to kind of activate it and this this is my brand new storage room I think it is fantastic I tried not to make it a square to make it a little bit more visually interesting I still have some chests here that are empty that I need to fill um but yeah I think it's looking pretty good and I will probably need more storage space eventually but I could probably just build more secret storage locations off of this main room here I've also got a new friend on the farm Perry Perry the Platypus I have no idea who built Perry it's um it's something it's something I don't know how long Perry intends to stay on the roof of my very humble little Farmhouse here but probably not long I mean I suspect it was one of two people it was either my dear old neighbor friend iscal or it could have been renock because uh last time I saw Perry it was over in uh Ren dog's area hello hello nice to see you from across the Berry field yeah this looks a little dangerous to be walking yeah don't don't walk on it go around it go around I'm going go around it just saying are you up for a a little little uh mailbox introduction by chance absolutely you are you're ready to go I I can I can do a delivery right now right now right here right now right here right now all right right here right now okay well I guess not right here cuz the mailbox isn't right here yeah over there right now right here but over there over there right now let's go oh you already got mail what to give the instruction for wait I have mail what's that you have property of hermit post code beef online times one oh there you go oh beef online by Etho congrats Mr Beef on becoming a proud new owner of your very own mailbox you were given Special top priority on this installment whoa I feel like that's not true I feel like I feel like so many other people got him already please get in touch with postmaster Pearl for further instructions well how convenient you should probably get in touch with me then hey Pearl hey Pearl I need further instructions okay all right all right let's get you inducted into the system shall we yes please okay righty first things first I have a free stamp bundle just for you sir to get you on your Merry way oh those are awesome indeed next thing I'm going to drop these right at your feet you might need some more inventory space take these as well where'd you get where'd you get all these shulkers we don't talk about them okay that's an ether thing I I I just make them okay okay okay good eth probably got them for me so that's good news I hope he's not getting from some underground Source somewhere that's that's all I'm saying that that would be that would be okay anyway take some writing paper as well mhm okay and that's what you need to get yourself started fantastic so then I just I just uh whatever mail I put I put in the um envelope right here that's exactly right it's package yeah M and then I hit the button you already know nope not quite okay I was close put one stamp here okay perfect so then I put that in there and put the stamp in and then off it goes that's right yeah you put the put the stamp in put the Sher against the wall and press the button and off it goes to whoever you decide to put the stamp in for okay okay I'm very excited uhuh and if when mail comes in and you didn't see you didn't hear that when you got your first bit of mail cuz you won't hear at the time but when this mail comes in You've Got Mail oh no you get a little B that's amazing oh that's awesome now I just want to receive mail I don't even want to send it who who do I send mail to First this is very wait who was that who's the horse okay we're just going to ignore that but I got to send mail to somebody we'll figure out who that is soon enough but in the meantime I have some tool upgrading to do by the way in the last episode um you guys were left on a bit of a cliffhanger with my shop I have since finished my shop the basalt shop so uh I think you guys are going to love it in fact I've even included a way for um some of the Hermits to get free stacks of Basalt and I hope they take me up on it because I think it would be a fun adventure if not a deadly one there it is you can see it on the horizon it's not really a horizon here let me let me uh maybe land am I going to be able to land on this I missed it completely I wasn't even close was I how about this one this one works balt pretty good huh it looks like the Hollywood hill sign but I think it I think it's kind of cool I like it it's uh it's very of the earth and that's what I've uh trying to go with with this shop check it out I've got this little uh Crane That Is Lifting the basalt from the earth I have since learned that it is made of uh molten lava or something so I might put some magma down there um but yeah this is this is the crane and then you have a little path here there it's lifting some Basalt right there got your little uh pulley and then we got we got little um if you look down in the hole you got little uh look like little M shafts this is I call these stations and these are little Basalt um clearing stations maybe basal resting stations as it comes up some of the basal is unloaded for there or or on those platforms for some reason and then you got this little thing you might not be able to tell but that is water with a Frog Light underneath but that is water and the reason there's water there is because of this try your luck land in the water and get one free bassal stack I think that's kind of fun got a bed here to set your spawn and uh some barrels to put your things in and then over here is where I'm actually selling the basalt if you don't want to test your luck you can actually buy some Basalt check it out they are not full cuz I haven't mined all of them just or enough to fill all of them just yet but there is some Basalt in here I haven't told the Hermits that the shop is open either so I'm hoping the lack of sales is due to the lack of information that they have but this is my Basalt shop everybody I think it looks really really good here let's go up here and take a look at it again beautiful right beautiful I love it I it's one of my favorite shops that I've ever built it's it's just a fun it's it wasn't a huge build it didn't take too long but it turned out nice it's hermitcraft TCG Contest time and the winner of the last episode's trivia question is Kieran W who correctly guessed lemon and lime arena in fact Kieran went into even more detail and he specifically mentioned lemon lust and lime lingo as the names of the Arenas very very good Kieran good job this is uh lime lingo right here in lemon lust is on this side in today episode the question is not TCG related often times I've been asked who I watched before I started even doing YouTube so who did I watch I've mentioned a few names if you mention just one of these names you are entered for your chance to win a hermitcraft tcg booster box again please send your answers to hermitcraft TCG contest outlook.com good luck to everybody involved now back to the video looks like it's time for another neighborhood meeting uh well this is a sight for Sor eyes it's been a while everybody hello a little bit long time hello hi how it going hello is that your impression of stress you're right where's my GES okay sorry that's actually very good well it's been a long time since our last meeting I've called you all here for another meeting is everybody excited really excited sorry let's get it over and done with let's get into the toilet shall we here into the toilet please should we bring stress I'm just kidding I'm just kidding we not should we bring stress I'll just pack her down no no no dear friends I look I've still been trying to recover after what I put you through last time I felt so awful about it all last night um false and Zumer and I we prepared something much better than a toilet for you oh yes we did a Redemption Arc if you will please do follow me now to get there follow the squirter pods okay the little if you know what squirt pods are thing over there of course we know what squirt pods are we live in the neighborhood exactly that's right follow the trail oh Dam there there is aail in down here you oh my gosh you can do it hey there we go guys welcome take this please take a seat are there a proper seats there it CH look at this wow this is nice this may be the second best thing you've ever done R I felt so bad about the last thing that I made for you I thought I'd try make something nice and wholesome so it's a little murial to the neighborhood little miniature version of each of our bases okay hold on I it's not a skull hey oh for goodness sake thing I've ever seen it's a little bit on the TDY side so I love it it's pretty ridiculous really wait which one's which one's my farm the F I'm assuming this one is the with the wheat it's over here yeah you and I beef I'm not sure what we've got going on over here build back mine is the river that isn't even oh yeah get yeah we ran out of time on stream okay had a 2-hour window to do the whole thing out this one's mine I feel like we now have like a proper meeting room for the the neighborhood which is exent this is nice we might want to do something about the smoke so we can see each other I mean yeah it's that's fine welcome to the meeting now I've gathered us all here today because I'm I'm mildly upset with you all okay no no I'm not upset I'm just disappointed that's worse wor there it is worse sounds like my dad disappoint for the last four weeks people I have been working extremely hard to get fired as the minister of ministers I knew it there's no way in Coral's poop I have not been in the neighborhood for two weeks I've done nothing I built the most hideous building that you've ever seen and made you have a meeting in it and still you did not fire me what is wrong with you people jeez just assumed that that was to be honest to be honest though to be honest I I think for me for me I I just didn't care enough I thought it was cute you know that R has have his time in that and all of these things but bad say I didn't know this I expect I expected nothing more from R me and beef did talk about this um and then I decided that I just didn't want to do your job because that's what would happen if I said anything well speaking of which I was the second point of order this evening is I I'd like to I'd like to pass this hat on to somebody else to be honest I don't want to I don't want it anymore no one wants okay has been in the I got my hat yeah I like my hat my hat has a green my my hat match thank you I don't want it you'd be a great minister of ministers though look how handsome you are do we need a minister of ministers I mean to be honest do we need like specific jobs at all cuz we could just work together and just not have I mean i' job that that isn't this job I just don't like this job even though I gave this job to myself I don't like are you trying to burn your hat right now yeah are you failing at that too too soon too soon sorry jeez how about this round how about you keep your hat because it does suit the glasses the granny glasses the shades and you can be the minister of faxes the minister of faxes oh I could be the minister of mail cuz we got a mail system coming in can I be the mailman of the the neighborhood sure yeah I don't have a mailx to carry it just don't touch my mailbox when he comes like you can be a you can be minister of your own mailbox minister of his own minister of his own mailbox what a title how about that good St well I must say that does relieve a lot of pressure on my shoulders I I I'm I'll take care of the mail uh one last thing on the agenda what are we going to do with the admin building cuz I oh I have a qu incidental happening here that's going to look a bit scripted but isn't scripted when you summoned me to this here meeting I was in the middle of crafting up TNT for my new shop I have a convenient I can share if you look at Hypno's box of TNT he's got more than a stack and I've got some stuff that I was saving as well so realize we were measuring here measuring contest TNT off let's go are we suggesting some explosions absolutely we suggesting explosion I'm worried I'm worried that the toilet is not is going to ruin the explosion there's a lot of water in it we might have to okay I tell you what guys I want to go down with the ship if it's okay so I'd like to get B you want to die okay all right set it off now no no no don't set it up yet no they still in it's his fault how much are we putting in here I feel forget the a lot of collateral damage yeah fco's flying where who's nearby person I think a couple of should Beck in here not the maps Lo the maps up well that is so much TNT what is going on that is a lot of TNT there stuff there's stuff in the chest okay that's enough CLE let's we don't we proba don't need all these hold on I got here we can protect it oh hang on where's my protect it with TN not oh my goodness ministers are we ready to Exploder rate the minister Minister roll for all time if you want if you want to lose your stuff then yeah you take the left the right hit last I have some Last Words yes my dearest friends it has been an honor to serve you but I now Shuffle off this Mortal coil to spend the rest of my days posting mail beautiful beautiful we ready yeah I think so count it down all right he's a theater kid Just sh yes shoot go for it oh miss you missed there oh here we go there we go demolition begins he going to be time he's going to survive this whole thing isn't he oh there he goes there goes oh there we go false nicely Nice kill shot yeah that is quite look we can make this into a pond the Poo pond P true could be a perfect pond it's definitely no my lip caves my lip [Laughter] CES it's time for this episode's beefy tune look at where I'm at on a throne of diamonds just where I belong guys this episode's beefy tune it's uh this this artist is kind of hard to describe their music is very different however there is one song that I think kind of uh is is kind of folksy sounding that I really really like it's called dear growing up and the artist is John Michael Howell John Michael Howell deal dear growing up it's only got 97,000 views I think it's a great song it's actually really really good again if you're interested in the artist check out the other music but it from what I've seen it all sounds very very different to this so if you like this you might not like the other stuff and vice versa anyway it's time to go back back to the episode hope you guys have been enjoying it so far check out the link in the description for today's beefy tune hello hello hello how you doing I'm okay sorry I was busy with the some farms and stuff yeah I heard it's kind of noisy down there yeah it was I'm sorry I had to set it off yeah um we need to talk about your um your River service okay yeah well come on this way there's a little boat and everything you know I saw the boat yeah very excited about that okay so I I'll add my name to the list because you know that's that's what you're supposed to do and technically the rivers are free asterisk yeah you know I thought I'm not going to put a price on them right okay that oh I see I see can pay afterwards you know with with what they feel like is is fit you know okay that's f o I like the use of the lecterns that's kind of like a little table here thing I like that and I like the the salmon heads in the back which is kind of why I'm here um okay so I'm going to put my name on this list okay okay okay the book put my name a bump X and ren dog down just kidding number three on the list I mean you can do to be honest but yeah yeah yeah they take a little they take a little while you know take a little while here's the thing here's the thing I want I want oh there's a Trader over there I got to see if he's got some mini blocks for me um I want a river back back there where where it was marked okay but it's got to be a really maybe a little extra wide um do do we know numbers well uh what's the standard it's got to be cooler than all the other rivers I've got orders from a higher power that uh that want me to have the best River in town oh I don't know why interesting I don't know why it's a mystery to me even for now but for some reason I've got to have a really good River a lot of a lot of width and and possibly more depth look at this guy just walk yeah sounds good I mean he's a customer as well you know he's waiting in the queue you yeah he he's looking around I'm very busy you know be you know big business and everything I'm so I'm so busy I haven't even got my Cas on me I've got my hat oh yeah that's a shame that's a shame you've interrupted me I know I'm sorry I'm sorry so I mean what do you think I mean I can I can give it a go okay okay what if I say I get started and then I let you go you uh you review it and then we can add more detail from there you know done deal sweet you will be well you will be well compensated for it I can assure you I I wonderful powerful people sweet sounds good beef you're on the list what did you need what did what what were you talking about earlier I needed to have a quick uh meeting with you but you seemed very busy and very uninterested in my things I was in another meeting and now I'm in your meeting what can I help you with how did you like yellow what do you mean how did I like yellow did you like it do you like it do I like the color yellow on your house what hold on no no it's going to be a no it's going to be a no it's know cuz I want to commend you I want to commend you for Designing this house which I know was inspired by how I built uh and stuff like that but I would to commend you because like it goes in many different colors it does right it you really but but the best color of all is no color my friend what are you doing There's a Zombie here and I worked really hard beef with lighting up the neighborhood and then oh there's a lot more than a zombie here did you hear did I hear yeah and what do you think I I I kind of actually I want to know what you think I know you heard about what think about it for a second did I hear and what do I think is that a clue y That's a clue I don't know what you're talking about actually I'm sorry okay maybe this will refresh your memory uh let me throw this on the floor rocket okay a rocket and potato potato Rockets what does rockets make you do fly okay and I thought you heard I thought everybody knew about what about the bird bird bird bird bird is the word bird bird is the word haven't you heard about the bird bird bird I have heard about the bird I don't know what else I should have heard about though okay so you have heard about the bird I have heard about bir you're just lying to me you're just lying to me it's the word I thought everybody knew that bird is the word so why'd you throw a potato at me it's a distraction oh okay red herring a salmon that really threw me off okay anyway so yeah I got something to show you okay I built something to mend our friendship what do you mean I didn't think it needed mending I think we're doing just fine this is it beef this is what what I talked about oh oh this is what I should have heard about so it's not the bird well I assume okay this is awkward but um I guess I have to say this I thought that you read your DMs from me but uh kind of what are you talking about I may have I may have missed I don't know I sent you a DM and then like okay and then I have to like oh come on He's Surely he's read it some like it must be in the back of his mind uh yeah yeah no no oh yeah now oh yeah oh now I remember okay yeah yes so anyway here it is here it is are you excited about it oh I'm so excited can you go over what this is just for the people viewing okay this is Mission possible Mission let me just uh get my Discord message up to you here and and read it out loud to myself yeah yeah yeah yeah do that uh hey buddy how are you doing did you have a good weekend I'm glad if so I can't wait to record with you this week uh I have a new build for you on the server Mission possible the place where you can get a mission that you have to complete once you opt in no matter what oh okay I'm so excited beef and I'm also excited to hang out with you later tonight so now I'm understand why you never why we never hang out um and yeah there it is this looks great okay so hold on a sec can I can I read the book you can read the book yeah read the book let's see here welcome to Mission possible that's a great name by the way to participate ring the bell note this will give you a mission which you cannot opt out from Yep this is what you just went over I I'm just kind of rehashing it a mission can be pretty much anything okay completing a mission will give you a mission token which are valuable take one out how do I know they're valuable like just because you're telling me they're valuable will the we I'm not I'm not telling you they're valuable Lector is telling you they're valuable look at it doesn't that look very enlightened and knowledgeable it does come on it does okay come on if everyone thought like that then what would knowledge even be think about it beef like oh yeah I'm a historian how how I know that you're in historian how you're reading from a book how do I know that the book is valuable man people spend their entire lives based on books it's true it's true but they live their values they're everything the books don't lie but the people who who write the books are also very important that's a very important part of of a book is the person who writes it so that's why I was asking you right cuz you know yeah well are you questioning my importance no that's the complete opposite it's the complete opposite I was I I was wondering why never mind I'll keep reading uh take no no no please carry on you were wondering what beef my legitimately as a writer my spelling as an author my German what are you questioning my German I I was questioning the statement which are valuable now why would I believe they are valuable just because this book written by the wonderful author himself is scal5 why would I believe that those are valuable just because the author and the book The Wonderful author is scal5 and the book are telling me they're valuable is there something because it says so in that book gotcha gotcha you're right okay gotcha gotcha gotcha they are valuable gotcha take one out of the chest upon completion and keep them safe okay please return the mission sorry please return the completed mission in the barrel when done good luck okay got it valuable tokens missions I have to finish got it can I ring the bell and get a mission can you I don't know did it say so in the book it did what is this it well I'm asking permission cuz you're the writer of the book is scal5 is the writer of this wonderful book oh yeah sorry let me scroll back here uh ask permission ask permission ask permission it doesn't say that you ask permission read the book okay trust the book I read it I rang it I rang it I rang it oh is it going to come out right here it doesn't say that in the book either by the way o what's this it's kind of self explanatory come on was only a bedroom when it has at least one bed one Ender Chest one this this seems a little that's funny that you get that one this seems a little a little on the nose here build a build yourself a bedroom in another hermit space did you not do that well I built it for you technically uh bedroom is only a bedroom when it has at least one bed one Ender Chest one light source and a potted bamboo plant okay okay things that you missed in my bedroom by the way I did not see a pted bamboo CL there there was not space enough for it true that's true there was a light source the window yeah that was the light the window yeah so I just missed the bamboo really and the Ender Chest I guess uh yeah okay this is an easy enough Mission and then when I complete the mission I get one of these very valuable tokens and I get to take yeah and you put the book back in this barrel and I put the back okay got it and then it recycles and then feel free to at any point take as many do as many missions as you want but oh as the book clearly states the this book uh hold on let me is just main move away move away we go okay as the book clearly states on page uh three um you can do as many I'm reading out loud you can do as many missions as you want but never have more than one more than one Mission assigned at any given oh more than one active Mission it probably should say but I'm not going to question the writer iscal 5 of this wonderful book but no you should not Mr Canadian just say no you should not yeah oh it's not what the book says again questioning the book that's true I I shouldn't be doing that no you should not be what an easy Mission well uh okay so all of these missions are kind of easy that's not they are not supposed to be hard they're supposed to be funny do you know this word funny beef funny I think I heard of that word once before in my life might have been when you had a pink funny house next to your oh that was funny with a capital f the incentive is to get Mission tokens that are are very valuable which will be used for what just sorry what what did was that what well I mean what are the tokens for usually a token is like you use a token for something yep y so this guy is like always has to have what's in it for me I get it no I get it I get it they're very valuable tokens but like a token is used for something right value beef have you ever heard this word value so I can like trade it in for like Diamonds they are valuable valuable token but they're tokens tokens of value token maybe they're just tokens of tokens of appreciation no no they're not they're valuable tokens valuable tokens got it okay I yes I can't wait have you got it now cuz I feel like a broken record I can't wait to get so many of these tokens I got to be honest with you I that's that's the spirit there you go now I'm assuming the only catch with this mission is you have to find a hermit that has a base I guess yeah I guess that would be a cuz there's some Hermits that I don't know if they have bases or not because they start building like fans facades of buildings and then like farms and stuff but I don't know if they technically have a base what is a base house uh base beef is it a house is it a White House on a prairie yeah that's exactly what it is it's a perfectly fine base my base but I'm not saying that you should build it there you can build it wherever you want wherever you want in someone's I want got it bonus points if it's a if it's kept a secret the longer it's kept a secret funnier it is funnier oh see that should have been includ that's going to make things a lot better it should have been included okay but got it who knows people you can't trust so I already I can't build it in your base because you'll know exactly yeah no don't put it in my base okay all right I got to find somebody some unsuspecting hermit and they're just going to find a base and a bamboo plant and a light source and an Ender Chest in their base got it done yeah you have to sleep the night as well of course okay that that's fine it's getting more complicated things that were not included in the mission but that's okay I think well you can trust book these days so especially the writers of the book bye get out of here B I got to be honest don't tell us Scout but I think that looks pretty good I actually think that looks pretty good let's take a look at the the inside here oh wow yeah I I kind of like it I'm going to change it back but I kind of like it anyway that's going to be it for today's episode I hope you guys enjoyed it um I've also got to relocate Perry the Platypus my my base here is like a center for pranks this season apparently mostly by one person but you know a couple other people have uh participated that's going to be it for today's episode I hope you guys enjoyed today's episode lots of interesting things happening mysterious things even to myself like I mentioned I got a directive from somebody that I need a river back there for whatever reason I don't know why but I do um that will be made clear to me eventually I'm sure but for now I'm just as confused as you guys are hope you guys enjoyed this episode I'll see you in the next one bye-bye oh and I built a pumpkin thing there [Music] bye
Channel: VintageBeef
Views: 122,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9Gv4waapEiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 15sec (1875 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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