Portal Tree Build - Let's Play Minecraft Hardcore Ep. 12

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ah hello there welcome you've caught me while I was just um gardening a little bit I've decided since we have all of these poppies from the iron farm I would expand out our farming Fields here a little bit with some flower gardens and speaking of lots of poppies I've also worked on our iron farm here and gotten it up and running yet again you may not have even realized that it was broken because well I kind of just stopped talking about but it was broken there was a rogue Iron Golem in my castle don't be like me if you're going to cover up your iron farm make sure you place all the slabs there we go anyways I wanted to start today by working a little bit more on this area out here after all we still have a lot of improvements to make to this hardcore world in the New Year H happy New Year by the way this is one of those areas that we kind of just visit for the farm itself but it still might be nice to have a little bit more of of a you know finished interior to it after all this area is such an important part of the view from our village needs to have a good interior to go with it come on Kitty the interior is done come on Kitty at least one of you should get to hang out in here there we go that should keep the creepers out it's not much of an interior but um it's certainly better than it was it at least gives a little bit of interest when you come in here just you know something to look at a place where people hang out at the iron farm that'll make comeing to get iron a lot more interesting all right now that everything is working out at The Farms let's head back to the Village chicken egg I've been playing in this world a little bit over my holiday break and doing so I've discovered well we have a pretty big problem in this world that problem is that I really haven't improved my storage situation from that of a starter house and well it's it's starting to get to me me I'm not going to claim I'm the most organized person on the planet it's also to the point where because my starting house has overflowed I have stuff here and I have stuff up here granted this one's actually pretty organized and I'm pretty sure I also have stuff over there and down in that chest boat and over there and I definitely have a bunch of stuff at the iron farm I got to get my life together the Trouble Is You see I've had a little bit of a problem deciding exactly where I want my storage to go in order for me to actually stay organized I need my storage room to have a fairly central location so the barn for example was a little bit too far away from where I'm actually working for me to consistently use it so naturally I spent a bunch of time staying staring at my Village and I decided that I would actually like to have a much more Central storage system right there so I suppose the only problem really is that this is currently a nether portal and not a storage system that's okay though I can fix that there we go I think it's probably better for the Villager sake anyways if we don't have a nether portal in the middle of their Village after all they're not very smart and they definitely can't survive in the nether this area is also directly below my starter house so we should be able to still link those together which I like I suppose the main thing that I need to do now is just get digging I'm going to need a fairly large space for all of my stuff all right with this Spas all dug out it is now time to start actually planning where the chests are going to go and we are going to need a lot of chest guests I feel like doing them in groups of three like this is really satisfying but then I definitely also want to have a pillar between that yeah that would actually look pretty cool we've just got to go a little bit further down this way whenever I buil these I find I spend like the vast majority of my thinking time in a world in a storage room it's also where you go for all of your crafting and all of your needs in a world you spend a lot of time organizing all your things from your exploration it's just generally a really important space so I want to decorate it and hopefully do it justice for just how important of a space it is one of the nice things about this design is that this room can hopefully grow with me since there's nothing crazy going on in this direction I can continue tunneling as the room and my needs need to expand I think when it comes to actually decorating this I'd love to tie in some more of my pinks and purples but also get some really nice stable supports with the Spruce Wood here I think something like this would be absolutely lovely just rounds out the space nicely and ties in a bunch of our pinks and purples and then for our flooring we can continue that kind of purplish color by using some of our nether brick over here which thankfully I do have lots of smelting the bonus about this block is I actually love the sound that it makes when you walk on it so it's kind of like ASMR as I'm sorting my storage system yep that is nice then I think to keep kind of going with the floor being a fairly Dark theme I'm going to try out some dark oak I do think that that's going to work cuz it ties in nicely with the pillars I just so happen to have the exact number of shroom lights that I need to pull off some sneaky hidden Lighting in this room that should take away the need for torches oh goodness maybe I should sleep I want my villagers to get struck while I'm building a storage room my gosh is everybody okay the good news at least is that the storage room truly is nearly complete we just need to get the rest of the chests in and then all of the finishing details oh and and then of course we're going to have to organize it now that the basic layout of this room is all in place I think it's officially time for us to figure out how exactly we're going to fill this up and organize it I think when it comes to organizing specifically I'd like to use item frames so I need to see exactly how much leather I have and I I think the answer is none but I'm I'm going to look at all my barrels just in case not seeing a whole lot of leather okay luckily I have cows nine leather should be a pretty good start I think for some of our more large quantity items we'll probably just need like one item frame at the top and that'll signify what's in the whole section but then some of them we'll probably want to be a bit more specific for example I think I'm going to have this whole section be Stone and then I'm just going to generally separate like Stone items and deep slight items and that'll be as far as my organization goes and now Begins the fun task of organizing everything I've collected across this whole world oh goodness this might take a while where do you even start with a chest that looks like this I guess we'll take the emeralds and the raw chicken food items I suppose they could go the diey could be its own section oh gosh emeralds food dye flowers okay okay I got this I could be organized sometimes I'm going to need a puffer fish section maybe that just goes in the food one eternity later all right I'll admit I probably should have built this storage room about 10 episodes ago but I think this is a fantastic use of this space I mean this just flows so well into the village everything is organized well um almost everything we have a couple of extra chests that I haven't quite decided what to do with but generally everything has a place I've got this area over here with some empty shulker boxes so we can fill these up when we're going to take on a building project somewhere and I just love it I love a good storage room I feel like this is one of the areas where you spend so much time time it's really important now um speaking of spending a lot of time in this area the villagers they spend a lot of time right here as I've just noticed while I was building this and they also love to take damage you see right here uh-huh they they walk off that I I don't know why I I I can't explain the way the villagers are but anyways I thought that we could maybe take a moment here since we've been working in this area and just sort of fix up this area cuz well it's it's not really much of a bedroom is it I think we can maybe do away with the the beds I can fix it I can fix it first thing I want to grab some coar dirt for the path maybe some Spruce stairs if we have some and let's just get rid of this fountain for right now and maybe Center it just a little bit better I do enjoy having a bell here but I don't know if this is the place for that I've also done a ton of buildings since I originally put in these stairs and well I love their location I don't love that they're Cobble I think Spruce just Blends a lot better with the paths that I want to do because we're using a bunch of coar dirt for this oh yeah with a little bit of mud that'll look great mostly I'm trying to repeat the sort of vibe that I have right here this is one of my favorite areas in the village right now I love how functional it is leading into the mines and allowing us to smelt stuff here uh speaking of let me go grab some lava it's just one of those areas that looks really good and also works really well for me so I want to kind of keep repeating that as we head down into the village even more I think the main way we're going to be able to help the villagers out here is by adding yet another retaining wall we're going to need one on this layer that layer and that layer it'll be a little bit like a three- tiered cake I think I'm going to like all right I think I like this shape and I'm going to grab some amethyst to outline it I know I or originally I didn't really like the amethyst Cobblestone thing but I think it's growing on me so I want to keep trying it out the more structures we get in here that sort of match up with the color scheme I think the more this amethyst is going to make sense and actually look good after all the Cobble might actually be the problem not the amethyst I may try some andesite or something instead but for now Cobble you know what that's actually pretty cute the three of those I don't hate it I don't hate it at all we're going to end up having kind of a similar Vibe here so maybe I'll just Merk in a little bit of this let's just kind of see what that would look like honestly that's not as bad as I thought it would be it it still needs some work but it's not as bad plus this retaining wall allows us to expand out this grass layer here because previously we didn't really have a way to get into this poor house over here now I just have to pick out where the pillars go and connect it all with some slabs this definitely will help break up the Cobblestone a little bit oh sorry dude you walked right in front of me come on I'm building here all right now that the retaining walls are in the next thing to clean up are these beds obviously this is a village so we do need the beds but I think I want to just Rye them to be pink and then with a little bit of convincing they might be able to look more like Park Ben is than anything else I think in an Ideal World we probably wouldn't have any villagers sleeping outside but this has been a pretty safe area for a while now so I don't mind that it looks pretty cute actually super cute very park bench like now the next thing after I get this path in is going to be to spruce up the rest of the area so I want to put the fountain back in and maybe just some flower gardens for the fountain I think I'm very tired of the cobblestone look around here so I might go for something more like quartz to kind of tie in with the Kel site luckily we have tons of quartz from the Nether and I might actually go ahead and smelt it so that it's that smooth quartz you know maybe meeting time around a bell is a bad time to try to build a fountain um let me just move this Bell down here you go guys new meeting spot I think I also have a bell down there that's perfect we probably need one down there and then one up here or maybe here eventually anyways for now let's work on a fountain I'm kind of trying to think how we can best sink it into this corner here hello everybody yeah don't mind me I'm I'm thinking I'm going to keep it pretty much the same shape as before just a a little tiny Fountain and I do think that that position works you could still walk around it but it leaves a big wide space here for other activities yeah this will those'll totally work just need the rest of my quartz and perhaps some stairs and slabs then for the inside in here I'm just going to get a little bit of this purple won't be able to see much of it through the water but it's a nice detail anyway all right let's see how it looks simple but not awful I don't know how I feel about the corner bits hold on let me change what if we instead did something like that small fountains are so awkward to make I think that looks fine I mean it looks a little bit like a tooth with water but I mean it's better than what was there so I might accept it for now I think to distract from the giant Fountain tooth I would like to add a bunch of gardens All Around The Fountain and I'm going to do that with some of these aliums and then also a couple of cherry blossoms in places cuz I love cherry blossoms I feel like anytime I can tie in the pink and purple in more ways I definitely should oh this is a way better area now I love it after finishing up the Fountain area I noticed another problem area around my storage and that is my starter house as much as I don't love to change a starter house once I have it I like keeping it for the memories I think that in this case it just doesn't fit with the color scheme that we've decided I thought that I was going to love the Birch with the pink but I ended up loving these Bruce and purple and dark oak a lot more than the more yellowy Birch color so I decided I would go through the village in my starter area and just sort of removed the Birch switching it out for more pink or more Brown what do we think I think it fits in much better with the surrounding area all I have to do now is get rid of all of the rest of these Oak structures and this will be a really cohesive Village also added a bunch of texturing to these two sections just to see if I like like it better and oh excuse me that who does that you I hate villagers I like that better I'm going to fix this I get how do I stop you from doing that why would you do that looking around this village now I have so much inspiration for things that I want to do but I think today we have a big issue that I created that I need to you know fix and that is the fact that I took out my nether portal and I happen to like that nether portal uh so I need another one somewhere preferably actually not in the village I left my obsidian yep right there and I think I'm going to have my new nether portal be over here somewhere I'm a little bit inspired by this tree actually and I was hoping maybe we could build a big old cherry tree with a portal in it positioning is definitely going to be really important but I like the idea of having it on top of this little round bit here we can make it look a little bit more like a rock and I'm going to go for Spruce Wood for the main bits of this tree just cuz it's a bit easier to chop down compared to the Cherry and there we go all we got to do is build a tree all around this should be pretty simple I think I don't know how big around I want it to be probably pretty big yeah maybe something like that let's check the positioning from the bridge you know what I think I can work with that we'll do a nice big cherry tree just overlooking the village here I feel like that'll be nice something pretty organic to break up all of the structures we've been doing Big Tree Project means big resource Gathering session I'm going to need so much wood and also so many cherry [Music] leaves after about 30 minutes of gathering I have a full sugar box of cherry leaves and you know some wood we might run out of wood at some point but honestly 30 minutes of chopping trees feels like enough to me we can always take a break and chop some more if we need it for now I'm really excited to get started on this project I really love building in this particular scale of tree I mean it's not not quite Mega but it's big enough that you get to have a lot of really fun details into the tree itself first thing we really need to establish is exactly how high this initial trunk is going to go before we start branching it outwards this is something that is a little bit tricky to figure out in survival mes we have to take a look from over here at the actual scale of the whole thing and from here I can tell that's not high enough I feel like I talk about painting a a lot in Minecraft because that's kind of one of the main areas that I learned a lot of Art in but you definitely want to have this line here come over the top of the mountains right so from here it kind of breaks up that horizontal line a little bit more I don't know how to explain that in fancy art terms but that's that's what I'm going to do okay uh it looks weird but we have the width of the the trunk that's going to come up to meet where it branches out here it'll you got to trust the process okay it'll it'll look fine and quick look from the bridge yep there we go we're up above the mountain line here so now when we add leaves to that it'll get even higher and of course we're going to do lots more branches yeah yeah that that's totally way better that's the right height for sure I don't want it to be too tall because otherwise it's going to like take over the whole village and then that's not really what we want now we have the fun part of actually building this thing I love that I've picked this project today because it is actually the perfect type of day in real life to be building something like this it is currently snowing in real life which I absolutely love I just got in from a dog walk with my puppy Winnie she is having an absolute blast in the snow and I have a nice coffee to drink and uh yeah just being inside getting to build up this world even more H it's such a privilege I'm so grateful to be able to work this job another year thank you all I suppose now is probably a good time to maybe talk about some of my goals for this year in this particular World obviously this is not the only world that I will have this year although I am hoping this one and the hermitcraft series that eventually starts up again will be sort of my most consistent series throughout so I'm going to try to focus mostly on those two Series this year and in this series in particular I want to keep a focus on doing these smaller to midsized builds keeping things very relatable and a slightly slower past sort of trying to keep the scale just a bit small I I suppose and maybe that's a bit boring cuz I know the meta is currently a bit Mega but I think I'm going to save my mega stuff for over on hermitcraft cuz I feel like if I'm going to build Mega I may as well do it on a multiplayer server for this particular world my goal is actually to finish up this Village sometime in the first quarter of this year I'm hoping and once I do that I really want to Branch out and do even more Villages each Village sort of having its own theme so we'll have this little pink Village here and sort of surrounding area and then maybe we'll build a path out in one of the directions here and pick a new Village cuz we've seen other Villages around here we got a snow village we got a tiger Village and we got some Plains Villages over there I don't know exactly what it'll end up looking like at the end of it all but my goal is to have a very connected together world I don't know if I've ever really pulled something like that off my last hardcore series we pretty much stayed just in one Village for about 30 episodes or so but I'm hoping in this one I'm I'm trying to go at a slow pace but not as slow as that so we'll finish up one Village move to another and slowly kind of connect the world together going a little blocky we got to sculpt it down one of the fun things about building trees like this is you place a bunch of blocks like as many blocks as you want and then you come in afterwards and you just you break some of the blocks and kind of kind of like sculpting with Clay a little bit that is one of the the methods you could use to build these we're just kind of trying to gently transition the trunk from this big thick base up to something uh that branches out we've also got got to think about our entrance to our nether portal here I think this is probably fine I imagine we'll break these maybe get some extra obsidian to have a longer portal yeah that could work anyways I hope that you all enjoy uh hearing about those plans I like letting you guys in on my thought process for what I want to do with this Channel and hopefully that's something that you would be interested in watching but if it's not of course um well now you know now you know probably no mega builds in this world I I think that's probably for the best I mean it could it could always change maybe I'll find some random inspiration in one particular Village but I think I'm really enjoying the village transformation Vibe if I want to get anything done here I'd better stop talking and start building let's time lapse the rest of this shall [Music] we all right after not too much playing around with it I think probably about an hour's worth we officially have a tree and I'm really liking the size of it especially from this view over here but of course before we put the leaves on we're going to want to make sure that it actually does look good from all of the angles so let's check over here uhhuh not bad and then from back over here yeah you know what I actually think that looks lovely so now the final thing that we need to do is put on the leaves and add the finishing details and I guess also a path over to the portal this is kind of the easy part the most difficult part of a tree is definitely the branches so what I was looking for there when I was flying around it is to make sure that this looks like a big old sphere basically the leaves will be a lot easier to place on this tree if the branches are in sort of a severe shape so that is to say there are branches going in every single Direction up down east west north south everywhere everywhere and then we get the easy part of just coming in with the leaves and we're going to do leaves basically all over this tree and I call this the easy part because you could just really not even think about it just Spam place as much as possible going to fall off the tree a lot and then I'll go in with my shears and just break them in spots so that we get lots of air pockets this is probably going to take both a lot of leaves and also a lot of time so this is one of those projects that I kind of like to do while having just a movie on in the background little hot chocolate little snack and just kind of relax into it and spam plays leaves a suer box of leaves now that I'm using these up is probably not going to do it so I may have to take a quick Leaf farming break as well but that's okay I did a much larger one of these cherry trees on hermitcraft but I did it before we had these Cherry leaves in the game and oh my goodness the Cherry leaves are so so much better than having to use pink glass this is epic the petals Falling Down is going to look so good as well oh God it's a good thing I have feather falling on my boots but look at the petals oh I love it all right leaves are in now it is time for the final details and that's going to involve a tiny bit of terraforming I think CU I would like to link up this path over here behind my starter house all the way over to the tree so that we can very easily access the portal that's right here and speaking of the portal I think I'm going to go ahead and make it just a tiny bit bigger than the default small size and we can do that by just adding a bit of obsidian and let's also light that so we see what it looks like oh yeah no that's so cool I love a portal tree that's one of the one of the one of my earlier videos on this channel that really popped off was was a portal tree it was a creative mode one and it just every time I do one it just reminds me of that it's so lovely and then we're just going to wrap a tiny little pathway around the roots here and over uh to that path there I think I want to do this at a coar dirt and mud but I'm a little bit limited on those supplies so we'll start with the path blocks and uh move into the co dirt whenever I collect it I find path blocks are just a great way to get that initial shaping in without having to do any of the actual texturing of the path yep that is brilliant I think it just gives a little point of Interest over here and of course uh we can do something with the inside here I suspect we'll just put a chest with some of our stuff that we need for the nether like gold but for now that's looking pretty good I want to move our attention back to the tree for some lights cuz this thing is going to spawn a lot of mobs I'm thinking we're going to use some dark oak because that goes very well with the spruce and I'm just literally going to do some hanging lights it's a classic but it always works it's a simple detail but I love the way that that turned out it looks so much more magical now this is quickly becoming one of my favorite views right here under the Cherry leaves view of the farms and the bridge and the village it's exactly what I wanted at this point there's not a lot to do except fix up a couple of the small details around the base which is not a super big job but it does make a difference to the final project so we'll uh we'll do it either way maybe I could actually get rid of that yeah that's B better hey you got shovel you going to help with the terraforming wonderful and of course the finishing touch a little bit of interior inside the tree going to go with Crimson cuz I think it looks cool and then chest our gold stuff and a lantern all right moment of truth let's go see what it looks like view from the bridge oh it's way better than the previous portal there's still a villager out by it we're going to have to work on some better fencing but that is lovely I think I think it does a really good job of bringing in all of the Cherry that's in the mountains and bringing it kind of more towards the village it's also going to make way more sense as to why we have so many little cherry blossoms All Around The Village as always I want to hear all of your thoughts down in the comments comments down below let me know what you thought of all the finishing details that we put on the place today we did so much detail work and added a new build I'm excited about it let me know what you thought and uh you subscribe and and stuff okay I'll see you next time goodbye thank you for watching Happy New Year
Channel: GeminiTay
Views: 216,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, GeminiTay, lets play hardcore, minecraft hardcore survival, geminitay hardcore, hardcore minecraft, custom tree build, minecraft portal design, minecraft village transformation
Id: 7IA_WzqtYsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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