The Perfect House For Hardcore Minecraft (#1)

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hi everybody wax fraud here and welcome to a brand new 1.20 hardcore series I know we recently lost the hardcore series but I am excited to get a brand new one started especially since Minecraft has updated so much since we started the last World got some cows right next to us what's up buddy and it looks like we actually have some polar bears over here let's chop this tree down right here make a boat make a crafting table as well let's get some tools I'm already thinking about getting that polar bear instead of getting an Axe and a pickaxe I really love early games so it's going to be amazing getting back into all of this first tree taken down it seems and cow I'm sorry but you're the first one to go I need food got some Oak saplings already and on our way down to the Bears it looks like we can get some Spruce Wood as well and if we can't get all of the wood types it'd be nice to get at least most of them what's up polar bears how you doing I hope no one's aggress oh actually it looks like there's a baby polar bear over there so um we'll come back you will be Paul and you will be Pablo over there but I'm not going to get anywhere near you as long as you get that baby we will be friends soon enough Paul if you can for me just stay right there in that boat or you know yeah just stay right over here and that yeah just stay over there I'm just going to push Paul over into the boat so Paul doesn't go anywhere this guy does not want to get into the boat sir just stay next to the boat and I'll be right back for you we will be friends soon enough we need to go back I need to find some sheep to make a bed hello sir don't mind me just taking some wood never mind thank you for the wool got a brand new boat with a chest in it got some wood I have some materials I think we can set off for an adventure now let's see what's off this way a brand new hardcore Adventure this is going to be so much fun and actually while I'm crossing the ocean I did want to thank you guys for 300,000 subscribers on YouTube you guys rock thank you so much for the support looks like we got an old growth Spruce tigga over here with a little bit more food on the beach thank you sir you're doing a good job thank you Sun's going down uh we might need to find some more sheep but we did find a Stony Shore which is nice cuz I need to get me some Cobblestone wow this Sunset looks amazing by the way guys I am actually using complimentary reimagined Unbound shaders in case you guys are wondering this looks fantastic and I always want to share the shaders that I'm using but since the Sun is going down maybe let's just go ahead and make a furnace and let's use our boat I kind of want actually you know let's make a door real quick stone tools real quick get that advancement out of the way and we can't forget let's grab just a little bit of coal before we go down I have zero armor on me right now so I got to be extremely careful little bit of ER never hurt nobody let's take that and the Moon is up and oh look at the Wolves Out oh my wait they have red eyes what are they all doing these forests get kind of dangerous at night I'm out of here let's go search underwater for some iron maybe some gold okay and this is an ocean Monument the we we need to get out of here one day we'll come back for you this is going to be pretty fun to explore the Guardians have no idea that we're just lurking out here let's move on we need to find our own materials now these new shaders at night especially look absolutely mesmerizing still kind of decently close to the ocean Monument but it looks like we found a geode all the way down here let's see if we can pop in beautiful I'll take oh dude what oh my God that terrified me that was an absolute jump scare I was about to take the amethyst but it looks like I am not allowed to take anything now I'm going to light this up though cuz at least when I go over it with the boat I'll be able to see it now I'm going to have mining fatigue for about 5 more minutes so we probably should just explore I did not expect to get mining fatigue on day one well I was going to stop to get the pumpkins but now I have mining fatigue and there's a witch over there don't mind me witch I oh also don't mind me zombie I'm chilling I'm over here we're all going to be cool and this guy has a trident come on man what are you doing this is a busy area over here guys just get away come on I'm zigzagging out of here right now cuz there's two drowns throwing Trident at me Moon's going down through the trees which actually means the sun is rising o that's looking nice is this a baby drowned over here dude come on what what are you doing you know you're going to have to get out of here see you later bud all this coarse dirt and podel forming this Valley in the spruce Forest it's absolutely beautiful and there's a fire and look what we have here of course as soon as the sun goes up we find our first Village what's going on dudes how you guys doing don't mind me guys I'm just going to take everything from the village here pumpkin pie don't mind if I do that looks really good I'm going to take this bed I'm going to take this chest here thank you and let's keep doing that thing that we do where we uh just take everything from the village that we can possibly fit in the boat and oh wow that's a lot of spruce got some sweet berries already too and I'll take these books why not oh we got a little dude what's going on buddy this is kind of a sketchy area so I'm lighting this up looks like we have some clerics over here okay sir I'm taking this brewing stand I'm sorry hey we got more pumpkins for me you know what I'm actually just going to get rid of this first Axe and this first pickaxe thank you guys you did well I think there might be some more houses on the top of this hill and actually the Bell is up here I'm taking this yep we oh my God these guys are stuck on the roof what are you guys doing I'm going to you know let's let you guys down get on in there buddy you're good to go and there's a side entrance what were you guys trying to hide and ooh more pumpkin pie let's go could eat this stuff all day every day and you know what our starter house could use some mossy cobblestone I think that'd be pretty cool it's not too often that we're finding this stuff right away all right thanks for literally all of your items in your chest I will be back at some point probably to bring some villagers to my Village and actually I just noticed we have an aelia tree over there let's uh let's go take a look quick little inspection here I don't have any shears yet but I will come back at some point I just want to get some of these aelia leaves if we can let's mark where the root of dirt is and we will definitely be back for this let's unload some of these goodies into the boat real quick was about to leave and then I remember I don't have any of these mushrooms yet so I might as well grab some and some extra food let's go slept on the side of a mountain and I'm feeling very good and these complimentary Unbound shaders definitely bring more of a realistic fantasy vibe to the game before we do any more exploring I'm going to head back to the Stony Shores one to get some Cobblestone two to get some coal actually there's going to be some gravel over here too no way is this what I think it is we got a trail ruins over here no way you got to be kidding me got a lot of food over here too but don't mind that right now I can't believe we just found a trail ruins right away definitely taking a screenshot of where this is and also placing torches along the beach so that I remember that this is an important area to come back to this is incredible dude I can't believe this before we leave also just going to take as much gravel as I can until I get a piece of flint and we got our first two and our first three pieces right there and actually right down here looks like quite a nice Ravine let's hop down and see if we can get anything just got to make sure you bring a torch and some doors okay we got our first little iron pocket over here we got some air and we are good to go thank you for the iron underwater door mining is definitely still my favorite it's a little dangerous early game but it's definitely the most fun plop the door right down grab yourself some iron and anything El you need o we got some free coal down here too I'm hearing spiders right now which is making me a little uneasy this pocket just keeps going take our first bit of lapis lazuli up here too hold up buddy don't float away okay looks like this cave is huge let's grab all this coal and you know what let's get our first little bits of granite all right I'd say the loot is not too bad you know what I got some extra food right in front of me let's take some of this it's the circle of life my friend let's just load up in the boat and head across see we have more Adventure venturing to do I love these clouds in between us and the moon they look so realistic we are definitely staying far away from this ocean Monument I do not want mining fatigue again and by the looks of it actually right here we have a brand new geod this one looks massive I'm going to place a door right here so I have a little bit of air while I'm building a little bit of a tunnel down in there get our first Basalt and some calite let's go this one is slightly farther away from the ocean Monument so we shouldn't have any issues unless there's some creepers down in here okay and I can see a creeper right there this is not cool let's just all right let's light this one up again and we'll make sure to head back ooh almost forgot my door can't forget this guy so it seems like we're heading back over towards the area where we spawned in this is a giant icy Mountain I am most definitely building something in this later on it's like a perfect ice Spike Mountain that was already created this looks like something that I would want to build and I can just build my house right into it and it looks like we have a sunken ship right here let's go got my door with me for some air please let there be some treasure in here somewhere and what do we got ooh Coast armor trim let's go and we got ourselves some armor oh wait hold on that has cursive binding all right I'm not putting on the cap but we do have death Strider boots and Fire Protection pants and I will happily take the suspicious suit let's actually see what this does to us I saw some red Sparks but then I didn't see anything else we'll save these other two for later and you know what I'll take this chest I love finding these sunken ships they're one of the best ways of find an early game materials I think I just saw a guardian pop up over there and we are pretty far from the other ocean monument and okay that's an ocean Monument right here this is not good we have two Ocean Monuments right next to us at spawn that's kind of dangerous let's just let's just go this Direction all right looks like a forest and a plains biome a little bit of a beach ooh nice some ice spikes over here it's time to search the shoreline for a nice place to park the boat while we get more materials Inland hopefully find some more villagers we got a baby polar bear over there we should be a little careful let's uh let's put the boat right here for right now to place some torches on the beach so that I have a little bit of a place to remember where I'm going all right getting a little lucky with these sunken ship finds hopefully we got some treasure down here this one's completely buried but okay we got ourselves a nice cap o and some fire protection three projectile protection okay we are fully armored up with the leather now and I am loving this sometimes out in the cold ocean biomes we have some purplish tint to the water all right let's get out of the cold and back into the plan's biome let's see if we can find some okay we have some chickens here sir you got to go sorry you had to witness that sir actually you know what no Witnesses see you later dude these ice spikes always look so cool I feel very fortunate to have them right next to spawn and oh we have some horses as soon as I have some leads I'll be taking you guys back home we have even more horses down here and a village in the distance let's go ate some raw chicken now I'm feeling kind of sick o we got some hay bales over here let's take that time to get back into taking everything from the village mode got ourselves another cleric over here actually you know I might leave this brewing stand here since I already took one we got more horses out here too we had brown horses over there black horses we have white horses okay and this Valley that this Village is in is looking amazing you know it's a good Valley when you got some bees okay this is just downright beautiful I don't think I've ever been so sure of a place where I want to build my starter house I think this Valley right here is exactly where we're going to call home the last series was mostly built on a very flat Island but if we can get a lot of these houses into these Cliffs over here some bridges going across this little Lake man I have so many ideas ready for this area looks like we got a massive cave entrance over here too this bee is telling me right now to call this place home and this Village is right over here and honestly the other side of this Valley is cool too we have a nice little Lake over here also I absolutely love early game when you can have the render distance up to like 30 chunks without any lag but pretty soon an entire city will be here and that will not be the case anymore you know what we should do though is turn some of this into bread and what do you know we got an abandoned nether portal hopping over as quickly as oh wait we got some chickens up here buddies I'm not going to let you get away with this and let's see what's in the chest down here that's some nice free Iron and I'll take that obsidian any day when I have the pickaxe to pick up this crying obsidian I will definitely come back for it I'm actually heading to the top of these Meadows over here though so I can get a nice top down view of the place that I'm about to call home okay and all of the aliums and poppies I could ever ask for I don't have enough inventory space right now though we definitely need to go get that boat let's come down over this way oh man this this Valley is looking amazing I cannot wait to have a civilization over here this will be a nice mixture of the town that we built in the 1.18 longplay series and the hardcore series from last season plus now I feel like we're a lot better at building and we'll have some pretty cool structures lots of mini caves here on the mountain I'm going to have to start torching up man I just can't get enough of this area we have the village all the way over here and we have the lake in the valley over here so we could build our starter house right in the middle you know what I'm actually just going to put some chests over here for right now this area is kind of high up it's a little close to the village and I think the starter house would actually be good right on the outside of this Lake cuz I would like to build a giant village here with my house right on the outside now we got to run all the way back and grab everything from the boat take everything from in here and you're coming with me sir Sunset over the ice spikes looks amazing our first little bit of free floating sugar cane all right and some more let's go look at this little guy right here he's so tiny oh his eyes are red oh buddy don't hurt you yourself hold up there guy oh wait I think I see another bunny all the way over yeah we do have another bunny honestly this area over here is super cool I plan on building a village over here it's super tranquil very quiet and I I actually like this a lot there's bunnies everywhere too we got a bunny over here what's going on dude we're going to need more food and we have a perfectly good salmon sitting right here sorry buddy trying to start collecting all the flowers now we have corn flowers and dandelions if I could find a flower Forest that would be amazing this guy is looking at me wrong get out of here now that we're popping up over here to this chest I'm actually looking up over to this Lake again and I think I kind of want to build the house over here now now that I'm thinking about it I want the house to be a little bit closer to water and there's a lot of water over here we got a lot of horses over here too and you can see the ice spikes in the distance luckily we found a gold shovel we can start Landscaping a little bit get some of this grass flattened so this house doesn't have to be built on such a steep hill got to get rid of all the creeper grass get out of here bud I think I see a cat in the tall grass here but I can't I can't n that's a cat let's try to get some fish real quick I want to get this cat luckily we had all those iron nuggets so that we could make ourselves our first iron axe let's get out here and get ourselves some salmon and Squid I guess what's going on squid sorry about that buddy you're going to have to be mine all right see you later buddy thanks for the bone meal too Bing Bang Boom and Bop got another baby drown following me again but this time I have an iron axe I'll see you later buddy peace out I feel like 20 salmon should do it but I'm going to get one more just in case sometimes cats just don't want the salmon all right let's see if I can find this cat where you at buddy ooh actually I found a different cat come on buddy get oh never mind get over here dude I got 22 oh the first one let's go we got ourselves a cat you are coming home with me and guys if you want to name this cat definitely throw some name suggestions in the comment section down below I want to see what you guys got we have a small area right now that we can call home I've been kind of editing just a little bit of this landscape there's a small watering hole right here I should probably investigate what's down there I do have some Spruce doors we have some copper right here and it does go a little bit further down and we have some iron oh my God we have some dripstone some more underwater mining never hurt nobody I have a feeling if I continue to yep there we go if I continue to burst through the dripstone we have ourselves a cave down here took a quick nap and this guy gave me some rotten flesh haven't even given you a name and he's already given me gifts let's cover this up we don't really have a reason to go back down there for now cat you just need to take a on the bed right there you go making a stone axe real quick cuz I don't want to waste any durability on stripping these logs make some quick Cobblestone slabs for a nice looking roof we also have some iron that we can get smelting here as soon as a Wandering Trader comes I'm taking those leads and I'm going to grab some horses we have an extra rotten flesh over here which means a zombie was pretty close to us we should probably get this place flattened and lit up but actually now that we have enough dirt I'm going to go over here let's make a platform I do not want any of this area to turn into podel so when I'm making more Spruce Wood just so I don't have to go all the way over to the spruce Forest again also we're going to need more oak wood so let's just plant all the saplings we got we can always get more and once we get some more bone meal I am definitely going to make some more aelia trees you know our temporary home also it doesn't have to just be logs and Cobblestone we can add a couple more details why not make life a little happier while we can our very first time using Spruce trap doors oh man we're going to be using a lot of these this series let's get these trees growing so we can get more wood and let's flatten this area out I was thinking before we even get the build going I kind of want to explore some more of this land I have a feeling there's going to be a lot more stuff Beyond these Hills ooh perfect our first tree we are officially tree farmers and we also have this iron available to finally make some lanterns looks like our first spruce tree grew but actually you know what there's some clay out here I can see we're going to need some of that for some pots we are going to end up using thousands of these clay pots in our builds over this SE while we're over here I'm going to spread out all this sugar cane might as well use what we got and what do we have over here what's going on dude he is selling some stuff that I actually could use but I don't have any emeralds so I'm just going to use the leads thank you sir appreciate that actually the leather is going to be nice too nothing to see here and nothing to see here took out the land made it very flat we have a double chest filled up almost entirely of dirt and now we can just fill this back up we'll make this a nice even grass landscape and that'll give us something that we can build our house on also maybe something we can continue to grow some trees on real quick we do need a lot more wood got the last three right here okay we finally have a field now that we have this flat land we can finally get some farming going to I'm going to bring some animals over but we should actually probably get some of this wheat planted it's never too early to start making some more bread with no bread left in my inventory I have five pieces of steak on me I should probably get some more cows back over there oh I found a second bee hi as soon as we have silk touch I'll be taking these guys got one cow right here and the other is there we go we got two you know what let's just make a baby cow right now and make three that right there's a baby cow all right guys follow me well seems like inevitably we're just going to pick up some sheep on the way we added another sheep to the bunch trying to make a separate living quarter for the sheep and this cow is for some reason just not leaving hold on buddy let's get yep now you're done and I will put you here now this cat's not our only pet oh and we have lead so let's go get some horses I'm going to take this guy up here we'll get them tamed with some golden carrots later this brown horse right here looks pretty cool too I'm going to take you guys back home it's crazy seeing this little area of a flat land as home right now cuz there's no house but this is home I'm just going to put you guys right here on the corner and boom now we have horses also I'm glad we got some copper I don't want to deal with any lightning strikes I'm just going to put this on the beach right there and of course it's raining it's always raining in our hardcore worlds we might as well head back for some shelter spruced up the place just a little bit and the cool thing about these shaders is when it's done raining you got yourself a mighty fine rainbow in the distance lasts about 15 20 seconds I think but every single time it rains honestly it's not that bad as long as you got a rainbow here been lining up all these oak trees taking them out one by one except for this guy right here he looks pretty good so I tied the horses up to him also I'm still trying to collect all of the flower types we have three right here already the AER blette we have the oxid disy and the cornflour but the poppy the fern and the dandelion can get added to the collection there's going to be a flower Forest somewhere on our adventure today if we're going to go look for the rest of the wood types and the rest of the flowers we might as well get our first Iron pick cuz we're going to go mining too now we can get diamonds we can also make our first set of iron armor here let's get the boots going we can make some pants got a chest plate right here let's put all those in the hot bar so we can slap these on I'm actually going to keep some of the leather with me for the adventure in case we run into some powdered snow but man this diamond armor is looking shiny before I go anywhere outside of this Village I feel like there's a couple of work blocks that I didn't take like in here we got a butcher there we go let's take this smoker but you sir you have to stay here think we have a stone cutter in here which should actually oh and some oh I'm sorry dude oh jeez hold up all I wanted was this right here please sir I see you out there I'm just I'm going to chill in here for a moment I promise it was an accident dude take the clay while we're in here and you know what I don't know when we're going to see any terracotta so might as well composter can stay here so the farmer can keep doing his job this place isn't lit up very well so step is going to keep spawning and probably going to keep zombifying these villagers so it might as well just keep the farmer around to make more hey and we got a donkey over here I didn't see you I'm going to take you as soon as we have another lead I'm loving our little home area over here our farm all the way across the beach all of the sugar cane our little Oak Tree Farm over there we have a bunch of cows and a bunch of sheep so far and our little Shack that we made is nice and cozy let's add the smoker and the stone cutter More Cows and more sheep here we come I also think it's about time we make a pair of shears we do need to get some of these leaves if I'm going to start making any custom trees this series I'm going to need as many leaves as I can get and yes you heard that right I'm trying to make some custom trees also we can take some of this wool here going to have to start making a bunch of park benches when the city starts getting made now to make this place feel a little bit more like home let's get a wheelbarrow out here we're going get a grindstone hooked up to this composter we're going to get the spruce trap doors on each side and a fence gate now for the mine entrance I'm just going to build a tent right over it and I'm going to cover it up so that nothing's able to get in let's get some fence behind here so there's really only one way in and then we'll start to beef up the outside so it has a little bit of structural Integrity Beef It Up with a few of the trap doors on the side here and this tent is fancy enough it's going to have some lanterns on both ends wow the Sun is through the clouds even with the rain here this is beautiful few more trap doors that I want to put on the top let's just line it up right here I believe there should only be one more trapo I think yep that is actually it now we can start digging down before we do any adventuring I'm really hoping that we can get some diamonds down here got to get a new furnace and check out the new Rainbow cuz it was raining looking fantastic oh it's fading away time to hop back into the mining tent let's uh let's see what we can get looks like we already found a dripstone cave okay let's open this up let's get a light on the ceiling there's a skeleton right there he's trying to shoot at me already it's going to be fun going back to good old strip mining off to a great start give me some of this iron let's go need as much as I can get cuz I need to start making some Hoppers and we have reached a cave this is somewhere I should definitely be careful looks like more of a dripstone cave Let's uh yeah let's just go ahead and light some of this up I feel so vulnerable without any of my diamond armor and more iron see a zombie through the dripstone we definitely need to be a little bit careful there's a lot of iron down here but I want to make sure everything's all lit up first looks like this guy over here might be stuck which is pretty cool I'm going to leave you right here and what if I just smack you real quick will he stay stuck actually he's just going to stay stuck looks like these guys are both just going to be coming right up the stairs here I just ouch just got to get you down here please sir leave me alone and one more zombie man those skeletons really do a lot of damage when you don't have any projectile protection which reminds me with the sticking out of my head we got to get an enchantment table going just got to keep making our way down the cave slowly just keep on putting some torches down and it looks like actually this is the end with even more iron all the way down here and with all the new copper blocks coming out I am going to take as much of this copper as I can this lapis is better off in my hands than someone else's I think and this guy over here is still stuck I'm just going to get him out of here boom and actually boom jump up over here real quick okay there's a lot of places where a creeper could be hiding and this hole just keeps going and going we found deep slate and tough just got to run down make sure everything's lit up ooh more lapis let's take the opportunity to get our first deep slate and our first tough blocks here right now cuz we're going to have some more tough variants coming pretty soon too and now we're talking the building materials list is growing and growing and we have the glow Len right here that we can take we also have some more glow Len up here that we can take as well you are mine and you are mine and looks like we have more iron to take you are mine right here and you are mine I can see why that zombie was stuck these dripstone blocks are huge let's actually just put a torch right here let's take some of this out and I'm going to take some of this home see you later and see you later okay I must have hit an iron and a copper vein down here all at once because I still haven't left that single cave and I am sitting at almost a stack of iron and definitely a bunch of stacks of copper I would have been majorly surprised had this not had any Redstone down here but it's nice to finally get our hands on some I'm at y level -17 I just need to get down to about y level- 53 so I can be on an optimal level for strip mining for diamonds ooh looks like we actually have our first bit of gold let's go and we have finally found the secret stash of diamonds I also hear a lava around me so we got to be a little careful looks like there might only be two never mind we have three diamonds that's enough for a diamond pickaxe let's go oh and a fourth one now we we are really moving couple more levels down it does sound like we're going to go right on top of this Lava Lake wow okay we were right on top of it I'm actually just going to go ahead and put that right there let's see how long this mining session lasts I'm trying to get at least like 30 or 40 diamonds we need some diamond armor I need to get that enchantment table going cuz we need fortune 3 so we can just make more diamonds in the first place and actually Four Diamonds is perfect cuz we can use one for the enchantment table and we can use three to just make our first pickaxe more diamonds already ready let's go we didn't even really go that far down this hallway but I'm going to go right around these guys and come back as soon as we have a fortune 3 pickaxe okay you got to be kidding me we have this guy right here I literally just ran into these guys down here we are getting extremely lucky look at all these with this look I'm just going to stick straight down this path I'm going to go around this Redstone 2o cuz uh the fortune 3 is actually going to make a lot of the Redstone okay I think I just hit the luckiest straight line of all time I've only been doing this for it hasn't even been 5 minutes and I've had three pockets of diamonds and a huge pocket of redstone already the game's really trying to get me to progress faster than I normally do running all the way back let's start poking out left and right time to strip mine actually before we start digging even further let's go ahead and just make our first diamond pickaxe right now this is going to last us long enough to find a bunch of Diamonds by the time this thing is all used up we should have the strip mine built up oh my God there's some diamonds right here the timing on that is just wild but yeah as soon as this pickaxe is pretty much used up we should have the enchantment table hooked up to get some fortune 3 out on all these diamonds with a bunch of right turns and a bunch of left turns behind us we finally have a giant strip mine we have a bunch of redstone gold iron and diamonds that we found down here we have about a 100 Min tunnels on each side for the strip mine but the 3X3 tunnel for a nice wide open space we made on the most recent twitch stream and by the way wax rot if you want to join anytime we do stream every single day this has been a nice Expedition we have plenty of Cobble deep slate for the build now we have a double chest and then some I'm going to put this in here and bring it up later once we get our storage going and for this stairway right here we need to get some cobbled stairs right here hopping up and down this hallway takes forever so these stairs are saving me so much time approaching the top it looks like it's night we've been down here for a long time definitely more than three nights so some Phantoms are about to come out a cow escaped about to make a lot of bookshelves so we need as many cows as possible for the leather I'm not trying to push it with the creepers around here so wait hold are wait how did this villager get over here what are you doing I don't even have a bell over here he kicked the cat out of the bed what's going on something must have scared him all the way over here I don't really know why he would have walked over I do not have a bell up and he probably jumped on top of these trap doors when he was a baby and walked in here now he's stuck forever as a butcher and you are my first villager sir I need one more piece of obsidian if I'm going to make that enchantment table so I believe I'm going to have to go back to this abandoned portal all the way over here let's get some free salmon on the away why don't we and this squid looks like he's about to attack so you saw him attack me oh and we can grab all three crying obsidian while we're here as well wow with this Shader pack the obsidian has almost a mirrorlike effect our very first crying obsidian let's go more free salmon on the way back before I was catching all the salmon I was using all these sweet berries for a lot of food but you know what these really don't last that long in your hunger bars so the salmon really does work a lot better something that lasts even longer than both of those is beef and steak so here we go thank you for the leather and thank you for the steak there's too many cows plus it's all going to a good use all these baby cows are crowding into the corner what are you guys doing and we actually came away with exactly one stack of leather and almost two stacks of raw beef luckily we have the smoker over here let's throw the coal in there and a whole stack in in a very short amount of time we're going to have a bunch of steak and honestly more than a stack would be great especially if we're going to go out Beyond these mountains to see what more materials we can grab now we're going to lock these guys in here for now and we'll make a nice home for them eventually but we need to use these two leads to go get Paul and Pablo and it's not a flower Forest but it's something very close we have ourselves a nice little field of rose bushes I'm taking back home we can find lilacs peonies and sunflowers too that'd be amazing okay I think I just saw a sea turtle I did there's a sea turtle out we're in this cold ocean biome and we have a sea turtle out here well that's something you don't see every day I'm going to have to run past all of these guys cuz you're not Pablo and you're not Paul and what do you know a sunken ship well I guess it's not so sunken it's kind of still up here on the water well it's a frozen ship and oh my goodness more Coast armor trim and a bunch of iron let's go and what do we got oh a bunch of moss we got some bamboo oh man we got us some goodies there should be one more chest in here somewhere I think we can just break these down let's go down here oh yep there it is and what do we got we have a buried treasure map let's go I'm going to take this paper too oh and the treasure is right next to us let's go according to my calculations the treasure should be right here and there it is I think this means we're about to get our first heart of the sea and we are we have a bunch of random stairs that we don't need I'm going to take these bottles o our first set of emeralds and the Sun is going down and I have not found Pablo or Paul yet I'm going back to get a bed real quick and why are there so many drown down here it's be okay there is a sunken little city down here and oh my God hold on oh takes this one dude with the Trident to take me out right now I'm going to come back here with a brush and get some of that treasure down here made it back just in time to get a good night sleep and we'll take our temporary bed back with us okay now it's a brand new day we have a bunch of new treasure we can go find Pablo and Paul swimming through this Arctic water feels pretty cool I bet this is what a penguin feels like dude is that another ocean Monument it is that's three right next to our house why are there so many Ocean Monuments oh okay another abandoned portal let's head down let's see what we can do more crying obsidian but I'm going to have to come back when I have a little bit more I just need like death Strider and respiration okay a bunch of gold let's go and our flint and steel all right we got quite a bit of stuff on the way to these polar bears this iceberg is super cool I'm swimming right through here we've come all the way back to the boat that Pablo never got in but it looks like we got Paul right here what's going on dude come with me buddy and number two you're coming home with me I'm actually just going to go all the way around this area because I don't want to get near any baby polar bears I'm not giving these guys any reason to go aggro on me I forgot how much fun it looks like polar bears are having when they're getting pulled in the water coming back out here makes me really want to get a village in between all these ice bikes I've never really done that and I want to get a lot of new and different builds in this series floating ice what is going on man I am never going to get tired of Minecraft sunsets on the home stretch with two brand new friends Polar Bears welcome to your new home I'm actually just going to hook you guys up exactly where I had the horses now let's make a small enchanting setup I have a bunch of leather in here somewhere now all that sugarcane we've been growing is about to come in handy let's make our first enchantment table we got two diamonds in the book on top there we go we're going to keep it close quarters right now and I'm actually just going to keep the enchantment set up right next to where our gates are and our little mining setup now with at least 15 of these down we should be able to throw some lapis in there and get these Enchanted ooh efficiency 4 right away that's not bad I'm going to go back down real quick to grab three more diamonds so I can get a brand new diamond pickaxe I don't want to put any enchantments on this pickaxe it's almost gone I don't have mending yet and I do not plan on spending a long time getting mending so I'm actually just going to grab this guy and this guy and this guy down in the corner hopefully we get some good luck let's see what we can do here let's throw the new one in and efficiency for plus what else actually okay only efficiency 4 but we do have the wandering Trader here what do you got for me I only have the four emeralds that I just found so I'm going to actually trade some red mushrooms thank you appreciate that and I'll take your leads now nothing to see here and nothing to see here also nothing to see over here and another villager just made his way all the way over to the stone cutter guys what is going on I don't even have a bell over here getting a couple more sheep so I can get to level 30 again okay we're there let's walk back over I'm going to use an iron pickaxe this time and we're going to put the Unbreaking three on it and what do we got well no luck so far I really want fortune 3 Unbreaking three well let's uh let's just enchant this little sword real quick ooh sharpness one not bad all of our iron tools are enchanted and we need to get back up to level 30 and you know what I'm thinking we could easily level up while we go on this adventure we have plenty of food and a backup pickaxe we should be able to set sail over these mountains get back with 30 levels or more pretty soon all of these horses are going to be in a stable and we have arrived straight into the meadow so we can take as many aliums as we want and what do you know in the distance we got another Village and of course it's raining on the way there it's always raining I love how this's this giant open field and all of these sheep and couch used to hang out right next to this lava pit all right I'm coming in to take your stuff thanks for the hay bals oh no way look at that we found a cherry awesome biome already we're on track to get all of the wood types right now we just need to get some Mangrove wood and some Acacia from the Savannah not only am I going to take everything from the village but I'm going to set the animals loose because I'm crazy Run free cow run free Pig you guys can go wild someone's going to have to come in here and clean this up that doesn't make any sense pretty sure there's going to be a blast furnace in here hope these guys don't mind if I take it wasn't really that much loot here so I'm going to go ahead and take your bell and I'll be on my way before the sun goes down and the rain continues I'm trying to make my way over to these cherry blossom trees it's a gorgeous day to harvest some cherry leaves I'm hoping to fit some of the Cherrywood into the starter house and I'm going to be using a lot of the Cherry leaves back at the starter house area might as well take the shears out and grab as many of these as we can we have cherry saplings a whole stack of the Cherry leaves and these pink petals to take back home so I'd say that's a win and also I'm seeing some lilacs across the valley so we're going to have to make our way down and across this is looking like a a big cave right here I'm going to avoid this for a moment hey we got like almost half the flowers right now and believe it or not I don't think I've gotten any birch trees yet there we go let's get some saplings too going to have to hop over the cave real quick to get to these lilacs there we go ooh this efficiency is nice this Direction's been treating me good so far so I'm just going to keep heading this way if I can get kind of closer to the top of this mountain I might be able to see also it seems like that cherry blossom biome was not very big I got pretty lucky stumbling across that and out of the corner of my eye I see some penies let's go looks like another field over here we have a bunch to take back home just bopping up over the hill this is looking gorgeous got the bees over here looking peaceful these sheep over here looking peaceful and some bunnies looking peaceful okay we're in luck I'm thinking I see a savannah out there and wait is that some more cherry trees mixed in with the Savannah hey what's up pups how you guys doing I don't have any bones to be able to get you guys on my my team right now but I'll be coming back later sliding down the mountain as quickly as I can before the sun goes down so I can get that acacia wood I think technically the sun is still up and we got our first block let's take a couple of these down and wait for some saplings to fall so we can take this back to our makeshift Tree Farm we can find some dark oak wood I'll be happy but uh honestly if we can find a swamp too that would be amazing see some Netherrack in the distance okay we got another abandoned portal now what do we have over here some more obsidian and okay more gold and our first golden apple I'm just going to throw these seeds real quick I don't really need those but I do need the gold ooh I reached the top of the ACAA mountain and it looks like even Beyond over here there's a desert but I do want to hop in here real quick there's most likely a desert temple nearby and this cave is looking kind of crazy I see you skeleton all the way back there I'm just going to climb to the top of this Sand Mountain and see how far out we can see are you kidding me there is okay that is a mang not even just a swamp but a Mangrove swamp in the middle of the desert and a jungle over here too we have jungle wood and Mangrove wood and actually I was so excited about seeing that swamp that I didn't even see the temple right in front of it we just hit the jackpot only thing I'm worried about now is not having enough inventory space to be able to take everything back cuz I know there's going to be some stuff down here I'm going to want to take home I'm just going to start digging out here and we'll come in from the outside and the cool updated temples actually have an area that we can dig out with the brush so not only can we get the treasure through this area at the bottom but we can also get some treasure through the archaeology and let's hop in what do we ooh we have an enchanted golden apple there's a cave back here I'm closing this off more gold a lot of Bones we can grab a dog on the way back probably this was some nice loot but I'm not going anywhere without this TNT okay now comes the difficult part I need to figure out how to get some of these propagules home I don't really have any room left in my inventory I guess I could get rid of these sticks jono that was a big big drop without feather falling oh my God but here's a propagule let's get as many of these as we can now I do have two leads so I kind of want to run through here real quick if I can find some frogs that would be amazing running through to the other side and this is wild over here all the stone and sand hanging over this Mangrove swamp is nuts not seeing any frogs though unfortunately forgot the sound of walking on mud is so strange and thanks again for the propagules I'll be back in the near future but for right now I need to head over here and get some of these jungle saplings I am just blown away right now we have been able to find every wood type almost except for that dark oak still and the very last inventory space goes to the Jungle saplings I'm hoping to get at least four oh and I see cocoa beans you know what I'm going to eat this golden apple to make space for the cocoa beans and let's jump down and now we can get that I've decided I'm going to run home drop everything off and go get that dark oak wood it only makes sense we have another abandoned portal over here this is nuts I didn't think these were that prevalent but they're kind of popping up all over this map sir you're too close for comfort okay more gold some more obsidian that's pretty nice I'm hoping to run into that wolf pack on the way back home I really like to have some dogs at the starter house but first it seems we must stop at this Village and take everything and I don't even have enough inventory space for these hay bales so if I want to grab this cartography table and a bunch of other stuff I'm definitely going to have to come back here too don't get too comfy at the cartography table sir I'm taking that and I was actually thinking it would also be cool if there was an enchantment that made your inventory bigger looks like we reached that mini cherry blossom biome which means we are pretty close to that wolf pack there are beehives everywhere here too I swear I've seen like 10 beehives so far all the way at the top and this is where I saw all those wolves and they couldn't have gone too far there we go what's up dude take some of these bones please don't take all of them okay we got our first dog you are coming with me and I think there's another dog over here stop running away sir please don't take all the bones d sir please don't get that bunny there we go I thought I just saw third yes I did third dog what's up do you want to come home yes you do wow all right we're coming home with the full inventory and three new dogs got to go all the way through this Valley past the first cherry blossom Forest uh home sweet home this Valley is looking gorgeous and so is our little Shack down there okay well puppies meet polar bears polar bears meet puppies I'm just going to sit you guys down right here and just unload everything that I got into this new chest the Iron Horse armor back and the bones okay we are coming right back puppies you stay over here polar bears keep an eye on them I will be right back I'm going to get some dark oak so the first time we actually just ran straight towards the Sun and this time we're going south and it looks promising so far because we have yet another abandoned nether portal and before we take a nap let's see what's in the chest and ooh some fire charges and some golden horse armor thank you World Generation for more rose bushes ooh also more lilacs I'll take these any day right now I don't really have enough bone meal to make more of these big flowers so I'm just going to take as many as I come across I love going through old growth Birch forests on top of the trees it's more fun this way also it's a lot easier to see what's coming in the distance like those spruce trees over there until we hit a ravine we can no longer jump on the trees more lilacs let's go and our first taste of dark oak okay I'm going to take all of the wood I can get from right here before any creepers notice that I'm here and I'm going to take some saplings as well sometimes it's hard to pick a spot where you want your starter house to be cuz every once in a while you'll find a spot that looks just like this and it's absolutely stunning I really do like the valley that I chose already for the house but you know I mean this spot's cool too word on the street is that this chicken was putting dirt on my name please don't do that oh and another aelia Bush okay I'll take some of these still don't think I'm going to go down into a lush cave and still have all diamond armor I really don't want to be in any open caves until I have diamond armor I used to not really care much about all these tall oak trees but now when I see them I get a little excited because it's possible that we find a trail ruins on the ground I know that Savannah Village has at least another stack of the hay bills so I'm heading back that way then dude all these llamas are up here I told y'all I'd be back I'm taking everything only leather in the chest doesn't matter I'm taking it I guess I should have just turned around and seen the cauldrons behind me thank you for the hay bales and it looks like this house tragically set on fire I'm just going to go ahead and take this loot before it burns up these barrels do not belong to the fisherman they belong to me now well well well on our way home and we found more hay bales to steal hey and it's not every day you see the Fletcher's house I'm going to take the Fletching table sorry dude hey and we found some more of the cherry blossom biome I think these Cherry leaves are going to be a little bit less rare than I thought and the last house what are you hiding I'm going to I'm taking all the bread and all the potatoes in the search for all of the wood types I completely forgot that I wanted to get all of the flowers and I see tulips over there which means means that we are standing right next to a flower Forest ooh we got white tulips orange tulips I see pink all the way back there and red we have most definitely found a flower Forest let's take everything we can just got to creep down here a little bit and hey there's a house in the valley we got the white tulips and the orange tulips and unfortunately we are on the side of a mountain so it's going to be a little difficult to hop up and down to grab everything until you get high enough to spot the actual flower Forest which looks like it's on flat land down there oh yeah flat land looking like way way more flowers we have all the Tulips except for these pink guys over here oh and this flower Forest just keeps going I am going to leave some of them here so I know exactly where to come back and bone meal if I have to ooh and a surprise abandoned portal we might as well look in here oh we got a clock and I believe we have spotted a sunflower field okay inventory would not be complete if we didn't take home a stack of these and I love how the sunflowers just look like floating gold coins it's honestly pretty cool to see some lava flowing away from the cherry blossom biome glad we're running back home through the tiger cuz I can actually grab some of these ferns while we're here and this might just be the luckiest start that I've ever had I think I just found all of the main biomes that I wanted to find here's a swamp and we already have the oak wood but there's plenty of lily pads here to take and also if we can possibly find the orchids that would be amazing and with these shaders it's pretty cool as soon as you get into the swamp the water turns into a little bit of a murky color and I think in the distance since I see a four tall sugar cane let's go o and if my eyes are correct those look like some blue orchids right up there I don't even have enough inventory space there we go and that I think is all of the flowers that we can get at the moment beside the pitcher plant the torch flower and the Wither Rose saw some aelia trees over here oh and some frogs oh my God we have some frog do I have leads on me we have two thank you wandering Trader for the leads I am taking some frogs home with us today frogs dude I can't believe we found frogs on the first episode also okay that's amazing I am not pushing my luck anymore we have all the flowers we could possibly ask for all of the wood types we could possibly ask for we even got some movie pads now we have frogs time to take the long and perilous Journey back home this guy tried to escape no sir you are not going anywhere and this guy is in the boat oh God these frogs are giving me a hard time already okay man please stop swimming around get on the lead let's get out of here and go home don't mind me polar bears I'll ignore you if you ignore me I'm just going to slide along the ice with my frogs I've been gone for like 20 nights in a row we are almost there and now we're in the snow these frogs are coming with me everywhere this is definitely the weirdest set of pets that I've ever had on a first episode but now we are finally home let's get the boat here drop this off okay frog you don't need to be in the boat I'm just going to go over here and hook these frogs up to this fence and you're not going anywhere going to put all of the flowers in one chest by themselves so I can decorate later and now now that we have all the different types of saplings we can plant them all in rows and start more tree farms get a nice row of Acacia saplings over here we need a nice row of the birch trees I might need to make some extra space up here just a little bit of a flat land for the jungle trees since we're leveled back up real quick let's just try to put a shovel in there real Unbreaking 2 is not bad let's see what do we got for the pickaxe fortune 3 all right and we're at level 30 okay so let's uh grab all the leather and the beef from in here I'm actually just going to disenchant the diamond pickaxe from earlier run back to the enchantment setup throw some lapis in there and the diamond pickaxe with the fortune 3 and we got ourselves the efficiency 4 back with the fortune 3 let's go after this we can focus on getting our silk touch pickaxe and all the enchantments on all of the armor that we're about to get as well okay here's some diamonds let's go okay we got ourselves eight to start off with I'm grabbing all the Redstone while we're down here too oh and we got diamonds back in these hallways we have enough Redstone to start in multiple projects and I believe we have enough diamonds to get a bunch of backup tools and all of our armor started I'm going to save some of the Redstone down here so that I can use it for leveling so I can get some of this armor Enchanted but in this little strip mine here we're sitting at almost two stacks of diamonds already plus this little guy back here thank you don't mind if I do I stand corrected now we are at over two stacks of diamonds let's condense all of these into blocks real fast and let's start making our first pair of diamond boots let's get a helmet going pair of pants never hurt nobody let's also get a chest plate get the chest plate on and there we go we got our first set of diamond armor we are officially ready for Hardcore Minecraft we can go adventuring without any worry for the most part we don't have netherite yet but we are covered with diamonds and all of our tools are diamond as well popping back up this polar bear is going dude why are you going so crazy this guy's stuck in the boat he didn't want to work anymore and this what oh my God this guy's going wild I love your attitude it's inspiring I'm going to get the rest of these birds trees out we got some Oak and some 2x two jungle trees as well as the dark oak down here I think with the Landscaping moved all the way out here we have enough space to finally start the house and with no silk touch pickaxe I don't really have the ability to mine Stone so I have a bunch of cobblestone here that we can smelt we have some smelted already I want to use this to make some stone bricks cuz the stone bricks are going to be the very first blocks that we use to start this house and here we go the starter house has begun eventually all these trees are going to be moved but um at least we can start mapping out the different sections of the house this is going to be slightly larger than the other starter house and it's probably going to be a little bit of a starter Mansion but for the foundation of the porch on the side of the house I am going to actually just start off with some Spruce Wood well now I'm thinking I should probably move the house into the hill a little bit or I should expand the land out into this little Pond I'm going to start setting up some potential entrances it might help me to organize this build by putting some main structural pillars in the center but as I am getting up here I'm noticing I yeah I'm probably going to have to end up just moving these stone bricks to the left a little bit this house is going to be a little bigger than I thought trying to give this first layer a raised stone brick Foundation just so we're not using only stone bricks on the outside let's just get some regular stone blocks mixed in here too and I thought I heard the wandering Trader again how did you even get in here dude hold on what do you go o sea pickles and Tube Coral blocks I could use both of these to make a sea pickle farm I actually really need to get some emeralds and the butcher turned into a Mason I can sell him some clay balls what do I have it actually looks like I have plenty let's just sell them all I want to buy at least one sea pickle and then the rest we can actually just do some tube Coral block thank you dude but I need you to get out of the cow farm O that was good and you llama I'm going to get you out oh don't be spitting on the sheep hey don't be spitting on me either it's getting a little loud over here we have a lot of cows and a lot of sheep but we could actually get something Enchanted right now it looks like we can get blast protection 4 on the pants I'm going to take that now we can worry just a little bit less about health creepers aqua affinity on this helmet actually you know what let's take that that's pretty nice and protection 4 Unbreaking three and respiration three that is goated and if we put the boots in depth Strider three is really nice let's see protection three also now we can level back up by getting rid of some of these cows again honestly this starts to get very peaceful after a while it is much quieter over here now and I actually have some organized chest all the way in the back over here that I can fit all the food into and now I can build in silence this is very nice okay we're going to have some jungle wood that we're going to use for the porch get this closed in and actually we need to light this up we do not need anything spawning it is night time but I do feel confident that nothing's going to spawn out here we have a giant void where all the grass used to be I decided we're going to put a basement right below the first level but it's time to start thinking about some first floor patterns here I'd like to use something more than just some Oak planks so just as an initial idea I'd like to work in some note blocks and some dark oak wood cuz these are two things that I really never use for flooring trying to place blocks peacefully but I'm just hearing constant oh there you are what's up dude how are you doing probably not so well cuz you got an axe in your head and a cow has worked his way into the corner of the basement or I guess what will be the basement but I'm glad we have all of the foundation set up or at least the what is going to be the shape of the house cuz makes it easier for me to just go in and get get all the flooring done just realize I probably should take this row out because this is where the Wall's going and accidentally hitting this floor is going to be very noisy the last dark oak wood piece right there okay perfect so that was actually the perfect amount of note blocks I'm all out now for the first floor walls I'm going to use blocks that I normally do not use on the starter house and that is going to start off with some diorite I do have some calide to use as well that we found in that geode we have two crafting tables to signify the front doors now we just need to increase the diorite Levels by about maybe four or five blocks I'm thinking the levels after this are going to be some stripped oak or maybe stripped birch logs making all this diorite look good is going to be a challenge but I'm definitely up for it we are running out of materials very quick and the Sun is going down so I think that's my cue to go back down into the strip mine I know for a fact we passed a bunch of diorite and actually y it's right here immediately I'm just going to take out a little bit of a tunnel smack these guys out right here and you know what we got to actually take some of these Spruce logs and raise them up on the first floor we're going about six tall and then we'll start moving to the sides I don't know if the porch is going to be as tall as this area over here but for now I am going to make it just as tall and maybe the center pillar right here could be used for a staircase got some polished diorite that I'm going to work every once in a while the white wool looks a little bit too clean the calite almost looks too clean but I'm going to keep it in we'll get the polished di right here every once in a while and actually you know what let's use some birch logs okay that actually fits in very well okay I'm taking even more out these birch logs are actually very nice now I want to start stripping all the wood but I don't want to use all the durability on the diamond pickaxe so let's go get a stone yeah let's just use some Stone pickaxes I feel like when it's early game you might as well just use the stone axe if you're just going to be stripping everything we get the rest of this stripped over here and that allows us to move into this area with some of these Spruce stairs that way we can start to round off a lot of these sharp edges and you take a step back um okay that's not that bad so far oh jeez I haven't slept in a couple of days they we got some Phantoms out here it's it's time for me to go luckily we have a couple beds nearby I'm just going to take this guy's bed honestly it's a little too early in the game for me right now to be dealing with some Phantoms look at all these guys burning we haven't killed any spiders yet so we don't have any string so we can't make any scaffoldings so we're just going to build up here with the dirt for now now on the second level I'd like to have some of these upside down stairs poking out just so that we can hold maybe just a bed of flowers we have some Moss over here and some bone meal to make even more and oh you're not escaping buddy but let's just place it right here and bone meal away I'd rather use Moss instead of grass right now cuz I think it looks a lot better when you're using it on the side of a house so this is just experimental right now I might not keep it but I just want to see how it looks it also needs to be looking like it's contained so let's use some Hershey chocolate bars right underneath I'm thinking can actually instead of having this all the way around we should take this out and only leave it on the very front side that's protruding out we're going to take these out on the left and right side just to make this area just a little bit more exposed and honestly over oh no we're going to have to take out this tree I like this tree a lot but it's going to have to go and this polar bear is just non-stop spinning cover all the Moss up with just a couple more chocolate bars now for the second layer I'm going to try using some stripped birch logs I really like the pale color that it brings and I really enjoy the contrast between the the light Birchwood and the dark Spruce Wood right next to it I have a feeling we have to get a bunch more rows of birch saplings set up now luckily we have plenty of birch left we should be able to go around all the way but we're going to need a little bit more if we want to be able to decorate with any Birch we got a bing we got a bang we got a boom and we got a Bop over here it's going to be fun getting this backside built as well because as soon as it is I'm building a back porch that I can fish from I'm going to be able to get mending books all day every day out of wood already time to visit the sapling chest down here next to the SP polar bear and we actually oh we have a bunch of birch I'm just going to lay a bunch out in a line right next to the house since I have every wood type I think it's going to be pretty fun making a tree farm for all the different variants while all that's growing we can get back to stripping all these logs looks like still a few oops and I missed the jump I was going to say it looks like we had missed some of the stripped Spruce logs down here all this seems to be lit up we can actually get some of these windows in and I do like the first level right now with the dark oak wood wood mixed with the Note Blocks but I thought it would be cool if on the second level was just a little bit lighter colors with some jungle wood and some polished Granite blocks I think I hear another wandering Trader and I thought I had heard him somewhere actually I thought I yep I see his llamas over here invisible man what do you got to sell ooh slime okay slime balls are pretty good let's actually just work on getting those luckily we have a lot of stone to sell the Mason here we have nine emeralds I think that's enough to get two slime balls I can't see you but I kind of can okay there's the Slime balls we only need let's just get two of them perfect last few pieces of granite and the last row of the jungle wood there we go second floor complete let's go ahead and get down our Birch stairs looking nice and cozy so far there's a couple things over here like the wall I guess this is kind of important we probably should finish the wall little bit of Polish diorite here and there never hurt nobody let's head outside though the exterior needs a little bit of work I was thinking on the side we could use some of these Birch trap doors these alongside some polished diorite stairs could actually make a nice looking window we're going to use Spruce trap doors as usual in between all of these stairs and of course for a little bit of extra spice we're going to add the oak buttons in between all the trap doors the sighting is going to be similar on the top and bottom except I think I'm going to start using some jungle trap doors up here these are going to add some much needed color and the lanterns are going to add some much needed light it's about time we start adding some cherry saplings up here for some decoration actually I was thinking outside of this Moss we can put the Cherry saplings right here but inside of the Moss we might want to use some of these big decorated pots so we can actually see what's going in also I love that you can stack these decorated pots now I remember you used to not be able to stack them and it was kind of a pain I'll get some flowers on the mossy area here later on but uh let's get these Oak buttons in but right now I'm actually just thinking we should probably start working on the roof so we can get that decorated as well I think this is going to be a great opportunity to start using some deep slate in this build so we'll start off alternating between some deep slate tile stairs and some deep slate bricks stairs just got to make sure we're gradually moving up with the slabs and the stairs we have so many animals down there it is going to help with getting everything Enchanted pretty soon but let's get the stairs we'll move into full blocks here not wasting any slabs we'll just use them all as full blocks and then we'll move into blocks that are too high get the last few pieces of the stairs right here you know what let's actually get a lantern up here before I drop down too far all right everything's looking nice and symmetrical except for this porch right here what I think I'm going to do is wrap the entire porch all the way around on the back end this is about to be the biggest front porch on a starter house that I've ever had this right here seems like enough space and it looks like it's just about enough space over here for the front sun room I think I'm actually I'm not going to close it all off but I will put these decorated pots here and right on top of them I'm going to put some Oak fences wasn't using decorated pots too much in the last series and so I'm definitely going to change that this series turns out right here is going to be the center of the front porch I'm going to start getting some Spruce logs going up for the roof here as well and I think I'm going to end up liking that it's not symmetrical here here start building up with a deep slate slavage again back into the stairs please sir just leave me alone and why is it always raining when I'm trying to build nothing's going to stop us though from getting that Bing that bang that boom and that Bop I do kind of want some peace and quiet though so let's just sleep first few layers of this roof down here is going to be some campfires this is going to burn my feet a little bit I'm glad I didn't decorate all of this area yet because I'm probably going to take some of this out as soon as the roof gets worked in but I like all the color that we've been using on the side of this house so I'm going to continue using some jungle wood for the roof this is starting to turn into a starter Mansion we've made a small extension that leads towards the front of the house that kind of acts as a front porch awning and in between all of these Oak trap doors goes my favorite roof plant which is the mighty Fern putting buttons works up here as well but these ferns are going to look much nicer slap some jungle trap doors down I'm going to have the top of the small roof lined up with some deep slate that just join all the way up into the center of the porch I'm not going to connect this deep slate to this deep slate though because right here I think we're going to have a chimney we can run over oh my oh jeez we have three Phantoms right here we have one oh wa leave me alone please you know what maybe let's just uh let's just run home and uh let's just go to sleep did not realize that I had been building so long that I wasn't sleeping those guys are now taken care of and we can connect this top right here build's looking solid right now now except we don't have a third floor wall we'll get something taken care of I might put some tough in here but uh that's going to be after we get the windows taken care of so we're going to count one two three Inward and then we'll take out five blocks and we're going to make four of these windows on each of the corners we're going to make the frame out of spruce logs just like we did the frame of the house only using stairs on top of these windows with most of my windows I get the top lit and both of the sides lit with the Deep slate tile walls on all of the corners met up with the oak fences and the oak Gates on the top and bottom I can hear the wandering traiter down here hold on buddy where are you at I think he might be trying yep he is trying to get into the house what do you got for sale we got some horn coral block we got some rided dirt honestly I'm just going to use these emeralds to buy some bricks for now and thank you for the lead thank you for the leather where are you going sir get back here no Witnesses I'm going to stay true to my word run all the way over here and spend those emeralds on some bricks real quick if I yep there we go and you know what while we're down here we do have 30 levels let's see if we can get at least one thing Enchanted we could get Unbreaking three on our chest plate with you know what protection three is not too bad an Unbreaking three and efficiency three that's not the best Let's uh okay sorry cows you're going to have to go there's way too many of you and I need some levels I could sit here and do this all day long all right let's see can we get a good enchantment on the sword sharpness four okay that's not bad at all now we can get a couple more things done just a little bit quicker over here sorry I'd had to be this way cows I just really need some levels now we can just make a couple more animals get back up to level 30 real quick just a few more cows thank you guys appreciate you you're doing all the hard work and I thank you very much let's get a brand new axe real quick and see what we can get an enchant okay efficiency 4 and fortun 3 that's not bad what I should start thinking about is the feather falling enchantment because this roof is getting a little tall up here and if I fall then that I mean that could be the end of the series before episode one is even done when you're working with a roof this tall it's easy to fall through cracks in the ceiling just like that so in order to take just a little bit less fall damage we could put a third floor up here I wanted to try something a little bit more neutral so polished deep slate blocks mixed with furnace on top and bottom it actually does create a nice little texture can be about five blocks tall one 2 3 4 five all the way up we'll put a polished right here with a furnace and we'll start alternating these it's going to be a little bit expensive cuz the furnaces do take eight Cobblestone blocks to make but honestly I I think it's just going to be interesting instead of hopping up and holding shift and trying to build it'd probably be easier if I was just walking on top of the floor up here while I was building man this is I love this checkered pattern up here I can't believe I've never used any furnaces for the floor before this I'm going to put the tough to the test real quick this top floor is going to be a very neutral color palette but I think I'm going to like it get the last few plugged in right here I'm actually going to take a step back and you know what that's you the window could be just a little bit larger I just want to build for about 10 minutes straight without having the rain drop down on me actually you know what while we're down here I could add some Spruce trap doors we can lay them down on this side as well and actually that's pretty nice we can lay some lanterns on the edge of these two Spruce trap doors look nice but the stairs leading into the roof is going to complete this a little bit more we'll get a birch button in the middle and some levers on the front and side get two at the tippy top and that's looking nice and in front of every window let's just put a cherry sapling and I always love using composters as walls as a part of the windows too it just adds a little bit of needed texture we have a lot of jungle trap doors up here I was thinking maybe just a couple of buttons just a line of them could do the buttons and trap doors do add a fair amount of texture to the roof but I think something that will add a lot more is just taking out every other one of these stairs now we can see some shadows in between here instead of just one straight line and we can even put some decorated pots in here I'm going to be using a lot of building techniques that I've never used in previous series before and I'm going to put some decorated pots on the lower level ceiling down here too got a lantern in Teta up here that I'm going to put a flag on top I just need to trade some quartz with that Mason down there but in the meantime we're going to get some more light on the walls we're going to use some deep slate tile walls into some Birch fences with some chains and some lanterns for a classic mixup we wouldn't be able to call this place home if it didn't have any wall defense to chain a Lantern action going now we just need to wrap the lighting all the way around and I fell I was going to say now we just need to wrap wrap the lighting all the way around the house I need to get over here actually wait we have some composters that could probably fit right here on the outside of the Moss and I fell again I'm going to hook a lantern up here and if we walk around to the other side I can put one over here to hook it up to the chain but these walls going into the Moss I don't know if there's enough space so I think just maybe taking out one flower for a little bit of structural Integrity would look good we can also take these walls out and replace them with decorated pots and unfortunately this tree right here is in the way I do love this guy cuz it was my first large tree that we planted right next to the house but this thing is getting huge and so you got to go we're going to have to find a new tree to hook the polar bears up to this guy is very upset started hooking up some decorated pots to the ceiling on the bottom as well except down here we are using Oak fences instead and I have a little bit of an awning out here I probably should get some campfires overhead so we can save ourselves from the rain I also should probably make sure my hunger bar is always full for some reason I'm just not that great at that getting easily to distracted with the building and all of a sudden your hunger is only down to three use Oak fence gates to connect everything here but I was thinking instead of spruce trap doors which I normally use for awning roofs I was going to switch it over to Acacia trap doors and get some orange color into this build can't be sleeping on AA wood I thought Cherry leaves would provide a nice open feeling to the wall for the porch and I think I'm also going to end up bringing a back area for fishing that might include extending this back portion of the house as well we'll add some second layers to the AA trap doors to make it just a little bit thicker and we'll add some flowering aelas our very first of this build looking absolutely beautiful with the sun right behind it finally we'll start using some of the mangrove wood on this side some Mangrove fences I think are going to look perfect we have a little bit of orange on the ceiling and a little bit of red holding up the structure and I also wanted to get some Mangrove up on the roof so I'm going to put some hooked up to these Spruce stairs right here so that I can place some flowers right on top slap some Acacia saplings up on top of the mangrove trap doors and actually if we go down here I'm going to alternate some ferns with the aliums on these roofs slap some aelas on the top level and then actually you'll get one last flowering aelia right in the middle starting to look nice and Lush up here on the roof slap the last couple of flowering aelas in the porch right here and dude what are you doing in here with the Sheep you can't be in there I'm going to need you to sell me some bricks and I'm going to need you to stop trying to be a sheep the left side of the house is taking on a lot of these warm colored woods and if we run over to the right side of the house past all the puppies and the sheep and these polar bears the right side of the house is actually I mean it's taking on those same colors as well we'll get some acacia wood hooked up where are my chains we'll get these chains on and then we'll get some lanterns here as well actually this entire side of the building was done on a live stream on Twitch cover up these windows with some Mangrove trap doors to add a little bit of spice but this whole section of the building was added pretty quickly because I just wanted an entrance to the right side as well and I Al oh I actually there's a couple spots in the floor that I didn't add that right there should do it the floor is now complete I just wanted an entrance that would differ from the porch side over here everything was looking a little bit too symmetrical and you know I just wanted a little bit of Randomness on the west side of the house I like the cool open concept of the porch but now we have an entrance over here that acts as a nice foyer most likely this is where the giant furnace is going to go I'll probably end up taking a lot of this wood out right here to add a big chimney before moving on to any sort a chimney though we really should complete the roof make sure everything's up here actually all of these decorated pots need to move over here too and we got to add the mangrove spice add the aelas to the top of this roof as well I actually made the same window design on these but they're just a little bit smaller and actually you know what where let's get the mangrove fences in between here too while we have these chiseled stone bricks on us I'm going to line up the outside pup you got to get up actually you know what let's move these puppies inside you guys can chill right here on the porch I'm not sure oh the other puppies over by the Sheep you're doing good bud and uh we'll just line these chisel blocks one by one over here on the corners of all of the stone see now that just made the bottom level here just a lot more interesting and actually have an idea for the top level for the lighting too so first I actually just wanted to clean this up a bit with the trap doors and we'll get some Oak button well not a grindstone we'll take this guy out I actually wanted to put that guy all the way up the top and put some Oak buttons right here and I think I have some Birch fences left I do these are going to light up the inside we'll take an oak fence with a chain and a lantern right there if we jump down I know it's going to ignore the trapo bridge that I had built but we're going to climb all the way back down and take a step back and O Okay that looks nice now let's put these grindstones basically anywhere they can fit now the chimney can begin I actually put the jungle stairs back right over here because I think the chimney was going to be probably moved about four blocks to the left of where I originally thought but I am going to take this out right here and this out right here let's uh probably just drop down right about here looks good honestly the only way I'm going to tell is if I just build up and maybe just start spamming some of the stone start working random blocks of just regular stone in there this is going to be a very tall chimney and this one might not even be the main one I do plan on adding three maybe four other chimneys to the other side of the house too jump right on top actually let's make it just a little bit taller and we'll add some campfires diagonal from each other and we'll add a little bit of a spruce trapdoor barrier sometimes chimneys are my favorite part of the build cuz I always add them at the end and they're just a nice little cherry on top I normally don't do this but I kind of want to add a small diorite slab ring around the top I actually like that a lot I'm going to put one more ring right below it but just a slab a space in between I thought adding some diorite down here would work but honestly we don't really need it I added a lot of holes by using some stairs in here so the texture is already pretty much done I have rose bushes and panies on me right now let's hop over make sure we can can get over there safe and sound all right rose bush and pey let's alternate eventually I'm going to get some pitcher plants up here cuz that is the plant that I truly want I also decided to put some grindstones below all of the lanterns on this side to add some more color and I don't know how I did it but I forgot two Acacia saplings right here luckily we found them second chimney over here looking a little thick we're going to add some jungle saplings to hang from below now we have a chimney on the backside and we have a chimney on the front the third and final chimney is probably going to be towards the back center right about here but I think I need to add a little bit of a fishing lodge area also this area in between the windows it's starting to look a little bit plain I'm going to add a little bit of an overhang get a couple campfires in there and you know what we'll use some Spruce trap doors in between we're going to have a combination of deep slate Birch fence going into the chain on top of some Spruce logs here also this is going to be our first time hanging bamboo and I like this a lot oops actually almost forgot a chain right here now finally from the top of the roof we can see our wide open Valley I think only two things left to do to the roof but first things first we got to buy ourselves some quartz let's get to the noisy sheep and cow area just some blocks of quarts we'll do only going to let us buy 12 for now until we let him out to reup his trades also started moving everything inside don't mind the interior this is uh this is not anything close to what the house is going to look like but now we can head out our side entrance and actually we have two side entrances now we have an identical back entrance to the front this back side of the house is looking nice too I don't know also if I'm going to add a staircase going from the second level down or not but we do have an entrance coming in from the fishing dock or close to it actually now that I'm down here I realized I need to add a door right there and right there we can pop back around okay wait hold on a second we have some barrels that we should probably get right here as well there's 1 2 3 4 5 Looking much nicer okay back to the roof some of the building materials are already up here but I'm going to jump up I'm going to slap another Oak fence right here and one on all four sides I'm going to hang four lanterns add four flowering aelas and then we're going to add some quartz slabs right here slab one right here and one on the end and let's just drop down to make sure it looks okay and not too bad all right and this is looking pretty official now that we have three flags on top I'm going to get one more on the fishing lodge area but I think for right now what we need to do is start working in a little bit of the aelia bushes so I'm going to pop that out and pop that in just to give the roof a little bit of that overgrown feeling I'm just going to keep on adding these sporadically run all the way over here you be gone run down over here you be gone even with just like 10 or 15 of them randomized it's looking so much better but now with the roof complete and most of the exterior complete actually hold on let's get a cherry Leaf right here and a cherry Leaf Right Here Also let's get a flowering aelia Leaf right on top of that composter and let's go over here a flowering ailia leave right on top of that composter okay now we're done now we can turn around the front yard is something that we need to focus on a little bit because I'd like to get a path reaching from one end to the other while also keeping it a little bit overgrown we got to move the polar bears inside we have frogs to move inside we got to hook up the horses over to the side of the house and this guy over here who's in with the Sheep he needs probably needs just a little bit of help before I put everything away I still have all of these Spruce saplings on me so I'm just going to throw them up here on the top level of the inside of this front porch because it's going to add a lot of color and also once I flip these back up here here I don't know it just it adds a lot of character in here plus we have way too many Spruce saplings so this gives me an excuse to use a bunch of them the very first two flowers that we see can be blue orchids cuz I I like these the best right now since we don't have any torch flowers on us and you sheep actually wait hold on I don't want to hit this guy back here so you cows you're going to have to go one by one our very first little Hut served us very well but you know what it's going to have to go cuz our big house behind us this is uh this is our new permanent location there's only about 10 of each now so let's you know oh there's a chicken in there too let's let these guys escape and start wandering around I'll Wrangle them up and get a barn for him going in the next few episodes the most important thing right now is that that Mason gets back to his stone cutter so that we can reup the trade so that we can get some more quartz to get that last little flag up there this guy okay he's stuck can you really not get around these trap doors dude hold on I I guess I'll help you out okay there you go doesn't feel right taking all this down but something else why are these guys stuck in the boat we took away the cat's home but don't worry Cat come with me I'm going to take you inside we have a brand new bed I'm going to take you through the very first front door that we ever made and I'll leave it open you can walk right in the puppies have already made themselves at home and hold on I just saw the cat teleport he's right here already buddy you can get over here we have a brand new purple bed and okay never mind he's good just chilling on the chest time to remove the enchanting setup we'll get this transferred inside and these frogs it's about time we move these guys where did the leads go we got one two lead s on us right now let's take you guys off the fence and you're going to become inside frogs at least for right now no more hopping around outside you guys are going to follow me straight through the front door sorry to do it to you like this but you're going to be the left corner decoration for the moment and as for you polar bears let's get you right here let's grab these leads and boom boom I'm going to take you to the front porch hold on sheep you are not a polar bear get off the lead you are the polar bear can't believe that guy was trying to pretend he was Pablo what are you doing okay let's get the polar bears just hooked up right in the middle right about here seems good to me and it looks like we have our very first villager taken a sleep nap over here in the home this is awesome please get away from the house now the front yard doesn't have to be too intricate I'm going to have our mine entrance over here and we can just have a small path that leads over to the mine entrance and a small path that leads around it all the way over to the west side entrance now as far as the backside goes actually let's take out these Main Grove Roots I don't really have a reason to get up on the roof anymore but as far as the backside goes I'll get some more bone meal over here to make it seem a little bit more overgrown but back here as like I said earlier I'm going to have maybe a staircase flowing down but we should probably just get some of these Spruce logs to kind of complete this area stack a couple right here and okay so when we leave this door we'll be able to come out the back we'll have a small area on the side and you know what we should probably get some more cherry leaves stack some more Spruce logs in the water under all of the Cherry leaves we're going to continue putting these Mangrove fences and on a lower level down here instead of putting the Cherry leaves we're actually going to use some Mangrove trap doors because I feel like it's just consistent with the other side get all these guys stripped and now we have hold on wait there we go the last one and now we actually have a place to be able to park our boats for some extra decorations I have a lot of levers that I made so I'm going to continue putting these around the house pretty much everywhere there's a lot of place we could double up on buttons but instead we could yeah like right here we could just put some levers these add a lot of color to the build for sure also finally got around to constructing a little area down here that we can use to fish and finally get some mending books so now with a place to park the boats and a place to fish over wait is that a squid or is that a zombie okay that's a squid over there he's just caught in the building that's always so strange when they do that but we have a place to park the boats and you may have noticed as well there is a little overhang over here with a checkerboard pattern but our second floor leads us to that checkerboard area that we were just talking about and we have some jungle saplings to hang I think I have some yep I do right here in the hot bar already is some flowering aelas now we have a a place to fly into later when we have elytra also I kind of like this area because we can easily get onto the roof if we have to can't really see a reason why we would need to get on the roof but we do have that and there's a lot of different areas that we can explore on this building now cuz this build is huge this whole front porch itself is huge it's probably just by itself alone bigger than some starter houses we have made a starter Palace this thing is absolutely insane and okay wait hold on this Mangrove leaf or this giant Mangrove bush is just floating in the sky it's funny I don't think I've gotten any water in a bucket yet there we go okay and now let's run over I think this I don't have feather falling yet so this might be too tall for me to fall I'm going to place some water down here just in case now I can climb up these Vines without really having to worry about anything we can be on our way and boom there we go let's take the water back and I'll take my boat back thank you guys appreciate you we're going to have to use a lot of bone meal to get the front yard looking a little bit more overgrown so I do have a little bit of a bone meal set up back here I need to place a lot of these seeds up in here that'll filter out and make some bone meal but along with this first floor we have the second floor all the way up here in the third floor that we'll have to get the interior done as well and if we move into the basement this is probably the least done area but this is going to take quite a few live streams we're going to have a lot of interior decorating live streams coming from this series with all of our lanterns everywhere oh man this sheep's just stuck in the water sorry buddy but yeah with all of our lanterns everywhere we can kind of take out all these torches that we had used to keep all the creepers away at the beginning of the episode and now with all this bone meal we can finally start the decoration pretty soon all of this vast landscape is going to be Farm Barns and a bunch of other useful buildings for all of the villagers this is so crazy this house is so huge I'm just going to get up over here by this cleric Tower just to get a nice little far away look at the house from the distance climb up on these ladders I brought some extra dirt here with me I'm going to get up a little bit higher oh my God this house is massive look at this tiny little mining camp out in the front compared to the rest of this Palace you can't even really see what's going on on the backside we have a whole fishing area on the backside and I think what I'm going to do is eventually add a small little fishing area right up on the water where that sheep is oh my God I am so happy though this is definitely the most this is my favorite house that I have ever made in Minecraft I am just so thrilled that we get to call this place our home and this is definitely not a starter house this is a starter Mansion get a little bit more of these Pathways going here and I'm going to start working this in episode 2 a lot of episode 2 is where these Farms are going to start to get made a lot of these paths are going to start to get made also in episode 2 we're going to finish the rest of the enchanting getting the entire setup of our armor and our tools Enchanted also one of these guys out here in the boats these are going to be turned into Librarians and we're going to get that mending book thank you all for watching though I really do appreciate you the support is incredible and I just can't thank you guys enough thank you to all the twitch subscribers YouTube members and patreon supporters you guys rock again I will be doing plenty of live streams from this world on Twitch and on YouTube but in the meantime stay in tuned for episode 2 we're going to get a lot of the interior decorating done a lot of this front yard done and we have a giant project set for then too remember to take care of yourselves do something nice for somebody and I will see you guys on the next episode bye
Channel: WaxFraud
Views: 836,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft hardcore let's play, lets play, let's play, survival minecraft, hardcore, waxfraud, waxfraud minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival, hardcore survival, hardcore minecraft, chill minecraft, minecraft chill, waxfraud hardcore, minecraft starter house, starter house, minecraft longplay, minecraft let's play, let's play minecraft, minecraft building, peaceful minecraft, chill let's play, minecraft perfect house, minecraft 1.20, 1.20 house
Id: j78O5LU0Yik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 8sec (4988 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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