Here Comes Mr. Jordan 1941 Robert Montgomery & Evelyn Keyes

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foreign [Music] foreign foreign told you I told you Charlie and look at the next world's champion any terrific yeah just Slaughter that murder okay Joe that's enough come on Roxy I only had five rounds can't I have a couple more you heard me I said that's enough now save some of that from Murdock how do I look pop just there not enough speed and quit calling me pop I'm in the pink pop you'll get plenty of training in the next two weeks break down Maxie who's your favorite fighter stop your clown and go and get your rub I snap out of it Max we're gonna do all right look Joe I've decided to finish training in New York so we'll break Camp right after lunch well that's great then I can fly myself down this afternoon huh no listen Joe do me a favor will you please leave that plane of yours up here and take the train down with the rest of the gang will you do that ah what can happen to me when I got my lucky sacks along the way we're setting in front of you all the thing me known as the flying pug the paper's law say flying pug takes train fine thing I'll meet you New York at the gym tomorrow and how about the flying how about little your favorite tune not today oh no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] that's what I said Mr Pendleton you are dead you don't make any sense at all you got me all mixed up you must be a little cracked I'm fast losing patience with you sir and I can't waste any more time with you I'm doing New York and I gotta get there where can I find a taxi wrap hey a plane that's what I want messenger 3081 reporting sir five passengers territory Southeast Australia proceed at Walter John Kayla William zabel Frederick is able let's see you're jumping from G to Z haven't you anyone between yes sir well then call them off alphabetically you've been at this long enough to know the rules yes sir my mistake sorry sir continue Jiggy Alicia higgy now that's better isn't it yes sir Hey where's the next plane for New York who do I see about a ticket who's in charge around Mr Pendleton will you stop this commotion commotion I'm just trying to find out about a plane what's the trouble messenger 7013 reporting sir no trouble at all there's no trouble yet but there's going to be plenty if Are You The Boss here Mr Pendleton a little more respect this is Mr Jordan look Mr Jordan I want to get a plane for New York who do I see about a ticket what is the meaning of this meaning I just explained it to you a very difficult case a fought me tooth and nail all the way up here Fordham how do you like that don't waste your time listening to this comic he's got a screw loose someplace you know what he keeps telling me he keeps telling me I'm dead and you most certainly are otherwise I shouldn't have taken you you hear that I'm afraid you are ah what dead you two are you're just as crazy as messenger 2460 reporting three passengers sir territory Finland proceed abelius William John excuse me Mr Jordan but I don't quite get this you wouldn't kid me Mr Pendleton well I I mean are you sure of course yeah but I I feel all right pay no attention to him sir is he all you gathered yes sir I'm sorry sir name Pendleton Joseph no no you even got that balled up it's Joe Pendleton not Pendleton Joseph For Heaven's Sake be quiet Pendleton Pendleton I can't be on any list quiet please no the way I feel somebody's got their wires crossed somebody's made a mistake a mistake utterly fantastic what did you do your occupation or musician no no it's just a hobby like flying I'm Joe Pendleton it's the flying pug they call me you know pug I'm a prize fighter you were a prize fighter there's no Pendleton Joseph listed what did I tell you oh it can't be possible there must be some explanation I hope there is for your sake I'll see if he's on any newer listings just got to be sir what do you mean I got to be if I ain't done any list I ain't on any list Mr Sloan contact the registrar's office will you ask them for everything they have on Pendleton Joseph yes sir sir calling registrar's office plain number 22 calling registrar's office I'm trying to tell you fellas I I'm not ready for this place yet I never felt better in my life I'm in the pink how can I be dead really so it isn't possible that he could have survived while he was hurtling to Earth with the speed of a meteor yeah but I wouldn't have crashed I had to pull the ship out somehow if you let me alone do you mean to say you took him out of that plane before it crashed yeah that's what he did yes sir oh I know that we Messengers I shouldn't permit our emotions to sway us but there he was Sir just plummeting earthwood I wanted to spare in the agony of crashing so I'm pardonably presumptuous yeah well I'm just desolate about it sir what territory do you cover it's a place called New Jersey and if it could be arranged I should like very much to be transferred you're new aren't you I am yes sir it's my first trip I was put on only this morning I thought so overzealousness out for record collections this happens right along with the inexperienced really oh dear well it wasn't in the cards nothing can happen to me when I got my lucky sacks along and how did he manage to angle that thing up here Mr Jordan sir on Pendleton Joseph the official record says both his parents are happily withdrawn and awaiting his arrival Joseph is scheduled to join them the morning of May 11 1991. 1991. well that's 50 years from now what did I tell you it seems you're a little premature 50 years to go yet you certainly pulled a boner this time Mr Pendleton I feel I owe you an apology I tell the words you do never mind we all make mistakes there's no harm done just forget about it and take me back take you back naturally take him back return him to the body out of which was so indiscretely snatched him yeah and make it snappy I gotta meet Coco he's liable to be worried cockle yeah he's my manager I'm training for the Murdoch fight gotta keep my body in the pink come on let's go Mr Pendleton if you don't mind I'm the one who says Let's Go glad to met you Mr Jordan and thanks for straightening everything out for me not at all I'll be seeing you 50 years from now if you're still on the job I will be so long [Music] there's the old crate [Music] hey what happened I'm not here where is it I mean where am I well dear me you ought to be around here somewhere well obviously your body has been removed everywhere too well let me see ya perhaps I better take you back to Mr Jordan wait I know corkle he did it 10 to what he's got me laying out in my own living room right now the dope let's go Mr Pendleton I say let's go let's go we should get around except we're at the Crash BAM we're here in New York how do you do it I'm going to ask you not to prying to trade secrets Mr Pendle it's okay with me here we are here's home read all about a job Pendleton crashes and plane three dollars can't give me a paper with you extra hey come on give me a paper that kid's goofy he can't see you and he can't hear you what he can't see you and he can't hear you why not because you're not in your body that's simple yeah but I can see and hear him of course well okay what are we waiting for come on let's go I tell him once Charlie I tell him a thousand times no he's gotta fly who am I to tell him just his manager just a guy that's looking after him hey Max be yourself pal look will you please remember he can't see you and he can't hear you oh yeah of course just washes me up quitting a game Charlie I couldn't handle anybody at the Joe poor Max I wish I could tell him see I don't see me around anywhere where am I hey what did they do with me that's funny what's funny about it and what a champion I made cleanest kid that I've ever lived in the heart as big as a house can't you ask him what they did with me Fighters got to let Clinton and anybody else in the world used to say because a lot of kids look up to fellas like that and try to live like them cut it out where am I come in Johnny hello fellas hello Mr Cargill he was a swell guy Joe was he'd beat Murdoch Gilbert too that's the way I feel about it chip we brought these kind of late but you see we didn't know where that place was you know the Crematory yeah Crematory well thanks I was cremated oh dear me so long Mr corkle that's you dumb club for all yourself Mr Pendleton control myself don't you realize what do I do now well offhand I did offhand I oughta come on we're going back to Mr Jordan [Music] cremated that's what I said while you guys kept me up here Gavin they caught who gets my body out of the plane and has me cremated that's bad bad oh it's deplorable I'll never forgive myself I feel just ghastly how do you think I feel well I see that Coco you can't go around burning me up like that and get away with him very bad this complicates everything I have an idea Mr Jordan couldn't we have him reborn nothing doing I'm not gonna go through that again well I see I'll have to take personal charge of this now you're talking Mr Jordan you got to get busy and do something I intend to come along Joseph win me where two I'm taking you back yeah but you can't didn't we just tell you I haven't got a body anymore what of it I'll get you another body you'll do what another body well that's what I said come along Joseph now wait a minute wait a minute what kind of a deal is this you can't go shoving just anybody body off on me no not in your life Mr Pendleton please if Mr Jordan says he'll get you another body he'll get you another body every bit as good as your own if not better there isn't any better I put in 10 years getting that body in the pink just because you guys fumbled the ball is no reason Joseph it's gone your body doesn't exist any longer but that isn't my fault you guys can do anything go ahead do your stuff we shall Joseph you shall have your choice of a thousand bodies all excellent specimens a thousand bodies Mr Pendleton think of that yeah I am thinking about it and I say no dice I don't want anybody's body I want my body oh don't be so fussy your body after all what is it just a physical covering that's all worth chemically 32 cents not mine it was in the pink I tell you oh dear shall we get started now wait a minute let's understand one another before we start running around Joseph I promise you we'll keep looking until we find the body you like now that's fair enough isn't it well I don't want any more than it's coming to me I just want what I was and what I was going to be no more no less but I expect you to make good Mr Jordan I'll do my best come along I warn you you may be just wasting your time I have a lot of that Goodbye Mr Pendleton good luck that sounds Mighty weird coming from you [Music] I thought that messenger was pretty good at getting around but you're terrific Russia Australia South Africa and now New York how do you do it oh yeah I know trade secret yo we've made 130 stops we made a raft of them all right now I know how you feel about a perfect body but I've offered the cream of last week's crop and you've turned up your nose of the lot you know there wasn't a decent Physique in the whole bunch Mr Jordan you can't Palm off a second Raider on me you gotta remember I was in the pink that is becoming a most obnoxious color Joe don't mention it again please okay next stop a pretty snazzy Place who do we size up here the owner Bruce Farnsworth oh look here Mr Jordan this isn't just another one of those things is it we'll find this most interesting job by far the most interesting we booked into yet okay I don't want you to think I'm not trying to play ball foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] can't you remember that we can proceed or heard I keep forgetting who's that guy fans with Butler oh what about this guy Farnsworth what's a dope well he's about your age and fairly husky about my age and he's got all this so he inherited it Joe oh well set up quiet play polo while back that sounds all right is he dead no gonna die though sick huh no not really has a slightly run down condition oh oh I get it Playboy tight blind women and song ruins his health fine body you want to make me a present of guy drinks himself into an early grave no he didn't I just slightly run down he's gonna die that's all he's being murdered Joe is it going on right now yes right here in this house who's doing it his wife and the man she's in love with fans with confidential secretary nice people you want me to meet how they killing it they're drowning him in the bathtub holy cow come on let's scram out of here I'm going to keep my nose clean I'm in enough trouble anyway wait Joe now look here Mr Jordan you don't think I'm crazy enough to change places with a guy who's got a wife like that hanging around I ain't punch drunk yet we'll have to wait here until I collect him it's my job how can you sit there when there's a guy being killed why don't we call the police I'm afraid they wouldn't pay much attention to us Joe yeah that's right it's all over Joe you mean he's dead those are the two that did it huh yes Mrs falsworth and the secretary Tony Abbott gee look at her you wouldn't think she'd love yourself Julia Tony I don't know what's come over me I have a feeling I can't shake off that there's something weird something hanging over us watching us you said it sister come now stop it Julia what could be more natural glass of warm milk a sleeping tablet or two and a very tired dissipated young man unfortunately drowses off in his bath I had enough of this I need some fresh air wait till I don't go yet I don't want any more of this mob Miss Betty Logan to see Mr Farnsworth wait Joe I can't talk to her now of course you can sure am yes it's quite simple just be sympathetic I'll be in the study if she becomes difficult bring her into me what was this Logan somebody else mixed up with this murder you judge for yourself Joe Miss slogan how do you do Miss Logan I'm Mrs Farnsworth may I see Mr Farnsworth please I've got to see him why yes you'll be right down be right down she knows he's dead Mrs Farnsworth my father's been arrested yes I know I'm sorry he's sick Mrs Farnsworth this will kill him and he's not guilty of anything it was about some worthless Securities he sold wasn't it that Mr fans were sold under my father's name that's a pretty serious charge isn't it I believe my father well what do you expect Mr Farnsworth to do I don't know I came here to ask him to he can't send an innocent man to jail well I don't know about that Mr Abbott has all the facts on the case and he's in the study would you care to see him yes if I could please thank you Mr Jordan I never seen anything as beautiful as that not even in heaven she's in a tough spot a lot of Courage come all the way up here alone to fight for her father she worships him she's no match for those buzzards she needs help she's in trouble you better go to work Farnsworth is the only one who can help her Joe and he's dead but you can be fans with what do you mean I don't get it it's quite simple you mean you want me to be friends with and have a small girl like that hate me but you would make a very different fans with spiritually there'd be no change in you yeah but I wouldn't be myself a guy's no good of using himself Joe you'll always be yourself you'd merely be using farnsworth's physical covering like donning a new Overcoat that'd be a pretty good Overcoat gonna last me for 50 years but inside that coach you'd still be Joe Pendleton thinking and acting and feeling yeah but that Overcoat that'll be fine with that's what you'll see he's a rat she'll think I'm a rat maybe at first but eventually she'd see the soul of Joe Pendleton because that is never lost that will always shine through Joe no matter what Overcoat you put on yeah but they run down Overcoat that that Playboy fawnsworth I'd have to give up everything crack at the title and no I couldn't do it Mr Jordan I'd like to help but not that way there's no other way you think it's fair to put me in a spot like this this is the evidence against your father Miss Logan these stocks were issued by his company look at them those stocks wasted while my father was in Europe he had nothing to do with him please let me see Mr Farnsworth Mr Abbott have Sisk announced Miss Logan to Mr Farnsworth what's the idea she knows he's dead why stand for very convenient CIS discovering the body you have much time to decide Mr Jordan I don't want to be Farnsworth Miss Logan you're a stupid child what would Bruce Farnsworth do for you or anyone perhaps you think you'll reach into his pocket and pay out five million dollars to redeem those securities just to make you happy and get your father out of jail why I'd see you both starving first and enjoy it you hear that you want a helper don't you sure I want to help only yurang Madam yes tell Mr Farnsworth Miss Logan is here to see it yes ma'am [Music] he's going up there all right Joe don't rush me before I take a step like this I gotta do some figure make up your mind look what if I did it only temporary suppose I was fans with just for a little while until after I helped that kid out could I do that if you wish it and after you got me out of phones with Buddy you'd have to get me a body that would suit me is that clear quite yeah okay that's a deal come on Mr John we better hurry [Music] thank you foreign [Music] we can't get away with this I still look like me isn't that Joe pendulum or am I nuts inwardly I haven't changed you're still Joe Pendleton and that's what we'll see outwardly of Bruce Farnsworth and that's what they'll see in here [Music] Mr Farnsworth are you there [Music] you mean people can hear me now [Music] he knows that other guy's voice that is exactly what he'll hear Mr Farnsworth to everyone else who seem to be talking like Bruce Farnsworth [Music] Mr Farnsworth is anything wrong oh please answer me sir go ahead Joe [Music] okay I'll be out in a minute yes sir thank you sir there now what he heard was the voice of Farnsworth it was a and when you open that door what you'll see will be fans with a Mr Farnsworth there's a Miss Logan here the CEO yeah I know I pick your pardon sir well I mean uh I'll be right out I'll be right down but you're kidding me I wouldn't fool anybody you'll fool everybody open that door I'm sorry to have made such a record Mr Farnsworth but I thought something had happened to you yeah well something did happen but it's all right now are you sure you're feeling all right sir yeah oh yeah Miss Logan now go right down Mr Farnsworth your clothes yeah I better put on some clothes will you sit down sir you're never bad at night Big Thunder remember people can hear you now oh yeah I forgot I forgot what sir nothing but they still can't see or hear you huh no who can't see or hear who's her nobody I was just thinking it isn't it Mr farnsworthy calls me looking right at me how do you do it Mr Jordan if there were no mystery left to explore life would get rather dull wouldn't it you got an alibi for everything we can get away with this down there we're terrific you'll get more terrific by the minute Joe well taking pretty long isn't he perhaps he won't come down at all Julia so why don't you go there's no help for you your father's in jail to stay [Music] hello hello Miss Logan I'm glad to see you Mr Farnsworth I I'd like to speak to you privately yeah sure why not [Music] um how about in there [Music] Miss schweisman looks a little pale around the gills she looks like she's gonna if she did [Music] here we are uh sit down Miss Logan we have a little talk Mr Farnsworth I came here hoping that you'd at least listen to me yeah sure of course I'll listen it what's that your teaser my tea yes sir oh yeah put it down T that's fine we have some team Miss Logan what do you say thanks well you better have some you look kind of nervous come on sit down everything's gonna be all right how do you like it straight I don't want any all right all right all right I just want one thing I want you to get my father out of jail yeah that's right he is in jail isn't he as if you didn't know well I did but I didn't you must know that you put him there well Farnsworth did I mean you see I'm not uh well you know how it goes they they for instance if you want to change overcoats this is hardly the time for Joe I'm not joking Miss Logan and admit it you did put my father in jail but I didn't have anything to do with it I can explain it to you but you just think I was balmy I don't understand a word you're saying I was afraid of that would you sit down Miss Logan you're just trying to put me off you're trying to make a fool out of me you think you can laugh me out of it as if I were a child look your father's gonna be all right Miss Lola another funds with trick they told me there's no use coming in at all now listen I knew you were cruel but to play with people like this and torture them look Miss Logan I promise you I'll get your father out Joe that was great certainly fix that up she likes me a lot she will in time I'm poisoned to her it won't work I'll use wasting any time inside of funds with you better get me out of this this overcoating let's get moving Mr Jordan she is wonderful though isn't she yeah yeah I give my right arm if I could help her you promised you would didn't you you can but it will move on until you made good but there's no use I don't even know what to do Bruce Farnsworth can do anything he wishes I'll have to be leaving in arjo what my work's piling up I have to get back but you can't leave me holding the bag not when I'm in a mess like this I don't think about stocks and finance Finance is merely a matter of the heart being in the right place do you be surprised how easily it will all come to you yeah but couldn't you stick around for just a little while just like at the hang of things I'll be back whenever you need me Joe yeah but wait oh excuse me pardons up [Music] John [Music] where'd you get that from your bathroom sir I can't imagine how it got there yeah I put it there you put it there sir I wonder I wasn't getting the brakes now my lucky sacks alone at the pardon Lisa but uh I never saw that before that said uh tell that um what's his name to come down here with you who's it you know that that secretary Miss Davis yeah I bet that's it get him down here right away will you yes sir I knew I'd start clicking with you around no I'm fine get me cold chills Tony how can he still be alive I was certain he was dead I held him under long enough to see him walk into that room grinning like a hyen's creepy do you think he knows what we tried to do and possibly he was asleep come in pardon me Mr Farnsworth would like to see you immediately Mr Abbott very well [Music] a saxophone well who's playing it Mr Farnsworth player saxophone his bathroom and he put I better go right there [Music] foreign [Music] sworth yeah what are you looking at I didn't know you played a saxophone yeah well a lot of people don't know it even if they see me playing it they don't know it you get used to it after a while are you sure you'll feel quite well Mr Farnsworth yeah I feel fine and I'm going to stay that way why of course let's get down to business I got something kind of important on my mind I have a memo from Gibbon sir he thinks we should buy 10 million bushels of July wheat oh oh he does does he immediately 10 million bushels of weed well we put it I want to have your little joke sir but surely we can't ignore never mind about that I'm only interested in one thing that says Logan business I've been talking it over with a friend of mine you mean JB of course no no just Jay doesn't sound so good I want to get it straightened out I want to get Mr Logan out of jail fraud pinned on him like this pinned well who pinned it on it well naturally that's what I thought so let's unpin it anything well he got him out Mr Farnsworth you realize this place is the entire responsibility on your shoulders you'll have to buy back every share of that worthless stock and that's impossible who's got it well actually small investors all over the country small investors say that's nice work buy it back from them give them back every cent they paid for it that'll take millions of dollars have I got it really sir have I many times that amount all right let's do it don't you feel the water think this over first I thought it over and get this you and I are going to tangle plenty from now on if you don't watch your step so don't try any funny business and stay out of my bathroom get going Mr rabbit [Music] foreign we'd better go right into the board meeting sir Bruce yeah do you realize what you've done Oh you mean the Logan business what's come over you well he was innocent wasn't he so you had to go and confess your sins publicly because that's what people will read between the lines you had to go and make a clean breast of everything before the whole world well it seems like the simple way not simple insane you are head of fountain with limited if you have private scenes don't make amends in a way that brings suspicion on this company and every member of this board and that's what you've done look by this one idiotic gesture of yours the Panic is on in Farnsworth limited the stock has gone down 20 points overnight look wait they can't do this to me they can't brush me off and give Murdoch a nod what is it not leave me alone can't do this to me this is my fight Mr Jordan Mr Jordan where are you yeah I am Joe how do you do Mr Pendleton Mr Jordan you're just a man I needed look at this I told you I'd be here if you needed me and I need you plenty they're trying to Dish me out of the title Murdoch has got to fight me first after that the winner gets a crack at Gilbert this is what comes a fooling around with this temporary funds with business look at the spot I'm in now you're in no spot whatsoever Mr Pendleton why don't you keep out of this oh indeed yes indeed I know perfectly well that you want to have another body and what have you done about it just scoured the world for it that's all warn myself to the Bone that's all and I may say I found it now what do you think of that you could what have you found a superb specimen a strapping fellow an Australia will soon be available a motor accident watch his weight 192 pounds that's good what's his reach um 78 inches not bad waste chest and forearm great Heavens what difference does that make he's got a waist and a chest and a forearm what more do you want I want to know that's what I want while you're fumbling around the championship's getting away from me well it won't get very far we have found out that you are actually intended to be the next world's champion is that a fact yes too how do you know nothing can prevent it I knew it I told you I told you nothing could stop me well what are we waiting for let's take a look at this Australian fellow whenever you're ready Mr I'm ready right now look Mr Jordan I got this Logan business polished off I did my part of the bargain didn't I yes you did Joe all right come on let's go just as you say thank you well excuse me sir I thought toward the meeting I'm through with the meeting I'm through with all that I'm getting out of here then you don't want to see Miss Logan Miss Logan she's waiting sure sure is this delay necessary sir and very interesting hello Miss Logan my father's home thank you well that's fine that's fine uh would you sit down a wonderful thing you did not only for my father I mean to give that money back to all those people well as a matter of fact that was about the only thing to do wasn't it I I'm sorry I keep on Staring at you like this that's okay I'm doing a little staring myself I'm all mixed up when I went to see you I expected so little I'd made up my mind about you and I was terribly rude I always thought I'd be afraid of you something happened you were so different strangely enough when I was trying to hate you most I couldn't deny there was something warm and friendly even gentle in the way you smiled there was eh in fact I didn't come here so much to thank you as to because I had to see you again well that's wonderful that's wonderful you gotta sit down now how long does this drive will go on the little patience you know what I told my father this was a miracle a miracle why well that a man like Bruce Farnsworth could actually think the way I was brought up to think about people that he could have a real feeling for the happiness of others well that's as good a way to go through life as any other isn't it that's all I meant except when you find that in somebody it's a great discovery I guess that's why I keep staring I can't help it I suddenly feel so warm and alive and happy it's something in your eyes what's behind them that that I keep trying to see that sounds silly doesn't no I must go no no wait right grief I know what you mean when you make a discovery like that it's pretty important isn't it more important than what two people look like or who they are or anything else and even if she was a well and he could be wouldn't make any difference what he was the other thing is all that matters [Music] will I see you again yes of course goodbye thank goodness Mr Pendleton your time may not be valuable Mr Jordan did you hear what she said she was looking at me Joe she likes me me really so we have to get moving yeah you said she would you said just give her time yes I did ready Joe what do you mean oh yeah that Australian guy if you recall yes well wait a minute I can't do that now why not but don't you see Mr Jordan she likes me the way I am if I go running off to Australia and pull a switch just when I get used to this Farnsworth I might lose it I don't want to take a chance on that don't you see what I mean yeah look Mr Jordan This fondant was about my age he had a pretty good body once you said he played Polo why couldn't I build up physically like I did me why not yeah exercise playing food plenty of fresh air I'm sure you do wonders with it yeah with my knowledge of fighting sure I would I could get that body in the pink in no time at all I make Murdoch with it then I got the title and I got her too Mr Pendleton is this final you bet it's final I'm gonna stay like I am as far as with if you really are Joe you've got a lot of work to do so you better get started yeah thanks Mr Jordan so long goodbye you I won't have to see you again thank goodness ditto well that's off my hand in a case like this you can never be sure oh dear [Music] [Applause] come on over your head get it up over your head that's it get it up over your head all right boy come on once more now what's the matter what's the matter great Heavens your blood pressure can't stand this sort of thing my blood pressure is perfect oh Sisk look at you I can quite imagine madam he's doing fine get back to your work I'm very grateful Madam I'll take you for a jog in the morning and do you good oh Mr Farnsworth I must tell you so the board is framing at your absence they've got to have your decision on air carbide and something has to be done about the p l diving yeah take care of that we're going to dump a lot of that stuff we've got too many fingers and too many pies do one thing and do it right but Mr Fox you want to see I'm busy yeah foreign no who is this gentleman Sisk caucus her name Max corkle he said he has an appointment with Mr Farms yeah there must be some mistake hi Mr Farnsworth secretary you couldn't have an appointment unless I had given it to you well you don't need to get fancy about it do you mind stating your business look I don't know what this is all about all I know is I got a telegram from Bruce Farnsworth telling me to come to this address why I don't know why I said I haven't seen the guy's picture in a paper I wouldn't known for matter oh Mr cockle oh Mr Farnsworth this man says he has an appointment with you yeah would you mind stepping in here a minute Mr cockle in here yes sir Max yo son of a gun I'm glad to see you how are you you know me certainly I know you're dumb Ox well look Mr Florence where they got this telegram yeah I know about that take a good look Max do you know me sure I know you everybody knows you Mr Farnsworth oh what's the matter with your eyes you big sap I'm not fonds with I'm Joe Pendleton you're Joe you're nuts Mr Farnsworth wait a minute now Max I know I don't look like Joe but I'm him just the same and it's your fault my fault yeah you admitted such a hurry to cremate me I wouldn't be in the jam I'm in now I cremated you what didn't you well take it easy will you Mr Farnsworth it's been kind of hot today ain't it oh no you don't now you stay put and listen to me you remember the last time I went up in that plane well something went flew in the ship went into a spin and then one of those guys that goes around collecting people he pulled up on all the time he thought I was dead I wasn't dead at all he grabbed me off before my time and while I'm arguing with him whether I'm dead or not he'll cremate me then they gotta make good they gotta get me another body get it oh sure sure then then everything's fine now ain't it and all you need is a doctor uh the best one maybe you're specialist oh no you stay put and listen to me I'm a very busy Mani they give me belongs to this other guy they drown him in the bathtub pushed him underneath the water [Applause] having trouble Gerald Mr Jordan I certainly am glad you showed up I'm having plenty of trouble I can't get anything through this guy's head tell him what happened will you this is Max corkel my manager you know the guy that did me up good and this is Mr Jordan you know those collector fellas I was telling you about well that's his Department he's in charge see is there somebody with us yeah Mr Jordan oh pleased to meet you Mr Jordan oh I forgot you can't see him well maybe if I had a good stiff drink you can't see him because you're not dead yet oh well I guess uh you Two Fellas have got a lot of business to talk over so I'll be mooching along oh no you don't Mr Jordan I gotta get this through to him he's a swell guy he's my manager I'd be lost in the ring without him make him understand will you just let him see you for a minute you can do it yourself Joe time I can eh I'm gonna make you understand if I have to pound you into a jelly how would I know about Joe if I wasn't Joe and listen to this you got 40 of me yes well thanks since when did you give me that since that name that story when you saw me put away butcher boy Mackenzie you said I had color you said I had what they wanted and how's your sister Rosie and the three kids have the twins gotten over the measles yet say who are you anyway I'm Joe you're Joe this is farnsworth's body because you burnt mine you Big Stiff wait a minute I'll prove it to you you remember this hey that's Joe's I gave it on Poor Joe where'd you get that that's mine I tell you wait I'll play your favorite tune for you [Music] always hit that no sour [Music] it's you Joe he knows me he knows me you feel better Max you're sure it is on The Hangover from last night you really are Joe listen Max inside I am Joe outside I'm fond of it hey is your pal still around yeah he's right there he is huh maybe I'm somebody else too ask him no don't if I'm in somebody else's body I don't want to know about it Max I want to tell you why I sent for you you're talking about matching kale Murdoch with Gilbert yeah who did Murdoch have to fight before he got a crack at Gilbert's title Joe oh you all right I want you to fix it for me to fight Murdoch you're crazy okay I would never find fans would tell him what the registrar discovered Joe yeah that's right is he talking again yeah Max I'm gonna let you in on something I'm the next champ it's in the book nothing can change it is that what he said that's what he said and he knows will he ensure any bets Max I'm telling you what you got to do oh yeah but how am I gonna fix it with the boxing commission you're a ghost I'm no ghost I got 50 years to go yet it'll be funds with who's doing the fighting can't you get that through your thick head okay but fans with the bank and they'll throw me right out of my ear look you go and see Lefty Ko's manager offer him some money any amount like what I don't know 25 Grand at least that's a lot of money well I just have your secretary write him a check Joe yeah that's right wait a minute watch this hey Abbott excuse me something that you and I'd like to have a few words with you if you don't mind it's about Joe maybe you and we could get together or something say you're here ain't you look if this really is Joe well he's sitting pretty with with Millions now why should he go and get himself quite silly trying to be a champ well let's get him certainly not Millions the way things stand now I got 40 of them you heard them say that with what he's worth 40 is okay right now suppose he goes and takes a couple of highments on the chin and Goes Goofy on me [Applause] let's suppose if it gets who I am Mr Jordan then where will I stand now here's what I want you to do for me Mr Jordan I want you to help me get this fight in Ocean out of Joe's head let him stay Farnsworth like he is I'll make it work worth your while you're talking to yourself mate yeah don't do that I was just having a little conversation with your friend Mr Jordan a little one-sighted of course oh he's in the other room oh you're cracking up Max here's the money go on do your stuff get down see Lefty is this God yeah it's perfect what was that you were saying in my mind getting the fight notion out of my head what was that all about well I'll tell you Joe I was thinking here you know this fight game is a bad racket because if you needed a do I say all right but when a guy's got millions listen you dope I don't want any of that funds with money I'll make plenty of my own you just give me the fights I'm gonna be champ oh no wait a minute run along and those I tell you you quit arguing get down there and set this fight with that Murdoch crowd and after you get it fixed give me a call I'll wait to hear from you if I have to stay up all night okay is your friend here yeah and right over there ah well please stay on my chair Mr Jordan um could I drop you somewhere no come to think of it I ain't going your way am I thanks very much Mr Jordan that about takes care of everything and you're quite happy oh yeah everything's well I'm getting hot as nails and and then there's Miss Logan she's going to stop in here for a few minutes tonight on our way to theater she's got some papers of her father she wants me to attend to she likes me a lot Mr Jordan well that's nice yeah it's a little gummed up I can't even see it here I am supposed to be married and she can't visit me and I can't take her out for the same reason people might talk you'll work that out Joe yeah yeah I gotta make some changes around here I gotta make them quick well I gotta get a bath and some rest I'm in training you know you don't mind of course not I have to be leaving myself hey there's something new me walking out on you and that's all right good luck thanks for everything Mr Jordan [Music] a fight manager you're sure still here she's been down there with him over an hour what's the meaning of it that doesn't you know who this Mr corkle is a fight manager what twenty five thousand dollars to arrange a fight he intends to enter the ring oh no he's not that mad what else could it be this gymnasium downstairs training schedules he's throwing money away in every direction well let's start Julia if this keeps up you'll be a pauper within a month oh I don't know I can't figure it out I'll have Emma take care of these in the morning I'll get them all signed and everything just like your father says don't you worry about it thank you you gotta go now huh well the car's waiting outside I'm a little late I wish you didn't I could stand here and look at you all night I mean I I never saw you done up like that before looks wonderful thank you I wish I could stay a little I'm going to stay just for a minute I'd like to any place but here oh yeah I know how you feel about that and you're right just for a minute so many things I want to ask you and so many things I want to tell you please we could have them declared insane by the time he brought it to the trial he'd tossed away every last cent and how are we going to stop him because we tried to before only this time there'll be no mistake I'll see to that tonight look me over you see anything any uh any different now let's see healthier maybe you look very well sort of in the pink yeah it's almost pink they are I've been exercising really yeah and I mean exercising sparring around punching the bag plenty of road work lots of sleep you you might even call it training well a certain amount of exercise is fine but why on Earth should you be training no but that's the point did you have a box no of course you didn't but I used to I liked it a lot I thought I'd like to get back in shape again what for well like oh yeah so I might get an idea you know how you get ideas I might get a notion there I'd like to do some fighting some real fighting right in the ring you're joking well not bad you know Bruce you must stop this exercising it's gone to your head but listen good night Bruce no I'm serious about this you're not you're not honest I am for Farnsworth of Banker in the ring well I know people would talk but if I wanted to do it why couldn't I except for you except if you didn't like price for me well I don't know anything about it it wouldn't make any difference would it I mean you told me the important thing was how people were inside no matter what they did that's still true isn't it yes of course what's the matter Bruce nothing I excuse me man I really must I could stay rightly I forgot something don't move now you stayed what's the idea of popping up like this I thought I saw the last of you I had thought so too as you know I went through Hades to make good my era I hoped I'd had the last of it well what's the idea what's the matter it's very distressing news Mr Pendleton you can't use farnsworth's body anymore just what do you mean just what I say but you're crazy you told me I was going to be Chan but not with farnsworth's body why not it wasn't meant to be that way why not don't keep saying why not you must just believe me I believe nothing you can't pull this on me why don't you guys get together for once Mr Pendleton you'll have much more time to stay in Farnsworth I'm not even listening Mr Jordan said okay and this is the way it's going to be oh dear oh dear nothing now you go back and tell whoever's pulling this there's no soap I'm laughing see now get out of here and stay out your bad news you're always coming up the works I really must leave sorry to keep you waiting I'll take you to your car Something's Happened no no yeah what's troubling you nothing I you gotta believe one thing we got a great life ahead you and me nobody can take that away from us why are you looking at me like that trying to memorize your face I'm trying to memorize everything about you so that no matter what happens I won't forget you what might happen but don't be scared just look at me you wouldn't forget me either would you no never no question [Music] nothing did happen I won't though it won't but she wasn't you wouldn't forget I mean the thing you said you saw in me you remember you said you saw something in my eyes well if someday somebody came up to you might even be a fighter and acted like he'd seen you someplace before you'd notice the same thing in him even if you thought you did you'd give him a break because he might be a good guy I don't understand you I'm just crazy don't mind me yeah I never want to lose you that's all I'm trying to say I'm never gonna foreign [Music] Joe I'll have to talk to you [Music] thank you [Music] what do you want Mr Jordan that isn't true is it about giving up Farnsworth you're not going to ask me to do that now are you it's not up to me my boy but why why now that we've got everything going great after all the trouble we've been in like the funds with now Joe I was going to be champ you will be but on another road but why not as far as with I got his body in the pink maxes out getting the fight I'm all ready why not as far as with because it wasn't meant to be that way uh that's no answer on the contrary it's the perfect answer but this Betty I love her and she loves me as far as with give her up and forget her now no if that was meant to be it will be I can't believe anything you tell me now yeah thanks I know it it is when that's great yeah no no not tonight see me tomorrow make it early will ya nice work Max you see Mr Jordan Max has got the fight with Murdoch it's all settled I can't switch now you haven't much time don't talk like that listen Mr Jordan just let me get through this fight work it out somehow with Betty give me a little time you can fix it there's no time left at all now Joe then I say no no you're not gonna play tricks with my life again I'm gonna stay like I am you cannot change the course of your destiny we'll see about that you think you can pry me lose some funds with you go ahead and try it all right something hold me back I can't move sorry Joe let me go will you you wouldn't get very far let me go on I'll show you very well now Goodbye Mr Jordan [Music] call the police [Applause] [Music] Mr Jordan Mr Jordan don't fight Joe leave Farnsworth this is either funds with what's gonna happen to him now just as it remains for them to dispose of now me Mr Jordan meet your Pendleton when I will be moving again John searching to Jordan Betty [Applause] don't fight Joe leave Farnsworth now we've got him on our hands again oh dear me [Music] ah the Magic Door good morning my good lamb hello my brother has that all Faithful is here with glad Tiding and Mr Google I'm sorry but Mr Farnsworth is not at home how come it seems he went out last night and never returned why not where'd he go I don't know sir it's already strange he left no word and took no clothing of any kind with him what's going on around here he was to meet me here early he wouldn't run out on me like that Mr Clark evidently Mr Farnsworth changed his mind about fighting evidently you don't know what you're talking about he might change his mind about everything else but not that I know I'd advise you to drop the matter until Mr Farnsworth sends for you drop nothing more for fishy about this and I'm gonna find out what it is [Music] for four days now no sign up they can get me he's disappeared and I think it's foul play because Mr Farnsworth wants to see me and if he could he would now what I want you to do is to check every Hotel railroad hospital and morgue oh let's listen Lefty you must listen now look all the police in the country are looking for him they've got to find him give me one more day no it's off Max Murdoch and me ain't waiting for no school ball millionaire Murdock's fighting Gilbert on the seventh goes by fight fine mesh you got me into weeks now and nobody yet no you won't be cheated final Reckoning everything will be accounted Read All About It Farnsworth disappearance still unsolved police again questioning principles more question it'll be Dragon Benny in again you wanted to see the fight should we go in hey wait my saxophone that's why everything's going wrong I left it at five minutes let's go get it no yeah we got time before the fight well Joe last time I remembered it was on the piano I've called you all together again because I want to go over every step since the night christophons was disappeared and we're going to start all over maybe I miss something maybe somebody forgot something but I'm going to crack this case and you better call in Houdini Ms Logan he said it was approximately 8 30 when you left at Stefan's with that night yes and you brought some papers for him to sign yes for my father Hey Joe Joy you're here oh chill and you haven't heard from Mr Farnsworth says by telephone or in any way no come on Joe where are you oh Joe be a good guy will you I ain't slept in three weeks look I'm losing weight Hey Joe the end of the end of the old Sykes are you come on Joe Who Are You Now give me a break will you oh come on give me a break went in buckle exactly what do you think you're doing looking for Joe who's Joe he might be anybody I don't know maybe we better call the psychopathic Marco are you gonna shut up and sit down okay but if Joe is pale Jordan or around here I'm gonna find him wait a minute just who is this Jordan he's the guy that put Joe in Fan's White's body I want you about that goofy talk goggle all right all right well when you last saw him what was he doing he was arguing with some guy from heaven foreign of a ghost that's forty percent of nothing and I can't even find that sorry Max inspector Williams will accomplish nothing here I can only repeat that my husband's disappearance is neither mysterious and it doesn't surprise me in the least when you consider his actions for several weeks previous giving away his money planning on entering prize fighting he was obviously insane he was nothing of the cotton and you're better than any of you he was fine and generous don't cry Benny I can explain those tears inspected the last time I spoke to Mr Farnsworth he told me that he loved Miss Logan that he wanted to marry her and asked me to divorce him see huh you can say again I won't get you anywhere quiet slogan if he were alive you feel sure he'd communicate with you I know he would you bet I would look for the last time you think you're hunting for fun is waiting you're really honey but Joe fon's what's dead I knew it in fact if you want to know he was drawn to the bathtub by his wife and that guy there six weeks ago you're mad hold it so Mr farsworth was drowned in his bathtub huh yes six weeks ago right but he's only been missing three weeks I don't care that's what he told me who told you Joel uh farz White uh just wanted to tell you this before or after he was drowned after yeah get hold of him boys he's violent well what's the matter with you guys let go of me inspector Williams he was murdered I'm sure of it well then where's the body where did they put me Mr Jordan in the basement refrigerator all right boy well how about some suggestions cargo you've got a lot of ideas about everything else where's the body ask them I will well why naturally we cut it up stuffed it in a trunk flew it out over the Atlantic they're killing her Mr Jordan I can't stand it then let's leave Joe take his accent or leave Betty well the fight's about to begin but I can't walk out on her this way wait a minute will it be on the radio I don't know well then I can hear it I'd like to ask you a few questions Mr rabbit that's your privilege you say your last time down here when Mr Logan arrived with those papers that's correct inspector how can I turn it on Mr Corker will if you'll concentrate on him yeah thanks turn on the radio mix turn on the radio turn on that radio go on max go ahead action Gilbert misses the right Murdock comes back turn off that radio yeah well you kept me from seeing a fire dragon me over here and I'm gonna listen another one Murdoch Gilbert goes into a window at the free has them apart Gilbert listen to the left Murdoch throws a right to go pretend a left to the body and a right to the body we're not just crowding Gilbert into the ropes he shoots over the right cross oh there's a hard left jump to the chin another right another left lightning punches that hit their Mark like bullets Gilbert shoots one high in a Murdoch's head but it glances off Murdoch comes back with the right and left to the buddy that Murdoch's a great fighter Joe and you'll know it in your heart you'd even like to be like him oh me another right to the Head Gilbert swings wild Murdock Murdoch staggered and all of a sudden burdocks quit I don't get it Gilbert didn't even touch him that wild punch only crazy what could have happened I don't believe it Murdoch was going like a buzzo why should he folding him all over the Rings by gamblers in the ringside because he wouldn't throw the fight he told the man left her that he would throw it otherwise they wouldn't have given him a chance of the championship but once he got in the ring so they shot him attack one of the cleanest guys in the game and [Applause] right on his face I wish I could finish that fight for him you can jump you mean I can take Murdoch's we've just got time to make it come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's up at the count of nine Murdock is up full of fights one minute lying there like a dead man now on his feet like a Dynamo it's amazing [Applause] foreign [Applause] ladies and gentlemen will go down in history as one of the most Sensational Encounters of all time hello what's that Murdoch's taking off the ring close to this corner a saxophone what imagine that I didn't notice it there before saxophone well friends it was right here he took it he he was in this room awkward wants to come over you now that that was Joe that was Far worth it what do you mean I mean if that was Joe Farnsworth Joe that you're nuts about he he was here will you pull yourself together lie out of here where are you going I'm following that saxophone ramp him boys [Applause] this guy Murdoch is the best I'll say you are not me Murdoch hmm how did this get in the ring here give me that you didn't have it when you climbed in I always have that all my fights huh sure sure he's always got it as all his fights yeah oh what a night KO you're the champ yeah you're in the dough my dog's not gonna fight anymore what are you talking about well you're pushed on top of the world I'm not preached anywhere I don't even know where I'm going from here he's woozy yeah it was a punch he took when he went down for the nine count punch me out Gilbert didn't even lay a club on them what made you drop KO what's up what'd you get that saxophone get him out of here let him in what's Coco got to do with you plenty Lefty come on get out of here you and the rest of them get out how do you get that way I'm your manager and a fine crooked manager you turned out to be get out of here before I throw you out I'll ask here I can my dog where did you get this sex don't you ever know me oh are you yeah don't they I know I know but what are you doing in Murdoch's body I just took Murdoch's body to help him out he was shot look oh Joe what kind of a body is this the pick I'm gonna die no no no no it's nothing it's nothing nothing you're saying with a bullet in you how many times have I got to tell you the bullets in Murdoch's body and as soon as Mr Jordan comes I'm going to get out of it excuse me no cargo where's that saxophone you've been following here it is right here there's the guy you're looking for oh so now I'm looking for murder only that's fine oh it's fine sweet don't try to kid me I know fans wife I know you do but he's not using farnsworth's body but whose body is he using my dogs only hang in my dark he's really Joe Pendleton holy cats oh listen calm down will you maybe we'll clear up the whole case for you I told you Farnsworth was killed by Mrs Farnsworth and Tony Abbott but where's the body what buddy Max take a look at this for me will you thanks kid oh that's all right all you'll need is a little hook of plaster on there if you had your shower where's the body I want to look in the basement ice box oh that's fine that's the only mark on you oh never laid a glove on him never heard such a point in my life I would have given anything they've been in that fifth one do you remember where's the body take a look at the basement ice box settles at CoCo you're coming down the headquarters and you lay off him you keep out of this my dog no wait a minute wait a minute take a look in the basement can't you and if it ain't there I'll go any place you say a minute all right come on Chuck this is gonna make me look like an idiot but we'll call off the Fan's words sure but haven't been for years Mr Jordan how I am glad to see you hello Joe is he here again yeah would you mind waiting outside a minute I want to talk to him sure sure well I'm pleased to have seen you again Mr Jordan I'm glad you came here how'd you like the fight that was a nice job Joe you made Murdoch very happy he was told how it came out oh that swell you fought beautifully cleanly scientifically you make it an art thanks back in my old form again this is your next Joe this is where you belong where you were meant to be world champion oh no not me murdoches I don't mind helping them out Mr Jordan but now get me out of this Joe yeah you remember I said you wouldn't be cheated yeah nobody is really eventually all things work out there's design in everything you were meant to be Champion you are you and Murdock are one you belong to each other this is your destiny Joe you're back on your own road yeah but wait a minute you're forgetting about Betty what good is anything if I haven't got her that is a chance you have to face Joe no matter whose body you take wasn't that true from the moment you left Farnsworth yeah yeah I forgot that don't worry Joe you'll have everything that was ordained for you I don't like it Mr Jordan I want to find something I mean as well guy but it's like I told you Murdoch is a champ not me no I don't like it if it's all the same to you Mr Jordan you and I keep going until we find the right guy will you ever be sure he's the right guy Joe oh of course I will you wait till I get a shower and get some clothes on and you will now get started I'll be right with you Mr Julie this is your road Joe no no Murdock there'll be no more memory of Joseph Pendleton and everything's going to be all right [Music] chief chief here's Falmouth farnsworth's body in the basement ice box holy mackerel you know what you're talking about didn't you sounds like a donut call Pace back tell him to arrest Mrs Farnsworth and Abbott time to send the body tomorrow don't touch it Joe's rival I need it buddy yeah don't touch it Joe slapper come on Chuck what goes on here Annie hey stay out of there you go scale where is he there he is hey what's around they found find horse body just like you said I don't get it I don't know any funds with sure you do the guy that was killed hey where was he oh Mr Jordan what Jordan oh no don't give me no answers like that you're out of your mind cockle stop bothering KO and get out of here why don't someone take that cockatoo a hospital what do you mean take me to a hospital he's the one ought to go to a hospital he's got fever he was shot who was shot where was it where's what the Bullet Hole he showed it to me are you crazy come on hurry up will you Bugsy I gotta get out of here oh I'm going around again it's that guy Jordan what did he do to you Joe what do you calling me Joe for oh look at me take a good look don't don't you know me yeah I think so well who am I don't you know I got I got my doubts you tell me your Coco Max Coco who you KO Murdoch what's the matter with him do you do you know Joe Pendleton yeah sure killed an airplane crash yeah that's right it was a tough break nice fella strictly on the level certainly was I understand you are too how'd you like to manage me cockle how do you get that way Lefty I made up my mind after this Gilbert deal you and me were through yeah well I'm not letting you go I got a contract you wouldn't want me to tell the whole world you were crooked with your Lefty funny you're turned up at just the right time Coco you and me gonna do all right yeah I gotta be running along hey where you going I don't remember exactly Hey Joe uh KO is uh is this thing yours [Music] I guess so take care of it for me will you Coco yeah sure hey what's the matter with you you look like you had a bad dream come on snap out of it we're gonna do all right Maxie foreign [Music] excuse me I'm sorry you looking for somebody yes they might be Mr Murdoch's dressing room don't I know you I don't think so no I guess not I thought for a minute I did funny how sometimes you feel you know people yes is that the way to the dressing room yeah do you like to fight I didn't see it oh but I heard it over the your eye is hurt oh it's nothing it's just a little swollen it's all red it doesn't hurt I'm Murdoch oh Ralph Miller and you're uh uh Logan Betty Logan hello how do you do glad to know you you interested in the fight game I knew a man who was do I know him Bruce Farnsworth oh yeah they would tell me about him he was killed yes I'm sorry is he a friend of yours I loved him that's too bad yes but I don't know why maybe it was the kindest thing he was so troubled I I don't seem to feel the bandage was loose I didn't mean to feel kind of good you know you were looking at me just now kind of looking right through my eyes what's that but don't be scared it's just a warning all lights out oh yes your voice sounded like I heard it someplace before I couldn't remember where you didn't feel that did you well yes I felt I was standing high up looking out over the sea and someone was swimming toward me doing something I I felt I'd heard long ago I said don't be scared [Music] people are always thinking they knew someone before in another existence you know I had a feeling tonight I was in a hurry to meet somebody I knew I there's a little place around the corner nice little place called Mike's where I go after the fights you wouldn't want to die I guess you wouldn't want it tonight I feel the way you do about him I guess not though what was it he said if I were to meet a fighter I used to I'd love to go with you Mr Modoc foreign [Music] foreign [Applause]
Channel: DK Classics III
Views: 214,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JkIokIoovNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 39sec (5619 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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