The Flame (1947)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you didn't really expect to get away with a thing like that did you frankly officer I didn't then why try it you don't care about yourself think about other people driving through traffic at 50 miles an hour traffic you I'm sorry now you keep it up and this will be the last New Year's you'll ever see Pleasant thought isn't it isn't it though okay go ahead but take it easy I don't want to hand out any tickets tonight unless I have to well mr. McAlister a letter for you and a Happy New Year Happy New Year mr. McAlister something wrong mr. boss you going to spend New Year's Eve alone yeah you want Chang to stay maybe mixed drink keep you company no just close the door from the outside Chang do something wrong you wish him unhappy New Year all right Happy New Year Chang good night no hurry it's all right tiny new year not for a long time yet [Music] [Music] [Music] operator Police Department thank you police department my name is George McAllister I live at 150 West 59th I just killed I just killed a man you'll find his body Ross more apartments East seventh apartment 14 what's that yes he's quite dead [Music] my dear George I should have known sooner but the hate that you boy you have brother as one day being used this point crime and passion are Abed with Chad best George and the patient is hate nothing but evil and violence can result it was shortly after dr. Mitchell had pronounced his death sentence on your brother Barry given him only a little more time to live a few months at the most he said and sent him deeper in the seclusion of that place he called home and deeper into the dark mood that seemed to find comfort only in that unhappy Oracle music of his [Music] [Music] your aunt Margret was there and Barry and I got a diva [Music] stop it please please are you ill mr. Val don't you care for my music it's it's your bedtime that's all why it's just 8:30 8:30 yes say 30 outside but not here in this house it's midnight all the time aren't you being a little dramatic mr. valor perhaps I am sorry music relaxes him relaxes him it's killing him mister very so it is my music I'm sorry miss McAllister that's alright why don't you like I don't like it for what it's doing those depressing judges you call music are as ugly as what you're wearing the girl is insane no no I'm not but I will be if I stayed any longer just a moment mr. it seems you have an opinion of me I'd like to hear it yes yes I have an opinion of you better let her go mr. bear you're exciting him I warn you [Music] his pass is very firm and I will take more than my opinion to get that blanket of self-pity you've thrown around yourself self-pity isn't a dying man entitled even today dying man to be a dying man you must first be a living man you're not living you have already abandoned life I'm gonna call dr. Mitchell I'll save you the trouble I'll call dr. Mitchell and ask him to send another nurse tonight hello dr. Mitchell mr. buzzby dr. Mitchell I'm quit hello Uncle Joe wrong oh no I think mr. valve just wanted to report that her patient is feeling exceptionally well to that quitting no I I think she wanted to quit giving me the brown pills the big ones can you imagine mr. Vieau he thought you were quitting now Uncle Joe now I think she's very happy here this for myself I couldn't get along with that she's very happy here myself [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how do you like my music mr. Vaman it's wonderful but why aren't you in bed I couldn't sleep then I did upset you yes as you did I was thinking about you it's one thing I didn't think about you though of course I didn't know how lovely you would look coming down a staircase wearing just that but mr. McAlister you're not supposed to are not supposed to think about fair ladies and romance most of all that's exactly what I was thinking about colada yes mr. McAlister I know I have much to offer you except panting ship money it's not much to trade for the happiness I know that you can give me during whatever time is left Carlota yes will you marry me your poor promise now you'll never know I I would have married you if you handed panettone [Music] kitten work darling it worked you went forward lovely married Monday great where's the happy event going to take place in his apartment here in New York no he wants to be married in the family chapel I love you said so never doubt it was my lucky day when I met nurse to vada that French hospital nice to well you know you were the only good thing that happened to me in a whole war it was my lucky day - oh it's good to be here if I could only stay forever poor kitten you're tired aren't you no I'm not tired exactly at least not from the bird it was the strain darling it took such a long time I was about ready to propose to him mm-hmm wouldn't work I know the guy I bet on the icing in person was too vile finally let him have that bursted temple you fell off the organ bench practically I wasn't joking when I told him I was going insane out there I wouldn't mind a wife was a little nuts as long as she has a few million dollars come on this calls for a celebration hey we're into the future mrs. McCallister to the Future wish mrs. MacAllister huh the mrs. Josh McCallister of course most certainly not the wealthy widow McCallister yet don't charged [Music] what was that father I don't know it's just that he doesn't seem so bad you better take another look at it well out of respect for your plane and I send their biggest wreath I can find his funeral please don't it's it's bad enough that our happiness depends on that is it our fault that he's got a body that doesn't want to stay wrapped around at penny-pinching shrivel up little soul of his any longer hello love course not and don't be angry with me especially not just now but I have to leave I'm not angry couldn't what am I gonna see you again it gets a little lonely up here I'll see you as soon as I can but see that you stay no answer for me don't go looking for a new company ah kidney you know your Georgie better than that I certainly do know my Georgie I'm just teasing hey William maybe I'm the one that should be worrying just a little no darling with me you are my love and berries my business just me I'm not mixing [Music] only desert lady for the next three days the hours became a solid mode of anxiety anxiety over my ability to go through with what we had planned over the Normandy Terrace attending marriage to a McCallister and then it was manly the day of the wedding and I stood before a mirror dressed as I had once hoped to be dressed for another birdie all right just as pretty as a picture there you know all the word for just as pretty as a picture I'm glad now you'd better go and help miss McAllister yes'm I sure will I'll do just that something old something new something borrowed something blue something borrowed I forgot something borrow you startled me would this be suitable do you think [Music] it's quite horrible some might think it rather symbolic I'm tired of your insinuations miss McAllister if you have anything to say then say it and be done with it I have only one thing to say mr. Val don't marry my nephew your motives are obvious I must ask you to leave my room desire to remain longer after you have repeated our conversation to Barry I imagine he will want me to move elsewhere I'll not repeat it to him and you may stay in this house for as long as you wish I'm not afraid of you miss McAllister that is a great mistake mr. bell [Music] come in yes doctor what do you mean by that yes doctor whoa quite a bit different from the uniform I expected you to wear when I sent you out here I'm not seeing Maggie mr. McAlister wearing this she thought I should have buried Something Borrowed nasty-looking thing well mister out I expect you know I didn't come up here to inspect the bride's wedding gown I know why you came up here dr. Mitchell mrs. McAllister left no doubt in my mind that my marriage to Barry isn't meeting with general approval so I'll have to give you the same answer I gave her nothing is going to stop this wedding you don't have to be antagonistic toward me a lot I didn't come here to tell you not to marry him I just wanted to tell you something about this man you're getting you see I've watched him grow up in this world and now I'm faced with the unhappy task of supervising his departure from it no one can know how I feel about the job thanks George nice of you to help I thought it was nice of you to ask me to your wedding oh but I really wanted you here see I figured that we saw the happy eager look on my face contentment in my eyes might encourage even you to settle down I consider marriage settling up not down payment it for all the fun you've had oh and you don't approve my getting married oh now wait a minute certainly I approve I just hate to think of your Widow practically a stranger getting all that beautiful money look why don't you be a good guy and put me back and you will oh no no I wouldn't think of it George spoiled our lovely relationship you see you're the only relative I have always in waiting for me to join our ancestors probably because you have nothing to gain by it yeah that's possible but I said they would like to be mentioned oh you were mentioned you get a dollar a dollar you could at least make it to camp heir to the funeral you're making a mess out of that tie let me fix it it's girl you're marrying she's after your money of course she's gonna get it whether she's after it or not do you think that's what she's marrying me for you don't know her that's right what I've known a lot of women in my life they're all alike this girl's different I tell you her smile when she gives it as an instant of complete happiness the touch of her hands is a lifetime of pleasure make her my wife will be the achievement of all the beautiful dreams I've ever known oh no never felt that way about a woman huh no and in all apologies for your flowery description there is no such woman no no I dare Barry well it seems the bullet that got me in the lake was only making a detour and didn't have my name on it after all I see one heard it listen carefully she's a nurse this girl is different I tell you a smile when she gives it as an instant of complete happiness the touch of her hands as a lifetime of pleasure to make her my wife will be the achievement of all the beautiful dreams I've ever known ever heard those words before huh nope as ever George George who you mr. McAllister oh I memorized them thought they were so nice I never happened to her George I don't know guess she must be kicking around Paris someplace it's too bad you lost track of her what was her name now I don't know I don't remember why didn't you marry her what did you do with the money that I sent you for that particular purpose I brought over by roulette we're on the way to church still bad you didn't marry her would have been good for you you know it still might be I'm in a magnanimous mood George you find her and I'll stake you to any business you name she doesn't want to leave France I'll put you in charge of our organization over there well what do you say I'll think about it good okay oh by the way I had the office make out a check sort of a wedding present in Reverse from me to you hi-y $10,000 Thanks I said I can use it that's what I figured if getting bad puts you in this kind of mood we should do it more often I hope you'll take my advice about what find that girl and marry her yeah I'll see if I can remember our name dearly beloved we are gathered together here in the sight of God and in the face of this company to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony which is an honorable estate instituted of God signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and His Church which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with his presence and first miracle that he wrought in Cana of Galilee and his commended of Saint Paul to be honorable among all men and therefore is not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly but reverently discreetly advisedly soberly and in fear of God into this holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined If any man can show just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together let him now speak or else hereafter forever hold his peace very wilt I have this woman to thy wedded wife to live together after God's ordinance in the holiest state of matrimony look I love her comfort her honor and keep her in sickness and in health and forsaking all others keep thee only unto her so long as you both shall live I will the Lord mercifully with his favor look upon you and fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace that you may so live together in this life but in the world to come you may have life everlasting all men I wish you both much happiness thank you thank you sorry me too good evening mr. McAlister any messages no sir except your bill I have it right here this includes the current month I'll give that word look off your face I'm gonna pay it you are fine although we never really worry about your account I'll bet you don't who's the guy over there I don't know put the receipt my box with you thank you sir [Music] with me darling you are my love and berries my business trusts media [Music] [Music] okay let's have it what's on your mind what is this a stick-up you know it's don't stick up what is it every time I turn around I see your face it's my face I'll take it where I please have you know wanted messed up quick trailer me anybody's trailer on you I don't know anything about it I'll get troubles in my own they don't include you and what are you casing my apartment for your apartment it's your name Helene do you work at the Sheppard block how about getting in for you Helene Helene Anacin yeah well you know her that's your right though no I just heard she moved into the apartment what are you watching haha she's a dame that needs watching girlfriend sometimes I wonder have another town or what checking up before check it in something like that she wouldn't talk to me on the phone just waiting around to find out why I say yeah I'm sorry I jumped you the way I did I guess I'm a little nervous nervous yes you see I'm having a little romantic trouble myself oh now I know how you feel I tell you what let's go up to my apartment we can have a couple of drinks do us both good just good a place to where does any make yourself at home right nice place you got here Thanks if I could support a layout like this I wouldn't have any worries about that Lane will you have a drink bourbon you got any yeah Halina take it likes nice things yeah you ain't kidding she likes anything that costs a lot of dough you know what I mean when I got it she even likes me that ain't often I don't know what kind of trouble you're having more that day me yours bet you ain't two-timing you what makes you so sure her face this Dame's got class that's not the girl that's not the one no that's not the Dame I saw coming in here a couple of days ago and once before that no I haven't seen that girl since I left Paris oh well I know she's still there French Dame huh yes that's right that autograph I think she wrote on the picture it's in English but what about a lot of people in France right English what do you so jumpy about well I'm not jumpy what's keeping you from your torch Oh Merida yes that's right she's married c'est une do me a favor will you want a kitchen to get me some ice ice yeah want to call her Oh George what are you calling for this time of night I just wanted to apologize for running away from the wedding interception would you put Barry on my brand-new sister and our home no I'll give them your message they retired I see good night Maggie that's the trouble with having a girlfriend who's married a man answers you got a hang-up tell you what I mean what let's go see how vain Elaine yes miss Anderson News said her name was Helene didn't you why should you want to go see it you said you didn't know it well I just feel like going someplace I feel as though I owe you a little entertainment oh come on take you both to dinner she's working singing all right my girl Ann Whelan's is through between the two of us we can convince it that any ex is a man of importance alone [Music] we're somebody [Music] unless that son is you I tend to be independently blue there's nobody [Music] his might [Music] [Applause] pretty nice very attractive wait guys go for you can see when I can watch you I certainly can't say that I do she had a nice big smile for you that was for you rule cuff links you were in at the good stuff in that suit she'll tell you the price of both are moving 50 yards away Annie you're better you think she'll join us if after one gandered you there's no doubt about it [Music] hello Ernie gee I'm glad to see I sure missed you oh excuse me you're miss Anderson I want you to meet my friend mr. McAllister how do you do how do you do see now I'm won't you [Music] I sure Lester kid you said that already why wouldn't you see me when I came back to town I told you over the phone I've been too busy with rehearsals I've heard it said about great singers miss Anderson rehearsals come in the door romance flies out of the window I was a vice versa yes I guess it was my solicitor I guess anyway it's nice to have you join us you have dinner with us sure I'd love to aw swell this time the dinners on him next time it's on me fine after tonight I was going on a diet anyway say where did he pick you up I didn't pick him up he pick me up that's right we're gonna have a lot of fun together we've got a lot in common mr. McAllister and I what's he talking about oh you're drunk and I'm hungry I think we better let mr. McAllister ordered and then he was printed in French he had a French girl in Paris how nice oh you better order some champagne goes good with French food thank you for a very pleasant evening it's been fun especially meeting you my pleasure okay for a nightcap no thanks past my bedtime I could use one past my bedtime too good night mr. McAlister good night see you around Ernie I'm gonna walk up ready I'll take the elevator c'est une yeah about that news item you can understand why I said it was a different girl sure sure well now that she's married it's all over and well you know it's all over naturally oh and I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention seeing her come up here to anybody consider it forgotten not a boy any thanks here's something I yeah I think it might help you out with Helene no no no I wouldn't think of it I'll be seeing who's that it's me I neighbor howdy ma'am long time no see well I decided I'd have that nightcap alone but when I looked in my bar no whiskey so I just ran up to borrow a cup of bourbon from my name what are you looking for Mike will you drink it here take it with you I think I'll drink it you I've been wanting that all evening couldn't wait any longer me too what are you looking for my picture we have you got it in the know it's nothing to get you near that it's right there on a desk just left that that till I got a frame for it I forget it's a good thing it was in the draw when Ernie was here why didn't you tell me you knew him Ernie yes Ernie I forgot of course you know he is slightly jealous no he gives me a pain say how did you ever get mixed up with him I know feel sorry for him I guess he's nuts about you how he's nuts period but he's a troublemaker and if you take my advice you'll brush and fast so why do you let him hang around I want Georgie if you don't want me to I wouldn't take the responsibility just for that I think I'll take this and drink it alone good idea kitten but I didn't mean a George I don't want a girl need your beauty rest good night kitten and happy handle see ya what's so interesting out those windows mr. and mrs. MacAllister they're down but to see that beautiful old see you on the high cliff on the point yes ain't it wonderful Miss Margaret the change has come over him since he found her ain't it though that Love Bug sure is a wonderful little creature he sure is he's one of God's chosen creatures that little love bug if you finish down here you'd better start with the bedrooms yes'm don't forget to check on the lumens yeah some bug is still alright [Music] very pleased not so closely friends don't worry I'll be careful all down there didn't come in to climb back up would then step you love this the seein the cliffs and the rocks don't you I do again now that you say by the way your room you're not the fisherman's little girl that used to play over these rocks with me no what you have the same effect on me where's she a blonde I don't know her hair was always so full of seaweed yeah we built beautiful wonderful air castles my little beach Comber and I I was going to buy her the whole world starting out with a marble palace golden yacht but she was a realist decided she'd rather start with a bracelet so I went without buy lunch for a whole month mmm I bet she loved it she never saw it George showed up that summer and I lost my little beach goal George stole your girl oh sure George always told my girls you know by a peculiar coincidence I just happen to have that bracelet with me [Music] where it now it's wonderful to regain something you've loved and lost as a child you know what I mean yes yes I do because of because of Henry oh you had a little boyfriend huh no French border I hear to the taxi cab that killed him no wonder you disliked George for taking her from you disliked George whatever gave you that idea I I don't know I thought it because he's shiftless and lazy planes too much and works too little cuz he took my girls away from me but that I should dislike him oh nothing of the sort I've always liked George he's got away with him well I've always tried to get him to settle down almost succeeded once penny was dead when he was overseas got a bullet in his leg fell head-over-heels in love with the nurse that took care of me wanted to marry her at least that's what he wrote me of course I'm always meddling in George's affairs even on our wedding day I offered to set him up in any business he'd name he'd find that girl Mary he wouldn't die I suppose no same old George couldn t remember her name oh darling you're getting cold here I am boring you with a family's killer well I'll take you back to the house very I I've been thinking about your New York apartment I'd like to fix it up a bit in case you get to use it more often well let me be alright but you'd rather I didn't oh no of course not go ahead and do it if you'd enjoy I'll have hammer make the car [Music] I told Barry I was going shopping Hema brought me he didn't bring you here no of course not I had him let me off at various apartment then I do a cab smart girl know how much I missed you what's the matter I don't know what's wrong with me huh I'm upset about what you don't mean to tell me that my dear brother isn't feeling well I hope he's feeling all right but well George he told me some things about you and I had to see you oh I know I'm being foolish tell me I'm being foolish darling that they aren't so but I'm just absurd because I got too lonesome for you they bother you kiddin they aren't so he said you wanted to marry me in France you well he said a nursing friends I knew he meant me well say that so if I hadn't been broke but he sent you money so what then he did send you money yeah he sent a little but why didn't he get married why'd you do with it I don't know botches composes or something I guess wasn't enough to think about but if he didn't need much just a little on each other would have been enough well look hon are you making something out of nothing you're letting him fill your head with a lot of doubts about me when you know he hates my guts but he doesn't George he likes you look honey I haven't known him a lot longer than you have doesn't hate you judge he doesn't or I could all right anything you say but you gotta let me run the show have I ever steered you wrong no of course and you gotta trust me I do of course I do it's just that it's more difficult than I thought it would be of I know it isn't exactly easy in here either but you mustn't doubt me I'm just confused and I better be gone you want to go [Music] I've got [Music] hi Georgie look honey I'd like to have you stay but I've got to change and go out I won't interfere with you addressing have something I want to talk to you about alright what do you want to talk about him in a hurry going out huh yeah oh well what is it how many bedrooms you got here one Oh such your idea of something in part to talk about I thought I might move in with you second thought might taste a little snappy Ernest what makes you think I'd let you move in with me now seeing as we're in business together I figured we might as well live together since when are we in business together since your brother's wife parked her car in front of your brother's apartment downtown and took a cab up here I wouldn't if I were you Georgie I should have spotted you for a stinking blackmailer the first time I saw you I wasn't a blackmailer then it almost say it was your idea what was being followed that and Helene I mean if you won't have anything to do with me seems she's got a yen for somebody else I can't help you there no no oh I think you can well I got money Helene feels different towards me I don't get you I offered you some money the other night why don't you take it small money Georgie small money you know the minute I laid eyes on you I knew I was in business big business at shots here isn't it you'd be amazed how talkative the servants are out at your brother's place why didn't you tell me you only had a couple of months to live or maybe less now that he's married to your Carlotta I got too much money invested in you Georgie pour me one too my mind was about loss confusion after leaving you apart and good afternoon it was the first time I had ever really dogged you George but I doubted myself to die was frightened as I approached the house [Music] [Applause] [Music] I felt I couldn't possibly face its occupants until my mind the very house itself scowl disapprove of me I felt the wind begets hatred and the ocean always angry or threatening seem to be reaching trying to drag me by a force from this place between love and in which I was limp past her I started for the house my name boss made me turn and then go to the Chairman [Music] as I stood inside the dome I looked at the place where we were married very entire then I seem to hear bells [Music] and a voice I pronounce that they are man what [Music] I'm now there for a long time but peace would not come to me I'm sure that if I prayed my prayers were so confused I wondered if even God would understand him I was about to leave when there was an awful crash [Music] at first I thought the light on earth and that I was hearing a little music in my imagination as I had heard the verse in the words of the minister then I realized the music I was hearing was coming from the house but the sudden peace and clarity in my mind were not imagined you weren't in my thoughts George is I hurried from the chapel I [Music] went to the doorway of the house my house and for the first time it welcomed me it was then I knew I had to tell Mary about myself the thought instead of frightening me brought me comfort please don't stop hey do you know that the room lit up just are you walking tell me what's the cause of this no radiant clear conscience a wife or the clear conscience I never heard of such a thing hence the glare gongchan's I'm about to bury you really don't know much about this doesn't it ever bother no say hey what is this a confession yes probably means I'll have to bear my lurid past no dice please be serious dear serious about your past just some of it Barry there are some things you're the right to know you may not like me quite as mature at all but that's a chance I have to take I don't think I could live with myself hey you are serious aren't you yes colada I know about you you know what all that I want to know all it's important you see darling every man has a picture of the woman he loves mine is a river pretty little girl and going into a lovely young woman put on this earth for the sole purpose bringing happiness in the life of Barry McAlister humor me let me look at my picture see what I see but it's not exactly the truth of course it's not yes such a good little girl you want to tell me all about the time you held hands with the neighbor don't I know may sound funny to you but well even that just that was Barry I looked at him with new eyes then and in the days that followed I even looked at him for all the things he had for hateful George and I loved him Elaine they weren't there all I could find was kindness gentleness an appreciation for the little I gay [Music] what are you clucking about hotel service very bad very pasty you've done all the testing up here finish it up and get out will you yes sir all finished wait a minute Trang yes sir I want to give you a bit of advice if you ever fall in love admit it to yourself right away don't wait until it's almost too late oh that could not happen to Chang why not haven't you ever been in love oh yes in love many times once with girl hurt too much now Chang fall in love only with rasta weekly paycheck riding streetcars and going to movies it's a sound idea oh it won't help me any Confucius have many helpful word for people in all kind of trouble except love for them he have only sympathy Chang would not like to be in love with one so lovely and so good as her facial this one to be why if better she is the harder to lose what makes you think I lost her someday everybody lose everybody that is why Chang never fall in love with girl again if she mean all the world to you and you lose her then you have lost the whole world if she mean more than life to you and you lose her and you have lost all of life but if she mean more than your soul to you and you lose her then you have lost your own soul Confucius say that maybe Confucius maybe water winch Chang remember only the words I go welcome hi neighbor hello LA confucius would be much confused you shouldn't have come today i'm in a stinking mood good i'll get stinking with you I don't mean drunk oh just don't feel like entertaining anybody then I'll entertain you come on tell the neighbor lady what my big baby's talking about I'm not selling I just feel like being alone can't you understand that you really are an inestimable but I don't mind Oh so this is the reason my picture stays in the desk drawer mmm don't be silly that's only a girl I knew a long time ago don't you be silly I read the social columns as well as the funnies dear this picture isn't as good as the one in the papers when she married your brother all right so she's my brother's wife what's wrong with that for George with all my love a very chummy family aren't you get out of here you little before I throw you out I'll go and I'll remember what you called me too and while you're at it remember not to come back George I didn't mean anything I want to stay well I meant it darling please try to understand I was jealous and well you're the one guy that never called me a well bita to be the one ahead again from the same guy you'll be sorry for this George [Music] do you wait to see me yes [Music] Elaina Anderson's the name I don't believe you but no we haven't but we have a mutual friend and I thought we should know each other a mutual friend yeah [Music] Georgey Georgey you mean George McAllister I don't mean George Washington perhaps miss Anderson you'd better tell me just why you're here sure why not I just came up to tell you that Georgie is all yours or didn't you know we'd been dividing him up to now I still don't know what you mean oh snap out of it I know you're French but you've got a pretty firm grip on this country's language it's too bad you don't know more about the men he's a stinker and you can have him is that plain George is my husband's half-brother I'm not interested in his personal life after that's all huh yes for George with all my love Carlotta oh and I hope you forgive me I I broke the glass in the picture oh so this is blackmail even know it isn't blackmail it's just that I want to see a few other people get what's coming to them for a change and I intend to do it to water well I'm sorry darling I didn't know you had company that's her idea this is miss Anderson my husband how do you do mr. McAllister how do you do she Helene just learned what I was living and I figured she'd be very happy to see me an old friend a fine are you a nurse too miss Anderson y-yeah you might say that we've taken care of the same patients mmm yes good I wish more of her friends would come what's the matter darling aren't you feeling well you look pale hey how is the imagination yeah just the same I better have dr. Mitchell take a look at you the next time he's here well I imagine you girls have a great deal to talk about so yes yes I could talk all day well I'll be running along then goodbye then nice meeting you miss Anderson come see colada again real soon please do well I guess I'll be running along too miss Anderson yes thank you for telling you about George know for not telling him well why should I he's a nice guy you ought to take good care of him well happy happy hello yes yeah just yes George what do you want where have you been why haven't you talked to me why haven't you been in town I I've been busy this is dangerous and foolish I know it's dangerous but I've got to talk to you this is important we're in trouble you must call her it's important why not this afternoon no it's impossible no I can't I can't talk anymore all right I'll try yes yes tomorrow afternoon yes all right I promise you didn't ask you for the dough over the phone don't be stupid suppose you can't get the money I won't she can and she will for you especially when she knows how important it is why do you have to have it now why can't you wait it's saline all of a sudden she's changed she came back to me do you understand that I told her I was coming into some dough inheritance I said it was she agreed to marry me right away tomorrow then we take off on our honeymoon you better get me that dough George fast I'll see what I can do I can't promise anything Oh maybe able to contact your direct wait I'll get it okay George your call up sir but I was certain your plea of trouble was simply an excuse to see me I had no intention of keeping my promise to visit your apartment the next day Christmas Day I was determined not to see you I never wanted to come in hmm how pretty you look Merry Christmas Donna it's not Christmas yet silly it is for you I want to give you your present but why don't you put it under the tree I can't wrap packages especially this one Henry darling he seems to think the same about you Oh another thing darling I I invited George on for our little Christmas Eve party George he called me at the office seemed kind of lonesome soul being Christmas and everything I asked him up [Music] and that's a fact [Music] Thanks I know you play Reverend McDonald you must have a number that'd be appropriate I sure have and it'll be a pleasure good [Music] you are allowed to ask your wife to dance at mizzou I mean [Music] Merry Christmas George Merry Christmas if you let me dance with your wife Maggie steps on my feet you're so gallant George you step on my feet for a while [Music] robotically I couldn't help Connor I gotta talk to you but not here alright then [Music] no don't please no one can see us here you said you wanted to talk to me there was trouble what what kind of trouble we're being blackmailed blackmailed by who well back I have an immigrant Hicks so you're coming to my apartment a couple of times started checking shaky when long time ago I thought I could handle it I did one word it would be harder for you to stay out of here you thought someone was watching us then why don't you know because we're whipped collar huh can't you see when that blackmailer learned our plan we no longer had a play I've lost the money that I know but I don't want to lose you too what do you want me to do leave here tonight now leave you why I can't why can't you are you trying to tell me you love Barry don't you want to come back to me he's wonderful to me I I won't hurt him maybe you won't but I might your mind you belong to me and you're gonna come back to me no matter what it takes you gotta stand well what about uh let me think oh there you are darling some of the guests are leaving I know you'd want to say good night yes yes of course George was just saying good night - Oh nonsense you're staying over for breakfast with us aren't you old man sure sure I was afraid you weren't gonna ask me for a moment I couldn't think of going to sleep I knew the thoughts that are going through your head and I was afraid of what you might do to bury the last vestige of my regard for you died when you told me of the blackmailer for you by the only blackmailer George you are trying to blackmail me into returning to you your words kept hammering in my head maybe you won't but I might you're mine you belong to me and you're gonna come back to me no matter what it takes you understand [Music] [Applause] [Music] why'd you sleep because I'm not sleepy why aren't you asleep I know you couldn't without kissing little Georgia goodnight I was nervous and worried you had to kiss it'll charge you goodnight isn't you yes yes that you George do you still carry the gun with you my little baby why sure every place I go let me have it why I'd love to keep it for you I'll give it back to her tomorrow really I will you worried about Barry I I just don't want anything to happen to either of you you're in love with him aren't you Oh George why don't you go to bed I want a straight answer are you in love with him well no no judge that's good because if you had fallen away with him I don't think maybe I would like it very much but it's silly of me to think it you could fall in love with anybody else there's no one quite like Georgie don't drink anymore George please go to bed you do want to come back don't you [Music] [Music] the next morning my decision had been made I suddenly realized that she would kill him before you would give me out but I was returning to you without my heart and so I waited on to a very left and then go to him a short note I couldn't tell him very much certainly not the truth not after he had said you're such a good little girl you probably wouldn't tell me about the time you felt hands with the neighbor boy the doctor why I know it may sound funny to you but not even that just money and so I blame my own weakness is a person unable to find happiness and asked him to forgive me for running away for he is such a good man father you understand what I must do this to him comfort him and make him strong and well and bless him father bless him every minute of every day and dear father help me just a little bit please please amen that was a lovely prayer colada dr. Mitchell I didn't know you were here forgive me uh I started this big and then I didn't want to interrupt but how do you happen to be in here Oh to tell the truth I often sit in here for a moment when I'm out this way nice quiet place to write prescriptions remember my Latin better in church oh brother I'll leave you alone no sit down a minute please I was going to the house I wanted to talk to you about Barry he isn't worse no you must have prayed for him many times before colada because he's much better much better I'm so glad I don't you are you of course I am because when you were praying up there a minute ago I almost got the impression you were leaving him going away why I thought you were happy here I thought you meant this marriage their reasons dr. Mitch I you don't know I can't tell you I know you've done wonders for your husband what else don't I know dr. Mitchell I for many years George I know I know about you and joy you do quite a while the doctor has to know a bit about his favorite nurse but but why didn't you say anything before why I considered it yes I was just about to speak up when I looked at Barry's face and I realized he had found the medicine he needed well I love Barry as my own son dr. mature I'm so confused you see our love him too and why are you going back to George he's desperate I'm afraid of what he might do today did he threaten you yes yeah he'd carry it out too well that leaves just one thing for you to do what Uncle Joe's going to recommend a sea voyage for his patient with his wife take him away colada for six months a year 10 years of his having fun the Queen Elizabeth sails New Year's Eve be on it with Barry is he well enough freeze honeymoon under your care it looks as though he'll outlived a lot of us thank you [Music] [Music] what are you doing here I was merely making sure that Celia cleaned properly I'm taking care of Barry's room perhaps you were leaving I was never more sure that I'm staying [Music] not until it was burning did my happiness return and even then it was happiness overshadowed by for building there was reason for foreboding Barry told me later that you wanted to see him in his New York apartment before we sane and that he had agreed to meet you alone then I knew I must buy this letter I'm pleading for my husband's life and our happiness charge but even as I write I seem to know it will do no good there is a great fear in me of what will happen when you and Barry meet I beg of you have mercy George wait kitten wait you all right mr. mcallister why you call Police Homicide Bureau well I expected you but not so soon he's hurt we should call dr. no all right we found that guy you were right he is quite dead Hey can't you see he's sick you're not kidding he's sick all right got a bullet hole clean through him you want to ask him any questions you better do it here and fast I'll call a doctor an ambulance please mr. McAllister you'll be all right you tear your coat shut up try to remember McAllister I hate to make you talk now but some things we got to know why did you kill him what is the fight about what happened homicide sent a doctor an ambulance out with 150 West 59th yeah and don't spare the horses and I'm trying to think big Alistair what happened what happened I told my coat [Music] yes I tore my coat although the tear and the coat had nothing to do with my errant there tonight I wasn't thinking about anything when I stepped into that corridor except the job I had come there to do it crossed me for the last time [Music] [Music] nice layout I got it Fillion you're giving me the dough to pay for it money I didn't bring any I told you tonight was the deadline I wasn't kidding I know pal but things have happened our plans have changed a bit my sense of humor and so good tonight my plans haven't changed now quit stallin give me the money now I'll have to swim for it mrs. McAllister in a husband saving tonight on the Queen Elizabeth to be gone a long long time where are you going to the docks to wish him bull voyage [Music] [Music] mr. McAlister mr. boss please yeah snap out of it I got a couple of more questions [Music] Oh mr. McAllister answering questions elsewhere [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mr. mrs. MacAllister yes telegram sir thank you sir [Music] but it same old George you'll never change unavoidably detained wish you and colada Happy New Year [Music]
Channel: Chris T
Views: 788,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Film noir, noir, cinema, classic, film, movie, retro, b/w, crime
Id: -89gDgAed7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 42sec (5802 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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