I Married A Witch (1942) Full Movie

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[Music] and may this be the fate of all the witches warlocks and sorcerers who attempt to work their evil magic within the township limits of rocks the book of exorcism please [Music] mayest thou and i kind be condemned forever to eternal flames never to return to the neighborhood of rocks and now while we prepare for the extinction of the father of this witch the old sorcerer who attempted to come to her aid there will be a short intermission popped maize get your fresh indian pop dice tap in some poke it's butted it's hot it's fresh an anti-witch charm in every pork toppings please pop maize here we are it's footed it's fresh me is master wooley what has got into the jonathan but dust doubt she was a witch i should never have accused her if i were not sure and her father unquestionably a sorcerer mother this doll had seen what i saw we both saw our cows turn pink then blue and our sheep dancing them in your wits but doubt it's not see jennifer jennifer she told me her name when she chased me into the halo she was young and beautifully fair fairer than all women that ever were now let's not tell that to the judges because i could never describe her beauty what happened in the hail off jonathan she brought her golden tresses close to my face and whispered jonathan wooley thou hast denounced me as a witch for that thou shalt be accursed thou and thy children and thy children's children all will be under the same curse [Music] what was the curse i and all my descendants will be unhappy in love the marriages we make will be disastrous until yes it is too wicked to tell the mother rubbish thou art in love with purity sikes and even betrothed to her mother and purity is a woman among thousands hi mother she is that jonathan would leave thy future wife sit there all alone what ails him mistress wooly ah purity you will find he is a dreamer he needs only a firm hand jonathan i must ask me to be more attentive in the future look the oak tree will be planted over their ashes why to hold the evil spirits prisoner in its roots thus keeping their wicked powers from surviving i hope and this is the tree which was planted over their ashes the witch's spirits of course are imprisoned in its roots imprisoned forever martha i have the honor to to you proposing to me yes martha oh nathan [Music] what was that [Music] [Applause] [Music] nancy control yourself control yourself drop your hand samuel wooley i wish it will listen who must've wanted where is the nearest recruiting office oh running off the war like a coward [Music] i'm not talking about the whole house at the moment it's that living room [Music] still now listen to me still bestow please what mr hatherson please hold it one more papa i'm leaving smiley would you try to be a little more pleasant at least until after the wedding hello members of the roxford country club dr white's proposing another toast i realize that lovebirds would like to be out on the veranda whispering sweet nothings after a certain ceremony tomorrow they will have all the rest of their lives for billing and cooing mostly billy but if the voters of this state have any sense at all they will insist that the first four years of the honeymoon be spent in the governor's mansion go ahead go ahead you might pick up a few more votes [Applause] i see uh getting married as well as trying to get elected calls for speeches i can truly say that a new life is beginning for me all right ladies and gentlemen it's just a storm ladies and gentlemen uh while at the moment the future seems a little dark well you see one never knows what the next moment will bring [Music] do where am i what's happened a miracle an infernal miracle we're free again free at last who speaketh his eyes thy father daniel but thou has no substance nor hast thou jennifer we are smoke which is smoke but our evil spirits have survived it will be sweet to plague the human race again first we'll visit the corn field and ruin the crop it is always a good way to limber up look father the cornfield is no longer there well you must expect a few changes in 270 years where are spirits in the wood that long hey i counted the tree rings see they've built a new house it seems all ablaze is it on fire not yet what's knitting kitten you like to cut a rug let's ditch these ickies how about going to heaven in your july that's solid jackson now you're cooking on the front burner language is that father i don't know but we learn it [Music] see how they dance today they stand so close well well well things have changed i never thought i'd see clothes like that in new england these cannot be the descendants of the puritans we knew there's something that hasn't changed in 270 years keep thy mind on our business it would be nice to have lips lips to whisper lies lips to kiss a man and make him suffer father why cannot i have lips and eyes and hair careful someone's coming quick do as i do these bottles we'd hide in them quick [Music] are you all right jennifer just full of bubbles in here my bottle has the tang of made to rum look father come closer man so i can see me better riddled [Music] [Music] there was something familiar about that face could we follow him [Music] what will it be mr wally the same bourbon yes sir mr wooly wally i knew i recognized those features well no wonder he looks so unhappy i put a curse upon his family well i thought lovebirds always flew around in pears stell's talking politics what's the matter election jitters how can i lose masterson and all his papers and back of me my future father-in-law has never backed a loser you know that well if he spoils his record this time i'll have to huck my stethoscope i know that you're betting on a sure thing dudley he isn't missing a trick look at that posters at a private party the whole marriage is just another campaign stunt to him insisting we hold it the day before the election so that i'll get a good publicity break on election day wallace i think you've had enough to drink no it's still i'd like to go home yes dear can we drop you dudley yes thanks the curse is working she has the look of a shrew here tom jennifer what's that curse that was chattering about each wooly must marry the wrong woman ha what a curse every man who marries marries the wrong woman true suffering cometh when a man is in love with the woman he cannot marry father suppose a man were in love with a witch with me i would not marry him oh probably i need air for tonight how many maybe tomorrow i'll be sober let's get out of here please go for a little ride room [Music] father give me a body oh no now let's get into enough trouble with thy last one thou can snot give me a body thou which not even know how to begin no i'd maybe make a little fire as thy last body was destroyed by flames i knew one would be born in flames prove it start that great house on fire a heart there for pilgrims could be a pleasure burning man all right i will [Music] [Applause] goodbye jennifer be a bad girl [Music] that's the pilgrim hotel it would have to be right on our way home we'll have to stop and you wouldn't go through fire for your future wife [Music] look at those flames i never sausage of fire is there anywhere we can get through sorry mr woolley it's all blocked off some firebug must have touched this off working a good job this is the craziest fire i've ever seen laps up water like a cat you're sure everybody got out all right yes sir we've checked every room yeah they're all counted for it's all right man everybody's safe come on get these people back just as if we're stuck here for a while tell them who you are they'll have to make way i'm sorry it's stupid where are you going there's mr willie yes for the next governor would you like to go through this thank you stand up there folks let's get back thank you i'm voting for you mr willie hello mr wooley hello don't get too close i got a bet riding on you how did it happen now yeah nobody seems to know there's an explosion on the roof the top floor went like that then the fifth and then the four now it's on the third 40 suit will be on the second and then the first then it'll all cave in on the basement what's so funny oh it's fully insured and i love building new things i want to build it in a classic gothic design don't you love gothic huh quiet what was that did you hear that voice somebody's inside listen i didn't hear anything it's so clear a woman's voice ah there's nobody in there they've looked everywhere wait wait try this again here i am mr woolley over here where i i can't see just walk you'll find me keep walking this way this way are you all right i think so two legs two arms a face hair yes i seem to be complete why don't you come out i've been waiting for you mr woolly where are you you're getting warmer here's my hand how can i get you out of here i can't see a thing i can see you how do you do mr wooly never mind how i am let's get out of here at just a moment have you a gazing glass a what a mirror i want to see what i look like at a time like this i'm cold cold in this furnace but i have no clothes no clothes here put this on how did you get here on the top floor why do you look away am i not pretty who cares come on [Music] get up get up again yeah i'll carry you like's a funny one you're not used to them aren't they huh why are you in such a hurry why the whole building was on the third floor and now it's fallen to the second when this ceiling gives way we'll be buried alive nothing will happen to us you don't know what you're talking about yes i do ah here's a door [Music] here oh this way's blocked the bar's on the window like where are you i found a better coat and a mirror hmm that's bad i'm a blonde would you rather i be a brunette if you don't get out of this fire you'll be a redhead don't you realize [Music] [Music] that was the second floor well there's no way out we're goners little girl perhaps i should be little i'm just as high as your heart did you hear what i said we're trapped just tweet before i got here what what hit you on the head i felt nothing until your hand touched mine oh i see that was nice meeting you oh would you like to leave now it would be a pleasure but that door is now a wall oh well then we can use the one behind the screen quick it's our only chance i want to fix my hair come on while you still have a head [Music] do you like blonde mr wally may i get a picture please hold it right there he saved somebody [Music] all right stand back people back around get down there you're all right i guess so well you certainly gave me a scare paulie take me away from these people here dudley she's suffering from shock well uh it's gonna take you to a hospital i hope she's all right it's only natural for you to be concerned oh still i've told you a dozen times there's no point well it's amazing not a scratch on her not a burn you must be relieved you've known me all my life she never met wally before the girl suffering from delusions you see she has delusions well i haven't well estelle you must believe me listen to me i've never seen her before i'll never see her again [Music] dear you ought to look silly to drive me home and then back here you need rest we're darling i know what's best you have to get used to pleasing me sometimes wally all right yeah oh you still smell of smoke good night darling good night [Music] is he you know you can't come in until breakfast time [Music] susie [Music] suzy susie where are you hello darling i thought you'd never get rid of that girl what are you doing here waiting for you what the hospital i didn't like it there how did you get here you wouldn't believe me if i told you what am i to do with you just look on me as an old friend of the family but i never laid eyes on you before come here wally am i not an attractive female what's that got to do with your being here am i yes yes you're very pretty take my hand again oh now come i know you've had a terrible experience and now a pleasant one you have a very nice hand and now it can shake mine good night your hand is cold yeah well so is yours yes good good night let my rest in yours a moment see it's growing warmer well it's fine that's fine amusing looking chirp isn't he yes ancestor of mine i'm aware he is jonathan molly he would have been more hospitable oh i don't think so well i have a busy day tomorrow it's time for betty bye take my hand again you know you're becoming a problem mm-hmm yes and that is not the solution it isn't respectable for you to be sitting in a stranger's house i like you're resisting me well you do well you know what i'm going to do with you now yeah uh get up please why are you taking me wally we're going out night jonathan i'm going to give you some money and then you can go back wherever you came from oh no not yet oh yes right now oh this is a lovely sensation even nicer than flying what's going on governor oh not governor yet fred uh she was in a fire and she lost her clothes no i didn't i didn't have any evening mr wooly have you any money joe about eight bucks well i i only have ten but here give it all to her and take her any place she wants to go i'll pay you tomorrow now for heaven's sake be good what'll i do with the code well when you're through with it send it to the police [Music] it didn't belong to her i hope that cab is heated where to lady where to [Music] um oh hope i didn't butt in on a pleasant dream just want to make sure you're all right you certainly ruined a drink i'll say i have okay upstairs you're going i've got a good night's sleep i'll take charge of this oh dudley she was here who was it the girl i saved in the fire that's impossible i left her in the hospital she was sleeping like an angel well at some hospital she got away and some angel wait a minute hmm tell me this again slowly no tomorrow tomorrow i've had enough for one day well how about me now i've got ten thousand dollars tied up in this election this gets out you're a dead goose think of the scandal the night before your wedding nothing that's it the election that girl was sent here by the opposition they're trying to frame me you're right brain vocal in that bunch wouldn't stop at anything did anybody see it nobody will do any talking good i'll put her down on the hospital books as an amnesia case give the police a description was she wearing that fur coat oh maybe maybe you better not say anything to the police everything's all right now i i got rid of her well try and forget it then you want a pill to make you sleep no oh thanks i'm much calmer now oh make sure the door locks okay relax now goodnight wally now close this door wally i said close this door wally now come here i'm coming my pajamas now i don't want to call the police but i know your whole scheme you do and i know who's behind it all you don't want me to mention names what names county chairman martin j rainfordo that's a nice name one another state senator conrad o'hara jr sheriff peter l glasshauser and all his ward healers how much are they paying you nothing oh you're just doing it for love hmm yes father thought it'd be a good idea who is your father oh you've never met him but he doesn't want this state to have a good administration father doesn't want any state to have a good administration he's out to get me particularly yes you know i'm a pretty good judge of character and i don't think you're really a a bad girl don't you you're very young i'm older than you'd guess you know i don't think you ought to go back to that father i'd much rather stay here with you you were you really would wouldn't you now i understand just because i was of some slight help in getting you out of that blazing inferno perhaps you are momentarily infatuated with me but it isn't love and i'm not in love with you i guess this will take longer than i planned i'm afraid you have rather a romantic mind you see love isn't just a matter of two people meeting under romantic circumstances love that is love that is really worthwhile grows slowly real long [Music] yes there have been thousands and thousands of couples just like us going their separate ways never realizing the other was waiting somewhere why romeo and juliet knew right away that's what shakespeare's trying to tell us of course the case of daddy and beatrice is a trifle different he saw her only once but in that moment the whole world was bathed in a new light it wasn't just a humdrum world anymore where you had to get up in the morning and meet a lot of stupid people who's that eight o'clock mr bully what eight o'clock that's impossible but it's true good morning wally good morning jennifer it's fantastic it just seems like a few minutes since i came in don't you want your breakfast you're as bad as when you were a little boy even on a day like this i have to call you half a dozen times oh and what a what a beautiful day it is too heavy is the bride that the sun shines on good morning that smells good you don't know how long it's been since i've eaten mr wood i'll explain later marge what can you possibly say well it's no no no they're not like that no first you bother them then a little syrup mr woolly i've worked for your family for 30 years been almost a mother to you and to think that on this day of all days oh yes and send up some evening gowns too please well you see everything the young lady had was burned send them up right away thank you you know i i think you've broken my record for waffles well margaret likes nothing better than to make them those people are still downstairs waiting you know margaret these have made a great hit with her what did you say those people i told you they were here three batches of waffles ago you did i don't remember uh people waiting who who are they you'll find out excuse me hmm more waffles there's no more batter [Music] oh i'm sorry margaret you better be sorry for yourself uh-huh it's miss masterson downstairs who miss masterson the lady you're getting married to oh good morning good morning i'd forgotten that you were going to drop in we didn't say we were what's the matter with you have you seen the morning papers i've got you all over the front page well that's great great dear hadn't you better go it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding don't be ridiculous saving that girl with the luckiest break yet you don't know what that can do for you well i have a rough idea i will reach a special broadcast about the fire you're going to be interviewed i'll have you back by 11. oh that's fine that's fine that gives me plenty of time well shall we go no i'm going to stay here a while i want to see what i can do about brightening up this antique shop the photographers will be here right after the wedding yeah there's no time for that run along uh still i i'm a little on edge i mean with the wedding at noon i feel much better if you came along yeah that's a good girl oh excuse me i get my hat [Music] how did that happen it just slammed shut oh i'm terribly sorry this there's rather a heavy draft flowing through the [Music] what's he house out with her for why shouldn't he he's going to marry her in less than two hours and as for you young woman oh go to sleep after all my work [Music] no i don't want to go two hours that doesn't give me much time action father we're here what seems to be the trouble oh good morning father i need some advice he's tougher than i thought i can't seem to make him love me wow are the biggest i must have been drunk to give me a body oh don't smoke so much father did something go wrong with my filter my what i'd love to do thou gave us him one night presume no i thought i could do it bare-handed after a witch or a woman prepare a love filter at once does that recall the incantation listen [Music] now put in a cool place until ready [Music] what will it taste like father like cold water but will set master wooly's blood on fire then i'll treat him like a slave i'll make him suffer body and soul speaking of bodies i have a notion to make a personal appearance myself of course i'll have to burn a house down to do it not this one father i have a better idea the building he's in now to a force infect me excellent good hunting jennifer is growing cool now we shall see if thou canst resist me [Music] not dressed up dudley i'm lucky to be alive what's happened now i was making a broadcast telling about the fire last night and suddenly i was the middle of another one mysterious explosion on the roof anybody heard no no we all got out all right what's wrong with this door margaret what are you two doing in my bedroom what happened i must have dozed off you go on upstairs and get dressed you need a stimulant where's the brandy did you get rid of that girl that girl oh she must still be here well she won't be here for long oh you listen to me young lady come on come on get up i'm listening mr wooly why do you look at me that way oh my dress do you like it i don't know it's such a shock to see you dressed i mean you know beautiful enough to make a man fall in love mere physical beauty isn't everything that's what i thought look here jennifer i don't like the tone of your voice well i swallowed some smoke last night and i've just swallowed some more now but that's not going to stop me i want to drink the water nice cool water thank you now all i have to say wally and then i'll be glad to hear anything you have to say you'll find out that no one named wooly is able to stay away from me oh i'm awfully sorry this is terrible jennifer jennifer can you hear me dudley come here oh you here here drink this [Music] that's better now how do you feel i i feel strange what happened well the picture fell does your head hurt my head oh [Music] it's my heart it feels so light try not to talk oh but i must i must tell you how i feel oh wally you know so beautiful daddy take my hand but don't stop that again oh my god let that man alone dudley there something really happened to her this time she got an awful sock on my head that picture it wasn't your fault now ollie you did it in self-defense aren't you glad you drank it wally what i didn't drink anything what's she talking about or drink of water i gave it to her when she was coming too you gave it to me you should never force liquids on a person who's unconscious it may have serious consequences nervous reactions come on we're late for the wedding well what are we going to do locker in this room but does he come on before she married stop worrying she can't get out i'll drive you're too nervous you'll have to get rid of her after the wedding poor little girl all alone in the world except for a no good father [Applause] don't ever jam your brakes on like that i didn't jam them and just stop i can't figure it out hey what's that small what happened to him oh the fella we pulled out of the fire he's gone how'd you like my body jennifer not too old not too young i'm sorry i've forgotten the formula for clothing i had to borrow the sheep from the ambulance by the bay has the potion been administered yes father something went wrong with our plan what but that love filter never fails it didn't but i drank it nicodemus then you love him yes father but he's about to marry someone else because of my ancient curse on the woolies do you think if i explained it all to him by all means do telling a mortal you're a witch will only mean the end of you then what shall i do he must not marry her you won't let him will you let me see you could make him love me you can do anything you want yeah this problem should be fairly simple just leave it all to me oh thank you father will you leave it to me i promise splendid i'm still a little bit warm from the fire jennifer fetch me a pair of master bullies we're going to his ready [Music] 120 proof down fast brother deadly effect girl ever gets out of my house drink that suppose she comes here it'll be terrible for us still oh you'll be all right yeah i'll be sitting pretty that's your cue just play i'm a seeing-eye dog now so can't you smile you know i wanted a church wedding when you've had everything else your own way the reception the honey i should never have given in to wallace it's the last time she's not here stop worrying [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] my fail is ruined go back and wait i'm terribly sorry there'll be a shorty name until we get everything straightened out music music sing something i love you truly that's all i needed a hurricane on my wedding day never mind about that she just blew in what i saw her in the doorway what'd i do i'll think of something beloved this is my father delighted master woody i think you've made a little mistake this is a private room it's rather crowded downstairs and a bit windy be seated master willie i should like to have a little talk with out here i'm being married in two minutes i understand there is where your plan well he is being married nothing you can do would you excuse us maybe you'd better oh hurry up i'll stand god let me fix your pretty tie you see father he's just like a greek god my little one tells me she was your overnight guest not at my invitation oh no father the poor sweet didn't want me to stay where are you an ordinary man master willy a horse whipping would no doubt be in order but i am not an ordinary man by examining your drilling i came upon this my revolver you can't force me to marry her what a bail mind you have you may hold the weapon what is this it's very simple here is a bruised flower i am her father that is your revolver you are going to shoot me i i'm going to shoot you will that be of help no no father knows best war master woolly you don't know what warmth is i'm told one of your forebears made a hobby of bonfires what a pity he cannot be here to see his descendant burn yes masturbate in the modern way strapped in a chair heated by electricity i anticipated that pistol pistol let there be murder in the first degree thank you so much amusing invention the electric chair what will they think of next [Music] what's happening [Music] it was an accident was no accident he killed me in cold blood kindly notified the authorities [Music] oh he's frightened you he told me he'd help me how is he he's dead oh it doesn't matter doesn't matter her own father oh but that's not my father that's just a body he picked up oh i didn't do it dudley you'll be my witness all right well i wasn't here [Music] he's as nervous as a bride one might think that we're gonna have him [Music] it's up to you i tell them what have i got to do with it you're handling the details of the wedding my [Music] i love you [Music] empty i thought i saw smoke come out i know you're here somewhere how could you father you know i love him that's exactly why i've disposed of him where are you [Laughter] either merry many balls and i died many many bees fought tonight [Music] well you're not going to what's wrong with him oh i think we'd better call the police what's he done nothing it's the other fella what are the fella one in the chair now keep calm i'll be right back [Music] now you get back in that body no i didn't like it it's an old fat bunny then i'll tell wally what we are knowing what would then happen to you yes you wouldn't dare wouldn't i you're all right polly died there's something i must tell you [Music] oh look i thought you said he was dead well he is a fine way to take advantage of her father's affection now hug him to her father's curse i'm going to turn you into a frog for all the frogs in a log what's the next slime you wait lice over up you'll be sorry for tonight i'll marry mary b for tonight i may or may not be tomorrow i'll be sober why did you want the police ball it's all right now he fell out the window he want not wally the other fellow and hand me our minions of the law take it easy pop i'm going to cast a spell upon you from now on you're a rat rat rat following the cat how does the rest of it go so i'm a rat huh call a wagon come on if i can only remember the words i could turn you into kangaroos they're taking him away why didn't i have them take you too perhaps it's because you're beginning to love me please don't stop that again holly i thought father would be friendly i wouldn't let him or anyone else harm him oh i know you wouldn't but it's true last night i was your enemy but now i've changed i love you i'll always love you if i could die i would do that for you just be a sweet girl hey they're ready goodbye where are you going i told you before but i thought that now after all i've done for you you've been very obliging but now i'm going downstairs to be married that's what you think you got to go through this time i'll take care hurry up hurry up let's get this over he'll pay for this do i look all right who cares well what are you standing there for the dudley has the ring i'll see what's keeping you wallace you come back here what's the matter with you did you ever have one of those days when just nothing seems to go right i love you too i got here too late dudley she really did love me she said she'd die for me oh my darling at last i've had enough of this [Music] uh that's a big misunderstanding if you'll just give me a few minutes i'll give you just 10 seconds to get out of this house all of you we won't be here that long you'd better get out of the state stella i'm terribly get out no i can explain everything uh after the fire you see she spent the night on second thought maybe we'd better just go paulie mr masterson i don't expose you in every paper i own this will not only cost you the election but i'll encourage the voters this state to tear you limb from limb i'll head the tower and feather party personally when i'm through with you you wish you'd never been born what does it say well it's just as i thought he's finished well i'm bankrupt go and get her i say bring my daughter to me bring her hair off by jezebel quiet i want to get some sleep hey flush this stubborn out of here for the last time will you pipe down i tell you my daughter ran off with a bumpkin named woolly wallace wooly sure she did now you just take it easy you'll be out of here tomorrow tomorrow may be too late there's no telling what you'll do oh i know a couple of ways to make you shut up i know a hundred ways to silence you forever not that i don't remember them now this is terrible she'll marry him wallace wooley's going to marry his daughter [Laughter] here and then you'll see what'll happen to master willie i wreak my vengeance on them both she thinks she can run away from me and i cannot see her because of the fog but i can see you jennifer she smiles he presses closer to him yes wally you're guessing about those mile posts aren't you no i can see them i have rather unusual eyes if we really over the state line i can relax wally what color would those feathers be feathers oh i don't know but the tar would be black let's stop wally [Music] yes we have to i can't even see the front of the car mighty nice scenery they have around here lovely isn't it we'd better walk to the next town well i thought we'd stay here here why are we right in the middle of nowhere how do you know mr woolley [Music] good evening if you're looking for a place to stay i have a lovely room thank you do you have two rooms no i'm sorry aren't you married you're dressed for a wedding [Music] where's the nearest justice of the peace you'll be down in a minute henry customers [Music] let's see one dollar for waking up the county clerk and helping you get your license uh two dollars for the uh ceremony 150 for lodgings uh rent of my pajamas 25 cents a rent of nightgown i'll have to charge you 50 cents for that sort of an heirloom there oh what's the perfect fit my grandmother was just a little bit of a thing like you oh shall i light the fire oh no i'd like to try i must start learning to be a good housewife let's see you just go like that don't you of course not like any other matches well good night my dear i'm sure you're going to be very happy he's a fine young man and i hope you boys take after him and i hope your girls take after you [Music] i rather meant this on fire oh ollie yes dear did you see the way that fire came on what fire all i can see in this room is you darling do you want to have children of course i'd like three little girls exactly like you oh [Music] i think i'd better tell you you'll never forgive me if you found out later ah confession yes wally well i haven't exactly been a saint myself we'll compare notes in the morning no i must tell you now oh i don't know how to begin then don't wally doesn't it seem strange to you the way we met it's all been like a dream it was witchcraft that's it of course you see wally it's getting late but i want you to know what i am all right all right what are you i'm a witch a witch i knew it all the time you did of course i've been under your spell since the moment i met you then it doesn't matter you don't mind being married to a witch i love it i'll try so hard to be a good wife and i'll only use witchcraft to help you what could you do for instance well i could make you win the election tomorrow oh it would take witchcraft to do that i think i can manage it fine fine after all i'm not just an ordinary witch my family dates back to the days of pompeii were you mixed up in that my father was ever hear of the decline and fall of the roman empire that was our crowd you're marvelous uh seriously dip do you like to sleep on the left side or the right side you don't believe me while they try to understand 270 years ago that's too long a story dear can it keep till tomorrow wally 270 years ago you're not listening to me master yes i am 270 years ago i'll tell you tomorrow [Music] let me out let me out oh my god i remember the formula for dissolving iron let me out quiet right down i couldn't get any shadow all out with a guy yelling like that ah throw him in a solitary hey that's wallace wooley don't tell me they're tossing him in the clink it looks that way well pay off brother they ain't letting no con for governor fencing is a cinch ah why couldn't you keep straight until after he was elected like everybody else does i'd like to talk to you about jennifer we were married last night yes i know congratulations master willie thank you she's been saying the oddest things last night and again this morning what silly things uh about uh living in rocks for 270 years ago and uh being a witch maybe heals it bob don't you think i know oh then she's acted that way before well maybe i can help her silence i must concentrate iron eye and melt away oh i can't remember a thing what is the matter with me i'm afraid you've got a hangover don't tell me what i've got i invented the hangover it was an 1892 bc did you believe her that's the important thing illegal what the thing she said didn't make any sense then there's still a hope first i thought she was joking but she keeps talking about the election saying she'll make me win by witchcraft but that'll prove she's a witch master willie see if you can get me out of here i know how to handle huh thanks i'll do my best but i'm afraid i haven't much influence in this town anymore it'll be a fencing a landslide quiet three cheers for wallace wooley [Applause] [Music] we watch hey i thought you wanted bensinger i changed my mind yeah but you're betting on bensinger all right so i'll lose we want willie we want money we want [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we [Music] is a fraud an imposter a hypocritical demigod that's why i'm asking you to vote for wallace woolley mr masterson one moment please yes you said vote for wooly did i correction ladies and gentlemen the man i am backing is benzinger w o we want wood [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] three one one three five twenty five [Music] in kearsarge county folks it looks as if the whole state's going to make it a wooly landslide more in a minute folks i can't believe it that's just what she said she'd do there's no other explanation you mean she's a you see not eddie why i couldn't get down to campaign headquarters tonight if this ever gets out they will get the swap a socket thank you but they're not complete you can't be carrying wapasaki county that's bensinger's home another bulletin folks complete returns from whopper socket show the entire county is climbed on the woolly bandwagon well how you're convinced must be in another county hold everything here's the flash folks at 10 45 tonight with only three precincts in the entire state yet to be heard from election returns were as follows wallace wooley 2 million 684 922 elwood bensinger none he didn't even vote for himself dudley i've married a witch what am i going to do let me look at you did you say she's 800 000 years old no no no that's her father she's only 290. oh i see but what you'd never think it well mary does a lot for people well wally this clears everything up all except one little point how did she get out of the hospital that night she used a broom oh of course i must be getting stupid childhood know that cuddly what what am i going to do how many people have you told about no one but you how can i tell anybody well i see your point i was so skeptical i'd be hard for them to grasp that the first lady of the state is a witch i don't care about them what about me are you satisfied darling you're the new governor what are you going to do now help you on with your slippers no not just yet oh well then i'll wall them by the fire you know i lighted it with a match falling from now on i'm going to be just a simple helpful wife dudley i can't take a helpful wife what if she runs me for president what's that people gathering in the street there they want you to make a speech real people naturally they all voted for wally what am i going to say to them i don't know they're one of two things i wouldn't tell them though well good night old man good night oh where are you going oh it's late i got to be getting home into my straight check would you like me to drive you no thanks i'll uh call a broom uh i'm in the taxi wally darling yeah you don't mind my being a witch do you well you'll admit it's a little unusual no one need ever know we'll talk about that later deal it'll be our little secret uh little secret now go out and make your speech to them dear [Music] good evening [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i must compliment you on the public confidence you have inspired for master willie you're not gonna hurt him again i will attend to him later i'm concerned now with an airing daughter i've done nothing except love him you have informed him that you are a witch need i remind you of the punishment that i must perforce administer at midnight back to the tree there to stay until the present race of men is extinguished in a rather light sentence considering the offense but if i don't wish to go there is nothing you can do about it i'm still a witch no my dear your heart is so full of human love that i can no longer trust you until you have resumed a more spirit-like existence you should be a mere mortal i've remembered all the spells you've taught me [Music] you see your power is dead mine remains out fire better get ready soon as done soon ended and midnight approaches may i say goodbye certainly my dear i'll be around never to give this their state an honest administration as the former governor so aptly put it wait why uh and in conclusion thank you all very much what is it you must help me you want me to help you come on darling no no no no anywhere out the back door hurry up any place joe just drive around hey that's my cab jennifer what is all this i had to get you away something might have happened to you what i don't know but something awful can't you tell me about it now oh wally i'm afraid you are afraid what kind of trouble can you be in that you can't get out of by witchcraft i've lost my power what i'm not a witch any longer i'm like any other girl oh wally i wish we could go so fast that no power on earth could overtake us faster nothing's going to happen to you while i'm around [Music] you are like any other girl afraid of lightning that isn't ordinary lightning can they go any faster step on it joel pasta nobody could possibly catch us joe's a wonderful driver there's nothing he can't do with the car they've certainly improved this road is it midnight yet [Music] no 5 minutes to twelve back to the tree [Music] [Laughter] don't worry about me master wooly i am accustomed to fire come jennifer i have decided to return to thee to the tree i am wary of mortals there's no use fighting it has to be like this jennifer what are you saying go wally please midnight goodbye my darling i want you to remember me as i was just an ordinary girl he'll be his remember and i'll remember that i loved you through all eternity thou wilt remember nothing of this tender feeling that will be the essence of thy punishment i'll never forget with all my strength or fight love is stronger than witchcraft i'll remember everything the sound of your voice your worried looks the warmth of your arms around me a touch of your lips [Music] goodbye wally goodbye my darling i'll remember i'll always remember look at him is it not good to see him suffer yes father is this not a perfect revenge on the woolies yes father could we follow him and why watch him suffer of course will said jennifer thou art the witch again [Music] it's great in here i'll call the doctor mr willing [Music] jennifer the sound of his voice it no longer thrills me good and his worried looks in the warmth of his arms around me and the touch of his lips [Music] love is stronger than witchcraft can i learn many many people tonight that many many for tonight and many maybe tomorrow i'll be sober oh no you won't quali darling all our trouble are over at least for the present [Music] i've been with your family for 37 years but this is the end what is it margaret i simply cannot handle your daughter jennifer i told you never to play with that broom why i'm afraid we're going to have trouble with her someday oh that's impossible i hope third night lady's birthday is [Music] now [Music] you
Channel: Reel Hollywoodland
Views: 415,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: veronica lake, i married a witch, fredric march, veronica lake interview, veronica lake biography, veronica lake movies
Id: m8_McCzDKP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 52sec (4612 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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