Thunder in the city (1937) Edward G. Robinson full length film

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[Music] but next time [Music] this is the last get me mr armstrong well there's no use trying to stop and valley who's in his blood and mr armstrong come in at once he has great ideas to what too extravagant his methods might have been all right in the old days of pioneering america has grown up since then has taken on dignity decor today we have to face boys hello frank hi joe hello george well i'm glad to see you all looking so chipper this morning oh boy did you see this i've seen plenty don't you like it definitely no or whether you like it or not it's a great sales term while you've got half the population throwing their mix out of john just to read your name it's undignified certainly it is what dignity got to do with salesmanship everything then you've been our sales manager for six years now or is it seven uh seven mr snyder exactly we've enjoyed our association with you dan and we've come to admire your sterling qualities why even your overdeveloped imagination is charming in a way but the time has come for me to resign no no dan we merely wish to suggest that under the right soften the blow you merely wish to suggest that in my own best interest i should move on somewhere else your jump to conclusion stan just as you jump at everything without pausing for sober second thought all right then what are you getting at from the looks of your faces i can see that this is somebody's funeral all i want to know is am i the corpse we're all fond of you damn there's no one with you i know i know my sterling qualities and all that sort of stuff but what this your methods of exploitation are out of date they belong to the old era of valley who what you mean the blanche yes the blimps and the circus parade of stage last week in washington right past the supreme court that sort of thing insults the intelligence of our customers ah but we have customers and customers spell sales i don't care about that it was overselling that brought on the depression and nearly ruined america and i am not going to let it ruin snyder what was the first country to come out of the depression england why dignity we should learn that from england and you should learn it too england dignity oh i see you want me to abandon the methods that have made the name of sliding a household word in every american home okay their desired resignation is tendered here with and i'm sure accepted regretfully here's the key to my office dan why not go away for a while take a trip abroad visit england and see how they do things there and you'll come back to us with a new point of view we'll put it that you're going away for a well-earned holiday well you put it anywhere you like boys it all adds up to the same total goodbye mr snidely goodbye dan and the very best of luck to you in whatever work you undertake thank you guess i ought to take this along as a souvenir yes mr armstrong i just wanted to tell you how wonderful you've been here melina don't you get started on the sterling qualities yeah that contains a slight token for you oh i really couldn't accept it mr armstrong but you've got to accept with millie and i want you to spend it all recklessly while you're still young now yeah don't go on do it first thing you know you'll ha where will you go mr armstrong where oh i don't know might go to texas i can always clean up an oil or i might even start an orchid plantation in california yes or i might even go to england yes my gosh might even go to england england fly because smelly today the trend is all toward dignity with a great big capital d you all alone in england no i don't say i've got relations there my grandfather was the black sheep of one of england's best families maybe they can teach me how to sell automatic egg beaters well goodbye millie try and be a good girl oh here's here's a handkerchief mr armstrong oh no keep it milly have it framed in memory of the last of the go-getters come on get going [Music] you've been drinking all your life three narratives and grandma and grandpapa drank it too and look at them now oh i say james that's most indelicate i can't imagine what's got into you two children border mother darling we're bored with this place bored with not having any money bored with you and father and bored with ourselves i say i say look at this look here he's actually in england who is but daniel armstrong and who might he happen to be my dear have you forgotten of my grandmother's brother's name daniel armstrong was he the fella that stole the mummy from the british museum yes what did he do with the mommy it was found next day wearing a top hat occupying the front bench in the house of lords and just this dreadful person coming here no no no no no this is his grandson now the mummy stealer went to america where i imagine his sense of humor met with more approval he died some years ago that's too bad he's the only relative i've ever wanted to meet well need we do anything about the grandson well i don't know darling i don't really think we ought to invite him for the weekend oh no the glenn albums are coming in mr manning though we can't have any americans about but what does he do well i've heard about him from time to time thank you he's one of the heads of the schneiderlin company that's one of the biggest firms on earth snideling straight eight snideling refrigerator snideling orient squeezer slightly he must be a millionaire a millionaires we might sell him chell on a hall of a fabulous price or you really think we might probably that's one of the reasons why he came to england you know the return of the prodigal and all that sort of stuff well i say if we could get a decent price for the old place where i could afford to have that tiger hunt in india and if it all i need to have one shot at the tiger before i die and i can have a decent house in town and not have to live forever in exile on this devil's island and i might be able to acquire husband dolly [Music] you have made the sunshine in my heart yeah say that that's swell that's great so you put that over beautifully there oh thank you sir oh that's all right don't imagine i say you you ought to clean up a lot of money with your talent my words to the first envelope for anything i've had all day sir it's not so well we'll do something about that right now come on now do that over again will you well i'm about to partner with kosovo let's do something for these kids huh you know they're great artists for them and where would england be without our today hell you know shakespeare would never have been able to go on if people hadn't paid for the entertainment again that's it come on partner loosen up all contributions gratefully accepted hey you [Music] yeah my good man thanks lady thank you very much god bless you don't mention it that's very generous out here not at all i enjoy being a patron of the art great say that's a nice dog you got it is a dog isn't it [Music] god bless you sir say you two look kind of hungry to me we'll soon put that right sir thanks to you what do you say come up to my hotel and have a dish of tea well we couldn't do that it wouldn't be right sir who said it wouldn't be right come on hey that's all right robert i'm taking the battle organ up to the mission house to save a few souls if you can't turn the traffic up like this oh come on weird why you haven't had anything the wine no thank you very much sir no well you're gonna finish this handsome chocolate layer cake aren't you well we couldn't eat any water we're not accustomed to having so much at one time sir okay yeah have a scar bill thank you very much sir edna what do you say we have a little song huh oh we'd love to what would you like sir somebody hot ah i'll say i've listened to too many hot numbers i like to hear something kind of old-fashioned restrained you know english english that's right you can think of one come on hop to here [Music] hello who oh well set him right up [Music] oh darn sir peter my dear cousin i'm so delighted to see you now how are you and you uh i'm afraid i don't know your first name oh and i'm glad i know you're in it yes this is my daughter dolly how are you doing how are you cousin daniel uh fine thanks uh come in won't you uh we're having some first class music in here oh well bill and edna meet my cousins pete ed james and dolly how'd you do how'd you do sir my lady how'd you do how'd you do how'd you do uh sit down sit down folks go ahead with a song magna it's uh she was poor but she was honest go ahead and help [Music] great aren't they huh certainly nice to see you folks [Music] fine isn't it charming simply splendid my favorite song it's mine too say they're great artists for them i'm gonna do what i can to get them recognized if you don't mind so we must be pushing off now we have a baby sir he'll be waiting for his supper okay bill here emma take this to the baby with my compliments well thank you come on bill let me help that's all right i can handle this machine i pushed it all over london you shouldn't be helping us sir oh that's all right to say i haven't had a workout since i've come to town there you are hey well we make it all right yeah except now it was a lot of fun wasn't it thank you goodbye thank you evidently wants everyone to know who he is well folks it's great to see you we're thrilled to see you cousin daniel oh are you really yes yes indeed you see your grandfather and namesake's quite a hero in our family a hero i always heard he was the black sheep of the family oh no well he certainly had a great career in the usa oh what did he do he investigated jails that is as an inmate it was his ambition to serve time in every state of the union but he died before he got to south dakota oh that's very amusing yeah but i hear you're a great man cousin daniel they say you're the brains of the schneiderlin company oh who said that oh you're famous here in england yes i'm trying to play the family to get rid of our old roads and buy one of your snideling straight eights oh it's a lovely car oh don't you believe it it's a phony all snappy lines but no endurance you stick to your rolls where can i help you folks scotch tea cocktails oh we love a cocktail we shall stand moments oh don't go yes sir no not you them but we hope to see you again very very soon cousin daniel yes as a matter of fact we only dropped in uh hoping that you'd be free to spend the weekend with us a channel in a hall challenge say what are you you know when i was a kid my granddad told me all about that place oh he loved it [Music] gosh you made it a good 30 seconds faster than the 20th century i was picking on a certainty people that know their job as well as you do it always very on certain days look there there's windsor castle castle hey that's wonderful oh boy this is the way to see england oh thank you this weighs off thank you mr daniel armstrong hello hi charlie oh say we better not shake i got my hands kind of greasy on the engine oh it has to get information right in the cab that's unusual did you enjoy it oh swell trip say i had a front seat we saw windsor castle and we beat the time of the 20th century really really it's very interesting dad let me introduce mr manningdale mr armstrong please mr mc why of course it say i i've seen you on the newsreel i'm very glad to meet you how'd you do won't you sit down oh yeah certainly thank you see this is magnificent why it's even grander and bigger than i imagined well we like it you know part of it was here even before william the conqueror booked his passage people always begging us to sell it yes i can well i understand you'll refuse to party the place that's been in the family for 20 generations 20 generations boy that's an awful lot of time you know over in new york we begin to get restless after we've been an apartment for as long as two weeks that's marvelous see do you mind if i look around i like to see every bit of this play hello no please do but wouldn't you like to see your room first yes jenkins yes sir sure mr armstrong's room oh thank you very much i'll be right back that's marvelous now well wedding deal how does he impress you your favorite letter i think you'll dispose of this place for the price mentioned really those 20 generations scored heavily you pay for them at the rate of five thousand pounds of generation he's an extraordinary fellow to us yes we're american full of boyish enthusiasm energy and innocence i congratulate you on the return to prosperity this is your room so chilly isn't it that's because it's summers up hey uh where's the bathroom up two fletcher stairs through the armory to the west wing bare left and at the forest end of the long corridor very convenient uh yes sir you think i can make the bathroom and shave in one day why why of course sir any place i can wash right now you'll find the washington in there sir oh yeah say uh tell me uh did anybody famous sleep in this room no doubt queen elizabeth did she managed to get about to most of them oh yes very democratic wasn't she will there be anything else sir no not a thing jenkins thank you uh you'll ring for me when you wish to go down sir hey what is this blind man's bop i can find my way back all right thank you jenkins [Music] so [Music] no i'll probably never see them again this must be it right the object is to hit the board with my skill i could win all the prizes that the sun prefer possibly but you're not going hey that's quite a game oh i'm sorry rotten shot off the ball who's bad luck i'll go ah there's an outer there's a dinner and there's another dinner that's another 10 shillings you hear me well put it down your rotten little vodka show and if like your question i may say yes it is quite a game one requiring a clear eye a steady hand and nerves of steel the duchess fails because he's addicted to drink duchess are you a duchess i am the duchess of grenard to be precise you were mr armstrong that's right how'd you do i'm fine thanks this miserable creature is my husband doctor and champion of the home countries delighted to know him samsung well i'm delighted to know you both of you you know i had an idea that people like you were kind of uh well you seem so simple so friendly yeah we've got to be friendly we're invited here to meet you to meet me why because you're so filthy rich as we're all trying to get something out of you oh well that's marvelous i hope you all succeed i suppose our hosts gave you a cordial reception oh very gorgeous they're giving you the run of the house huh yes but what the guests around this house need is a good road map what you need is a spot of fresh air come let's show you the rest of the place oh fine look at that girl she must be crazy she's our daughter oh i think you're fine she is crazy who's that with her manny no we had the pleasure of meeting you oh yes i've had the pleasure he doesn't look exactly the great financial genius that he is ha ha but that's where you english generally fool us you've managed to look dull and thick-written but the first thing we know is you've got this u.s canal manning there's a pompous ball but he wants to marry patricia and him knows we could do with a few banks in our family well that's a worthy consideration it is indeed she writes beautifully that's what she does one of these days you'll break your silly necklace tommy are you hurt i shouldn't be a bit surprised i told you so no no not yet oh patricia mike fine mother i'm fine how are you should i phone for a doctor a doctor what for are you all right darling of course i'm all right what happened to thunder cloud how are you all right do you ride mr armstrong not horses i write hunches punches oh are they some kind of american animal like a buffalo oh you find them everywhere their guesses feelings that something improbable is going to happen i see and are you on one of those things now yes do hunches ever fail not more nine times out of ten that sounds exciting well we take that jump again nice to have met you mr armstrong thank you carlos gotta have a drink tell me duke is she gonna marry that fellow manningdale she knows what's good for her she will but does she know what's good for her no oh it's fine you were saying that you rode hunters mr armstrong always and it certainly is exciting it makes life one long rodeo have you found any good hunches in england yes i found one it's only a question of putting it over putting it over whatever do you mean uh putting it across you know selling it so you came to england to sell something cousin there i certainly take my advice armstrong go cautiously take time to observe our methods of salesmanship they differ from yours in america yes i've heard all about that dignity well i've observed that you english don't appreciate your own ability as valley who artists believe what you've got something big to sell i don't care what it is uh garter toothpaste challenger hall don't keep it a secret set off a firecracker so that the whole world can hear the explosion isn't that so james well i hardly know what you mean well you know what i mean don't you do i do indeed and i consider you hitting the point fairly on the button father mother says it's time for you and henry to stop talking about magnelite oh there's no hurry patricia you sure there's no hurry but you're not the husband of my wife james you are wanted for bridge i've caught safita already you play bridge cousin dan no you have a fall without him well no orders for me yes you are to go for a stroll with me in the moonlight for supposing i refuse you'll go anyhow all right i just wanted to know uh tell me do you uh like this fellow mattingdale henry oh he's all right i suppose that's what you're thinking of marrying him aren't you i hope you don't mind my getting personal not in the least well then i repeat the question the answer is yes yes i am thinking of marrying him or just for his money can you suggest a better reason would you think that's a nice way to look at marriage it's the only way we learned that from you americans cold-blooded nurse yes we used to laugh at you because you glorified money but that was when we had so much we didn't need to worry about it now we have to go out and struggle for it just as you did and so we appreciate its value i see well so maybe if you found a man who was even richer than manningdale you might change your plans about marriage i might you think i'm pretty contentable don't you yes in a way but i like you that is decent of you i've met many gold diggers in my life but you have to be the first one who have the courage to admit it you're not going to shine expressing your opinion are all americans like this no not all of us i just happen to be peculiar i happen to have kind of uh old-fashioned ideas about love but this has nothing to do with love i'm marrying the manningdale bank because it stands for strength power because it understands the infinite indescribable beauty of money it's most romantic [Music] they're discussing a deal aren't they yes well your father doesn't seem very responsive he'll give in sooner or later why because he has to have to well you see that's a long story but the illustrations are very interesting for instance how do you like my gown for charming i agree but it hasn't been paid for yet and my bracelet who's dazzling yes a dazzling paste duplicate of the original now in a pawn shop is it as bad as all that yes but not for long with the help of manningdale and magnolia here what have manningdale and magna life got to do with you father happens to own the world supply of magnalite it's in africa somewhere oh it's no credit to him he inherited it we didn't even know it was valuable until a short time ago well if your father's minds are that valuable then why do you have the minds are worth nothing without the money to develop them manningdale has the money and he gets what he wants always always [Music] getting kind of chilly out here i'm going in while these fields remain undeveloped you're denying the incalculable benefits of magnetite to the country to the whole world hey duke how about teaching me to play dart you know you promised you'd do it oh uh i hope i'm not interrupting anything so i did come along we must settle this man no no no the matter can wait a good rousing game of darcel but clear my brain oh yeah do you play mr manningdale no oh well you ought to learn comes in handy did you hear anyone or was it was an excuse duke i thought it sounded a bit unconvincing look here this afternoon you mentioned something about a fun fair at uh where was it uh but my wife won't let me go well couldn't we kind of uh sneak off you mean unobserved certainly i'm crazy to see an english function oh but the old girl forbade me she said now look here i'm your guest and you told me yourself you have to be nice to me and satisfy my every whim duchess will understand well if of course you put it that way i'm no choice none whatever go ahead you lead the way i know you lead the way i haven't had one of these things since the last at home come of americans [Music] [Music] [Applause] coconut [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go and try something else [Music] you win again my gosh you win again come [Applause] [Music] and in life oh how true well here's the ten pounds i owe you you'll bring me cash always bless my soul this is a new experience for me usually when i when i have to put it down in a little book i always pay cash even if it's practically the last i've got what do you say we'll cool off with the right on the merry-go-round i say yes [Music] we gotta admit you this is a lot better than your english past time chasing four minutes of little boxers as much how about that magna idea what i understand it's for sale of course just what interest is up to you what's your bottom prize cash always let me see uh take your time duke we've got a long ride ahead of us come here we're going around again oh sorry sir we'll be closing up shortly oh no you're not you keep on rolling until we tell you to stop here i'll take the whole lot there you are keep it rolling now [Music] well how about it duke my bottom price is half a million pounds of course [Music] that's a lot of money but okay so you don't mean that sure i mean you're not joking i'm never joking when i say souls i must do some more thinking well take your time duke i got a lot more tickets left [Music] but yeah be furious you know well what if he is he's a businessman he knows that the highest bit of wins it'll be quite a treat to see his face with when he hears about this okay dan time okay keith you can knock out for the night [Music] [Applause] my wife catches us we're lost when she hears about me and everything would be lovely would it i certainly can let her have these trophies she'll be crazy about popeye oh all the same i'm i'm not looking forward to meeting you this morning when i'll tell you what we'll do we're going to present the whole problem to lady patricia but she's probably to receive well we wake her up but we can't go waking up from the side of the morning my mother be furious i think i ought to knock lava i i shouldn't if i were you louder still stay on the way you wake up the household [Music] coming what you and i thought it was orange juice i uh we we've just been to the fun fair and i want this and this and this and i want a 10 pound note from dan well that's what he paid me and what did you win your father will tell you but uh first may i use the phone of course hello my god they answered i want the london times the times in london well by the time no i don't know the number but you can look it up on the t's well what do you want with the press give him the news of course what news what are you talking about yesterday look here boy we mustn't a russian apprentice with this all of a sudden why not well i mean we would just have time to think it over oh but we have taken the time duke 18 rides on the merry-go-round but it isn't wise to publish it so quickly it doesn't even decent well i assure you you can leave that to me father you've got to tell me what you've done well i'm not really clear about the whole thing the excitement of the fair well upset me and well well it seems i sold the magnetic concession to dan for how much oh don't worry about that dear i got a top prize for half a million hey a big girl and i better put something on the devil is the matter with this line half a million and what's more we get it in cash oh wait a minute only ten percent of it you know the usual business customer i'm buying an option and i'll pay you ten percent of the total sale price oh yes yes of course that still makes it 50 000 pounds that's right 250 000 bucks hello hello managing editor uh listen i have some hot news for you readers yes magna knight where are these mines well what part of africa uh what part of africa rhodesia robot rhodesia oh yes yes uh rhodesia yes yes i'll beat my hotel this boy by eight o'clock and i'll be very happy to receive the gentleman of the press why yeah certainly my associate the duke of glenarvan uh he'll be very happy to confirm this deal here duke they won't talk to you tell them that uh i'm instructed to inform you that everything is okay everything's not okay that everything is okay thank you right for those who don't need me for any further business details i think i've got my room and have good sleep morning ben good morning to you and you better have some sleep too no sleep for me i'm leaving for london at once you realize don't you that you've committed highway robbery oh it wasn't on a highway it was on a merry-go-round you stole magnelite from under henry manningdale's nose he won't like that well i didn't think it necessary to consult his wishes in the matter you'll love a fire don't you no and i'm kind of like you i can't resist the most difficult jumps goodbye lady patricia i hope you are a great fighter you will need to be right [Music] oh london new york casey speaking we just got an ap place that an american named armstrong has put over a big deal in england yeah well never mind what it is get a statement from it shoot us a cable before seven your time we'll run it onto the bulldog edition okay okay we need to be daniel armstrong yes sir yes sir at once [Music] to interview dan armstrong good morning mr armstrong delighted to have you back with us you would like to buy the theme sweet well it's okay for today but from tomorrow on i want the biggest sweet you've got that's armstrong yes we're from the press sir oh well yeah we'd like an interview on your purchase of megalite you want to know your plans for the development of mega knight well okay boys you give me a chance to clean up and i'll give you a swell story i'll only be a few minutes [Music] you can take the identical impressive very good sir the reporters out there they're in the drawing room sir oh that's fine yeah just a minute listen uh do you happen to know what uh magna light is magnus yes magnalite well i never sir but i'll try and find out sir well never mind i'll tell you later thank you sir okay boys fire away what do you want to know uh mr armstrong will you start development on the mines at once why certainly we can't allow rich property like that to remain idle the bulk of the product will go to america of course necessarily this is an international project all will share in the benefits of magnalife just what are the benefits of magnolia well uh what do you think it'll be used principally in the manufacture of airplanes wanted yeah well uh what leads you to that conclusion it says so in an article we're publishing the times tomorrow oh does it i've got to prove it perhaps you'd like to correct it oh yes yes i'll look it over yeah disney's wrong oh thank you well you see it says there that magnalite is lighter than aluminium and stronger than steel is that true well uh the time's a reliable paper isn't it my acid hell uh-huh yeah well this article seems to have all the main facts thank you very much oh i can tell you this gentlemen the development of magnelite is going to be an event of historic importance it is the turning point in the aviation industry the greatest step forward in the conquest of the air since the wright brothers made their first ethical ascension from the sands of kitty hawk oh just a moment please hello yes who mr manningdale on his way up thank you is that mr hp manningdale of the manningdale bank yes he's a friend of mine who likes his news before it reaches the public is he interested in magna light oh very much you're going into partnership with him well i can't tell you anything about that now ah mr manning there good morning good morning mr armstrong won't you come in well i uh i hope i'm not intruding no no no not at all a gentleman of the press mr manning there have been more sit down uh just make yourself at home many places tall i'll be through in a moment to conclude gentlemen it is more than that it is the beginning of a new year of civilization an ear of peace and prosperity it is as significant as the discovery of fire which first of human the dark age is a primitive man think of it magna light on land magnet light on see magna light in the air magna light in all the homes of humanity well uh i'd have something wrong for you in a day or two that'll be all gentlemen thank you very much we'll be calling on you well thank you i'm very sorry to drag you out of there so early boys very nice meeting you all goodbye goodbye nice speech nicer still of you to receive me i'm sorry they've kept you do sit down cigarette no thanks i am strictly a cigar smoker i keep a factory in havana busy all by myself i've discovered something very interesting about you this morning well news travels fast i've discovered that you're the world's best jockey on a wooden horse well maybe someday you'll let me take you for a ride no i prefer to choose my own mounts and my own races you didn't come here to discuss horses with me wooden or otherwise no as a matter of fact it's about the magma light option but it has tremendous possibilities if properly developed that's what i intend to do i have a campaign outline now when you get this magna light out of the ground what do you propose to do with it build airplanes wrist watches fountain pens baby carriages magnificent vision it'll take tremendous capital i can raise it i'm afraid you don't know the english investor he's very so to accept new ideas i'm sure that he knows a good thing when he sees it and i'm going to make him see magnelite i admire your courage but why what you propose can't possibly be done now i know what you paid for the magma light option and i'm prepared to offer you a handsome profit say ten thousand pounds well that's very generous of you mr manningdale but i won't sell you've had your chance the trouble with you is you were a bit too deliberate and taking advantage it's mine now 12 500 15 000 no save yourself the trouble mr manningdale but i won't sell you think i'm playing this game solely for money but you're wrong they ask what stakes you are playing for excitement thrills the thrill of doing something that can't possibly be done i see make the light on land magna light on sea magna light in the air magnetized in all the homes of humanity great scott dan you've done it superbly the whole world will be shrieking for magnolia by the way what is the miserable stuff well it's a hitherto unknown metal which combines the likeness of aluminum with the strength of steel it's possible use as a manifold especially in the aviation industry with one in the know you can read all that in the times the contracts are quite ridiculous we've inserted all the clauses you suggested regarding payment come along let's sign the papers and now my dear daniel we should be glad to acknowledge the receipt of 50 000 pounds cash well i uh i think for that part of the ceremony we should step into another room but why but if you don't mind i uh hate to pass money in the presence of strangers seems a curious woman but but come along i'll wait here oh no i i want you to come too i i suggested this change of venue because i have several things to talk to you about of a strictly private nature in the first place i haven't got 50 000 pounds i haven't got 50 pounds i haven't got enough money in the whole world to pay for my hotel bill for another week good gracious well we're at least in possession of the facts of the case but not the fifty thousand i can only say down that we're extremely grateful for the information you've given us but there's more to be said the publicity we're getting is worth money millions but we want something we can put into a bank not into a scrapbook but i have a scheme that will put it in the bank and benefit the public as well oh man but the whole thing sounds rather vague and remote too somehow it all seems to me in the far off future but you don't understand i'm talking about the present now you give me 30 days and i'll put all of us on easy street what exactly are your plans we'll form a company you mean you and us yes you and me we'll call the company magnalite limited the duke of glenn album president we'll start a selling campaign that'll make this country magna like crazy what's we so stock a million pounds worth of stock and in a month's time you'll be paid and full the development of the mines will be started and we'll all get rich even including the stockholders now what do you think don't ask me i'm a darts player not a financier frankly i'm suspicious of the whole project well the alternative is manningdale and when he gets hold of something he shares with no one what do you say lady patricia i'm probably a fool but i'm worth you let him have his 30 days i'll join the company i knew you would even if we fail we'll have a lot of fun earlier petitions why it'll be immense we'll put on the biggest order of ballyhoo in history we'll advertise magnelite as if it were a circus i will have everybody fighting for shares of the miracle metal we'll get a fortune out of it and a million lives a million now it's fine to get into chuckle already we'll have everybody in town in our feet begging to be let in and it's for you i can see your name right now in great big letters the duke of glen alvin president magma night limited mankind [Applause] with other nonsense they're advertising magna light as if it was some kind of breakfast food typical american lovelies with nothing to bag it up i'm not so sure there's nothing to back it up [Music] i think for years i've owned those minds and my father before me and then i just began to realize it may be worth something i haven't told you that long ago why didn't you because i didn't have to think of it i said captain what is all this about thank you knife blessed if i know i can tell you it's a metal with the likeness of aluminium combined with the strength of steel which will revolutionize the aviation industry and okay there we go come on [Music] beautiful sight isn't it come on we've got to get away hold on wait a minute we've got to see how the side works this is good i might yes we're doing nicely thank you you believe the groundwork of the publicity now we've got to sell them but first we've got to have an emblem you know what the line is to england what the shamrock is to island what the number 57 is to heinz i've got it a torch a torch made in the shape of an airplane it'll be symbolic of magnelite illuminating the new ear of civilization we'll get electric torches made and have our salesman carry them but where are our salesmen i was coming to that we'll have to build up our sales force overnight but uh we want high-class people like uh well i like you you know ladies and gentlemen young and attractive preferred we'll go to the opera to the oscar races to the exclusive clubs and push magnalife you happen to know any uh ladies and gentlemen like that would like to make say five pounds a week plus commission my address book is full of them well call them up and tell them to be here by ten tomorrow morning i'll do it at once get me me there double two double nine oh uh by the way have you seen matting day lately i saw him this morning where did you go to put up a fight no he's going to france for a rest oh fine i hope it's long rest get out hello every one of you is expected to carry a fountain pen well phil and i want you to approach your new work with the conviction that salesmanship is the most important function of the human race after all the most successful school boy is the one who can sell himself to his teacher the politician to his voters the happiest girl is the one who can sell herself to the man she loves hmm rather near the knuckle wasn't it and now lady patricia will pass among you copies of the theme song magna like we need you [Applause] when i get back all right yes sir why if it isn't the duke and the duchess oh welcome to magna lighthouse what can i do for you well we just wanted to know if we were to join this may we have offices with our names on the dogs why of course you can suffer the gold letters too by the swell what will be chairman you for good sir and i'll be treasurer well that'll be perfect good morning cousin well james and dolly say this gets me a regular family reunion well we were wondering cousin dan if there was any chance of our getting a job with you why of course you can room for all of us now you work hard and you'll be so rich you won't have to sell challenge come on in and let the things on [Music] is i am illuminating a new era of civilization with magna life [Music] this is harry hopper the world's richest bookmaker mr armstrong i know yeah mr hopper thank you sir there's as straight as a coiled rattlesnake i can't eat his precious tiddly his grace is two flat rings i bet you he's got hundreds and thousands of ill-gotten gains in his bank you don't say so what the devil is that i'll tell you see i'm illuminating the new year of civilization with magnelite american electrical smugglers magnet i don't tell them you haven't heard about it thank you mr harper you'll never regret it this is the greatest investment you've ever made [Music] race worth something like ten thousand pounds up well come on we must find lord [Music] yes we're giving a party for a lot of robber barons well you know big manufacturers are future customers why certainly the press would be welcome we love the press yes that goes for the newsreels too okay goodbye everybody calls i'll be at the barbers yes sir the gentleman to see you sir well i'm sorry but i'm leading he said he's an old friend of yours sir his name isn't sniveling you say sniderling that's right sir he's from the states hello dan it's mighty fine to see you again uh how are you mr snyderling i'll say what brings you to england i've been attracted here by a very powerful magnet called magdalite oh i see you could use it in your schneiderlin state eight couldn't you ah dad you always jump to the right conclusion i realize you're a very busy man i don't want to bother oh don't bother at all i'm just off to the barbers come along you can have an egg shampoo my job dan it's wonderful to see the success you've made why magnalite is the biggest thing in the world today but the whole american nation wants to get in on it it's a real tribute to your genius as a salesman well i owe it all to you mr snideling me oh nonsense nonsense oh no i've never been able to swing this if you hadn't told me how the british love dignity mr armstrong man you could blind on the phone oh okay uh hello duke well the party is at eight o'clock tonight yes manningdale when did he get back to town why yes of course we'd love to have him at the party i think it's mighty sporting of them to want to come when i look here i'm going to check the plane for paris tomorrow morning then i'm going to snap right down to dijon and see all three main talk business give my best to the duchess goodbye duke and uh when can we have a little business talk damn oh there's no hurry mr snyderling when we start manufacturing magnalite we'll be very happy to sell it to you or anyone else on earth but dan i've come all the way to england to make you an offer well your trip to england needn't be wasted it's very educational here study their methods you know when they build something here they give it strength endurance remember that in building your snideling cars notion sir oh yes by all means oh uh listen give mr snyderlink some of your special save it's very good when the skin gets irritated know this whole magna light affair is effectively incredible it's like some amazing adventure from the arabian nights armstrong done more in 30 days than we could have done with luck in 30 years your cousin's a remarkable fellow oh he's my husband's cousin not mine oh yes of course all the same is still remarkable any manny there seems to be an offensively yes it worries me tomorrow is your father but he wouldn't be so happy if you didn't have something up your sleeve i wonder what it is it's a big night for us oh it certainly is another investor oh duke i think you might just as well begin hello ladies and gentlemen please silence your chairman disgrace [Music] say that speech exactly we want nothing spontaneous from you my lords ladies and gentlemen as chairman of magna lag limited i welcome you most cordially on this happy occasion in other words greetings now that megalite is about to be placed on the market we are prepared to do business with you to whom a miracle metal will come as an inestimable inestimable in other words a jolly good thing there there seems to be a great deal more for me for me to save it all seems rather on the dark side one sorry there so permit me to introduce you to the to the real hero of this great occasion my friend and colleague from america mr mr daniel armstrong [Music] duke duchess friends well for the first time in my life words seem to be failing me i'm i'm i'm supposed to give you a line of high-powered selling talk but i can't do it i i just wish i could tell you how i feel about this this funny country of yours i've learned a lot here when i first started on this job i didn't know anything about magma life i'm still pretty foggy about it but my contacts with all of you have taught me that the human race is a what is a pretty decent club to belong to and uh and well i guess that's about all thank you very much [Music] [Applause] we should be collecting dividends soon i won't be long what do you say we walk out of here for a while the atmosphere of success is becoming stifling you'll soon get used to it i wonder you know i don't look at that old river i like to think it was flowing along here calmly quietly when the romans came to britain and when the romans left you know that after you've been in this country for a while you begin to get a queer idea a queer feeling about time you begin to see it all as one piece yesterday today and tomorrow are you thinking about that maybe your river was sweeping me along too down to the sea for tomorrow but we haven't come to the bridge yet careful by the way you're looking wonderful tonight thank you oh that's lovely tune they're playing what is it it's a viennese walls vienna that's where you live for so long isn't it [Music] by the way i haven't gone through the motions of thanking you for all that you've done for me you've been a great trooper there's no need for any gratitude for the business proposition was that all that it was that's how you offered it in cold blood you were an expert salesman and i a first-class gold digger we combined our talents and we've done very well well i guess you're right i'm just a salesman i better not try and kid myself into thinking that i could ever be anything more than just that oh you're here i've been searching every nook and cranny i've been listening to mr armstrong deliver a lecture on the history of london oh rather wish i'd heard it may i tell you a way for a dance you don't object oh no not at all i seem to remember that i interrupted you once [Music] your friend seems flushed with triumph this evening he has reason to be you're rather positive aren't you here the most delightful romance no henry you are wrong there is no romance in daniel armstrong except the romance of big business [Applause] [Music] yes i know you but i'm tired besides we have to make that trip to france tomorrow to see you may good night [Music] but if you spoil the whole afternoon if you don't come then you must come yes they're running the grand prix this afternoon i got a white hot tip for a horse called called miller i'm sorry but i've got to go to dijon to see blue may well plummy can wait we're all going to call on him tomorrow no i've got a hunch that i better go see him today oh well you must you must find here we ought to be off so sorry dan oh my when will you be back not too late i guess it's it's a long trip uh yeah a couple of thousand francs put it on that horse but he hasn't the ghost of a chance well you bet on him anyway very well but manuel means unlucky well that's fine my favorite horses are those that can't possibly win dr puma i believe oh a moment a moment you have probably never seen a bar of magnolia [Applause] here is a sample well that's the stuff is it it's beautiful beautiful semanifique and when i have finished with it it will have the strength of a girder of steel with you will you be seated yes thank you my name is armstrong i know that already yeah oh i have read all about it why even hearing dijon the people on all sides are always begging me to tell them how can they buy shares in magnolia well so my ballyhoo campaign has reached even this place has it or it is even more popular than the national lottery oh that's great now about your process my process is essential magnulight why people have known about mango light for years but they've never been able to do anything with it until i plumey discovered how to develop it even at bismillah discovered how to develop steel yes yes i know about that and that's the reason i'm here because i appreciate that you're a brilliant scientist and you deserve the enormous reward that you're going to get but of course you understand that your patents aren't worth anything without magnelite and it so happens that i own that so we have to get together have we but my friend we cannot get together but we must i need you you need me why we have thousands of investors who will be ruined if we don't start producing i'll pay you a handsome royalty on every pound of magna light produce no matter what form it may be in but i no longer have control of the process blue has well only a month ago i sold it to an englishman his name you don't have to tell me here i know it already manningdale me but how did you know he swore to keep it secret yes he kept it a secret all right manning there why do you know i was just thinking of something oh i see well manning dale must thank you a great deal for all that you have done for him yes you've made my patents worth a great deal more than he paid me if only i had known i would not have sold out so quickly oh i always know he was crying over spilled milk goodbye dr jimmy nice to meet you i shall be very interested to know what happens to magnolia so will i [Music] oh i i expect i fell asleep yes i expect you did but how did you happen to select my bed i was waiting for you what about primary did you see him well i can give you the answer in one word manning there during a pleasure trip to the continent a month ago he went to see plume and laid cash on the table i warned you he'd put up a big fight he did he's a smart man but the fact remains that you own magnalite no i don't belongs to a lot of people named smith and jones and the glenn albans you remember that first night at chatham hall when you were walking in the garden and you told me what it was that manningdale wanted yes i remember and i went charging in and kidnapped your father took him to the front fair and blocked him into giving me the magna light option that wasn't a bluff you made good on every one of your promises not on all the promises i made to myself i was reaching for the moon pack and all i've got is a handful of clouds what do you mean well that night in the garden i did something i've never done before i fell in love that was silly to me wasn't it did you see where the first woman that i'd ever met who plays the game the way i do cars on the table nothing up your sleeve now you told me plainly that you were in the market you'd marry manningdale because he happened to be the highest bidder well all right i say to myself maybe i can outbid eden manningdale for a while i i thought i was going to do it but uh he kept his cards out of sight now he struck me what are you going to do about it then do i don't know but i have an idea this is the one situation i won't be able to talk my way out of forgot to go back to london first thing in the morning so you better go get some sleep yes i i suppose you are right oh then i forgot to tell you mother roy won and and i put about 50 000 francs on the table 50 000 francs well i guess that's the consolation prize [Music] shareholders face heavy loss yes that's what the papers say i think it's serious [Music] yes [Music] i want to see manningdale all right go ahead but don't yield an inch fight to last ditch with what with a million pounds we'll start developing the mines we produce magnalite this is when we've produced it what are we going to do with it eat it we'll force manningdale to give in if it's a test of endurance we'll show him the stuff we're made of that's what manningdale can hold out longer than we can well if we've got to go down i get we'll go down gallantry like the little revenge all sail set and colors flying those people down there and sound more they'll sink with us to the bottom the bottom of the seat in a nice place come in mr armstrong do sit down thank you have a cigar they're rather good ones no thanks now let's waste time on preliminaries i don't like you and you have no overwhelming love for me you put it bluntly well then we understand each other perfectly good how much will you take for your plumage process this time it's my turn to say not for sale but you have terms of some kind what are they they're simple you transfer to me your entire interest in magna light you mean you'll be satisfied with a knockout of me personally for this is business not to utilism one of the duke of leonardo's interest and all the other investors actually i should respect those just as subtly as you would you sure of that yes i'm sure that supposing i don't accept your terms then i sit tight and wait for your next move and my next move is out i accept your proposition manningdale you can drop the papers giving you the full control that i now hold and i hope you make a lot of money for everybody concerned i'm leaving england right away so i'll appreciate if you drop the papers as quickly as possible yes i will may i congratulate you on your victory we americans are mighty good in the short sprints but you english seem to be better over the distance thank you i may as well tell you that i knew this is exactly what you do how did you know it i adopted your method i played a hunch i guess that in an emergency you do the honorable thing you've done it well in that case i will have one of your scars they look rather good by all means here's a copy of the agreement with manningdale signed and sealed everything else is cleaned up your nails will be rolling within six months the whole thing depresses me unutterable why you're going to be one of the richest men in the world yes and without you the whole business won't be any fun oh well you can hire a brass band and have it play for you every now and then that'll remind you of me what about you dan where will you go i'm going on a quick tour of europe with the fifty thousand francs i wanna mollerer i take the plane for vienna this afternoon so i guess uh you better say goodbye right here and now we won't see you again oh yes i'll come back to england sometime and i've got another big idea oh goodbye duchess for once the duke was right it won't be fun without you then oh yes it will goodbye duke goodbye then we've had a swell time haven't we swell bye pat goodbye dan oh i nearly forgot that it's traveled a long way hey well the uh three o'clock playing for vienna beyond time it shouldn't be more than a few minutes late sir well then i'm too early usually i'm late for a waltz oh well i probably couldn't dance it [Music] anyway [Applause] is a [Music] [Applause] so well i see you didn't lose any time duke you went and got yourself a brass van yes oh boy but also been for your arrival and not your departure dear dan we can't dare to see you just just go minute ladies and gentlemen just a minute yeah really oh thank you on behalf of the happy investors of magnalite or as many of them as we could get together at short notice i beg to wish you good luck and godspeed albert and we wish today that your resignation from magnus limited is not accepted am i right everybody uh do you friends really wait wait i'm not nearly finished yet we fully recognize your right to enjoy a well-earned vacation but we flatly refuse to admit that your association with us is ended therefore i feel things eating just a minute i'm making you speak yes i i i know what it is duke and all i can say is bless you bless all of you goodbye never mind we're in a hurry the plane is leaving you you're going of course i am what you mean i've reached the moon did you doubt it and this time you can't talk yourself out of it all aboard all aboard come on goodbye everybody goodbye england it's a wonderful place i love it it's a country with a future [Music] you
Channel: Broken Trout
Views: 220,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thunder in the city 1937, Edward G. Robinson, full movies, british films, 1930s, 1937 romantic drama films, British black-and-white films, British romantic drama films, broken trout movies
Id: qAaMH35aMf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 37sec (4717 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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