The Suspect (1944)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] dr. node mr. Simmons  good afternoon mr. Marshall isn't it a fine spring   day oh it's lovely you've done wonders with  your garden I'm a green thumb as they say in   Devon would you like some class oh thank you very  much would have afraid my wife hasn't got much   time to look after the garden and I order was  to be here at six o'clock sharp Guv'nor 26:26   is right sir what a mr. Phillip Marshall what a  privilege it is to see you horny Klaus what's the   cab for Cora how did you think penny bus is  good enough for me whenever I get him in the   dark from sleeping and beginning in this house  did Johnson for that cab that is about not you   that's just what young hopeful did he's getting  out bag and baggage just selfish ungrateful   good-for-nothing what did you do to him what  did I do to him hmm that's right put the blame   on me all I did was to bring him into the world  nurse him make myself a doormat front door open I'll tell him from me but when he leaves his  house even thinking well sir I'm sorry Jane   leaving well it was bound to come I stick  it out here on your account what happened   she was at me all day to mend the kitchen sink  I just couldn't take the time it's been a race   at the office you know there's not a chap there  wouldn't give his right on for that Canadian job   I know I've been doing some extra work on my own  time cost estimates I thought it might give me a   leg up she got into one of her rages and before  I could stop her 20 pages a whole week's work   your place to stay I'll stay a gym yesterday  I'm sorry boy can't be helped me no nothing   that may have your address if Jimmy's bank  holiday maybe if you're not too busy right   spend the day at market perhaps and go on  the river I'd like that baby this house isn't   good enough for you goodbye mother goodbye  mother your mealy-mouthed hypocrite do the   kind that's what you are fry dear sir well  I'll see you soon day I shall miss you son come here don't you go sneaking off upstairs  climbing up I'm talking to you I know what   about you even if you don't and what do you  think you're doing now moving into John's room   hello Ian decent we're married aren't we we're  married alright they have bail I don't mean   do you hear me I forbid you to treat me like  this Oh Cora that's all over now that John's   gone all over and downwards do you understand  me I'm moving out of here and there's nothing   you can do about it oh yes that is this baby  I can do what's got into you I'd like to know   what's going on in your head it's much better  that you shouldn't Cora might frighten you a very interesting piece yes indeed can I  be a better service madam it isn't closing   time is very nearly madam I should not  don't sell cigarettes to ladies madam   oh no of course not I should like to see  the manager please mr. macho if you kind   of step this way miss and take a  seat you know with you in the mall married you yes miss Marshall I have to bring a  very serious matter to your attention yes sir I   regret to say there's a shortage in your accounts  there's a penny missing in the staff box it was   for a sugar ban this morning plaid put it back  on payday honest mr. Marshall and the happened   the day before yesterday what was that for acid  drops if acid drops that's very serious and the   paper near the day before for the monkey were  30 good e-flat put it all back Saturday every   last farthing that's what all embezzlers planned  that's what you started that way it's the first   step that counts after that it all becomes too  easy six prints tomorrow half a crown the day   after and then a five-pound note I know you always  mean to pay it back but I'm afraid you'll finish   by paying it back in the Portland quarries don't  send me to no quarries please mr. Marshall not   this time how did you stop sniffling and wipe your  eyes there's a young lady to see you mr. Marshall would you step this way please what you sit down thank you what can I do feel it's what I'd like to do for  you I'm seeking employment here yes office work   I know how to take dictation but whether they  satisfied young men our young men have been in our   employ for 30 or 40 years well I wouldn't think  of taking anyone else's place I only thought it   well you see I know how to use a new typewriting  machine we have never felt the need for such   contraption to treasure in Nicholson's I see  well I'm so sorry I think you might have better   luck in a Draper's establishment I've trained  lovely spring weather we're having isn't it good night good night good night the  smaller business people at Jarvis bill not gone yet national no is anything  further I can do viewers like mr. Fraser   sir no thank you all this the last all these  things back goodnight mr. Marshall good night   marry you yes mr. Marshall mind you  put that certain tape there back in   the stamp box Saturday mmm and don't you  ever let this happen again eat well mr.   Marshall now run along now married you yes  sir Mac times mattress tomorrow said [Music] I beg your pardon is there anything I can do  mr. Marshall I thought you were trying but I   wasn't I'm hardly the type please forgive me  I only wanted to help if I could thank you   you're very kind I'm afraid I'm behaving rather  bed oh now come come it can't be that bad what   talking about it make it a bit easier then it  rates would you let me take you to your bus I was really sorry about the work in my office  mr. gray very good it's great disappointment is   a bit of a face always it wasn't just that I'm  going about all day and I forgot to have lunch   who's feeling a bit down once it came over me  how terribly alone I was see my father died in   the one-two and they were just the two of us  well I know what it is to be lonely and I know   that that can be faced does that make you feel any  better ever so much when are you going home oh I   see a cup of tea or six burning novel and a good  long cry I'm afraid you've been looking in at my   window that's right smile try shall we pool our  loneliness what do you mean of course I'm going   for a bite to eat and have a talk you know I'm  sure I know someone who leads the services of   a clever young lady that can use one of those  typewriting contraptions well why don't you   try just for this evening Who am I trying to  enjoy it and it would be a great kindness to   me I'm sure it would be to me oh but aren't you on  your way to someone someone there's no one cabbie 22 on Canton Street that  Chinese place [Applause] [Music] which was very good of you to take me out chest  that all together I saw you that little boy oh   we've married you when you're not going to  send report inquiries I'm taking a terrible   risk he's a desperate character everything  so desperate I wanted to hug him that's the   danger with his type they get around you you  were so gentle with him gentle be gentle my   dear miss gray will discover in time I have  a heart of stone [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Philip I've had such a good time since we met  can't thank you enough please don't try say the   nicest things you do the nicest things what have  I done now have you forgotten that you got me my   job in accident win won don't remember a thing  about it I never remember the things that haven't   happened yet speaking about that what about dinner  tomorrow night not 8:00 to eat sweet of you oh   dear I can't why not otherwise engaged mrs. Packer  I told you about it she works a text in Wynwood a   real older cause she's been frightfully nice to  me so I asked her and her husband to dine with   me merci but listen why don't you come along and  make very much for you to meet them why I'd like   to very much but I know best I'll come along  Phillip now listen Mary you and I are pretty   good friends the best we are a lot of fun together  just the two of us can't we go on like this what   is it Phillip that you don't ever like to meet  anyone well a chap my age has the right to a few   peculiarities I know there's something you could  only tell me nothing to tell as you wish of course   you're free to do as you like good night Phillip  Barry I'm sorry about man what about the next time   can you count you know I'll say yes I like it's  not me that's avoiding you mr. Simmons closing   time is closing died leaving mr. cravaack I  think mr. Simmons hello it's Marshall hello   dad mr. Kamath come on mr. Marshall your wife's  been inquiring about you oh I see yes and rather   sharply on the old sharp as a knife I know Method  Man myself it's all right Marshall okay I'm sorry   good night Jeff okay are you ready bigger come  along Simmons you can tell me all about it on   the way home shopkeeper counting every drop boss  leach shopkeepers are all false leeches sucking   the blood of their betters you know Marshall  my grandfather never put up with it it must   have kravid it had the impertinence to send him a  bill he had him horsewhipped ha ha the trave days   old you're a decent chap you know Marshall for  a shopkeeper I study good oh yeah I don't hold   it against you oh thank you very much we sew it  you Gilbert don't you think it would be hoof it   evening mrs. severance evening eat it's a good  do you mean to mr. Marshall Gilbert please good   want to lie down for dinner do you good sharp  as a knife I know you were very kind to bring   him home I'm glad to hear service tell me  what's the latest news of John he's doing   very well his firm of thinking of sending him to  Canada in the spring oh you miss him I want to   him at all then why that's too bad Edie Edie  yes Gilbert I'm coming good night good night [Music] [Music] oh it's you come in that's what I'm sure Mikey  please I'll give it you when I've said my say   another minute before Mikey for this state of  affairs isn't it when a decent married woman   has to do a thing like that to get her own husband  to come into the room where he belongs to speak a   similar word to her Carlo we have nothing to say  to each other oh happy well I have something to   say if you haven't how much longer you think  I'd go to stand through this coming in at all   hours of the night but the neighbors are all  beginning to gossips know that business corner   many people's lives is everybody's business and  I'm not gonna be made an object of pity in front   of my friends you hear me oh you lost that the  gymnast came in where's faith they said off on   a holiday oh no I said four it's working what  on the Sabbath I dropped to the floor I was so   mortified but how was I to know it was sunday  or any other day with you never told him and   all the days alike that was awkward for your car  and I'm sorry it happened not you care to save   this I need to tie myself up to a horse like  you to the forest and pick the crooked tree   that's what I did cook it ugly tree here come on  pinky go knock yourself II don't you know they   can hear every word we say next door but crying  isn't gonna help you've been through all this so   many times before and it's gonna snow if we can  only talk quietly what are you driving at Cora   if we could come to some sort of understanding  it might help us now listen if we face things   honestly we'd admit that we've never been happy  together we'll have we not once all the years   were being married fathers that anybody's fault  we've tried to rub along together over and over   again we've tried it and it isn't that I do this  or that you do that don't you know that when two   people are shut up together and they don't love  each other everything they do become say food   just because they do it oh so that's it is it you  hate me you've always hated me Cora I did not say   that will you please listen to me all I say is  that we have some good years ahead of us both of   us why can't we live them happily apart from each  other apart what do you mean let me go Cora what   are you talking about just that let me go divorce  do you mean divorce never in my life have I heard   of anything so immoral so downright indecent the  more Cindy don't know I'm not gonna be laughed at   a woman who couldn't hold her husband just for  that should do for both of us but we're married   our twin will stay marital death do us part you  hear me I hear you but it isn't gonna help but   I have my mind made up of you don't divorce  me I'm gonna leave you oh yes what you just   try just you try to leave me I'll go down to your  precious shopping after you noble customers well   sort you are I knew of this ad and I know it was  no use talking to you there's no way out oh yes   for you Marshall out of your shop job wouldn't I  like to see on Fraser's place when I mr. Marshall [Music] come on Fitzie you'll be late I told you  she liked the velvet Mon who is she this is rock   wood Nelson that's big dray horse Oh Maud she's  in a lab out there thanks Packer I think I'll   keep it on a bit oh now you don't I know what's  on your mind Eddie you want to wear it for that   precious dance of yours tonight come on open it  sure you won't change your mind and come Mary   thanks I'd love to but I've got an engagement  I bet I know what it is her young man doesn't   dance doesn't dances divinely he just doesn't  like the usual places no not really married   you know this is the first time she's ever told  us a word about him what's he like oh he's tall   and slender poetic the most soulful eyes but the  least touch of Swank about him you never dream he   came upon our very best families what you don't  mean the nobility deity Oh for hundreds of years   of course his family would have a thing to do  with me but it doesn't care but n' has a vast   income of his own coffee in Brazil diamonds in  South Africa you know how it's most unbelievable   Oh quite because it isn't true not a word of  it Mary Greeley's like that you and your jean   boy you should see him he weighs 14 stone he  weighs an ounce doesn't dance not a step he's   not the least bit romantic and I don't care  because I'm not belong with you you're fiblet   and it works in the shop same as I do and he has  a son ha ha ha yes and he's kind and thoughtful   and always looking after one makes you want to  look after him just like my old man it sounds   very cozy to me if you don't happen to care  for him oh but I do the question is does he   care for me doesn't he has the ask Juliet  Danny not yet but I'm hoping tonight maybe as far as if tonight was something special [Music] arrivederci amici returned a lot sooner [Music] you aren't eating a thing aren't you  well oh yes did anything happen on your way   here you were so late no but she someone  like yourself tonight Philip what is it   Mary I am troubled could I help there isn't  any help anyway Oh Shirley can't be so bad   it's the worst possible for both of us  marry after tonight we can't see each   other anymore what did you say I said  we mustn't see each other ever again don't look like that Philip we've had a very pleasant friendship as  met a lot of me I hope it's meant something to   you not everything other don't you think I  deserve to know tell me that but it's very   difficult to see I behaved very badly  do you remember the first time we met I   remember I told you I had no attachments and  no ties of any kind you mean you're married it wasn't very fair was it No they say I was  afraid you'd never see me again and I couldn't let   you go once I'd met you could I face anything but  losing you and I was sure she'd let me go I begged   her for a divorce won't you know this is our  last time together you've risked too much already   please Philip please no she must know I'm much  too fond of you should I park now sir [Music] by all means this is an occasion thank you Miss [Music] [Music] idea I bet idea [Music] since your corner yes come in I've got something  to show you well any Christmas you like it it's   a fair treat with candles tuppence a dozen  couldn't you find a better way to waste your   money Christmas comes but once a year your self  but a mind you have pick up a listen here yes   and where will you hang the mistletoe Oh aren't  you gonna kiss me under the mistletoe you could   shut your eyes you know pretend I was somebody  else there's no one else Cora no just our two   selves Darby and Joan going down the hill  of life together that's quite true Cora I   wouldn't it be better if we tried to make things  a little pleasanter for one another and try to   make this a little bit more like home doing  your best Angela now my evenings at the pub   no more office work to keep you late in the  city a real little family man you will help   a bit won't you there's no place like home is  there now she's that creature threw you out what are you talking about the house he you were   gallivanting after that spot don't  tell me there was no such a person there is no such person cover believe me that's  like turn tail and run I don't wonder you can't   look me in the face for the line like that  on your lips no such person indeed you're   wrong Cora Am I the money you're standing like  that for maybe you're asking yourself how much   I know extern Winwood that's where she works  Melbourne presence that's where she lives Mary   Grey that's a filthy name uh-huh why didn't you  say something it's true Cora but it's all over   and done with is it not for me doesn't do you  know what I'm gonna do and the rule Fraser Cora   no I'll show you up for the worthless what no  customer you are but if you think I'm flu when   I thought you turned out you missed now do the  same for her you mustn't I'll go to the house   where she lives I'd look to the place where she  works and I'll let them know no creature she is   you know what you say don't I know decent shop  we'll take either of you I know respectable house   and taking a loose woman car you're joining me  tell me you belong Carla please afraid aren't you   afraid for her well you're better be because  I sure does the Sun rises tomorrow and I'll   give her a Merry Christmas you'll never forget  back up your city greens it's all your pitiful accidents will happen in the best regulated  families man but it was such a dreadful   accident it comes with the sprouts please  it was such an ideal couple never a cross   word between us that's right mr. masters  are well I feel sorry for losing his wife   so sudden those narrow stairs are death  traps I've always said tuppence worth of   onions instantaneous death was the coroner's  verdict by accident and misadventure and I'll   take these three oranges you ladies are  going to the funeral I suppose course we   are she was one of our best friends when  will it be tomorrow afternoon at 2 o clock [Music] this way please [Music] doesn't she look natural like she was asleep thank you so much was gravy so sorry mr.  Martha first carriage was crabby thanks   for everything maybe biscuits and sherry later  I saw the battles and sandwiches too I think she'll be waiting for you  Philip I'm watching over you   second carriage mr. mrs. chairman it  was so good of you to come good day [Music] mr. mrs. Rogers  fourth carriage please [Music] effort time you know heels even the  deepest wounds their faith oh we have faith mr. Marshall come here a minute got something  for you I think you better drink this what is   it thank you tell me have you slept much since  no not very well I thought so I know we should   take some bait Vanna bean they want to get  the habit and horn nonsense I use it right   along Bayon Sena Dean just just five drops  in a glass of water but be sure and read the   instructions otherwise it might be dangerous  sounds terrible but I might try it good sleep   is what you need in a little quiet I'm gonna  send these these merrymakers home thank you you've been very helpful getting rid of them  no for everything I can't tell you how indebted   I am to don't think of it he beans are kind  of Gilbert and me steep well thank you well   then what you don't look to fit aya I wish I  could do something for you oh you're taking   it wonderfully so far I'm proud of you you  run along boy you sure you don't want me to   stay no you're right I just want you to know  that but you've nothing to reproach yourself   for no one ever tried harder it might rain  you're better taking out brother right I   said dad what's your stick you know the one old  fighter gave him I don't know I left it somewhere good night then a nacho who is it my name is Huxley Oh inspector Huxley  Scotland Yard oh come in inspector mr. Martin yes   I've been told to stop in a look around it's  a nuisance really but I'm afraid I'll have to   ask you a few more questions what about about  the death of your wife but I acid all those   questions you must have seen the report yes as a  matter of fact I read the file quite thoroughly   coroner call it accident that's why this universe  while bothering you and missing my own dinner but   we have to do as we're told of course I need  hardly tell you that you don't have to answer   any questions I should be glad to I take it  this is the place where the accident occurred   yes mine final part of it not at all but it's  all been done yes I know hmm this is what trip   sure I suppose when she was coming downstairs  that night yes that's right you should have a   thing like that prepared you know what I keep  on meaning to but these days I keep forgetting   is that the room she came out of there no that's  my room has on the other side oh yes of course   no I remember the things are much clearer now  nothing like being on the actual spot you know   much better than trying to visualize thing from a  written report I imagine is master here Oh hmm is   that where she struck a head yes it was broken so  I had to replace the blunt this I couldn't bear   the third where do you make a point of that  oh no particular reason excepting in a case   of death by accident we have to consider every  possibility yes that's why it seems so curious   that we still find that broken step unrepaired and  this ballast to replace so promptly what are you   trying to suggest nothing it wasn't accident she  must be thinking precisely let us suppose surely   from my point of view that I'm Christmas Eve the  murderer was sitting in this chair he was alone   his wife was upstairs he was alone and thinking  he had to do away with her he had to do it for a   reason that only he knew but it had to be done so  he got up and walked over to where the canes were he took one of them and waited carefully was it  heavy enough if not he'd have to add more strength   must make a sound the stairs should creak and warn  her she must not hear him going up he reached the   broken step and made sure that it looked broken he  had to hide somewhere in the darkness there was a   corner by the chest where he could hide there he  waited put his hand over his mouth so his voice   would sound as if it came from a great distance  and he stood there in the darkness watching the   door to the bedroom then a voice that wasn't quite  his own called Cora if we did a lifetime and then   he called again Cora he hardly knew his own voice  he heard her feet shuffling and then the door   opened for a moment she stood silhouetted against  the door at the top of the stairs grumbling and   wondering why the whole light wasn't burning  maybe she cried sharply what's the matter he   didn't answer she how she stood so near he waited  the blood running in his ears her voice came over   once more Philip are you all right he held his  breath his hand tightened on a stick she passed   him she went down one step to three it's now or  never now and there she was she wasn't dead yet   he could hear the breath coming from her broken  body but she had to die so he had to hit her again   he only hoped he could hit her in the same spot  slowly he raised a stick there you haven't a shred   of evidence how dare you say I killed my wife how  dare you who said you did I merely said if your   wife was murdered could have happened that way  couldn't it mister Mazel it could have happened   that way but it didn't but it is an interesting  point of view don't you think no if only we could   find something some little something as a motive  you understand what I mean mr. Mazel I don't know [Music] [Music] oh did you wanna come in no oh thank [Music] [Music] [Music] it's been a long time yes it's been a long  time we better not talk here can't you see how   frightfully unfair it was to let them outrageous  suspicions of those stupid people keep us apart   please understand Mary I just didn't want you  mixed up in this sort of thing why not what   are people for anyway people you love can't you  see that if you were in trouble I had a right   to share it yes but not that kind of trouble  marriage has to be suspected leaves a mark all   right then let it leave a mark on both of  us Philip Marshall because I don't intend   to let you go again don't you see that this  sort of persecution will come to an end and   we'll look back and we'll wonder why we ever  let it bother us believe me we will yes with   the compliments of the outset and it's very  good to see here again if I may say sir it's   very nice to be here Martin thank you sir  shall I pour by all means this is notation you see Philip they missed us very my dear my very  dear forgive you charity a little naughty veloute wait I shall be alone did you wish to see me yes miss I'd like a  few words with you please well I'm in rather   a hurry so am i what is it you wish to see  me about not much just a few questions einen   Spector Huxley of Scotland Yard I'd like to  ask you a few things about mr. Philip Marshall what about mr. Philip Marshall if you  don't mind miss I'll ask the questions   how long have you known him since last  night did you meet his wife before or   after you met him I never met his wife  but you did know that he was married   naturally and knowing that he was married  you still continued to meet him frequently yes look here what are you driving at why are you  asking me so many questions because it's quite   possible that mrs. Marshall was murdered Phillip  Marshall and murder nonsense I think you're making   a fool of yourself inspector what you think isn't  evidence miss but once you've been telling me   about your meetings with mr. Marshall is but I  haven't told you anything very valuable evidence   you've given us the motive that we've been looking  for you'll be called as a witness for the crown   miss gray not miss gray inspector this is Phillip  Marshall we were married this morning [Music] that was the cunning move wasn't it honey  well it might be called that since it's not   this fact that a wife can't be made to testify  against her husband you know it's a very funny   thing but we never thought of that didn't you  really and it's just coincidence that you've   silenced the only witness whose testimony I'd  possibly hang it up must we listen to this no   we mustn't darling come now would you wait for  me in the cab over there in a minute now you're   getting rather tiresome inspector with your if  some nights and maybe isn't I don't choose to   listen to them any longer is that clear don't  you think that an innocent man might be more   tolerant than the cause of justice oh I don't I  think an innocent man might behave precisely as   I have no I'm sorry but I can't agree with you  oh I don't you arrest me Here I am I'd like to   believe me but unfortunately I can't no you've  run against a blank wall you take my advice and   don't beat your head against it goodbye just a  moment I don't wish to antagonize you but you   must realize my situation I have a job to do  it's quite impersonal I assure you it's quite   possible I've been wrong about the whole thing  if I have been I'm very sorry very well let's   forget it let me wish you a most successful  marriage and a long one thank you goodbye good yourselves I'm John father I should  never recognized you okay my young   friend you'll do yourself an injury you  will laughter puts a terrific strain on   the art Mary's upstairs dressing last  train from our cave come on Sybil mr.   Hodge no nonsense now you can  help me make the sandwiches you've got such a nice day for the seaside  oh dear sandwiches did he say sandwiches I   think he did why sandwiches is 2/3 bread  makes an awful dump in your stomach puts   a terrific strain on your own I think that's  John putting a slight strain on Sybil's hard   oh why not just one little kiss you'll never  miss it John stop that if he ever tries to do   that again just let me know I'll take a stick to  him would you excuse me on this run upstairs and   see what's keeping Mary down Talia mr. Ian now  then wait till the last minute more people drop   dead I know the Packers are here and they're  waiting downstairs and I've got to go or I   shall be late at the office wait a moment  I've got something to show you what is it oh dear it's very latest thing  you know it's startling at first   do you think it's too revealing well it  isn't quite ladylike I shan't wear it my darling anything you will become ladylike  the moment you put it on Oh Philip you're an   angel I did so why we're come on are you  gonna be late what a shame you can't come   with us I'll be down with that first train  tomorrow mark right bye bye bye morning mrs.   Simmons how did work oh I enjoy puttering  around medicos we might join us the weekend   yes I was thinking about it I've had such  good times at Margot and Brighton before   why don't you come as I guess I stumbled  into the kitchen door was silly of me sorry [Music] my mother yes mr. Marshall get me another of these  marvelous chased us another cherry tart I should   say not and you're supposed to be on a strict diet  you heard what I said I work very hard no need to   keep my strength up no cherry tart very well but  you ought to be ashamed you have no character at   all hello Marshall now sit down I suppose so  Thanks and since you're pressed ma'am I have   a spot of whiskey give me a double whiskey and  setup please miss yes Margaret forget that cherry   tab don't tell me I've spoiled your appetizer  since you press me you have it's too bad you   your irresistible drawn to me are you no I'm good  give me a blunt honest fellow every time well he   has to laugh ground cold what is it you want from  me it's money you're not gonna get me at least not   till you've changed your ways sounds it has up  before judge what's the charge I saw your wife   this morning No so that's it my wives get Tassin  at times you know I know this you gotta stop   knocking at about it you know it's easy for you  to talk you've got a nice new wife never a pretty   one too if I may say so all beer and skittles  now isn't it I'm very happy if that's what you   mean it is and by the same token I'm not your own  fault whatever chance you had a mess of things I   quite agree with you but it so happens that I'm  a Rotter by Nature complete Rotter why can't you   get a hold of yourself you're still yelling  you have a charming life and their money by   the way you couldn't see your way to let me have  a fiver could you just until my wife's allowance   comes due no I could not not a brass farthing  please not till you pull yourself together and   go to work work My dear Marshall work is for  working man yeah this will pay for your drink [Applause] hello mr. self-love day isn't it filthy and  who are you my name is Huxley I am yeah the   police Chapel came asking questions after  mrs. Martin's death that's right may I buy   you a drink I just gonna order one they don't  man the least you're paying for the privilege   sir no he was talking now same one as before  your neighbor mr. Phillip Marshall everybody   what was that did it never occur to you that mrs.  Marshall's death might not have been entirely an   accident did I say that again you interest  me you don't know how much you interest me [Music] [Music] finds a backdoor and thought I'd come in and  continue our chat chat with you is something   I can do without I packing up to go to market in  the morning so if you'll excuse me Oh Tom I'm sure   you've got a few minutes to spare for Formica  hmm and take my advice to heart excited to go   to work I'm not gonna pinion yeah I think it's  a good idea no I don't I think a man makes his   own opportunities you are too narrow what do you  mean oh nothing only a wife diet most conveniently   at the precise moment I did you the most good  wasn't that luck pure and simple what are you   driving at me I'm not driving at anything I'm  merely pointing out how fortuitous these things   happen sometimes well well mrs. Marshall has an  accident you come into her Papa money and the   coroner's jury says Bravo Marshall I call that  lucky I call you are in full busy body do you inspector Huxley doesn't Huxley what about Huxley  oh you know those police fellas suspicious love   don't seem quite satisfied with the notion that  mrs. Marshall's death was accidental was too   bad this isn't it everybody doesn't a cigarette  no no mine at my own No Huxley thinks you shall   we say helped her wife to a better land they  can't prove it oh no he needs a witness does   he and I need 10 pounds you are a swine Archer  Oh quite a filthy blackmailing swine Shh walls   of anything you know that's how I happened to  hear you heard nothing I know but suppose I   were to say that I did Christmas Eve when you and  your wife were headed hammer and tongs suppose I   were to say I heard her cry out who didn't  that I heard the blow the line but I heard   her say Philip don't know I never believed you  that's quite possible but it might put you in   a very awkward position Amanda if I were to give  evidence for the crown yes at night no quite right it might put me in a very awkward position well  yes five pounds is all I have in the house and   apologize thanks for very long tears day you might  throw 25 then another 25 next week or 50 maybe the   week after that and the week after that oh I let  you down at last as I can beside you got plenty oh   yes I've got plenty out there I'm sure that such  a thing as a spot of whiskey in half whiskey yes   I have got a bottle somewhere I keep it for  emergencies it's always an emergency and how   thirsty oh boy you're a very funny fellow Simmons  I don't believe you'll know how funny you are I'll   get the whiskey as it don't even make a pass to  myself I mean Jerrod I go now I want you to stay you're a nice little cat yeah you are help yourself what about you aren't  you gonna have one daughter funny chap Simmons   Sonny didn't ever occur to you the blackmail  might be dangerous not if you know your man   and I know your marshal like a book do you were  easier than I thought I say don't you ever show   fight no no I've never been a fighter oSIsoft  aren't you well perhaps no one of those turn   the other cheek fellas who looks for his reward in  the Hereafter I like people and I've never wanted   to hurt them oh that's a very grave mistake hurt  or be hurt in this world suppose I have a bollard   my hip wondering if I was treading on the other  fellas toes no I don't suppose you have there you   are and Here I am sweet and cosy for life Oh  for as long as you're left last you see your   lot were created to make life easier my soul the  meek shall inherit the earth we inherit the meat your card nozzle mmm ooh I got  no more fight and sheep fun-kill [Music] [Music] The Doors bolted dad must be home [Music] this is a surprise I was upstairs video weekend  was spoiled it's always rain at Margot eight   days a week and twice on Sunday we was lucky  to catch that last train never lucky bunny   and we didn't have to stay home can I go away  always ask myself why everybody's coming here   I'll fix a bit of dinner yeah are you cutting  Finan coming on we've got to fix these people   something to warm them up then what is it  Philip can't you help me find the whisky   I'm sorry darling that there isn't any I'm sure  there was something to cover the worst but it's   all gone now Philip is that what you do and  my back is turned how about the sherry well   just keep out the cold I don't have to do it's  a shame you had such bad weather we didn't see   a spot a blue sky once and didn't you have a  chance to wear your new bathing dress I'll save   it for the next time when you'll be Paris  Sybil come here I wanna show you something mr. packer thank you look somebody lost their  keys they're mine put them in my pocket will   you my word this far there's nothing like  a good drop of sherry is their price look   back your daddy you look after your own  art mrs. P I'll look after mine mr. n yes   to you who drinks in this house forgets  his troubles John look at this tiny baby   it's been ducky ducky yeah mine and how  do you suppose you would look at a big   cold seashell with nothing on but oh sure you  mustn't say such things nice to mr. Marshall   I expect he will no thanks ah yes it was my  ankle Oh ridiculous it's a hallucination no   it isn't it touched me on the ankle there's  something under there Madison's I'll show you [Music] Supper's ready such idiots come along everybody  bring you drinks you're going further we have   to eat and run wrong way they're sticking in your  pocket oh we had a lovely time you must come again   soon oh yeah no I missed that blinking stuff I'm  seeing Sibbi home was ever so nice of you to have   me mrs. Marshall mr. Marshall come on John good  night everybody I wonder if John is really smitten   with that girl I dare say she's a pretty little  thing I don't believe she ever had a thought on   her head should hate most awfully to see him throw  himself away like there wouldn't you wouldn't tell   why you weren't listening Philip what's wrong  well you look positively done in is anything   happening course not don't try to put me off you  got something on your mind well as a matter of   fact I knew it come on now no secrets between us  alright no secrets so since you will have it how   would it be if we packed up when off with John you  mean to Canada my brother but I thought you said   you wanted to stay here I know tomorrow I think  of the idea the more I like it you haven't been   happy here have you well sorry I thought when we  had the house done over that you'd forget there's   no use is it now you mustn't blame yourself Mary  I'd be happy anywhere with you I feel that too do   you want to know something I'll be glad and happy  to leave this house be much better off anyplace   else in the world you feel that too let's go  with John is a wonderful idea I'm so happy I   could dance look here my girl it doesn't have  to bet you that long ha there's no no half as   tired as you are besides I want to clear things up  I'll clear everything but there's so much rubbish   I'll clear up all the rubbish that run along  alright doesn't dreams I'll beam about Canada [Music] oh yes yeah don't forget to  take the cat in I don't forget [Music] [Music] we shall miss you mr. Marshall thank ya  Canada's a great country but allow me I wish I   was going with you well good looking the same to  your family thank you mr. Berger mr. Marsh's a   fine gentleman mr. Marshall would you allow  me with all these police nosing up and down   the terrace I think you oughta know how do you  mean lucky it laws the neighborhood mr. Marshall   mr. Simmons disappearing police rapping on doors  and asking questions not that I don't think it's   a good witness but do you mean to say they've  not been run bothering you about it but Simmons   oh why should they after all it's not the first  time he's been away for days I don't know being   his next-door neighbor and all well what would  they want to know who saw him come who saw him   girl who saw him last is what they're driving  at such a to-do about a worthless drunkard   thought himself too good for us that if you  ask me we are too good for him good morning almost vajra why'd you come in I just don't  need to say goodbye and thank you for giving   a cat home oh I was very glad to you know I've  always loved animals but Gilbert just wouldn't   let me keep any pets have you had any news  of him no not a word I suppose this latest   escapade of his is the talk of every gossip  in the neighborhood well you know when you   get the police hanging about it does set a lot  of tongues wagging I've been through this so   many times I suppose I should be used to it  I'm not I wish there was something I could   do that's very kind of you but I'm afraid  there's nothing anybody can do you know   sometimes when you get up it goes away like  was I I almost wish he wouldn't come back I'd   go and stay with my sister and children in Devon  and that's only a dream he always does come back I can't tell you how sorry I am mr. Simmons and  I think we know each other well enough for me to   be able to say that I hope that someday  soon you'll be able to go back to Devon [Music] well only a few more minutes to go  you know my heart's thumping can't believe   it I say you're not going to regret this  are you we're going to be very happy you   and John and I I feel that such a bear mark  he needs all the help we can get it for you mr. Phillips Marshall I'm Philip Marshall  here's a gentleman to see you sir thank you very much Stuart mr. Marshall I didn't  want you to say oh so without saying goodbye I   missed you that last day at the office now is  your throat only a little raspy said Mary this   is my fellow worker married you I'm very glad to  know him I brought you a present mr. washer Oh   myself yes can I open it yes it it's a southern  remedy from al-eman sea sickness mr. Marshall   but I brought with my own money that was very  thoughtful of your manager wasn't it Mary indeed   it was so take good care of it and I wish you the  best of luck in the house mr. Marshall and you mum   and I'm very much beholden to you and mother says  how she hopes I go to be as good a man as you are   I don't know about paying good manager business  you're half as happy as I am there you are I say   I've been looking all over the ship for you what  is it don't tell me the bags have gone astray at   all they're in your stateroom dozens of them I  never saw so many bags and my pullover isn't one   of them but I don't know which in the brown bag  laddie there are three brown bags maimana I'll   show you the Sonny if you'll excuse us mr.  mayor I do didn't I tell you he was helpless I best be going sir at once I shouldn't want  to be carried off to Canada yes sir ma'am look   after that 30 years but how do I get it back to  you sir gonna keep it you're very good sir yeah   you stayed home the rest of the week and tell your  mother I said so you be a good boy always yes sir [Music] and lo there Marshall hello inspector  you tell up everywhere don't you yes it   does seem so doesn't it are you were sailing or  seeing somebody up Haley good marvelous country   Canada I came down to see an old friend off me  move Pennyfeather look in my part you say well   yes he looks me up what do you mean you  you think that of course I do Oh nonsense   forget it that's water over the dam well  goodbye and good luck Thank You inspector oh by the way Marshall you seen the  afternoon paper no that neighbor of   yours that chap Simmons you know what  about Simmons he stand up at last you   don't say sir yes very I rather thought  you'd be interested no I suppose it's   not important uh-huh here we are there it  is buried at the bottom the page you see oh dear me sure it's Simmons look quite they  fished him out of the canal behind the terrace   he was knocked up out of it but it's him all right  gastly must have fallen in when he was tight no he   was thrown in when he was dead you gonna tell me  he's been murdered in cold blood hard to believe   that was he shot no he was poisoned in a pint of  self whiskey Shuggie hmm know who did it well I   know who did it oh yes yes Oh his wife oh yes  perfectly clear case she had a motive you know   he was a first-class father you knew that you  snuck her about she admits it and decides there   was a package of the insurance money coming -  oh that's not possible oh yes besides she had   the opportunity you know he was seen going into  the house but nobody saw him come out and the   stuff they found in his stomach was identical with  some sleeping drug that she had on him but that's   absurd that woman couldn't have dragged the body  into the canal why not it's only a few feet to   the end of the garden she wouldn't have had the  strength Oh My dear chap when it comes to finding   strength or swinging come to that no jury would  convict that woman bail convicted without even   getting out of the box you realize she hasn't any  alibi why she was in the house the whole time oh   I say I didn't mean to upset you I I didn't dream  that oh she's innocent oh really do you have any   proof no but one can't live next door to a person  for eight years without knowing something about Oh   My dear master when it comes to knowing what's in  other people's heart and sit well there's my man   now well goodbye old chap now don't let it bother  you it's no affair of yours you know my eyes what should a visa whiskey sir three Minister saying Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's beyond me the check kills a man in cold  blood and we let him save away just like that   well what could I do if you killed Simmons  it must have been because he was guilty of   killing his wife and I couldn't prove it so he  gets clean out of our hands ever was annoying   the other way around if anything there's only  one thing that'll bring him to heel that's his   own sense of decency decency a murderer I look  here in Milan I know Philip Martin he's not a   killer not by nature he's a man just the same  as you and I are that's the reason I gave him   that cooked up story about mrs. Simmons I didn't  think it was possible to be led an innocent woman   suffer for something that you'd be but looks  as though I was wrong I would have made it that   that you were wrong all the time inspector  no sergeant do you still want a bed look my ad soft do you inspector Thank You  sergeant shall I grab him no he's getting   away no he isn't he thinks he's done a  pretty big thing let's leave him alone   he'll come to us when he's ready just keep  an eye on him in the meantime [Applause] where do you governor Scotland Yard [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Chris T
Views: 1,993,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Film noir, noir, cinema, classic, film, movie, retro, b/w, crime
Id: ejFbsXzapis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 25sec (4885 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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