Suddenly It's Spring 1947 Paulette Goddard Fred MacMurray Macdonald Carey Comedy dir. Mitchel Leisen

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laughs [Music] away [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yes it's a day of Thrills the day these GI guys and gals have been dreaming about for long months Home Sweet Home Alabama please go to telephone call for Mr Morley telephone call for Peter Morley Mr Morley leaves us [Music] thank you nasty spill wasn't it I I saw the whole thing is that lady again well thanks pal hello honey have you talked your wife yet dear is she off the boat maybe it would simplify matters if she just fell overboard that's a fine thing to say about my wife she couldn't fall overboard now if she wanted to no well I now remember dear don't become involved with it simply get his signature on the divorce consent come right over here sure honey oh I'll get her settled the minute I see her she's as anxious as I am yeah well I'll go um oh you know I do honey haven't I been proving it to you yeah well oh hello hello honey you all right no I mean no no the ship didn't blow up I'll tell you about it later yeah goodbye honey goodbye what goes on who's in charge of this pier I am well what kind of a phone booth do you call that do you realize that the wrong kind of man would sue you for damages legally this is a pure and simple case of race it's a locator but what happened what happened he says I'm standing in the thing and it falls apart how could that be I don't know but look at it might have killed myself just watch it friends don't let those things happen sorry Mr pass holders only but I was in here before I I'm a husband Hadley go ahead [Music] Morgan DMC Martin Robert E Mary here I am Mary Peter oh hello it's my husband Lambert MacArthur yes ma'am Noble oh six seven Marley Mary D ude I don't quite know how to act did you get my letter about the divorce yes I didn't expect it oh Sergeant Denny this is my husband the sergeants my assistant they said we were to get on the buses right ahead yes ma'am glad to imagine sir how do you get into this place oh there's a gate right around here you look fine then Jim Donovan all right I lost 30 pounds in the Pacific but I I gained most of it back though how do I look oh you look fine I've got the divorce agreement in my pocket it seems funny because you're in uniform I have to get your consent milk captain fresh milk thank you fresh milk hey Pop stinky it's wonderful it's like nectar oh look about the divorce contention can we go someplace excuse me Captain Marley yes I'm Jergens perfect relations how do you do this is my husband Peter Marley yes hello wonderful wonderful Jones over here over here please this is wonderful you know you become quite a celebrity I recognize you from those pictures in Yang excuse me fellas oh the article on my marital relations work in the Army I say the publicity gone a bit overboard Captain Lonely Hearts they call me fellas come here isn't that wonderful this is a natural the famous Captain Lonely Hearts comes back from overseas and into the arms of her husband no no wait a minute your baseball morning arms around your wife a big smackery look we don't go for this kind of publicity oh give us a break we got lots to cover come on come on you get into this marriage savings will you please get out of the way I want to get this on sale it's simulation of my work as a civilian attorney you're looking at morally and morally attorneys at law come on do what command say can I have a kiss fine now smile smile that's it thank you is the lady free to talk Captain I'll give you all that information later Captain what I must check in for processing thanks a lot Captain you gotta get into one of those buses I know come on Peter goodbye boys thank you that's second bus Captain thank you we haven't settled anything I've got the papers right here in my pocket now looking for Molly right here thank you this question no no wax only sir if I have something very important to say to my wife I'm sorry wax only you are hello I see you when are you gonna be free I don't know [Music] nasty spill wasn't it I saw the whole thing [Music] yeah just a minute I'm coming [Music] okay [Music] I've got my gear all packed they gave me such short notice about your arrival that I didn't have a chance to get out Peter you know it almost seems as though we'd never been away doesn't it yeah darling Yes dear I've been making a list of our assets for the settlement you never cared much for the beach house anyway so I thought I'd take it and you could have the apartment is that fair enough you call me darling a moment ago why I don't know just a force of habit I guess each other for years and you always call me counselor yeah that's right counselor well even if there were what difference would that make to you have you forgotten that the divorce was your idea yes back in 1941 I guess we should have said a list before we enlisted Peter are you sure you want to go through with this well I'm making it as easy as possible we haven't seen each other for so long our attitudes might have changed are you absolutely sure what is this a cross-examination I said I wanted to make the separation as simple as possible for you simple here I am in the Army teaching quarreling couples how to make marriage work and you make everything easy by demanding a divorce well I'm not demanding well you'd better not you're likely to get nowhere what do you think we ought to do counselor I want to be in uniform forever and you're in no hurry are you I don't know couldn't you take a six weeks leave and get a quiet divorce no whatever's done must be as a last resort we we mustn't destroy the effect of the work that I've done in the Army you know work it out some way counselor don't worry or if you're looking for something constantly yes my bags well I put them in the bedroom foreign [Music] missing there missing from there oh [Music] you are so much prettier than the picture actually that I [Music] counselor are you doing anything tonight would you have dinner with me are you being nice to a returning service man well there are some things we might want to talk about may I pick you up at eight it would be nice to make an appearance together the online Terrace is still open you always like that all right Peter all right I'll I'll store my thing someplace now see you today shall we both bring briefcases [Music] well I think you'll be sorry if we don't don't you hello Charlie I might have known Mr Boulder what do you mean Miss face sending me out for champagne and you bringing in flowers Elementary my dear Washington [Music] why Peter Morley you're out of the army hello yes have you moved here no no I see that calling on some young lady yes [Music] Laura's Place 9 14 11 please yes Mr morning [Music] but aren't you married to that lovely Mary and what's her name yes how is she well she's in the army overseas no no not anymore she just got back from overseas today she's still in uniform I suppose yes [Music] so I'm taking flowers to a sick horse [Music] foreign [Music] you mean about Mary she signed the papers didn't she well no she didn't why not now look believe me there's there's nothing to worry about it's just that well we can't rush things we we're up against the Army oh Peter you're weakened no honestly then you didn't go about it intelligently I tell you there's nothing to worry about I'm I'm picking her up at our apartment tonight our apartment or I mean her apartment and then I'm taking her out to dinner and there's nothing to worry about you just don't have faith in me I keep telling you everything you have faith in you but what about her I don't pretend to be a child dear as a woman who's been married I know something about men and more about women I was unhappy once and you are now as mature people we know we could be happy together but we must act quickly that's what I'm trying to do but every hour you delay makes a separation more difficult it also makes me wonder about your sincerity oh no honey no you are a free man and we mustn't cheapen ourselves what were we up to now Peter please you mustn't come here again until your wife is consented to the divorce and that had better be soon I tell you I'll have the paper signed by morning well I hope so for both of us now you better go one little kiss that's for the future you sure smell good remember that and I won't be waiting forever [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign what are you doing here hello how'd you get in lucky if you don't let me stay here whenever I come off from Washington well I don't mean to be dressed but would you get out of here I'm a client of Mr Morgan how will he be able to buy pretty things if you drive clients away you manage the doors right over there whatever happened to Glory Glory oh well she you know oh don't be so nice it's all quite apparent Peter met you and that was the end of glorion it wasn't a month ago that he swore she was the one woman in the world of course Peter told me about Gloria but uh I've never met her that's quite pretty isn't she I vote for you Peters to be congratulated thank you nice fellow in the way at least he's fun is he you're a very serious young lady is that bad and what if Peter finds someone else later could you thank him for nothing and go your way with a smile do you uh think that may happen that happened to Gloria didn't and a man doesn't change overnight well I'll face that problem when the time comes you poor kid now if you'll excuse me mister Lindsay Jack well as you can see I must get dressed and naturally you can't stay here tonight naturally Goodbye Mr Lindsay I'll tell Peter you were here I'll see you again and may I offer a compliment yes I wish I'd met you first foreign I believe my daughter's here I can assure you I didn't bring her here oh mother darling my train was late wonderful just as you were before you went away the disillusionment comes later what's he a souvenir he's a friend of Peter's Mr Lindsay oh so you're a friend of my daughter's husband have you heard any good stories lately Mr Lindsay may I may I apologize and please don't believe a word I said young man how long have you known Captain Morley Captain I'm a whack Mr Lindsay don't be too concerned about what you told me Peter and I have been separated for years well I believe you have a key oh that so Peter never told you he had a wife from whom he was separated of course you're the Molly of Molly and Molly nicely put thanks now that Peter doesn't live here any longer you might find it embarrassing to have me running in and out of the apartment at all hours I'll find a hotel room with the aid of a small miracle by the way Mr Lindsay what are you doing tonight well I uh nothing I'm having dinner at the Moonlight Terrace congratulations would you do something for me I might would you take Gloria to the same place I wouldn't make many friends doing that well I'd be indebted to you interesting thought I'll take her she'll go simply him to Peter and I will be there isn't it terrible how completely women know each other I'm going to enjoy this see you tonight you know I'm beginning to doubt Peter's judgment as a client I have a feeling I should take my business elsewhere are you opening your own law office soon perhaps within a few months or may I offer myself as a client and why not good day mother bye everybody calls me isn't he nice it's obvious or what man isn't [Music] where are you stalking the Klingons are in the Valpak a man's pajamas I bought those for Peter in Paris it was just a little gift now put them back don't be so snapping frankly I'm scared stiff a date with my own husband I'm shaking like a school girl have you forgotten what you said in that clipping you sent me from London what remember this said Captain Marley every impression you make with your actions every word you yes mother I know must convince the man to try the most wonderful woman on earth it's like a glove stop giving me my own routines I hadn't realized how easy it is to advise people and how difficult it is to make the advice work come on darling the first time he sees you tonight is so important I know let's see your entrance into the living room mother please now be late try it try it it'll be time well invested that first side of you completely a woman come on my nails are weird oh it seems so silly actually rehearsing you've told other women to do it now pay attention to yourself come on no no no no no not so stiff you're not a soldier now what do you want me to do like a woman well that's better hello Peter hello Mary hello Mother let's see didn't you understand eight o'clock would you please wait in the other room for sure you should look funny is that they look funny oh darling oh [Music] my God [Music] foreign [Music] Ty shall be divided one cooperatively owned apartment Mary one beach house with location as specified in the Hall of Records why don't you go watch Rome burn I asked him to come over well very pretty thanks very much [Music] thank you where were we our Hall of Records Etc et cetera beautiful morning now you'll note that this is very generous one baby grand piano Mary one combination radio and phonograph one table model radio Mary on portable radio [Music] one vacuum cleaner Mary one washing machine Mary why don't you wait for the head waiter this isn't up his alley one combination Checkers chest and backgammon said me I didn't think that you'd want that what's the matter my hand went to sleep better now though uh one four burner electric stove Mary 18 Electric Refrigerator Mary what's that sterling silver Mary well Pete Marley or Jack [Music] yeah I suppose all you people have a fair idea Mrs Morley uh my wife I mean Captain Molly this is Jack Lindsay he's a client of mine how do you do Miss mystery shopping and uh oh yes of course the glory of Faith Captain Morley how do you do Miss Bay how do you do well fancy meeting you here um oh yes and Miss Faye may I present Mr Peter Morley Laura how do you do so happy to know you foreign [Music] I've heard so much about you I bet you have well Jacka when did you get in town today well about the apartment I'm having a little uh redecorating done so if you don't mind I have a room at the South Park good you're lucky [Music] well when does the first dark fly miss a means when is somebody going to trip over his own tongue and reveal it Mr Morley sitting between Mrs Morley and his girlfriend touche girlfriend isn't quite the phrase Mrs Waller oh I was just being sweet you are a darling I feel honored to have won your husband you know it's too bad you can't celebrate tomorrow victory well now that we all know each other we can face this situation like grown people Mary and I have just been looking over the settlement papers of course you and I realized this involves some sacrifice on her part you know her work in the Army is marital relations expert you and I appreciate that deeply don't we darling well I'm sure the captain will be able to preserve her reputation perhaps in the same mysterious way she obtained it well thank you and if there's ever anything I can do for your reputation I know nothing but the best of Peter and now he's going to have it tell me my dear how did you ever manage to meet him oh man without love is that difficult it's in in your case obviously knows oh it's wonderful to meet such an understanding woman I was afraid for a moment you might either be an extremely spiteful or very selfish person who would refuse to sign the divorce in advance shall we dance I told you Mary wasn't the type to stand in anybody's way are you constantly no not when I face a superior opponents now that she understands the situation I'm sure she'll sign the papers right away the place is marked right here for your signature Mr Lindsay did I hear you ask me today I must have been thinking out loud excuse us you lucky people is she going to find him as we sit here all evening and pick our teeth between insults insults I thought you two were getting along beautifully she's a sinus we just have to be careful why don't you shoot her because I thought you meant that did you quite a woman great idea of yours bringing it right to the table I had confidence in you whether he likes it or not Peter must be saved from that booby trap you mean for yourself is it that obvious to me Peter can't see the end of his nose he's in love you know take me home please and leave him with his papers blank come on I'll get you a jacket in person you will not hurry up things could be so lovely why don't you give the Goof his freedom you watch now that she's had a little moment she'll sign the papers without a word that's just her way what would you say if I told you she isn't here no well she wouldn't walk out without saying a word do that to me she's doing it to me Governor Colton purse you'll take him to her tonight she knows that and you know how weak a man can be honey believe me there's nothing I want more than to come to you and tell you I'm free the way Mary's acting leaving with a man she just met something's bothering her you don't know what it is have you any idea not the sliders stay as sweet as you are thanks so much Mr Lindsay good night I'll take you up oh no I need to say time that I have things to do good night is this my reward for risking my best friend's friendship to be turned out into the night well perhaps I'll see you again soon good night why not now when you need the comforting advice of an unprejudiced some other time good night I'm very thirsty could I please come up and have a glass of water there's a fountain right over there good night [Music] no thanks mine will be returned in a little while good night [Music] I left you [Music] thank you [Music] oh my oh [Music] foreign [Music] hahaha [Music] Peter [Music] thank you counselor [Music] who is it open up why what right do you take Lori to dinner when I'm out with my wife tell you what make a list of all women belonging exclusively to yield and I'll try and get by and what's left what are you doing here I couldn't get a room so I'm staying with you nice of you to tell me I thought you'd have twin beds I'll stay way way over on my side Barbara Plaza 51598 please thanks hello Mary dear this is your husband they just happen to be some papers which need your signature before I can be true to my girlfriend don't lay off well if I don't get these papers signed soon I'ma cook goose Glory wouldn't let me I mean I didn't get a chance to talk to Mary in the apartment tonight already I smell feathers burning all right I love these characters who drop in at all hours and start using your telephone you always did it to me I'm different I'm your client no answer oh thanks you know what I think unfortunately I think your wife loves you that's what I thought once you tell me one thing what does Gloria have that Mary doesn't have when you're older don't get killed you know I can take my patronage elsewhere what brought you to town anyway I want to bid on some more Surplus equipment heavy machinery Dives prices you know I need your help on legal procedure did you hear me what I said your slip is showing hello oh pardon me for calling you at this hour but mother's gone and I'm here alone I'll be right over it no no no no what I mean is I have a million things to do in the morning sign in and out pick up my new orders go to Governors Island means that I have to get up at 5 30 and there's no alarm clock in the apartment would you be so kind as to ask your hotel operator to call me here at that time 5 30. I guess it could be done hang on Hello Operator this is Lindsay in 412. would you do a very special favor for a dear friend of mine hello there thanks operator you're a dime and honey no I mean the other honey goodbye operator honey remember me when the time is right and a good thing good night who was there somebody's why some people say I think she's got the World by the tail but nowhere why doesn't the fellow like that get wise to himself I'd better not answer that thank you this is where she was stationed before she went overseas she has to be someplace don't worry my business can wait I've enjoyed this particularly Governor's Island at dawn I'll be right back what about the procedure on interviews is it the same as before yes I wonder if you could tell me what well At Last a familiar face I'm Mr Molly I'm captain Morley's husband I met you at the board yes sir I know I'm trying to track down this is I mean Captain Morley didn't you know know what about Captain Morley's leaving town no I didn't I've been pretty busy and we just didn't get a chance to did she leave something for me yes bear this package package [Applause] is this all she left the down below too little sir [Applause] he returns when did she leave she hasn't she leaves on the North Shore Limited in five minutes in five minutes thank you oh Mr Marley oh Grand Central Station fast yeah that answers right up the street there oh sure sorry Jack hey the man we'll see you later hey wait what goes on white Pete [Music] wait Pete nothing [Music] peace he got away but I got your pajamas thanks foreign [Music] that's all right I won't report you oh thank you all right your pajamas thanks you were yelling stop me why did you run out do I have to explain my private life yes you give the heir to a cloud who's come all the way from Washington important business hold on Jack I'm in a mess and you're not you've got to make allowances varies on this training she hasn't signed the divorcement Mary on this train where are we going you can get off the next stop it's Harmon and I hope I can too Section 3 Chicago section three Chicago pardon me you have a captain Molly aboard and [Music] in just a minute your tickets please oh we didn't have time to buy them we're just going as far as Harman you take care of it I paid the cabinet come in please believe me if you make any attempt to hold that man you're making the greatest mistake of your life let him go sign those papers and get him out of your hair you're young well speak of the devil what were you talking about you tell it I see you got pajamas oh yes thanks I've had quite a time finding you did you try last night oh that was Gloria thought that I mean I thought maybe you didn't want to be disturbed well won't sit down with pleasure [Applause] cozy isn't it Jack old man I realize this is ranked impudence on my part but could I have a word alone with my wife you wish but I know what you're going to talk about and as an old friend I thought I might have helped you both I think we can blend it through alone as you sit there looking at him Marion just think of sitting there looking at him for the next 50 years I'll be waiting you seem rather fond of you in a small way he's a good catch rich the counselor about this uh I had to leave town with such a hurry new assignment advising girls at Fort Sheridan on the art of being happily married I have to make a stopover at Detroit to address a group perhaps you'd be interested no I won't be going that far my there seem to be so many misunderstandings these days so many marriages breaking up for no tangible reason well that's life counselor I shouldn't give up so easily a marriage should be given every possible chance to survive yes you're right I'm glad we did it that way but we didn't we made no attempt to save our marriage I think what it would have meant if one of us had gone to the other and said dear they're difficult days ahead if we believe in each other if we have faith we can ride the storm storm sitting across from each other at the office all day and then going home to sit across from each other at the dinner table and ask each other what's new you call that a storm now you're being honest with me and that's what I want to hear sit down now tell me was there anything else wrong well the little fact that you suggested we separate do you know what I do if I had that moment to live over again what Almond next stop Harmon already pardon me pardon me save you from yourself didn't I someday I'm going to saw you in half I know it sounds strange honey but this morning she wasn't at our I mean her apartment or or at Fort Dix or at headquarters yeah and then this train thing came up oh sure yes I will hide yeah well believe me by the time we get to Poughkeepsie I'll have her signed an unseasoned yes well look yeah well honey the train is leaving up yo well honey I've got to hurry yes I will but honey there she goes yeah yes I will yeah good goodbye thank you thank you I'll leave you the rules again eh you're gonna get caught one of these days yes thank you this craze making better time than I am one of the Poughkeepsie pleasure and Affair please don't forget horse in the mouth she weren't such a good client who is it Peter I'll be out in a minute them that has gets oh Mary I just talked to him but I put on something comfortable oh after all husband and wife I just talked to Gloria I promise her that by the time we got to Poughkeepsie I'd have the divorce consent signed and start back to New York you have the divorce papers if you haven't I have carbon copies well I must say you're getting a beautiful woman thanks surprising she's never married before oh she has a husband passed away no uh divorced I wonder why I don't know I never asked it did she ever ask about us yes I won't ask you what you told him well actually I told her you were a swell guy and she and I agreed that what her husband needs isn't a swell guy of course I explained to her that this wasn't true when we were first married thank you as a matter of fact I didn't dare tell her how much of a woman you really were before he became such a bad lawyer then you do remember who could forget I did for quite a while and then when thank you may I come in man but we're busy I mean can't you wait this is Life Death practicing man the gentleman outside told me all about you Mr Lindsay yes ma'am I bought you helping people's marriages that are about to go to pieces and that's exactly what's happening to me man something terrible I'll be right outside no don't go please carpool this is my husband Mr Marley how do you do sir I'm Corporal Michael's man my husband's sitting right out there and I'm sure I can get him to come in Corporal can't this matter possibly wait until later but Poughkeepsie will leave the train separated forever I'll hurry oh dear councilman I seem to be getting more involved in this than here he is man Harold Michael my husband Mr Morley Mr Michael pleasure won't you uh sit down I think it would probably be better if I waited outside no I want both of you to feel perfectly free to tell me about yourselves and about each other in that manner we can get to the bottom of things and correct any misunderstanding well there's no misunderstanding I know what I'm doing I wasn't just born yesterday or the day before but everything was fine before I went overseas it wasn't fine it seemed fine and when I got back yesterday on the boat there he was waiting to tell me that he didn't want me anymore he met the boat to tell me that the way you tell it to make me sound like a heel she doesn't tell you anything about what happened before why don't you tell us Mr Michaels I will I'll bust the case wide open when we first got married we were happy see and then came the war so the draft board calls me in am I complaining no Michael right down I'm ready to get shattered and dig a ditcher fly a plane puncture eardrum for rep so what happens what my wife my own wife decides to make me look like a perfect dope with me in civilian clothes she joins the wax why shouldn't you be awake well what makes you think she joined despite you a husband knows those things see it's intuitive your wife joined the wax for the same reason mine did to help finish a war can you prove it with a wife and love try to destroy her own marriage well right now your wife is doing everything in her power to hold you well sure she's had her fun now she's ready to settle down what do you mean by that while I stayed home and worked my fingers to the Bone where was she overseas with millions of men soldiers everybody knows about service women overseas look Junior one more idiotics hold me back I'll talk to him sit down sit down I'll talk to him please down Mr Michaels now it's quite understandable that a man whose wife is away could let his imagination get a little out of hand I also know that there was plenty of malicious rumor in hearsay about women in uniform but those are things from which a real man defends his wife through no fault of yours you weren't in uniform but fortunately you had a wife who could help you should be proud of her how did you feel about your wife being in uniform like she says proud you mean you weren't you know jealous about her being away from home all those soldiers or maybe uh but little personal feelings were so unimportant with a war on there's something else to consider Mr Michaels if your wife was a good wife before she went into uniform you're due for a very pleasant surprise the Army will return her to you a better wife tenfold what did the Army do to work it's just something that can't be explained you have to experience it to realize what I mean well what do you say would you give that marriage another trial well of course it would be a little silly to bust up before you know besides a man should give his wife a chance to prove that the Army hasn't changed her has changed oh honey I promise you'll never be sorry for this so happy you're wonderful oh no I'm not I'm just being fair oh thank you so much ma'am and bless you both stop shoving dear thank you what a character and she loves him yes that's the way women are thanks so much for your help I hadn't realized how you failed about certain things I should apologize for losing my head it's a good thing we weren't pleading a case yes that thing you said about this fella getting a surprise when he finds out what the Army does for a woman oh what is it do you really want to know would anybody be interested in the farewell look at Poughkeepsie Poughkeepsie I promise Gloria that by Poughkeepsie I counselor you can save me a lot of trouble if you sign those papers right now I think we're going about this matter in a very sensible way you'll get those papers in due time but I promise of the Bible keeps you had I'll be right back you will thank me someday that is a moment I hope I don't live to see the career of martyr is a thankless one Mr Lindsay just what is it you expect from me you young man you are trying to interfere with Destiny out out hello Gloria listen honey let me say first that if you have nothing to worry about well I'm in Poughkeepsie [Music] [Music] I know honey but things keep happening oh no no of course not by things happening I mean I mean interference from other people well now please Gloria please when you can't just do that just walk out of my life right in the middle of everything go on Beat it oh no not you honey now please Gloria please don't make any snap decisions I'll be back just as soon as go hello Gloria oh what do you want the train it's gone why didn't you say something I tried to in my half-hearted way Gloria doesn't think I'm trying said goodbye and then hung up on me what'd you expect it to say hello let's have some coffee while we're playing your next move next move do you realize that the way things stand now I can't win you win or I'll die trying foreign come in oh Pardon Me Miss uh put that General Defender kept getting on and off what about him oh was poughkeeps as far as he was going where is he I'm Gypsy oh no oh yes perfect Mary stopped over in Detroit gives us plenty of time to get back to LaGuardia and beat it to Chicago by Plane she can't possibly get there before tomorrow night a problem solved nothing's solved no he's not going to give me a divorce until she's ready and Gloria won't wait you say things are never better you'd have no trouble with Gloria if you could go to her with a divorce sign and you can persuade Mary to sign the consent if you'll quit using your hands and start using your head I wish I would like you it'd be so easy to kill myself drink that coffee while I lend you my mind consider your ignorant procedure up to now you've tried to have your wife divorce you by turning on your charm like a cover boy so the more you're around her the more she wonders if she should let you go I know Mary you can't get anything from her by hitting her over the head all right you also must know if there's a certain type of man she can't stand a type of man would be or pet hate you mean if I should show up in Chicago transformed into one of those characters that drive Mary to drink that'll hand over that divorce consent like it was a hot potato oh no Mary's too smart you see through that you can also see through water that people swallow it believe me if you're as repulsive as I'm sure you can be it won't matter to her whether you're acting or simply reverting to type maybe it would work if I can get her burned up enough that's the spirit pull it on make her so sick of you that the very mention of your name will make her gag let's get going while you're still revolting it's wonderful you jack to help me like this so unselfish like a bat borrowing blood poor Mary how she'll hate you in Chicago [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you should be quite busy at Fort Sheridan as you can see your reputation is preceded do you mind standing up on a step Ed we can fire a few questions Captain what is your advice to A Wack with an unhappy husband or a boyfriend we future civilians are relying on you to show us how to hang on to our men captain well I'm a married woman and I know a married woman's problems I don't think I know all the answers but uh generally speaking a woman's greatest Aid and Readjustment will be tolerant smile Captain you mean close your eyes and pretend everything's all right I didn't say that a woman won't fight to hold a good man doesn't deserve it of course the ideal marriage is based on trust and faith it develops with gentleness and dignity no no surprise Peter a white woman all we had in the Pacific was coconuts hey what is this kind of man kissing a little woman without drawing flies go on scram I'm Mr Mary Morley folks attorney at law if you ever getting a jam drop up and see me what card bud I've been recording the fresh whistles out with you look out video here comes that man again pardon me for interrupting Mr Morty but we must get back to Fort Sheridan come along oh but I've got reservations at the hotel can't you give the little woman a break huh oh with your permission major please just this one evening there are a few things that have to be ironed out ironed out she says well if you wish oh we have a DACA right outside should we drop you at the hotel what are we waiting for come on girl please oh Jack take care of the little woman's luggage will you come on major Mr morning good morning the man's land on this hanging on to her husband oh that's a a way for our lady to hang on to her husband to refuse to let him go my husband passes himself you know you'll be surprised how well that works out I know because it happened to a friend of mine uh of course this friend finally shot his wife and had to go to prison for life but at least he feels free murder huh what's your idea on the ideal marriage morning what's that show I said what's your idea on the ideal marriage well I know my uh my wife's routine she says the ideal marriage is based on faith and trust of course that means faith in your opinion your husband and trust that he won't find out the two gentlemen will be discreeting your report of this situation what the major means is she hopes you'll think I'm nuts a major what's about the radio ticklish John I'm sitting there alone see I'm gonna say to myself how about having a plane to Chicago for a second honeymoon you know demonstrate what she's trying to prove help the little ball and change professional standing my husband's so understanding he's so unselfish about my work so I have a plan and here I have all ever ready himself God it reminds me of a story of the traveling salesman seems there was raining seeing his car broke down Mr Molly I must remind you there are ladies presents ah major correction you're soldiers you know the trouble with women in uniform is they can't figure out what they are reminds me of the story of the Gopher in the kangaroo Mr morning how far do you intend to go hello major dude foreign I want you to see the surprise I got for the little woman I think we've had enough surprises Mr Molly yes they have to get back to the post and you must have had a hard day somewhere oh they never forget themselves come on maybe we better go on okay for Mary's sake Mary where do you get a lot of this it'll kill you actually there's no need major that's right Captain I knew they'd See It My Way women always do come on honey how am I doing did I tell you the story about the skunk and the stubborn Mule the baggage belongs to Captain Marley I'll tell you how I think the little woman's been overseas for a couple of years and had a lot of dreams about doing things of Brown when she got back well I'm the kind of a guy that knows how to make those dreams come true you know what I mean so I flashed a little lettuce around Tyler came up with this entry moved this is what you've been dreaming about those foxholes look at that hahaha come on in kid you'll love it you love it well how do you like it the bridal tweet the booby trap this is it kid now step right in closer folks the two-bit tour starts immediately note the French pictures on the wall all done by lean artists and silk pajamas while drinking creme de more and in each and every corner an overstuffed loveseat drenched in rare perfumes smell it major Ah that's all just a whiff lamb shedding filtered Moonlight on chill champagne and over here a cabinet filled with rare liqueurs distilled from stewed poets yeah thank you sir how much I give you 10 bucks loaded and now of this we do not speak we close our eyes and listen to The Echoes of a thousand Whispers our little cheeks turn a fiery red as we tiptoe on a carpet of Goosebumps we carry it darling my friends are simply fascinated that they have a long drive ahead you forgive them won't you well now they know life's life and they gotta live it and you wait right here captain oh it's all right he was in the Pacific you know on a little hot rock please remember that there are quarters available to you on the post in case of an emergency Mary I'm just beginning to realize how much courage it took to carry out your wonderful world I don't see how you could bear up you brought him that's the kind of little woman I like thinks of everything how do you like a major liberated in Paris for a night in Chicago the lady for just saying good night dear oh leaving us in that privacy we so richly deserve huh drop off anytime major draw Biloxi any friend of my wife must have a friend of her own you know that reminds me of a story about the Milkman and the three Maids it seems they were good night major tomorrow tomorrow she says for the evening so young good night Captain good night good night girls hahaha well alone at last yes I I know you're ready to cut my throat but Peter kissed me huh you've become the most fascinating man I've ever met no honest I'm supposed to be revolted I hadn't the faintest notion that there was this other you the strong possessive Target Mary believe me it was just an act I don't care what it was you swept me completely off my feet this changes everything oh no now Mary please oh will it it's all right dear I won't rush things I can wait but counselor we we have to talk counselor counselor please [Music] [Music] oh just the guy I'm looking for well how are we doing how are we doing you and your tired ideas Mary says that I'm the most fascinating character she's ever met he's fallen in love with that goon you turned me into that's impossible you'd know it immediately if you could take a good look at yourself thanks for the compliment well I I give up I'm going back to New York and what are you going to say to Gloria well I'll just tell her that well I won't have to tell her anything I'll just listen Pete are you out of your mind you can't leave now not with Victory just around the corner Victory I'm up to my ears in Victory what does it get me heartburn now Pete I I don't care what Mary said she's on the verge of breaking one more smart move will do it like what go back into that Bridal suite and ignore ignore her that's the final blow to her Pride that's the one move that will give you your freedom a few hours sounds so convincing and you never make sense you can see through water but you swallow what he said lead me believe me you're you're upset you're a confused man how right you are you've almost won your battle if you are someone who's locked in the bedroom to open ignore it check Peter [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] come in I thought it was locked I thought you were asleep there's somebody ringing the bell I think maybe you better answer it let it ring but it's probably those three wax I'm worried about you let them worry I want to talk to you for a minute Peter come here I'm supposed to ignore I mean I've been doing a lot of thinking about us and your willingness to do anything to get your freedom I practically had to belittling my work to the newspapers embarrassing me in front of my fellow offices I guess maybe I overdid it there what hurts most is seeing you making a fool of yourself to get rid of me I've only tried to hold you because I cause I'll find them [Music] well counselor I wish things hadn't I mean foreign [Music] I imagine you expect me to fly into a tantrum but I'm not that kind and let me tell you you're the worst loser I've ever met glorious I came here to take this man away from your unfortunate influence and the fact that I find him in rather unusual circumstances doesn't hold my decision one bit you're a very Noble woman and I'm happy that my husband's getting a mentality of such steps I could punch your nose for that Gloria Mary signed the papers oh oh well get in your clothes Gloria Mary's been very sweet about this I know you want to thank her well that's not necessary maybe we should go upstairs and see if she's all right oh what if she is all right I'm gonna look like a couple of idiots who could be all right alone with that man [Music] client client [Music] Bridal sweet on the double sorry Kevin [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it's you again go away an old friend of the family can come in handy at a time like this stop pacing a bump but I've got a perfectly good Pace coming to me what are you expect me to do break down and cry exactly that's what you want to do isn't it you're mean you feel so much better come on I won't come on now I just cry [Music] I guess we've been away too long [Music] [Music] if we pull around here much longer we're going to miss that train do you really read these old law books oh sure almost every night that's going to be something to look forward to that was me right there that's Mary yeah what else Mister well these books and let's see oh one combination Checkers chest and Backgammon set we have that how about the piano well that's Mary's the couch Mary the silver Mary and we get the combination chess Checkers and backgammon somebody in this family is a smart lawyer all that matters honey is our future together poor Mary why you say poor Mary well being so upset and all you know I think she's falling for that walking gold mine what a horrible fate Marry a Millionaire what else is wrong with Jack besides his money yeah yes what else is wrong with me oh hello Jack that was my best client I wouldn't know my account's been transferred to Attorney Mary Morley cut my future husband off in the middle of a job you can't do that to us I know where my bread is buttered where is she she's in the bedroom but you'll have to wait because the door is locked how did you find out Gloria checked where you going tonight the panel room quite exclusive I'm sure you've never been there what makes you so sure Mary told me anything else besides the books Mister no I guess that's all it's Jackie dare right now it's Jackie dear well thank you hello Jack hello oh Peter you shouldn't make Gloria work so hard look at her by the way when are you leaving for Reno with old uh hubba hubba here tonight so sweet of you to add cosplay wish you'd get the divorce I feel so silly you are the pleasure's all yours Peter how about a grown man going to Reno but isn't that what men always wanted equal rights with women um you're going to post the newspapers with your legs crossed we're wasting our time now that you have your games and old books let's leave the lady lawyer with her spoiled I take it that you're not satisfied with the property settled concern of mine but I hate to see a man cheated out of his rightful chair may I remind you miss fee that the property division was suggested by my husband and that I didn't request a single chain why should you Peter simply paid those workmen to remove your junk junk let's not make an issue of it honey I'm perfectly satisfied speaking of junk Peter did you show her the family skeletons or you wouldn't be interested that if I were you I instinctively wouldn't ask that you'll be sorry idiotic how on Earth do you associate this rubbish with your marriage these items should reveal a great deal to you about your future mistake bleach bone she says quite a bone all right answer me this honestly the salesman told me it'd make a wonderful present for a big strong man what did it do for me gave me an inferiority complex I know you won't believe me Peter but it didn't matter a bit to me that you couldn't lift it didn't matter I wish you could have seen the look on your face when I straightened up without it something seemed to snap inside me naturally hernia any doctor could have warned you you see how important something trivial can become in a marriage the fact that Peter couldn't lift that barbell caused a major change in his attitude toward me and and that in turn caused a change in my attitude so the barbell dragged its little attitude into the closet and locked the door utterly fascinating do you mean to say that you can't lift this is your tone implying you can almost unbelievable that a man your size what's in it blue you couldn't lift it even if you had the strength I'll show you how it's supposed to be done you've done it after all easy you look straight up you can't talk and lift at the same time I wonder why I can lift it now hey the Army must have done something for you yeah you know the silliest one of all yes the time I threw your love letters in there because you hadn't saved mine no this the music box we call that silly it had a practical function too it held cigarettes amazing I gave that to him on our first anniversary did without a permanent to get it yeah I played a tune when you open the lid they usually do it was Mary's favorite song she said it reminded her of our honeymoon in a little rooming house then you broke it yeah but it wasn't deliberate I basically said the tune didn't remind me of our honeymoon all right so politely I asked how did you break it well Mary asked me uh what did the tune remind me of him well you know how people clown I I took the box like this I tried to do a little spring dance like this why is my heart dancing three I wanted to break the box if he didn't stop but he said what if he did not dead well get up and see if you're all together this is exactly what happened before we're getting out of here while you still have a hit on your body oh I'm sorry I ever opened that door that was my prediction oh it's too bad about the Box concert it was broken anyway well I'll have a check say I wanted to have it fixed before but it's got to be such an issue I guess we both acted like children a miracle you fixed it yeah because all I needed was a little shaking up yes remind me not to have him fix my watch [Music] [Music] well it almost came true I wish I could have convinced you that it wasn't so important to me but you wanted one yeah so what we could have talked it over and maybe well people do adopt babies babies Peter and Molly are acting like a hypnotized stooge have you ever gotten that this woman makes a business of trying to force unhappy people to remain together and she's up to her neck and her job right now Gloria maybe if we discuss it there's nothing to discuss divorce consent is signed and delivered and you've asked me in all sincerity to be to become your wife shall we leave Jack I'd like nothing better have a good time here let me straighten your tie I know these situations are always difficult but you'll get over it be the happiest man in the world yes honey now we better not miss that train yes honey oh dog thank you no trouble at all the way all the way down we go is that somebody so you know somebody ought to invent an elevator to go sideways reminds me of a story that is told to be by my sister who lives in California's husband the guy said every time every time I get to the place [Music] hahaha [Music] [Laughter] [Music] my peter hey you were right I'm beginning to feel like my old self again on Torino [Music] don't they know that tune's supposed to be gay just ignore the people Mary could you give me a little encouragement for the future could you say Jackal fellow you look like the type of man who treat a wife right I wonder if Peter caught the train I um don't claim I'm the ideal man wealthy yes handsome perhaps Charming disposition this way please [Music] sorry Miss Universe I'm not going to stay I'm just looking for my wife I'm sure your wife wouldn't be here in this year there are also rules regarding press oh but I'm just no one is admitted without any clothes sorry miss you this way please thank you Dynamite [Music] stay calm everybody it's just the house detective good with your own wife just relax [Music] welcome where are you Mary Peter here I am oh no he's that man again [Music] I had to do this to get easy take me back Mary I don't want a divorce I love you let him alone you and your fancy tools and they're a man in the crowd is this where you treat a veteran Let It Go I'm a man what's wrong while I was overseas that rat stole my wife oh yeah that's the same deal I got I did not he was already back Geronimo [Music] but this isn't a man there he is what happened to Gloria it worked with her too full mystery pulsive himself one more move and we'll sue this is a ranked violation of it's an attempted false arrest you're gonna pay through the nose for this would you know better than to try unlawful detention ladies and gentlemen the management is deliberately created a breach of the peace leading to Riot my husband and I will be glad to handle your case Sir Francis cars Molly and Molly see us for a square deal thanks for use of the hall all right back to your post everybody all right back to you post back to you folks what was the trouble sir I created a monster and it bit me a counselor what does the Army do for a woman [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell me again [Music]
Channel: Rare Silents and Talkies
Views: 306,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 87min 30sec (5250 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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