Adopted by EVIL Twins in Roblox!

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i'm sweet and she's sour and we are the evil twins did i say evil i meant um sweetest twins we just opened our brand new daycare you're probably wondering why it's for the money subscribe if you're sweet or like if you're sour or do both i don't know why our parents dropped us off here i can clearly take care of myself look at me i can already crawl that's true i could also feed myself look at me rainbow see i'm a crawling bouncing baby sure um well this place is a daycare and those two look very scary so i don't i i think honestly we should just fend for ourselves out here just chill um yeah i don't really got a good feeling about this i'll just cry wow hello little baboos aren't they adorable took forever is that you golden luna wait is that golden lunar no no we are not we are sweet and sour we are the citrus twins and you shall call us by those names what you what this is the tristellens yes citrus that's so uncreative okay i am lime i am sweet i am together we are the citrus twins both of them are sour what are you guys talking about is it me or they sound kind of like the rocket twins yeah you guys aren't like evil villains no whatever i poo poo in my diaper take care of me i'm a baboo and i'm hungry hi funny you were just out here saying you could take care of yourself yeah turns out i can't dibs on this kitty hold the door i'll take the unicorn can you be careful with me i get nauseous very easy why don't i get picked up oh luna you want to take care of the dinosaur i'm good you do it i'm the sour one oh okay can i um can you let me go eat i'm really hungry all the batman's hungry too i'm hungry too please meow meow this one's hungry let's feed it i'm gonna eat this table leg if i don't get water yo can you put me down stop put me down inspect him what do you mean put me down yeah why are they crying so can i request for soggy fries all blended up with some gravy please that's mine why are you throwing babies put me down and feed me woman luna you told me these babies would be easy to take care of no i said i said dracula used a deadly weapon to take care of them oh wow lime can you please do with the honors and go cook food for these put me down so i can eat how do i cook food one second baby quiet baboo okay quiet okay yeah i'm happy wait which one's the bad one again i think they're both bad dude honestly i think they're both bad babysitters what are you making for us we are cooking what are we doing here um water in here [Music] wait water we need nutrition why is she stepping on all the baby food i don't even think they know how to be babysitters men lemon lemon i think the food machine oh no lime what to do choco stop crying draco i have an idea hearts draco i know how to get out of every deadly situation all you gotta do is i poo poo my diet that's it that's how you be a baby yeah your diaper looks really full um he's that's like really full hi guys his diapers extremely like five days worth of poop this little baboon needs some help i will pick up you don't pick me up go change your diapers yeah read the instructions yeah lunar i mean sour who are you sour lime i am lime lime oh my god um see dude can you read that it says click on the food drive from the kitchen to get baby food and yeah feed me milk oh i didn't know a baby knew how to read oh yeah i'm i'm a highly intelligent baby yay i like lemon and lemon's my favorite yeah i like lemon too lemon you feed me now all right and i'm thirsty i love you three why aren't you giggling giggle you make me angry oh i'm upset you feeding don't you like playing though feed me woman okay lemon i still don't know how to make food in this place well go figure it out live i feel sick guys help we're trying to make money here hi can i actually eat yeah using high chair inside feed food when baby in need are you guys in need of more lime she's new to it seems like you're new to this too and my diaper is very full by the way can you see it's really guys i'm scared um thank you honey you're on your own we can't get out of this chair just oh you're a party truck put you you're making me sick woman go in the sink they go i mean what why are you so confused just changing my diaper my gosh okay one second i'll change your diaper real quick thank you wow this looks so cool let me pat some baby powder wait can i use the toilet like am i potty trained as a baby i want to use toilets i don't want to be an infant go to the toilet why am i backwards yeah this is how you use the toilet as a baby okay it's the problem all right i'm out yeah why do you care just feed me just feed me i need food i need nutrition i'll never grow into a somebody saved my soul and changed draco's diaper he is so stinky i can barely breathe man how many times you go to the washroom how many times every five minutes can if you don't feed me i'm going to give you i'm going to know i'll tell my parents to fail you yes i'm getting fed oh thank you wait why are you done this this baby is thank you oh let me go let me go i'm not happy now yeah can you feed my brother dracco please he's very very hungry thank you yeah i'm good let me just go back on the chair baby i need another need it says i need love like i think i have to go play with toys what is love what do you mean that's what you give to babies so they could grow up like i love it you know like good babies love is throwing you up you all suck and getting pudding would you like to put me down woman put me down no i need to see that would you like a shake there baby no draco got pudding i want pudding bring me to the kitchen where's your pudding hey did you actually give him pudding oh i know he's definitely not the favorite baby in this why is he your favorite so much favorite baby okay you bring me to go do baby activities i'm bored yeah i have some pudding wait this is not pudding it looks like rice you're flying rice i don't want red i want pudding it is rice pudding you ungrateful baby oh rainbow did you hear that across the room okay um time to burp the baby burp uh you're scaring me i said where on purpose ah good baby thank you rainbow are you upset uh yeah i'm really upset i'm not having the greatest time here i think i'm gonna leave i think yeah me too i'm gonna go to sleep no don't leave don't pull the bike i wanna go play okay how about this you i only take it rocco baby's fine you take a nap i wanna play yeah let me go sleep slime help us you're right you're right i'm gonna die you're gonna take off here you're gonna take a nap i wanna play oh i'm sorry you're gonna take a nap and we will go to the playground okay okay i don't want to sleep it is i don't want to sleep wait a minute sleeping will make you grow up big and strong don't you want to be big and strong rainbow's still crying i'm going to sleep the grudge under the bed will come grab you and you what the what's wrong with you hi can you make a nicer bedtime story please that was horrifying oh yeah yeah sure do you know that doorway out there yeah so when we turn off the lights you're gonna see something called the boogie man what what what i'm closing my ears not a good story quiet once there was cute to three little babies they were so sweet they went to cotton candyland and they all the candy in the world i like that stuff and then they saw candy man oh my gosh lady you're making me upset who's lunar i'm lime slime you suck poor baby you're scaring her yeah i'm hungry again feed me just go to sleep i will just make a baby go to uh rainbow you seen this goodbye what is this how you make a baby go sleep house she's gonna win blood she's rotating all will fall down okay i'm tired now please leave me i'm scared i'm more scared than tired yeah just put me back put me back please okay good night little baby [Music] thank you good night can you put this thing to sleep it's not sleep just drop him good night all right have fun i heard that you said just drop okay whatever just go just leave us oh what i didn't mean i'm out of my crib no you have to go here just wait everyone heard that we caught that we caught that in 180 people no we caught nothing i am sweet remember good night kitty baby good night unicorn baby good night dinosaur baby good night everybody why doesn't she know our name have a bad night oh so um who hates this daycare say i how we escaping hi wait no no just crawl on the edge crawling we're stuck in there oh i got out job good job okay all right okay game plan this place is horrible clearly these people don't know what they're doing they don't know how to take care of babies we gotta escape draco let's go all right one minor problem yeah what i pooped my pants okay that diaper changed before no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we can escape to the back no i'm not going to ask just go oh why are they different dude did they not sleep do they not sleep it's okay come on we gotta hide draco you have a game plan for us we're gonna make so much money off funny these three distract them and me and rainbow will escape what are you all right all right all right should we change our diapers first i can go no rainbow move move ah wait what are they doing sweet and sour we are powered to the power team citrus okay yeah they're clearly they're clearly uh dumb just go just go let's go they're doing a dance routine rainbow we just change our own diapers we use their toilets and then we have an idea i have an idea i just got one what will make this room really stinky so they have to open the door and then we'll we'll run out we'll run out and then we'll write yeah yeah yeah okay chocolate oh what's that smell oh no what's that smell we all pooped all over the toilet and not in it lime and lemon i think somebody threw a stink bomb in the restroom oh yeah it's pretty bad you you gotta air it out there's no ventilation here you gotta open the door yeah you gotta open this [Music] you should open this yeah you open what's wrong with that baby's head oh open the door which one the cat one what's on my head what are you talking about you're worried just open it just open it but you just woke up from your nap we have to air it out how are you breathing it's so soggy please if you say eat one more time i no no no eating here come i'll show you how to change diapers because no no no this place is stinky you have to open the the door and then clean the room yes don't you want to learn how to change diapers just open it no no i'll cry i don't want to touch my butt it's so smelly all right time for a diaper change how do i do this they're not going to let us go funny there's not even water in that tub how are you make sure you clean yourself pink baby i'm not touching anything wow what a great no i pooped while you were changing my diaper all right that's enough for that one don't feed that one i'm gonna escape get this one this one needs to change diaper too no no no i hate being a baby they they can't do anything bro babies can't do you could never get away from lemon because lemon is the greatest babysitter let me can i go upstairs no you're gonna change your diaper oh my god i hate being a baby lyme how long is it gonna take you to change her diaper i don't know she's stinky why don't you ask her forever you're supposed to be taking care of her not training i think she's hungry go away pink baby thank you i'm very happy now i want you on my merry way all right babies who wants to go to the park yes yes yes yes yes yes i want to go i want to go i want to go who wants to leave with lime uh no i can go buy my mine come on we're gonna go to the park all right cuties we're gonna go outside and play as long as you want yay yeah yeah no and you will learn about the philosophies of how limes are better than lemons have you ever seen a lemon flavor on a chip before i don't think so what i don't i've never seen a lime either okay lime i guess we have two lime isn't there a chip like called lemon leaf where are you going there baby oh sorry sorry uh yeah we'll go on the slide or the swings i like to pastel can we regroup there's fences yes please yes i want to swing for everybody whoa stop what ma'am please oh he's so cute push me higher i want to go through i'm gonna switch to yeah keep pushing us which is really really high i wanna land on that slide is it me or does these sound like they're gonna break yeah they're a little tricky no why would it break lime built it right lime it's very sturdy yup use some rusted bolts and old wood uh it's definitely safe okay can i get off that's a little higher you're not allowed jump off yeah you will ride [Applause] yeah i'm just so boring i feel scared all right i'm bored green baby you go play in the pool hi can you recognize our names yet or you're just going to call us green baby help i can't swim you will learn in time wait how do we know how to swim oh this is tasty i guess they're drowning pick them up hey you guys beach balls oh okay that was cute hey i wanna look cute i want to look cute put us all on the slide so we can slide down the same time that'll be so much fun i have waited my entire baby life to go down this slide this is going to look so epic are you guys ready yeah let's go yeah same time three two one [Music] nah nah i'm pretty sure no okay no can i go can i go to the sand castle and eat sand why not i want to see the sand castle wait guys there's a bigger park on the other side why can't we go to that wait can we go to that park i want to go to the big park that park is for the big kids you're a baby you gotta go here i'm not you can be in yourself babies go to baby park i think that that's discrimination i think we should be able to be allowed to go to the big every time baby i want to go to the big kids party yeah i'm gonna go to the big kids part too it looks more fun well the entry fee is 50 and we cannot afford that so you will stay in the free park we have money we're babies i'm i'm not paying for you okay evil super evil babysitter we're gonna explore this daycare and see what else it has to offer for us before we give you a very bad review wait watch no exploring time being a baby is the worst i know always picks you up dude is this how babies feel they just get picked up all the time and they don't get to learn put me on the horizon you get to live their life let me live my baby life yo put on the tv please yeah wait we can watch movies this is lauren come out it's movie time all the stairs bye can we watch you need an adult what movies do you want to watch i don't want it i definitely that's your movie no yes the powerpuff girls [Music] they get to pick what they want to watch not you you're not watching maybe how much channels do you have on here wow they're rich whoa this is a high quality daycare but i'm still sad um i'm bored i'm leaving yeah i'm not watching any of these guys like puppies right we'll watch puppies no we're not watching that what whoa you can't get out of here you're staying fine okay watch we'll watch this no no make a run for it i'll play i'll play i'll play look i'll play beside this a scientific toy the square goes in the circle does it work they never work ah taking care of babies are so easy is it can we go you're doing all the upstairs i'm doing nothing excuse me okay thank you we just want to see the upstairs question upstairs she trapped me in the chair again yes i have a question yes why isn't lime have lime on her head that's a good question that's a good question she looks this is under construction what the heck oh what are you guys hiding up there and that's what you get for trying to say wow that's lime's she doesn't let me go in there yeah no one's allowed in there oh okay can i leave are you really gonna ask yeah our parents are here to pick us up they called me on my baby phone that's how just kidding ha ha please just let my siblings out but can't we use this one for something no use me for why are you mean i mean you could be you see my diaper it's wet do you want to be the face of citrus daycare no you want this wet diaper to be the face of citrus daycare do you want to be the face of citrus daycare yeah yeah that sounds cool what hi i'm not hungry all of you be the face of citrus date care and give us phenomenon reviews so we okay fine could you just bring me outside real quick so i could show you something just bring me outside guys come on let the babies down let them take a baby with you okay now look up what does that say it says daycare what no look citrus daycare okay drop me look extra closely it says citrus daycare i have mine let me change the sign i've i have a slight feeling that you guys don't even own this daycare you're just some random people who just invaded a daycare so so do you know what also is green besides lime what money where's my money the unicorn babies going to the big kids thing they can't go there that's bad uh joke's on you guys so that costed fifty dollars each so now you're out fifty one hundred one hundred fifty two fifty dollars um put me down you i lied because i was too lazy to bring you to this park he jokes on you we're not actual babies and you failed the test you are a baby joke's on you we aren't actual babysitters we're just here for the money well joke's on you this is just a video ha ha yeah what other i'm done joke's on you you dumb baby i was lunar all along you guys the jokes are so haha but let's just let's just enjoy the night and go down these slides that's true you know what the biggest joke is you didn't let me go down the slide yet yeah i'm doing right now oh you put a baby down the slime you wanted to make [Applause] oh
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,039,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh merch, itsfunneh videos, itsfunneh new, itsfunneh story, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox krew, roblox funny, roblox evil twins, roblox daycare, roblox daycare twins, roblox daycare itsfunneh, roblox daycare funneh, roblox daycare krew
Id: RJwc0eCkr2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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