Our Pets are HURT and need HELP in Minecraft!

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these adorable minecraft pets need our help when me and my friends find hurt and sick animals it's our job to take care of them and nurse them back to health from piggies to kitties there is no pet that is too big and if it's too big we always find a way to help it can we find ways to take care of every adorable pet we encounter let's find out also for more cute pets be sure to like and subscribe thanks gotta shovel off of the snow i gotta get the top ones no not the bottom ones okay well at least i have a lot of snowballs to throw but that's wait what are you doing nothing nothing only i can throw snowballs at my where are you going hey how does it feel to get people someone to mess up your work well that's not very nice see i did it out of fun and uh silliness you're just doing it out of spite well you know what i'll do this out of fun and sillyness then oh oh geez oh now look what you've done now let's look what you did to my house yes that that's not something i could shovel that's gonna take effort oh my gosh you've done it once you could do it again beside you came over and just like threw everything at me okay i've done it a lot more than once and you know it i fixed my house every time you blow it up yeah well you know what you've blown up my house multiple times but you had to build a new barn i don't know in the house do you ever stop to think about me oh well why don't i go do something in your house then why don't we wait let's go have some fun at your house ian look at this oh my god no with the baby what happened little guy oh my gosh are you okay here take this we're gonna put us out our differences for right now okay you'll see all of this keep that on you because you know what i happen to be a animal doctor that's right let me just put the bandit on it like this and yeah look what do i do i really don't like this pig this pig that's a pretty hefty sneeze oh my gosh i mean he doesn't looks too good okay maybe it was just a one-time thing okay maybe he just how about he's exploding do you have anything that might be able to help the piggy whenever i'm sick i i have some soup so hang on hang i got some soup soup oh perfect perfect perfect perfect let me see oh this is the what kind of soup was that you can you just keep soup in your pocket um yeah obviously it's the winter it's cold you gave a pig yucky pocket soup how is that gonna it'll be fine it's good oh you died uh come on piggy let's go let's go piggy that that piggy needs help oh yeah i know i know i know so i'm taking the piggy back don't worry don't worry uh okay i'm i'm gonna stand really far away you'll see that i've been working on my adorable little animal shelter place all right because a lot of the little animals have been getting sick for the winter and that's why i was trying to actually shovel this thank you very much sir daily animal shelter it's a barn yes it's a shelter okay it's my crash shelter all right so let's see how the pig is doing um all right the computerometer says that the piggy is doing okay um all right all right all right so give me that soup that is a family recipe soup and um okay yeah it's been in my pocket for a while okay yes yes i kind of understand family okay let's go ahead and see if we can go find an ingredient in the forest to make a nice soup that's a nuts pocket soup okay fine all right so we just gotta find some kind of herb that can help the piggy okay oh listen i'm telling you we just have to make the same recipe huh it's kawaii chan look at her natural habitat kawaii chin watching what are you doing hi oh you scared me look look look we need your help okay we're looking for like an herb in the forest to help this adorable little piggy that we use the turret um well there's none here but i'll help you look for some okay all right all right you always come to the forest to make snowman look over there over there there's a healing herb but there's polar bears next to it oh oh we gotta get that herb though to help the piggy yeah how are we gonna do that we need a distraction good job good idea questions yeah what why'd you throw me over here hello bears uh that's a nice bear nice bear nice cuddly bear that's crazy painful bears awesome jobs you're doing a good job you're doing it you're doing a great job they're polar bears the snowballs aren't working he's gone he's gone let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go okay all right we got a healthy stew uh let's see all right don't worry don't worry little piggy we will help we got it okay all right here we go um let's see all right please don't explode don't sneeze don't stay don't explode and then uh there we go and yeah it's been taking cover oh my [Music] baby baby look here's your mom oh my [Applause] [Music] gosh [Music] together all right all right guys we gotta help you all beautiful it's okay don't worry here dry those tears okay guys so so so so we need to take care of all the cute animals on the server all right we have a mission but we only take care of the cute ones not the ugly ones okay that means you out there i know that you're out there he's not pretty cool no i stop a horse all right you can't stop we can't be everything pierced you're not an actual horse i don't care yeah i'm just gonna be here i'm gonna eat your head okay whatever pierce just staff my lawn the hay is for their actual horses yeah and you know what i'm a horse now so this is by hay oh my goodness all right yeah he he's been he's been on that for quite a bit now this is really high quality by the way there are no such thing as ugly animal except for that one out there do you over there pierce hey all right all right so all right so let's see what was that what was that banging sound hang on what hang on what's that what's that at my house what's going on at your house hey hang on hang on hey guys never mind hang on all right let's see what's going on what is going on i don't know it just sounds like a weird noise oh the doors open what are you doing it okay no no oh look at all of this that's a bad kitty okay you know what you know what kitty kitty kitty kitty that's a bad kitty don't don't look it's just a poor little kitty oh my god but it's a bad kitty i don't understand a single word it's saying okay all right you know what uh wait i think this cat has guys it has what please oh no okay okay you know what you know the kitty here's a fish okay all right kitty's got the fish all right guys guys we're gonna take this kitty and we're gonna go give this kitty a bath come on let's go this way oh my gosh the fleas are coming in there's oh there's a lot of things oh my gosh oh my god [Music] oh no oh no oh no ian you can do it you can do it yeah escape you know keep the house keep the house i don't want it okay all right kitty goes in here all right so let's see kitty you should be perfectly fine oh what what what uh oh where did this come from come on uh uh okay oh wait i think it's working i think it's working oh is it safe oh my gosh it's clean it's clean it's a good safe kitty now i can come out oh my gosh all right kitty we'll see you later thank you for coming to athens eminent hospital there's a hospital and we're doing this for we should have charged like a hundred dollars no we should not charge like five hundred dollars oh my gosh all right come on guys let's go let's go ian [Music] oh my gosh maybe if i do something like can you can you jump like that look at this look at this look at this and go like [Music] spooky right i know okay let's see whoa nice oh that was so very close barely made it oh my gosh oh look at the beautiful horses i know such a nice area oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh of course the horse fell down the horsepower poor animal has injured itself um what do we do i don't know i don't know i don't know have no fear citizens i had this under control oh my god look what is that it is horse pierce i have spent time with the horses i have learned their ways and i should be able to tame and retrieve that horse no problem are those little hooves on your hand pierce maybe i mean i i i don't know i just try new things every so often anyway anyway i will save this horse oh my gosh worry not ears these horses they are they're noble creatures and i've learned their ways they're my brothers and i will save my brethren okay pierre sorry behold and observe let's see how you do it now i will jump in using my precious hooves oh my god cheers pierce piercing fine all right just have a conversation with this horse and tell him what's going on down there i don't know if it's working i don't know what it is that's fine just talking a bit about it a bit of an argument with talking [Music] [Music] be [Music] here's what's going [Music] yes i am you can't stop me no you can't told me i could be anything i wanted i have a horse now listen it's fine for you to choose things you want to be but uh oh pierce all right come on guys i'll meet you over there at the house i'm a monkey oh not you two now it is a face all right pierce how you doing okay i guess better than being in the quicksand dude i just i just want to be a horse it's okay pierce you can be whatever you want look do you smell better now yeah he smells much yeah i guess all right okay buddy yeah i suppose i'll get out of the bath now and okay all right why are you sad oh look see you're still smelling all nice and everything you should feel a lot like a real person now i just why are you sad i really like horses man i just wanted to run along him and i know you do and you know what here what they'll be a horse their diamond horse armor oh really for me oh yeah go ahead thank you so much i'm gonna go and fight the horse's natural out of me the cowboy uh pierce oh no uh [Music] okay come on go find some other animals to help come on okay sounds good all right so we gotta find i hope yours is all right gotta find me it's helped so many animals what could there be left that cow looks fine wait a minute guys guys guys guys look there's a cat oh look at this kitty oh look at you oh you a little uggo it's okay you adorable wait a minute oh oh guys guys i have a diagnosis i have a diagnosis oh this cat has a broken heart [Music] what are you gonna do oh no those cats are kissing oh my god oh okay it's okay it's okay don't worry she's not worth it oh but look at this what's saying it is worth it okay you know what come on we're going to get you a makeover come on we're going to get you a makeover cat all right so let's put this cat down all right you're going to go right there you're going to go right there and watch this watch this watch this watch this right so we have a makeover aura get right in the middle kitty cat all right fashion aura all right so go ahead and get that we gotta do the part of the spell don't worry don't worry i know i should not be using this because this is like my back up but you know what for this case it will be perfectly fine all right now get out of here so you can't be in there sorry so we gotta get this now once that's done now we gotta apply the fashion all right we gotta apply the fashion all right all right so get back a little bit maybe watch this watch this ready ready ready and fashion too much fashion for ian oh my goodness you're so handsome oh my gosh the hands on this little handsome boy that shouldn't hurts okay all right it's okay ian just come back when you're ready okay all right all right all right now that we got you looking all spiffy and everything you gotta win her heart by making her jealous all right quiet you're gonna pretend to be the cat's girlfriend okay oh okay there we go all right all right so go ahead and walk walk past her she's gonna be so jealous come on let's go let's go let's go let's go oh let's see let's see what happens and see what happens oh i'm so excited act like he's like the best thing in the world okay all right go kitty okay go kitty go kitty oh you are so handsome oh she's looking she's looking [Music] [Music] between them oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my god wow [Music] buddy yes get dunked on cat yeah oh we did it oh wait what they're arguing oh my gosh wait she likes it oh he's telling her oh look ian i think i can tell what they're saying see if you can help me out okay i think the girl cat is saying yeah yeah yeah oh you're so hot now i i absolutely love you yeah but it sounds like he's saying like oh yeah you love me now but i always loved you you didn't love me when i was ugly oh that's not true i absolutely did and i love you so much [Music] no i don't want to kiss from you i got a new girlfriend and she's the hottest girl in the world [Music] oh my you know what ian i think we helped all the adminals on the server yeah yeah we did we did good come on let's go let's go get quite yet a sweater
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,182,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, helping hurt pets, adopt me pets, pet adopt, Minecraft adopt me, Minecraft pets, helping hurt winter pets in Minecraft, Aphmau adopt me, Aphmau adopt me winter pets Minecraft, funny pets Minecraft, Aphmau pets in Minecraft, Aphmau pets prank, Aphmau funny moments, Aphmau pet funny moments, Aphmau cute pets
Id: 7MI5bdT_D28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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