Aphmau's Friends Are NEAR DEATH In Minecraft!

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my friends get hurt on our minecraft servers now i have to try and help my friends with the mods that allows me to kill them gotta wrap this present to give it to zayn he's my secret santa this year my present is wrapped and ready for zayn i think he's here oh let me see it's just you hi how's it going i'm waiting for somebody else ian okay oh oh oh yeah i understand but first i wanted to give you my secret santa present tnt isn't it hey yeah off you ready for secret santa huh no no no zane i'm doing secret santa and no it's not tnt this is secret santa that means you don't know what it is ian every gift you've ever given me is tnt or hats no it's fine see i got your present right here see it's a nice wrap present put it down there and light it because it's definitely oh stop being such a baby just put me down for us let me just get my health back okay there we go wait why aren't you standing up i don't know what yeah that wasn't a good gift yeah yeah but that wasn't even the real gift the real gift is a mod i installed what yeah wait a minute zayn what kind of mod did you install you know i installed something to make me and now invincible so we could prank each other forever oh yeah but what was the mod called um i think it was called the op mod uh wait wait i had an on a p in it was it spelled with an o in the beginning and an s at the end oh i don't know can't spell won't spell the oops mod oh yeah that's the one that's the one oh you bumbling boob that's the one where you can't heal unless you grab special items uh zayn don't worry i i'll figure out this mod okay yeah go ahead and research you'll find plenty of stuff that you can make with it don't worry zayn i'll go and save everyone and ian's gonna help me uh what you're okay ian so i've studied a lot okay so you don't have to all right yes but i'm a little worried i'm trying on zayn first because i'm not sure if i'm good at it yet and it's you know see i got a bunch of things here look i got all this stuff ready so we just need to try on a few people before i put it on zane what's up buddy speak to me what's going on in there it's okay francina regina just go save the kids i'll be fine maybe look at me i'll take care of it it's not in the house okay all right so he wasn't here i thought i saw something where is he with the sheep monterey leave me alone i i i don't just let me get i'm gonna be here it's over it's all over here's what is going on why why oh hi hey i was coming to feed my sheep and like water up and stuff but my my bucket got away from me and it spilled and i made this mine i can't get out oh oh my god of course you water your sheep house to get them this nice and shiny hold still we're gonna pull you out okay okay okay just be careful i'll still let my little let my sheep please okay hurt him or put him in the mud okay you're gonna be okay stop just get away it might be contagious here and all right pierce i'm ready to help you okay okay okay i got something for you sorry you left that you left the door part of the healing process you i'm sorry i'm learning hey darling all right here we go i mean kinda i just gotta be careful all right all right i think i got it i got it um [Music] pierce i think your sheep are escaping you might want to fix that all right we're gonna put them up all nice and stuff like that there we go okay come here pierce let me help you let me get this okay don't worry pierce really really good care of you all right guys what what i think [Laughter] all right good luck buddy why didn't we have to stop by your house first cause i needed to pick up something okay just don't worry about it hey but hey hey um you still have any leather left yeah i got like 14 all right can i have it can i have it i really want to try and uh help casey two with whatever's going on so can i have the leather please [Music] okay oh oh oh perfect here take a present maybe she wants a present i don't know she doesn't need a present okay casey we're coming we're coming you're coming [Music] oh my gosh uh so um [Music] this is my helping outfit i'm ready to help what does casey need he needs leather okay you go take care of her i i have an idea okay don't worry casey i'm coming i got no noise farm i'm gonna use this it actually worked jeez all right i need some leather noise i need some leather hi get in your cows okay leather i got some love that sounds like the sound of dinner being made wait i'm up here what's going on down there wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait like you don't need to you know leather i already have one i already have leather right here over here right over here just don't slaughter those there i'm saving them for later please just say oh look at that i'll put i'll put some of this in there uh we have an emergency on the server uh here now you can have a present okay take that all right i gotta go bye okay thanks ffal oh i wonder what's inside wait a minute why is this present sizzling oh that's right i forgot about that being not a present i can't see wait whoa whoa [Applause] is [Music] casey said she wanted to make a cake so i put down some fire and a bird use a crafting table yeah [Music] it's fine i got one band-aid two band-aid okay i got that these two band-aids guys are really dangerous [Music] look at that feels better thank you yeah that feels way better oh thank you was that for me oh yeah there you go you know what you can have all the leather back thanks ian how about you open the present well thank you very much i'll just open this up and it'll be nice just finish this up here and there we go all right the hospital looks nice i thought the patient won't stop complaining oh you just need to have a little patience with him ian get it all right so oh when did he get in here hi hi hey how's it going yeah how are you feeling i think i'm still sick unfortunately a joke wait i thought your leg was broken yeah yeah yeah i gotta put my legs sick hey pl please please don't make me go home please it's so comfortable here for warm and stuff and i i think i just need some down time all right i think your sheep is is ready to take you home wait what oh guter oh i knew you'd come for me oh sweet sweet cuter okay here you know what i'm gonna the sheep is not sanitary to be in the hospital okay let me try this out let's see [Music] you should make one too no way i'm making armor that'll that'll protect me uh i mean i don't know if that that would be the best idea with because no the mod makes minecraft that different i mean you could tell i mean like look at pierson's leg and then zayn fell over and then yeah but that's the whole point i need to protect myself from falling over and there's only one thing that can protect me don't worry the one thing that never lets me down gold i'm super protected i mean i guess you know that works yeah i got my inner shoes everyone makes her armor out of gold right there's nothing wrong with golden armor and it's going to uh take everything oh what's happening um i think this is the body end this has never happened to me before people would do such a thing to the server you did what you did hey don't make this about me learning a lesson cause i will not i refuse let me make some band-aids so we can patch up all right that should keep you still um i'm gonna go out and help people okay you stay here all right yeah it's fine like hey i got this don't worry nurse now smile's on the way i'm helping my oh hey i mean i really just feel like i should still be in the hospital but i gotcha [Music] pierce's [Music] don't worry i made a miraculous recovery and i'm here to help oh all right [Music] and here's this cookie please make sure you chew your cookies all the way it's important that you chew your food thoroughly okay but i mean they're so delicious i just can't help wolfing them down oh hey that i got the cookies ian okay take it easy that sounds dangerous um true fba do you think we can leave him alone to take care of himself i think so i think he's responsible enough this should have taught him a very valuable lesson oh a cookie all right don't worry i got here we gotta get rid of they're too delicious no no no no no no okay okay um you know what doy please choose safer that's pajamas well done could you please like heidi kick me or whatever it is out loud oh okay oh okay oh much better oh well could go for an ice bath right about now ah no more cookies job well done ian you burned the house well we fixed up all those people yeah yeah plus now that we're doctors we can drive any vehicle uh ian i'm not sure that that's how this works okay we gotta drive this one carefully all right it is now let me drive it's my turn no what yes we will oh wait ian were you wearing your safety belt i don't know no no and whoa maybe you didn't give me the special magic seat belt i don't know how it works yeah safety belts are important if you don't wear your safety belt you're not going anywhere but i wanted a wee woo all right you know what i'm just going to pick you up there we go i gotcha i'm going to get in the car okay i'm not sure what happened to the car i'm gonna go check on kim because i think that uh i think she needs my help the small that he had installed is very not nice like oh pierce is cheaper everywhere jeez come on out of the way kim hey are you there miss checking to see if you're okay uh i'm coming in oh no oh no this isn't good this isn't good oh you left your refrigerator open what's your i'll get you i'll get you don't worry i'll get you i'll save you i'll save you uh let me eat something really fast kim hold on okay it's fine don't worry i'm gonna thaw you out i got this i got this oh nice okay kim i'm gonna make you i'm gonna make you a little campfire here okay i got you i'll warm you up with some more books don't worry okay calm down okay all right there we go i thought you liked books okay all right let's put this up here uh we got the sugar we got the this hot cocoa i'm gonna sprinkle this on you okay just hold still all right here we go why oh i guess thank you for saving me too you're welcome uh i'm gonna get going and don't worry this is all ian's fault and i'm cleaning up his mess okay well shouldn't you be cleaning this up yes he burned your books oh my gosh yeah i'm gonna put some more in just in case you need something guys look who eyebrows you finally came back let's go kind of cold hi zayn life at the party over here finally come back for me and throw me in a creek yeah welcome to the club she's got better arms than she looks okay at the arms of healing okay yes sir i'm are you ready to be healed please i've been ready all right give him his presents guys yeah i can't jump yeah if you haven't given your presents out you should go and do that okay say let me let me get you a band-aid here i'll craft you one really quick all right why are you doing it casey i got a present for you all right heal yourself zayn okay oh thank you open it up open your present it's a cookie i only make it this time of year really hope you like it uh kim here's your present oh yay check it out check it check it check it it's a book [Applause] actually it's a cake but it looks like a book so be careful oh yeah what's happening i got cold for christmas you deserve it was supposed to give me a present i sneaked in early and i got cool yeah [Music] what do you do and also they're broken again oh no i thought you okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] it was a secret santa i gave it to you at your house ian i'm gonna steal some of your gold because i need it and also you're terrible at getting presents i'm just gonna put that up that is my goal stop it our goal and just let her take the gold santa might like you if you actually do something nice yeah just trying to breathe that's cold but also correct don't worry guys i'll save you i'll save you i'll save you we need a miracle okay so guys this is actually zayn you know what this is this is the stupor medicine okay and yeah yes i just need one because it heals everybody in one go all right ready just accept them no no no no please oh god this should work [Applause] [Music] take the medicine it's cherry flavored i think would it be tastier if it had some cola cherry flavor for the earthy time that tasted exactly like gold my job here as as the as the nurse of this server is done i'm gonna get into here and have a mer merry christmas to you all and to all a good night do you have any more that's super portioned by chance i think we need
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,076,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: q_08Ijyuii8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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