Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 14, Episode 7 - Full Episode

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previously on Hell's Kitchen when a gang of firemen roared into town on a charity motorcycle ride these guys thought the chef's knew they had to rely on their teamwork I know we want to be quick as they began a race to see which kitchen could feed their bikers first Josh's frantic pace got the blue kitchen off to a sputtering start but Millie managed to study the team in the red kitchen tease raw chicken and Sarah's scattered brain some the red team the loss beyond embarrassed was too much for Meghan to take at dinner service to Wellington a determined Meghan took control of Sarah and the rest of the red kitchen leading the women to a successful dinner service red team hopefully cooked me perfect cooked fish finishing service is like good sex she's definitely [ __ ] needed it I needed it unfortunately for the blue team over coax neither Nick nor Brendan could handle the fish station roll that salmon of silver all is still swimming and were ejected from the kitchen and you buckle the loss had Millie fuming at Brendan man leading the men to nominate Brendan and our second nominee is next chef Chef Ramsay eliminated random ending his chance of becoming head chef at Caesars Atlantic City [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen get out of here ladies good night well done Josh holy [ __ ] what in the [ __ ] happened tonight drop the boss chef there's no excuses chef I have to bounce back here's the thing it is not a sign of weakness to ask for help yes sir open up get a grip Thank You chef Chef Ramsay wants me to bounce back he wants my best there's no way I'm gonna let him down again I can't you promised him don't you lie to Chef Ramsay he promised him I am hungry where's Josh sure this is yours I don't want people to think I'm a psycho but I talked to myself don't you disappoint you know I just told myself that I got it he promised now's the time where I have to unleash the beast let's go Josh was annoying what is going on I don't know josh is a monster I'm worried about him like seriously I got this see yours you're still here let's go good talk both teams start the new day fresh okay guys come on knowing it is critical to make the most of every opportunity to impress Chef Ramsay good morning I've been very fortunate to travel extensively across the world and every time I go somewhere new I'm always picking up new ideas one of the places that I really enjoyed visiting is a country that's been at the forefront of philosophy art architecture and even cuisine the country that I'm talking about is the Greek Festival so [Music] [Applause] [Music] not really my style you know I'll leave my shoulder-to-shoulder dancing at Bar Mitzvahs when I'm doing the horror with my family they'll not in to that green gansan if there would have been some Miami booty shaking music maybe that'd have been a different story [Applause] [Music] one day brilliant great job right Millie your turn now for today's challenge I want to see how creative you can be with Greek food a chef I've never been to Greece I've never eaten Greek food is this all new to me so each of you will be assigned a stunning protein typical in Greek cuisine as you can see there are six domes in front of you I'd like one member from the red team and one member from the blue team to stand behind each of the six domes the person you'll be standing alongside from the opposite team is the person that you'll be do battle with in this challenge got it go to a dome now Meghan is the best person on a real team we've been going head-to-head since the first signature dish this is stunning definitely a five four five pages make a good chop great job if I want to be the best I go against the best so here we go once again so let's get this right Joshua and Alison pear number one lift your dome Wow awesome you have a stunning lamb Michelle and Brett you ready for good Wow hell yeah ronzo I got this [ __ ] three no way Michelle go out cook me on this dish Milly Megan switch delicious credit so after seeing the squid I kind of got spooked a little bit because I've never seen it before team run D now what the hell we're gonna get chicken thank God whoo Sarah and Nick Adam and Christine good now there's a Greek tradition of smashing plates called caffeine and today you'll be smashing plates in the dyeing room to get your ingredients mash plate with these crazy [ __ ] Andi and James please okay let me show how it's done plate now my ingredient is delicious Greek olives and you'll relate to your team boss and you place that next to your protein everybody ready yeah seven minutes starts now let's go let's go - lets go oh damn oranges are you kidding me what am I gonna do with orange and lamb [Music] three better when I got fitted she's I was stumped I knew right away what I was going to olives nice mustachios let's go got Michelle go like as I was grabbing these places smashing them anklet I had no idea what the [ __ ] I was gonna do because nothing went together at all I don't see any ignite 90 seconds to go go near I'm not even looking what the ingredients are just smashing place going up I'm going up I feel like the whole smash come on girls ah you guys made them best Red Team Blue team you up 40 minutes to create a stunning Greek dish your 40 minutes starts now let's go in this challenge the chef's have just 40 minutes to use the protein they've randomly selected to create a delicious dish inspired by Greek cuisine the cream while the chefs may use only the ingredients they put on their board determine which ingredients suits your dish yes they do not have to use all of them I just tried to put stuff together out how I would want it I didn't necessarily know how the Greeks would want it I just put it how Randy would was yeah you were out of control or anything honey I think working so he's a Mary just on the twenty five minutes to go yes hello guys I got some really weird ingredients like I got eggplant fries a Kiwi Hughie's are making my dance kitchen I really don't think eggplant goes well with prawns so I'm definitely dropping the eggplant of course nice Q II lost ten minutes guys - ten minutes a strike Thank You chef so far so good I mean I'm getting everything together lambs in I'm running out of time but I think I can pull this one off how's everybody feeling oh good hi anyone Josh just pouring out my heart and so it's all three now minutes to go stop light singing come on Josh punch it my lamb is just about to be finished I think I have a minute left 30 seconds to go Dan I need a minute to let my meat rest my meat doesn't rest it's gonna bleed out all over my plate come on guys let's go five four three six two one and serve guys well done now I will not be judging your dishes alone I'm invited a very special guest he just literally arrived from York City last night Michelin star chef and owner of the restaurant cafe which serves on the most delicious Greek food please welcome Michael Psilakis Michelin star chef Michael Psilakis best of the best when it comes to Greek food kind of humbled me just a little bit let's start off with the Battle of the lamb place let's go the chefs will be judged by both Chef Ramsay and chef Psilakis they will each award a score from one to five with five being excellent the chefs will be scored on the creativity and the authenticity of their Greek dishes chef I have eight tahini marinated lamb and I'm filling a Greek yogurt a visual impact it does but it's just a tear over come to me shame for you to score that out of five what would you give it I'm gonna say three yes chef thank you I'm gonna give it a little rope or chain Josh please so happy seared lamb of the tricolor couscous candied orange and apple what is the liquid that is blood chef Oh No look like a you know wham blood soup is that done on purpose no chef it was not I mean the lamb has invested Clubman it looks like a dog's chewed is a mess I wouldn't serve this dish this is so physical one I'm gonna slump right now it's a two not great performances in a row six two two I'm just gonna have to step it up if I weren't stay here uh next up prolems please give me some delights with the men already trailing by four points Brett hopes to bring his team back with his Greek style grilled prawns to be honest with you it's a wonderful dish thank you I'm cook beef - a four thank you I agree hold on hey I'm Michelle and now Michelle hopes that her unusual combination of ingredients will come together to wow the judges it's something really weird about frizz and cream I mean this is it's just not Greek have you ever seen a Kiwi in Greece before I think so no all right chef that's a one for sure that one I'll give that to thank you Kiwi insane right great job their routine put it back ten tonight sexy our team is now back in the game with the women trailing by one point but this quit Meghan presents her squid with a walnut puree this is really Greek food on a different level yeah it's fragrant as a solid floor I don't give a [ __ ] up but Milly hopes his squid with sweet potato will be the one that finally defeats Meghan it just misses let me say three yeah we're joining three Omega right so good I keep losing to Megan Megan you better watch out if we get another chance coming right for you next up ba to the chicken miss Kay next up it's tea and Randy tea has prepared kale stuffed chicken served on a sweet potato hash stuff plastic this is really well actually get it it's cool chef how much EP I'm gonna say is a solid four three five five good job for his first ever Greek dish Randy has made pan-seared chicken with eggplant and new potatoes I am a little nervous don't spit it out don't spit it out please I don't think he can get any more Greek than this on a plate I just keep tasting home yeah that's what I keep tasting delicious yeah chef let's go that's a five thank you sure yeah whoo nice job this guy country bumpkin ass rain be killing it that's what my [ __ ] talkin bout it's not 26 to the man 25 to ladies with the men back on top let's go after the pole Christine offers up a pork kebab with grapes and fig sauce it's almost like my mother made this which is impressing both judges I'm going to say four fours block crazy officer Adams seared pork with basmati rice I think that's one of the best dishes you've cooked so far as competition how much also impresses I gotta give you five chefs helping the men to maintain their lead going into the final round 36:33 last one now it all comes down to Nick Sara and their Greek take on swordfish it's all up to me at this point if I lose this I would let my team down so much it's a lot of pressure so describe your dish um it has Romano and garbanzo beans with feta and capers it really looks beautiful but the swordfish I think really is underseasoned I was expecting more okay I'm gonna say three here visually I like that level of finesse for four out five good Nick we're only down by four Nick's the last one to go he's got to pull this one out for us I have a grilled swordfish and I marinated in fresh oregano olive oil salt pepper and garlic this immediately brings me to home but it truthfully unfortunately is just way over my heart drops in my scrotum without losing this [ __ ] challenge I'll give it to because it's not catastrophic good tough decision I'm sweating in places I shouldn't be sweating we can't lose this competition [Music] we nailed it as a team we're getting about this [ __ ] house all of you join me whoo thank you this amazing blue team you've got the most amazing opportunity to blow off some steam whilst burning rubber as you race head-to-head at a high-performance go-kart racing track you'll be pulling some serious G's hosting your high-octane afternoon will be at the beautiful Miss California ladies you are all in for a wretched day so carefully lift up all these broken plates watch your fingers please we need them tonight yes chef after that cleanup both kitchens out of tonight's service that's right we're open for dinner tonight off you go man that blows let's do it boys [Applause] I'm gonna smoke these guys or at least you know pom-pom try it goodbye breath the project [Music] see a milli I'm gonna win because of Miss California thanks miss California for distracting Josh finally Randy is getting a chance to win Randy yeah I guess it was bumper cars I would have got first place we need a vacuum for the small shards where the outlets do we know where that outlet outlets where are the outlets do we know just look I mean figure it out guys where's the outlet where does the outlet J seriously where are the outlets I mean my guess is no just as soon as we're [ __ ] hiding them from you huh I can't find the outlet why why didn't you guys know where the outlet is that we [ __ ] don't know either [ __ ] open your goddamn eyes and look for it Sarah anybody know where the outlets are why won't somebody help me find the [ __ ] outlet here here's an outlet oh my god right here I knew I saw it do we have an extension oh my god anybody after a high-octane day at the racetrack feeling brother other MVP performances yep the men are fired up for dinner service while the women are determined to bounce back from a tough challenge loss I don't know what's gonna happen right now you get called to the pantry you know what's coming a bunch of disappointment I don't want you getting yourself down we lose a challenge you have to bounce back understand you know why but you seemed a little bit hesitant you okay um what's on your mind I just need so much more if it means you underestimate yourself you can cook yeah sure you put up some bloody good food yeah sure and you're a fast learner believe in it a little bit I don't know why but it's starting to disappear I need to say it back I gotta forget what happened before and I gotta focus more on what's going on now got it yes good thanks Kay Chef Ramsay expecting a lot out of me I can't let him down you're not killing myself down so you know is go tom let's go Maria yes chef open Hell's Kitchen please Sylva [Music] [Applause] [Music] as Hell's Kitchen fills with customers expecting a world-class dining experience every chef in the kitchen is feeling the pressure to perform here we are ladies full cover several fifty one special appetizer tableside two risotto spot the result on one Greek salad yes yes sir tonight in addition to the regular menu Chef Ramsay has added a special seared octopus appetizer to be served tableside by Josh for the blue team and the shell for the red team let's get full cups everyone yes one special have Table Talk warmers also two scallops yeah let's go guys yes come on fellas come on fellas three minutes under two Scouts hello Mick 3 minutes 3 minutes Adam I think right now the blue team is unstoppable we won today's challenge and we're gonna have a really good dinner service the red team is Matruh all right behind you chef hot thank you very nice that risotto service please stops okay scallops good let's go we want to roll let's go what boo okay let's go enjoy thank you so much walk lobster tail yes walking with lobster tail right now go please go go go go the blue team led by Nick on the appetizer station is off to an impressive start keep it going Nick yeah meanwhile in the red kitchen t on appetizers is doing her best to get the women off to a strong start as well very nice that risotto yes sir lobster please yeah sure lobsters all of you come in now all of you as here as well Sarah let's just touch it and there's just ice cold ice cold ice cold lobster the come on Alex oh my life side chef first ticket this is not happening yes yeah it's the first table yes yeah they're not warm that ice cold yes sir how could I send down a piece of cold lobster for the risotto that was just stupid lobsters [Music] ladies yes chef look at the color of my lobster smell bad this is an amateur amateur cooking and they taste like beef fried in butter what be done hey there oh no no no no no oh my god oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you burn the butter look at the lobster you burnt the butter I saw the pattern it was burnt that's a stupid mistake like I should have just redid the butter and keep it moving give me a couple more minutes let's see [ __ ] me how do you need my help I'm good you're good all right first the lobster was cold and now burnt by the best [ __ ] that Elsa knows better yes right behind you Alison's mom when you see somebody that is weaker you push them come on I'm just gonna take charge obviously my team needs me to be a leader so I'm gonna be a leader service please worth the wait it's just over 30 minutes into dinner service and thanks to Nick and Brett on appetizers let me know and those running to the rap please yes yes sir I have two out the men have moved on to their first entrees of the night okay walking wallet to garnish liquid [ __ ] match I'm not gonna have it Jax any minutes three no no stop I've got like a liquid mash now look at it when it's on the plate I know you thought sadaq thicker than that that's soup sure that is soup come in committee hurry up I need well you can garnish in a window right now oh right now what's go I didn't make the mess who made the mash I don't know so who put the cream in there I don't know chef so you've got no idea I did not I need to know who put the cream in there I don't know chef don't know I don't know what about asking your [ __ ] team man do you know Katie with them I agree they were like me now you gotta [ __ ] look a little bit yes yes yep okay I got it Hey hey blue team yes this way the cream in the mashed potatoes the truth we'll put the cream in there put the cream in the mashed potatoes put the cream in the mash it's an easy question what the [ __ ] is going on here okay I paid for garnish obviously Randy put cream in the mashed potatoes he's just got to step up cuz it ain't no ghost in Hell's Kitchen there's the issue I don't care for the [ __ ] treatment I just don't want to fish while the blue team is busy sinking in a creamy mashed potato controversy one minute the red team has been steadily sending appetizers out to their diners I'd say that the risotto my favorite Brezina one lamp yes yes and now Christine is bringing her garnish to the pass for the red team's first entrees I do you you you come here I've got burnt stuck to the bottom of the pan [ __ ] burnt but just taste that you need to taste that mush like baby food it's mush what are you doing Christine garnish should literally take two minutes to the pass chef you're basically a human microwave you're reheating foods it's already cooked I've got raw eggplant bitter under coats and solids as raw as raw sorry chef put him on the grill while Megan takes control from Christine on the garnish station back in the blue kitchen Randy yep that's better Randy's potatoes are now up to Chef Ramsay's standards and the blue team is pushing entrees out of the kitchen once again on order four covers table 12 entree - branzino - well each other let's go walking garnish one minute I was moving too fast you know and I didn't recognize what ended up Wellington it was closed but he's supposed to cut it on the closed part of the pastries we good lily and I walk garnish for Wellington chef okay I'm walking garnish right now very good oh [ __ ] you now I keep up [ __ ] come over here yay nice new mini come here come together what is wrong with that cut the wrong way it's a very noticeable mistake Milly's usually on point with that kind of stuff I know Millie's better than that so what the [ __ ] is going on that's just embarrassing I got two wedges like doorsteps we are making such basic errors tonight what I don't understand why and you know the issues yes sir I didn't know that I was going to get a synthetic just for being cut wrong I have one more thing right here and I'll be ready to go I got another one Sam hurry up yeah yes yeah as Milly rushes to cut another Wellington hopefully this time the right way back in the red kitchen make it continues to drive Christine on garnish and entrees are making their way out of the kitchen outside one lamb two Wellington yes now Chef Ramsay turns his attention to Sarah on the meat station [Music] let's just undercooked you know for five minutes off lambs overcooked just just stop come here but does anyone know one Megan please please [ __ ] off in the dining room use the Wellington are undercooked that's raw in the middle and the lamb is overcooked Sarah you should have learned how to cook before you got here back in the oven and a fresh lap while Sarah is looking lost on the meat station out in the dining room the blue diners are at no loss for words and the men are hoping to continue their strong service with entree - branzino - chicken minute and 10 seconds on Bronzino ok ok I don't want a fish station for a while I haven't done it since their first dinner service it was a disaster branzino looking beautiful whenever you're ready to go give me a yellow walking okay we won't meet with the Bronzino Thank You Milly pleasure doing business I'm loving the branzino it's just gonna come down to me executing it Bronzino Bronzino and lemon very hot pan you can just try I guess yeah I I just work your [ __ ] balls off or just just try I'm sorry chef no but look so visually what's wrong with that not kissed on the other [ __ ] spot I'll give you a [ __ ] Hey what is wrong with that it's swimming in it a fire freshest thought again absolutely chef come on while Adam refires his branzino over in the red kitchen tea has jumped onto the meat station to help Sarah recover from her lamb and Wellington misfires Oh Mike you come you cut them and you see their boy you have to put them back into the oven you don't keep cutting them Sarah Sarah no one trusts you because we cannot leave you on a [ __ ] station and expect you to hold your all true chicken true Tom how long two minutes have for you slice everything miscommunications Sarah berry does for Bronzino and two chicken are you gonna be ready on two chicken look they're right here another two ticket if they followed by yes you guys have two chicken and Julie I'm ready to go when I say yes yeah all right go I'm Jonas in the window right here [ __ ] you [Music] Oh God ladies come here all of you stop yeah stop what is happening I swear to god this is a joke [Music] they start taste that in there what's the first thing that hits your mind too much garlic just charlyk that's the land that sliced because you weren't ready it's already oxidized and look how stringing that chicken is when you got Sarah who doesn't know what she's doing and Christine who's in mid meltdown phase it's like the [ __ ] Headless Horseman where's my head where's where's my head come in all of you come here [Music] they're firing that that's their last table and look with one two three four five six seven eight tables together I'm so embarrassed get out get out you lost I think about two individuals up for a nomination and by the way blue team will finish off it's not fun to work with people who hate you it's just royally blue team into the red kitchen now inertia into the red kitchen let's go go go when Chef Ramsay says go invade the where kitchen seven minutes on these two Wellington home that's what we do we gon be the red kitchen it's like invade Normandy ten salmon all day tear down all day I got six in the oven already two chicken come on boy ronzi no walking up good job boys this was the first time that one team had to finish the other teams dinner service Nick good job Adam good job good job guys you know every service we're getting better service please oh my god good job Adam thank you boys nice job everybody pleasure doing business with you all right fine down all right what do you want to do I mean do you have something to say Sara I know obviously service is a downfall let's called Hell's Kitchen emphasize on the kitchen part meat tonight was a [ __ ] I don't understand there was like no organization it's like you forgot how to [ __ ] cook food damn it I know what I'm doing I trained in France but I'm gonna fight in front of Chef Ramsay I do not want to go home it wasn't just meat Christine garnish should only take two minutes in a professional kitchen it takes two [ __ ] minutes and you should always have something ready so the risottos Barry started cuz the lobster tails too bad Alice's lobster was overcooked did I have fainted zombies you didn't talk you needed to talk this was Christine's second time on garnish I said to her you got it right I'm gonna communicate with you I said it before service starts you once you see that somebody is floundering you have to just go okay okay get the [ __ ] out of the way I got this that's the way it works she doesn't have that assertive voice like Christine gets overwhelmed what's your vote I don't need [Music] [Music] embarrassing Megan red team's first nominee and why we nominated Sarah she shut down I don't think that she can step up I don't think she can hang second nominee and why [Music] Christene chef we feel that the garnish station from start to finish should take two minutes and they should always be prepared and ready to go you're absolutely right Sarah Christine step forward please Christine why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen my last service I think I showed a great improvement I really think that I've been growing and learning a lot here and I think that I've shown that do have a voice and I am a leader and I do have confidence the counters for the lamb was just thinking of garlic how does that happen that was an oversight chef I'm sorry I I should have I should have tasted it sir you sank yourself you took your team down with you and you refused to ask for help where's this proudness coming from it's not a partnership I mean I was trying to ask for help earlier today and so you ignored absolutely Jeff who ignored you I need to know the entire team I mean when we were cleaning up the glass today I was asking for help you know looking for outlets and everybody was just like huh whatever my team hates me chef do you think you can cook better in the men's team I know I can cook better with a man you think you'll do better cooking with a blue jacket yes sir it's really difficult - dreadful performances my decision is take off your jacket sir I'm not feeling it I haven't got time thank you good nice [Music] it's hard to cook in a situation where people just don't care about you these women didn't have my back and I didn't stand up for myself enough this was the opportunity of a lifetime and I blew it performance speaks for itself and I wasn't able to step up I don't get it figure out what went wrong and who in their hell is gonna pick up the reins and drive their team to victory because the next time you put in a performance like this I've been more than one of you leaving get out of it overall red team without Sarah we're in better shape but the competition is getting fiercer it's step up to the plate or step out I would keep doing what I'm doing leading my team and [ __ ] cook him individually I'm shining I have a phenomenal chance of winning this [ __ ] competition I feel like my team underestimates me but I don't really care what other people think at this point I'm here to win and that's it Sara kept telling me she was here to learn unfortunately for her I'm not looking for learners I'm looking for leaders next time on Hell's Kitchen one of these ten chefs will make one of the most shocking exits in Hell's Kitchen history will it be the chef who loses his faith what a [ __ ] is this for the chef who loses her tools or will it be the chef who drives Chef Ramsay to his breaking point why and how is this happening right now for the [ __ ] is going on tune in next time to find out this has been the worst performance the stage for hand-holdin is over on a scandalous on a plane hit on the plane and star-studded episode take a look I guess matey's are back so chef of Hell's Kitchen [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 540,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Unscripted, Uncensored, Full Episodes, Full Episode, Official, Free, Cooking, Food, Dining, Restaurants, Cooking Competition, Competitive Cooking, Reality, Reality TV, Real, Television, TV, Classic TV
Id: sI7pf0YMwT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 0sec (2460 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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