Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 17, Episode 1 - Full Episode

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[Music] it's big sixteen incredible seasons in Hell's Kitchen with some of the most passionate chefs ever to set foot in a kitchen got me twisted dog nice today and you want me to keep my mouth shut now the chef who had to put up with all of them is bringing your favorite all-stars back is that manda I would like to invite you back yes really I'm serious sixteen unforgettable chefs got the call that they all been dreaming about can't wait to see haven't got time to [ __ ] Benjamin knew your ass and if you think these all-stars fought hard the last time I will hunt you ain't seen nothing yet you got me twisted man I'm standing right here old rivalries are renewed down here to tell me Millie you can't burn I could take the photo alliances are formed we need to work together see if Emma three in the end one of these all-stars will end the greatest prize in Hell's Kitchen history so don't blink because when you give a second chance to the most relentless chefs in the world Oh no stop you end up with the most electrifying season ever this is Hell's Kitchen All Stars [Music] [Music] the all-star chefs are all making their way to Hell's Kitchen for a second chance at winning it all let's go last time I was here we world in his big bus we was all crammed up together this time Chef Ramsay sent a limo to pick me up letting me know Milly I expect a lot out of you all right there you go have a seat enjoy [Music] pick me see Chef Ramsay means so much to me he means so much to my family Chef Ramsay was the first person to keep it real with me and tell me I knew how to cook you okay what's on your mind I just need so much more experience you underestimate yourself you can cook yes chef I left here being at eight and this time around I'm gonna show Chef Ramsay that I'm a 10 I'm so excited to be here again to prove to Chef Ramsay that he made the wrong decision by sending me home I get another chance to win and I can't let anything get in my way it won't open it's locked it won't open I got a piece of bad all right Ashley make yourself comfortable have some champagne okay nice to meet you as a superfan I've watched every season and I know everything about Hell's Kitchen a lot of people call me the Guru I remember you one of my favorites actually well thank you here we go hey don't you know Giovanni Miller Ashley yeah what's these I was up ten years ago that might be an old dog but I've had a little pep left in me thank you for giving me a call Chef Ramsay I know Chef Ramsay even knew my phone number good morning Jennifer how you doing good how are you I'm good look head inside okay come on I'm so excited to come back because when I left Hell's Kitchen on season 9 I feel like I was robbed I promise if you will defend me to the end I won't have her back the weakest chef well I think Elise is a stronger cook than Jennifer Jennifer please give me a jacket please tell me Elise is not had here we go [Applause] I was wondering who is here how's things going it's good to see you saya predictions are who's here and I knew it was you how'd you know it was maybe it's you I know who you are we're friends on Facebook that's why we know you I don't know nobody but for season 14 you're 14 yeah I was 14 he was fast asleep alright straight ahead please yes it's [ __ ] great to be back because I have unfinished business last time I let the games and antics with Ashley I'll let that get to me you are officially dead to me everybody dead to me we are not friends oh my god I love Jared and we were on the same season we were really close no we are our ups and downs like when he chose Kristen over me for the reward select one of your fellow team members to take with you gonna have to go with Kristen I don't think I still forgive him for that but everybody knows that Jared and I are boo boos oh my god here we go round two I've grown a lot since season 14 and not only because of my beard I think my anxiety sent me home I got overwhelmed too easily but I'm a lot more level-headed now is there a red carpet I'd always deserve a red carpet watch out [ __ ] this is not the same Nick as last time oh there you go what's up well I'm really looking forward to seeing some of the other people from my season oh yeah I do want to see Michelle I love myself I love her although I feel like there's definitely people that I don't want to see what do you think about Josh Haman and Josh got into it a lot Nick he's a Susie homemaker you're a dick you don't have the balls to take over Josh and if you think you can run Tony talking over me Josh sure dick I can't with them this season that look we're all awesome we're not gonna do that [ __ ] yeah all-stars no drama I doubt that's gonna happen I think there's gonna be plenty of drama give me a girl you know the first goal I picked up in Florida hey let's [ __ ] get the drink on oh my god it's exciting to be back in Hell's Kitchen but based on my last experience I'm nervous because I wasn't a favorite play the red team hated me like we just flat-out just didn't get along come on come on yes I know you're this close to Senator Robin okay this time I'm just gonna try to be everyone's friend I think I got this hi great you're here hey Barbie okay the hug was a little forced welcome let's go good Dana Dana walks through the door and I'm my everybody is super nice then I look over and I see Barbie right now it looks like Oh Barbie seems so nice I'm like you guys just wait she's evil yeah a day in your life and your ass shows it whoo I want to hit you so bad nasty [ __ ] no hug no love wait I was gonna let you go around if you see Barbie giving you that stink eye don't say it it warned you since I left Hell's Kitchen I've moved off the Connecticut but you can't keep a good southern boy down you know I didn't come here to compete I came here to win a couple on Thursday for a reason y'all I'm about to win this [ __ ] van maybe the only one from season six what his enthusiastic return has earned him at least one new ally as for more recently departed alumni like Amanda she's welcomed by some familiar faces season 15 reunion can I go get my cheerleading uniform I'm not yet Michelle and I got along really well during season 14 she kicked ass so I'm a little scared to see how much better she's gotten so ready the all-stars are already sizing each other up when Hell's Kitchen veterans been from season five and Benjamin from season seven arrived putting some of the chef's memories to the test person either Andrew man I do I'm Benjamin Miller Benjamin nice nailed it it's not much nine here right now not much nine you were nine I was before you guys yeah with Paul yep and uh Elise most hated Hell's Kitchen contestant of all time I don't care I'm right you get out of my face you had to have been the problem what did you have to pin the problem because I'm here she's here I'm walking out by so [ __ ] way over here you go if it's trash I'm gonna [ __ ] lose my mind [Music] if it's trash in the [ __ ] we got who we got this is the last person on earth that I wanted to see today the last looking good hey everybody there's not a day that goes past that I don't think about the fact that I did not win place in summation I've never met anyone so resilient in all my years as youth you're Teflon well done thank you this time around I'm gonna do whatever it takes to win been Elise Giovanni Elise let me see those guns damn girl she's in shape I'm still the same Li's who really doesn't care what people think it's okay you can hate me there's one more I think probably I don't want to see Josh yeah I'm used to you but like he's a tool of course the last person that just arrived is Josh I'm gonna make the best of it and kick his ass again so bye Felicia okay he's been amazing it's Josh I'm back baby you can't have a Hell's Kitchen All Stars without me well the all-star chefs get reacquainted Chef Ramsay's first guests of the season have arrived grass and super fans from around the world have all been invited to the grand reopening of Hell's Kitchen Wow thank you ladies and gentlemen welcome to the brand-new and completely redesigned Hell's Kitchen the look of the restaurants is not the only thing that's new the people that I have chosen are chefs who deserve a second chance during their time in Hell's Kitchen each them truly deserved their black jackets for the first time ever the chefs will be all-stars you'd like to meet them ladies and gentlemen please welcome the RIT team [ __ ] whoopee ladies gentlemen please welcome back Michelle Ashley payda place government Alysse I kinda Wow but he never are you ready to meet the men all-star team please welcome back Lily from Philly played Emma Josh that the male version of Robin Thicke Hey here funny the girls job I can't believe I'm walking on this red carpet I can't believe people are cheering my name there's too much going on I'm like a squirrel I'm like oh oh where do I look now this would be an incredible all-star season without my sous chefs she is the executive chef of all my restaurants in Las Vegas she also happens to be the winner of season 10 pasta - please welcome back Christina Russell Christina's kind of a big deal now I'm used to talking to her like a friend and so I can't do that anymore and I don't really like it the men's team he currently is my executive development chef overseeing 14 of my restaurants in the UK and in France and is overseeing our Michigan start establishments please welcome James jothee Petri [Applause] when jockey walks out I am over the moon I study his recipes just seeing him I'm kind of like oh my god oh my god oh my god math in keeping with this incredible star season the reward is truly remarkable one of you will become the head chef at the brand-new Hell's Kitchen restaurant in Las Vegas as one of the best locations anywhere in the country it is on this strip at Caesar's Palace Hell's Kitchen the restaurant in Vegas on the strip is game time the rice twists win on chef Millie we'll be there that comes with a salary of a quarter of a million dollars chefs it's time for your signature dish let's go follow me Thank You lemon I'm here to rewrite history let's do this let's go I'm ready about to smoke everybody now how does it feel to be back in that kitchen awesome all right Amanda what are you making for us I'm making some good old mussels Jersey style what does that entail bacon of beer bacon and beer everybody else needs to watch out because since I left Hell's Kitchen I went back to school I have been running a restaurant and all the same time I take care of all my babies so up here is like magical I'm like a wizard did you miss me yes I did right Milly seems this what is it Dorsey Bears three ways many it's 45 minutes not four hours and five minutes you guys ready yes right lift your toes this is not what that's not much what is this those aren't our ingredients right lifter doze that's not mine what is this those aren't our ingredient excuse me Chef Ramsay you gave me the wrong ingredients yeah can you just replace my dome thanks that would be great now there's a reason why none of you have agreed you're expecting this is the all-star season I am raising the bar each of you will have to come up with a spectacular on-the-fly single dish using the ingredients that I have supplied in front of you and you'll be facing off against a member of the opposing team has the same ingredient as you okay you all have 45 minutes and it begins right now let's go all right boys push each other you want to get out the gate strong fully good strong that's good just over half an hour to go ladies Hey Romans cooking the salmon half an hour to go how does it take to cook a piece of dough come on Robin yeah sure [ __ ] my parents definitely not hot enough for salmon to go in and so my skin is coming up hey Dana Skippy right off panko panko panko what do you need do you guys see panko back here oh my god Robin is all over the place she's up she's down she's sideways excuse me what's up come on girl this is all stars come on guys help each other out help each other out Ben what are you doing I'm gonna be doing a stuffed chicken breast with thoughts of chicken Demi coconut and fresh basil sounds delicious when I was here for season five I came at this like a bull in a china shop oh here's some dude I will put circles around you I will circle you like a moon where have you been joking yeah who couldn't cook Mike when you come at it gungho like I did the first time it's easy to sort of burn out this time I need to really pace myself I don't have any agenda other than the win oh my god I'm a [ __ ] mess over here begun be done now ten no let's go okay I'll be judging your a scale of 1 to 5 5 being the highest and 1 well trust me anyone gets one than all you hear right let's start up with two individuals from the same season Ashley and Gerard the Battle of the duck breast let's go they call it frenemies for a reason I know you Jared and you're going down since you've left Hell's Kitchen what are you guys friends rivals lovers friends we're great Ashley and Jared are together again they'll distract each other and they'll fall apart again sorry I hurt you it's really bad I'm sorry let the canoodling begin right actually start off with you officially it looks beautiful could you guys see that from that you're a nice nice describe the dish the duck is marinated in Saki and underneath you have a Brussels sprout celery root puree let's get one thing right ducks now peacefully but when you got sauce that delicious put less don't flood it but it's a very strong start four out of five good job break stop with women ja describe your duck dish I have pan-seared duck breast over celery puree so here's the thing duckies now beauty done let's get that right come on baby this is gonna be a five let's do this let's do this here's the thing I'm sure he's a little bit watery well but it's a you know it's a very strong ever two good dishes four out five well done thank you thank you seriously ties are like kissing your [ __ ] sister good job buddy you Bobby and Ben let's go okay Bobby best moment in Hell's Kitchen actually when I left and you told me I was amazing where's lemons how about me being up for elimination every what's the funny diner just that her worst moments were the eliminations that we kind of had something to do with that so who's going up does everyone agree that there one vote is for Barbie yes okay done we wanted her gone why because I could cook nope that wasn't why tell me done I'm just askin [Music] Bobby worst moment in Hell's Kitchen how about me being up for elimination everything what's the funny diner we wanted her gone why because I could cook nope that wasn't why tell me then I'm just asking everything's different now people have changed everyone's getting a clean slate and we should focus on that first at school ELISA Hansen Bobby describe the dish please I have a curry chicken with some coconut milk and then just a little bit of garam masala if you can allow that source to be less heavy it would have worked okay three out of five then describe the dish I stuffed the coconut rice inside the chicken breast I roasted it together I've never seen the chicken breast stuffed with [ __ ] rice he got bland on bland it's a 2 out of 5 been been fearful 5 minutes are you already on my list you better watch yourself next up are Jennifer and Giovanni with the battle of the lamb at Giovanni hey don't chef I remember being really pissed with you with us yeah yeah I still have the nickname I been your special has now become not very special thanks to face there hurry up Giovanni yeah but I'm not face chef yes so they're good I said I'm not a star you I'm not look at me look at me nice nice as I am aa donkey this is not personal this is professional I'm sorry yeah it was a piece now pull it back yes chef what does Giovanni got tonight but he didn't have last time you in this company lot more passion you know I mean how many people get a second chance there's a chance of a lifetime that could send one of my kids to more doctors and get more help for doctors I have a child that has seizures and has moderate autism I'm sorry if she's beautiful and she does great zombie and she's fine to love in my life a major inspiration thank you so describe the dish please he's got a stash of crusted lamb with a sweet mashed potatoes with grilled eggplant um the bit clumsy presentation-wise but we've cooked it usually it's a very strong three thank you after a solid showing from Giovanni it's up to Jennifer's lamb with eggplant to put the women back on top Lambs cooked beautifully thank you but when you give me undercooked eggplant there's nothing worse the eggplant are crunchy why I'm still eggplant when it's crunchy it gets better eggplant no excuse that dish had all the makings of a strong four or five but I'm giving you a three out of five Jennifer come on what a shy one next up battle of the scallops let's go Michelle and Nick not just a scholar tonight but battle from season 14 Michelle when you hear last you were the youngest in this competition yeah and you still are we're all stars everyone already knows I'm legit I know that everyone else is legit so it's bring it on this is my game face I'm ready I have a seared scallops over at polenta and yoky Wow I taste mutual thank you it's four out of five Nick yes sir is that a ring on your finger it is congratulations thank you lady's name huh ladies named Michael Makarov yes but you met an old girlfriend at a reward right things change yeah is this unbelievable Tigra hog girl I dated her high school when I was straight no small world Nick described this place so chef you have a sea scallop crudo crudo crudo 45 minutes being cooked nothing yes of why wrong it's light but I think all the flavors really work together the season the scopes chiefly Thank You chef but then you spoilt it with this bloody big dump of polenta three out of five with the red team leading by two mendes southern style pork chop is up against Millie's spice-rubbed pork chop the pork is incredible four out five thank you good job the women now lead by a single point and in the Battle of the filet season tens Dana it's a strong out of five the impressive Chef Ramsay while season 12s Josh also attempts to score some points best no minute Hell's Kitchen well I'm gonna say meeting you seeing you is crazy it's crazy Phil a cooked to hell that's a 2 out of 5 Josh the men are hoping to claw their way back into the lead with Vance Lobster and succotash dish what quick question at what you have against me I'm going to explode her I'm going to explode my friends listen to me my face where is Wizzle Brent is that I've got a tiny one oh yeah don't hit it okay I'm gonna be your right van let's start off with yours just listening it's cooked all the way through my knife is going through like butter breathe van it's the first five of the night good well it's now all smiles for the men the pressure now chefs to a very confident Elise and her poached lobster tail and grilled corn lobsters cooked peacefully Thank You chef Elise it's the second five of the night I'm definitely the strongest woman all night I mean you can't expect everyone to get fives everyone's not me with a three-point lead it's the women's challenge to lose as they head into the final round Ben describe your dish please we have a seared salmon finished off with a brown butter caper sauce some of you love the spice the link so you've got the acidity right as well I'm here to win I really don't care who I'm going against you know I'm the best chef in this competition Benjamin is that good I'll give it a five 28:26 with one more dish left to taste I'm not worried I've got this and pull it out taking [ __ ] home Robin describe the dish please on the bottom you have a cauliflower puree and I could do the salmon next crispy salmon skin it was deaf is that is not crispy but flavor is important what do you think extremely salty probably I'm gonna be generous and give your salmon in the final round of the first-ever All Star signature dish challenge 28 26 with one more dish left to taste it all comes down to Robins salmon with cauliflower puree to secure the win that is not crispy Robin I'm gonna be generous and give your salmon one out of five or it was disgusting congratulations men gentlemen well done you guys are in for the ride of your lives in downtown LA from a top of a 70 story skyscraper at the sky slide after that you're gonna then have dinner at walk and Puck's restaurant ah holy [ __ ] can we be 24 limos are waiting guys no Tigers girl head out front slide down skyscrapers I'm gonna eat it Wolfgang Puck all-star season is great ladies you had it unfortunately you're all in for a truly horrible day there is a huge mess left outside I want you to break down all the bleachers put away all the red carpet and that nasty confetti it's freaking everywhere I mean every speck picked up that clear yes head to the dorms let's go this loss is on Robin we had a lead all you had to do was bring it home shake it up could have been worse what's worse than one I kind of let my team down today I'm the weakest link here and that does not feel good for a one I'm not a one what are you doing she's fixing your dude you this is Tiger his eye it helps me keep round him if you have any questions you want to ask you take this and put in the palm of your hand and I just ask a questions her stoughton talks it's telling me what yes/no isn't so I ask it yes or no questions it's a talking stone I ask it questions that you didn't ask about the salmon though oh the shadiest do you guys used to go down the slide yeah you guys had actually caught up to heaven into hell here are you kidding me who puts a slide on the side of a 70 storey building like what was that guy doing oh my god I'm 265 pounds my body doesn't go anywhere near glass on 70 stories [Applause] you can see the entire city just absolutely beautiful however I don't like Heights slides and buildings and all that not for me come on Rolie Polie Olie going down that slide come on Ben [Applause] as the rest of the men enjoy their victory slide back in Hell's Kitchen the red team's progress is already derailed okay I do not want this where's Elise please Elise you got a muscles girl come on what do you want come on guys you got it I'm about to get injured I'm going exactly what I need to do okay not all the weights in the world can prepare you to try to take apart bleachers and stuff I'm Bob the Builder you're gonna have trouble getting that one up though it's heavy apparently it's Elise's world and we're just living in everything I don't know who the hell this [ __ ] think she is at least come over here she's a bodybuilder that's too heavy how do I weigh please that's what she does man good evening are you clean up nice welcome to all the best Russians in LA take in the view this is beautiful this is amazing WP 24 we're up in the clouds still man I'm feeling like a million bucks what a day what a start after here we go into Hollywood hard bodies do all that is Hollywood hard bodies yeah you expect me thank you guys to violet come on seriously there's one very special guest I'd like to introduce you to please say good evening could you sat in his restaurant - Wolfgang Puck sure I think coming here Gordon Ramsay and Wolfgang Puck these are two culinary Giants I mean who else gets an opportunity like that nobody that's who nobody all right chef this is the angry lobster don't get bored and angry he will get as red as this lobster yeah you're hungry holy cow this is Wolfgang Puck breaking down a lobster and plating up my dish easily one of the best thinners I've ever had in my life Blue team congratulations I'm heading back to Hell's Kitchen enjoy see you later take care I'm taking over for Gordon officially so you're all fired good morning everybody how was your sleep I slept like a log ready for this let's do it good morning it's chef I need to see everybody let's go I'm gonna take a seat at the bar good morning listen carefully all of you every year in this Christian we have to turn away thousands and I mean thousands of diners this year house gives you we've gone up a notch and won't be offering a special bar menu to look after more people now this next bit is huge this is the very first time I'm setting you all a very exciting individual challenge at the beginning of this competition I know that you're all capable chefs but I want to have an early indication of who among you is capable of separating yourselves for this challenge I'm looking right now for each of you to come up with a spectacular dish that you think is worthy on being served in the first-ever Hell's Kitchen bar menu but this is big the chef who creates the best bar menu item will be safe from elimination in tonight's dinner service next time on Hell's Kitchen know which safety on the line to be safe from the first elimination is kind of a big deal an already competitive group here we go I am the MVP of the all-star season turns into a hungry pack of wolves every [ __ ] Lance and every strip came back for one show won't sit pressure may prove to be too much a with you stay with me stand with 16 all-stars in the kitchen stop flipping them you get both of us a trouble Matt just leave it it's the most explosive opening night in the history of Hell's Kitchen this is what I call a disaster this ship is sinking Jack's on the book Elise on the bus you're mad ratchet girl you don't want to miss this out-of-control episode that's hot you
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 891,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise;ITV;Reality TV;Cooking;Restaurant;Celebrity chef;Gordon Ramsay;Roast;Competition
Id: RLm0jlSMuXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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