Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 12, Episode 1 - Full Episode

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eleven seasons ago in this restaurant a culinary war began and if you listen carefully you can hear echoes of the carnage that is a firm through the years many battles [Music] but against all odds 11 incredible chefs have risen from the trenches in victory [Music] and tonight the battlefield comes alive once more 20 new recruits in bei Hell's Kitchen in josiah's quest for excellence get ready to fight for your place Chef Ramsay will find new ways to challenge the chef's will find new ways to challenge the pressure will be too great you'll come out yes what a weird woman because these shadows may be the most underhanded come in are you trying to kill somebody Chef Ramsay is gonna find out what's going on so they arrive and they are the most aggressive to enter Hell's Kitchen the pain will be unprecedented how much I want to be here but so will the rewards the ultimate prize is the most storage sudden leaves is finally happening merciless Hell's Kitchen ever I love you guys what I love you too men [Music] as The Legend of Hell's Kitchen continues to grow each year so does the anticipation for the newest crop of chefs but before they arrive they have their first chance to meet their competition the nickname culinary Jesus because I am perfect and awesome and I have many followers would have given their left leg just to be Chef Ramsay when you know you're gonna win you don't need a cocky I'm from the military I'm hardcore I would use a sleep on roots and then wake up and kick ass just like I'm gonna do here and I would like to show you a few things quickly so let's go [Applause] I'm obviously wicked excited I'm ready to tear this up getting stream that I want to start cooking let's go guys please guys please why are these people in my kitchen I need to be in their routine yes sir well done seriously good job I'm the only see our new arrivals yeah he come see you enjoy your dessert it seemed Gordon Donny my legs became weak I was like oh my god one of the treat yes nice okay I decided to do a soft opening to show each and every one of you what I expect this is how I want health kitchen to run every single night can you do that me and Chef Ramsay are exactly the same person he's gonna love me like any father would this year's winner will have a head chest position at a Gordon Ramsay restaurant but first they will have to survive Al's kitchen right here in Los Angeles the entertainment capital of the world [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] almost [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now that I've entertained you it's time for you to entertain me all of you get in the kitchens and get your signature dish cooked [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] great something stunning after a Hollywood welcome to Hell's Kitchen it's time for the chef's to get down to business it's time to get serious they have 45 minutes to prepare their signature dishes it's the first team challenge and the truths are once again men versus women it's a brand new environment so my first comes on which guys please be safe you gotta say something are you coming with a heart Richard I'm not sure if these are the guys are qualified enough to be walking around the kitchen okey-dokey let's go pinaki i'm amita come on ten minutes to go is that your protein there yes and it's not cooked yet no sir I'll move your ass if I was you yes Iook like in Chef Ramsay - its Hedy bear so every time he's screaming I'm gonna tell it myself teddy bear teddy bear teddy gentlemen a half minute cigars that shot on a burner go on a burner ain't gonna get hot in a fish I've got a burner yeah I bring a little bit of cockiness in the kitchen at 48 I've had some scared of young people I'm sure people were thinking ah this old guy you're gonna be able to handle it but I'm gonna bring it yeah you just behind you thanks Rex okay 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 right listen carefully today not only are you making an impression on me but you'll be making your first impression on Los Angeles [Applause] did all these people come from I didn't cook that much food thank you so much ladies everybody please take a seat I've invited all of you here to announce this year's winner will have a head chest position at a Gordon Ramsay restaurant but first there will have to survive Hell's Kitchen right here in Los Angeles [Music] I'm from LA I need to represent now this fabulous opportunity comes with a salary of a quarter million dollars [Applause] [Music] okay chefs time to impress the lights turkey first up in the signature dish challenge New Jersey head chef Anton hopes to impress Chef Ramsay with his unconventional surf and turf pork chop crabmeat crust so your pigs go crabs however actually tastes delicious now Las Vegas showgirl turned cook Simone looks to dazzle Chef Ramsay with her slightly more traditional take on pork this is actually a pork chop a very large workshop proteins cook deeply Thank You chef but it looks slightly clumsy congratulations to the men good job Chef Ramsay thought it was delicious which he was right next recent culinary school graduate in a khole faces off against sous chef Jason do I recognize you the first dinner service but I'm back totally hydrated ready to go welcome back Thank You chef Jason what is that we have a seared and braised wild salmon with mushroom and vegetable medley seasoned beautifully I mean the dish tastes delicious Thank You chef young lady named way from and why do you think you're so special my name is Nicole I'm from Staten Island New York what makes me so special is that I'm very passionate driven I know yours is quite I'm a little shy why the [ __ ] did you come into Hell's Kitchen Nicole your dish what is it with lemon herb butter sauce the dish resembles you - atif boring congratulations to the men to nail boring [ __ ] you know me next up is Chris a Las Vegas dinner theater chef I pinched a lot of those shows and food generally sucks however corn hen it's coke beef a joy a kitchen supervisor from Philadelphia hopes to upstage Chris with her children soup it's like runny cold scrambled eggs with someone's vomit on the boss [Music] congratulations hands down southern girl kasia hopes to get the women on the board and shut down Mike from the Jersey Shore with a blue cheese crab butter and steaks delicious tortellini what's inside the filling it's just a cheese it's a packaged tortellini fresh tortellini packaged fresh tortellini that's our soldier please tell me you use fresh tomatoes they were canned tomatoes [Applause] come on that was a joke his whole meal came out of a box who does that you know you you're cooking for Chef Ramsay translation that was delicious well done ladies next two dishes let's go I'm a little insulted it's not like it's packaged dog food that's [ __ ] bro do you what did you just say okay you guys need to say to me say it to my face not my back you gotta [ __ ] off yeah with the women down by two Los Angeles line cook Melanie is hoping to cut the men's lead even further scallops are cooked beautifully as she faces off against an executive chef from Chicago Richard sea bass is absolute delicious two very good dishes it's difficult but congratulations young lady good job next up Bev a food truck chef tries to keep the woman's comeback going with her fish tacos that young lady is absolutely delicious her opponent is French trained executive chef Gabriel and his stuffed chicken breast I lived in France for three years and I never ever saw [ __ ] like this and fast let me tell you congratulations young lady the women my god you rally back let's go young man first name varam got a bottle what is that tuna steak crusted in like little African dukkha spice appertaining first bite of my dish he's gonna be in that orgasm make the Zen more it stressful what a big disappointment with Gaurav missing the mark Sandra from New York has the chance to give the ladies their first lead with her pan-seared Cod if I like that they would back me up like an L a [ __ ] freeway none of you a point disgusting with the score still tied Louisiana line cook Beth hopes to tip the scales with her fried catfish against Pennsylvania sous chef DeMarco got fish scopes perfectly no man what is that the doughy they're undercooked the point goes to ladies good job my name is Rochelle okay well first of all what is so funny and very excited for Chef Ramsay to try my food it is a sauteed chicken my mom made growing up so something that stuck with me so they Stephanie stuck with me but all in the wrong way okay young man my name is ruff I'm special because I have a spark in my ass and [Music] did you get something look at that okay so this is a New England lobster dinner the actual Lobster it's cooked perfectly point goes to the men congratulations welcome Ralph gives a little spark to the men's team and it's all tied up there to go next please let's go and as it often happens on Hell's Kitchen it all comes down to the last two chefs right buddy name my name is Jessica and Jays my birthday you're what is it person Mary crusted venison loin with roasted potatoes and Brussels sprouts venison is one of the most difficult proteins to cook and you absolutely nailed it okay this is the little light fennel dusted rekha lamb I am very risky taking and taking on lamb but I've got pure confidence that Chef Ramsay's gonna love my dish you have the most stunning and the most expensive cut of lamb anywhere in the world and yet you've just managed to [ __ ] it completely congratulations ladies young lady was an amazing job it's better than an orgasm I have an amazing dinner planned for all of you and it's gonna take place at my restaurant right here in Los Angeles ladies head up to the dorms first of all cannot wait to eat second of all with jeff gordon ramsay third of all ladies rule boys drool man trust me all of you are in for a tedious nice on with the dining room back into shape ready for a big opening i can't wait to get in your dining room clean hopping you know side scrubbing the tables down it's gonna be real exciting i'm not starting off on a good note guys while the men prepare for a long night of cleaning up Hell's Kitchen the ladies arrive at Gordon Ramsay's Los Angeles restaurant [Music] welcome to legacy please this restaurant was absolutely beautiful I love the atmosphere its kind of homestyle ladies dive in come on so for one of you winning Hell's Kitchen is a real possibility how does that sound quiet amazing evening being able to spend time with them have some trains get to see the real Chef Ramsay and just regular street clothes was very hot but just to the boys I guess is my workout now Michaels are just standing around like watching it's like you know get to [ __ ] work like we're trying to get out of here I feel like it's just huh certain people are hauling carrying the tables we should stop that [ __ ] right now dude you get on the tables man I'll knock this out first Mike's [ __ ] lazy man we're moving tables that you want to vacuum if you can't be a team player why are you here come on Mikey man let's get the tables baby nobody comes on the back you grab a corner your people record let's go yes big boy no no no no Mike you don't walk out on a punishment sorry that [ __ ] doesn't fly where's my as their first full day in Hell's Kitchen Dawn's the chef's awakened early to prepare for tonight's grand reopening and receive the tools they'll need for success we provided you with your own jankle knife since wow they're gorgeous that's me I'm weird I love them with new knives in hand the blue team looks to rebound from their signature dish challenge loss try not to be cocky about it but we'll rock out with my crock-pot out in the red kitchen the women look to continue their winning ways you're gonna leave the butter here to melt like that Nicole to me seems a little a little on the weak side and you scared me a bit cause you're quiet that you're very passive I'm like I'm wondering what you're thinking I'm gonna explode that's what I'm thinking yeah why ones are the ones you gotta worry about you're a desperation but she's dark and kind of weird which I'm a little bit worried about we'll see [Music] gents let's go ladies okay monami so open Hell's Kitchen yes let's go it's opening night in Hell's Kitchen first I was arriving guys and excitement is in the air for both the new chefs and the diner's who have had the good fortune of securing one of the most difficult reservations in the city of La in addition to the classic menu Chef Ramsay has added a tableside Caesar salad the red section of the dining room will be served by Melanie from Los Angeles and the blue section will be served by Chris from Las Vegas first dimension okay here we go red team first ticket on order four covers table 31 two Caesar salad special to scholars yes let's go this guy was the heart right no no we're cooking their scallops being the core on the fish and she's totally lost do you remember everything he caught no as soon as the first order drop she's like I can't do this I can't do that and I don't understand this and I don't understand that I'm dropping the scallops now I don't have time to babysit her tonight good that one I gotta let it brown a little bit while joy takes charge of the fish station over in the blue kitchen the men okay blue team on to Caesar salad special tableside once got as one risotto yes or eager to get their first appetizers to the pass for one minute feeding the heat this is the time for me to show when I'm capable off what my talents are the whole G package that's three minutes give it a second give it a second yep I've cooked risotto like a billion times to be honest it's not that tough how's that lobster tail I'm ready little buddy to the past all those up to the pass scallops in the window chef the drive team good job good job hey all of you come in soon but liquid runny liquid it's so [ __ ] runner you can you spot the [ __ ] rice in there then here hey you as well what do you think of that lobster towel and the mark-up is shriveled rock-hard like a [ __ ] golf ball then here a scallops come up used to be Sears I'm like yes I won [ __ ] self look how opposites can one scholar be get a [ __ ] grip let's go wake up while Gabriel Gaurav and DeMarco start over on their appetizers back in the red kitchen joy has promptly delivered her first two orders of scallops Mischa yeah come on over let's go joy come on speed just touch them okay that's exactly gonna dig it's another two by the way while joy tries to get her station partner Nicole involved in the blue kitchen not going out right now Gaurav is hoping his second attempt at risotto will be up to Chef Ramsay's standards Chef Ramsay's had the pass and he's surely out and looking at it Oh God turns right back around way too much pepper in there just two hearts is the [ __ ] result of no vindaloo yes chef I love black pepper in my risotto just for the records well Gaurav learns the differences between his way and the Hell's Kitchen way back on the red side joy and Nicole are determined to put out perfect scallops [Music] these are overcooked we need to fire another scallop scallops chef coming chef where's the other scholar coming up chef one minute chef it's the same table how can be a minute behind I messed up the other scow chef [ __ ] enough you can't [ __ ] up any more scallops you don't work this is it [Music] that's it [ __ ] that I'm diamond scout it's our first like three I'm done with the [ __ ] Scout [ __ ] done one thing I don't do is give up and one thing I can't do is work next to somebody who is gonna give up are you okay yeah sure doctor two distinct if you don't put any effort into it do me a favor take that apron off and [ __ ] up home Jordan Reed yeah don't worry about it we're gonna finish this we're coming back moving up it's 45 minutes into dinner service and not a single appetizer has left the kitchen as we go make this ourselves in what is shaping up to be one of the worst starts to an opening night back in the red kitchen let me know what you're ready for me to fire two scallops please joy and Sandra are having a difficult time getting on the same page trust me I will tell you what I'm a few minutes out because that's oh you need to see our freaky scholar my mother's priority scallops now you don't have to wait till I am ready to give you a time if you drop your goddamn poop Oh mind you so you can screw it up and I got a refire mine again to Caesar salad one risotto one scallops how long I need two minutes on the scallops and I'm walking how many like four five minutes she says five so you're talking to you I need five minutes excited thanks a minute give me like this I joined yes yep I could give it up no said what did I just say that chef can you run the order back to me [Music] [Music] [Applause] joy please calm down get it together as the bad news continues to pour into the red kitchen Chef Ramsay shifts his attention back to the blue kitchen chef desperate to witness something there's nothing coming out anything positive there's no you [ __ ] standing there playing yourself oh no are you hey I come here you we do not stick our fingers in the [ __ ] food lick it and then go back inside what is this sorry chef does anyone have any respect for the customers stop behind me I'll get a grip chef don't worry about getting a grip next time you're out are you kidding me you gonna not take my risotto just because I checked the rice and then finally clean my finger with my tongue get it together yes chef while gorod is given one last chance to clean up his act I feel like five more minutes back in the red kitchen joy is still trying to open up communications with sound just killing me she wasn't talking to me get old am I ready to go with this I want him to get this right just takes too long to refire right I need you to sing my name I can't hear anything it's just embarrassing it's like hens in a henhouse come in all of you saundra enjoy what's going on with you two she's nothing with me chef I can't stand her she's crying curry yes put your differences aside and communicate with each other while a communication breakdown has brought the red kitchen to a halt back in the blue kitchen the photo bikes out Chef Ramsay has a question for DeMarco and Gabriel I'm right here on it no no no no leave it put it back in there put it back in DeMarco we got to be a [ __ ] idiot I'm not sending out the rock lobster is it cooked yes it's good to go oh sure hey mr. marker it's overcooked it's like a [ __ ] bollocks committee oh [ __ ] you just can't be happening out again man just touch it yes sir so he's not already and that you give him a big ball of elastic fat supposedly and lobster [ __ ] off DeMarco Gabriel like landed if you just let me do it they'd be [ __ ] perfect hey wake up you yes chef wake up yes chef while DeMarco starts over on the lobster in the red kitchen Sandra is finally communicating why did you tell me I'm Katie screaming I'm walking with you for a minute let's go that lobster tail should have been done walking risotto where's the where's the lobster lobster drop a lobster joy stop right there you just a drop the lobster yes I did you come here you too you come here the lobster is not open in alum isn't gonna take you to cut that lobster tail our second chef ready yes you know what get me lobster cooked in 45 seconds your time starts now [Music] good luck best wishes 15 seconds gone the pressures on Hans 30 seconds gone just like oh my gosh took us here forty seconds gone [Music] [Music] while the ladies continue team-building Upstairs Downstairs DiMarco and Gabriel hope they finally have a dish worthy enough for Chef Ramsay scallops in the window chef [Music] big boy come here all of you just touched the scallops then pullets they're rubber bullets are going to color of them as overcooked rubbish it's what are you two doing [ __ ] up out of there get out all of you get out I'm done dude we got kicked out of the kitchen it's really [ __ ] frustrating chef can I stay get out with all of the men kicked out of the kitchen Chef Ramsay turns to what's left of the women to save opening night the rubber way way overcooked who killed them I just touch them they're rubber that bounce you they bounce this is the worst opening night in the history of Hell's Kitchen get out yes yeah so Philip Fisher I cannot stand the embarrassment any longer shut it down tonight we could even get the basics done Red Team Blue team get upstairs and amongst yourselves come to consensus which two individuals you want to put forward for elimination [ __ ] off will you the weakest links tonight were me myself Nicole and Sandra but I didn't fly clear across these United States that go back home after a day it started with the pilot and scallops because the issue there was we never knew when to fire scholarship to you on the station oh I totally one of you mom you guys didn't tell each other either but des you not taking responsibility for anything hold up - your [ __ ] mistake don't go - Walsh eat I'm so mad right now so who you pick I'm gonna say gee the fingers weren't the big issue for me putting your fingers in there eating it which is that's disaster rent we all have good finger in the food y'all have done it tell me the second person so he just along with the risotto being crab a lot of lobster came out like I got held up we were on the station together and like Gabriel was a [ __ ] disaster I gotta go G baby and Gabriel man I agree and look man you know I know I [ __ ] up a lot but your lobster was the worst you know I mean you really screwed up tonight no I'm gonna go with D and G man Gabriel Demark with all the fish station just couldn't get it together but it's hard to say who's responsible what we do [Music] Nicole we were at their station together but I felt like you left me oh it's like that dress [ __ ] that I'm done with scallop you started you said I'm done with this [ __ ] and you walk to the bed we're not listen I don't give a [ __ ] how frustrating about that tell me listen listen to me yes you did [Music] [Music] Anton who is the men's teams first nominee and why SG because of the amount of mistakes second nominee and why DiMarco he just didn't have that energy didn't have that passion to try to fight back takes you first nobody in why our first nominee will be Bandra basically the bat was just all wrong with the fish station in the effort second nominee and why second nominee was Nicole because she was over the scallops and her attitude was just very horrible Nicole Sandra go off tomorrow step forward please Nicole is there a desire and a passion that you've got inside yes sir oh sure so where is it are you done no yeah it's it's night no way after tonight yeah if there is another night Salva tell me what you think you deserve to stay I follow directions tonight and I was very verbal and I babied the fifth station every 30 seconds I would tell them what to do because they kept asking me how long I said just give it a second I wanted to know when I'm full he asked me a question I'm four minutes I'm three minutes I'm two minutes did you hear me yes maybe the other one didn't but that's not my problem after I give your station your time girl why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen I think I have all the talent the passion the desire the attitude you forgot fingers DeMarco I was paired with somebody tonight and we we didn't communicate properly I mean we had a system and it's a system of [ __ ] up my decision is [Music] go on give me a jacket I have got nowhere else to go with you and I've barely met you good night so I definitely not think that I'm the worst chef and that group of twenty people definitely not I understand that I tasted the food by my finger but everybody does it all of you listen very carefully get serious and get some sleep because all of you right now are only in the first mile of the marathon that is Hell's Kitchen now [ __ ] off to everybody cuz it's gonna be me at the end of the day this is no joke anymore it's time to prove to the world that I'm the real deal it's time to take the gloves off and and this [ __ ] throwdown I came here to fight and the more my team is gonna [ __ ] with me the more want to cut it out there's so many things about India that I love it's ashame graph isn't one of them [Music] [Music] next time Hell's Kitchen Russia with an all that leads to a devastating injuries that could take one crap out of the competition for good and in the main event believe it will be cooked by now horses can shop in a no-holds-barred battle I want to bring it back to a [ __ ] intimidate tune in next time to find out Hell's Kitchen you need me [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 391,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Unscripted, Uncensored, Full Episodes, Full Episode, Official, Free, Cooking, Food, Dining, Restaurants, Cooking Competition, Competitive Cooking, Reality, Reality TV, Real, Television, TV, Classic TV
Id: zyQOIftMaS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 4sec (2464 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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