Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 12, Episode 5 - Full Episode

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previously on Hell's Kitchen the blue team tried to build up their most insecure shadows in a challenge that tested the team's consistency Jason and Scott strong performance pushed the men out to an early lead girl 6 to the blue team the trio of DeMarco Gabriel and Mike were unable to deliver one acceptable dish that's the way too thick come on guys nothing's coming out allowing the women led by Melanie and Jessica an opportunity to catch up you guys again yeah and win their second consecutive challenge delicious while the ladies were rewarded with a day of luxury the men tried to sort things out during the penny rolling punishment you could suck my [ __ ] but Mike wasn't exactly cooperating seriously everybody can go [ __ ] themselves at dinner service wow the blue team struggles come in fridge cold fridge [ __ ] calls the ladies delivered their best service yet thanks to and Joy's leadership the ladies were then sent to help the blue team finish their service much to the dismay of the men he wants to get and nominated Mike and D'Amato in the end it was Mike who saw his dream of becoming a head chef and winning a quarter of a million dollars come to an end [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen blue team get out of it it's like a weird relief just to have my god Chef Ramsay you have made the wisest decision ever poisons gone I know thank you so much for eliminating this scourge of the blue team the cancers gone so let's call together rock this [ __ ] it's time to celebrate no man he tried to sink everybody he was with yeah he did yeah all this [ __ ] Ichigo behind us now we have to become one no more [ __ ] excuses huh I know all of us on our team are great chefs so with Mike being gone now I think this is nothing but redemption for us I think the girls should definitely be scared now right they should be scared cuz underdogs is coming man tomorrow's gonna be even sweeter that's cool another one let's do it two days in a row I'm feeling good my girls are on the roll we don't want to lose want to keep on rolling so we get all those men out in just those ladies so write whatever comes that way what if we do it again without getting their [ __ ] here we already any [ __ ] with no lack of confidence the team's head downstairs to face their next challenge [Music] I see all these domes and like oh my goodness gonna have to many things many dishes oh man good morning chefs we are constantly required to use our minds 24/7 and you know to be a great chef is all about memory creativity and thinking on your feet yes I think this is gonna be a memory game and I suck at memory and write here's how the challenge is going to work Andy James please we'll be working in pairs and each pair you're working with a protein chicken breast I tuna swordfish and pork chop pork chop behind me under these domes are 24 different ingredients however each ingredient is out there twice so each pair go to the dining room and lift two domes whether a pair finds a match or not the next pair of chefs will go if you ingredients match you must use that ingredients in any one of your four dishes so you have five minutes try to make your matches as fast as possible five minutes is not a lot of time and on top of that we gotta try to get a match in order for us to use that food so you're just making this really hard for us okay ladies you'll go first blue team head out to the patio and wait until your call let's go okay ladies are you ready on your mark get set go in the first part of today's challenge working in pairs the teams have just five minutes to match as many ingredients as they can once they find a match I got tournament they get to use it with their protein each pair has one chance to make a match then their turn is over and the next we need the other care on this side I think of two Oh [Music] [Applause] after using almost half of their time in search of a match for the carrots the women are finally racking up more pairs but they will need a lot more ingredients to go with their four proteins I play this game all the time but when you're doing it in that setting it's like she was just like oh but I mean that's her 30 seconds to go pay them up come on with their time remaining the chefs are now deciding which of the ingredients go best with which of their four proteins we're all screaming at each other it was utter chaos brown rice you have to use it and stop phrase up to the past please I was a little nervous about their brown rice because he had the bus muddy race though you just had to figure out something do it up let's go man blue team are you ready go let's go guys shout out 24 potato 37 kale to move bastards one inside you [ __ ] donkey Ted angel-hair pasta couscous DeMarco next three then all 36 English p8 cauliflower 31 carats petit who spoke sorry helped them guys 46:15 46 we got up slow and then kind of picked it all up what are we gonna do with all these [ __ ] potatoes I don't think we need this thanks God in 60 seconds to go I got two available right here guys give me give me the peas I'll do a potato and keep you rain okay give me the pasta time is ticking hurry up already already just deal with it guys and stop the Umbridge we got so many starches so it's even harder and I'm just brewing in my brain I gotta figure this out okay listen up you have 30 minutes to cook a stunning dish using all those ingredients let's start working in the same pairs that just played the matching game the chefs will have just 30 minutes to create a unique flavorful dish I'll start feeling the potato forming yeah what do you think about doing a hollandaise do you like that idea or not I do my partner Scott came up with hollandaise on a swordfish and that's something I've never done before so I hope he knows what he's doing I like it a lot do you want me to bring over that polenta yeah yeah me and Melanie we're on chicken I'll be okay I'll jump on the polenta just externa yep I'm just so nervous like I've never made polenta before him like it tastes right it build it right but it could be wrong and it has to be like consistency of mashed potatoes okay with Rachelle hoping for some beginner's luck in the blue kitchen Chris and DeMarco are hard at work on their pork chop entree please don't open the oven anymore that's all honestly I could have done this challenge by myself which would have been a lot more fun for me let me do something come on man no face lie down bay side down this is ridiculous what do you need me to do another 60 seconds to go right okay such a little bit of time and brown rice it takes 10 years to cook 30 seconds to guard so I'm hoping and I'm praying that we can get it done drizzle what the holiday is beautiful clean it up good right let's go Chef Ramsay will now judge the dishes based on taste presentation and how well the chef's integrated the ingredients with their proteins right let's start off with the Battle of the chicken first up it's Melanie and Rochelle versus Anton and Richard is a pan-seared crispy skin chicken with a creamy polenta underneath the plaintiff who cook Beth Rochelle cook tisha [Music] delicious it was my first time though stoner really good indeed okay Thank You chef Anton what is it we have a seared and pate chicken with surgery capellini with a sherry wine vinaigrette sauce Anton that's something that's on the menu at a diner I mean the dish doesn't look as attractive as melanism but it does have great flavor Thank You chef the point goes to both of you great job well done with both teams off to an impressive start right next up battle of the pulp let's go Chris hopes the giving de março very little to do on their pork dish will enable him to beat Jessica and Keysha okay Chris what is it the cranberry and fig polenta stuff riyaad and potato puree who cooked it I did the roulade I did the sauce and of London actually you pulled something pretty complex off well done thank you sure Jessica what's the dish it is a pan-seared pork chop with a corn succotash who cooked that quisha chef - perfectly on things for sure she can cook pork that's the problem I've got that they're soggy potatoes great shame the point goes looting yes that's it Chris damn damn good job sweet next up before the tuna let's go with the men now leading by one Sandra and Beth are hoping that their asian-inspired tuna crispy noodles absolutely will triumph over Jason and Gabriel's interesting combination of ingredients seared tuna a little bit of couscous and a kale and with the pasta the only thing I'm missing is more kale yes chef the point goes to red team well then fund off the dump with the score now tied 2-2 it all comes down to the Battle of the swordfish Ralph and Scott versus Joe and Bev okay Scott what is that basmati rice with a Hansard swordfish and a little bit of hollandaise Wow sold fish cooked beautifully so moist Thank You chef joy what do we have here okay Beth lightly seasoned the fish and the broth is a saffron chili bean broth why to Rice's that's just what ended up on our tree stuff - stunning swordfish dishes but there's one dish that has a mistake Scott you don't cover swordfish in hollandaise congratulations the red team [Applause] I'm so excited Scott Craig shame you know what I learned today don't be [ __ ] hollandaise sauce on a fish then you're gonna be busy bees you'll be spending the entire day preparing over 100 pounds of honey taffy but there's more you are gonna be harvesting the freshest honey right off the coat are you [ __ ] kidding no I'm not working with bees ladies good job Thank You chef for winning the challenge I've arranged the most amazing day on Laguna Beach today all of you are gonna be kayaking in the Pacific Ocean after you'll be treated to the most amazing exclusive lunch at the five-star studio at the montage Laguna Beach the cars are waiting let's go we are four times winning and it's just getting better and better with the women geared up for a rewarding day the men suit up for a day of punishment [Music] man I do not like this they sure they can't get in here and sting us nope so just holes in this thing five of them for me cuz you're too big I'm so [ __ ] sick of losing challenges lay them and now we have to go get stung by [ __ ] bees wonderful suck it all in dude you know it somebody whole dolls it was absolutely ridiculous I was like an idiot in it thanks guys brother no fart you'll die holy [ __ ] man you better help us out we don't know what the hell we're doing I don't know this is really sketchy we definitely dodged a huge bullet today I thought like some be nesting there's nobody lot of bees in here but they're done talk about a mindfuck thank God I didn't work out the way I thought I was going to watch another dip but they can still seeing it yeah yes sir alright while the men haul away the honey the women arrive for a relaxing day at Laguna Beach life jackets common nerve and anything does happen and Ivan forbid you end up in the water relax we're supposed to be a team of course these beaches the Tyco I don't know if they're gonna make me giraffe everybody ready let's do it I know my limits I know my limitations I was sad that I didn't get to overcome a fear but that's okay I'm sorry I can't make it happen I work hard I was able to relax and enjoy just being away from the ladies it was great [Music] being Laguna Beach is the best reward yet it's like a fairy tale Eli ins there are no sea lions in New Jersey we got to make thousand candies so every drop of honey in the pantyhose all right we have the city air in squeeze honey from fresh honeycomb it's paint and ass-fuck taffy yes this is organic as you can get it's just annoying orange stupid tedious work [Music] welcome to studio at montage Laguna Beach studio at the montage was new people and we got to sit right there overlooking the beach it was breathtaking my god got it ladies welcome so what we have for you is some ahi tuna pokey potato as the red team savers there michelin-star meal it's lunchtime for the men and chef James this morning whips up a healthy vitamin wrench seaside lunch of his own who's gonna be the brave warrior down the hatch you know it's brain food Oh God it came and think about it right now it's making me throw up in my mouth hold you no feelings smelly [ __ ] one more shut up Ralph maybe the reason that's his name after an amazing day on Laguna Beach the women returned to Hell's Kitchen overjoyed and United meanwhile the blue team is doing a little bonding of their own we all want to live for ourselves that's the main reason we're [ __ ] here there's something we should go around and find out why is everybody I'm 48 years old I've been doing it for 30 years I want to prove that I can still hang with the young guys and cook that's why I'm here that straight I want to work for chef Gordon Ramsay it's been a dream since I've started cooking then it still blows my mind I'm even sitting here with you guys right now it really does I want to prove every [ __ ] person that said I couldn't do this that I can't all right what's up my father left me when I was like six months old I never met him he hasn't he doesn't want anything to [ __ ] do with me and you know how much that [ __ ] sucks all I want to do is have him call me so I could tell me a little [ __ ] himself and look what I [ __ ] did yeah man I'm serious that's why I like the Erhart in the past a long time you open up supposed to cook with seriously if you've ever been down in your Hawaii and I know a lot of people have you know you you always looked at something to cheer for and I hope people see that in me because I want this so bad then you got more motivation anybody my friend after a night of heart-to-heart discussions both teams are moving kind of slowly this morning good morning holy [ __ ] it's Chef Ramsay but Chef Ramsay has other plans I need to see all of you downstairs immediately God let's go downstairs right away everybody [Music] there's something very special going on in the dining room do not make a sound let's go oh my gosh what's going on and it's all quiet it could be anything oh my god this is not wedding attire ladies and gentlemen we welcome you here today to share with us as Parker and Johanna pledged the vows that will unite them in marriage Parker do you hear the Claire your commitment to Joanna and choose her to spend the rest of your life I do Joanna do you choose him as the one with whom you wish to spend the rest of your life I do I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow I looked at Rochelle cuz you know she just got engaged come on let me see if she gets here yeah and she had this glow on her face like oh I can't wait for my special day chicks love weddings come on now you know the right team loved it it is my great honor to pronounce you husband and wife [Music] all smiles today give them a couple weeks right the honeymoons over there's a lot of people happily married I just happen to be one of the people that simply divorced the first time ever we have been given the opportunity to host an exclusive wedding ceremony here I prepared a very simple but delicious unique brunch menu the bright side of the dining room we done by the red kitchen and the groom side we done by the blue kitchen the team serves the entire side of the restaurant first wins the challenge the team that loses this challenge will lose one of their teammates not only is there a surprise wedding this is also an elimination challenge on your stations let's go for this morning's special service the teams will prepare an elegant wedding brunch the man will cook for guests of the groom the women for guests of the bride the menu consists of a fresh fruit salad appetizer welcome this way followed by a choice of three entrees that include lobster scrambled eggs a croque monsieur and belgium buttermilk waffles with Rochelle taking the lead on the fruit salad for the women anybody's got a ham please start walking with fruit salad I got it and Scott taking the lead for the men make them look perfect these two please fruit salads are easily making their way out to both dining rooms - fruit salads walking chef this is the easiest wedding menu I've ever seen and it's very important to me like I don't want to screw anybody's wedding up with almost all of the fruit salad sir let's go big boy I've never seen here this early in the morning Chef Ramsay is ready with the entree order for the bride and groom's table wedding party top table blue team one scrambled egg won't cook Monsieur - waffles - yeah yes chef which will be split between the two kitchens ladies wedding party top table two scrambled eggs 1 cup Monsieur 1 waffles we're going up at the same time guys yes let's go breakfast is the easiest thing to cook but we have to work with the blue team have to make sure we poured it in and get the food out on time walk'n where's the Copa sure come on guys damn it it busts [ __ ] you don't torch eggs and then you don't let pieces of bread get burnt on the bottom come on where is it [ __ ] off hey surprising groom's table everyone's waiting on best because of an egg not good I'm not stopping the blue team's oh let's go while Keysha watches over bets every move over in the blue kitchen minutes come on guys Chef Ramsay has a question for Ralph is that hoskin I got so greasy the pan has to be hot wide so a crisp up quick so you can use a cold pan full of all what's happening it's it's just soaking up sorry grace wow dude that was a rookie move bro rookie move look at me rising groove yes chef I want them to enjoy their big day not spending more about their cholesterol come on yes chef no excuses Gracie yes chef with both kitchens struggling with the wedding tables entrees the guests of honor have no choice but to wait meanwhile back in the red kitchen yes Katia's doing all she can to organize not just ourselves but as well everybody here wants to tell everybody else how to do their [ __ ] job if they worried about their own self instead of what I'm doing or she's doing because you know I know how to cook a [ __ ] they've shut your goddamn mouth and do your [ __ ] job if you don't belong in this kitchen get out no ma'am shut up and cook breakfast service you can't handle breakfast come on now come on there bill it's not gonna be cooked enough we're gonna instead of them hey hey all of you all of you come here a big day bride and groom and look runny ruff look at that look it's like [ __ ] snot on your wedding day that is embarrassing Taoiseach better look at me stop sending me chips yes chef oh [ __ ] off oh yes chef these things you should know thank you me cooking is before I was proud of a baby don't know whole [ __ ] table again yes I know how to do this I just that's it well Beth starts the bride's eggs for the third time back in the blue kitchen let's go let's go Ralph is determined not to let anything get in the way of getting his food out to the groom's side of the head table how it's supposed to be come on I got it I got it it's coming right up behind you cook with sure to the pan thank you come on DeMarco you guys are all my god it's not a three-man [ __ ] station hey hey Olli come in raw egg whites and the yolks barely [ __ ] look tobacco on there it's wrong [ __ ] dude like listen to me I told them that I think to Ron they said put it up anyway Blue team share sharing what's first to finish is that you've given up come on while the men scurry to get on track with entrees the bride and groom have waited for more than an hour for their main course I think you ladies very true and if the chef's don't get it together soon this brunch may end up being a memory our bride and groom will want to forget I don't get it I don't get it I gotta cook a [ __ ] egg are you kidding me you go yes let's go [Music] that cooked nice and hot in the middle good bride and groom yes because the bride has been sir for entree but the groom is still waiting and now the men race to get his food to the pass are you looking Jason come on come on cook baby cook right behind you chef so this please beautiful beautiful come on come on guys with the bridal party finally receiving their main course Chef Ramsay pushes forward on the remaining tables please after a number of bumps with a head table both kitchens have recovered and are back in the groove neck-and-neck and the race to be the first to complete is still too close to call the blue team has just received their final ticket and all that stands between them and victory are Richard and Gabriel on scrambled eggs [Applause] oh my gosh give me one champ two pins were there to only take one of our wallet ed camiolo as tame as sweet as time I made like one scrambled egg and and time it up and we can pick up the poor coming Richards yes ha can you make this gum or leg as well yes yes look up Hey it's twice as quick then yes yeah but right now you're twice as slow yes while the men hurry to coordinate their final order back in the red kitchen once come with a glass table ladies victory for the women rests with Beth and her Friday like that tell me it's not gonna help you Phil get your [ __ ] together I need you to be here it's very hot 7 Jesus Christ okay both kitchens are on the last table how about the last thing again and unbelievably the winner of this brunch service will be the team that fixes their egg crisis the fastest come on gents keep it together baby to troubled egg to scramble aids in the penalty think we're good on now [Music] incredible but I get it you gunned down by half a portion out more scrambled eggs on there thank you ladies congratulations we've been it ready I'm so proud of you girls judge them on yes yep the women of one Gabriel and Richard they're useless idiots right that's the pulse from now you're worthless and weak and it pisses me off service please ladies and gentlemen let me just say that we are incredibly honored that Joey and Parker chose Hell's Kitchen to celebrate this amazing day I'd like to say thank you so much for coming all of your guys enjoy your brunch ladies congratulations well done thank you right I've never seen I've never seen anything so disorganized and in complete disarray ever I need two nominees for elimination got it piss off [Music] man our team sucks right now you know the crook station scrambled eggs cooking 101 we just got to make sure the good people are sticking around and the bad people are going home what happened on Egg station guys I caught raw eggs and I told you guys and you said put him up anyway I was plating on point on what the age came up and he did say it twice who's on the put him up [ __ ] man up I said you told me to send it up right now it needs to be one from the omelet station one from my station I think it should be Gabriel D'Amato why why that was held up so we should go up yes you're not Manning up bro no I'm not saying that we didn't have a mistake okay but looking over all Tommaso hasn't done anything over all you had a couple fuck-ups Gabriel I don't think we should go at all I think Gabriel Richard should go up you guys held this up that's the bottom line eight years old I scrambled eggs every [ __ ] Saturday morning watching cartoons with my sister and you know what they were perfect at eight years old I have one [ __ ] bad night oh man what how many has everybody heard a couple one everybody has a bad night we don't want excuses we're judging overall its overall you know overall you're no good over [ __ ] it all over all and [ __ ] you the eggs are raw I said it three [ __ ] times a man about the rod right now I am accountable for my actions every [ __ ] time all you guys are when I [ __ ] up my saints every [ __ ] time [Music] after an embarrassing performance in the surprise wedding brunch the men are faced with nominating two chefs for elimination Chris first company of why that would be DeMarco I don't think there was a hundred percent effort on the station tonight second nominee and why that would be Gabriel there was a lack of consistency with the scrambled eggs and the timing wasn't really quite there okay DeMarco Gabrielle step forward do you know what there's someone else I need to hear from Richard join them in the [ __ ] middle de Malka why do you need to stay in Hell's Kitchen chef Estie in Hell's Kitchen because I'm accountable for my actions although I didn't cook the egg today I did put it off so you prepared to take somebody else's [ __ ] to the window DeMarco you're in enough [ __ ] with me as it is Richard tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen I have the experience chef to be here I have an hour to be here and I'm learning every day I knew my mistakes I know I [ __ ] up my station today oh you lost them to challenge you and Gabrielle lost the challenge [ __ ] hands down Gabrielle I know I deserve to stay here I'm a fighter I'm never gonna stop I'm never gonna quit until you decide that I shouldn't be here why can't you step up you're right you know we just realized too late tough decision [Music] the person leaving Hell's Kitchen this d'marco I told you had one more chance I am NOT gonna see you there oh sure one more time game over Thank You chef push in it the blue team had it in for me from the beginning no matter what I did it wasn't good enough my team took away the chance for me to be head chef and it kills me but this isn't the end I know I can cook and I have a lot to prove to a lot of people both of you back in line as we're getting rid of some of the weakest chefs I'm about to turn up the heat head up to the dorms if my eyes wouldn't open they'd open now because I seen that door open and I do not want to be on the other side of that door I'm not going home and that's final when you win and you [ __ ] up you don't always feel like you win but that's okay cuz I'm not gonna give up I'm still gonna do what I came to do when I [ __ ] up I'll be the first one to say I [ __ ] off but other people need to start doing the same thing when I explode a twin explode that's how I could take DeMarco demented demoted denied [Music] next time on Hell's Kitchen we gather in the middle de rail when one shuttle attempts a hostile takeover in the blue kitchen they got no choice I'll throw them out of the kitchen my son will he push his teammates too far and will they push back and when Chef Ramsay invites VIPs to dine at the chef's tables I'm ready for him to take a whip and lash step that's it it's nothing but painting on the menu I don't [ __ ] get it anymore will it be too much for Sandra to take and will she take it out on her teeth get ready for a ton of infighting all next time on a merciless Hell's Kitchen [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 239,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Unscripted, Uncensored, Full Episodes, Full Episode, Official, Free, Cooking, Food, Dining, Restaurants, Cooking Competition, Competitive Cooking, Reality, Reality TV, Real, Television, TV, Classic TV
Id: DU6OtvjzE3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 59sec (2459 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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