Not Being Nominated Won't Save You - Every Single Surprise Departure: S1-10 | Hell's Kitchen

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what's the matter with you I can't cook meat what do you mean you can't cut me obviously hours into dinner service the red kitchen has only delivered a couple of entrees not nearly enough for Chef Ramsay main course to Wellington one lamb bombast are you actually doing it Michael is helping Michelle right so what are you doing then if he's doing that for you he jumps in ahead of me I was working on it he pushed me aside to help me I'm working now he's blaming Michael I'm not blaming anybody chef the longer you're here the worse you're getting except this is my first time on a line do you want to argue no Chef come here you know you've got nothing exactly yet nothing has come out of that kitchen right yet you know that and we struggled and we struggled and we struggled and now I can't even get any lamb cooked well your [ __ ] timing you jumped up and sucker I just stuffed the dying route with 30 customers not eating now [ __ ] off back on your section two salmon one bass one card one lamb away the lamb is medium one Salmon well done you mark it and get it in the oven yeah sure five minutes and half plate yes yeah Chef you heard that no I'm I'm gone no you're not come back Jeff you're gonna go then you're gonna run no no oh really why because I'm not a quitter you're not a quitter you're not a [ __ ] cook either you're an [ __ ] what was that what did you just say what are you waiting I want you to say it louder I want you to say it louder I want you say it louder what did you say you don't like me I don't know what to tell you you're an [ __ ] that's not cool Jeff unbelievable that is not [ __ ] cool a little more than two hours into dinner service Jeff has walked out and the red team is trying to keep it together it ain't over Red Team all right that's not all a red team very quickly two seconds Jeff will not be returning to Hell's Kitchen Jeff really lost my respect because he'd crack because somebody was yelling at him not about to walk off because somebody yelled at me too much after an eventful day everyone is fast asleep everyone except Larry hmm another day breaks over Hell's Kitchen and one question is on everybody's mind you guys have any idea where Larry is what do you mean was I I don't see him either that's weird I haven't seen Larry this morning either have you we got a runner he has not felt good he's drinking beers in a hot tub I hope he's all right I do but I need him we need him Tom's sit in the trash talking or whatever wouldn't feel good enough to get in the tub last night so what that didn't mean he felt good this morning get the phone hello is everybody there yeah hold on everybody let's go who is that is that Larry how are you doing well they had to take me to the hospital this morning the stress of everything basically shut my body down the gist of the whole thing is I won't be back um [Music] to stay strong be a unit everybody keep your eyes on the prize pretty devastating uh too much stress got to him I hope he gets better thanks Larry um Larry hey I didn't quit my body quit this is the worst thing that could have happened and right now I'm a little broken and it's hard for me to see my dreams slip away [Music] with over a ton of potatoes and onions to be peeled the blue team is counting on every man to get the job done strenuous punishment have taken their toll on Aaron oh [ __ ] Aaron's kind of fainted yeah Aaron just took a freaking header guys give him a room give him room I gotta tell you you scared the crap out of me let's get them hungry now here we go go the men prepare for dinner service a man down and Chef Ramsay must deliver the bad news that Aaron won't be returning to Hell's Kitchen hello this is Aaron Aaron it's Gordon how are you hey Chef Ramsay how are you I'm very very well indeed but listen more importantly how are you I'm honored that you're calling me I can't believe it that'd be silly listen I am so so sorry that you're not feeling better Chef Ramsey I've I've worked all this time to come to this point to work for you I really appreciate you trying damn hard to get back here the bad news is you have a suit you cannot come back into this kitchen alrighty then best wishes get yourself better bye-bye bye-bye bye I feel disappointed I mean I've worked almost 40 years in a kitchen to for what yes I'm coming home [Music] bit of bad news yes unfortunately having just spoken to Aaron he's sick but he will not be returning to Hell's Kitchen does anybody want to to volunteer that's what I say does anybody want to volunteer for what I think I did [ __ ] shitty I don't want to go I'm gonna win but I'm not gonna you know hide behind something and not go up there it's my first night on The Blue Team and tonight was my worst performance so obviously I'm gonna be nominated I mean let's decide first you want to go on the night or do you want to go overall I don't since I mean we're a team must have decide this I think we should vote an overall performance what we're trying to decide right now is if we should base it on tonight's performance which would be Melissa and I go we should base it on overall performance which would be Melissa and Josh no I'm not trying to put you on John block but I think it's an overall and that everybody has a shitty and tonight was my night and I don't think I deserve to be booted because of one shitty night I mean I'm going up either way so I guess overall if we decide to go for overall I think overall okay I think overall [Music] even overall come on I mean I I have not had a bad service and you know they haven't been great but I have not had a bad service but that's my piece Chef Ramsay gave me one more shot and Chef Ramsay gave Melissa one more shot and if the two of us go up there he's gonna have a hell of a decision and it could really go either way [Music] have you made your decision yeah sure was it difficult yeah the crap with you [Music] Melissa yes step forward take your jacket off and get out of Hell's Kitchen [Music] you madam have had more chances than anybody good night I was the worst person in the blue Kitchen tonight I'm upset that I had to leave I didn't want to leave I think Chef Ramsay sent me home tonight because he expected me to perform and he said he'd give me one chance and I didn't [Music] yes yes chef I'm working apps tonight I am 100 confident in myself to get the team started off with the bang let's go let's go let's go why is the risotto one we only got one away how long has that been on there for that's been on there for four minutes we're on there earlier they're going away [ __ ] how many of you do it can someone stop this guy have you stopped panicking them how many [ __ ] risottos are you doing up front look all those pants yeah chef what's going on let me just tell you something we've opened we haven't served anything yet and we've lost money what a [ __ ] donut Scholars risotto spaghetti what's in that basket which is the one that pulled wow just talk to me why why why you cook spaghetti before the customer orders it never Chef so why are you doing it here no it was wrong oh was it really wrong even my mom cooked spaghetti seven minutes before she wants it get it in the bin what the [ __ ] is he doing what more spaghetti in there I'm sorry we cook spaghetti to order chef even the [ __ ] dirtiest gummiest Italian restaurant in Venice Beach cook spaghetti to order you donkey yeah Chef I was wondering what the [ __ ] you're doing I'm here Chef you're pushing me to the [ __ ] limit big Boyer [Music] more than an hour into dinner service guests are finally getting a taste of Josh's appetizers [Music] oh my God almighty oh god oh [ __ ] off come here come here come here what are you doing just what the [ __ ] are you doing every table so far nothing's coming out you're standing there you screwing me and you're [ __ ] useless what are you doing sorry sir yeah do me a favor yes sir take that off I'm [ __ ] up out of it get out get out hey you leave the jacket and get out get out [Music] the jacket give me the [ __ ] jacket [ __ ] used to suck a [ __ ] get out get out [Music] foreign [Music] I would have given my right arm to stay in the service and keep fighting because I came here with a dream to win and it appears it's over it appears that uh Green Valley Ranch is not in my future dream's over guys [Music] Corey have you uh made your decision yes chef I have tough one not at all Chef first nominee and why please my first nominee for strategic reasons [Music] is Christina Christina she treats me like a dumb blonde if she was really that smart she might want to take a deeper look and actually look inside me past my appearances and examine what I have inside of me [Music] second nominee for personal reasons is Jen Jen cool [ __ ] me I've chosen Jen because she distracts me from doing my job perfectly we're working in a serious kitchen we're here to win a serious prize I want her out okay the gloves are off Christina Jen step forward please [Music] Christina your Chef why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen seriously seriously I should say am intelligent chef because if I am condescending someone being Corey she needs to come tell me it's not something I do to her to be personal I will get better and I will fight for it that's what I should say thank you Jen why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen it's unfortunate for me that you don't get to see what goes on when we do prep Chef I'm separate ice creams and cook them the star anise and the milk I maximized on the time that I have Chef I got four pans out by souffle um I told you snacks the Skillets decisions I deserve to be here I'm sorry I'm gonna shorten it up Chef it's a lot of stuff that you have and I worked in Belgium and so much creative stuff that I and I just really ask that you give me the opportunity to show you Chef because this is not the end for me it's really not breathe I'm breathing Chef might I say one more quick thing Chef oh [ __ ] me all right before I make my decision [Music] something I'd like to say this is one of the most important prizes ever an executive Chef's position in my own restaurant I am not just gonna give this job to someone that I do not believe in and there's someone here that I just don't believe in so the person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Sharon come here back in line YouTube two Services you haven't convinced me that you can cook take off your jacket and leave Hell's Kitchen please [Music] oh my god oh [ __ ] me Shane is on fire hey but don't burn the [ __ ] kitchen down yes [Music] holy [ __ ] Jack can somebody give me some ice and some pouring cream please put her hand and it was Blazing Red Skin is coming off then I seen her she was going to start to break down and cry three minutes on that check holy [ __ ] I just I burned myself there was oil in a saute pan and when I picked it up it poured all over my hand [Laughter] s oh that's starting to [ __ ] hurt [Music] oh Jesus Christ you know all right come with me [Music] what happened to Vanessa guys she's gone for a few minutes and she's not coming back she's not coming back and I'm just thinking oh [ __ ] what the hell's going on out there oh let's go ladies let's go you're one man down she's on the way to hospital now okay you start slacking now you're in trouble get a grip yes yeah things could be very scary for the red team without Vanessa right now okay concentrate don't start crying she's gone okay Roseanne don't start panicking just get a grip now okay Chef Burger's going to the window thank you yeah down one ladies we're still gonna do this survey as the chefs prepare for another day in the kitchen all hands are on Deck [Music] I can't be over any heat I can't get my hands wet I can't do anything it sucks so you want like this top half braided I think Vanessa's a little frustrated right now and it's understandable you know she doesn't want to let us down and we want to help her through this I feel like a jackass but for one of the chefs the work is proving to be a challenge oh watch out for me really difficult to not be able to bang out prep with everybody else you know to feel so [ __ ] useless and I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do I'm gonna get through service tonight I would like to talk to Chef about it you know maybe that would help out [Music] hi Vanessa sit down my darling how's it been it's a little painful yeah tough when you've got that kind of obstacle in front of you I like being in the kitchen and not being able to cook the way that I'm used to cooking and it's killing me but you still have every chance of winning this competition and whether without a bird so the choice is yours to leave house kitchen or to stay I'm not a quitter I have fought through a lot of things in my lifetime and I'm not weak [Music] the decision is entirely yours [Music] if I can't be here 100 Chef I don't want to be here what a shame I respect your decision if you'd be so kind to go and say goodbye to your team pack your stuff leave house kitchen yeah sure thanks good luck thank you sir it's unfortunate that Vanessa's burn took it out of the competition we'll never ever know if she really had what it takes to win Hell's Kitchen [Music] foreign I made my choice my team is better off without me than with me Good Luck guys I don't know if vanessa made the right choice she kind of gave up on herself I thought she was a little tougher Vanessa good luck are you quitting I'm leaving yes bye Vanessa bye guys good luck I don't consider myself a failure Hell's Kitchen is an immersion in fire and it's too much for me what else do we need done are you okay G [Music] iant I don't know what happened to G I don't know if there was water or oil drop somewhere up and all of a sudden you hear ow and she might have sprained it I'm not sure it doesn't look good go ahead and try again oh I know I know I'm in pain my ankle feels like [ __ ] keep this on ice for a little bit longer here okay I don't know if I could do this dinner service tonight she's hurt really bad oh I know [Music] gee [Music] I'm worried that Jay really can't go through service tonight if she has to go home I mean it's really bad bye guys come over please quick let's go guys Hell's Kitchen is about to open and the aspiring chefs are feeling the pressure to put their best foot forward for the very first time ever in Hell's Kitchen we have a raw bar every customer walking through that door will get a nice welcoming appetizer and hopefully give us a little bit more time to get our appetizers out yes now operating the roll bar for the red team tonight will be chef oh Chef I just wanted to let you know that I hurt my ankle Chef are you all right I think I'll be okay but I'd like to go through service and see how I feel Chef I'd like you to stay as well yeah sure I'm hoping for the best and that I will be able to pull through service you know I can't let my girls down hey G you need two more dory's after that and two more wellingtons two minutes out on that g how you feeling just don't remind me I've got my mental focus right now so no more no more That Girl Rock tonight could not even tell that she was hurt as bad as she is [Music] I need to put it on ice while the women are upset by their dinner service defeat they're equally concerned about their teammates injury give us a hug hey gee you're not going home I feel like a burden to you guys no way we're a team and you are a strong member of this team so you're gonna be fun a couple days girl I think G did very well and I completely forgot that she was hurt you know until she says I can't do it anymore she's gonna be there hammering it out she's a strong girl you deserve to be here you'll be fine okay [Music] even though Chef Ramsay has already declared The Blue Team the winner he does have some encouraging words for a member of the red team courageous effort on one foot and clearly in a lot of pain thank you Chef more importantly you didn't give up I think quite a few in this room this evening would have given up my decision is Chef [Music] Chef G yeah chef you okay Chef um it's an honor to work with you in your kitchen chef but I'd like to volunteer I feel that I'm half a Manpower in the in your kitchen chef but still better than what standing in front of us at half power I want the girls the red team to win Colleen Lacey both of you get back in line thank you get back in line [Music] you madam yes I've been phenomenal thank you sir a talented girl but unfortunately due to the circumstances it's not fair to continue going on under that amount of pain keep hold of your jackets as a symbol of Courage prize because you've done bloody well yeah thank you sir let's do well okay okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know I could have gone all the way it sucks to leave you know because of the injury rather be leaving because of lack of skill or something you know maybe it was just not meant to be what a tough nights have you made your decision yeah sure who is it Andrea Andrea yes sure why our communication wasn't there the cooking wasn't there it just it wasn't there Giovanni have you made your decision yes chef I picked Jake he performed bad from the start to the end who else was there Robert why he started out bad but was able to recuperate and come out of it a little bit better than Jay was maybe just a fraction and that fraction saved him that's it [Applause] okay Jay Andrew step forward [Music] okay right Jay why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen well I've got the skills and I have the talent I'm very confident I know what I'm able to do and you lost it tonight you didn't even get started yes this is definitely my worst performance in my career yo not wrong there so the other horrendous performance on the knee was you Andrea yeah Chef I mean why should you stay I want to stay in Hell's Kitchen because I want the opportunity to be back on that meat station and I want to nail it from beginning to end and prove that I have what it takes not only to you but myself chef this is a tough one this is really tough for me what do you need lamb oh Jay you forgot it yes yes chef [Music] what is this they burn I'm not quite sure why why are you doing pile of [ __ ] the person leaving Hell's Kitchen tonight is Jay Andrea back in line [Music] okay Robin wake up yes chef Colleen here you've had five Services Madam and all five of them have been shocking take off your jacket and leave Hell's Kitchen yeah chef but I will say something I love your tenacity thank you Chef you are strong absolutely thank you [Music] Chef Ramsey and Hell's Kitchen made me better it made me a better person it's going to make me a better Mom it's going to make me a better chef and it's going to make me a better instructor and I hope that one day he'll cook at my cooking school show me the rice right here oh my God it's overcooked it's like Marsh who cooked the rice just gotta cook the risotto blue team the Blue Chip what oh come here you all of you who took this rice I did Chef look at it Jay how can you do that Jay Jay for both teams yes chef oh [ __ ] now oh come on you can't do this the risotto it was mushy clumpy and nasty and it definitely was not a good way to start the evening it's Marsh they cook all in the same pan oh [ __ ] me oh come on [ __ ] off Jay I'll get a part on Chef with that pissed off Chef Ramsay and I definitely didn't need that because uh you know Chef Ramsay has been riding me hard the past couple days John Philip screw the service in both kitchens Jay you my friend and I like you a lot but today you [ __ ] suck man in the blue kitchen Jay is hoping to redeem himself [Music] in my man five minutes five minutes he said four out can you make it four everything you've touched so far tonight I've been screwed Jay just lost his [ __ ] man he was just clamming up didn't take control he was burning the seafood he was sending raw seafood that's called burnt salmon not seared salmon it takes a real good Chef to recover you can really turn this around if you want no I know I know wipe your face wipe your face with a rag yay where's the salmon coming around right here chef [Music] what the [ __ ] are you doing I'm here Chef it's not good enough Jay I know Chef got no [ __ ] excuse what's the matter with you I don't know and turn it on right now I can't [ __ ] go any further please wake up yes yeah Jay where's the other school up right here Chef we've seen this [ __ ] disaster today I have had enough come here you leave here [Music] what is that what is that that says are the best what is it wait it gets better look touch that it's rubber Chef oh my God unbelievable no no no no no no no no doubt out out get out ow get out get your jacket off and [ __ ] off I guess I don't belong here so I'll be going home I'm here for a reason and it's uh my boy and my wife so of course I'm disappointed it was a tough day [Music] my dream when I came to Hell's Kitchen was to win so uh now it's time to move on and get my own restaurants going you know I don't need chef Ramsey's opinion anymore I've got it tomorrow's another day let's do it but uh it's time to Jay Maxwell to do his own thing [Music] let's go VIP Aaron McCormack Lacey don't make me look stupid away Wellington lamb chicken Dory vvip get a grip wake up let's go Lacey talk to me I don't know I honestly don't know okay boy oh boy Lacy had no clue what she was doing you got your lamb reheating no I was just like oh man that's gonna be up in four minutes okay just spoon feeding her like relax calm down it's not that bad you're fine just just tell me what you need I don't know that's the problem hold on Ben I believe we're gonna need some more time from the meat station chef talk to me Madam I don't care what did he want me to do lie to him [ __ ] it I didn't know I didn't lie to him get on there and help us no good at me guys I told you that which one is your well done David [ __ ] you now what is that what is that I said look at it he's on fire is this your well done I don't know she was lost I can't what do you mean you can't cook me obviously get out get out can't handle the heat get out the kitchen I can't cook meat I just got really confused I think I'm confused why didn't you say something I did and then Robert put the chicken and the chicken went on why can't we just make the effort I'm trying to go back in there and make an effort yeah sure wake up and get a grams come on Liz it's me and you we're here now tell me which one would be the well done one of these is well done and I forgot which [ __ ] you know what let's pick the smallest one this one as much as I wanted her to go down in flames I went over there and try to calm her down two seconds to your attention right that's fine here we go what happened what would you do VIP away Wellington lamb chicken Dory you back on your section oh [ __ ] no way let's go I got you I got you when Lacey started losing it I was like [ __ ] here we go [ __ ] me one minute to the window yes hey Madam VIP VIP VIP yes chef they need three minutes yeah three minutes why okay it's all there every 30 seconds like shut up so maybe I can get you your well done well anything chicken lamb Wellington let's go you can do one table shortly sure Chef I'm just gonna see what happens send it let's go find you Robert excuse me Robert behind you chef oh my God all of you what what [ __ ] bones thicker than the meat why is that I don't know good enough oh no good enough piss off [Music] Madam look at me let's be honest you're done you can't waste my time any longer I agree give me a jacket and leave house kitchen I go in there and say goodbye properly save properly let's go thank you for everything there's a small violin just for Lacey that she sucks adios [ __ ] face off let's go step up again on one hand it's a relief I can get back to my normal life there's a part of me wishes to stay and learn more and more fortunately I [ __ ] up tonight and I could only look back on the positive things which there weren't many for me you know my mom told me when I came here don't make enemies and that's the first thing I did and kept doing the whole time I was here [Music] sorry Mom I should have listened [Music] yeah right Danny have you made your decision yes chef who is it and why [Music] I chose band chef I think that he has met his full potential here in Hell's Kitchen personally I want to hear from both these guys Robert and Ben step forward Ben yes chef why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen I believe I should stay in Hell's Kitchen Chef because I bring a foundation of leadership I go balls to the wall every day when I'm in the kitchen I'm not a perfect person but I believe honest in the bottom of my heart that I am the man for this position you leave you set up the station with the filet mignon cut in 17 different sizes didn't even give a rat's ass did you because you knew you weren't cooking it you disappeared like a little snake off into the bushes Robert why should you stay over Ben in Hell's Kitchen when I come out into this kitchen I wear 10 of my heart on my sleeve the rest goes deep into the food and goes directly to the customer's mouth I believe that I am better than all these chefs here and I look forward to going toe-to-toe with them don't underestimate that on the dog man you over seasoned it hey salty yes yes this is reheating it yes so how can you [ __ ] it it was blamed before it over reduced it's my fault I should have tasted Jeff foreign you forgot it yes I forgot it you're dragging me now and the whole place is slowing down because of you I have made a decision to send home the person that has sabotaged their team and the person I feel personally has given up Carol jack it off and you're leaving Hell's Kitchen YouTube back in line you didn't even make a comeback after the dolphin Wars and the potatoes were screwed you gave up thank you good night [Music] I came here with the attitude that I'm gonna win this competition I'm gonna be this famous chef that everybody wants to come and work for it it's very humbling to be standing here a loser I have a question about human resources play is that something that us as the chefs would sit down and interview our our future employees or do they filter through Borgata how's the human resources set up obviously when you open your not even 10 minutes through dinner it seemed Robert pretty much got up and excused himself from the most important dinner that we've been having to date unbeknownst to the other chefs Robert has sought medical attention my name is Colleen I'm a paramedic here on the website what's going on right now just having a chest pain chest pain okay do you have any history of any sort of cardiac conditions no no is Robert okay I don't know what's up to you [Music] blood pressure's elevated right now it's 160 over 100. I would suggest that you may want to consider going down to the hospital [Music] somebody pull him in there that he was like oh I'm gonna go in here he just walked up [Music] if you don't want to go if you don't want to go to the stretcher you don't want to go in the ambulance it's your call I hope he's all right that's all [Music] foreign may have proven too much for one Chef Hell's Kitchen is not the kind of place you want to get phone calls at Ben yes this is Rob I just want to let you know you guys know that you know I didn't mean to like dip on on you guys but what the [ __ ] is that beeping in the background dude something's definitely wrong with me and uh they don't know if it's a heart attack but there's a lot of chest pain and bad news in this I have to stay here overnight and they really can't rule anything out yeah well I can tell you right now man we're definitely very concerned and uh I will definitely be sure to let the crew know best course of action is sort of the precautionary you know what I mean you got to get better man so you take care of yourself okay all right brother man hang in there dude I feel terrible he will be spending the night in the hospital [Applause] we've all just fought so hard to be where we're at now the final five I want nothing more than to have Robert come back home with us and continue this competition because he deserves every bit of this [Music] so here's the robber Man fight it out brother yeah you got it I have to run emotional night the four remaining chefs returned to Hell's Kitchen still unsure of Robert's fate and we're back back in Hell back in Hell Baby it sucked coming back to Hell's Kitchen without Robert but uh no competition no prize is worth uh you know croaking for I think Robert's coming back I hope he is and don't think he will be we're all missing robbery now especially Ben and I it's like missing a part of the team ultimately I would love for Robert to come back and have an opportunity to fight for this after a couple of days without any word on how Robert is doing Chef Ramsay calls the chefs down for a meeting so you'll be fresh very relaxed did you enjoy the whole atmosphere of the Borgata Resort very much so incredible Chef sadly you came back minus one individual clearly you're all deeply concerned I'm not going to tell you how he's doing I'm going to let him tell you himself chef Robert [Music] oh okay big boy let me just say how pleased I am to see you thank you yeah hey Philly not good ah no good what did the medic say I have pericarditis which is a swelling of the sac around the heart which leads to heart disease [Applause] [Music] oh dear hey [Music] are you coming back no no I'm not coming back the fact that you can't continue is a great shame It's just sad it's really really sad because he's put his heart and soul into this really sucks [Music] okay well Ben I'm so sorry I wish you were good I feel awful for Robert It's upsetting to lose a friend and you know a competitor in that way he's a bang-up guy and I'd be honored to work with him then [Music] I just want to tell you that you have been a fantastic competitor thank you sir new had the potential to win this competition you never ever ever forget that thank you very much okay boy give me your jacket and leave Hell's Kitchen [Music] [Applause] love you man in the bin I knew I was coming in as the underdog wait up there you're sweating a bit no well I'm 400 pounds I knew I had a fight and scrapped my way to the top don't give up Robert I'm not giving up don't you don't give up no I have no regrets you're turning around we're all going back yes well what the hell did I win a free [ __ ] fairy ride this place is cute it's a nice place to spend a weekend you know you ain't a man until you use the loofah straight up I'm proud of every day that I've been here I'm proud that I got to associate myself with one of the best chefs in the world absolutely I'm leaving Hell's Kitchen so I have my health for my family for my career I feel like I've won one Diner is returning I have pericarditis which leads to heart disease are you coming back no Robert has not just been invited back for dinner Chef Ramsay has another plan to give him a second chance to compete in Hell's Kitchen Hi how are you Chef how are you yeah thank you good to see you brought my wife how are you my darling nice to see you enjoy yourself thank you very much and I'll see you after yeah watch Chef Ramsay's work isn't done yet it's now time for him to put his plan into action fuzzle it's bloody good to see you thank you yes yes thank you you lost your opportunity due to health reasons right now I would love you seriously consider [Music] coming back into Hell's Kitchen I have a second chance and you know you don't get many second chances in life I would love to take that off I would love to see you back do you know why thanks you deserve to come back thank you very much because you're a bloody talented cook thank you ah don't be upset so happy say goodbye to your dear lady I'll see you there in a minute yes thank you good to see you Robert yes baby I'm back you know what I'm saying and I plan on winning Hell's Kitchen foreign two more minutes all right fellas and on the meat station Diner Chef Louie is tending to the lamb Louie yes sir did you just put a lamb in the oven yes oh my God hey guys come here come here quick quick I think you should know Louie's on on trays and the [ __ ] lamb goes in the oven like that no salt no pepper no seasoning not even Sears I'm sorry Louie why do we see a meat it's good luck in the juices sir two give it color to improve the flavor sorry sir you're a man this is a primal Instinct inside you that knows how to cook meat you need to find it [ __ ] hell while everyone on The Blue Team rallies behind Louie get a bunch of pans on and get them searing hot render that bet it's my surprise leave it there Joseph yeah Chef you and the garnish yes yes Louie's on the meat yes he's cooking the spinach why I don't know why I I thought I had to put it all together Chef what's your stations I'm doing lamb and rack of lamb and chicken so while you're cooking the spinach I thought it went on a plate sir I was just trying to get a head start maybe Chef Ramsay should just pull the panties out of his ass or something yes sir we got enough problems cooking lamb I know what you're touching the [ __ ] spinach okay Chef let me doodle and bring him over here please listen to me listen to me yeah yes my [ __ ] kitchen my [ __ ] restaurant I am right now big boy hey I'm looking like a [ __ ] idiot I got it Joseph went out of War we're just in a kitchen so calm down and let's cook some carrots [Music] thank you Louie what what is that what is that did you bite that look that's one that's the other it's on the same [ __ ] table oh he's lost he's out of his League what's all that lamb here look at this hey man you hey Joseph what's up look at this look look what the [ __ ] is this Louis yes sir [ __ ] off back there get out yes get [ __ ] pile of [ __ ] hey get upstairs get your bags packed can I help can I help you can help me get out you want me out you want me to pack my [ __ ] bags I'm out my bags are packed kiss my [ __ ] ass what a nice ladies Ariel yes chef first number knee and why our first nominee tonight it's Neil serving raw shrimp to a pregnant lady obviously is a big mistake yeah okay second nominee and why second nominee we nominated lovely it was based on overall performance and experience [Applause] Joseph let's be honest I'd say pretty sorry Battalion you got there isn't it right now it is who's the first nominee for the men they can speak for themselves but they know who they are a smart ass I asked you to tell me who's the first nominee and why no problem Tony and Andy listen I know you may be slightly stupid first nominee and why first nominee and why Tony he knows why we sat down as a group so everyone pick each other you know no peer pressure We're Men just just just what you want a [ __ ] medal what do you want me to [ __ ] say what do you want me to say they know who they [ __ ] are we chose as a group and they stood out and they said they belong there stand up they know who they are listen you chip idiot I asked for one nominee and why plain English and you're mouthing off and you couldn't answer me now can you just tell me in [ __ ] plain English the first nominee and why he's nominated is that [ __ ] clear that's clear thank you [Music] [Applause] unbelievable one simple request who and why and you make a big [ __ ] song and dance about it I ain't no [ __ ] [ __ ] Chef I don't give a [ __ ] ain't no [ __ ] [Music] what I'm not no [ __ ] he's trying to bring the best at you you gotta look that's the best out of me yeah show some respect shut your [ __ ] mouth what you should do right now oh my God okay answer the [ __ ] question we keep talking like this out in the [ __ ] parking lot I don't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] what do you want me to say I asked the [ __ ] questions you give the [ __ ] answers [ __ ] that [ __ ] dog I ain't here for that you want a [ __ ] jacket you wanna talk some [ __ ] let's go step outside [ __ ] you wanna talk about [ __ ] fighting wow you want to get [ __ ] rough do you think I'm scared huh look at you just blown your arms yeah [ __ ] the cameras yeah yeah I ask you one simple question and you couldn't [ __ ] answer me and then you want to get all tough and up close and personal [ __ ] you there you go you ain't on but a [ __ ] you've got no respect no respect now get out [Music] [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] you all ready watch the step yeah [ __ ] what an idiot total total shame I don't need this or that I don't need some limey [ __ ] prick talking to me like that without skipping a beat go back home I'll work anybody would [ __ ] hire me to work in a kitchen and they'd be proud to have me there [ __ ] him [ __ ] him [Music] tonight was a [ __ ] embarrassment thank you Ariel yes chef who have you put forward as your nomination and why raw pork was served very dangerous van you're sure who of the men nominated I'm trying to figure out where Robert said well clearly Robert's not here it would be unfair to judge him on a performance having not stepped foot in the kitchen well let me tell you something if Robert's not back in the next service in Hell's Kitchen he's out I'll cross that bridge when I get there so setting Robert aside who do you think was the weakest performer in your kitchen tonight thank you I had to go with Andy tonight he got a little flustered Under Pressure rights thank you Sabrina Andy step forward Sabrina tell me straight up why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen on the back of your raw pork I believe I should stay in Hell's Kitchen because I am a team player I would not walk off the line with my team still going I buckle down and keep pushing through no matter how many mistakes I've made in service tonight I kept going Andy Chef yeah straight up yeah tell me I absolutely own the piece of crap I did tonight chef but I'm having trouble with these systems and I want to learn them and I know I can learn them unfortunately tonight was a real [ __ ] job just tell me very quickly what system you're used to working it's just a little bit different chef and you make me nervous that's all and so I need to get over that come on [Music] let's cut the [ __ ] shall we yes sir both of you I think back on every previous service in Hell's Kitchen and there's one person who's lacking the passion and doesn't care enough to continue working in Hell's Kitchen the person leaving Hell's Kitchen is [Music] Jim Sabrina Andy back in line Jim take your jacket off big man let me tell you something I can teach a chef how to cook but I can't give you a heart you're not the Tim man and I'm not the [ __ ] Wizard of Oz give me a jacket please [Music] just not fair you know I gave him my all every day but I guess it's not what he was looking for Chef Ramsey wanted to see me give him back some fire and that's just not me so at the end of the day when my head hits the pillow I know that I never wavered on who I am ladies have you reached your decision yes sir Maria who was the team's nominee and why our decision is Archer awesome why we begin the service with very over assaulted water on the back of the salty water what else Siobhan she's not a team player and she cannot communicate with her teammates and she feels that she needs to overpower them does every degree it's awesome rice Benjamin men's team nominee who is it and why Chef we chose Jason Jason yes chef he's not a team player and he makes it difficult for us to work with him so Jason is the worst cook on the blue team Autumn Jason step forward [Music] awesome why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen I have the skills and the talent and I do not feel that I should be sent home for salty water help me understand why did the team put you up I think it's it's personal it's personal yeah chef is autumn the worst cook on the red team [Music] who is it I would say Jamie is the worship [Music] awesome yeah Chef back in line Jamie get your ass up here [Music] right Jamie disastrous night why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen I have so much heart and when it comes to communication and when it comes to working my ass off I do that Jason why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen I messed up with the chicken there's no doubt about that but I don't stop I keep pushing and you know nothing means more to me than working for you okay the person leaving Hell's Kitchen all for the right reasons monkey [Applause] your [ __ ] ass up here [Applause] you backed your team up but not just one service two [ __ ] Services bro [ __ ] Hollywood I'm pissed off Mikey the rice is bullets [ __ ] man [ __ ] and I can't work with that take your jacket off foreign Chef Ramsay really didn't like my performance I knew I did crappy but I still got my tattoo of Hell's Kitchen and I wear with pride I don't regret a thing coming here and I accept my fate holy first nominee and why please friendship friend yes things came out a little slow slow you're absolutely right [Music] second nominee [Music] [Applause] who is it Siobhan Siobhan why she didn't have a terrible service or anything but we were talking about who would be the worst Cooks in the kitchen so she didn't have a terrible service but you wanted a nominator Siobhan lacks technical experience or a passion for food and I feel that she second guesses herself because she has neither step forward let's go [Music] Siobhan truthfully why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen Chef I am young and I'm ambitious and I have so much passion and so much heart that I wouldn't be here today if I didn't push myself as hard as I do you're over your head aren't you no Chef the more that I get a challenge the more I push myself and I feel like I take risks in my culinary skills and you know what sometimes they're good and sometimes they're bad but I'm very proud of myself that I took a risk otherwise I would never know what would happen is she in over ahead yes or no yes she is quickly why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen I get stronger every single time you yell at me I never make my mistake [Music] twice but no one's told you that you've been here so often it's almost like you've got your footprints in the carpet yet again a tough one my decision is [Music] Fran get back in line Siobhan your Chef take yourself back to the red team thank you chef yes you did lose tonight but there is one Chef that had the worst service salvatory come here yeah sure out of seven Services you've had one good one time has run out good night [Music] you mess up you pay the consequence so yeah I'm mad that I left but at the same time you know I messed it up two three times in the road so I deserve to went home and it was the right decision ciao Autumn just let me know how long are the potatoes and I can drop my scallops drop your scallop I'm dropping them I'm excited I'm on fish I'm a show Chef my full capability let me rock this [ __ ] out here you go chef [Music] it's so [ __ ] wrong but God's sight woman it's the first table hurry up back in the [ __ ] pan you Logan wake up I'm up Chef you're up no you're down you're fast asleep oh I'm up I'm up Chef we start off like that I'm gonna ride your [ __ ] night let's go Madam turn around [ __ ] beef is cooked perfect finally he's [ __ ] woken up I've got John Dory where's the turbo Turbo's right here chef [Music] oh [ __ ] you know man that's raw now control [Music] it is not possible okay you got this I got it just focus I don't want to go home tonight clearly uh nilka was not herself but she a tough cookie she'll bounce back we're in the weeds let's go your Chef ah two chicken two Lobster Hot and lobsters looking I can go with the chicken anytime the lobster is a little cold let me just put it in the oven her two Lobster urgently yeah sure welcome oh [ __ ] you now talk about giving up today's just not my [ __ ] night don't give up I match up I'm trying to push myself I don't know why I'm trying we were moving moving moving except for one person uh nilka Lobster urgently behind you Lobster's coming now [Music] this is what you bring me don't touch this twenty hot tasty come on oh the wrong [ __ ] come here a minute we're halfway through we started off so why can't you come back I'm so mad at myself right now because I know I can do it I'm sorry I didn't come here to lose I'm not weak I don't know if I'm crying right now get a [ __ ] grip but if you can't hack it you're out you have to come back get in there yeah okay yeah I'm good when Chef is on you the one thing that will save you is if you calm down get it back together I got a sauce pot chicken broth that's cool you're doing fine I feel really bad for nilka I don't know what happened but the poor girl just crumbled I'm just so [ __ ] mad at myself it's cool just take a deep breath so I had to help scallops 30 seconds listen don't flip those yet look they need more color that's why they're not cooking yeah Chef 30 seconds you okay you ready a few more seconds all right one second or 30 seconds talk to me yes guess what yes I see one minute if you need longer than a minute you gotta tell me okay you just want to reach over and help but at the same time noko's got to step up to the plate and have that station to herself [Music] she's just [ __ ] crazy come on guys look at this oh it's raw no car yeah sure the lobster is wrong ah come here Madam come here just touch it will you I just took it out the pan look at me look at me put it down put it down and look at me look at me [Music] get out Benjamin we shot one Lobster get out I'm going he was angry madams I'm not a mother yes sir take your jacket off and [ __ ] off just kept getting hit like a ship by torpedo at the torpedo after torpedo and then finally just she just sunk to the bottom of the ocean and Chef just she needed to go hey please don't stay there [Music] with nilka gone the kitchen jumps into action but nilka isn't ready to leave just yet let's go Scott please I can't do it okay leave it no cut don't do this to me they're under pressure we're under pressure take your jack off and get out I want to still cook and prove myself Chef am I gonna stop no because this is my dream this is my [ __ ] Destiny and this is what I want it's another way I want to talk Wellington beef let's go I don't want to leave like this Chef oh [ __ ] me [ __ ] station no one could want to leave now she was asked to leave one time and you leave get the hell out of here please I can do this [ __ ] Trevor Lobster Wellington beef we Chef now cup I want to come get out I want a cup I can do this please hey guys I'm telling you now do something for me get her out of it Malco you gotta go we Chef get her out nothing gotta go I can do this I have to go Chef tells you to go you gotta go go go go go hurricane nilka just had an absolute category five meltdown oh my [ __ ] God I don't want to leave nothing get out get your jackass and get out this is so [ __ ] up I gave my whole life for this [ __ ] it hurts to get kicked out of here like this it really really does like I don't want to take my jacket off and it oh it just pisses me off that it went down like just you really really did they really really did you know and it hurts to get kicked out of here like this it really really does I don't want to go home I don't want to go home don't I came here for a reason I was hoping I get to see you again listen I just want to say you walk out of here with your head up high sadly you're not ready to take that head Chef's job but what you are ready to continue doing is following your dream don't stop that I'm just so mad at myself because I think I was ready but tonight proves otherwise you and you have done phenomenally well I've never come out here to say goodbye but I wanted to make the effort to say goodbye and say thank you thank you come here thank you yes now one more thing yes sir your jacket the jacket I don't want to thank you Chef good night good night well done head up high I will always while the majority of the chefs are feeling confident Antonia is just feeling ill oh my head is hurting me Hey where's Antonio foreign ER I will find her [Music] Antonia Antonia Antonia oh my head is hurting hey are you okay why does my head hurts I hit a migraine oh you look at you here oh man I would just grab that pant oh just oh my God it's excruciating let's get you sitting up here for a second okay so well she's got a really bad headache it's not looking so cute nerves are up but I mean it's like come on I'm nauseous as well I want to throw up but I'm not going to do it are you feeling good I'm not feeling good right now something's wrong I don't know what's wrong with me you okay talk to me what's the matter talk to me [Music] you gotta talk to me breathe [Music] ah I just don't feel good go go go get her to the hospital as Antonio is rushed away Chef Ramsay has no choice but to keep the chefs focused on opening night okay uh I've got something very important to tell you all unfortunately Antonia is at the hospital however The Show Must Go On yes yes all right [Music] Boris yes chef who's the first nominee and why the first time when you're on the men's team tonight Chef is Raj she's done nothing but sabotage us drag us down and just did not contribute a single thing that is a lie I mean that's a ridiculous accusation don't even waste your breath the seven of us pictured twice I'd be crying upstairs if I was you I'd be humiliated clearly a lot of Team Harmony here trip second nominee and why after listening to my fellow teammates here it's a general consensus it's Morris why he shoved me right off of the scallops tonight and he thinks he's Superman and he can do everything Boris Raj step forward [Music] up here Vinnie step forwards [Applause] I am pissed you have no rights to recommend to the guests not to have a side with an entree after my first table waited nearly two hours for their advertisers I just wanted them to have an opportunity to experience some of your food that's what they came here for entrees on that menu are designed to go with sides is that clear yeah sure tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen I'm sorry for my mistake I make a mistake I make a mistake once and only once Raj why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen I should stay in Hell's Kitchen Chef because I am being falsely accused and I'm getting more familiar with everything and it's going to be good it's just I need a little more time I'm a slow learner you're 45 nine I need a fast learner Boris yes chef why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen I'm a strong team player I'm one of the stronger chefs here in the time of need I worked very hard to help my teammates out and I'm going to be the last man standing Chef okay I'm sitting enough the person leaving house kitchen is Curtis yeah get your ass over here because you completely destroyed the slim possibility of the blue team succeeding this evening give me a jacket and leave house kitchen please [Music] words can't even describe how I feel right now I mean this experience meant so much to me so much to my family I'm sorry dedicated to the best but I swear to God I'll make it up to you [Music] after a difficult deliberation the red team has finally come up with two nominees for elimination first nominee and why our first nominee was Emily Emily we all felt that she's not really an asset to our team chef second normally and why please the rest of the team they decided to vote for Sabrina I really don't know Chef I didn't vote for Sabrina who did you vote for Melissa chef wasn't anywhere near service can someone give me a little bit of insight to why she's nominated we feel it's a it's a prepless because I understand it I don't need to write it down make a list of it every single day because I get it Sabrina step forward [Music] okay Emily yeah sure I look at you and there's like blank why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen because I have the drive to make a chef and I'm willing to learn and understand criticism is a way of learning I don't think you've got this stamina required to make it I think I do Chef I'm ready to fight Sabrina yeah sure your team really wants you up here yeah tell me very quickly why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen I don't think that I should go home I shouldn't be here Melissa should be here who has been consistently horrible the executive chef right there Emily yeah she [ __ ] up and she sucks but at least you know she hasn't done as horribly as Melissa take a big deep breath I want to know why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen yeah you I'm here to learn and I'm here to grow I have bigger bigger and put together chef [Music] okay this is a very difficult decision the person leaving Hell's Kitchen [Music] is Rush get your ass over here you big boy are out of your league big time and I personally can't go an inch further jacket [Music] there's the door there big boy I didn't get along with anybody I didn't get along with Chef Rams I didn't get along with Scott I didn't like the menu but it was a great experience I had a great time I'm really glad I did it While most of the chefs are feeling upbeat one chef seems to have lost his rhythm look oh I'm getting like dizzy and [ __ ] stop take it back bro you know that's all I'm doing is breathing uh I don't feel good at all Jason looked like [ __ ] so I decided to go looking for him I helped him over to the medic what's going on man he's burning up he needs cool now you can tell he's overheated dude sweating a lot less come sit down you need he needs to take it down a notch I just wanna [ __ ] go cook so really weird how long has this thing going on for I've been breathing like this like for the past hour an hour okay all right you don't really sound all right walking my arms for like week because you're breathing all crazy I'm like what the hell is he having a heart attack itself that wasn't looking too good for him Chino you're on desserts right now bro all right a hundred percent I care about Jason's well-being but regardless we can't sit there and harp on it because we still have a service to put out this is what the kitchen's about man we gotta pull through guys it's all wet all right I'm sorry I don't need to be like I'm just really pissed off [Music] minutes before service Jason is rushed to the hospital and Chef Ramsay lets the chefs in on his status all right listen Kathy please not good news unfortunately Jason's been taken to the hospital he'll be on a few days of bed rest he will not be returning back to Hell's Kitchen damn like we didn't really get out of the gates and then like we're down a man like how the hell that happened I trust the rest you're ready to go yes yes yeah and I'm looking for a smooth service What's it gonna be let's go pull first nominee and why please honoration he's had lackluster performances in the last two services so your second nominee is Tommy you feel that sometimes when he gets weeded he's lack of communications detrimential for the rest of the team at Red Team have you come to a consensus yes yes Terry who's the red team's first nominee and why please for so many as Krupa the challenge with the proteins and also this evening appetizers several came back okay so your second normally is second nominee is Elise she failed to communicate and she held up soundtracks Elise Cooper Tommy and Monterey step forward please [Music] Elise why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen I think I should shove that if you grant me a second chance I won't be up here a third time so if you're not the weakest who is Gina is the weakest Cooper tell me why you should stay in Hell's Kitchen help me my last 24 hours have been my lowest are you the weakest Chef in the red team I would have to say at least just because of the attitude I wasn't looking for the weakest attitudes the weakest cook I would have to say Gina as well tell me you seem to melt down into a little Zone I could have been more vocal with my team it was my flaw but I sure as [ __ ] didn't step down and step back from my station you cut me off and then you cut your team off seven doesn't mean I'm giving up it means I made a mistake Monterey why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen I'm definitely not done here I pushed for you and I push hard for my team are you the weakest your kitchen Monterey no I'm not sure I think I'm a great cook my decision is Elise I agree with you Gina take your jacket off your time in the house kitchen is done you are disintegrating don't fight back there's no voice please give me a jacket and get out of Hell's Kitchen thank you thank you for the opportunity good night [Music] I do think Chef Ramsay was wrong to let me go Thief should have eliminated Elise she's a big problem on the red team but I absolutely will walk out of here with my head held high I gave it everything that I had Jennifer first nominee and why first nominee is Carrie Chef she disrespected you he threw out of the kitchen and instead of following your instructions she embarrassed us as a team and stood there and fought with you second nominee and why [Music] second nominee is Alicia the appetizers that got sent back were through Elise and for some reason these two their attitudes come out all the time they bring our Dynamic down we're tired of it the drama that comes with this carrier Lee step forward [Music] my goodness me sounds like the 380 standing behind you want rid of you both Carrie tell me why you should stay in Hell's Kitchen I just want to prove you wrong because you are wrong about me I am talented I do deserve to be here why do they hate you because we're constantly fighting she's constantly in my face talking [ __ ] I have tried to solve my problem with her but you know what right now I'm focused on myself I haven't given up Chef I have not given up Elise tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen Chef I made some mistakes tonight and I'll never make the same mistake twice I know that I'm not in over my head like Carrie I know that I'm one of the final five you have a problem with your ego you don't like taking orders it's your way or the highway all I can do is apologize for performance and and beg you to give me another chance I think you're done okay the person leaving Hell's Kitchen is [Music] both of you both of you back in line the person I'm gonna eliminate tonight is going downhill and I can't deal with it for much longer kitchen is [Music] Jamie you're done jack it off please I can't go any further with you I'm getting no response good night [Applause] it's not a good feeling to hear from one of the best chefs in the world that I didn't have what it took to say here it hurts deep there's tough to swallow my pride and walk out those doors it's one of the hardest things I ever had to do
Channel: Hell's Kitchen
Views: 2,363,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell’s kitchen, hells kitchen us, gordon Ramsay, hells kitchen, hell's kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen best moments, hells kitchen funny moments, Gordon Ramsay, Hell’s Kitchen insults, lamb sauce, hells kitchen official, Gordon Ramsey, Christina Wilson, Uncensored, elimination, departure, service, mid-service, leaving, surprising
Id: 4ojuEnvIUSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 41sec (5201 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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