Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 12, Episode 3 - Full Episode

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previously on Hell's Kitchen somebody's red team chose to bicker shucking oysters is really easy my grandma does uh she's like 90 and when it came time for the back-to-basics relay challenge she pretty much either know how to do this or get the hell out of here the red team was slowed down by Bev and Keisha dr. Payne at first allowing the blue team led by Gabriel Monroe to win their first challenge and while the men celebrated in style in San Francisco back in Hell's Kitchen tensions between Nicole and Keisha reached a boiling point at dinner service Sierra's up to how long some old the mall was not in the building and Nicole buried the red team early with their appetizers Nicole what if the lobster and were unable to dig themselves out of trouble you two get out in the blue kitchen Scott on the fish station I gotta walk out health and Gabriel on me I can't couldn't agree on timing already on halibut don't walk with that yet chicken takes longer to cook than fish so why the [ __ ] would you drop the fish before its time all of you come in Rollo how the boats delivering raw entree after raw entree for a second straight service all of you [ __ ] up out of there both teams were kicked out of the kitchen get out while the men nominated DiMarco and Gabriel chef's the women nominated notches and that's but Chef Ramsay thought there was someone more deserving the person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Nicole good nice ending Nicole's dream of becoming chef Wims on becoming a head chef and winning Hell's Kitchen [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen Nicole is gone I'm so happy I want to pull help in the first place Chef Ramsay made the right decision this feels like a breath of fresh air Benji has passed that's all I've been trying to do is cast away any negativity as much as pocket and from my own she needs to get back in the game Simone you back that's fine maybe you two put some different things into perspective for her I don't know I personally don't care cuz I like she just don't sit well with me I'm not even a lot I'm not here to prove anything to anybody except Chef Ramsay but if you stand in my way I'll show you not passive after a tense night in the dorms the chefs are hoping for a relaxing night of sleep but as it is Hell's Kitchen Chef Ramsay has other plans [Applause] we were getting some good sleep but then all the Sun Justice shrieking irritating [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we don't have to catch them and then prepare you gotta be all right let's get those pigs in the pen please I'm thinking slaughter like I'm straight killing something today I'm rich now we all know that on any place the protein is the star yes listen carefully you may have the most amazing freshest protein in that pen but sometimes there's a side dish that really steals the show so today you're gonna be tested as you work with one of my favorite ingredients the potato this is we're gonna get your potatoes you'll need to avoid the animals and dig deep beautiful under appreciated berries potatoes I'm not down with the farm [ __ ] I think that's not my kind of dirty in today's potato challenge three chefs from each team will take turns digging up and collecting potatoes until one team reaches 100 pounds I don't care what the hell is in my way this keeps showing potatoes in 30 now in there trying to move as quickly as I could oh we've got a winner [Music] potatoes written right to the left I didn't give a [ __ ] if there was an alligator in there I don't give a sh if there was snakes in there no guys I was just focusing on the ground and grabbing those potatoes red team there's such prima donnas [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Blue team do you have one nothing guys meet me back in the kitchen for part two of the challenge part two will decide the winners oh sure I thought we won the challenge I thought that Chef Ramsay was about to say we're about to take another trip through but it wasn't at there [ __ ] easy man line up let's go I am so excited for your next challenge I want to see nine individual highly creative potato dishes from each team play yes you've got 40 minutes the time starts now let's go nice and organized guys Chef Ramsay is using this potato challenge as an early test of the chef's creativity I'm gonna do a nice potato salad guys it may be a team challenge but he's looking to see which chefs will stand out Scott what are you doing you know I want to do something different and take a little bit of a risk sure let's go guys to please are scary things man nice guys anybody whose onions are these mine chef well let's go the careful come on Mike yes chef just over 25 minutes to go come on miniature chef let's go I see Simone leaving her dish in the earth and it's basically 25 minutes left on the clock and she's running around their kitchen goofing around let me get out of her way it's like she doesn't even care there are really weird people in the world and Simone happens to be one of them I can't wait to put it in my mouth three minutes guys yes sir Oh where's my [ __ ] rosemary that was there come on we got it we got it we got it my dish perfect it's deep it's flavorful it's got body Chef Ramsay he's gonna love 10 seconds to go seconds five four three two hey you won I'm plates here's the thing I'm only gonna be tasting five potato dishes from each seat decide amongst yourselves who has the five best dishes hurry up okay let's go let's go I still is not happy with these I think mine is amazing it's horrible why are you putting it up if you know it sucks it's not gonna happen I think my no win the challenge I know in my heart that I'm capable I just feel like I'm in another world sometimes here put yours up what do you guys feel like we're gonna do this one for sure I think the potato salad put it up all right guys dude the Bulge that I'm like my bone is there as long as we got that seasoning on because still with mics for ya thank you guys blue team are we ready those annoyed like seriously you guys pick my dish blue team which five chefs potatoes the cheese am i tasting Ralph Mike myself Scott and Jason okay right Jessica which five this is I'm gonna be tasting you're gonna be tasting Sandra's Melanie's myself Bev's and Joyce okay right let's start off with Jessica and Richard let's go bring your dishes up let's go as Chef Ramsay tastes each dish he will score it out of five points the team that accumulates the most points wins the challenge okay Jessica let's go what is that it is a orange maple and bacon glaze two potatoes succotash well you know it's fragrance read delicious that dish for me out of five points that is definitely a fork congratulations Thank You chef good start rich laughter you and iris colcannon with crabmeat little butter marscapone cheese potatoes are smooth crab folder through wonderful out of five that dish is a four Thank You chef well done two very good dishes this is great the old guys got something easier to play I'm encouraged by this I love this with both teams off to a strong start Sandra's pancetta sofrito it looks a mess but actually tastes delicious goes up against Ralph's upscale potato salad he's far too garlicky but presentation Beach food Thank You chef and both dishes score three points with the team's side it's Bev's potato hash I'm not too sure if it's a egg dish or a potato dish that is a 2 out of 5 versus Jason's potato gratin out of 5 a very confident for good Top Chef pretty good job with the red team down by 2 up next is Melanie and Mike please let's go Melanie hopes to tighten the gap with her with that dish deserves a fall pretty good job and now Mike is looking to regain the lead with his Yukon Gold Bond share mm-hmm with some caramelized onions and rosemary I mean it's just absolutely macerated in Rose my blue team did you taste that before we decided putting that in your top five Oh God that dish one out five [Music] Mike can't cook he's poison my dish was much much better women you're in the league 13 to 12 our last two joy and Scott let's go please I'm always looking for a five out of five but anything positive out of Chef Ramsay's mouth I'll take it Scott let's turn off of yours it's a patina to play with the bechamel with a little Jarlsberg and our fresh herbs I have to commend you on having the balls to put a souffle out there and the seasoning is delicious thank you really good job indeed that dish is a 4 out 5 good job thanks chef just going last I feel like all eyes are on you and I'm hoping and I'm praying so she have to be pleased with the dish Jordan chef for you I have a play on a pierogi the filling is just a basic russet potato seasoned with salt and pepper and I finished it with a pinch of time seasoning proper the balance is nice as you know identify the hero being the potato yes sir okay it's free too tight and fought to win [Music] out of five that dish five out of five [Applause] [Music] I feel so good now after a rough start here chefs finally got to see that I deserve to be here I'm so happy ladies congratulations you in for treat for winning today's challenge you are gonna get to see Southern California's beautiful coastline on an 80-foot stunning sailboat [Music] Red Team one we're going on a yacht ready one a blue tooth up hurry up get changed let's go well done [Music] I'm so excited I've never seen the Pacific Ocean Blue team the sort of disruption and the mess you made of those beautiful farm animals out there whilst digging for those potatoes it's now your responsibility to clean them oh yeah yeah yeah now [ __ ] off yes sure Mike's dish was just horrible he definitely [ __ ] up big-time the guys decided to pick the weakest link now we have to clean [ __ ] all day [Music] got me a little massive cover you little [ __ ] safer bet leaving dirty I don't like wasting time wash myself but if it wasn't for the fact that I just felt like the men's punishment has left a bad taste in Jason's mouth but for the women it's all sunshine and ocean breezes [Music] before I've been in a one-person kayak and a canoe let's have a toast yeah [Applause] once to hoist baskets a fact see mom no thank you you sure like throats mom instead of getting on board with everybody else you wanted to be debbie downer move get out the way I'll do it myself [Music] [Applause] us winning today is monumental and well-deserved those are wild [ __ ] animals wild animals right there for that brief time with the wind in my hair and the Sun and dolphins and beautiful water it was just incredible [Music] [Applause] [Music] with a phenomenal reward and a miserable punishment behind them the teams get ready for a new day prepping their kitchens for tonight's dinner service however in the red kitchen Rochelle is feeling a little under the weather like I'm not even able to focus while Rochelle might be out of commission there is another chef who is feeling kind of weak I feel like I'm gonna fall over I don't know where I am I can't think straight it feels like the twilight zone Rochelle is probably fine but I'm not letting on much energy or sanity right now I don't think Simone is seeing as she's trying to play I think it's just a feint and is pretty pathetic like just really shaky and dude I think we need to and I'm still dizzy Rochelle she's actually sick I don't think I'm physically capable Simone she's not sick she's given up with Simone and Rochelle out of the kitchen and possibly dinner service in the blue kitchen it's all hands on deck [Music] I cut my [ __ ] finger how bad you cut yourself pretty good place my finger down the guy goes DeMarco chopped his finger off my [ __ ] finger what I want is I want to get you to care it hurts so [ __ ] bad yeah keep that finger up dude I don't give a [ __ ] if it's two Knuckles down on my finger I'm rapping that [ __ ] up try but you know some people can't handle it as the blue team is losing one member the red team is getting one back [Music] ladies let's go yes West the moon with the mattock what the medic medic she's falsifying an illness and she doesn't want to wear an exorcist or I'm mad at you with a minute you okay it's really cool can you come over so we have a chat with you Sawyer you okay just dehydrated you're not drinking water I haven't had an appetite can you at least put an effort into service to support your team you hope so yes if my team thinks that I'm just goofing off they would be upset but I hope they know that I'm not feeling well she's back so you're not sure I'm worried about service tonight she's doing the the crazy eyes I don't like crazy eyes this means there's something there but something's not right up here let's go ladies yeah Simoes you're with Jessica on fish yes really [ __ ] tomorrow I don't see any other bosses up here okay so this was this being a problem do we cook it in here just like this just like that let's go guys yes jean-philippe chef open Hell's Kitchen please let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] but that was arrived you guys once again Hell's Kitchen is the place to be in Los Angeles both teams are eager and determined to complete their first dinner service love you guys I love you too man everybody fine citizen in addition to the regular menu Chef Ramsay has added a Steak Diane special which will be served tableside by Ralph for the blue team don't be preparing it right in front of you and by Keysha for the red team okay ladies here we go first ticket tonight for couples table 43 two solitudes Otto I'm walking in one minute we're gonna finish service tonight I won't be standing clenching my butt cheeks together it would fear while joy is focused on getting her appetizers off to a good start over in the blue kitchen Anton is looking to get his first order of risotto to the window coming chef right here chef [Music] I talked yesterday you joy familiar look at me [ __ ] you that is perfection you perfected the risottos now you keep the bar up there okay god help you if you let it slip both you yes yeah let's go I rose to be changing I did we're both people can't let's go with joy and Anton delivering on appetizers oh I think food is making its way quickly out to happy customers in the dining room yeah and back in the blue kitchen two results I want to know one salad where is it risottos common chef give us give us one minute you gotta go on scallops Mike is helping Chris keep track of the orders for the fish station yeah he called one minute no not on this one it's a [ __ ] risotto now you confused me please [ __ ] listen cuz now I'm getting confused Mike is an idiot please please please just listen listen listen I can't fix stupid while Chris and Mike try to work out their timing issues don't be afraid to ask for help you only think I can have with the same dude over in the red kitchen joy is waiting on [Music] I've got one one Luxor towel rolls mail that mean if I met Hell's Kitchen and it rolled famous chef is yelling at me I'm gonna yell back either speak up or get the [ __ ] out of here get this damn why did you enter this competition I thought this would be an amazing opportunity to draw and how about your performance how about a little break a sweat you think it's a great opportunity you're not working like it where's the push where's the job look at the [ __ ] attitude of it while Simone continues to dig herself an even deeper hole in the red kitchen back on the blue side the men celebrate the return of hey blue team we're celebrating like idiots and the diner was full of customers welcome back thank you sure how is it it's good okay bandish up fund this up yeah chef you let's go yes chef wake your white kids oh my god right here your radio awesome as DeMarco gets up to speed on the meat station call me have you all work chicken okay Square it off I need three pieces out of it okay back in the red kitchen Simone and Jessica are doing their best to impress on the fish station stop stop stop stop but their best doesn't appear to be good enough you two come here it's deep fried scallops summer raw some just gone in summer ready to come out who put the raw ones in with a cup ones who did Simone he's talked to me what we doing Jessica you want to go home no chef well what the [ __ ] he's gotta go before to go home let's go yeah let's go I'm getting the clean for her mistake they totally [ __ ] my world as frustration turns to anger in the red kitchen back on the blue side Chef Ramsay has moved on to entrees that's wait [ __ ] hot giving Chris and Mike a chance to put their communication skills into action no no I got you he doesn't want any help what am I gonna do [ __ ] talk to me where's the [ __ ] you know Chris absolutely no help it Mike see the road come on help the guy out it's not ready don't [ __ ] open the oven please with Chris and Mike possibly heading toward a full-on meltdown on the fish station the red kitchen Wellington one state that is now ready to move on to entrees let's go garnish yes in the window in six minutes yes we're gonna wait till they drop there how many some seems thick honestly like effects like links the beam and just like you know books like think about empty [ __ ] times thank you - hey come in you're both standing there like idiots with nothing in your [ __ ] pants let's go yeah this station looks like [ __ ] come on where is it we can walk up there right behind chef with garnish [Music] oh my good gosh here is to summon you have you got enough for one [ __ ] garnish yes sure this is not how we work ladies can someone cooking here well Bev and Rochelle attempt to get it together on garnish back in the blue kitchen how long two halibut will stay going on one chicken come on two minutes chef let's go it's a VIP table yes chef Chef Ramsay is waiting for some very important chicken halibuts going up I'm gonna drop another one I forgot to [ __ ] leave the bone on halibut chef I've got the challah bucks chick hey we got a fire from scratch chef he said fire from scratch [ __ ] you now I don't get it I do not understand the stupidity in it I'm not sending one more [ __ ] table out unless it's complete i refined the tape Oh DeMarco just couldn't get it together chicken took forever and it's very very simple i feeI feet table while the blue team refires their entrees because of DeMarcos failure on the chicken Jessica and Simone hoped that their salmon fares better than some of their earlier attempts at scallops raw raw not pink but raw congratulations between the worst two cooks ever to grace the fish station funny now right all of you come here we're just destroying yourself you to [ __ ] off get out many of the only fish on the fish I shouldn't have [ __ ] given or smell any responsibility like she's just as clueless about the station and like she's never even seen it before like she's never even worked at dinner service meanwhile back in the blue kitchen are we going on a helmet no way issues of timing continue to plague the men no way one minute is walking to the window sir hold them you can't land walking with the lamb how is that possible what the hell Scott never told me he was slicing a layer I've got the lamb where's the halibut halibut halibut two and a half minutes away chef I say stop call me doctor it was going on so the halibut tuneup c'mere you yes chef are you come here you and why can't you talk to him I want to know grace he never told me he was slicing the lamb yep how are you gonna help it no way one minute is walking in the window sir tell me you what is this we should shoot yourself in the foot hey hey hey all of you [ __ ] up out of there get out get out we didn't finish the service not once not twice but the third [ __ ] time I mean it's just [ __ ] embarrassing with the blue team getting another banishment from the kitchen Chef Ramsay looks to what's left of the red team to complete their service wellington cook perfect Thank You chef just gets worse all of you come here yeah just touch that one first that's overcook then touch that one and your cup yeah what are we [ __ ] doing to each other to the red team what are we doing all of you get out yes yes [ __ ] knife so get thrown out tonight all the dishes come out perfect this sucks this just flat-out sucks don't pollute shut it down guys get downstairs let's go hurry up stay there stay there that was the most embarrassing service I've ever seen I have to cut some dead weight and cut it fast I want three nominees from each team up for elimination hurry up got a car droppings and weight and the ones of us who are fighting are the ones that are gonna be here all right let's just yell out names everybody raising in I'm sorry but Simone you're gonna be my first choice what's the majority just Simone let's just get it out of the way anybody for bed I'm gonna I'm gonna go yeah that is dead weight anyway bye-bye good luck don't let the door hit you know where the Lord split ya you might suppose she'll say I hate food Rachelle we just can't put her a hundred percent and we we need 100% from everybody right now anybody Sandra I don't know why my team is throwing me under the bus I mean we've got a good idiot we got a slick close without one that's sick in the head I'm on point with [ __ ] everything I'm gonna [ __ ] up a dish yet I've been [ __ ] I've been doing get the [ __ ] out of here I just [ __ ] nothing up [ __ ] that some of it has to do with attitude maybe that's what it is I don't know like I don't think it's all about for my [ __ ] team I don't your [ __ ] times a day with this coming into a team [ __ ] right there sorry if you have to [ __ ] listen please do that song on now right now you never have with stuff nothing up [ __ ] you [ __ ] sorry man I'm thin DeMarco yeah me too right from the get-go DeMarcos done [ __ ] I mean you can see a good chef and a shitty chef from a mile away d-ring based off tonight I did good crispy a bit mark my words I'm not dead wait guys I guaran-fucking-tee that I own everything and anything that I do in that kitchen I know I could have done better but Mike he's poison for the team keep DeMarco keep me but get [ __ ] Mike out of you if I'm getting all the elements composed you're seasoning my [ __ ] fish at this point and that's all you did for me today Chris wanted to [ __ ] be the first guy to lead you on I saw one person just worse the others doesn't you [ __ ] idiot if you don't see me do something you're my man you're listening to every [ __ ] to order being called out and you're watching what my hands are doing all right the guy that's cooking possible he's saying that he didn't do it right you're his [ __ ] back boom please bring sanitizer nice dude he sucks so bad I think we should send Gabriel off because he did just as much on hot after as I did on [ __ ] fish what are you [ __ ] crazy you stood there like a [ __ ] just standing there watching him that's right I did [Music] don't [ __ ] you'll be dead before you even register with a little [ __ ] green come on top all the [ __ ] you want bro listen listen [Music] [Music] I'm not words sandra woman's first nominee and wife Samara pretty much giving up second nominee Rochelle chef she's very ill and it's not recuperating and it's getting worse third nominee myself chef so why do they put you up I don't know sure we did discuss that we really did it it's the attitude right Jason mens first nominee and why Mike because we feel that he is the weakest link by far amongst us all second nominee and why Jim Marco we think might let the passion the drive that it takes to succeed okay fed nobody in why Chris for its performance tonight in the fifth station six nominees that's the first [Music] my decision is DeMarco Mike Simone give me your jacket come here you stand over there all of you have now got ten seconds to give me one reason why you think you should stay Simone I came here because I wanted to compete I came here thinking that I would have the chance to grow and to learn from you because I respected you 10 seconds move chef I just want to cook I just want to get on a station and lead I have to admit I'm not a hundred percent confident my confidence isn't there but it is now it wasn't there time 10 seconds you chef I came back to try to fight to run the station to get my chance to run a fish station Chris wanted to try to dig himself out and could it doesn't mean that I should go home chef it's just that simple [Music] my decision is [Music] it's okay I can go [Music] Symone goodnight [Music] I'm normally really energetic and lively since have been feeling well I think I've come across as very soft and not someone who can fight and even the biggest most wonderful things sometimes don't turn out to be the best for you Mike he's a jockey back in line DeMarco back in line [Music] get out guys how dare you put me off now I feel like they may have it in for me but I didn't come me to be BFFs from now on I'm gonna focus on what I have to do give me a [ __ ] break at least send Mike home you know this is his last straw if he doesn't step up you will be the next one out of here all of these [ __ ] can kiss my 300-pound ass these guys are gonna start throwing people under the bus now it's game on Hell's Kitchen is about making someone's wish come true Simone wished to leave Hell's Kitchen that is an easy one wish granted [Music] next time on Hell's Kitchen the red team does not deserve me breathier airs fierce competition the red team is getting stronger and stronger turns to bitter rivalry no real pit you know is just getting on my nerves yeah let's beat the crap out of them girls but when one chefs anger useless spineless summit rages out of control will anyone be safe from his fury and when the women plot their revenge it leads to a shocking confrontation you'll have to see to believe next time on an explosive Hell's Kitchen [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 252,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Unscripted, Uncensored, Full Episodes, Full Episode, Official, Free, Cooking, Food, Dining, Restaurants, Cooking Competition, Competitive Cooking, Reality, Reality TV, Real, Television, TV, Classic TV
Id: U52asj2o5Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 32sec (2492 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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