The Autocannon Breaks HELLDIVERS 2 | Weapon Tips and Tricks

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hello everybody my name's James so recently the hell diver team released a patch that Nerf the rail gum and ever since then it has made playing the higher difficulty so much more difficult because of the heavily armored enemies that spawn because of the Nerf I was looking for the best replacement for the rail gun but it had to have high armor pin high accuracy high damage and most importantly it had to make a satisfying sound when it's fired and the only gun that has all of that the autoc cannon taking a closer look at the autoc cannon it's a shoulder mounted AR IL system that fires highly accurate shells that absolutely tear through the most heavily armored enemies it functions a lot like a heavy rifle with a lot of sway but it hits like a truck and explodes on impact so be careful where you aiming rep the best way to think about the autoc cannon is like you're using a precise mini grenade launcher like a grenade you can use it to close bug holes even from Far distances and even destroy bot Fabricators by banking the shell off the vent so it Ricochet into the building the autoc cannon also has some Unique Mechanics like how you can take out a SP view or a cell tower with a couple of shots and you could be 400 m away when you do it it doesn't just end there though because the autoc can also solves the biggest issue plaguing hell divers right now enemies with armor the autoc cannon does a staggering amount of damage being strong enough to take out most medium-sized Bots and bugs like The Brood Commander or even the Berserker in about one shot but with that big damage comes a lot of weapons away which you can mitigate by just crouching or going prone but the best way is to just position yourself far away enough from your enemy so you cannot get hit but also close enough so you can be accurate try to look for that sweet middle ground but also don't forget that you can scope in to make hitting shots easier when using the autoc cannon it is to your advantage to be mindful of how many rounds you have left you should always click reload before you hit zero in your mag because if you don't the reload animation takes significantly longer to get through but if you time it properly the autoc Cannon's reload shouldn't take you any more time than any other gun to reload but bear in mind you are going to need to stop even if it's brief to finish the animation now on to the strategy for the autoc cannon personally I prefer running the autoc cannon on bot planets since that's where its strengths really Shine the autoc Canon still outperforms most other strategems on bug worlds but from my experience the Swarms just get too dense at times for the gun to be really useful without killing yourself too in the process a good strategy is to clear out the smaller bugs preventing bug tunnels when you can then targeting the bigger bugs like the charger or The Brood Commander typically if I have an opportunity during an engagement I'll also try to quickly snipe any of The Brood commanders I see to prevent them from spawning any new Warriors after the rail gun Nerf taking out Chargers has never been more difficult you could try to use the flamethrower which is good for easier missions when you're not getting sworn by six chargers at a time or you could use the Chad Cannon and only have to use two rounds now I'll admit getting the timing down is tricky but I learned that running towards the charger but just slightly to one side tends to both stop the charger and open up a shot to its back two legs which is what you're going for the front of the charger is just two armored so you can't just double tap the front legs like you would with the rail gun instead go for the less armored back legs and if you hit it just right you'll kill it with two shots biots are a different problem however you can't just shoot it in the face but you can pop each of its green portions and doing so will prevent it from doing its ranged attack bot planets are mostly a cakewalk with the autoc cannon which makes sense when you remember that it One-Shots nearly every bot type and honestly most of the missions I treat my autoc Canon as my primary and my actual primary as a utility taking advantage of the punisher's Staggering ability to not knock back any of the Bots that get too close Striders Berserkers and all variants of Devastators get one shot if you hit them in their weak spot Hulks and tanks can be taken out with a couple shots and most of the defensive building can be taken out if you hit the right spot for hulks you're going to want to make distance and find cover only pecking over just enough to shoot them in the eye which will spark whenever you get a successful hit and for the tanks you're going to want to try to close a distance to try to make going around the swiveling turret easier so you can get to its weak spot you should also switch to heavy armor with the Fortified perks so you can get an additional 30% aim stability when you're crouched or prone which you'll be doing a lot overall the autoc cannon serves as both a solid damage dealer and a utility weapon that I cannot recommend giving a try more and hopefully after this video you feel more equipped than ever anyways that's all I have for this video and as always thank you for watching if you like this video and want to see more hell diver weapon deep Dives leave a like and comment see [Music] you
Channel: Names James
Views: 86,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, autocannon, helldivers autocannon guide, autocannon weapon deep dive, how to kill chargers helldivers 2, How to kill chargers, helldivers 2 best loadout, how good is the autocannon helldivers 2, the autocannon is op, autocannon helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers patch, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers advanced tips, tips for helldivers 2, best stratagems helldivers 2, tips and tricks helldivers 2, helldivers 2 autocannon, autocannon helldivers 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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