Fixing the World by Summoning Cthulhu in Age of Wonders 4

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the year is 2024 and tensions are at a Centennial High in the United States we need a leader who can unite the country guarantee our rights and protect American Family Values so in 2024 I'm voting for the only qualified candidate the dark lord cthulu which is why today we're playing Age of Wonders 4 with the new eldrich DLC to Kickstart cthulu's presidential campaign fund it with Paradox sponsorship money and restore the country to its former glory god Bless America I'm cthulu and I approve this message so welcome to Age of Wonders 4 as I said this video is sponsored by Paradox but I have been a pretty big fan of the Age of Wonders series ever since Age of Wonders Planet fall though I already did go ahead and make a faction and a race but uh I I I do love some of the different customization things they're basically dwarves but better and slightly more genocidal and eat people and our special origin culture which is kind of like where we came from as a society uh we are which means we just conquer and kill everyone we're also cannibals uh that you know that should be kind of a given for for my channel as well as umbrell disciples which is a new thing in the eldrich DLC that I will show off a bit later and obviously this wouldn't be a correct Cannibal video if uh I wasn't using necromancy our character is also an eldrich Sovereign which if you look at the appearance of them you know should be relatively clear what that means trust me in this game we are not the good guys I do love some of the customization where my cthulu guy goes from super thin wojack to Mega Thick nakoto avocado right so we're just going to go in and select our boys the the cannibalistic mman cthulu creatures and then create a new world hey so postrecording me I've been playing for about 5 and 1/2 hours in recording and uh I just realized I had the DLC map disabled to be honest with you I I'm kind of [ __ ] welcome to Age of Empires 4 the very first time I'm actually I'm I'm recording that I'm I'm so mad so on the right side is all of our traits over here so we are you know an eldrid being as has already been established my method of magic is literally just necromancy yet our beautiful ability to declare war without any justification and you know what I actually don't remember if I've already explain this stuff because it's been it's been 5 and 1 half hours since I last did anyways we're pretty evil so the first thing we're going to want to do is obviously just go around and explore as much as we can with our Observer over there because if you've never played an Age of Wonders game before in the world map you know it gives you the the same general civilization sort of uh tile based Vibes that one would expect but the combat on the other hand is significantly different so as we come over here then I can go to manual combat and you will see that we are now actually on the combat map and this functions a whole lot more like XCOM so in the sense of us moving all of our units up as you can see a whole bunch of our spitlings which are basically just really crappy units that we summon for free our mercenaries over here who are just pull arm units and we'll just move absolutely everybody up right now then we can end the turn and at the end of the turn of course then the enemies are going to take all of their turns okay that that is actually kind of hurting if you could please stop stabbing by one group of spearmen please now as literally just straight up cthulu Mr well cthulu gets a whole lot of abilities that are very special to being eldrich such as taking control of an enemy unit so if I just come over here and I mind control this group of units right there but that was a 90% CH well I did say it was a lot like XCOM all right that's fair fantastic we've lost several units or one unit already uh I it doesn't matter that much that unit kind of sucks so we can just engage our secondary plan of you know beating the absolute crap out of our enemies anyways and I I am in love with that animation it's just funny all right I am going to Hope be on hope that when I use this 90% chance to turn someone insane it actually works I you know this this does remind me a whole lot of General eldrich things where they are completely unreliable and some times they blow up in your face they pretty much always blow up on your face don't they but hey eldrich or not I'm still going to cast a mind Spike and Destroy You from across the batt so now that we win the battle we are going to get some Souls from well you know eating them well actually on the topic of eating them we're going to get food because we literally ate them because we are ritualistic cannibals every time we kill someone we get food that goes straight back to our city which increases the population population is what we use to Annex all the provinces around our city and expand and generally just increase our production at the top we have all of our resources so we have gold for upkeep we have Mana which is for casting as well as some certain upkeep units War spoils which is unique to our faction which is we're not going to use it a whole lot Souls which is for our shadow spells and Undead and most importantly THS which is what we have specifically as an eldrich dude so first cthulu leveled up so I'm just going to give him eldrich rituals which is going to allow us to use those actual thalls real quick and now in the bottom right we can actually cast spells using them so if I come over here to a mesmerizing draft ritual that is going to allow us to cast it right on top of our main capital and that is going to give us a whole bunch of draft which we essentially use to recruit units then I can use that draft to just queue up a couple of mercenaries and then we can also go ahead and build a normal building right over here the last thing we need to do is go and set our Arcane research which is essentially just our normal research tree this is what we use to get more spells and the best one we want we got first actually which is skeletal animation every time we kill racial units we could spend souls and resurrect them as skeletons at the beginning of the game this is really good and now I can just end the turn and that is going to pass through everyone else's turn that we can't see right now now that a few turns have passed it's important to look at how do we actually win the game so if I come over into our Quest over here we have four kinds of Victories military which is just destroying everyone expansion which is growing pretty much everywhere magic which is a bit more special and then score which is essentially when the game ends Whoever has the most points but but we are going to go with a magic Victory which requires us to get a whole bunch of very specific stuff that we'll go through later but the main gist of it is that we need to find these Ancient Wonders which are spread all over the map and have a very specific symbol attached to them they essentially act like these things over here but are much larger and a bit more famous they have really good bonuses and as soon as we clear them if we get three of them we could then use them to cast a super Spell essentially and take over the planet plus a whole bunch of other stuff but generally that's the idea oh I was trying to get rid of this surp and uh is begging for mercy through panicked hisses and cries now here is where we have a good and evil system so if we do a nice thing and we let them go then they will well leave and we get good alignment but obviously I literally don't care cuz I am not passing up the opportunity for a little bit more money the more evil we are the more evil people will like us and uh you know the entire rest of the world will not we've also just grew our population so now we can Annex one more Province start by annexing a province we can put a farm over here that's going to give us a bit more food income which will allow us to grow our population even oh my God I could Annex two provinces I did not realize how many people we ate so there were a couple of things we've also found around the world and a big one is an underground entrance over here so if I click this we actually head to the underground which is an entirely different map that has got a whole bunch of local ecosystems and a whole bunch of other stuff there and going above as part of the eldrich DLC there is also now a new place which is called the umbrel abyss and it's um it's pretty abyssi now we're not going to be head there right now but we will eventually get over here uh our units are very special because they are under our super cthulu man they don't actually take damage when they're in here but every other faction in the game will and we could actually build buildings later that spread the umbral abyss into the surface world as well oh we've also found a second citystate over there which is pretty fantastic we can't actually do much diplomacy with them right now because uh our special faction has zero of these things called Whispering Stones which we use to actually negotiate with fre cities because we primarily function off just killing them oh my God we also just found our very wait are you are you also a void person fanatic isolate I thought that was going to say fanatic purifier too much Taris so this is the first person that we' actually met then I don't really have much interest in saying anything to them besides I declare war on you but they're also just not really that important for us right now because we have also now gotten enough points to use something in the top left empire development so as soon as I click up here we get greeted with a whole skill tree that is in accordance with this thing called our affiliation so because we are mostly necromancy and Shadow stuff we have three Shadow Affinity uh two chaos affinity and one materium Affinity that essentially progresses us down each of these lines to get more and more powerful bonuses and I mean some of them are absolutely crazy for example this one reveals the entire world map this one doubles your population and this one makes you raise cities for insane amounts of cash but for right now the one that we want is defeating an infestation Grant you a unit based on the infestation defeated what does that mean well over here you'll see there's this big red area and called a haunted graveyard this is it infestation if we don't clear it soon it will start spawning units that it will then send at our Capital so I could just come over here and try and clear it out there's really not much of a point in fighting cuz we absolutely destroy them and as soon as we do that we actually get a thrall from this fight which is fantastic we should also raise two skeleton Warriors for 30 Souls right there as well as get a free Necromancer my God and we are also going to officially meet the free City over here okay so the free city is going to ask me for help a dark eler has befallen us my people are fished the Harvest failed our Storehouse lie empty will you give us food well actually I could just cast an eldri spell on him to make him like me now I don't particularly care about this faction specifically I'm just going to say no and make them mad at me cuz I don't care but it is very helpful for later because if I don't want to do a quest and people are starving and they need help I simply make them forget that they ever needed help oh your family's being chased by deck collectors what family oh evil people I didn't realize they were all the ways down here but apparently we somehow discovered a faction that is underground but them I really want to befriend because they're super evil actually almost as evil as me fortunately we did get our first hero over here though to join us which is very nice and we will go with this character over here who is a nature adapt that does seem a little bit weird because nature is very much in direct contrast to our current affinities but getting nature Affinity is actually going to allow us to progress down the nature tree a little bit faster because a lot of the Buffs on all the different trains are very very helpful wow I've only known this person for a couple of turns and already o rivalry woo they're literally an isolationist and they're going out of their way to hate me look I've only committed a minor amount of genocide your honor I claim Oopsy Daisy so we're just going to completely trespass in their land cuz you know why not the units look like they're all pretty crappy so I I really don't care so as soon as I declare war on them I can now come over here and begin sieging their Castle wait they they they don't have walls okay I take it back I'm not going to Siege them I'm just going to kill them well I thought that was going to be considerably more difficult but you know I don't know why I thought that wait I just realized the skeletons uh the they're they're racial as well so you can see they became the Frog people that I killed earlier the skulls look so strange wait do frogs even have skulls please Elder Gods I pray to you that this this actually works for once thank you so what that did is that made these guys over here insane so they're going to start attacking their own allies for just one turn but of course the real power of eldrich magic comes in mind control and uh there we go so although it's only one Turn of Mind Control that's that's really all I need I could run over here and immediately tank an intentional attack from those guys then hit these guys in the face to tank an intentional attack from them and then do my best to just overwhelm whatever is left what I can do is buff my own Undead cuz necromancers could do that pretty much every single turn kill a bunch of fire Elementals and then come back and turn those into Undead I'm actually what what do those turn into okay so those become decaying zombies which uh actually also have corpse eating so because we are Ravid as cannibals we can actually eat corpses for HP I also gave cthulu a little spell over here that just lets him teleport for free and then I can simply use his um melee attack which is it's not too bad right they are going to Decay to death and then I am just going to beat the absolute crap out of their last unit and that's it by winning now we can go and you know we get a couple of options first of all we're going to obviously raise a couple more skeleton Warriors and then we could decide the fate of this city and of course I'm just going to raise it for money and obviously raising is also going to give me another minus 20 alignment to my evil oh yeah no we're at minus 30 and it's not even including me destroying the whole city that happens at 14 turns I also took a trade up here that allows us to get 150 knowledge per hero we defeat in combat and we just killed a hero right there so now I am researching necromancers in one turn oh we also collected the remains of this guy is uh is is it worth anything I could sell his remains for a 100 bucks W that is woo that is not bad but I'm just going to keep him as a you know dead person in my cryp that I could use for Mana your new job is Mana battery also there is a new person we just met fantastic are you you are you evil no you're neutral well I don't care then so now that we've completed that tone in terms of research or at least enough things from that tone I can now select a new one so if we scroll through all the TOs you see there's a whole bunch of new stuff here we can use pretty much any one of these the T we take does heavily influence our Affinity over here so we do want to take a tone of an affinity that we want to further and for right now I am going to go with the Tome of The Horde over here which is going to give us a bit of chaos Affinity as well as a couple other things that are pretty deep decent our first city is also founded over here and now I can deploy a governor so we're going to just get our second guy over here to lead it and when we do that that is also going to give us a bit of nature Affinity which is fantastic chaos and Shadow are our best friends right now because Shadow is all about that lovely manipulation and Resurrection all that stuff and chaos is about burning down cities and we're pretty much going to burn down every city we occupy wait my alignment oh oh thank God I thought my alignment changed to good because apparently someone just declared a friendship with me which is I I I don't know which person okay this one is700 relations so probably not her okay she just declared friendship and I I literally can't even declare any kind of diplomacy with her because our relations are too low ah okay the Deep Well person the free city state that I want to try an ally well Ally is trying to ask me for a whole bunch of research but you see um ELD spell go you now love me and just like clockwork yep our Allegiance has actually gone up with them and we're also one of the few people they like because we're evil meanwhile we have thunder well up here a random city state we have flame wall up here who I really want to kill Veil and for down here oh and there is an ancient wonder over here or a gold ancient wonder so this is one of the three things that we need to win the game if we clear this and then we can capture it we do get access to a whole bunch of stuff inside also I am uh I am suddenly very scared by the fact that there is a red glow around all of these units yeah that m is 700 that m is 7 100 relation is not looking good it's kind of great that because I'm a Reaver I could declare war for any reason at all you know what I don't like that eye on your wing I don't really care to do a declaration of rivalry because honestly I want to keep the money to keep spending it on a bigger Army to kill them which is why I have been recruiting a whole bunch of Mage loocks which are essentially like our Rifleman Gunners they are a tier 2 unit that is actually very good so as soon as I put in my Army over here we can try and test them out maybe at a desecrated Temple over here and that's unfortunate it looks like they just founded a settlement right up north to us fortunately it's not really a big deal because I'm I'm just going to trespass I don't care and then most likely just declare war on them next turn I also finally got another Whispering Stone from down here I can also take something to give us a bunch of Knowledge from Whispering stones and vassals so now if I come down into this area we can come talk to them give them a whispering Stone that'll give us a whole bunch of vision as well as slowly increase our relations with with them until we are friendly declare war yeah yeah yeah you know easy so when we get into a Siege menu we can add Siege projects over here those will give us various abilities and things like that right now though I'm just going to add something to deal a bit of damage at the start of combat and that's pretty much all we need to go with oh I also researched spawn cam which is fantastic that is something I really needed so my race is very special if I come into my guys over here they have something called umbrell flesh that gives them immunity to the astral Realm so all the aspiral malady all of the bad stuff that comes from this realm up here we could just walk around and be completely free and it doesn't really affect us those racial mutations though we actually have more so by getting spawn kin over here we can now use this on our own race to make them smaller and give them a whole bunch of bonuses 20% more damage for nonh Heroes 10% evasion so on there are a couple of these and they're great because they stack on top of your entire race oh there is the third person we just discovered I um hey I think you got a little something on your on your face there Moon Rock dwarfs oh no I know who these people are oh okay one of my Scouts just accidentally went into the astral rail oh oh my god well I did not know they had this many units but I think we can win this anyways all right looks like we have to kill a fellow eldrich entity which is going to be particularly difficult oh yeah this is like the Mother Teresa of eldrich entities does that does that make sense now I can finally use my matchlock Gunners they're they're not really really going to have the impact you think cuz they've got a 5% chance of hitting and this is very adorable for them sometimes they'll just hit your allies sometimes they'll just hit a tree sometimes maybe they'll hit themselves this gun has at best 60% accuracy but if they don't move it a turn you can give them take aim to get plus 80% so ideally you want them to stay still okay right now we've just got to hope that we can actually hold against this massive oddslot of units coming at us oh okay good the enemy died over here which so they're going to turn into a bunch of zombies and I'm going to do my best to mind control this hero I have I keep TR oh oh yes now I can walk over here hopefully use a necrotize on these guys and then try and slap them into Oblivion oh I I felt that in my gut please Gunners actually try and hit someone 90% ah you know what I'll just take the 90% that is why they're not too terrible they're still not that good though the biggest thing we've got going for us is that I'm just trying to resurrect as many units as I can I am out of C in points there's not really much else I could do in that front I've necrotized three different units so as soon as they die they're going to turn into zombies and for whatever reason they're focusing really hard on those zombies I'm not I'm not really sure that doesn't seem very worth it and they're also going to smack their own hero yes please but I am very very scared for Mrs cthulu lady who is way up here and is is just not doing any okay maybe she's just going to use her basic attack cuz this this basic attack is actually not that good it's the mind control and the insanity that I don't don't like holy crap that is 45 damage on their hero right there thank you very much and then teleport cthulu out over here the insanity and mind control are easily the strongest things we have so we're really just trying to put those on anyone that we get the chance to you go insane thank you all right hero one actually down thank God another group of units over here we just trying to isolate everything we can there and then you know what while about let's just let's just start eating a couple of corpses okay just hold for one more turn I okay good the insane person is dealing some insane Dam wow okay the undead that I've summoned are tanking in super well cthulu is actually taking a lot of damage himself and I just witnessed a unit exploded to Oblivion I don't know what that was wait they're fleeing ooh that oh yes yes yes I think we got their morale so low that they actually decided that fleeing made a lot more sense in terms of trying to win than anything else and don't mind if I am going to take advantage of that hey what you doing over there you didn't really run far enough did you oh my God but that is nearly the entire enemy Army dead that is 300 research 100 War spoils 24 Souls oh and the city with wait I killed so many units I got almost 60 food all right sweet so cthulu also got to level four which is fantastic so now we go level up he get all of his typical stuff but he can also choose a signature skill so this has three different branches we could go down the first is mad caster and this one essentially has a just varying random effects it is kind of cool because it makes all of your spells super insanely good you could keep casting spells like crazy in terms of Mana but we're going to have so much Mana it doesn't really matter mindbreaker is pretty good because it allows us to turn people completely insane for a pretty decent amount of time but the one that I want is flesh Weaver this one is going to give us possession so we can Target a non-hero friendly unit to give them Empower this gives them 40% damage and kills them in two turns but then they resurrect at the end of the battle it also spawns to flesh legs at the start of every combat and uh I'll show you what those do all right so now that we've broken the walls we can go ahead and just quickly do this Siege battle there's there's really nothing here but one guy I'm not even going to bother to resurrect cuz I could use those souls to get necromancers now the great city of Arcadia with its um two people Goodbye Oh Perfect so spawn kin is also ready and that means that I could use this on my moleman and that is going to transform them into you know being a little bit smaller but it is overall a pretty decent net positive also something that's worth considering is there are these umbrell nests everywhere and they are bringing umbrell demons into the world they seem to be winning now that's not actually that bad for us because we like the umbrell areas as a matter of fact we do get a building down here which is called an altar of marching gloom and we do want to actually put one of those down pretty soon it's going to start converting the entire world into the umbrell area and uh make it pretty uninhabitable also it seems like there is significantly more enemies over here than I was expecting and I'm just going to start The Siege over here this is going to make things a little more tricky and at least put them on a bit of a clock all right fantastic they are going to attack out on us immediately and I am feeling pretty confident because we are about to get 450 research from killing three Heroes again just like before I am fairly sure that we're going to need to kind of sit in the back for this fight and try and camp in this corner because their units are way better than ours in a frontal fight these are also what the fleshlings look like they're very aesthetic and the way they move is even better they just uh w w w w w all right here they come they they've stacked all their Buffs on top of themselves and this is this is going to be a scary one although they did actually perfectly line up for me to do this so I could Empower one of these little goobers and then you know just uh have at them buddy that's right they just explode all right I've built the wall it's just a big wall of how birds and skeleton Spearman and then some archers behind them they've got a crapload of Buffs and healing apparently it's kind of weird to see one of these Eldridge people who is pretty much not about being offensive and almost entirely defensive and Angelic unfortunately though we are trying to just resurrect lots and lots of zombies from them being dead and that is turns out to be a very strong strategy necromancers can only do that once but the main part of the Necromancer that's strong is the fact that they can strengthen them pretty much every turn and then of course we have the matchlocks who are literally just sitting here and doing crap like this oh that is that could not possibly be more perfect oh so much Stanis wait I now have a 100% chance to eldrs control certain units that is I mean I'm okay with that you hit them for 60 my God that does that doesn't even seem fair oh also I didn't know that matchlocks were you know essentially melee units they have a 70% chance to hit at Point Blank and then when I give them the buff I wonder does it just go up to like 100% yes it is literally it just turns into a shotgun that is so perfect that this is always what it was meant to be that okay guys that seems like a little bit of Overkill yeah we are genuinely getting to the point where we have an insane chance to just hit anyone with any of these abilities as as cthulu I don't know if it's just him leveling up or it's just him gaining the confidence to believe in himself but either way I'm all for it I wanted to try and prevent her from running away so I just hit her with the taunt instead oh and now she's just going to sit here and try and attack our dude who is an absolute tank and riding a death Beetle baboom so that is going to get us just some silly amounts of loot we obviously lost uh losing the Mage loocks was pretty bad but we can just re-recruit them and they should allow us to get a bunch of Undead as well 450 research well we can recruit a couple new units over there at least which is pretty nice all right great now we are on to our tier two books so if I go into our toome library you see there are many different tiers of books all around so now that we've unlocked tier two we can go with the to of Souls which is going to be really really good that allows us to resurrect bow and horror reanimations which are really really good when we kill higher tier units later on we get to do even crazier things like Battlefield reanimation all friendly Undead come back to life raise an undead Army where we just Fon a full stack of UN dead and all kinds of absolutely ridiculous things now on the map one of our overarching goals is also to try and spread Gloom everywhere in the umbrella labys so I built this altar of marching Gloom and every few turns or every turn I forget it's going to start spreading Gloom all over the place every unit will suffer a whole lot of debuffs but specifically my units will gain plus 10 morale plus 12 hit points per turn on the world map I get more knowledge for all the Gloom terrain that I have and I ignore pretty much all the penalties from it now I think the wall has been yes okay so the wall has been breached which means we can attack and there's there's not really a massive reason to do this I'm probably just going to autor resolve this right now there we go give another 300 research and she is super super death oh wow we could spiritually guide her to a mage Haven n we're going to trick her to conjure up money so that is one down of the six great Mages and three four five to go yeah I math here's the thing I do really like flame wall of the city I like its location I like all of it the thing is it would be a whole lot better if my people lived there maybe I should be careful about this whole evil alignment thing but I don't think I'm going to be all right it's official we're broke and we're being invaded down here but I think we can deal with that with a bunch of Mage lock Gunners and necromancers holy crap this okay this is the kind of stuff that the umbrell is sending at us none of the umbrell units seemingly are very numerous there's only four of them but they are pretty high tier I mean there's just these extremely strange creatures which I suppose is somewhat hypocritical considering what we are although I guess they are not particularly immune to being mind controlled because it seems that that is still very very possible sadly for them though they're also not very good at getting surrounded and then beat down in melee okay you know maybe maybe they are actually good at that I take that back all right still surrounding them and Undead way we summoned is relatively decent as a strategy I can also actually raise our first bone horror which is a slightly more advanced Undead unit that we can put to the Army and that is actually oh that is a that is a real beauty also I I love how these uh the the undead bow if you look at it from this angle they just look really really sassy like the your alignment has changed from very evil okay okay to Pure Evil all right I'm going to grind a little bit up until I fight whatever this is my God this is literally just a tank okay now this was a little unintended so I was not expecting to fight the uh the super tank with most of my Army actually dead and currently resurrecting actually I think this thing takes up two tiles has multiple kinds of ammunition that it could load and is generally pretty dang scary oh my God it just destroyed the whole unit and then kept moving okay well it's a good thing that I brought a considerable amount of fod to the front also got their own Mage locks which is unfortunate please don't friendly fire oh thank got 38 damage so what I did get though is an item called the Crypt blade which as soon as it kills someone it immediately turns them into another Squad of decaying zombies and because this guy has a decent chance of inflicting soulbound on people anyways uh they might just die and then turn back into zombies a second time and please tell me this just kills him thank God wait he he somehow turned into decaying zombies here himself this is getting a little out of hand all right now all I have to hope is that they blow away almost two full groups of units oh oh that's nice and there's another group of temporary zombies actually wait I just remembered I have an ability I can use way over here oh my God even more oh come on he's just friendly fired cth he turned around so fast he's like who is that the end of this battle is just turning into a steam tank essentially surrounded by zombies surprisingly they're actually doing a considerable amount of damage all right now I just have to hope that the tank doesn't turn around and blow everything up okay well it does and of course I'm just going to finish this off by using a cry blade and immediately turning it into a new group of UND okay to make that whole combo thing even crazier in terms of resurrecting units now we are going to get plus 10 combat casting points per unit death or kill in combat what that means is that every time one of our units dies or we kill kill a unit we can cast more spells which means that we could just keep summoning more units to cast more spells which lets us summon more units and cast more spells oh my God I just autop piloted into a random fight and I didn't realize what we've been turning the map into the umus is actually starting to leak through into the other world or our world and we kind of need to go back through to close it because there's a lot of stuff that's coming through also cthulu has so many abilities they are indeed beginning to go I have to scroll to access all of them and also I have a 100% chance of inflicting most of these things now that is that is a little busted it was the first turn and I was able to inflict all of these debuffs on this one poor guy and he's about to go insane and maybe even attack the guy behind him damage everyone okay I I ended that battle with 160 casting points I've only got 85 Max and I barely lost any units if I started losing more of my summoned units I could have have had upwards of like 200 or 300 casting points which means that I could just cast unlimited things I am looking around the world right now and it is so ruined there are umbrell abysses uh just spewing out everywhere up here is a complete mess down here is getting overrun my own area is kind of getting overrun and the rest of the world doesn't really look a whole lot better all right so unfortunately we're going to have to go into the umbrell abyss and uh find whatever is creating all of this I did to send a few of my armies back though because I was being ransacked everywhere else so fighting the umal abyss with this Army is essentially just like playing Tower Defense because my entire Army right now is just rageed units that then proceed to summon more zombies so as long as this guy literally just eats units instantly and looks like two floating ball sacks and honestly there are a few things more terrifying than a floating ball sack wait what he just ate my hero well around now is the time that I'm very glad that I have a lot of guns cuz I really don't think I want that thing near me wait I just killed a summon and got back more zombies are you telling me that summons could spawn zombies too all right oh wait he respawns oh he's not gone how was your how was your time in the in the super Abyss my Lord the umbrell T okay that that's a little on the nose wait I'm sorry there's another evil guy I I met this random dude like a billion years ago and apparently he's he's actually pretty evil I mean not nearly as evil as me but still oh no my alignment changed from Pure Evil to only very evil well I I got to fix that okay I think we've actually found the umbrell nest down here which is going 2K well the game does not seem to think I have a terribly good chance of winning this and quite frankly uh I could see exactly why all right I am going to need to cheese the absolute crap out of this fight so I am going to B ER in this corner but try and stall for as much time as I can and just cast as many infections as possible on every single unit in the Army so they all turn into zombies okay you know I wasn't expecting to cover that much ground in one turn the Bone Dragon is kind of the biggest problem for the obvious reason that it is a bone dragon wait you're kidding me this does this actually work oh we could make the dragon go insane all right I'm doing everything I can right now to stay alive because this dragon is single hand L the biggest threat we have right now I think I can use decaying to make it so it won't try and regenerate any health and slowly we're beginning to get a little bit more zombie action regenerating okay 40 damage right in the back actually wait we might be able to kill it this turn if I run these zombies back oh thank God I think the actual MVPs right now is just a group of gunters that are sitting in the Forest Way in the corner okay please whatever you do don't like resur okay I don't know if they have Resurrection spells for the dragon as much as they are killing my necromancers all I am they're not killing the guy that stands behind them and then just shoots them at Point Blank for 40 damage I also have this ability I'm not really sure what this does I just throw a tornado up that really looks like he's peeing and it made him wet okay I think we've got it unlocked now because we just have so many Undead spawning that they really can't do anything about it right now I've got 150 casting points and I have been casting every single turn this is entire game I can't physically use any more spells okay now they're running away and we've we've pretty much won and that's it we did lose a couple of units but overall it was a pretty big win that destroys the umbrell thing uh please just walk around me oh that is that is so unnerving I didn't actually realize apparently you could build an outpost to the umbrell so we're just going to build one right over here cuz this is a very special area apparently oh wait I actually had no idea about this apparently there are little dwell ings in the umbrell area so they are demanding that I make a sacrifice so we could be nice and friendly it's also a good way to farm my alignment down because I am okay I'm attive 105 I did not realize it could go below thetive 100 okay so I have been grinding for a whole bunch of time to get to this umbrell nest and be able to actually try and kill it I've also unlocked over here in our spells the ability to turn our entire race into Undead it's pretty good but most importantly we now have the abil ability to bind ancient gold wonders what that does is it is going to allow us to actually start to progress towards our Victory condition pretty quickly so up here we do have one golden ancient wonder over here so we just need to Annex this under one of our cities Annex a second golden Wonder down here this world tree will be our number two and I have still not found a good number three to occupy but we do have a couple I mean there's one down here there's another one I think all the way over to the right another one over there so we just need one more besides our current two that are really close by and then we can begin the process of winning the game in the meantime I am finally going to get around to attacking this one umbrell DK over here and this uh yeah this is not necessarily an easy battle they do have their tier five umbrell unit over here and this thing is an absolute beast but we should be able to beat it with the power of well the fact that most of my Army just has guns the only real scary part of their army is the Tyrant over here that actually he legitimately looks like cthulu I absolutely love the fact that most of my Army is just really really strong Gunners that deal so much damage we're not using Advanced Magics or anything crazy like that no we're literally just shooting them a ton I mean cthulu is doing his best but every time they kill one of my summons I I've already got 150 casting points I'm just resubmitting all my units because they're just turning into zombies enemy unit literally exists the group of moleman Gunners standing 8 Miles Away 70 damage that that one shot that's half the units in the game and it's not like these match clock Gunners are very far range either I mean I can literally just point blank these guys for their entire HP 57 damage and then he turns into a zombie this is how I always figured cthulu Jr would go down oh he's routing yeah where where are you going buddy the only location with your name on it is the morg start with the umbrell infestation gone oh that is a lot of units I can resurrect we're going to be able to clear this whole area out and then be begin to move over to our golden age wonder over here and then begin the process of actually trying to win the game there we go okay now we can turn our entire race into Undead which is going to give them a whole bunch of bonuses also make them look a whole lot cooler Jesus because now that means that my necromancers which I've put in pretty much every single Army cannot just resurrect normal Undead they could resurrect literally any unit all right and this is the perfect place in order to declare war we're just going to trespass both multiple times all over these people's settlement and then we are going to immediately declare war actually I just realized this city state is owned by another person who is allied with another person so things are about to get a little hectic so now we get to declare war and begin the oh that is a long Siege oh fantastic I was hoping that they would attack out to fight me but this is beautiful this is literally just an entire Army of tier one crappy units I am going to resurrect all of them all right it looks like we've got this one in the bag I have lost a crapload of units because I mean my units suck pretty badly you can see how most of the corpses of the map are mine but it's not really all that relevant because you know we've got the ability to teleport directly on top of people and then smack them for their entire HP on top of the fact that most of my Army is again just extremely Expendable and anything that doesn't die to the zombies dies to the guns all right there's a victory there which again we lost a lot of decent units in terms of our tier three bone hes but we are going to later be able to resurrect significantly better units in terms of bone dragons and uh oh my God the list I mean all of these units are so bad but I may as well right I mean it doesn't hurt me 150 souls okay I love this I get an event which is it allows me to weaken the walls of the city I'm sieging except you know the downside is if you take the good one you get evil alignment so obviously I'm just going to take the evil alignment because I'm literally at45 I cannot get any more evil and now the city is almost dead and I want this city because it is right next to this lost Tower which is a gold ancient wonder there is another gold ancient wonder right up here and then there is the last one that we want to claim which I believe is directly right there hold on I get the ability to summon and control a unit of true evil origin it's a penguin they have low maintenance experts said that's it they don't have any ability somehow they do frost damage they have life steal I think these are Undead Penguins I'm not going to lie okay now finally over here there we go we should be able to just instantly auto combat this take this city raise a random nobody skeleton Warrior sure why not and then we're going to immediately Annex this you know kill four people it's okay so then we can come over here and claim the Lost Tower and we're just going to come over here and raise get another city and begin another Siege we're also going to do our best to sacrifice a few more THS to our great Lord and savior in the void over here just as we get it declaring Wars is always is unjust oh no well I've already declared war pretty much everyone I'm going to have to fight for the rest of the game and better yet we have also gotten our Eldridge packed that means that we can work with Asher in the void in order to buy some of his stuff wait I could buy a spell that just straight up sends someone to the abyss all right well with this city being annexed currently uh my armies are rapidly going to be increasing in size my income is relatively good but I'm also just resurrecting everything I can and training everything I can we've pretty much got to the point where we had won originally I was going to go through and go through all of the different gold monuments but I realized at this point that we've essentially already gotten that but you do also need to get a tier five toome and then research age of Shadow and then launch it and then defend the wonders for 15 turns so for that reason I am going to end the video here obviously this video is sponsored by Paradox but I do really like the Age of Wonders series and uh coming back to I've never played age of wers 4 before this video really but I am actually really happy with how this turned out cuz this game is a lot of fun Age of Wonders Planet fall will always be my pick for the most underrated game in terms of like this style cuz honestly I absolutely love that game but hey any game that has cthulu and then other cthulu and then multiple other cthulu beyond the first two cthulu is a game that I can get behind either way thanks for watching see you
Channel: Anti-Kleaper
Views: 203,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the grim kleaper, anti-kleaper, the_grim_kleaper, twitch, stream highlights, stream, moments
Id: D4H75MKym3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 17sec (2537 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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