The Overpowered Turret Build Has The Uncontested BEST DPS in Helldivers 2 | Helldive Kill Record

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welcome back lady and gentlemen today we annihilate my personal kill record with maximum DPS and of course by that you know I mean democracy per second with our faithful turret build we run the charts all the way up to 4,277 kills and this was done when we were destroying Meridia but I have not been able to top that since and I had so much fun grinding this out that I set the new goal at over 5,000 so I hope you all enjoy the journey there and all the builds I use are always linked down below and in Discord but if you have some cool ideas that you think could get like a ridiculous amount of kills especially on the new update drop them down below and I'll give them a shot on stream I've already cooked up a whole bunch of ideas that we're going to be running it down with later but for now it's time for a classic domain expansion all right see what we got the F of all Humanity's children are in your do not let them Tagg Supply charger already over here start requesting T down requesting oral stri requesting s dropping sries there I'm going for the X I'm going for the uh eggs as well we want to take out the Sher nests or do they do anything with spawns uh we could just we could keep them and we'll just kill them we'll kill the shers sounds good why not that goes this one's done mag's empty you Ian there's a B on your way too yeah I got a lot of stuff here on me but I'm managing have a taste of democracy reting support all right eggs are dead 2 minutes big big juice 2 minutes too easy also Kaiser's good you don't have to choke down seven syllables all right all right Titan's almost dead come coming you baby there's a level I I see this [ __ ] I feel it baby i l you on fire I'm sorry fine I'm built different I'm built differently different feel stupid reload I can't wait to hear a lot of clicking when when our guns are dry democ no like before you reload you just hear click click click R down there yeah you get this Hunter off me there's a strat Gatling turrets in here I don't know if the Gatling turret help in here but yeah you know what that's a Vibe calling down a they called in on us down support I'm Crispy requ sending in an eagle for Prosperity requesting sad I've got you thank you that's 60 mag empty requesting a support still coming yeah there's still coming get some get some reloading I'm of I'm out of ammo melee and maybe we should have done two teams with like two recoil one recoil us each one uh Supply pack each so when we do pairs like this we have plenty I found I ROM resupply want to throw down Auto cannons or you want to take my backpack let's do auto Cannon sentries I'm just going to dump mine over here location I'll wait on mine how you like this big nest down here yeah I'll start moving towards the EXT yeah this is a good of crush it by the way reloading all right well hun no they're mostly dead like we're just tapped on ammo right so like we just got to group up how' you like to taste found something you guys got that side yeah hopefully I got it you got it the charger can I no I cannot okay Ma out reloading got backlashed the water you guys say there was resupplies over here yeah up on the we got another in 20 hello Ian hello I got a okay we can do some resupply technology no no no no technologist noology it'll be a little rough but don't worry about it whatever you calling down a sentry in I got you don't res me I guess I got neomed yeah that was not exactly where I was aiming up a pack St I'm going to get over supplies going take a walk over the empty T empty you need a Reload or charger I do need a Reload but I'm not ready for right now got it I'll get you next I'm going to toss a spare over there good idea actually calling down a support weapon heavy close ma empty me kill this charger for me be I thought he lost aggro for a sec he just he just wanding around reload his leg his leg popped and he's bu out of ammo Tech pack inbound reloading there's a ging in there be careful yeah backing up bre should be coming soon requesting oh my God maybe I need ammo I'm going to put one Supply backpack on the ground right there got is this a bonus recoil us yes it is yeah nice oh hold keep [ __ ] shooting me that's goly coming inest 100 all right calling coming in anybody have recoils yes I do no blast got blast him clay I don't have any ammo I got you oh he really snuck up on us I did I have no audio up is what it is uh we can n home that entrance maybe no it's all right where you say I got 53 kills just with my fire okay that pack is dry by the way that's weird that hit me but it didn't do any damage at all didn't play well on my screen I didn't even shoot at you and then I just heard you yelling but you weren't on fire so I mean am sure get some get [Applause] some throwing a sry in there do that see how well it does calling down a s oh [ __ ] it's going to rip and tear you will never destroy our way of life B Titan South I got you if you need yeah let's just move up on it I'm going to hit him too ouch there's a charger here just kind of bug staring into the ground all right clim on you um calling down a sh all right [ __ ] in requesting make him dead oh God mag's empty have aast of democracy all right uh to reload we're we're pretty locked in on ammo right now let's go baby we P we pull out we split we split we split yeah we splitting baby let's go me and you I got you does it spawn more if we're together or farther away from each other I think I feel like you get more patrols when you're far apart only one way to find out yeah yeah you guys are just going to keep killing over there right yeah y all right well I got a I have a bonus Supply backpack coming up too and I left a supply backpack over there uh you guys you guys can call the resupply over there cuz we won't need it I'll call call it now though that way it's uh up okay we got to call in let him do it yeah where's there's the call tunnel breach tagging location um did you guys call the drop ship at all no not yet oh we should have done that that's like more enemies we'll run through here I'll see how many guys it is I don't know I don't know if it's we we'll see cuz like I didn't see any patrols over here a lot of guys yeah me neither but we will have some shriekers to to farm as well yeah I'm not really getting a lot of guys I think it might be Capp in total by the way that would be pretty unfortunate I think it's Capp oh no never mind they all pouring out oh I see them now yeah space jum if you can help out a little bit I'm a bit swamp here in therey callt reloading for Prosperity request confirmed shuttle inbound you s me is the Gatling just continuously pulling enemies maybe they definitely seem to not like it call down I'm on zero ammo zero everything and there's a freaker on Mee we got to resupply up one yeah I mean it's on the ground but I'm getting attacked and I can't do anything about it that's what I'm saying oh [ __ ] um yeah we can we can we're going to have a extra recoil is for flavor in 40 nice I didn't mean for my recoil or for my auto Cannon to be there it is it is oh don't kill me please Auto Cannon requesting a support I'm going try to stun stuff off you so it shoots at your uh at not you I'm assuming you guys are getting all the patrols cuz we're not getting any uh I don't know you like the taste of I li yeah I got a patrol on me we are getting the streer call me back in bro reinforcing I put you right back on your stuff thanks yeah I was trying to stay in the hole and then I couldn't get it that's good I'm stunning everything on you when you come down nice we here am reset tactical to the en hell yeah troll behind me they called in bre where is this I'm in Orbital On meal strike bre is on you guys yep yep calling in strike the think the air burst bursts in the air when you sh next to an air I got one more ma uh we got a minute on the uh resupply yeah I have a supply backpack here sa out of ammo requesting requesting fortifications okay I'm yeah I'm on you I'm on you how' you like the taste of Freedom I've got you thank you my turrets are Dr some away watch for the laser forever you can grab this recoil asn't eat if you're not reloaded perfect [Applause] requesting I got to go to the other side of the nest and pick my uh ma EMP go for it democracy oh [ __ ] that's going to be sketch that'll no refor I'm tossing you far that's crazy it wanted you or do throw the resupply uh no we have backpack we're good you they they could take a resupply they could take resupply got it got it yes we are getting patrols my turrets are CH up over here nice uh I got my backpack over here the gotl just said coming in that was crazy save your goatling to like eat into the hole got it got it cuz that works so good use it to how' you like the taste of Freedom the [ __ ] water and the shers I'm not doing okay he come back call in perfect uh no air burst on that see what [ __ ] weall if it closes no holes I might to close one oh it did [ __ ] well whatever y just [ __ ] throw the fire in there who gives a [ __ ] we'll go back and then it looks like it sounds like they need it fre forever we'll pull up oh we're managing still we're still managing you got can I get an ammo tap here thank you last reload hello 15 seconds for my stop [ __ ] toly we only Clos like what one hole yeah just one my auto [Music] Cannon to my Sentry Gatling Auto cannons uh got you got me up for the reload got you thanks yeah I just wanted to have it as like an eats yeah I have uh my recoil is through my shotgun on my screen I don't know if you can see that I don't think that's how supposed to work you never know did you see this I don't we're not getting L we're not really getting that much I think we should root back up maybe we're not really getting Taste of Freedom a lot we're not really getting a lot of uh patrols are you guys we've only had maybe one or two a few we have a bit more than that but it's still it's like all right let's go pull up to them let's yeah we'll just regroup over by them got it I'm going to grab this what I'm going to do though before we leave yeah one good idea good idea I'm gonna toss naal and uh air burst just cuz why not MYRY all right yeah we'll head over to them and then what we can do is like we can just keep calling in the drop ship and like forcing them to come to us I see right cuz me and you can just keep like uh running I don't know we'll see we were cooking over there though I think what we didn't get in patrols we made up for and just like random dudes oh I'm definitely using it here though ma space TR can you reload me yeah on my way to where the resupplies at have a case of democracy oh my god oh [ __ ] oh it's all right A Auto Canon requesting Advan weapon say hello to democracy ma empty how you like to take the freedom calling down a Sentry charger coming in yeah I see retur to extraction the extraction radius out of amm play good got it oh I didn't see I walk around there's nothing here over there yep see him holy [ __ ] yep I'm going to shoot another shot after that reload reloading it picked me off again okay what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did that there's nothing here there were a molecules in the way oh yes of course my bad they on the resupply another spare recoil is coming in how you like the taste of oh on choking a little bit with these y yep honestly you might just want to like shoot the air burst randomly around the map behind you all right tosing a Gatling in here oh [ __ ] okay prepare yourself reaching in inside perf requ foric tunnel brid calling down all right and I forgot that g threats are just awesome they're so cool charger the camera this [ __ ] keeps donating on nothing requ there's something wrong with this Auto [ __ ] that's a bad throw I'm going to blow it up when it comes upe of freed Titan out of ammo take him down autoc Cannon extraction is Avail good [ __ ] reload location I don't I'm good reload I'm good I'm good I pi up an extra backpack for myself cuz I'm going to be shooting a lot around the map trying to find stuff I wonder if I shoot the Freer NE they in the W just [ __ ] standing here blasting this is the way to do it honestly we're getting so many kills just like standing in here just a little it's a little high risk you know ah n we the muscle memory to just Crouch we'll be all right yeah yeah we got we got can you reload my recoil I got you I got you I had somebody both at the same time we like that PO [Applause] F reload okay something about this goddamn puddle is triggering the air burst and I do not know what down it's a bug shaped puddle have supp reloading the water is kind of odd it's very again very buggy come here I've got you there we go you got to like I got to like stand still for the entire animation I'm going I'm going to die to a [ __ ] did he get the call in or no what's not this guy call in where's the calling at oh um oh whatever we'll just run through the middle of this there finally I'm going to Gatling behind me got it I'm going to pull pull up to whatever this is I'm going to Gatling on the over here just wait wait don't Gatling it just Gatling in the hole whenever it's so whenever M's done sorry it was in the air I got you all right all right for next time for next time yes sir I got eyes fire only need one on head [ __ ] mine went over skill Shield Skiller [Music] Shield how' you like the taste of Freedom reloading is it c one is that was good I hit him let him on tired and he just died uh space jump there's a lot on you the job there's a lot of men all over your ass four big guys oh my God I got flinched toward just before I shot by a little I that happened to me with a shrier in the other night there's a Titan coming in by the way got it somebody has a big PP over to the right I haven't want this backpack I want this Titan off my ass yes grab this backpack reload me coordinates received this is one returning to extraction radius what the [ __ ] is okay okay okay just just he's running straight over how did you die he just walked yeah he just walked and I got beheaded he just he walked straight over us I don't is what it is he's still not dead reloading okay uh sure you appear to be struggling to comprehend uh I yeah I don't know maybe skill issue think he was on and he just ignored you he really didn't care though oh [ __ ] you guys got resupplies right here oh [ __ ] I can the it's okay it's in the hole now get out it does I just needed ammo I'm going grab my shotty and grab some just dro the supply over there got it how you like Taste of how you like taste of oh my God there's like a pile of suppli over here oh yeah hell yeah there's like backpacks for everything everywhere yeah I play calling down yeah I'm just kind of waiting until yeah yeah okay go ahead I'll TOS uh we back [ __ ] there's a charg he might crush it does he see it does he see it he does [ __ ] rip requesting oh the [ __ ] did you not tag me with that how' you like let go back got it grab me your I went the one place my Gatling couldn't kill me I I need reload nice nobody's witnessing me space Trump witness me I'm witnessing you witness me last reload oh it's done I hear some [ __ ] Patrol this way give him H to the left baby got to [Applause] Quick uh I don't know it works I'm going to grab the backpack from this one I would never shoot you yes for sure I'm I'm crawling all right I got more ammo empty hell divers never die I see him I see him say hello to the bug going to come in soon make that doesn't close buges it the air burst yeah with the with the little like all of it direct impact or the little [ __ ] they can all blow up Buck holes damn reach in Middle reach on us perfect face Trum just took like three shots from the people he built different he a charger the freed something's getting shot up over here okay oh [ __ ] ah all right Ian I'm rning want to get the hell out of there I'm throw my Sentry in the center ma reloading oh my God I'm just got cut in half there's a random charger here just chilling ofy all right I'm going I got a loaded recoil I'm on the way calling down a last reload you need to reload all right I turn get some get another Rec pack there if you need I think this full needy eled the oh never mind I didn't even close it I kill I I assassinated my auto Canon for nothing unfortunate oh he had coming he did have I'm good I hear Patrol noises yep I'm on my way do it again on the left as well ouch watch out do it again uh not not that way definely not that way I told you I told you the [ __ ] water the [ __ ] water is I gr the air burst all right you should probably put away the air burst honestly probably yes uh air Garbage I'd say I am getting I am getting like 20 30 kills with two or three shots whenever I can shoot it properly but we need a good proper domain expansion is what we need okay that's what we've been lacking this game we haven't been domain expanding yeah we need Spears I need a damn spear where's my spear give me a spear Captain I'm going to flick shot B Titans with it he's slightly not okay oh resupply I'm just going to grab one of those fores I I got the breach in the hole perfect is your sry the that's got it going to keep just put fire in this I haven't even used these free aom strikes like at all this game I'm kind of afraid to use them yeah I just don't want to they're worthless my frames are bleeding out right now my gatling's ready can I throw it yeah eat that [ __ ] in there baby domain expansion solo killoh W Titan that's really not great timing I'm coming I'm coming I'm going to hit him my airb pack I don't I got a CO back for you again so I need a fresh one mine's out what the [ __ ] is what the [ __ ] that's some really deep water you about to drown democracy you guys resupplies over there yeah we do yeah okay I'm just going to run through the middle so we terraformed this [ __ ] puddle so much that it's become deep water you can Dr in that's crazy reload me reload I have no ammo get some get [Applause] some oh my I got your backpack if you want oh never mind I like yeah yeah yeah give me give me give me I'm looking for one I'm looking for one I found it I'm going there we go I'm here I'm afraid about this water no don't shoot don't shoot it no no no I'm not let me reload just reload it you will never destroy our way of life you proed to requesting he's just tanking it they have loaded democracy I can reload no I can't I'm drowning down all right reload minute destroy to lead calling down a support weapon oh I have many things on me perfect on me too tossing in resp coming back be careful [Music] re I tossed it hold on let me uh it's right here I can see now oh yes that's exactly where I want to [Applause] be oh [ __ ] you good Cent behind you play nice we're cooked that's the last domain expansion we have brothers I did it as quick M we all on cool down the final domain Wing hold on I need to swim through the lake that we created in here holy [ __ ] I want to see the lake oh wow it is a lot deeper than it used to be oh my God I just see you waddling around in there whoops that's so funny look at this look at this over here over here is the spot this is the oh my God you're swimming look how deep that ISS all we've got a minute 20 and then the shuttle's going to be here does one Brave Soldier get on or do we all stand and fight on the planet stand get some more somebody check the air bursting in there if somebody still has a backp for me go check if there's any enemies at the ex basically that's all I'm thinking there's some enemies around here reloading say hello to democracy you got him all right good okay this has to be like this has to be something it's going to be something how you like the taste of surely this is the one surely hello right get out of there I'm going to air burst busting oh we got the call in too wait no we need we need to just air burst it do you have the backpack I have nothing I have nothing just Spam it down lots of dudes we got we got 20 seconds on top of that to just kill everything if we had an airburst oh no it's okay got two patrols on me here guys are just keep blasted I got you guys get out I've got wouldn't be the first time did that water put you out yeah it did wow I'm out of bullets I should have reloaded myself not you that has to be the crazy kills bro there's no way Ain't No Way boy ain't no way 3K plus easily but I'm not sure if we're going to get better than what we did get manag democracy did you guys figure out what uh what gave you that perfect store the I don't know the last one we did was 3725 that was nuts that was a crazy game but we were on a big hill so we could like cover the whole map so like we were just thing that clutched up the thing that clutched up the more I think was Clay being able to aggro the entire map by just spamming the incendiary oh so basically if we get a hill we're set yeah yeah the Hill's the the Hill's The W well we'll see I think that's going to be a big game I don't know man I wasn't really getting that many the patrol seemed really light they really did I was hoping for a lot more okay I got more than I thought yeah I thought I got like 500 but holy [ __ ] dude 1879 in a four man mhm that's crazy let's count those 1879 plus 883 plus 480 plus 135 4,2 707 all right 5K next game d 6K next game 4277 1879 that's crazy for like that's [ __ ] insane
Channel: Claysthetics
Views: 7,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, From Claysthetics, Related, Live, For you, Watched, Recently uploaded
Id: g_ZL-2v3Emo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 17sec (2597 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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