Helldivers 2 solo Bug tips #helldivers2 #gaming

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here I am giving the viewers what they are asking for more long form videos we got some Stealth gameplay again but this time with the bugs on Hell dive we're doing the emergency evacuation Mission I think a good place to drop would be in between both of these objectives I'm going to be taking the Scout helmet Scout armor so that we can be stealthy with the green cape to match the Slugger as my primary p19 redeemer is my secondary and I'm going to be taking the G6 frag for strategems we're going to go with the Star Wars rocket Trooper build jump pack build uh Boba Fett build you're going to take jump pack AMR eat rockets and you're going to take the 500 KJ the booster is localized confusion jump pack good for the bugs to get out of a tight situation get height some bugs can't climb the eat rocket it's mainly for the Chargers and also def finish bot Titans if you can't get them to be finished with the 500 kg uh 500 kg is for the botle Titans if you can accurately place it underneath them or hit them with it they automatically die but it's kind of hard to do um I do it a couple times in this video and I'll explain what I'm thinking when I do it so I call in my antimaterial rifle and my jump pack I'm trying to decide which objective to go go to and eventually I decide to go with the one on the Southeast side it looks like Southwest now first thing I'm thinking is we got V spers and luckily I took the sniper because this thing just destroys them in one hit my favorite thing to do and honestly one of the main reasons I take it versus the bugs is to one hit all medium tier bucks I spot this Patrol so I jump on top to try and stealth my way past them but they heard Unfortunately they heard my eat rocket being shot down I called down the eat Rockets so that I can take care of any Chargers that come my way and I was hoping they don't spot me but this little guy spots me and they start calling a bug breach which is a big no no the reason is is that you can easily get overwhelmed if bug reaches keep getting called and called which is why I take the booster localized confusion so that once the bug breach comes into play once they call the bug breach there's a longer cool down before a bug can call another which is good it gives you some time especially if you're playing solo so I threw my first kg didn't kill on first hit because the B Tian mve I'm hoping this one does but I the pilot decided he had other plans so my last resort is my eat Rockets I'm just going to hold this area because this biot Titan cannot reach me over here and it allows me to take care of the other ads I'm out when you're constantly running away from a b Titan you don't really get that much time to take care of other ads and you might run out of ammo Etc so here I'm just allowed to just hunker down and wait for my cool Downs I have three Chargers on the bottom and I'm just going to wait it out this guy literally can't get to me which is great so I'm just setting up for the objective now the reason I take the Redeemer is for the number of smaller bugs that I might have to go against the Redeemer is great one to two hits these smaller bugs uh Hunters as well you just have to be decent with the accuracy my e Rockets come down so I take out one and this other one behind me is my other problem so I know I'm not going to be able to kill a vile Titan with one eat so I just use it on one of the lingering Chargers try to use the cover to my best of my ability here because it got spit at at two different directions and I just need to reposition because another B Titan spit is coming I just don't want to be one shot I'm very squishy with this build and unfortunately I have to deal with this uh the stealth didn't work out in the beginning but I promise it works out later you'll see I'm out use my other eat rocket that fell down on that charger he was just chilling there and and I'm just going to rotate again my 500 kg is up so I'm going to try again to one shot this guy and what you want to do basically is try to get him to spit or have the kg down and then get him to spit administering freed uh it was right behind him but not just not close enough so he did get damaged but it is what it is another Patrol is coming so I'm just like I'm going to kind of start this up because I'm going to be wasting too much time fighting Patrol about time they can call another bug breach which they did see bug breach detected if you're not quick with disposing everything around you and another Patrol comes you're just going to be an endless cycle one of the cool things about playing solo is that you have the resupply all to yourself so you can basically PA resupply at every PL every objective that you're going to be playing at do my best to fend everything the 500 kg worked on the B Titan so it's just cleaning up the rest and then we can finish the [Music] objective the hunters are the worst enemy that you can go against I'd say cuz they screw up any other plans you have with their slow under Le eat Rockets to face kills all Chargers in one hit support calling another E rocket because these e Rockets have a very short cool down and this is why I take them dispose of all these Chargers that come my way or use them for B Titans I could use like a quar for this but you have to charge it up and say if I'm going to pinch and there's too many ads on me it's easier to just pick up a rocket and shoot it versus wait the charge time and then alate the reload time and then I'll have some struggle uh with the medium tier enemies like the B Speers but the AMR allows me to just one hit all the medium tiers Redeemer allows me to take care of all the low tiers and then the E and 500 kg allows me to take care of everything else so this objective is done I'm going to start heading up to the northern quadrant of the map to get to the next objective which is the same objective so we're going to start making our way so every so often the enemy has a chance to call in a bug breach or if you're playing the Bots the bot drop um local as confusion stops that and it's about time since the last bug breached that we can probably have another one so I have to be careful and take out any bugs that might be calling I shot those two eats at the Chargers and the bow spear started to come at me but the AMR makes quick work of it I call in my 500 kg and what I'm trying to do here is bait him into melee so he stays still and it was perfect so he dies in one head what you can try to do is bait either the spit or bait the melee I feel like the melee does work a little better but you have to be careful not to kill yourself with the fire kg so no b rock was called which is great we took care of everything and we're just going to do this objective as I'm making my way to the final objective I have both uplinks up now it's just to evacuate the priority citizens I come across this small little POI and I want the samples there so I'm going to call in my anti-tank for the charger as soon as it drops the enemies here as they turn around and I just use that to pop the charger in the head that brood Commander started to call I one shot him and it cancels the call and then just finish off the job with the rest but the brood Commander sometimes may call after you shoot its head off it's kind of like a glitch and you know still get a bug breach off so that Patrol heard everything they're trying to investigate they don't know where I am and I'm just going to play to my armor strength and pick up pick up the samples that I wanted while going and prone Crouch decreases your detectability by a bit but being in prone is the best you can be you can be almost on top of an enemy and won't even notice you so if you're spotted like while you're running if you crouch or go prone they'll basically lose sight of you so you see here I'm like running and then going Crouch just in case they see me and once I get enough distance is when I start to head to the objective and just keep going so we make it to this little scouting Patrol up here just take them out real quick so that they don't call in a bug drop on me now I know there these spores so I'm going to call my Expendable anti-tank there's one on each side so one shot to each and it takes them out which is great how convenient you could just use a weapon and such but I just wanted to be a little quicker here all right here's when the stealth really comes into play because this whole iteration here in the beginning is all attributed to this armor and the bug's not detecting me I saw the patrol to my left so I went to my right and decided just to push this way I can just take these guys out quickly and then continue I don't want a bug drop at all basically I'm just trying to limit the amount of bug breaches that I have another short Patrol here and take them out quickly and decide to shift Focus to the actual obj I'm just looking around and see if nobody's behind me and then start to snipe now the bugs don't really know what I'm at they know where the shot's coming from they can hear it but they still don't know what's going on I'm still fairly hitting except this bug Patrol behind me came out of nowhere and jump scared me so these guys get taken out and I'm just going to continue to run and wrap around where originally I thought I was going to go and I close enough distance distance off that they lose aggro on me like they know where I'm at but I don't know how to explain it you'll see AMR makes quick work well play shots in the head you know what I think about it now is probably the Tremor that reset their aggro the Tremors stun all the bugs and they just stand still and these guys don't know where I'm at have AE of democracy you can see some of them like um perch up meaning like oh there's somebody there but they're just walking like this one just perched up you know they're just walking to I guess what they heard they're just trying to scout like this guy just perched up too so armor really helped here no bug drops that Expendable I brought down was used for this guy cuz there's always going to be a charger on this site area there's always going to be one there for Prosperity now that everything's cleared off I can just do the objective deploying equipment page just make sure you're always putting down your Expendable anti-tank because it's such a low cool down and if you know going to be in the area for a long time you can stack them up basically call in the resupply call in everything that you have extra jump packs extra stuff just in case you need it cuz this objective in particular takes a long time I waited a bit here to they get a little closer so that I don't risk a bug drop but this guy got it off I thought I killed him threw me off guard so if you have a bug breach and you throw a 500 kg directly on it and you're close enough the bot Tian actually just automatically without an animation shoots spits at you and you can use that to your advantage to get a one shot CH kill all right now that everything's coming down a bit I can try to start sending these citizens to Evac we don't have any uh Chargers no Heavies no bils almost died here so I have a patrol here spawns in and I decided to use AMR again one shots all the medium tiers which is great before it used to take two shots on the brute commanders but after the buff the 30% damage buff it takes one right here's a good example of why you call down your anti-tanks all over the place just so that if you need it it's there and I didn't have to call one down and wait for it I have one ready just just trying to wait for this guy to get in a good position for me to shoot eventually he aggr to me and I pop him and unfortunately there was one calling a bug breach right behind one of those dead bodies so I couldn't get him calling another 500 kg he's going to spit and I already called it down so it should kill him there you go now that's what I call Liberty freedom forever I know there's another expandable up here cuz like I said you should be calling in a whole bunch come out call it in again we're going to need it for this B Titan get some get [Applause] some rinse and repeat so after I shot all those eats at this B Titan he's still up I I have to rotate because I have all of these guys coming at me and I want to make sure that I can shoot as many of them as possible and try to stop any bug reaches that may be called and I can't do that if the B Titan's on me so it buys me some time to jump away and just start to focus on the smaller ads now I have no more Hunters on me I could just focus on the bile Titan again and I'm also using the terrain to block cuz apparently he can't break this and it looks like the B Titan wants to rotate so I decided to the wait for these guys a little little closer and then start to aggro they didn't know I was there until I throw the nades the nades took care of basically all of them out and the B time is now dead small Patrol heading in the back I heard them and you just want to make sure you take them all out so you have no bug breaches probably the main focus of Hell diver difficulty is just limit the amount of reinforcements that keep getting called on you because I've been here so long I have all these jet pack stacked up so I can just bounce around a little bit quicker it just saves me time little triple jump action going I'm at the end of this objective basically at the end I think that I I had some time here to move but this guy Snipes me and it really I was so disappointed because I didn't die yet but first death and now I'm in a pickle because I don't have my AMR I don't have my Jetpack I have to go get it but there's so many bugs over there decid to just call in a 500 cuz it looks like a b Titan will not be spawning it would have spawned by now uh I'd say because in my experience it spawns fairly [Music] quickly so just doing my best to stop everything we only need one more citizen to cross through and then we're done you will never destroy our way of life I jump over and this Patrol of hunters are there and that's not what I want book it for this book it for this jump pack and the heals and now I have full heals remember the three supplies were being called Down The Expendables have been called down I have everything that I basically need just in case you were to die and I'm just funneling all of these mobs through here cool thing about the Slugger is that it pens so you can get some enemies to line up you can do damage to the ones behind it how about a nice cup of [Music] [Applause] liverty Slugger is doing the work but I wasn't watching my ammo count now that everything kind of is funneling on the opposite side I have some leeway here and sometimes you call in the citizen and just escort him all the bugs are rid around so all they have to do is run and then we make it dropping a pin South 100 m and there we have it Miss complete onward thanks to you you may Pro um from here on I just head over to the extraction and you know make it out but I don't nothing really happens I just waited there um stealthily and then I didn't really aggro anything so I'm going to end it here and yeah thanks for watching I hope you learned something new um and stay tuned for more if you like this video If you learned something new drop me a like if you want some more drop me a sub and you know look out for my lives feel like the channel has been growing very very fast thanks for all the support and we'll talk soon yeah
Channel: Joozies
Views: 4,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2 stealth sniper, best helldivers 2 loadout solo, helldivers 2 terminid solo guide, helldivers 2, gameplay, gaming, streamer, solo helldive, solo helldiver difficulty, tips and tricks, tips, and, tricks, solo, anti-materiel rifle, sniper rifle, AMR, how, to, beat, helldive, mission, best, loadout, for, in, game, solo tips and tricks, solo helldive guide, solo helldiver guide
Id: uyy6CYbKy8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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