Helldivers 2 - High Difficulty MUST-KNOWS | UNEXPLAINED SYSTEMS + Tips & Tricks

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[Music] hello everyone I'm TG and welcome back to Super Earth your home for democracy today I'm talking about hell divers 2 and not only do I want to give you guys a few more tips that the game doesn't really tell you but I also want to highlight some things that you are going to need to know and do to excel especially on your journey in into the higher difficulties so strap in strap on and spread some godamn patriotism so much like the last video let's start off with a few things that the game doesn't tell you that you need to know before we move on to the more advanced tips so number one when you're using strategems a lot of the times you're going to want to make sure you're using them on the go that way you're not a stationary Target now this seems like a no-brainer but I've been told a lot of players on PC didn't know this so if you actually rebind your inputs to the arrow keys you can then move and input and it's super useful especially for a reinforce whenever things get heavy next is something that will hopefully get better later on but if you're still having trouble with matchmaking there's a handy thing you can do where you start a mission on your own drop your SOS Beacon and then return to your ship alone when you do that your queue will instantly fill up and you won't have any problems finding somebody for your match moving on is something that the game does show you but a lot of people might miss it if they're not paying attention at the end of a match you'll see all your points being tabulated and your experience but you'll notice that things are weighted very very differently at the top you have your main mission then submission then the bases and then how many of your hell divers extract so keep that in mind whenever you are playing the game because sometimes it's just not worth it to try to summon another hello diver just before you leave the match because you're really not going to get much out of it anyway alternatively it's sometimes just simp simply not worth it to destroy some of the bases or do a few submissions depending on how much time it's taking and how much it is hurting your reinforcements next is one I just found out and it seems like it's a little bit of a bug but anytime you see a submission to refill the artillery if you pick up an artillery shell you'll notice how slow you move but if you spam the pickup button over and over again you'll actually move quite a bit faster because your hell dier will throw it forward a little bit and then pick it back back up in midair and it's a great way to save some time especially if you know you're surrounded by the automatons or the bugs next I want to mention something about taking out enemy bases so we know you throw a grenade into a bug hole or into a fabricator exhaust and it's going to destroy the base but with the Fabricators especially it sometimes just seems like your grenades will not go into the exhaust God knows I have wasted so many grenades but did you know for Fabricators you can actually toss a grenade right into the open door so much easier so much much simpler and let's be honest hell divers they are not paying us to think next is a tip that only gets more important the higher difficulty that you go you can actually shoot down automaton drop ships now this might not seem like much whenever you're playing the first three or four difficulty levels but later on when they start dropping tanks on you it's really important to know that using any kind of explosive like a rocket launcher Etc can actually take them out before they drop anything and save you a world of trouble another thing that you might have actually noticed by accident is that you can get strategems attached to enemies now that can be useful but it can also be pretty dangerous and there's not really a reliable way to replicate it but it's something to just keep in mind and another thing about strategy is if you're holding one and you get killed it'll drop that strategy right on your dead body so again that could be good but it could also spell a disaster for your team moving on is another thing that a lot of people don't seem to know about but you can actually shoot out lights to reduce enemy visibility for those night missions it might not always seem like a big deal but sometimes you just want to be left alone and finally I just want to stress the importance of crouching or going prone to reduce your recoil and make you a smaller Target for enemies it seems basic but I still see so many players not utilizing this whenever they can and it makes a world of difference especially when it comes to your recoil so unless you're on the move I say crouch crouch crouch or go prone whenever you can all right hell divers that does it for basic training let's move on to the advanced stuff you're up to the extreme difficulty you're working your way to Hell diver and quite frankly you're still flying by the seat of your pants cuz things are getting insane so here's a few things you need to know to fully understand your place in the team there's nothing worse than seeing that one guy who's up to like level 20 already and still he doesn't know what's going on now you don't want to waste your team's reinforcement budget do you that would be unpatriotic so tune in so number one with a bullet is make sure you call down any support weapons or armor or any SOS Beacon you need if you're missing a teammate as soon as possible and by that I mean as soon as the mission Begins the enem is not going to wait so why would you things are just going to get hairier and hairer the higher difficulties that you go up and the longer the match goes on so make sure you are prepared as much as possible number two if you're still getting used to the game and you don't know what to purchase yet because there's all kinds of stuff coming at you at once make sure you unlock at least a few Eagle air strikes ASAP on your way up the difficulties these are going to be invaluable more so than the orbital strikes in my opinion that's not to say the orbitals aren't important you really have to learn which strategems are good for which situation learn which strategems can destroy buildings because some can't and some objectives require you to destroy buildings so honestly don't be afraid to test things out solo because it will pay off dividends later on now number three I mentioned in my previous video but I cannot understate the importance always look for The High Ground The High Ground is King in this game especially whenever it comes to the bugs I can't count the amount of times where honestly I feel like I saved the day because either I landed on top of a cliff or I parked my way up there and I could just rain destruction down Every Which Way in fact depending on what type of enemy you're fighting some of them literally can't touch you if you're up high enough number four let's talk about submissions as I said before sometimes it's not worth going after every single submission if the risk reward is too high but two that you almost always want to go after are the communication Tower and artillery completing the communication Tower submission actually shows all the point of interest on the map afterwards so that's crazy because that way you don't have to go running around hoping to find something you can actually plan and strategize and go after the points that are closest to objectives etc etc and really coordinate with your team and it just makes everything so much easier the artillery submission is slightly less important but it's still pretty awesome once you get it done because that will unlock five strategems for artillery barges against your enemies can't complain about that and the last submission I highly suggest you do not skip is anytime you're fighting the bugs and there's a Spore Tower this thing will make your life hell because you won't be able to see anything until you take it out thankfully it's quite easy to take out and that's why I say definitely don't skip it you can snipe this thing from like halfway across the map and take it out relatively quickly without being in any danger at all number five I want to talk about points of interest on the map some of them are just like not even worth investigating however some of them you absolutely do not want to skip so we all know most points of interest generally have either a weapon or some ammo couple samples around them you know it's usually worth a stop but if you ever see a flashing yellow Beacon absolutely never skip this one it's going to be a crash shuttle and once you open it up you're going to get crazy good rewards I'm talking war bond even super credits sometime so it's always worth the Stop and the absolute best point of interest you can find is a gigantic door with two buttons now this does of course require two players so if you're playing solo you're out of luck but if you can get one of your teammates to open this door with you you're going to get full ammo full grenades full Sims and really good rewards that you would get from that Beacon I was talking about but more so sometimes you get three stacks of warbonds three stacks of super credits it's actually just crazy in fact I'd say opening these doors is actually worth a few deaths if it's super heavily guarded number six is inarguably the most important thing whenever you want to complete a successful Mission reinforcements the number one thing that drives me crazy that I see players still doing is not reinforcing their team whenever they have downtime if they're completely safe or they're running away they just don't reinforce and I don't know if it's cuz they don't see it or what but as soon as you see a teammate die nine times out of 10 you should probably just reinforce right away however you do need to be strategic where you place it for example if you're fighting against the automatons and you're having just so much trouble with a big heavily fortified base sometimes it's best to throw that reinforcement into the base because that way your teammates can actually land on Fabricators and stop them from spawning enemies as well as getting an inroad to clear the way for you guys so there is a right way and a wrong way to reinforce just make sure you're thinking about it and the most important thing is do rein Force so number seven speaking of reinforcements let's talk about enemy reinforcements did you know you can actually interrupt enemies from reinforcing their team you can see a bot getting a flare ready ready to shoot it up and call down and drop and you can see a bug starting their little howl getting ready to cause a breach and believe me I know it's not always easy especially when things get so hectic but if you ever see enemies beginning this animation make sure you target them ASAP you don't get a big window to do it but if you do you will save your team so much headache now for number eight I want to talk about just a few enemy types that are like absolutely highest possible priority you have to kill them before you go any further when dealing with the bugs you need to kill stalkers or they will wipe your team and if you don't know what a stalker is it's the big version of those white little clawed bastards that just constantly jump at you and they do so much damage they will absolutely wipe your team and they'll keep SP spawning until you take out their layer oh and they're invisible too as if those big boys weren't bad enough the small version is almost just as deadly so make sure you're targeting these guys first as well now when it comes to the automatons pretty much all of them are pretty dangerous but a few that you totally want to go after are the big old heavy tanks and the gigantic Marauders that just take absolutely no damage from the front shoot fire at you chainsaws everything you need to take those guys out as as soon as you can the best way to do this if you're not dealing with orbital strikes is you need to go around back and you'll see a little orange vent on their back that's where they're going to take damage a lot of the times a lot of damage so with something like an impact grenade for example using two or three of those will completely destroy the tank I often find it really useful to act as kind of like a Decoy for my team and have the tank or the marer targeting me as I kite them around cuz that turns them and the rest of my team can have free reain at their back side number nine let's talk alt fires again I mentioned this a little bit in my previous video but I can't understate the absolute importance of alt fires one shining example is the rail gun basically the rail gun is kind of junk it's something that I always saw left there I never used until I found out you can hold the square button and change its old fire to make it unsafe now what this means is it charges up for a shorter amount of time charges up higher does way more damage however if you don't fire it in time it'll explode and kill you so it's a risk reward kind of thing however it's totally worth it it turns the rail gun into like complete meta because you can pretty much one-hot most bugs on the higher difficulties except for the heavly armored types like the Chargers or the big boys but everything else doesn't stand a chance and it's not just the rail gun I really encourage you guys to jump in and do a little bit of experimentation cuz so many weapons have either an auto mode semi-auto mode Etc a lot of the fully automatic weapons can be changed to semi-automatic and it really does depend on both your play Style and what you're fighting against and it can make a world of difference it can make a junk weapon the shiny example of like what you need against a certain enemy type and one more important thing to mention about this is a lot of the times the superior alt fire is not the default so really make sure you are checking every weapon out because there's so many different variations next number 10 can sometimes be seen as unethical but if you're in a firefight a lot of the time it's a good idea whenever your allies die to loot their body pick up their sub weapon pick up their armor Etc that actually makes it so the entire team doesn't have to bring a certain weapon or a certain piece of equipment and more than one player can have it so of course it's best to communicate with your team if you're going to do this because a lot of the times people really rely on their sub weapons after they die to go back and pick them up you know what I mean but it can be a super good way to completely deck out your team for a hard fight and finally lucky number 11 is something that the game does a really really poor job of explaining to you different armor types for different enemies now you'll get some basic information if you look at your weapon screen it'll tell you that a weapon has light armor piercing or medium armor piercing if it's incendiary Etc however there's no real way to know which enemy types have which armor types during your hell Dives you might notice that whenever you're firing on an enemy you see like a little Ricochet icon that means that the weapon that you're currently using does not penetrate that enemy's armor this is something that can just come from experience and experimentation especially when we start seeing new content new weapons in the future as the game really hasn't even been out a week yet typically what I like to use currently is the incendiary shotgun on the paid war bond and the reason I do is because it pierces light armor it does a lot of damage really quick and it reloads in a clip as opposed to single cartridges like the other shotguns but on top of that the incendiary actually goes through armor it's not going to be a huge amount but you'll notice whenever you're firing this thing off you can actually kill enemies even though you're getting that little Ricochet icon because the burn does damage in fact I might even put together some silly little flame build or something to show you guys because fire can be quite deadly so there you have it disposable boys and disposable girls I hope this helps you guys out and makes you a better hell diver and you know what I know it will because you're godamn Patriots as always I'm TG if you like what you saw you know what to do
Channel: TG Whitta
Views: 115,162
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Keywords: helldivers 2 tips for beginners, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 wish i knew sooner, helldivers 2 ultimate gameplay guide, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 store, helldivers preorder, heldivers 2, helldivers 2, hell divers 2, helldiver 2 guide, helldivers credits, helldivers gameplay, new helldivers game, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 gameplay, symone sanders-townsend, helldivers supercitizen, helldivers 2 super credits, helldivers 2 gameplay preview, hard
Id: -5ASqt2RZuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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