Helldivers 2 | AIR-BURST LAUNCHER Is Now GOOD After UPDATE? - Gameplay + Review

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unless I have the Expendable anti-tank launcher but this video 21 kills let's go that's crazy good hey everyone in today's video I'm going to be showing off the updated and fixed airburst rocket launcher it used to explode whenever literally anything not like enemies but objects would be close to it and they also reduced the proximity of how close the rocket needs to be to a Target before exploding so all around some good fixes now we're just going to see how well it performs on the best possible mission to use it on so let's just dive right into it okay so let's grab the 500 kg bomb obviously the airburst rocket launcher definitely the auto Cannon and I think the last one I'm going to take is the Expendable anti-tank launcher then we'll take hod space optimization I'm still going to run the Eruptor even though it did get nerfed pretty hard but I still think it's pretty good then I'm also going to take the senator massive buff to its reload speed impact grenades and then the engineer armor set so I get two extra grenades and reduced recoil but the reduced recoil is not that important I more so like it for the extra grenades oh looks like my teammate's already in a little bit of trouble so let me spawn a little bit farther away so I can call down all my stuff oh they've already like broken through the front line so let me get the auto Cannon down we're going to need help ASAP so that's going to do a lot I'll also get down the Expendable anti-tank launcher and then what we came here for the air burst rocket launcher see the air burst I think is going to help out the most that's just going to completely clear out all these weaker bugs or it's should clear out these weaker bugs but uh we're going to see how well that latest update like see how well it fixed this so let fire one okay not bad not bad at all let me try this on the charger now okay it still doesn't do a lot of damage to the charger but it's really good for clearing out uh lots of weaker guys so let me drop a 500 right here trying to see some more weaker guys but it's just biot Titans I mean I could I could I would I did and it did absolutely nothing so this is still not good against biot Titans and Chargers which is a little bit unfortunate considering it's a rocket launcher uh what's even more unfortunate is the fact that like three or four bile Titans spawn let's toss that there okay I'll definitely grab one of these ammo boxes I can there we go I wonder can I blow up the socks on it oh okay I can just miss entirely okay I'm going to focus more on the weaker bugs because they're kind of slipping through and it seems like my team's pretty good with the the biot Titans and Chargers so I'll make these guys my mission because I can't really do much to those to the biot Titans and Chargers unless I have the Expendable anti-tank launcher but this video 21 K kills let's go that's crazy good did we call down a resupply we did call it down where is it oh there it is so let me grab one of these full ammo exactly what I need very nice very nice let me fire another rocket in there so I think this this weapon is really going to shine in defense missions I don't think it's going to be that well in I don't know like ICBM missions maybe destroying egg missions like in the bug uh in the bug areas but in general I just don't see it being that great except for here here it's just I got to stop talking and just start playing because I just got stomped pretty sure you squished me somewhere up here was it yeah there it is let's grab that also grab that where's the rocket launcher there we go I got to reload this okay so let me run back green cover me orange cover me um Auto Cannon yeah I can probably put the auto Cannon right over there it's a pretty safe spot for it let me slip by the Crocs reload I don't think anybody else has the airburst rocket launcher like I understand why the first day it came out this thing was killing all teammates another 23 kills with one shot that is crazy one shot 23 kills this weapon doesn't oh okay my bad well I was about to say this weapon definitely has a place for it but even still it's a little bit tricky to use but yeah no I still believe this weapon has a good place in defense missions but that's about it okay where I know my body got flung even after the latest update I'm still uh managing to kill myself let's reload that's a spicy bile Titan hey get back out there and kill him me grab that resupply they come over here that should be a good rocket oh I didn't get triple kill wow surprising let's fire another one right over there there we go a seven piece please don't kill me oh thank you purple or no blue not purple blue uh let me call down some more Expendable anti-tank launchers fire another rocket over there six kills not bad okay I think we got to get think we got one more shot with this so I'll place it right there and then I'm can go grab a resupply oh he called it in perfect do I have anything else to call in just the eagle 500 but I don't need it but yeah so far this rocket launcher okay it's definitely 10 times easier to use which is fantastic I just don't like how you can't really take down biot Titans and Chargers with this I wish the initial projectile like the big the big pointy thing on the end of it did a lot more damage itself and then the cluster bombs came out like enough damage where it can penetrate the armor of a charger destroy its leg armor but not kill it in like I don't know one to two shots let's say come on reload this reload this I mean I could think I'll just call down a 500 over there I also got the auto turret again let SAU the auto turret somewhere over there I think that was a pretty good hit good job team uh another biot Titan guess I'll just fire rocket right there nice little eight piece nine piece okay what is blowing me up there was no bug near me why did the auto turret just turn on me okay what is going on oh I think it's that auto turret back there let's just keep the bug suppressed man I am blooded uh that guy is almost dead I'm just nervous about that auto turret trying to find a good spot I think right there no I didn't even get a uh I even a triple kill okay what is knocking me back that is what I'm not understanding so there's no auto turret anymore oh that b Titan's getting close and we can't call in any strategems well that's no good okay I guess I got to use this against it actually okay never mind I was about to shoot it but green was so close to him let me try this now yeah know the rocket just bounces come on let's please don't glitch out and send me flying I just want to grab some more rocket ammo I don't think I even fired the Eruptor once so far let's send a shot I think we send a shot right over there six kills oh blue I uh my deepest apologies say hello to democracy I see him debating it I think he wants to shoot me I mean I wouldn't blame him though like I've been accidentally flinging him around okay let me call down another oh let me call down another anti-tank launcher and I think I'll call down another calling down a support weapon another air burst rocket launcher fire that right over there [Music] reloading but I think I'm in a good spot right here cuz as soon as lots of them come down this little choke hold I can just blow up tons of them very easily so let me grab oh did I grab the backpack oh that's not the backpack grab that backpack that launcher okay let me take a peek over here cuz I know this is another area where lots of bugs spawn missile launch success hey oh don't jump hey guys oh how did you no no you're not coming up here you're not taking a random shortcut guys please stop trying to climb this okay I need to stop uh oh what the no no no no no I will not die here Ro chop come on you want these hands boy okay let's reload this we'll try it again I don't think this is a good spot actually so you know what I am going to run back to where I was before also before these mortars blow me up how many do we got is there like four of them me drop over here reloading nothing so maybe I got to get a little bit closer like just a little bit not a lot but a little see that's a nice hit a that rocket just flew by my shoulder okay let's reload I think we're good yeah bio Titan's dead oh there's another one you know I'll call down the Expendable right over here let me hop up top cuz I feel like I'm going to have a better chance at taking more bugs out from up here definitely dive back so that works pretty good if you shoot and then right when you shoot you jump back there's a lot less of a chance of you blowing up let me also call down the 500 because there's a couple of chargers and vile Titans fire one of those oh and some ammo yeah this is like a perfect combination my teammates have tons of anti-tank stuff and then I just have well actually have quite a few of quite a few anti-tanks stuff I have the auto Cannon the 500 kg the Expendable anti-tank launcher and then I just use this for dealing with swarms so I guess we got a pretty good balance here oh I don't want to waste it there's no point let me climb up top let's see what we're dealing with out here oh boom and we're done yeah this makes these missions aund times easier I don't know how many kills I got but I feel like I got a decent amount yeah the new fixes that they just did to the airb burst rocket launcher definitely helpful and noticeable a lot let's jump in there exra complete but yeah let's see those kills now I also joined this game a little bit late I think they were about a quarter of the mission done when I joined in so maybe I won't have the most kills now that what I call like I just flew away so let's see yeah no I didn't get the most kills I mean I got CL oh no I was at 189 I mean I got close to it even though I did join kind of late and died a bunch of times airburst rocket launcher you can definitely use it now I think it's a viable option in defense missions
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Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 ost, helldivers 2 intro, helldivers 2 theme, helldivers 2 обзор, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 funny moments, helldivers 2 best loadout, helldivers 2 song, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 гайд, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 animation, helldivers 2 weapon tier list, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 reaction, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers
Id: hMfw8jwxF5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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