Helldivers 2 HUGE Primary Weapon Re-Balance Patch!

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spread democracy with overpowered weapons ladies and gentlemen hello and welcome to the channel That is of course the message on the back of the actual physical box of Hell divers 2 we know this to be a lie all right guys welcome to the channel so what we're going to do in this video is break down all of the hell divers 2 news also though we do have some info on when the next big balance patch is going to hit what the devs are doing and some of the weapons that they're actually looking at so yeah I just thought this would be funny to open the video with because yeah spread democracy with overpowered weapons okay over on Discord twinbeard is asked may I ask how the discussion about the weapon balancing is going will we get a patch soon or they still need more time twinbeard comes in with more time we're cooking so this might not on the face of it seem like a ton of info and okay granted it's only a couple of words the thing is though we generally get updates to Hell divers 2 every Tuesday that's when they do a major balance patch sometimes do it on a Thursday but basically every Tuesday you get a major patch it'll either be a balance patch crash fixes or it's some sort of hot fix update now it looks like we're not going to get that this week based off what twinbeard is saying here today of course if you're watching the video the day it went live then you know what the DAT is but if you if you're not then this basically a Monday right it's the day before patch so yeah I'd expect maybe next week possibly the week after that but I would kind of hope that next week we get um yeah more of a a weapon balance update pass now personally I'm not asking for every single weapon to just be Giga buffed you've got to be really careful when you start buffing all the weapons cuz then you'll just have power creep the thing with hell divers is they can kind of offset a bit of power Creep by adding more difficulties to the game so we've only got difficulty level 9 at the moment and Hell divers one is actually difficulty level 15 and nothing says they can't even go beyond that for hell divers to and just make it more and more insane which case then the weapons kind of even though they were strong you're still going to have to use them tactically if the enemies are stronger and there's more enemies and all of that going on so I think that's an interesting sort of knob they can twist that sounds really wrong on the uh the balance conundrum I guess of the game but yeah we've got to be very careful when we're asking for Buffs for weapons because you can't just go crazy and buff all of the weapons cuz you're going to have a big problem then down the line and almost you'll have to sort of go for a rebalance patch at some point you see this with a lot of games to use MMOs as an example you'll see this with Games like World of Warcraft I think Destiny even had this as well but basically in wow they did what was known as a stat squish because the numbers were getting too big you know you're doing hundreds of millions of damage or some crazy numbers you couldn't actually even work that out in your head so they had to crush that down and suddenly if you were doing a million damage yesterday now you only do a th000 damage that kind of thing makes it more readable but that never feels great for the player you see the thing with players is and we're all the same and I'm definitely like this if things get weaker we don't have fun and we don't like it when things we're using get nerfed as well that really pisses us off but yeah this is good information so I'd expect big balance patch next week twinbeard was then asked about the spear when is this going to be fixed and he actually says a yo I believe it is yes fixed in the next big patch that is so this is I guess the patch he was alluding to uh the weapon balance update patch whether we get this next week or so um but the good news is the spear fix is in that now I think the spear is always going to be one of those weapons that's going to be kind of a bit funky if you use it you will sort of you know sometimes it will lock on really well like I findan If you like aim above the target it locks on quicker it doesn't make any sense um but yeah apparently this is fixed in the next big patch but we know what arrowhead's like when it comes to fixes they say things are fixed things have been changed and then maybe they haven't but we need to all work that out so let's talk about the Eruptor this has been a Hot Topic I mean the Eruptor was a crazy powerful weapon when it was put into the game it was then nerfed with its magazine capacity or the magazine amount I believe then they remove the shrapnel because the shrapnel was killing players like and I notably made a video saying oh my god I've been killed here but because thought it was um ricochets from heavy armor but actually it was the shrapnel from the Eruptor exploding and it was doing so much damage it was flying back at us and killing us obviously that's not good so instead of trying to like fix the shrapnel what the devs did is they just removed it from the game and increase the explosion damage of the Eruptor which is actually well we thought it would be a net buff but it's actually a major net Nerf because now the Eruptor is no good at crowd control it actually doesn't really do that much damage when you hit targets directly with it and and as we've worked out it was actually the shrapnel exploding that was the uh well the main component and very famously the balance Dev Alexis basically said oh yeah um detonating the Eruptor underneath the ass of a charger and instantly killing it with a shrapnel uh is an exploit so that's why I got rid of stpn very weird and uh a very odd opinion to take but whatever there ask this question over on the Discord please blink once if the team is currently discussing bringing the Eruptor back to it was before the Nerf twin beard comes in with I don't have to Blink to say that I know the Eruptor is being discussed just as other primaries that's not the same as they will be buffed but they're being discussed so yeah this isn't a concrete yeah we're going to buff the Eruptor it's on the table it's part of the discussion and it would be crazy if it wasn't cuz this is one of the weapons which has been heavily affected I mean it's it's almost like the poster child of wow this weapon is so powerful and so fun to use to uh-oh this weapon is nerfed into Oblivion we actually thought it might be okay but it turns out it's not great and then people stop using it I think at the moment the worst weapon in the game is the plasma weapon from the current war bond that thing is a fraking travesty to the game it's got to be bugged it's got to be bugged we also know as well that the tenderizer is bugged that's not doing as much damage as it should do so we're expecting that to just have an increase to its damage which might make it more usable I mean thing you got to remember with the tenderizer it's actually really fast at Target acquisition so when you're moving moving around it moves around really quickly and you can well acquire targets fast doesn't have that much recoil so you can deal with it um but yeah I think that could be pretty strong so yeah the Eruptor on the table they're not saying they're going to change it but I would be very surprised if they didn't and then as of the recording of this video a twin beer was actually active over on Reddit and there's a post which says some of us are having a really tough time accepting the Eruptor has lost its shrap up and then there's a bunch of Discord messages uh as in anyway twin beid says this internally yes publicly no not trying to be a douch sure tease I just want to reassure you that we have one planned but there's no public ETA yet this of course in reference to when Buffs and Nerfs are coming and also yeah he's commenting on an Eruptor thread so yeah we we we expect the Eruptor is going to get looked at and once again I really like these kind of posts so again this is literally straight hot off the press um twinbeard again talking about the balance philosophy hell divers 2 has got now check this out we're listening and albeit we can't reply to all we definitely see a lot and I think our CEO and several of us from Arrowhead have pretty much said publicly that there's been uh a case that there's both been a case of possibly overbalancing and also Cadence being too high we've had to juggle stuff juggle I get I don't know stuff and uh we we're behind with since launch with coming uh with upcoming war bonds bug fixing PSN discussions broken patrols and spawn Ray Etc we hope to be able to find a better balance with all things held I two going forward it won't happen overnight but we're getting there thanks for the feedback so yeah I this is this is all good I no one can read that and think okay this is bad you know they want to fix stuff they they they see the feedback about the Cadence of the war bonds being a bit too fast because they're not really that great you know the the weapons are coming into the game quite lackluster they're not fun they need a bit more time to cook so maybe they're going to slow down war bonds then you've got the discussion about overbalancing yeah you know they have in theory over balanced a lot of weapons but I I I think maybe it's more incorrectly balanced the weapon balancing the weapons or even like the CEO said not balancing for fun or taking away fun from weapons which should never ever happen you know remember guys it's a PVE game this isn't PVP you know it's not this isn't like Apex Legends valerant or whatever you know what I mean so the the weapons have got to they shouldn't be balancing the weapons to make them feel less fun so I bet you're wondering where is the hell div 2 name come from well I'm going to read you some from the Playstation blog and this is it I don't know what it is with this blog I mean it must be written by like AI or something I don't know it's very weird but check this out there's a link to this in the video description below if you want to go and check it out cu they actually talk about Arrowhead and where the name of that came from anyway the question is on the surface hell divers is a perfect title for a game about soldiers dropping into hostile planets brimming with enemies what else El is there to say about the title's origins and Johan says hell divers was a thought on the phrases war is hell and diving into war so hell divers it became also we wanted a name that reflected the activity that you would do in the game the hell divers name had also lingered in the back of my name since I learned the name of the World War II era Curtis sb2c hell di dive bomber I've always wanted to do something with it okay the Di's name fits so well that it actually stayed the same from the earliest pitches to the final product on an emotional level we wanted the name hell divers to evoke the feeling of going up against insurmountable odds and that you'll probably die now this is an awesome feel-good story so this is the tale of dry now look at this this went to the top of Reddit not just the subreddit for hell div the actual top of Reddit it says the interaction that can make a grown man cry and Tolga says sorry dry we're playing friends only I have to kick you and trky says I'm friend do says don't make this more difficult okay so it's sad right but actually the story developed there was loads of memes there was loads of people adding dry to their friends list there was even videos of people when they came across this player in game The Player's like wow I can't believe people are talking about me but it all culminates in this dry has friends because look at this you cannot invite dry their friends list is full and it's a beautiful end to the story and a beautiful end to the video so there you go ladies and gentlemen I hope you enjoyed that video if you did let me know what you think about all of this in the comments below remember liking the video and leaving a comment below really helps the algo also subscribing to the channel really helps a ton as well and as ever thank you for the support guys on the channel it's been incredible and uh yeah let's wait and see what this weapon balance patch could bring all right guys catch you on the next one see you soon extraction complete one beginning victory was never in
Channel: Stylosa
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Keywords: Stylosa, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Id: ymjuJG0Vp8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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