Support Weapon Tier List after 900 hours - Helldivers 2

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howdy and hello I'm do hope you're doing good today's topic support weapon tier list against the tomons and the bugs getting more specific based on the Sab standard rating on Hell dive difficulty we begin with the bugs eat it is B tier R's rifle is a tier and the quazer cannon is behind Ral rifle in a tier these weapons do the same damage as far as I know what differs is their time between shots and their angles of deflection based on their projectile drop when hitting armor the edit has the most drop off which is a good thing and a bad thing if you're not used to it it means you do less damage cuz you hit an enemy wrong but that's not really why it's in B tier it's in B tier because it takes time to call it down since it's not going to be your main hand weapon you get two shots and they go away it's onetime use that requires a hassle because the recommended use is having this as a supplementary support weapon bring a rail gun and eat it a flamethrower and eat it a quazar cannon and eat it yeah what I mean and for that reason it can be a hassle against a bunch of enemies that we now face more of given the current Patrol sizes and in the future that will probably be a case as well it could be a tier with a shorter cool down let me fire more because it's also in B tier considering they increase the health of Spore spewers going into a tier the same logic kind of applies for the quar Canon is behind re Clos rifle given the increase in the cool down charge time for firing shots from from 10 seconds to 15 you're waiting longer to shoot your shots not a big deal just not ideal recall rifle has some tech that has probably been around for a long time allowing you to do animation reload cancels shaving off around 2 seconds from each reload letting you fire tons of rockets it's not s tier though because it just it goles ammo now you go through Rockets like crazy I think you get six shots in total and that means if you want to get more you got to call down a resupply and that is an ideal if we had a Supply belt this would be S tier for sure but we don't so here we are now moving on we have the grenade launcher this is f tier I think it's always been F tier it doesn't do much damage it can kill chaff but that's not unless it's the goat at killing chaff that doesn't make it a good support weapon and unless we fibon it's not even great against chaff unless you're facing nursing Speers but how could you know for a fact you're facing them before the mission starts it's not looking great utility is terrible it's decent at breaking eggs and closing bug holes but you don't need that folks have gotten a lot better and they're more knowledgeable this is not necessary one bit and we have Primary Weapons and secondary weapons that can do those things for us moving on the Patriot Exo Suit is in C tier it could possibly it would be B tier if it wasn't Jank right now the Rockets Don't Shoot Straight you can make them shoot straight but that feels terrible to do then we have the laser cannon I'm going C tier I do not see the hyp behind this one bit Gotta Get Behind Chargers and beam them for what for why you can technically kill B Titans but it's going to take you a thousand years and again for why and for chaff I think you reflect do you reflect off of Hive cards it doesn't matter what you do you don't have enough charge to kill the chaff in a meaningful time frame for how many they are the weapon does not have infinite ammo glitch enabled we don't have the GTA cheats active on this game so you'll run of ammo trying to kill anything really just not the play anyone trying to say it's good smoke bound belief or playing level one difficulty or is a Dev just saying now we have the auto Canyon I it's above it's above these but I think it's still in seats here I don't know why you'd want to bring this unless you're facing ween Hut Junior difficulty which is fine play what feels good for you it does it can kill B Titans it just takes you roughly half your total ammo that's a crazy time sync and you won't really be doing good against chaff either considering how many there are and how little damage you're doing in the grand schem of things this is better than the great the grade launcher at killing bow spearers though that's kind of nice but you don't know if you're facing bow spear so it doesn't matter that'd be the only benefit I could see with the autoc cannon is if you knew you're facing B spear you bring this you're kind of help your team out a lot but you won't know all you can do is guess unless they make modifiers let you know for sure so of cans down here for those reasons rail gun I'd say it's probably going to be the bottom of B tier it is better than most folks believe it to be and it's slightly better SL worse than it was when it was broken you can strip a cha in Two Shots on the leg armor three shot his face or two shot of battle Titan if you also set battle Titans in the forehead with Ed it and for all these shots on the rail gun they're slightly above safe only use rail gun in unsafe mode I'm not sure why safe mode even exists right now it makes no sense so that's pretty cool downside is you have zero utility and you need to have the edit to kill batt Titans in a meaningful time frame otherwise I think it takes roughly 10 shots still maybe more so that's less than ideal a ro gun does feel pretty good just not that high of a tier then we have all the machine guns a little speedrun here stalwart is Hell s tier heavy machine gun is C tier and the Machine Gun is above stalwart those two are kind of tied for different reasons I almost want to put stalwart I'm putting stal above machine gun I'm sorry at this point the me the medium penetration on the machine gun doesn't quite matter because what do you really use it for Hive guards stall work a lot of shots can be fired you can re you can reload by while moving and you get more magazines that's pretty cool but it's got no medium pin no heavy pin that's not really a support weapon for hell dive could you use it and beat hell dive sure does that matter no it wouldn't be a great time you wouldn't be able to kill anything you can't kill a bow Titan as far as I know you can kill charger takes 30 years same kind of applies to the heavy machine gun you still can't kill B Titans and you can kill charger but it just doesn't feel that great the only benefit of a heavy machine gun or the machine gun is you can kill Hive guards and that's mostly it and bow spewers but they would still take a th bullets heavy machine gun you don't have enough bullets the damage is okay you just don't have enough ammo if you had 150 rounds you could one clip a b Titan that'd be freaking lit but you don't so it's not and the reload time that reload time's got to go it's folks say it's a 5sec Reload It Feels Like 8 or 10 I haven't timed it don't care to it's 1,00 years that's the official ruling airburst rocket launcher is f tier it was always going to be have tier because if you can't kill a charger in a meaningful time frame if you can't kill B tides in a meaningful time frame that deducts points and if you're also not that great killing chaff which it's not what this thing doesn't need to exist flamethrower I'm saying this is a tier and I take it over the quazar Canon and honestly we'll put it here just because Ros rifle has more utility in Breaking Shri hotels flamethrower I don't even think it can but flamethrower feels amazing killing Chargers super fast chaff enemies get taken out rather quickly not the greatest first bow spearers nursing spearers they actually win the 1 V one often that doesn't feel too good you're both spewing you got Flames they got Taco Tuesday and they went Ark thrower I'm going to say it's behind the rail gun stuns medium schum and small enemies steering locks and kills Chargers in six shots to the forehead which sometimes takes more than one drive by on their part so time's involved there and you can kill batt Titans in a few business days around the same time I'll get my coins I spend a couple Grand on that you fin out sell that isn't ideal it's above C tier though it is useful for killing a bunch of chaff enemies I do wish it had the fire rate I had before considering the stun changes aren't ideal more explain on that against the tomons spare is terrible is it f tier I think it I would almost I don't know if I want to have this over these other weapons in C tier I think I wouldn't let me explain why this is bottom of the barrel weapons spear makes you rely on the game to tell you when you can fire and even if you can fire your positioning matters and let's say you're in a good position you're trying to lock on you can't lock on you move because you have to and now you can lock on but now you're in a bad position why does that matter the angle which you shoot your shot in correlation to the monster determines how much damage you deal B Titans can get one shot but if you're not in a good spot they can also get three to four shot that's horrible and you get four shots total I believe One in the Chamber when you drop it down and three when you reload and each resupply is going to be shots cuz you can't have one in the chamber when you resupply them so you're guzzling down am ammunitions Munitions and whatnot it's just not a good weapon if you could there's no way to fix it unless you just make a new support weapon so spear is just atrocious right now got really dial in that targeting and I don't think it's going to happen I have no suggestions aside from just making a new support weapon that you laser point and then that's where you're be shooting rockets and whatnot AMR is in C tier and I would take AMR over Laser cannon I believe and for sure HMG shakes s tier well Shucks I meant to record myself making my protein shake in my room at had a blender frozen strawberries Fair life milk and my echovision Briant po protein powder for use code Odo ohdo for 10% off I did the whole shebang and didn't hit record you can also buy some white powder wow this is nice I don't get commission for creatine but it's amazing for you very well researched search just not by me I'm a gamer EXO 49 emancipator just dropped and it's terrible against the bugs F tier easily 75 rounds in each arm 150 total and they do far less effective damage versus Armor than the autoc Canon Sentry and even the autoc cannon support weapon which makes it a joke takes you roughly we'll say 30 to 50 shots skill ball Titans being generous here because you could miss a lot given the movement of your reticles the B Titan and you're aiming for their small forehead takes reduced damage during spews unideal Chargers D in roughly 8 10 shots it varies here and there that's kind of cool still not that good considering your chaff clear is terrible and your Effectiveness versus to heavy and the heavy and Elites is also bad there's no point for it to exist in the current state it is effectively useless just use the exop Patriot suit which isn't much better before it got nerfed to the ground it was pretty good though you could kill 14 about 14 Chargers with one rocket to the leg and then Beam with Minun and then you can kill seven b Titans two rockets to the Dome it was so crisp and clean moving forward we have the Bots autoc Canyon is the goil kills every bot crazy quick gunships Two Shots the engine Factory stratter six shots underneath tanks three shots on their behind and or back side hulks two shots to the red visor and it also stuns hulks hit him the legs the gun or red visor as well buying you more time to hit more shots it's crazy good only downside for me it's not as good as killing Berserkers as you want it to be but it's not a big deal it's insane everything else and it closes Fabricators which is huge AMR s tier 2 as well behind the autoc cannon for sure you don't need a backpack for this weapon which is a huge plus it doesn't have as much utility as the AC but it can still kill everything you want it to gunships three shot the engine fact straters mag and some change tanks I think roughly four five six it takes less than a full mag to kill tank I for exactly how much it takes less hulks I believe is two shots to the visor a lot of shots to the leg or arm so it's not particularly ideal but still a possibility it's still a great weapon and with the recent change to make the SES more accurate it feels great laser Canyon is not s tier this is going to be a tier it's good can kill everything you wanted to doesn't have as much charge as I think it needs to be competive with the S tier and for some reason when you fire the reticle pulls left which feels terrible it's almost like it has recoil even though it's a giant laser pointer it has two reticles one is the spinny thing that goes around and you have the place where the laser goes why do we need both those things I know I'm firing it because I see a laser that's being shot out of it I don't need to have the spin to indicate that it's winding up AI thrower is f tier and here's why you can't kill gunships they fly 80 me away arthow has a 35 met range and before Nerf it was 50 so either way you get into them you can kill Factory Striders if you have four Dudes or gals shooting it for a very long time so it's possible just not good at all you can kill tanks it just takes roughly 10 to 15 shots you can use thermites make it quicker but why not just use grenades in the first place and just erase Arc throw being involved whatsoever you can kill hulks but you can't stun them anymore and you also can't Target the red visor you used to be able to all it's good for is stunning chaff 817 C tier Cas Canyon C tier recall rifle C tier in that order but why let me explain you can kill hulks in one shot if you the red visor and it's kind of tough to do that you can break one limb in one shot sure but think back to how long it takes to get more eats and how many shots you have two every minute or so the quazar you have a time frame which you can fire your next shot and Rec rifle you must reload you'll be seeing a lot of Hulks and Devastators rocket Devastators Shield anti weapons like these are not that great even if you have a full team rocking different stuff I don't see the point in doing that I can shoot down drop ships you can and give the enemies a shield to shoot you from which is the ship you shot down they can shoot you through that and you can't shoot them congrats if you're like doing it do it I'm just saying they're not very they're not very good I'd rather have to eat it over the the others as a supplementary weapon but even still not that great given the projectile drop making it not one shot gunships as consistently as the quazar or a cois oh also tanks you can kill them from the side but from the front it takes three shots side two back two as well and the side of their bottom and back works the same rail gun is Bay tier it's horrible against gunships Factory Striders and tanks even though it specializes in armor penetration those things have armor it ain't very good against them but it's nuts against hulks Devastators shieldings and Rocket Devastators and Berserkers it can one shot all of them without needing much charge at all hulks even in safe mode visor shot gone limbs are broken pretty quick too so that's nice and that gives it just enough to be B tier because of how many of them you face at least I face flamethrower is the single worst weapon against the amatons I don't believe you can kill tanks hey can kill tanks Factory Striders Hulks and I know you can't kill gunships you can't reach them so what is it good for nothing imagine if it had poison a poison Canter and they could hit things and decrease their armor rating by one or two possibly just one and that would make weapons that are also going to be pretty much terrible a little bit better that would also encourage team play like folks are wanting there's ways to do it folks it's got to be more creative all right now we have the machine guns the HMG is ctia barely above the quazar hello barely above the quazar for me I'm doing Photoshop it's I like it but it's kind of weird I'm just slightly lost the stalwart and machine gun are both F tier and I would say the stalwart is above the machine gun just because even though you have medium pin on the machine gun doesn't quite matter and I'd rather have more capability and killing the small henchmen small medium and medium mobs which you'll get with the stalwart cuz you have more bullets and it's more accurate and easy to control as well as having more reloads that's my reasoning the EXO Patriot suit is also going to be F tier maybe C tier I'm going to go with f tier though cuz enemies have rockets and you'll be getting hit a lot especially on Hell dive a single rocket Devastator can destroy your entire career and you can't even break the freaking Min guns on a factory Strider they have better Min guns than you that's wild grenade launcher is still F tier it is what it is you can techically you can kill gunships is it f tier without a shadow of a doubt this is a terrible weapon you get 10 grenades to be launched and you get two reloads that's not much ammo considering you can't kill Hulk from the front you can kill tanks from the side and the back that's neat I suppose and given a little ammo count you'll have to bring a resupply pack to have any ammo to be shooting in the first place takes you two shots to kill a Devastator maybe more depends and you can't even tell where your shots are going so you can kill gunships it's just hard to know the distance given the crazy Arc of the grenades and you it's just it's a bad weapon on Hell dive yep I'm I'm cool with that spear is still doggy water for sure skis I'm not sure how anyone can say spear is good you are the biggest coper in the universe oh my goodness how the weapon is terrible there is no level of just play differently man just reposition better the gun's terrible stop trying this is this what Colts do I don't want to I don't want to be a part of your spear religion buds finally we have the airburst rocket launcher which is not F tier shockingly enough I know wild turn of events I put it above the HMG after further investigation the pocket classy is frustratingly terrible it's a here there is no other conversation to be had whatsoever how does a weapon this bad make it into the game I don't understand and I can't talk about it cuz it is genuinely frustrating we get Nerfs to weapons that are good and we get this as the new content that is I hate it so much I've tried every time to have a good time I go into here with an open mind and it just ruins the mood entirely it's a it's a bad weapon man the downsides are the real time time is atrocious and you can't trigger when the explosion happens if you could fire it and when you want to explode you let go or you hold it the entire time it direct hits something and then once the direct hits it explodes it by itself the weapon will be kind of lit to use if it had a faster reload time on top of that EXO 49 emancipator is even worse against the Tetons you're getting shot across the map by Rockets taken out from Nara a single rocket Devastator can ruin your entire time it puts you on a 10minute cool down even with the current addition of the exo suit as a mission strategy on top of one you bring yourself it's not enough and the rockets are still a joke they're even worse versus amatons they're better versus Factory Striders and the Min guns on fact sters won't shoot you cuz you're in a Mech they don't really shoot they don't shoot machines they shoot people and you can kill those fast but you can't kill tanks quickly and tanks don't die quickly to your teammates unless they're from the side of the back and you in the mech a hard time getting behind them without potentially getting one shot by the cannon turret or close to it that coupled with all the rocket Devastators and shieldings and how it takes you roughly three shots to kill them because you have less damage than autoc Cannon and especially autoc Canon Sentry effectively makes this thing garbage there's no point to use it on any difficulty that is higher than weeni Hut Jr I don't know I'm not sure what they were planning with this this was this is one of those meals where they put ramen in the microwave with no water and they just serve it to you on a plate saying hey enjoy what the --an suit needs is more ammunition double if you double it and don't change anything else it's at least more fun to use it won't be that much better it'll just be more enjoyable at the moment enjoyability goes a long way if you want to make weapons feel boring to use in a game the best thing you can do is give them a longer reload speed case in point Remnant 2 a game I don't play anymore because they are very Nerf happy in that game as well which is fine do what you want to do I just won't play the game I I don't talk about it I just don't play it but having gross reload times that are high for weapons is such a fantastic way of making them abysmal to play in the first place folks want to shoot weapons and shooting weapons usually comes with the cost of reloading them but don't make the reload time that atrocious man don't make it that disgusting there's no need and for the freaking for a rocket launcher it's gross for the heavy machine gun it's gross recourse rifle it's okay with the animation cancel without it it's not very good and speaking of that isn't it wild how recourse rifle had the discovery which I think it was around for a long time I she didn't know about it that you could do animation recover animation cancels to get 1.6 or 8 seconds off your reload and then it's more fun to use because of that now for me it's for two reasons less time reloading on top of a quick time event which is the animation cancel it's not complex but it's something it makes it more fun I was going to explain it more with cars you have an automatic car foot goes on the gas pedal goes forward awesome if a manual car shifting clutch and gas all that stuff going on far more engaging you get the deal though I think it makes a whole lot of sense there's ways to make it more fun is the whole point that's what I'm getting at anyway that's the video thanks for watching have a good day peace
Channel: OhDough
Views: 91,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 tier list, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers review, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 worst weapons, helldivers 2 best support weapons, helldivers 2 worst support weapons, helldivers 2 support weapon tier list, helldivers 2 support weapons, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 guide
Id: IyywOCcKmqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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