Helldivers 2: I Unlocked & Tested EVERYTHING In the New Warbond

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Hello friends I woke up literally before the sun came up today to unlock and test every single item in the new Democratic detonation war bond in Hell divers 2 we also have some new ship module upgrades which I'll also go over first up we have the g123 thermite grenade which is unlockable on page one of the war bond when thrown it'll attach itself to an enemy fizzle for a little bit then detonate I found this to be pretty damn fun when thrown at Chargers or bile Titans you know big targets that take a lot of damage I don't know how meta the thermite grenade will be at the end of the day when the impact grenade is also a thing that deals raw damage to Big targets and does so faster also I think most divers have their go-to options for dealing with these big targets anyway like the orbital rail Cannon the quazar cannon the eat the auto Cannon Etc if you're wondering yeah the thermite grenade can close bug holes and Fabricators but I'm not sure you'd want to use them for that again they take a while to detonate so while they can get the job done I think other options would probably be better because they get the job done faster next up the br14 adjudicator Marksman rifle available on page one which comes with the ability to penetrate medium armor this gun hits like a truck and even at level 9 difficulty I found myself tearing through bugs like wet paper it is definitely really fun and effective but there are two major downsides to the adjudicator one is the mag size 25 shots in the mag and six grand total reserves 25 in the mag does kind of seem like a lot but if you turn the weapon onto full auto mode where IMO it's it's way more lethal you'll burn through the mag very quickly you could get around that by firing the weapon in one bullet at a time mode but against beefier targets you'll be mashing the trigger a lot the other major downside is The Recoil good lord The Recoil again I feel like you want to use the adjudicator in full auto mode but if you do you better either Crouch when you shoot the weapon or Rock armor with the engineering kit trait to reduce weapon recoil the adjudicator is okay against bots definitely by no means a bad choice but it's really hard to justify when compared to something like the plas one scorcher which gets the job done way easier I think between the two enemies we have right now the adjudicator was born to kill bugs but again be warned High recoil and a shallow mag will be your two greatest enemies in the field next new weapon is the r36 Eruptor unlocked on page two which can also break medium armor and is explosive the best way to think of the Eruptor is that a rifle and a grenade launcher had a baby and gave it to you this thing demolishes targets with very little effort most bugs will get completely obliterated in one shot by this gun and even some of the heavier automatons will flat out get wrecked as well the Eruptor can actually kill Chargers too not that it would be my go-to option for doing so but it's interesting that it can the Eruptor can also destroy bug holes and Fabricators too which is good to know overall the biggest drawback with the Eruptor is the abysmal reload time and I don't mean when the mag is empty in between each individual shot you'll need to not reload but kind of your weapon between shots which really can be a bummer that being said the blast radius is really good per shot so when enemies are bunched up together you can get multi-kills with one bullet if you're going to use the Eruptor I'd recommend pairing it together with a good secondary weapon like the p19 that way if enemies get too close to you you'll have a good close-range damage dealing option which the Eruptor is not oh also yes the Eruptor can destroy automaton hulks if you shoot them in the face not really recommended with that horrible reload time unless you pair it together with a stun but yeah it can get the job done next weapon is the gp31 grenade pistol and man is this thing fun does exactly what you'd expect it to do fire one single grenade launcher shot at a time GG while the constant manual reloading is kind of a chore the GP is fun and reliable and good for a secondary weapon use it on enemies if you like or use it to close up bug holes or Fabricators nice if you find yourself in love with your primary weapon a lot and not really relying on your backup options like the p19 very much this will be a great weapon for you to use I predict that I'll be pairing this together with the SMG 37 Defender a lot before moving on to the booster and new armor the final weapon in the war bond is the cb9 exploding crossbow I am heartbroken to tell you my fellow divers that out of every new weapon in the war bond none let me down quite as much as the cb9 it can deal with low-level enemies very well and against automatons it FS up Striders very easily but that's kind of where I stopped singing the Praises of the cb9 it does not hit especially hard and against beefy enemies you'll find yourself really missing the punching power of other weapons and if you're thinking well it's explosive so maybe it can shut down Fabricators and Bug holes right uh yeah about that not sure what they were thinking there cuz it can't could have tossed this poor little guy a freaking bone sad to say they cannot get the job done I'm really hoping that there will be some kind of hidden potential with the cb9 to discovered in the future but I kind of doubt it use it if you want to have fun and goof around with a crossbow but not something that I'm enjoying using right now armor wise we got three new sets in the war bond the c27 groundbreaker is on page one and is medium armor with the servo assisted perk not the first medium armor outfit with that trait but if you like how it looks or don't have medium armor yet with that trait go for it on page two we have the ce7 demolition specialist outfit basically light armor with the engineering kit trait there are other light outfits with that trait but the new demo armor has a slightly higher armor rating 64 compared to the usual 50 found on light armor if you're asking me I think this armor looks pretty good and even though Scout is my favorite light armor trait I feel like I'll get good mileage out of the demo armor finally for armor we have the fs55 Devastator heavy armor with the Fortified trait as you can imagine this is by no means a new trait for heavy armor but I think the appeal of the Devastator is that really unique look I I really love this armor I say grab it if you want to wear it cuz it looks badass there is one new booster in the war bond expert extraction pilot lowers the time it takes for the extraction shuttle to reach the extraction Beacon I've already heard people say this is a flat 20 second reduction in time but that's technically not correct let me explain on a normal Mission with a 2-minute extraction timer the booster will reduce the time to extract down to 1 minute and 42 seconds exactly however on a mission with the modifier that extends your strategy call-in Time by 50% the normal 2-minute extraction time is extended to 3 minutes and the new booster shave that time down to 2 minutes and 33 seconds if you look at the amount of time shaved off in each example purely by how many seconds are shaved off we can see that the new booster is a straight up 15% faster extraction time TLD drr the amount of second shaved off will depend on the overall extraction time but yeah a 15% reduction I put out a video very recently going over and raing literally every booster in Hell divers 2 link to that video in the pinned comment if you want to check it out by the way but yeah the other boosters do so much better things than this booster in my opinion I would much rather have one of the other stronger boosters than this one maybe on a mission with a 100% longer strategy call in time this could be beneficial but eh I'm going to go ahead and rank it in low tier the other boosters will help you way more frequently finally we got six new ship modules modules which I didn't really know were coming today nice I haven't unlocked all the ship modules yet cuz they are expensive AF but fairly self-explanatory which is nice Superior packing methodology will let support weapons get fully refilled by resupply boxes that is huge for people who are a fan of the auto Cannon the grenade launcher the anti-at rifle etc etc very beneficial overall next we have atmospheric monitoring orbital H barrages have a 15% reduced spread overall I don't know about but I'm still a fan of the 380 mm barrage on automaton missions so I can't wait to unlock this one next we have the one I unlocked immediately XXL weapons Bay Eagle strategems that drop multiple bombs get one additional bomb to drop per deployment no that does not affect the 500 kg Usos that only drops one bomb this is only for eagles that drop multiple bombs I still really love the napom and regular Eagle Strike and use them quite frequently so this pick was a total no-brainer for me we got enhanced combustion fire damage from strategems increased by 25% good Lord another fire buff maybe this will make me actually want to use the flamethrower kind of doubt it but I do use mines on occasion and absolutely can't wait to upgrade my Eagle Napal yet again hell yeah circuit expansion will allow your lightning damage to LEAP to one additional enemy I'm not a big Tesla Tower guy but to all the arc thrower Chads out there you enjoy just wait for me to get out of the way first finally we got blast absorption sentries take 50% less damage from explosions nice if you're a big Sentry user this will help out on automaton missions or from Friendly Fire I guess I may unlock that one second to last just in front of circuit expansion but you do you let me know your thoughts down in the comment section if I find anything extra than what I talked about here today I'll mention it down in the pinned comment thank you for watching and remember to sub [Music] peace [Music] n
Channel: Fallout Plays
Views: 123,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers 2 Warbond, Helldivers 2 New Warbond, Helldivers 2 Democratic Detonation, Helldivers 2 Warbond Review, Helldivers 2 Democratic Detonation Review, Helldivers 2 Democratic Detonation Warbond, Helldivers 2 Crossbow, Helldivers 2 Grenade Pistol, Helldivers 2 New Booster, Helldivers 2 Expert Extraction Pilot, Helldivers 2 Best Boosters, Helldivers 2 Eruptor, helldivers 2 Eruptor Test, helldivers 2 adjudicator, Helldivers 2 Thermite Grenade
Id: 2ofpF30Hi4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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