2013 WDCVC: Joint Heirs with Jesus - Fri. am

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Father we just praise you and thank you oh we worship you this morning sir the blessing of the Lord is upon us we're fruitful and we multiply and we're prosperous and we replenish the earth we are the sons of God and the blessing of the Lord is in us and manifested through us and we give you praise and thanksgiving in the name of Jesus father we pray this morning according to your word yes sir while you're standing get your Bible open it up first Timothy [Music] verse 1 [Music] and put your eyes on it and agree with me as we pray [Music] father we pray prayers this morning supplication prayers and intercessions prayers of givings of thanks for all men for kings presidents vice presidents prime ministers members of Congress governors mayors all veteran authority we lift them up to you that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty and father we pray for the Peace of Jerusalem father we pray second Chronicles 7:14 this morning you are healing the land we thank you and we give you praise and we honor you for this is good and acceptable in the sight of you our Lord and our Savior who will it is your will to have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth that there is one god and one mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified of in due time and father we pray this revelation for every leader of this nation for every leader of every nation on this earth praise God we hold it up to you particularly for the United States today we hold it up to you for the coming elections we hold it up to you your will be done on earth as it is in heaven and father we pray for the rallying of the church to rise up and take its place and take command hallelujah and we give you the praise in the honor of the glory for it all sir we bless you and we thank you in Jesus name you agree with that same in hallelujah I said hallelujah everything gonna be alright everything's gonna be alright all is well and the kingdom of God oh man I want you to turn and shake hands with two or three people smile just big as you can and say all is well in the kingdom of God hallelujah I was hauling it David thanks sir ah Thank You law I I was speaking with a a close pastor friend just a couple of days ago and she said during the election season there was a man of a longtime member of the church and he wouldn't come to church right before the elections and they won't know what cause he didn't want to hear the truth about it least he's done is he's honest you know spoke he didn't want to hear what the pastor had to say about it because he already had his mind made up HEIs going to vote me to move here none about the rest oh that is dumb with a BB that may be the answer to the question of how dumb can you get a man now I want to speak to this for just a moment here we won't take long on it but I do want to share it with you and particularly those of you that are how many of you are at work for the government you're employed the United States giving a number of it and this reason I one of the reasons the Lord had put it on the hearts morning in fact I will read some things to you today I had this was in October fact it was October the 20th 2008 the Lord woke me up early earlier one morning as educated in my spirit and I got up went into my studying and began to pray in the spirit I said what is it Lord don't pay attention to or make any plans based on what the media says or what the politicians say now at the time that this was going on the that the nominations for you know for the what am I trying to say for a superb president but then all of the candidates were you know competition with women huh primaries and he said don't make any plans based on what the media says or what the politicians say stand on my word in John 16 now he was referring to the John 16 and the 13 14 15 verses there pay attention to me I the Holy Spirit will obey verses 13 through 15 jesus said when Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth he will show you things to come he will take what is mine and show it unto you now right in the middle there you mem he said my words are not my own I want to say what I hear my father say he said the Spirit of Truth will not speak of himself aha so see his role is the same as Jesus he don't speak his words are not his own he speaks what he hears that's what Jesus says whatsoever he shall hear that he will speak he's speaking all the time or anybody listening enough that's the reason we need to just sit down be quiet and listen and and study it listening work at listening and rest in listening him now this is what he said he will take what's mine and show it unto you all that the father has was that mean all that the father has to say and all that the father has is mine and I say again he will take what's mine and show it unto you we have unlimited wisdom and unlimited knowledge and unlimited information then and that will never see the day it can get that big we're talking about heavens internet you understand all knowledge all wisdom amen and so you take those verses he at and you receive them that's that's his promise to you and that his promise is the Holy Spirit's command so it's it's there and it's available and so then this is what he said now I the Holy Spirit will obey verses 13 through 15 and when I got up that morning I thought Lord the Holy Spirit doesn't have a hearing problem it's me I how the ears to hear I clean out my spiritual ears this morning and I take it Lord Jesus what you said in mark 4 you said nothing hidden but what shall be revealed and I take it I how the ears to hear and I forgive if I have own against in it boy do that right off the bat I mean listen that that that's that's spiritual filth don't don't hang on stuff like that yeah but you don't know what they said about me you know what all I got to say to that to hell with what they said about you I mean that in every sense of the word not to people but the words what gives you to make with you that's where it come from as hell let it go backward come from you got time for that your soldier in the army of the Lord you don't leave home without your armor on and I said he he doesn't have a hearing problem it's me I clean out my ears this morning I will show you things to come I'll lead you through troubled times and see the trouble hadn't hit yet it was right around the corner like the fellow said haha troubled on the way but I'm ready amen trouble ain't never had an enemy like ignite me ha ha Amen I walk in victory over trouble these are troubled times not me I already have V plan for you and it's very good follow it it'll not only get you through it will place you in a very high place a rich place a strong place and victory now you'll have to discipline yourself to be diligent to listen to me all the other voices this is so important now listen to this right now this is I mean you can apply this today all the other voices will have a plan a word an idea for your future and security uh-huh oh yeah we'll fix it yeah we will get all of your health insurance that's what we'll do we got a plan brother don't listen to babylon system it has fallen apart my system is stronger than ever my kingdom is flourishing and the blessing is the place to be keep your eyes on my word listen to it it'll guide you I will perform it love me love my people as I have loved you walk in it love never fails and neither does my plan be very cautious to say completely clean of covetousness first Timothy 6:10 must live in the forefront of your thinking the love of money the root of all evil then say money was that love of it is coverages there's people commit that sin ain't got a dime if you will do these things and we'll continue there in you will come into your wealthy place a place lifted up a place in me already planned and prepared for you now here not heaven not yet but it'll seem like heaven right in the midst of all the trouble and you'll be able to reach out to untold numbers of suffering people with the good news of the gospel the blessing of the Lord Jesus I'm coming very soon sooner than you think keep your eyes on me and you'll get the job done now prayer Mountain November 2009 we had the first year now of the present administration and already I mean all the earmarks of big trouble or or showing up see folks let me tell you something it's not the people it isn't the people it's the deception under which people are functioning that have there been taught all that lives the socialism is is is the answer to this whole thing amen that you know and all but all you have to do is look all the way back to Babylon it ain't never worked socialism is men trying to meet their own needs without God and no man or no system is going to take God's place he will not allow that there's only one man you do that and it's coming his name is Jesus hey man how they loo you now when you see these things and and you know how the kingdom of God functions the kingdom of God is not dependent on any government it's not dependent on on anybody's job it's not dependent on anybody's parents it's not dependent on God does not want you dependent on anybody but him and you see that in second Corinthians chapter 9 my grace is sufficient he is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may be able to to what a mound under every good work well it's when the rest of the world is that it's worst is when we need to be abounding to ever good work amen we've got the big mess over then the Philippines right now what if everybody in this room what if we received an offering this morning and we've raised about 25 million and and went out and got one of yours or my 747 bloated thing up and flew it over there that's what we posed to be doing now this is this is very important we were at prayer mountain and then I saw it in the spirit and it we had been praying in the Holy Spirit for about 45 minutes about twelve fourteen hundred of us praying in holy God and and I'm talking about people that know how to pray these are these our prayers that that prayer network that Billy bream and Gloria and Lynn Hammond and Terry Pearson's and another couple of women started some years ago called the sparkies and they've been all you had to do you just call them in and they said something on fire they were the sparkies and there they'd immediately take it to prayer what this thing has grown into thousands of people and so we were there Monday morning out at prayer Mountain that the Ozark and praying in this big tent we'd set up out there and I'm sitting right on the front row just in front of the platform they're praying in the spirit of God and I just had my arms rested over all my my knees and and the word of the Lord came to me I've had this happen oh not many time but but a few times over the last almost forty seven years now where he spoke to me so if it be in the natural you'd use the word loud but in the spirit it's the word strong he spoke inside me so strong that it jerked me up and knocked me out of that chair on my knees and I was just I mean it hit me so strong I'm I was physically you know under the power of the Spirit of God my physical body went weak and on them and here's what he said this is not the end of the United States of America it is the end of the social Babylonian system trying to take it over for the last hundred and ten years and I well I had to go back and study to see what happened 110 years before and sure enough he just pinpointed where progressive socialism started attacking this country well you know in just this country it was attacking the whole world at the time only thing it was called progressive socialism here and rest of the world was called communism and it was well you go back and study that for yourself but all of that same time on the other hand and this is always true you always want to look at this because what happens here on the earth particularly being manifested by the devil he he's a he's a reactionary he don't know what's coming principalities and powers the scripture says in the book of Ephesians the wisdom of God is made known unto principalities and powers by the church the wisdom comes through the church and that's the reason Satan's tried to turn it into religious organizations and plug its ears but hey we've had an ear job over the last 50 years now what's what happened when that began back there roughly turned the centuries actually started when President McKinley was assassinated in and you come up turn of the century there what happened in 1900 Coffeyville Kansas outpouring of the Holy Ghost people talking in tongues what happened 1906 Azusa Street what happened 1913 the great stone stone Street Church revival in Chicago Marie would worth it her but that time wasn't an elderly woman and had preached the power of the Holy Ghost is since right after the Civil War I mean stirred this nation I she rocked her from coast to coast brother traveling around in a wagon setting up tents and then just the power of the Spirit of God moving since before the turn of the century well what happened in 1913 Federal Reserve Act was passed and set up the First National Bank Federal Bank of the United States which is not it's not a Federal Bank it's not part it's just that's its name it's a private bank and it is the earmark of progressive socialism all over the world National Bank's it's what they do can you see the parallel well hey what happens in Babylon when God said Babel which means confusion when he said that he remember at the Tower of Babel Nimrod was the first King he and he started socialism he's wondering study it wound up in the first war and it's been doing it ever since so when by the time Babel came along God had blessed knowing his son's him Seth ham Shem ham and Japheth and ham and Japheth did the same thing Adam did they they both blew it off and went their own way Shem stayed with it he became Melchizedek and he took the blessing of the Lord and then he declared it and passed it on to Abraham amen and where the seed of Abraham through Christ Jesus well what happened then hey we're also the seed of ham and Japheth so in Jesus we got the nation's back that's collision chapter 3 now and that is the gospel so anyway when when God said Babel he set a cap a word of God sealing on men trying to meet their own needs without God and it can only get so high and it hits that cap bigger it gets the more confused men get because they're not God and if they're not thinking the thoughts of God guess who thought they are and he didn't come to build he came to steal to kill and to destroy now even if he decides to build he can't get me on that count because he's most confused of the whole bunch see he's that he doesn't cause fear he is fear he's the most frightened he's the scared of spirit in all of creation that's reason all you have to do just resist it he'll run from well that tower got up so big hit that cow and down scum every nation since then has done the same now when the nation of Israel would not obey God instead of hitting that cap and being destroyed God would disperse them and then he had draw them back together and he was protecting the bloodline amen so now what's happening same thing you see it all over the world we're seeing it right now we're the first generation to see the nations of the world hit the cap at the same time and they're collapsing they can't figure out what to do next I mean one of them they'll hit it and start falling in the other and we'll run try to help them and then they start falling and they all borrow money from all one another and borrowed money is the umbilical cord to that system amen that's just the way the system works and so what's happening it well why didn't the United States gonna fall well let me tell you about that we're the only nation ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever you understand ever we're the only nation ever formed by a people for the purpose of worshipping God because they love him close friends of Gloria in mind Baden Rose whiner bishop you know you know the miners very well strong ministry and they had a visitation of the Lord Jesus Jesus come and came into their their place of worship together and he said that to them told him to fear not he said I'm this is the only nation in history that was ever formed by people that love me in order to worship me he said now I formed the nation of Israel because I loved them but he said this nation was formed because they loved me and he and she and Rose miners wrote the glory means said and he said I will never forget it so now you can understand what the word of the Lord came to me said he said this is not the end of the United States this is the end of the Babylonian system it's been attacking it for 110 years ah ha ha and you know what it's our turn the momentum has swung [Music] should I do that or yes sir no sir okay praise the Lord thank you Jesus father we thank you for your word we thank you for gory glory glory glory glory thank you lord thank you Lord Jesus oh praise you Lord Jesus thank you let's praise him here for a while just worshipping and praising aren't we blessed aren't we blessed let me remind you again God is not controlling the world he controls the church and the church is supposed to control the world by going into all the world and preaching the gospel to every creature and carrying that blessing and authority over principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this world weakened spirits and emulation so the body of Christ needs to rally and listen to God because if we listen to God we would control every election and only God's choice and pick would be in office and they would be listening to him and him through them running this country this thing and prosper like it's never prospered before I'm telling you you know you've got any clue what prosperity is until God gives a hold us up amen well it's just about here and I don't just see what every would you just quit fussing about it and get your eyes off of what men are doing they can't help what they're doing this there's a messed up confusion well I just don't understand this Congress I just don't under hey sit back and just take a good look at it God has the Congress locked and socialism is showing itself sheep hey folks 10 years ago and nobody in the United States knew what progressive socialism was until we began to find out God began to pull the covers off of the thing and he began to raise people up that began talking about it and doing research on it and because it's been in our schools for over 115 years now it's been taught in the schools until people just it did what they plan to do it progressively began to take over this nation well I'm going to tell you something God doesn't work in that same way he does work in a progressive fashion but he he actually does take over but he does it with the human heart amen and with good and his word as the seed and it's been working all this time oh this time well what was he going to do was he just going to pull it down and turn it over to the body of Christ 50 60 years ago how's he going to turn how's he going to turn a multi trillion dollar economy over to a bunch of people don't even think he's supposed to have a new car anyway the church was so far behind because they've been in that that progressive socialism gone into the church but if it's changed now it's changed now we've been finding some things out for the last 50 years there's a people now and there's a body of work now available there's a people now that I have begun to learn how the kingdom works and living by the kingdom and functioning by the kingdom praise God and you get together instead of fight and fuss and plan you get together and pray now see that's the way the Constitution was written to begin with they got together and fussed and fought and couldn't come to any kind of agreement and finally the decision was made we're not getting anywhere like this we're going to break for prayer that's the reason the Constitution has the power of the word in it it's only Constitution has ever been able to stand up against its system amen but it's still there and it still will be there until Jesus is done with it and it ain't nowhere near done with it ha ha amen so amen let the church rally that the church rise up let the church believe God let the church vote the way God says vote amen hallelujah what they've done in the past instead of asking God they say well you know hang on we know we don't we don't won't want to run him cuz he can't win who said he can't win well I don't nobody know anything about him really if God knows and God picked him or her or whoever it is Hey and you hear God and you respond to him Oh Anders 100 million others do the same thing yes they can win they've already won because God God hold his head let me tell you something he can maneuver things he can work thing he can get up move on you praise God if you will it how they lose you well thank you Lord Father we pray over all the rest of our elections in this nation and we pray for our sister Canada we pray for our sister Mexico down the south for all of the coming election sir we ask you and we agree upon it that you you reveal your perfect will to every person in office and those that refuse to carry it out remove them please and put someone in there that will and we give you the praise and the honor and the glory for it in Jesus name give the Lord a praise and thanksgiving ha ha ha glory to God glory to God glory to God thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you Jesus praise you for Lord praise you for it oh there's still a praise in my heart praise you thank you thank you sir thank you for thank you for thank you Father glory be to God glory glory glory glory amen let's read first Timothy 6:12 again where we were last night fight the good fight of faith lay hold on eternal life lay hold on the life of God lay hold on Zoe now we talked about the fight of faith begins when we obey God and lay hold on Zoe lay hold on that life where is that life well it's God it's in Jesus but our contact and our source is the word so let's go to mark chapter 4 and we also learned that from Luke chapter 8 yesterday evening when J iris fell at Jesus feet his little daughter lay dying he said come lay your hands on her and she will live then we saw the woman with the issue of blood say if I haven't touched the hem of His garment I will be Mabel so she came in the press behind to touch that prayer shawl now when the death messenger came Luke 47 48 49 and 50 the death messenger came now remember this they were just jammed in there the scripture said they were thronging healed now if you if you think about it for just a moment you know Jairus is behind him and he's right there I mean I mean they're they're being pressed and this woman pushes up in there you know you have to know she's doing this by faith because she had been she'd had been trampled but she crawled and on her knees man and she gets hold that that at least at least she fell on her knee she got hold that pressure which would have been about oh where my jacket is here coat on him she got hold of that and he stopped well when he stopped everybody stopped he said who touched me and his disciple said what are you talking about everybody's touching you so you can tell it right then it they're still just pressing grabbing and pulling everything they can get on to get hold of it so he stopped now we determined last night service in last night's message Jay iris was after Zoe Jesus said I've come that they might have Zoe life and have it more abundantly life of God that the anointing is the life of God he said the words I speak unto you are not my own it's the father that dwells within me he does the works so this was the flow of the anointing of the Spirit of God within him the father within him that flowed out that prayer cloth he didn't he didn't instigate that he didn't he didn't do that she did her words her words o men that this is this is the biggest thing in the kingdom system it's up on top without this you can't live in the kingdom of God without this you can't seek first the kingdom because you don't know what to seek the Gentiles and the carnal mind and Christians are all out there seeking the same thing what to eat what to put on you know and all that to seek first the kingdom of God you're going to have to see first what to say take a man now he stops they're just jammed in there and here comes the death messenger and he leans over to say this to Jay iris but they're so close excuse me Jesus heard it he said your little daughter has died she's dead don't trouble the rabbi any father now what does that mean it's too late too late now she's gone come on people it ain't never too late with God we served the god of life and after all life's what would well I mean that's what you're talking about life and death he said our place before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore you choose life they don't mean you just have to choose it until you die and forget it stay with it praise God oh yeah I have no reverence for death I do not whisper in its presence no no I don't frown and cry at funerals no no no no no the scripture says sorrow not we are not a people without hope and he's talking about hope beyond the grave oh man when all a funeral is as we take in care of business our friend our brother our loved one has gone they moved out of town and left their clothes behind and we undo somewhere to close we go through the closet we have to do something with the clothes in the closet we have to do something with the clothes that he left in the bed because he's not here to take care of it himself so what are we gonna do we're going to take care of it for him we're gonna you know put it the Box dress it up and put it in the ground and pray over and commit it to the Lord Jesus Christ and leave the gray side graveside and smile on her face already go one hey uh this is the our loved one this person there in a future oh yeah uh you know what would it fun uh I'll tell you what Tom what if you and Maureen had really hit it tough financially and young man y'know you and and but the Lord got a job for you in st. Louis and so you said Ben and I Maureen now listen I'm going st. Louis you stay here in Arizona and girl I'm gonna get it all fixed up over there this is a good job first paycheck I you coming home you understand and you're gonna you put a smile on your face here come you don't like it cause of cuz he having to leave town he may be gone for a couple of three months or something did he get this thing off worked out over but aren't you thrilled he's going to a place we were then they're not behind they got they then not financially strapped anymore and all of a sudden things are turning around and he got a job that's ten fifteen twenty times better than you ever had in his life amen and he said who I'm going to st. Louis I'm gonna get this thing ready for you ain't a bit of difference in the world not a bit of difference nor if a husband went on to be with the Lord or if a wife went on to be with the Lord ain't no kind of separation what are you talking about we have victory over death they just went to get stuff ready one one woman who testified she died went to heaven and and then the Lord brought her back she said she got there in her brother-in-law grabbed her when she come through the gate man he was there and he grabbed he said I'm so glad you're here I am so glad you're here come on good he said I'm working on the house and he said man I'm telling you there's stuff I want to do but he said I'm so glad you here you know more than I knew bout what my sister likes see folks it ain't on Jesus lady da heaven is a real plague and you will be shocked to find out how much the earth it like it particularly when you get to curse out because the earth was patterned after heaven he's supposed to be identical to it all the way through heavenly Jerusalem earthly Jerusalem they're supposed to follow together all the way through that garden deed was supposed to cover the whole earth and be heaven manifest Eden which should have been the worst condition man ever experienced because I have not seen any heard what God has in store for those that like it's getting beyond anything we can ask a thing they break you go well it still is amen you understand that now that concept is in you meditate on that you think about that because you've already been raised up to sit with him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus but in the book of Philippians 3rd chapter xxi says that our citizenship is in heaven and then the scripture said in Colossians the first chapter that when we got born again we were delivered from the authority of darkness and translated into the kingdom of God dear son you've already gone to heaven you've been there a long time and when you begin to get more aware of it see we you come to the place where you meditate on these things and think about these things you begin to live with a heaven consciously you begin to live in the kingdom of God in a heavenly consciousness not a lack contras news what difference does it make whether you've got anything in your pocket or not you're a king make any difference yes thank you're not employed by heaven you're deployed you're a soldier in the army of the law with requisitioning power and authority amen you're not bound an income you're not bound to to an insurance policy thank God for that certainly not bound to the government you're not bound of the kinfolk hey your real kin folks is Jesus and your Heavenly Father you bound to him Holland what's even better that he bound you his word is yes and amen I've heard people say well you know no as an answer to not when you own a God on a promise of them they don't know in there some some doubt and preacher made that up I'm not criticizing the preacher cuz I've I've come from there but but when you get to look into things and you start preaching things because it didn't work for you that's way strange and funny doctrines get boring oh yeah like one man told me one time he said now brother Copeland now teeth are not under the plan of redemption Ephesian 320 said we bone of his bone yeah bone flesh of his but some preacher embarassed about going to the dentist well don't let that bother Laurie there God if it hadn't been for Dennis Christianson lost all the teeth fit in quoting me mine got all buggered up before I ever got say I like to look to Dennis one time mama hadn't been praying for my brother who dad he did something I thoroughly did not like oh I'm gonna pull into that but back in those days that wasn't hard to do because I was seriously demon-possessed anyway Wow an island press but I was more than obsessed I did Fisher amen thank you Jesus Wow deliverance is sweet and good praise God amen break even good thank you lord now oh praise God well let's go to the book of Colossians this'll do is good don't lose your place there Marco I need to come back there the Lord Colossians chapter 3 someone close by I have an amplified translation handy here we go okay amplified Colossians 3 now just just just listen to because I'm of reading out of effort if then you have been raised with Christ to a new life thus sharing his resurrection from the dead aim at and seek the rich eternal treasures that are above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God set your mind and keep them set on what is above the higher things not on the things that are on the earth now I've had people say well you get so heavenly minded ain't no earthly good no I didn't write you get religious minded you ain't no earthly good that you get heavenly minded you got something to say in the earth because we're a kingdom of God minded and that's heavenly minded Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven see now this is this far as far as this world is concerned you have died and your new real life is hidden with Christ in God you get to where you think like that now what's happening here well what if you're a soldier in the United States say you're a soldier in nine states army and you've been deployed overseas someplace you're in Iraq you're in Afghanistan wherever you are you don't think like an Iranian you don't think like an Iraqi you don't think like an Afghan no no your soldier in the Army United States amen well see we're soldiers in the army of the Lord we've been deployed into a Babylonian control world but we are deployed by the kingdom of God and we think kingdom thoughts we we adhere to heavenly ways and heavenly words and heavenly thoughts amen so that we're already in heaven we're seated there at the right hand of Jesus on the throne of grace quick in your mind's eye you're not crawling up to the throne of grace you sit there you're at the right hand of Jesus the way he's at the right hand of God amen joint heirs with him you're not a steward of God's goods as a servant you not you are not a steward with a servant's accountability listen to me now you're no longer a servant but a son he has been appointed heir of all things the earth now is back in God's hand and loans to Jesus and we're joined heirs he's given the earth to men he gave the earth to the man G and we're joint heirs with him we are stewards as owners it's a different thing when you own something in your steward of it you have a tendency if you don't know the rules of the kingdom don't know the rules of prosperity you have a tendency to treat your own home better than you do the hotel room you say it because you didn't rent in this thing for three nights now when you figure out the fact that you are an agent of prosperity then no know that you don't do it that way then because you realize the way you treat that that hotel owners room is the way your house gets treated you help him prosper after all one of the words you need with four or five pieces of little bitty piece of soul don't take cept what unit what you use don't do that whatever you do don't take their towels home with you if if you're gonna do that pay for I got home I got home with a wash rag one time I don't know where I got the wash rag in must up but anyway we we called that hotel and told them what had happened we got the price of those those towels and and paid for that washroom amen one I'm a king money's not the object prospering and blessing people that that's that's the reason we prosper that's the reason I'm blessed reason I'm a rich man today is because my my riches come from God I'm not blessed cause I'm rich and rich cousin bless and and as you float and and stay out and yet don't bow you need them to other people if you're going to use your credit card that's fine but don't use it any other way than you would a check if you're going to use your credit cards you use it when you got money in the bank to pay for it if you can't put the thing back in your pocket you don't write checks on the come well this is the faith check yeah you better not try to cash it either well we had to learn there were guys ever guys that don't remember then tracing whether they were guys that taught that back year and years ago and one guy called me as a passed local faster than Fort Worth her and call me brother Copeland could you come get me out Jacqueline I said what are you doing in jail he said well I they got me in here for bad check I said they're gonna be writing a bad check he said well I pray no written I believed God and put the money in the bag no it's our check cause you agreed when you took up that Bank count you wouldn't be writing checks using their money of color and back there then before the banks were trying to get into you they wouldn't cover your check they'd call you and say hey Hoss they're to somebody you got a bad check for out there they might call you in and see what you could do about it and you talk to him about it but they wouldn't just automatically cover it and and because credit wasn't free and easy back there there because they weren't trying to get you into debt with them like they are now but anyway and he wound up in jail well of course I got him out of day but the thing being the credit card is the same way don't do that yeah but brother Copeland there did it no hey cut it off how'd you hear me don't play with it cut it off stop bowing your knee you don't think you can eat without that credit card then just go sit down at the table and say Lord you told me not to worry about what I eat what I put on it's all in the Covenant well here I am amen I'm bleeding God oh you wouldn't be the first one to somebody knocked on the door oh yeah I've seen it work I know other people that have seen it work I know people that were raised in households where they never did have any money I mean grandma didn't have any money she cuz it couldn't read and write she took him ironing and Washington stuff and she wound up having to raise her children's children her grandchildren had a house full of them and she's owned up years you know and she had searched around the house and they did find a nickel or a penny or something and taken for the Lord said now now Lord I know and you know I know you know I know that you know now we got to have some food on this table today amen and we're expecting you to do something about it I'm your child I serve you with all my heart and I'm expecting to do something better live a very very cold climate and and they had coal stoves back there someone still do in that area and then have money back hold and she told the Lord one day and and her granddaughter said that's the way he said that's that's what she do she said now I know and you know I know you know I know that you know and she she wasn't trying to inform him anything all that been as we talked about it last night all that stuff you've been going through telling god what all you you ain't never informed him of anything they know you were hurting all that you just rehearsing the problem going through all that stuff you talked yourself into more fear and unbelief and doubt then you had when you started the prayer throw all that stuff away you ain't gonna be heard for you much talking just throw all that stuff wet good if you can't do anything else inquire of the Lord and listen to him you might start like grandma started see you know the Apostle Paul got saved on one word well who are you amen and they heard the awfulest noise and we're running outside to see what it was and a cold truck had backed up to their yard those cold trucks had shoots on them and then back up then this person had ordered two so much cold and you know I'm higher of the order cold by the bucket or by the trough Norma what it was and and then back up there and shoot that person's order often in their coal bin and they backed Roberta grandma's place had dumped the whole truckload rat in her front yard a whole truck load of coal she was providing coal for the neighborhood man people come walking in with food not on the door they say then she set the table if grandma had a credit card she wouldn't have used it on an ulcer she had a credit card you know and you know I know you know that's all informing to him he needed out and she said when grandma would go to church said she pushed through them back to doors of that church with her little hat on and said you think she come crawling in there like some poll on them he knew no she had that nickel in her hand she cared that thing all week long boom open them two doors in the back of that church and singing to God wait a meeting there were anybody else singing enough she come right down that middle aisle come right up on that right up on that that alder being your friend put that nickel on their praise do you ever hear about two nights well all them grandkids are serving God now folks this is big stuff you understand now had she known what we know today she would she would have become financially wealthy I know them that help glory to God well we got to take care of more business here let's go back where die have you okay let's go back to mark for now notice we know now we're talking about laying hold on eternal life by making our choice the world you can't get life without life words words are first amen say that loud words are first we live in a word created word dominated universe you can't change that you cannot change that system that is the process you can change the words under which you live you can choose little words and he said I placed before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore you choose life that you and your seed after you make what live clean let's try to learn look at that won't you put your eyes on the hold your place in the book come on Deuteronomy chapter 19 no 30 19 for Deuteronomy 30 chapter up verse 19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you in other words Earth hears it heaven hears it you don't have any excuse that I have set before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore choose life that both you and your seed may live that you may love the Lord your God and that you may of a his voice and that you may cleave unto him for he is your life and the length of your days that you may dwell in the land which the Lord swore unto your father Abraham Isaac and Jacob and if you me in Christ then are you ham seed and heirs according to this promise amen now back to mark chapter four the solar shows the word verse 14 now there's the word these words are not your own so what's happening here this is the process by which Jesus was doing everything I want to say what I hear my father say and I only do what I see my father did remember what he told Joshua meditating my word day at night and you will observe you will see how to do everything that's written therein and you will deal wisely in the affairs of life and have good success and you will prosper well he was going into combat instead of spending his mind his night before crossing that Jordan the last time he was in that land there were John's there that's the last thing he saw well that's the only mental image he has the place so he did spend his nights thinking about the Giants and the big walls the devil would have had an opportunity to work on him and do his best to build fear in him before he ever cross that River but God God got his attention he said no no no you don't be thinking about that no no it was it was like God one of us in that little number ball oh don't look the writer look look at me you understand I'm the one you meditate in my word day and night I'm gonna show you how to do everything it's written there don't be thing about them John's soldiers need to do that today need to be meditating on the soldiers promise and on the soldier some before you go into combat I mean that ought to be on your mind the last thing any soldier should ever ever ever ever ever ever tolerate his profanity that's the reason Satan works as hard as he can to get soldiers to use strong profanity because well it's obvious right because that way Satan does work we had more time I'd spend some time now the source of the word these are they by the wayside with a word is though when they've heard Satan comes immediately to take away the word that was sown in their heart these are they likewise sown on stony ground who when they have heard the word immediately receive it with gladness have no root in themselves now what root is that if you check out Ephesians three in the prayer the Apostle Paul said oh that we need to be rooted and grounded in love have no root in themselves so endure before a time afterward when affliction or persecution arises for the words sake to get your attention off the word of what God said if why Satan doing this folks he knows if he leaves you alone with that word gladly in your heart if you ever say that he's headed because if you say it to father and do it so he's going to get your attention you know he's got to get you looking over here and get you what what did that say persecution people talking ugly about you arises for the word second then what immediately they become offended what is offense it's fear-based afraid of what they think about you afraid of what they said about you well what are they going to think now if you start saying that you start saying what they say Satan's got you cause now he didn't do the work can't change the process but because he stuck with it you're blessed with it he stuck with it he can't attack you without it he can attack you but he didn't do anything to you he can't get through that blessing wall and unless you will fall for this Amen now there they would sown among thorns and the cares of this world deceitfulness of riches deceitfulness of riches is when people get the idea if I just had more money I'd fix this no if you had more money you've got it out of that Babylonian system it comes with sorrow the sorrows already built in it the blessing of the Lord it maketh rich and he had he had no sorrow and the lust or pressure that comes from other things entering in choke the word and it becomes what say that loud be fruitful multiply see what he stopped he stopped the blessing the blessing of the Lord he stopped it if you let it in what is fruitful hunter phone now these are they of course on good ground such as hear the word receive it bring forth fruit some thirtyfold some 16 some 100 now 25% of the people that all of them heard the word received it 25% of them under the same pressure same attacks same operation God is no respecter of persons it wasn't God that did it it was the people making the wrong choice paying attention to something other than the word getting your mind on other things other than the word well I might lose my job I keep taking my Bible to work they might fire me how do you know well they fired that other fella yep each other you don't know what the other fella bleed you know what though the fellas say it you know what the other fella had in his heart he man took it done us and I know they gonna fire me but I'm taking it anyway but you just you got in your heart picked your Bible to work you just say hello Lord here we go glory to God I'm going in there with a smile on my face and when we're done I'm gonna be a witness to you hallelujah I'm hunting a job and praying over when you gave me this one praise God and besides that my incoming based on this job anyway my my income is based on my giving hallelujah I might either and the destroyer has been rebuked for my sake ha ha ha mister devil ain't no way you're gonna cut me short there's no way you're gonna bring me to lack there's no way you're gonna diminish me there is no way you're gonna cause me to walk no no the Lord is my shepherd in the shall not want he makes me lie down in good pastures green pastures besides the still waters he leads me where all the good stuff is but you notice he leads that means you've got to follow instead of you leading and asking him to bless whatever it was you found oh yeah amen now we read all that said all let's get on to this he said unto them is a candle brought to be put under a bushel or under a bed when the Lord of the Lord is to rest means it back up here and make note of this there's only five things there in this list that the devil can do he's only got these five thing though he may package it anyone trying to get it look like something else but he's he's limited to those five things there they're listed there now notice every one of them are based in fear thorns what a thorns cares cares of this world the word translated care there means an over engrossing mental or emotional affair cares in this world lack see all less fear-based all of it is fear dependent the moment you stop and say no Jesus said stop the fear I refuse to fear lack I refuse to fear the cares of this world I what do I care how much money bread' cost amen God can bring me bread without any money he can bring me the money and I will buy the bread I'm a citizen the kingdom of God I live on the kingdom rules Amen yes that the Lord has put this to me several times with Emma I might deal with right here the idea is in the world and among most Christians probably some here this morning that think poor people should not be required to tithe or to give people think that now you check it out in the 8th chapter of the book of Romans the Bible said that these people the Apostle Paul brought attention to the fact that there were people that in their deep poverty begged him to allow them to give now why would you have to beg a preacher because they're in deep poverty I believe the Apostle Paul learned this right there see this is a chapter said green ninth chapter second crimson is when he said he's able to make all grace abound these people begged him to allow them to give Oh glory amen I'm telling you I don't care that poor you are dumb poorer you are the quicker you need to be given entitled God's will is to lift the poor up out of the dung Hill and settle in them in with his Prince's was that mean he'll pick you up out of poverty and put you in the boardroom young but you in command because his grace is more than sufficient he's never make all grace abound he said then later in that eighth chapter you need to abound in this grace also that though he were rich he became poor that through his poverty you might become rich amen now if Jesus was not in favor of the poor giving then he missed a sterling opportunity to teach that when the woman put the two mites in their because he could have said oh no baby now how long their way we can take your Petula tonight I pray over these two little mites and preach these two little mites for you so that because this is all they live that's straight out of hell amen no he called attention to it you offering gets Jesus attention I get to heaven I'm gonna find out what how that woman out of that yeah I guarantee she built a whole subdivision jumbly hey men Keith you remember ollie remember brother Hagin talking about ollie every time I think about the woman with the two mites I think about Ollie Ollie was 18 years old she was still mentally challenged and and she just she just loudll Dern him Sunday morning church services get on the floor and crawl on her belly under the son of the pews all the way down to the front or get up and and jump up and down in the seats and stuff like eighteen year old kid in it you know just but I they got born again and now see she's got us away in her wife's functioning and brother Hagin came through there and taught in that church and she began to learn these things about faith and and and and learned and she began to develop well soon as she got the mind of Christ and she'd began to develop mentally well she got married his young young man fell in love with our lid they got married and had a couple of kids and and and then World War two came along he got in the service went overseas and she's her mother-in-law is writing her letters for her and he wrote back he said Ollie let mother teach you how to read and write if you don't do nothing but just say hi love ollie I'm tired of reading what mother says well Ollie got busy and learned how to read and learn how to write praise God amen and I don't him now Keith you remember where whether but I think it ball got killed overseas and anyway by the time brother Hagin came back through there several years later number years later while her husband was gone and if a member correctly he was even killed in combat World War two well he brother Hagin was preaching again there in that that same area number years later and he asked this person from the church that whatever happened to ollie oh brother Hagin said you don't know about Ollie he said no I'm curious about it she said come here let me show you something they walk they walk to the front door she wasn't though she said see that subdivision over there he said yeah he said she said are they built that is she's one of the wealthiest women in town one of the pillars of this community that she owns property all over his County this is the same one at bellick crawled underneath the pews all the way to the front of the house raised those kids in church had him sitting on that front row man of a tongue service come up open feel what the Holy Ghost well what happened she excelled and that grace also that though he was rich he became poor see he was made a curse for us poverty is a curse it's under the hood anybody thinks and suppressing is a food and you show that did he he took all poverty he became poorer than any human being has ever been because he took all poverty he took the spirit of poverty poverty is not a money problem is spiritual he's no money ain't old trillions at it he number didn't make it work we proven that in the United States now so he became poor as we were Amen so that we can just stay poor folks I don't make it they don't make good sense I don't care oh yeah well unless he in church but once you get outside the door of the church that don't make sense so that we he became as poor as we were so that we could become as rich as he he needs us rich he needs us well he needs us strong he needs us full of his voice and full of his word because as he is so are we in this earth we supposed to be commanding this thing with a source we are the source unto Him he's our source we're their source not the government and we're at the point of a turnaround right now alright now verse 21 he said unto them is a candle brought to be put under a bushel or under a bed and not to be said on a candlestick no now what's what what did he just get they said he said folks my father sent me here I only say what I hear my father say I only do what I see my father did now you think he would send me here and tell me what to say and show me what to do and not reveal to you what I said as foolish well yeah but now you dish never know what God gonna do I know exactly what God's gonna do he's going to do exactly what he said in his word and he when I speak his word he's going to do exactly what I said that he said through me because the father dwelleth in me doesn't work but this is natural carnal thinking well you just never know so they never know now then there's nothing hidden which shall not be manifested neither was anything kept secret but that it should come abroad if read it out loud in a man who no louder than that any man a man any man if any man he'll have is a power possession word lay hold on it and be very aware how you use it words are not primarily for communication words are primarily for the execution of power communication is secondary power and control control application is done with words filled with faith amen I do not have sickness and disease I have faith in God and you're sitting there watching the news or something about suppertime and here this guy comes on and said my name is so-and-so and I have whatever disease it is he selling he doesn't realize he's selling because people say yeah you know I have that too I said in it he doesn't know bless his heart he said he's trying to help people well con can God can help you some through someone cuz a minute unless he just did it for money but I've looked in his eyes I don't I don't believe he did it because he's not an actor I believe he's trying to help people Oh God can work in that in a limited way but you and I need to know better this I don't have sickness disease how do you pray over your meal Jew ever do you ever go through the word and find out how to pray over a meal the scripture very plain that says if you serve the Lord your God and I will bless your bread or says he will bless your bread and your water and I take sickness from the midst of boys and girls oh that's it that's it before you eat prayer Oh Lord we're so blessed thank you Jesus we're fruitful and we multiply glory to God we replenish the earth hallelujah this table is blessed praise God you bless my bread you bless my water you've taken sickness from the midst of Nicole revita God well now I'm driving out my driveway one day and and I'm feeding on the Word of God and I just left mum mum I don't study in them studying much I like it outside I go outside oh you know I mean I got I got a heater out there 2530 degrees I'd still rather be outside Gloria said the older you get the more Indian you get on to it hey and I'm feeding on those scriptures or putting my eyes and let them not depart from your eyes there laughter those that find them thes oh wait to those that find them in health to all their flesh the word health and in Hebrews medicine is medicine to all your flesh and I'm Fein I'm taking my medicine man I'm feeding on this stuff I'm feeding on that and I come across that scripture and got excited about it he's taken sickness from the midst of me glory to God and then I found out from other scriptures that he's taking disease from the midst of me so I just put them together I said he's taking sickness and disease from the midst of me glory amen well now you understand is is also right here and you understand we were bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh and I just got up and I'm going through all those scriptures and I'll just shout and having a good time praying from the partners and all Union and and I and I got in the car and I'm driving out the driveway and it grows up in and I said it again glory to God you've taken sickness and disease from the midst of me you have blessed me and you've taken sickness and disease from the midst of me then out of my spirit none of these words of my own the written word not my own but here comes revelation word Rhema and it just flowed out you've taken sickness and disease from the midst of me and I'll never be sick another day in my life whoa now what happens you have just lisen authorized and put a demand on heaven and the Father that dwells within you is now obligated to see that that comes to pass now Satan's gonna come the media and try to take it out of just laugh at him tell him to take a hike no tell him what Jesus told him you're a liar and the father of it don't elaborate on that you've heard him with that a blow see he was perfect in the day that he was created and the scripture said iniquity was found in him what was found any lie he's the father of it it cost him his anointing it cost him his future it cost him he can't never get it back it cost him his place as an archangel it cost him everything he had and his only future is to wind up out out slung out there in the lake of fire to spend throughout the universe forever for all the sea for all to see to be tormented by all of those that he tormented through the years that went to hell because of him hallelujah praise God forevermore mm-hmm now then any man have said at left ah how ears to hear and he said unto them take heed what you hear with what measure you measure it will be measured to you and unto you that here shall more be given you that have ears to hear more be given you're going to go 30 60 and 100 fold you have ears to hear you gonna get 30 you keep listening you're gonna get 60 you keep listening she's going to hit a hundred I mean that godless the word the whole full chapter mark is about the word producing a hundred volt the subject is not the ground is sown on the subject is the word ago the word of the kingdom amen now notice this he that had have what come on here's that what he that have ears to hear to him shall be given he that hath not ears to hear from him shall be taken even than what he had it's not going to be taken away by the father it's going to be taken away by the devil he just got this and who's gonna take it away amen so now so is the kingdom of God as if a man should cast seed into the ground should sleep and rise night and day the seed spring up grow up he doesn't know how for the earth brings forth fruit of itself the earth brings forth fruit the earth is fruitful of itself first the blade then the ear then the full corn in the air now then when the fruit is brought forth immediately puts in the sickle because the harvest has come we're in - shall we liken the kingdom of God what comparison shall we compare it it's like a grain of mustard seed which one is sown in the earth is less than all the seeds that be in the earth but when it's shown it grows and up and becomes greater than all herbs and shoots out great branches of the founder there and lodge under the shadow of it now let's look in the book of Matthew chapter 13 now notice you remember he said you take heed what you hear for the way you measure it it be measured you not the way God measures it God said what he said it's the way you measure it he said a hundredfold he said to sew or sews the word he said then the whole kingdom of God is if a man puts the seed in the ground well it was the man's choice where he put one seed in the ground or ten seeds in the ground or a hundred seeds in the ground it's going to come up according to what he planted so you take heed to what you say listen up don't argue do it yeah but you know the Lord told me to give a hundred but I'm going to pay the rent next week so what I'm gonna do and we'll give five today and then I can pay my rent I'll put five you know a week in here till I get the hundred put in here that's not what he said you didn't you didn't listen up you made you a deal you measured it out and you know what that's the way it's going to come back you determined young artists if you just obey God look let's say how will you rent God tells me to give a hundred I know and God knows that I know he knows that I will this men rent amen but I'm gonna do what God said I'm not going to do it and say well forget to read no I won't forget to read him obey there in I'm not limited to this hundred dollars but I'm gonna obey God first let him take care of the rent god amen cuz I keep doing that I ain't gonna be long I'm gonna buy the house from your mother and pay you cash for it amen back one fellow said köppen I don't see how you keep it stuff you never make one payment on any of it yeah a man but that's the way you believe God you put him first well yeah but brother Copeland what if it didn't come to pass well I call a guy I'm tell him if he wants to move me out of the house let him move me out of the house God got a better house for me someone see I don't have any fear about it perfected love casteth out fear I'm not fear-based now notice this now in the book of Matthew this people's heart verse 15 is waxed gross their ears are dull of hearing their eyes are they have closed lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears should understand with their heart and be converted I should heal them but blessed are your eyes blessed your ears for they hear so now we have found out two more things that will stop anybody in the so or so in the word and receiving that hunted food Satan's only got five but there are two more that's closing your ears and closing your eyes and that's your fault you can close them you know them amen did how many of you saw Bishop Butler and me on Senate Butler Bishop excuse me I think see a bishop and I did two weeks of broadcast on this said remember that well this thing marked me and and it what hit me so so strong out of that was when Jesus said I didn't come here to preach to you and then hide it that means you can open your eyes and I'll give it to you and he said in Luke 8 you and he was talking to his partners here when he said this he said it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom hallelujah I'm telling you sweetheart that's shouting ground right there Amen you've run across some years I don't understand that you have at any angle last long now farther out my ears and eyes to this and I'm expecting to unexpected receive this in the name of Jesus and you just go along doing something then somebody has come up you think yeah oh yeah that's quicker oh yeah I remember that I'm on close by this morning by telling you this again I mentioned it and times past but it will the Lord would have me mind you up again I was in Columbia South Carolina two years ago and we were at that meeting and word explosion with chaplain al downing lieutenant colonel downing and it is primarily to military personnel of course in public is in then all of these things still apply because we're soldiers in the army of the Lord we're not a civilian organization we need to quit thinking like we are I mean you get your soldier in the army of the Lord and you don't like it because you're stationed somewhere new say don't we have a base in how are you well I can serve in Hawaii this the same as I can in Arizona now you can't they didn't need you in Hawaii they needs an Arizona well yeah but I'm going on anyway yet it gonna put you funny 7 jail dude now okay thank you lord we the Saturday morning service was the last service and brother Winston preached first and I preached after him and I'm talking about John 14 10 and I want to say what I heard my father say and do what I see my father and so service was over with and I got in the car to go to the airport we're headed back for and just as I sat down Mike leaper said brother Kenneth they got some trouble with airplane door they can't get the door open on that thing and so there I'm just going to take you to the hotel I said what you mean take me to the hotel I'm to get me out him up put my hands on that thing get me get me Tara board right now so I called Dwayne Flanagan he's chief pilot and Dwayne I've flown together for a number years yet I called him I said Dwayne was better than Noah he said I don't want matter with we see when when I went through training on that airplane well one of the part of that training I we got to see inside door now it works and all of that I mean he just part of the training on the airplane so and he should be killed he said I can't figure out he said I can unlatch the door latch and he said I hear everything working right but he said I can just move it he said I can't move it enough to even get my fingers under it to even try to pull it down he said I read it on what's the matter with he said I called Cessna and they're going to send a team down here and they're going to drill a hole in enough no no no no no no no no no good no no ain't drilling holes in my citation ten you understand that I said I'm on my way out there and I'll be there in a few minutes okay so hung up I just I just laid my head back on the seat I said father I'm inquiring of you four words concerning that door now they no use me telling him adorable you know you're rehearsing that long I just don't understand what the matter that door can't get that door open Cessnas room to come down injury you are wasting your time you're wearing you're wearing your faith down you're talking your fear rehearsing the product shut up we are justified by the words of our mouth we are condemned by the words of our mouth the way you measure it or the way you say it is the way it's going to come to pass and you stand judgment for every idle word that procedure that's all the words you made up without inquiring of the Lord so I said I'm inquiring of you for words and I heard it that in here say this you need to practice this you this is important in fact put you put your hands right there see this is where the boss of the Lord is in here is in it comes an inward witness and knowing it can come as a conviction but now you practice it and stay with it you'll hear his words and there's no issue demanding a bunch out of him yes or no we'll be fine well Lord should have they should have weather should have wear the blue suit the grey suit should have wear the blue suit yes sir no sir no sir okay Joe wear the gray yes sir no sir yes sir okay thank you sir practice it you may make a mistake and weather onsen you've been doing that already so it ain't gonna hurt y'all that much si quit man some friends you make a mistake I had the Lord say to me one time Kenneth knowing you you probably will but I fix it he said the biggest mistake you're making is not being is being afraid to do anything you got your hands are it that you do this and from now on I want her to put Jenny this calls your attention to here and not here close your eyes you say father I love you sir all my heart all my soul all my mind and all my strength cannot be quiet now how many have you heard I love you too huh see number of hands well the rest of you know what your assignment is now the witness is there you didn't get an ugly bad some kind of thing going on in there very quiet very peaceful because he loved responds love rises up when you say these things and you just keep doing that you just keep telling God you love him I love my brethren I love the Brethren even as you love the Brethren love my neighbor as myself love responds and the more you responds the more fury flushes out of there that's that's the way you perfect the love of God in you so work at it spend some time every day before you you got something you want to say to me father before I leave for work this morning just take the time and listen a few minutes 10 15 minutes amen and listen your father opened my ears I rejoice in your voice I love you sir that's the way you start your conversations with it what my father amen now then I just laid back Paris and I'm inquiring the word sir and I heard this in here say this so as I heard a word I said it he said say this door doors open open now now thus saith the Lord thus saith the Lord when I thought I said it no those words were not my own but I said them by faith so yes I said it Amen yes I did but they'll say of the law now you don't have to be a prophet to do that you are a believer you are the Prophet in your own house holding in your own life amen and and then you know I was unhappy and I heard this you remember in my word where I said all things work together for the good of them that love God called according to his purpose that's it yeah now the second I heard it I saw it but I had never in all of 40 plus years of walking and living by faith I had never conceived or even thought about that verse to be used and applied in something like this then there live never occurred to me but when he said all things and my mind's eye and in my spirit i I saw the inside of that door and those things working together then that's not everything that happens all that no no this is for a select group of people it's for those called of God for those that love odd and called according to his purpose amen and so when I said yes sir I remember that he said say this all o things things work work together together for those that love God to those that love God that would be me that'd be me those are called according to his purpose those who call cording to his purpose that would be me I'm grateful Lord thank you sir I received it thank God now don't just keep on talking just praise God thank him thank him forward be grateful for it lay back shut up let the word work it's the father that dwelleth in it doesn't work it was seconds Mike's phone rang and he handed to me said he's blame he said uh he said when you said you were coming out he said I got in the car to drive back across the ramp to pick you up over there at the FBO and we drive out there then their plane because they're sitting out away from the ramp of ways and and he set out but I had this thought he said I thought you know I'm gonna try that door one more time and he said he said brother Kenneth I got out and when I penny said I'm telling you what he said let's no just open like a wood you ain't drilling no hole in the door you understand now what if Ida missed it okay wouldn't be the first time but it's closer to being the last time than it was the last time cuz I don't quit I don't never change I don't ever quit Amen you see me a hundred years from today I'm gonna be you and I agree in faith I'm gonna be in faith ten years from now 20 years from now don't get weaker get stronger amen you need to be the same way you're like we like Jesus with the same yesterday to infer a faith man the faith woman never has to change their lifestyle on account of the times we already live in the kingdom of God they don't ever change amen that's reason we help you know it's many other people now we're not there no methane I just thank God we got an urn fluting thing home and it had to go into another inspection and that I heard the devil say now you're gonna be an unbelief if you have them check that door as you align the father of it take her apart let's look at it I'm not going to see if it's fixed but I am going to do due diligence on this door amen take a thing apart pray before you put your hands on pray before you get in there and the Lord showed I see all of our guys all of our mechanics everybody spirit-filled I mean men we we all live walk by faith oh we got a hanger full of them and all walking to living by faith they don't just search for any and everything that they look for the thing and we got in there and took that door apart and they're praying over the thing you know under looking and we found some little minor things should have been fixed anyway and and the next trip we took went out there to open the door and that thing tried to hang again I said no you don't in the name of Jesus you open now down she go that's the last time we ever had him amen no wit I don't use that as maintenance on my airplane no no um you obey the laws of the land and you you do what the Lord's told you to do in these things we don't do less maintenance and pray over the rest of it'll get you killed no we do all the maintenance we do it better than what is required because we do it by faith and everything we do we do it right the first time and we do the thing in high quality all the time when you it's not enough just to believe God for the car it's not enough just to believe God for the airplane you better believe God for money enough to do the maintenance on the thing too you go to cutting corners in the devil to have them heyday with you stick a thing up like a dart someplace and so this is the this is the way you live the life of faith I mean we do diligently in business huh that's just much Scripture is how faith in God amen and where we're able to help other people with their maintenance we're able to - we have answers to things but there have been things that that Cessna airplane company called our chief of maintenance to find out how he did the fix on a an interior door the door that goes into the lavatory on the sensation 10 they called him find out how he fixed ours but see he got that out of the Holy Ghost amen faith in God any wonderful marvelous thing well I preached long enough this morning glory to God amen you're supposed to say oh no the word is rich in praise thank you you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 3,831
Rating: 4.9499998 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, relationships, wdcvc13, kenneth copeland ministries, gloria copeland, kenneth copeland, bible teaching, faith, 2841832819001, sermon, spiritual growth, life & work
Id: ii0rXyrH88c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 53sec (7253 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2017
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