Heavenly Minded | Heaven to Earth | 02.28.21

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hey welcome to life church 7 whether you're joining us online or in person we're so glad that you're here with us today and it's going to be a powerful sunday here is your life church 7 news all right hey everybody the first thing we want to share with you today is our vision night our annual vision night is tonight february 28th at 5 30 p.m this is a meeting for all of our members and we would love to see all of our members come it's it's a night of celebration of worship of vision casting but it's also our annual business meeting where we discuss and vote on some crucial church business so we'd love to see you there please rsvp you can you can rsvp by emailing office lifechurch7.com child care is provided dinner is provided it's going to be an amazing night of celebration and vision casting and we hope to see you there are you a zoe woman well if so that is good news we've got something amazing in store for you starting this wednesday at 6 30 p.m in the large auditorium we're going to be starting a six-week bible study course with priscilla schreier she's going to be going through her book about the prophet elijah and it's going to be amazing we're going to connect and really connect through the word and so we just invite you you can sign up online it's starting this wednesday and it's six weeks long and you don't want to miss it all right while there is a lot happening here at lifechurch7 we hope that you get plugged in in all these different ways and don't go anywhere stay tuned we are about to start worship i hope you all are ready to worship so good welcome you're watching online we welcome you would you stand as we get ready to worship this morning bible lab there it is the spirit of the lord is there is freedom where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom if you'd share the broadcast if you're on if you have social media on facebook it is one of the easiest ways to get the gospel out to spread the word is to push a share button someone of your friends may scroll down on their facebook and find this message and they're not going to want to miss it today we have a powerful word coming from pastor jim in just a few moments but first second corinthians chapter 3 verse 16 but the moment one turns to the lord with an open heart say open heart but the moment one turns to the lord with an open heart the veil is lifted and they see now the lord i'm referring to is the holy spirit and wherever he is lord there is freedom wherever he is lord there is freedom so we're we're going to lift up the person of the holy spirit we're going to lift him up and make him lord and declare he is lord and acknowledge that he is lord and apprehend his lordship this morning would you just raise your hands close your eyes where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom and we lift you up we declare we declare this morning the holy spirit you are lord over life church seven you are lord over my life your lord over richland and pasco and kenwick you were lord over benton county jesus we prophesy that you are lord over the united states of america this is your country you are lord you are lord over olympia washington and over washington state we declare you our lord we declare you our lord we lift you higher this morning where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom bring your freedom in jesus name begin to sing out right now you are lord you are lord you are lord speak come on making your praises numb you were lord [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] let me out [Music] lifted took the shackles off my feet [Music] is [Music] [Music] say there's joy in the morning [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and you are my [Music] the freedom i'm living in you are my deliverer you are my deliverer the freedom [Music] is [Music] thankfulness [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are my deliverer [Applause] you are my [Music] my is [Music] [Music] yeah come on let's give the lord praise would you praise the lord let's praise the lord god you're worthy we praise you you're so worthy [Applause] well today's a special sunday it's baptism sunday here at life church seven so i have two ladies that are gonna get getting baptized i want you guys to come up here right now and as you're doing that yeah we had uh four people get baptized last service we have two getting baptized this service i want you to stand right here and they're gonna share a little bit about their heart but if you're new to life church 7 or new watching online we believe in the power of baptism that baptism is really joining with jesus that our old life is gone and behold a new life has become so we are believing in new life and i was telling them uh just earlier it's kind of like it's almost like a wedding the picture of it is at a wedding it's not actually where the love begins or at least i hope not it's but it's declaring before god and before your family that we love each other that's what baptism is it's declaring before our church family and before god i love you god i love you god and uh so we are um we are amazed at what god's doing in your guys's lives and we are partnering with you and we're just glad we get to be in the audience to experience a special moment of your life and uh so we want to hear a little bit about you your name and why you want to get baptized um so my name is gabby and i decided to get baptized because i actually started watching this church online through my best friend yesenia and i decided i wanted to dedicate my life to jesus yeah can we celebrate that [Applause] so those of you who are watching online you can get baptized we'll leave the tub open for you so let's share your name why you want to get baptized my name is rosa and i started coming here about a little over two years with my sister and yet my niece niacenya too and that's when i accepted the lord and i'm ready to follow him forever oh come on so would you extend a handout we're going to pray over them online do you mean to pray god right now we pray for gabby we pray for rosa right now we pray oh jesus that you would come right now that you would fill them yeah we were reminded of the book of acts when people were baptized they were so filled with the holy spirit so come holy spirit come holy spirit would you just invade their life i just see a picture of a new trail that the lord's he's creating for your life that whatever you've gone down whatever path you've gone down in your life the lord's actually in this moment creating a new path for your life so we declare would you just agree with me we declare a new path a new direction new life that he has abundance for you that his mercies are new every morning that he has joy for you the joy of the lord is your strength so we bless you would you just declare that with me we bless you in the name of jesus we bless your life we're so proud of you that we get to partner in this moment with jesus when we declare this now in the name of jesus amen amen well they're going to get baptized and let's let's join together and worship as they get baptized [Music] [Music] [Music] perfect [Music] holds the stars [Music] there is no other there is no other like [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it is [Music] [Music] we [Applause] [Music] no other like [Music] no other like you [Music] jesus [Music] jesus christ we magnin your life [Music] for your majesty we crown you [Music] oh jesus christ we magnified [Music] [Music] again [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] you keep [Music] jesus christ [Music] empty [Music] to the name [Music] you [Music] you [Music] jesus christ our perfect side [Music] you are beautiful i hope [Music] jesus christ our perfect sad [Music] hopes in you oh you're beautiful you're beautiful [Music] jesus [Music] you're beautiful [Music] in jesus christ our perfect sets [Music] one more time [Music] [Applause] fast [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you make a home for the lonely [Music] shedding orphans to [Music] what i call weakness you call i know your goodness is coming for [Music] oh jesus your love is the revival fire sets me free oh jesus [Applause] i lift my head up [Music] says gather all my pieces [Music] oh oh jesus your love is sets me free [Music] oh jesus is over and over again over and over over and over again over and over [Music] over and over again over and over over and over and over oh jesus [Music] [Applause] oh jesus oh jesus [Music] look jesus your love is a revival fire sets me free oh jesus [Music] oh jesus you're [Music] sets me free [Music] [Music] but at the cross of grace how great the love how strong the hand that holds us beautiful [Music] so beautiful so here i vow to lift you high jesus [Music] i am yours forever [Music] and there is the king who bore the scars of healing [Music] and how great the love that carries us to kindness [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus life i am yours [Music] it come forever [Music] [Music] forever [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] my right here [Music] [Music] forever [Music] of it all you deserve the glory [Music] you deserved [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] worthy [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] me come on [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh we exalt you jesus you are high and lifted up let's give a shout out praise [Applause] you're church worthy you are so worthy jesus you are so worthy above everything you are so worthy lord jesus we fix our eyes on you the author and the perfecter of our faith your presence undeniable everything changes in your presence we love you lord thank you jesus as i was praying getting ready for this moment i just felt like the lord was saying that there's people here you're going through some things difficult situations hard to describe events that have happened things you may not have chosen or would ever have chosen but i think the lord just spoke to me let me remind you that you may not choose or get to choose all the things that happen to you but we sure have the opportunity to frame it in other words are you interpreting what's going on in your life that god is still working even when i don't see it i will exalt you in the mystery of all that happens in our lives i will praise his name forever i will praise his name forever the trick is always to get your eyes off off of jesus and onto your circumstance maybe at your own life and my prayer for you this morning is that you would be strengthened in the lord and so if you're here today and you may be weary you may be tired maybe you're online watching this wherever you find yourself would you just stretch your hand to heaven right now and i'm going to pray for you that you're going to receive a fresh wind of god a fresh strength in the lord if you're tired or weary or maybe you're just like more lord there's more for you father you see every hand father every situation i pray by the power and the might of jesus christ that every single thing in our lives lord jesus we know that you are working them all for the good to those that love you and are called according to your purposes so father i pray for a fresh perspective shift right now in jesus name that we would look at every situation full of faith full of hope confidence and trust that you who begin a good work in us that you will carry it to completion you're not done with us you're not done with our situation so lord we choose right now to exalt your name that song was so powerful we exalt you we fix our eyes on you you have our attention we love you in your presence as fullness of joy we receive that this morning we love you we praise you in jesus mighty and wonderful name and everybody said amen let's give the lord a praise we love you jesus we love you lord you are so good you are so good if you're if you're in the auditorium if you could stay standing we're going to continue our worship in giving how many no worship is giving thanksgiving and i i just want to say to life church 7 our family online and here all around thank you so much for your faithfulness in giving we have a generous church a generous body of believers we've been able to do so many amazing things in a year that's supposed to be a down year because god is a generous father the kingdom's advancing it's always advancing and my son and i were talking yesterday about our tithes and our offerings he's so funny he told me dad i may be short but i'm not short on cash 31 nine years old baby but we had a great talk about tithes and giving and offering and we were talking about it was so important i think for every single one of us to consistently revisit our why why are we giving why are we generous for some it's the book of malachi for some we're generous like our heavenly father and for me just recently i had an encounter with the lord and he he just showed me something so powerful he said your giving is worship it's worship and if i if i could ask everyone here if you wouldn't mind taking out however you're going to give this morning you can give online through your cell phones you can give with your wallet cash checks um lots of different ways you can give in the celebration box on the way out but however you're going to give today if you would take that out for a moment and jesus addressed us so powerfully he said wherever your treasure is though your heart is and for so many of us it's amazing and i'll put myself in this category too when the finances don't look right my attitude and my joy could be left and gone but i don't want to live like that amen because he's the one that controls everything amen so what i want to do as a prophetic activist in the first services powerful is whatever you're giving with hold it up for a second whether it's an off whether it's your cell phone or your wallet and i want you to put it down at your feet as a prophetic act and here's why there is nothing in my life ever that's above jesus amen so would you lift your hands with me i'm going to pray over you as you give this morning so father as we give this morning we prophetically declare prophetically declare there is nothing above you there is nothing above you we give to jesus as an act of worship and adoration and we exalt you lord you are high and lifted up may you bless both the gift and the giver today and may we see even more people reach for your kingdom because of our generosity and our love as we give the bible says that you love a cheerful giver so lord we give not out of compulsion or guilt but out of joy and love and worship to you because there's nothing above you in jesus name amen hey let's give the lord one more shout of praise we love you jesus we love you you can go ahead and find a seat don't forget to click uh the part that says give on your phones go ahead and have a seat well today is an amazing day not only is it the last day of february can you believe it unbelievable hello spring is coming 61 degrees praise the lord but we have truly out of all my favorite preachers from scotland my favorite all of them all of them you know they say they say that dynamite comes in small packages today is no exception we have a powerful man that's going to come and preach the word i hope you would stand and welcome pastor jim as he brings the fire today [Applause] thank you nate while i get myself situated here i'm going to read from first peter here shortly you know the the preachers always have got to fumble around a little bit right and get themselves ready you know the modern preachers should make a reality tv show the life of the the life of the modern preacher nobody's going to watch that but i'll tell you why because you know i was you know judgement comes back around on you right so you know with these high definition tvs and all that now it's a while back i started looking at them and you can see all the detail on people's face and i realized tom cruise is not that good looking after all but then judgment comes back around i look at my own face now that we're on camera all the time i think oh wow i don't look that great either i got to start doing some work and as it turns out i have some helpers in the congregation my hair stylist is over here my dentist is over here my eyes are now eye doctor now comes to the church so if i look back on camera it's your fault and check this out this is how bad it gets right the modern men i'm at my getting my hair cut and my stylist husband some of you know who i'm talking about tells me i need to put oil on my beard so i went and got a bucket of fried chicken and just like went for it i don't i don't think that's what he meant but i enjoyed it so those of you who are looking now i think like trim my ears and everything this morning ear hair anyway so we're in a series it's it's it's real all the brothers who have like spiders legs climbing out their ears wave at me yeah see some of you are too embarrassed i'm not it's that's the modern man you gotta do you gotta do anyway we're a series right now called heaven to earth god's kingdom is always advancing and um there's been a few before me last week was pastor mark where god's kingdom's always advancing and the concept that we're talking about comes from the lord's prayer sometimes called the disciples prayer in matthew chapter 6 where jesus has asked how should we pray and he's teaching the disciples this is how you should pray our father who is in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven very good you're with me so that's the concept we're talking about is that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven heaven to earth and pastor mark last week did a great job talking about a number of different things but he pointed out two things that how we should posture ourselves if we're going to receive this an experience or experiences of heaven to earth in us because he taught us last week that the kingdom is supposed to be advancing inside us it's always advancing and advancing around about us and he gave us some help on how we should posture ourselves for that so i want to tag on to that and raise this question because i thought to myself well what should we expect if we posture ourselves correctly what should we expect to happen to us and through us when we do that and so you know and you've got kids that just keep saying why you know why why i'm like that so i think okay why should i do that and then what's going to happen next so let's follow that trail a little bit today and we'll talk about what should happen i'll get to that in a minute but i have a little quiz for you first because you know we like to do big ideas here so this is how i want to introduce the big ideas with a little quiz so it's a multiple choice so i'm going to ask you a question you've got to choose the answer who said this some people are so heavily minded they are no earthly good was it a king solomon he gets blamed for a lot of things things like okay clean your room young man cleanliness is next to godliness it's in the bible no it's not in the bible you know stuff like that right god helps them that helps themselves have you ever heard that maybe that's a scottish thing god it's you know yeah it's not in the bible either so is it solomon was it oliver wendell holmes senior or was it my grandma or your grandma some people are so heavily minded there are no earthly good a b or c b it is b oliver wendell holmes senior said that but if you know steve backlund this is probably what he would say about that phrase let's just laugh at that yeah he said joining in i like it laughing on cue well i'm going to take that phrase and i'm going to flip it today and this is our big idea that to be heavily minded is to be of maximum earthly good to be heavenly minded is to be of maximum earthly good i'm going to read from first peter in a minute but i want to read something here first of all from luke's gospel chapter 3. it says this when all the people were being baptized jesus was baptized too and as he was praying heaven was opened and the holy spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove and a voice came from heaven you're my son whom i love with you i'm well pleased i want to talk about something in particular but if you'll notice in this story there are four people that are mentioned or alluded to in this story you've got john the baptist who's not mentioned but he's the one doing the baptizing you've got jesus the one being baptized and then you've got a voice that came from heaven the voice of the father speaking you're my son this is my son whom i love and then you have a fourth person you have in the form of a dove the holy spirit descending upon jesus we had baptisms today and right here we see jesus getting baptized and the word baptized in the new testament the greek word is used for it is baptizo which means to immerse so you're going we just saw it right you go all the way in that water and you come all the way out and there's what's happening here with jesus there's two baptisms happening there's this baptism of going all the way in the water and and elsewhere jesus said this is to fulfill all righteousness and then you see this other baptism where the holy spirit comes down and descends from an open heaven and actually in john's gospel it says the holy spirit came and remained and so jesus is having this encounter with the baptism of the holy spirit he's being baptized by or in holy spirit now you think well why would that be necessary good question i've asked the same thing like why think about this for a minute we know these scriptures we just had christmas right where it talks about mary have an encounter with angels where the angels said that the power of the most high will come upon you right and the power of the most high will overshadow you or and it talks about the holy spirit coming on her and the child will be born to you you'll have a child and his name will be jesus or emmanuel so we remember that story here we have a supernatural birth the virgin birth never won before it never won since then we have the son of god being born by the power of the holy spirit that's awesome so you would think to yourself here we are it says in luke jesus was about 30 when he begins his ministry why would he need to have an encounter again with the holy spirit he's had a supernatural birth now this is a picture for all of us who call ourselves christians and so we get born again born from above jesus taught nicodemus about this that the wind of the holy spirit comes and blows upon you and gives you new birth but there's an experience alluded to here that heaven opens and the holy spirit descends upon you and baptizes you to give you power to live your life on this earth just exactly as jesus lived it jesus it says after this baptism happens it says that in in mark's gospel it says the holy spirit then sent him into the wilderness to be tempted in luke it says he was led by the spirit in luke chapter 4 it says after all of this temptation he comes out of the wilderness in the power of the holy spirit he goes into the synagogue and preaches and what does he say the spirit of the sovereign lord is on me because the lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners and it goes on beauty for ashes they're all of gladness instead of mourning there's this list of stuff that comes how does it come it comes by the baptism of the holy spirit upon the son of god that releases him into his ministry [Applause] i feel like preaching can you tell here's a key phrase in there heaven was opened and the holy spirit descended that's our series heaven to earth later on actually john the baptist talks about this when he when he pointed out jesus he said he's the lamb of god that takes away the sin of the world and his sandals i'm not worthy to untie remember that and he said he will baptize you with the holy spirit and with fire the same baptism that jesus got is intended for us he baptizes us he empowers us and he communicates with us by the holy spirit and reveals the father to us in the same way that we see here in luke's gospel heaven is opened over you and over me because of what jesus has done and through the baptism of the holy spirit upon our lives let me read something to you from john's gospel john chapter 14. this is jesus talking and he says if you love me you'll obey what i command and i'll ask the father and he'll give you another counselor to be with you forever the spirit of truth the world cannot accept him because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he lives with you and will be in you now i'm going to him who sent me yet none of you asks me where are you going because i've said these things you're filled with grief now check this out i'm going to come back to this verse in a minute but i tell you the truth it's for your good that i'm going away unless i go away the counselor will not come to you but if i go i will send him to you but when he the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth he won't speak on his own he'll speak only what he hears and he'll tell you what's yet to come he'll bring glory to me by taking what's mine and making it known to you all that belongs to the father's mind and that's why i said the spirit will take from what's mine and make it known to you what is jesus really saying here when i said check this verse out this is a really pivotal important verse when jesus said it's for your good that i go away now if you're like me you actually saw how at one point jesus is describing to his disciples before his death what's gonna happen and peter argues with him right and he says i'll die with you lord that's never gonna happen you know and then jesus says you'll disown me three times and so on and rebukes him and says you've got in mind the things of god not the things of men in other words peter's disagreeing this makes no sense to me when i read this scripture years ago and i thought that makes no sense to me why would it be better for jesus to go away right if you're like me or doing that why thing again like a kid why are you going away jesus well the counselor will come okay but why is that better i'm going to tell you why when jesus was on the earth the son of god he was either in samaria or he was in judea or he was in jerusalem or he was somewhere specific and the apostles recorded in the book of acts as they witnessed them going up to heaven and an angel said he'll come back that way and we know today from other scriptures that it says that jesus is now seated at the right hand of the father so he at that point he could only be in one place at one time so it's better that he goes away because then when he sends the holy spirit from heaven he just duplicated himself and all his experience was the father and every believer all across every nation of the world through planet earth that's an amazing promise it's better that he goes so that we can have actually emmanuel god with us everywhere i go 24 7 for the rest of my life that's an amazing promise in other words jesus just duplicated himself and his connection with the father and every single one of us in this room today who know him and everybody that's watching who knows him so he reveals the father the holy spirit helps to do this he reveals the father he reveals truth these are all these verses i just read he reveals jesus and check this one out this is a really helpful one he reveals your future to you from heaven's perspective he said in john chapter 40 he will take what is yet to come and make it known to you he'll show you what is yet to come so if you're struggling today wondering we have this all the time i mentioned this in the first service you know when your pastors and people will ask you often it's a good question i i want to know what's my purpose we've all asked that question right and sometimes i think i don't know how am i supposed to know i know somebody who does know and somebody actually who wants to tell you now he's not going to give you your whole scope of your life but he'll tell you what you need to know and what's coming up for you the holy spirit having intimate relationship with him is where you find answers for what your purpose really is and he wants to show you what's coming next in your life what you have ahead of you heaven is open that's why this happens there's no lock down there no lock down in heaven heaven is open and this is what makes you heavenly minded to be heavily minded is to be maximum earthly good i'm now going to read from first peter so check this scripture out praise be to the god and father of our lord jesus christ in his great mercy he's given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead and into an inheritance that can never perish spoil or fade kept in heaven for you who through faith are shielded by god's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time this is so good you couldn't make this up let's read on though you have not seen him you love him and even though you do not see him now you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy for your receiving the goal of your faith the salvation of your souls concerning this salvation the prophets who spoke of the grace that was to come to you searched intently and with the greatest care trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the spirit of christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of christ and the glories that would follow it was revealed to them they were not serving themselves but you when they spoke of the things they have now been told you by those who've preached their gospel to you by the holy spirit sent from heaven even angels long to look into these things i said this the first service i'm going to say again sometimes we just need to read the bible you see we just read right there the power of that did you hear the inheritance that's being described in there the inexpressible joy that's being given to us what's stored in heaven for us what god is doing through christ the glories that are going to follow in our lives and there's more ephesians 1 14 and you also were included in christ when you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation having believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised holy spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are god's possession to the praise of his glory and one more second corinthians now it is god who makes both us and you stand firm in christ he anointed us set his seal of ownership on us and put his spirit in our hearts as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come you have today as a christian an incredible deposit of an inheritance from heaven to earth it's not all just kept there waiting for you in the future you have a deposit and he is the inheritance himself actually the holy spirit who comes to baptize you i'm going to tell you my a little personal story i like as you know i like to tell stories and so um when i got born again and most of you here probably have heard that but for the sake of those who haven't when i got born again i didn't know anything about jesus i was i was uh this was in 1987. by the way today is my birthday hey thank you my thank you my salvation birthday this is the day that i got saved just just to clarify february 28 1987. and nate you owe me a gift for that dynamite joke so february 28 1987 i was 18. so do the math all you youngsters over there back in those days we used to wear like baggy white pants we looked like don johnson who you don't know like fancy leather moccasins shoes so i was coming from the pub i wasn't wearing white pants that day because it was raining i'm not stupid so so much yeah somewhere here take a minute to catch on so so i'm on my way from the pub and i hear these people preaching on the street in a short version i get saved i get born again that day didn't know a lot about what that meant but i had an encounter with god where i gave my life to jesus and he forgave me and he made me and i felt all this love and all this joy just sweep over my life and i knew that i was different in that moment something had happened to me but i hadn't had any training i really didn't know that much so i wasn't aware of the some of the things that i was supposed to do or not do and that that's another story for another time but i did a lot of things that were a little bit off shall we say so they gave me a bible and i started reading the bible but then see i would hear things in church and i would go to church for the first time i'd never been to church so i go to the church and i remember the first time they had communion and they had like they had one cup you know that they passed around and they had these like little chunks of bread and i thought well that's not going to fill somebody up like is this supposed to be a dinner or what you know i'm hungry you need some more bread and then but who drinks from one cup all these strangers like that was a bit weird but anyway they taught me what communion was and and in the midst of all this i'm learning things like baptism and baptism in the holy spirit but i didn't know how the sequence was supposed to go so it's february 28th i get saved by april i'm getting baptized now where i'm from you get baptized in the north sea yeah so that's where you sort of like you know there's no faking it till you make it like if you're faking it when you get to that water you're like nah i'm just gonna stay buddhist i i i'm not getting in that water you must be jogging you know like it makes a real christian out here let me tell you that that's what we'll say about it so anyway i go along so i get baptized and we go back up to church and as we do there we have a cup of tea we're all upstairs in the church and we're having a cup of tea and a biscuit that's a cookie we call it biscuits so we're having a cup of tea in a biscuit and then this is this guy talking to me and he was like all right jimmy that's awesome we've got you born again we've got you baptized we've got you filled with the holy spirit i'm like i haven't been filled with the holy spirit he said what do you mean why not i said well well you were there weren't you i just got baptized he said what does that have to do with it well i thought you had to get like baptized first you know and and then oh no no he said right let's go so we go downstairs he goes and gets his wife we come downstairs he's like right this is how this is gonna work we're gonna pray for you to get baptized in the holy spirit and then we're going to start speaking in tongues and then you're going to ask jesus to fill you with the holy spirit and then you're going to start speaking in tongues other languages i'm like okay cool so they pray fill them with the holy spirit lord right and they start speaking it down jesus just baptize me now in your holy spirit bang i immediately started speaking in other languages that i had never known and i didn't understand the power of god heaven opened for me that day in a way that i had not had even when i got born again that i entered into something in an intimacy with god the father and in a power in clarity reading the bible encountering god serving god that i hadn't had before heaven opened that day and touched me now let me say that i was a little while later i got my first word of knowledge where the knowledge is when god tells you somebody something about somebody that only he would know and i was trying to lead a guy to jesus and he was getting on my nerves and uh because he just wouldn't get saved and uh i was getting you know i'm serious he was annoying me so me and my friend were like we were talking to him and all of a sudden i said something to him you know what your problem is and then the lord gave me a word of knowledge about him and i can't remember what it was so long ago it was him and his sister or something like that and i tell him like you know what your problem is and then i tell him this stuff that i know about him and he's like how do you know that i said god just told me he goes i want to get saved [Applause] are you like remember that staples advert that was easy it's not the power the presence heaven opens when you're baptized in the holy spirit in such a way you begin to access things with god that's where heaven starts really to come to earth not just in some big fancy prayer oh god change the world to make it look like how i would want it to look because i have better ideas than you no it's about having coming to earth in you personally and to me personally and that's an intimate thing but here's how it happens pastor mark mentioned it last week he said humility and hunger and what that looks like for me is this where the holy spirit is welcomed and honored not just tolerated where he's not just tolerated as a subject or a thing or an it but where he's welcomed as god where he's welcomed as a lord we do this with me just now when you when you just close your eyes for a second and just say that with me we welcome you holy spirit make it personal i welcome you holy spirit and just listen for a moment just let him connect with your spirit and you're at home do it right there wherever you're at watching invite him welcome him right now holy spirit is healing people's hearts we sang it in a song earlier about jesus being the healer and he renovates the soul holy spirit will you renovate the parts of our soul that need it right now you restore our hearts over and over again holy spirit we welcome your healing we welcome your renewal we welcome your restoration we welcome your presence and we welcome you as lord we welcome you as god in our lives amen amen there's lots of things the holy spirit wants to do in our lives and i don't have time to go into a mall today but let me just give you a few things that he wants to do for you what it looks like when you're baptized in the holy spirit the book of acts i counted 56 times where the holy spirit's referred to and most of those times it's talking about the holy spirit said the holy spirit instructed the holy spirit told the holy spirit says the holy spirit they through it says that through they they gave the apostles were giving instructions through the holy spirit you see him referred to over and over and over again as god helping his people so he gives words he speaks all the time specific things jesus said he'll guide you into truth he'll tell you what's yet to come those are specific things that holy spirit wants to teach us so words he gives wisdom first corinthians two it talks about that we can't know the mind of god on our own but by the holy spirit he'll give us wisdom which means you know what to do with the things he tells you because that's really important i've done lots of things where the holy spirit gave me words and i went off like a crazy man and did something really dumb and it didn't turn out right because i didn't have the wisdom how to apply it the holy spirit gives wisdom to us the other thing he does he gives one he does wonders ephesians chapter 3 says that he can do above all that we can ask or imagine it talks about jesus doing his ministry and the power of the spirit and it says and the people wondered or marveled at these things the holy spirit does wonders but here's the one i really want to park on while i get ready to conclude here today it's this the holy spirit while he does all these wonderful things brings oneness now i know for all you engineer types and firstborns and only children you're like that doesn't start with w jim words wisdom wonders oneness these are phrases in the south as you can tell i'm from the deep south they use a phrase down there well they'll say that somebody's your kinfolk right or you've used the terminal by yourself you have a kindred spirit with somebody meaning that you're connected with them intuitively a lot of the time that's the oneness that holy spirit brings to us if i could say it this way that we're god's kinfolk that we have a kindredness with the father let me just park on this for a minute the oneness jesus says it like this in john 17. this is amazing i pray also for those he's praying for his disciples who will believe in me through their message that's us that all of them may be one father just as you are in me and i am in you may they also be in us so that the world may believe that you've sent me i've given them the glory that you gave me that they may be one as we are one i in them and you and me may they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you've sent me now check this and have loved them even as you have loved me this is what jesus is praying i want them to be one i want them to be connected to each other but i want them to be connected to us in the same way that we are connected how does he do that through intimacy in the baptism of the holy spirit he's the one that makes us one with god the father and with jesus and jesus says it right here i want them to know this here's my reason for that so that they will know that you have loved them the same way that you've loved me what a promise what a promise it almost sounds wrong doesn't it too good to be true that jesus is saying father i want them to know that you've loved them the same way that you've loved me we get to share in the love and in the same glory that jesus got of living by the intimacy of the holy spirit with the father you get to have that today i get to have that today not in heaven today you get to have that if the worship team will come up that'd be great i'm going to start to wrap this up the holy spirit's primary job is revealing who we are as god's sons and daughters and who our father is is what does that galatians chapter 4 from the message you can tell for sure that you are now fully adopted as his own children because god sent the spirit of his son into our lives crying out papa father doesn't that privilege of intimate conversation with god make it plain that you are not a slave but a child and if you are a child you are also an heir with complete access to the inheritance you are also a child with complete access to the inheritance the inheritance is not just things that the holy spirit gives us or does in us and for us he is the inheritance that is if you like your rights as a son or daughter is to be filled immersed all the way in the baptism of the holy spirit that the presence of god would cover your life drench your life empower your life comfort your life teach your life bring truth into your life heal your physical body take all the glories that are in heaven and make them on earth in your body just as it is in heaven jesus was sent from heaven the holy spirit was sent from heaven and he's the one that gives us the mind of christ god's thoughts and intentions and desires for you how you how the kingdom should advance in you how should advance through you let me say it like this there's not another way there's not another way to have oneness with god there's not another way to be heavenly minded except to honor and receive the fullness of the holy spirit upon our lives i'm going to read the scripture and pastor west is going to come after this song and he's going to close us out but i'm going to read a scripture and we'll do two or three short declarations together this is the apostle paul teaching remember our big idea is that to be heavenly minded is to make us of maximum earthly good paul says this the spirit searches all things even the deep things of god for who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him in the same way no one knows the thoughts of god except the spirit of god we have not received the spirit of the world go ahead and say that i've not received the spirit of the world but the spirit who's from god that we may understand what god has freely given us this is what we speak not in words taught by human wisdom but words taught by the spirit spiritual truths and spiritual words the man without the spirit doesn't accept the things that come from the spirit of god for their foolishness to him and he cannot understand them because they're spiritually discerned the spiritual man makes judgments about all things but he himself is not subject to any man's judgment now check this for who has known the mind of the lord that he may instruct him it's a question who who is basically saying who could know what god thinks then he gives the answer we have the mind of christ we can we can know what god's thinking we can know god's intentions we can know what he wants we can be heavenly minded and that makes us of maximum earthly good will you stand with me please i'm gonna make three short declarations to help us and then we'll we'll sing a worship song and pastor west will close but here's our declarations the first one if you'll say it out loud with me my father sent holy spirit to share his thought go ahead you want to see it with me my father sent holy spirit to share his thoughts intentions on what is on his mind with me number two with my connection to holy spirit i am becoming more heavily minded and maximizing my life for good and finally my heavenly mindedness is good for my family my church and the world and everybody said [Applause] amen and where would i run but to the throne of mercy where would i kneel but at the cross of grace [Music] so beautiful [Music] jesus be glory in all things [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] forever [Applause] [Music] right here [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever right here [Music] foreign [Music] you [Applause] [Applause] just go away [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] let's absorb the king of peace i am [Music] ah yes jesus oh we exalt you today lord were high and lifted up pastor jim that message was amazing you gave us enough to feed on for a month you were so funny oh man people were ready to break out and start singing happy birthday and they found and they heard it was my salvation and our people go oh did you hear the invitation did you hear the invitation today if you don't know jesus like now there's no excuses you have the holy spirit all you have to do is give him the yes it's yes jesus come into my heart and the holy spirit goes okay forgive me of my sins i make you the lord of my life if you're here today and you just said you know i want jesus i want the life that jesus offers me i want to give up my old life but i want the life that jesus offers me not you today just go you know what i just feel this compelling of the holy spirit and if you're watching online and just going man i need jesus right where you're at avoid you can invite jesus to come in and the holy spirit is with you in your home because he's everywhere and today when you invite him to say lord jesus coming to mark he will come in he'll make you brand new if you're here today and you just like i'm i need jesus i want to make him my lord today you would just raise your hand i'm going to pray for you yeah just hold your hand up i'm going to pray for you anyone who has not received christ yeah so father for those that are online that are lifting their hands to you in jesus name we just pray lord come into my heart forgive me of my sins lord today i put my faith and my trust in you i receive this whole new life by faith and to say welcome holy spirit make jesus a life to me in your precious name amen if you're online and and if you would you can contact our church we want to hear from you you can contact lecture seven an amazing message by pastor jim about heaven i pray with you and we'd love to hear from you we had people baptized i believe in the first service that online gave their life no i think it was this service they gave their life to the lord it's just amazing we bless you there's another thing that i want to do most people did not raise their hand wow what an amazing message by pastor jim about heaven to earth wasn't it awesome that was so good hey if you uh gave your life to jesus today if you made that that commitment you took that step we want to know about it you can email us office lifechurch7.com we'd love to connect with you we want to get you going on the right path also members don't forget tonight is our annual vision meeting we want you there we want all members there it's going to be just a lot of fun and a lot of vision casting for this coming year so please are it's not too late rsvp online and we'll see you tonight at 5 30. amazing thank you so much for joining us today we hope to see you next week have a great week [Music] you
Views: 311
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ToPphoWzdq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 0sec (5280 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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