Overcome | Overflow | 09.05.21

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey welcome to life church 7. we are so glad that you've joined us today we have an incredible service in store for you but before we get there we have a few things that you need to know about that are happening here at life church 7. but before i go there one last thing we'd love for you to do is take a moment subscribe to our youtube feed like us on facebook and share the feed let's get the gospel out everywhere in the world so no further ado let's go check out the announcements we got some great announcements for you today claire it's fall but so summer's over did you have a good summer i actually had a great summer what did you do i'm glad you asked i actually went skydiving in the sky 13 000 feet in the air it was amazing it was cold colder than you'd think i don't think i'd do that i think you could do it oh man skydiving but these announcements are not about our skydiving trip as a church we're not gonna do that maybe later maybe next year claire will lead that uh but we do have some great announcements for you mighty men's breakfast is coming up this saturday uh september 11th at 8 a.m in the small auditorium and if you're part of our church and you want to get connected meet other men this is a great way to do it there's gonna be fellowship there's gonna be food nate told me biscuits and gravy and bacon so it's going to be a good food and we study the word together so it's just a powerful time to get around other believers and grow so we want to invite you to be a part of that that is amazing next up we are having something special for you if you are new to lc7 in the last year on the 12th of september in s103 after second service we are hosting a welcome to lc7 lunch so if you want to be a part and kind of hear the vision and mission of lc7 come join us we would love to see you there yeah it's gonna be so good you're gonna be able to meet other people too just a great way to connect and take that next step to be a part of our church and finally we have a great production team that makes all of our live feed all of our youtube feed happen and if you have an interest in photography or videography you're like man i just want to serve this is a great opportunity for you to serve within our church and really get the gospel everywhere yeah not only in the seven cities but throughout the world it's amazing what an amazing way i've talked to many people who actually serve in that area and they say man it brings so much life to be able to serve and see the fruit of it so i want to invite you to be a part of that the production team meeting is on september 19th at 1pm in glory room 1 so that is on sunday after 11am service we want you to be a part of that so mark your calendar for that and we'll see you there that's amazing do you have to have any prior experience to be on the team no no just come if you have just a heart maybe the lord's speaking to you right now like i need to do that just come and watch what god does through you that's awesome wow those are some exciting things here happening here at live church seven well let's go ahead and jump into the service we know god has an amazing day in store for you let's check it out welcome everyone thank you for joining us this morning can can we all stand as we get ready to worship those of you watching online just prepare your hearts to worship you know we have such an amazing invitation to worship the lord the holy spirit is in us he's all around us his presence is here and there's an invitation this morning to just get filled up in his presence amen amen is anybody awake is anybody ready to get filled ready to worship we're in church this morning guys it is time to worship him this is a this is a joyful place [Music] you're welcome to come forward if you want to come forward and worship you're welcome to do that but let's just prepare our hearts you know there's something about giving our all to jesus there's something about worshiping with our entire being with our entire heart our mind focused on him just focused on his goodness and focused on his presence can you just begin to thank him just even now lift your hands and just begin to turn your hearts towards the lord begin to remember the things that he's done for you thank him for the things that he's done for you in spite of what you see in spite of what's going on we know that he's at work we know that that he has amazing things for each one of us so begin to thank him jesus we thank you for what you're doing in this place lord i thank you for what you've done in my life in my family's life i thank you for what you're doing here at lc-7 i thank you for what you're doing in the state of washington and in the nation thank you we worship you jesus we put praise on our lips we put thanksgiving on our lips lord we worship you this morning in jesus name [Music] thank you for your lord for faithfulness kindness [Music] [Music] for you [Music] it crazy [Music] [Music] we'll see you break down everyone [Music] is god we pray [Music] let it [Music] [Music] foreign we praise you [Music] [Music] this this is what freedom feels like this is what heaven sounds like we praise you we praise you this is what living looks like this is what freedom feels like this is what heaven sounds like we praise you we praise [Music] like you praise you we pray [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we [Music] we pray [Music] oh we praise before the breakthrough you're the god of the victory [Music] [Music] [Music] power [Applause] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] [Music] we pray [Music] you [Music] jesus [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] [Music] the power of salvation that the is this hope is not empty and forever he will reign he won't be put to shame [Music] sing to the lord of creation sing his praise again [Music] an army of angels sing his praise again from the moment [Music] i won't be put [Music] sing to the lord of creation [Music] [Music] [Music] remember that his name will make a way he'll make from the cross to the grave he is praise the lord and sing his praise again oh remember can you remember how our god [Music] that his name will make he'll make the [Music] sing lord the lord of creation sing his praise again [Music] [Music] angels [Music] away [Music] again [Music] oh [Music] again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the lord [Music] sing his praise again [Music] [Music] sing his praise again [Music] sing to the lord of creation sing his praise again [Music] [Music] sing his praise again sing his praise again [Music] sing his praise again [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] the storms every jesus jesus [Music] you make the darkness tremble jesus jesus your silence fear jesus jesus you make the darkness tremble jesus jesus [Music] [Music] once again i will praise and breathe call these bones to live and call these lungs to sing once again [Music] jesus jesus you make the darkness tremble jesus jesus [Music] jesus jesus you make the darkness true jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] you make the darkness tremble jesus jesus [Music] jesus you make the darkness tremble jesus jesus your name is the shadows can't deny your [Applause] [Music] your name cannot be overcome jesus you make the darkness [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] oh jesus jesus [Music] the shadows can't deny your name cannot be overcome your name [Music] is name is [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] we fill your kingdom near to us today thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] [Music] so here it is [Music] [Music] [Music] and that's only just so here it is [Music] for your worthy fart beyond all i could say there's a lifetime worth of worship in the nuance of your names so let it rise like instance my whole life a fragrance areas here broken at your feet every breath in our frame my heart cries these lungs [Music] [Music] there it is [Music] believe that's the kind of king you are how could i not bring a lifetime word of worship to you [Applause] [Music] my heart cries these [Music] so let it lungs [Music] my heart cries [Music] [Music] you can have you can have [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] you can have it all come on tell him [Music] [Music] rise like incense my whole life a fragrance area here broken at your feet and every breath and offering my heart cries these lungs sing over you my worthy king of kings we invite you holy spirit wow you're here isaiah 40 it says they that wait upon the lord will renew their strength they'll rise up on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not grow faint in this service i just believe the lord is renewing your strength so let's wait on him they that wait upon the lord will renew their strength strength in the natural looks like power right but strength in the supernatural is the holy spirit filling with joy the joy of the lord is your strength so come holy spirit and fill us with joy bring your joy today god that's what renewing your strength looks like holy spirit come and fill us with joy now i don't need strength at the end of the battle i need strength in the middle of the battle so holy spirit drink bring strength right now in the middle of the battle so we wait on you lord we wait on you lord to come fill us with strength thank you [Music] yeah just press into this moment just wait close your eyes and just look at him don't look at what's happening around you just wait on the lord yourself say holy spirit i wait on you now holy spirit i wait on you now would you fill me god wants to fill you to overflow today there's an overflow god wants to fill you to overflow today not just to the top overflowing with joy wow i just i want to prophesy the next 40 days of our church is going to be a season of overflow of being poured into by the holy spirit as we wait the next 40 days the holy spirit's gonna fill us more and more and more and more so we yield now one of the things pastor west said just this week there's no sealing in the kingdom the more we yield the higher we go so we're rising up on wings like eagles we're yielding to you lord would you fill us god fill us god with your presence fill us with power god to overcome fill us with power to yield you fill us with power to see signs wonders miracles god that this city this area that this nation will be transformed more and more into your likeness god the enemy is not winning god you're winning you're victorious you're on the throne the enemy's defeated so god we yield to you would you fill us god fill us with joy now god it's our strength it's our strength god so fill us with joy now jesus the joy of the lord's our strength we love you god yes jesus [Music] yeah so we thank you god for what you're doing even in this moment online as people are watching now or later we know god that you're doing something right now filling us filling us so continue to do it all service long as we've worshipped as we prayed and into the message god we're open we're an open vessel fill us god to overflow today in jesus name wow amen amen we're going to move into a time of offering and you want to talk about overflow when you get and when you understand generosity you'll experience overflow jesus said give and it will be given to you press down shaken together running over poured out on your lap to the measure that you give it will be given to you so ever you give financially if you give online if you're going to give in the service you're going to give in the celebration box however you give oh man you'll receive but what god wants more than my finances he wants my heart so i just want you to put your hand over your heart right now you have my heart lord would you just declare that you have my heart lord i give you my heart you have my heart and when you have my heart everything else follows everything else follows including my finances so god i give whoa i'm cheerfully i'm a cheerful giver because i have the joy of the lord as my strength so i'm a cheerful giver i love to give and every time god every time i give you give back to me more and more god in blessing in favor in abundance pressed down shaken together pouring over spilling on my lap thank you god thank you god we love to give so our offering today god would you bless it would you multiply it like the loaves and fish would you multiply it greater and greater than anything we could ever do with it on our own it's yours lord we say this in jesus name amen amen amen well as you go ahead and find your seed say hi to somebody next year i have a quick announcement for you and then i'm going to invite pastor wes up go ahead and find your seat we have somebody who came here has a few animals in their car i think three dogs in their car i just want to invite you to go tend to those animals slip out and go tend to those animals because they are needing your assistance out there in the parking lot so that was just the announcement i had for you and on that note pastor wes is back so would you welcome pastor wes as he comes and gives a message today amen thank you it is so good to see each one of you online it's so i'm so glad that you're with us this morning and we just welcome each one in the mighty name of jesus wow you look great i guess instead of a three dog night it'll be a three dog morning and we'll take care of the puppies and and do well amen ah jesus is so good jesus is so good jesus is so good i want you to turn with me and fix your eyes on jesus this morning hebrews chapter 13 says fixing your eyes on jesus the author and the finisher of your faith he who has begun this good work in you he's completing it well it's so good to see you so good to see you may i bless you would you stand with me we're going to do this amazing thing it's this authority that we have all the authority that we have comes from christ this was weaker than the first service there's only half this amount of people all the authority that you have comes from christ it's just like it's a resounding amen can we try that norwegian amen amen yeah so i want you to put your hands on your head in the scripture it's your head is this it's a place of authority and i want you to just declare loudly jesus is lord one two three jesus is lord jesus is lord i want us to keep saying it because what happens is we're going to apprehend that jesus is the lord jesus is lord come on let's say it loudly jesus is lord jesus is lord wow jesus your lord and we put on the lordship we put our hands on our head and we put our put on the lordship of jesus you're the head of the church oh you are the head of the church you are lord so we put on your lordship give us eyes to see this morning what you're seeing give us ears to hear what you're saying lord we put our hands over heart and give us a heart to respond to you a heart to respond to you thank you lord jesus the same yesterday today and forever jesus the same yesterday i'm removing any demonic influence out of the room jesus the same yesterday today and forever jesus the same yesterday today and forever would you give him praise we give you praise we give you praise no we give you praise we give you praise we magnify the name of jesus we glorify your name whoa thank you lord [Applause] you could be seated for a little while thank you lord it's so good to be with you i just want to thank pastor gary and the worship team so thankful for them and matthew and our whole studio team everyone that has helped i want to thank our pastors and our uh administrative assistants and all that help in church i've been gone for the past four weeks and um and it's fun to be able to watch on tv what god is doing um and just rejoice in god's faithfulness in god's goodness a couple about a month ago i met with our trustees and i talked with the trustees and said i felt like i needed to take a month's sabbatical just to get a handle on my health and we our trustees are the best on the planet they have such godly godly men amazing men and they prayed for me and i said oh yeah and i said you know while i'm gone the church will grow so it'll be all good and um and so i'd gone to the doctor and and um so the good news is i'm 26 pounds lighter the the bad news is that i'm no longer your 250 pound uh gift but uh um so i've i've had to change completely change my diet i just drink water now and uh i was having sometimes two venti quad iced espressos a day yeah the powerful 250-pound caffeinated pastor wes and so in one day i just went to the lord and i just said so lord i just i know that i have a season in front of me that you want me to continue and i need help and so it's just really awesome and uh so i said i just i just need to say no to coffee and then sugar and nothing out of boxes get rid of all of all kinds of things hershey bars and all kinds of things and just begin to eat healthy and um i didn't have one headache i didn't i didn't even miss the coffee and i knew that was from the lord i've done that before and i've had some outrageous encounters with headaches and and so um then i just walk four miles a day and just spending time with the lord waiting on god and in this sabbatical time and just being alone with the lord and then with my wife and some of my immediate family and just taking time for refreshing and during this time the holy spirit spoke to my heart and and uh and he speaks to me all the time he's speaking to you all the time that's why you have a holy spirit that's right he doesn't play silent games my sheep hear my voice and they follow me that's why you have the holy spirit he's speaking to you he uses the word to speak to you i don't hear from god see that you're just repeating what the devil's saying to you the lie of the devil of course he doesn't want the holy spirit speaking to you because the holy spirit has come to reveal christ he's come to reveal the love of the father he's come to transform you into the image and the likeness of jesus can you see that so just raise your hand and say oh yeah i'm hearing from the holy spirit all the time now i just need to listen right isn't that good he loves you he loves you with an everlasting love so during this time the lord just began speaking to my heart and just saying i want you to read revelation chapter one and i want you just to stay there and and so it was just in my heart so i began to read revelation 1 reading it over and over and over listening to it listening to when i'm walking and as i listen to revelation chapter 1 and hearing it over and over and reading it over and over it just began to kind of i just got this picture of overflow the word overflow isn't mentioned one once in revelation 1. but what is happening to john on the isle of patmos is actually overflow it's the result of the result of being close to jesus is that his life and his presence begins to fill you the result of having the holy spirit fill you and work in you is that you begin to fill up the result of being in love with our heavenly father is that there's an overflow so today i want to talk about overflow in a season that i can't when i was coming back i said lord i need to address the church with what i see going on and i need a clear word from you not only in the seven cities not only you know washington state not only not only in america but around the world i need a clear word from you i just felt like the holy spirit says yeah i have it and it's overflow tell them about my overflow and so guess what we're going to talk about today man i we have a group of geniuses this is amazing the word overflow is not specifically used in revelation but it's important that overflow is a part of our life the apostle john had been exiled on an aisle called patmos for preaching the gospel he had suffered and endured so much for the cause of christ and now he's been put in isolation and he's living on this isle living in an exile away from the body of christ away from family could be a great time for a pity party a time for feeling discouraged anybody ever enjoy a good pity party you know the thing about a pity party the thing is is that you're still pitiful at the end of the party oh i've had him i've worked so hard for jesus and nobody seems to care you got a kind of vibrato yeah i'm voice honest and i just hear the holy spirit sweetly say stop it wes you're making me discouraged stop it stop it it seems like petty parts pity parties are a recipe to living life from regret and disappointment that's not what we find when we see the apostle paul or apostle john the apostle john on the isle of patmos it's the lord's day and what do you find him doing he's worshiping he's worshiping he's exiled he's done all these things in the kingdom he's written the gospel of john he's written first and second third john he's addressed the church he's the most beloved apostle in the early church john is known as the as the beloved apostle and where does he find himself on an aisle on an island exiled how many times does it come up for us like i do all this for jesus and look what happens to me don't raise your hand but all of us have done it man i just gave i just gave this amount of money and look what happened you know you're repeating the devil he's not only the accuser of the brethren he's the accuser of jesus when i sow into the kingdom i expect that often there's some kind of things to overcome no problem but there's always blessing in the kingdom they used to say you can't out give god well it's just so silly because god owns it all can i think about that statement he owns it all and he is so good so the apostle paul um was worshiping on the on the lord on the isle of patmos on the lord's day and he's just caught up in the spirit like we were during worship today can i encourage you if you see people like kneeling down they're just being caught up in the spirit and the only question that you have in here is why am i not doing that not why are they doing it all right man if they're if they're soaking getting blessed why am i not doing that well no put away the well and come and get blessed why well i'm reserved i'm sorry [Applause] reserved for what are we reserved for his goodness his mercy his kindness well i don't do that sort of thing well the scripture says to lift up holy hands without wrath and without doubting and we enter his gates with thanksgiving his course with praise he's a good and gracious god he is worthy he is worthy of our praise the closer you get to jesus the better he is have you ever gotten close to someone and then you saw the words yeah look at that like how they're better off a little further off but the closer you come to jesus the more amazing the more beautiful he becomes that's the experience that john has if some are like a little bit offended by some of the things that i've said oh man i'm just getting started this morning today today is a day of alignment i'm back there's a day of alignment for all of us i have come to help you to encourage you to strengthen you to build you up in your most holy faith i've come to help you overcome because jesus overcame we overcome yeah that's so good i think most of us could identify with john after months of covet a long season of political unrest and facing great uncertainty about our futures it's uncertain what the future looks like i just have this certainty that jesus holds the future as uncertain as it looks it's way different than it has looked at any other time since i've been alive it just makes me it's so fun because i'm just thinking so jesus you are lord you have it all and all i have to do is fix my gaze on you and i will overcome i keep leaving my notes i apologize for john in the midst of persecution abandonment and isolation he continues to worship he chooses to live life from overflow say that with me life from overflowing the apostle paul the apostle john gives us a wonderful example of what it looks to live a life from overflow he's called john the beloved he's one of the 12 disciples of jesus he's written out of the four gospels john writes the one that is the most relational and theologically the most advanced john along with the other 11 disciples walk with jesus for three and a half years john was the one that put his head on the chest of jesus at the last supper john there was nobody that had a more up close and personal view than jesus then of jesus than john john in fact he says three times different times in the gospel of john he says the one who jesus loved the most so i don't know jesus didn't say that but that's what he said about jesus who said that about him and anybody listen if you believe that about someone you're going to live that way that's what i want you to catch with john so you know actually out of all live church seven i'm pretty much god's favorite and i really do love him the most man just go with that let god fill you up well i don't want to be proud well you could be proud of that the one that jesus loved the most that's pretty cool because it's true he loves each one of us the most you are dearly loved wow john's gospel is the most advanced there's three letters first and second third john that are such the core of the kingdom and christianity when you read first and second third john he's writing these john is writing the these books to the churches and he really addresses he says god is love and he explains that if you don't if you don't love each other then you don't love god and he gives five chapters in first john to explain that he explains that sin isn't even in our new nature so he keep he who keeps on sinning is actually of the devil it's not our new design in our new nature to live from sin we're to live from faith in christ you will sin less the closer and closer you get to jesus sin won't even be the issue it'll just be how close do you want to come how close do you want to come life church 7 to jesus i'll try it again how close do you want to come to jesus how close do you want to come so i want you if you would if you turn with me my big idea it is what it is well let me give you my question what does living from life from overflow look like overflow is defined as the excess of surplus not able to be accommodated by an available space what if each one of us were so full of the love and wonder of jesus that we walk into walmart and everybody's got their masks on and even with my mask on just love is flowing out of me and the checkers going wow what is that oh it's the love of jesus flowing out of me well it just smelled like something looks like something it feels like something what do you have what a season right now for us to live life from overflowing jesus wow if you take your bibles and go to revelation chapter 1 verses 1 through 20. and if you have your a regular bible i'd love to have you pull that out if you don't have if you don't have your bible with me these next four weeks could you do me a favor and bring a real bible the the like the ones on there that's the real bible on there but i want you to mark some things down it's harder i know you can put stuff in there but i just missed the leaves of the bible you know that's kind of old fashioned well man people died in china their groups of people they give them a bible and they're so persecuted that they finally memorized one page and then one of them would eat it and swallow it so they wouldn't be persecuted so i think we could bring bible for four weeks and amen there's no guilt there's just great free it's just fun you've only got a big one awesome bring it well i've only got one of those little pocket bibles bring it man pocket bibles are so far beyond my vision at this point revelation chapter 1 would you stand with the reading of god's word and i'm just going to ask the holy spirit that this as i read that literally you begin to encounter what i'm talking about how many are open this morning for a fresh encounter of jesus yeah didn't you come this morning for a fresh encounter of jesus yeah so you follow along up there so good revelation chapter 1 verse 1 says the revelation of jesus christ which god gave to him to show his servants things which must shortly take place and he sent and signified it by his angel to his servant john who bore witness to the word of god and to the testimony of jesus christ to all things that he saw blessed here you go blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy just take your hands just go oh i receive that blessing yeah yeah i mean it's literally a blessing right now so as i'm reading you're supposed to receive a blessing blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written in it for the time is near so if the time was near 2000 years ago then the time is probably pretty close to now 2 000 years later so i'm not bewildered with what's going on jesus said when you see these things coming to pass do this look up before your redemption draws nigh am i saying that we the revivals not come no i believe there's a great revival coming am i saying america can't have revolt be transferred no i believe america can be transformed but i'm just going to be saying what god's saying i'm going to be declaring his goodness i'm going to find my source of security in christ not in my power wagon so i go power wagon what is he talking about verse 4 john to the seven churches at asia grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and is to come from the seven spirits who are before the throne and from jesus christ the faithful witness the firstborn from the dead and the ruler over the kings of the earth to him who loved us oh say this with me to him who loved us so we're talking about jesus to him who loved us say it again oh say it again yeah and washed us from our sins in his own blood and has made us kings and priests to his god and father to him be glory and dominion forever and ever and ever would you give the lord praise would you give the lord praise jesus we give you praise we give you praise we give you glory we give you honor we bless you lord behold he's coming out with the clouds and every i will see him say every i will see him even they who pierced him and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him [Applause] even so amen i am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end says the lord who is and who was and who has to come the almighty the almighty would you say that loud the almighty john wright tonight john both your brother and in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of christ jesus christ was on the isle that is called patmos for the word of god and the testimony of jesus christ i was in the spirit on the lord's day and i heard behind me a loud voice as of a trumpet saying i am the alpha and the omega the first and the last and what you see right in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in asia ephe or ephesus and submirna pergamus the thyrotyra cyrus sardis to philadelphia to laodicea then i turned to see the voice that spoke to me and having turned i saw seven golden lampstands would you close your eyes with me and i just want you to picture this with john and in the midst of the seven landstands one like the son of man clothed with a garment down to his feet and girded about the chest with a golden bend his head and hair were wool like white like wool and white as snow and his eyes were like a flame of fire his feet were like fine brass as if refined in the furnace and his voice as the sound of many waters and he he had in his right hand seven stars and out of his mouth with a sharp two-edged sword and his countenance was like the shining in its strength and when i saw him i fell as dead who he laid his right hand on me saying do not be afraid i am the first in the last i am he who lives and was dead and behold i'm alive forevermore amen and i have the keys to hades and death write the things you have seen and the things which are and the things which will take place after this the mystery of the seven stars which you saw at my right hand and the golden lampstands the seven stars are the angels and the seven of the seven churches and the seven lampstands which you saw are the seven churches my big idea today living life from overflow positions you to overcome just would you put your hand over your heart so father i pray right now as i just look at everyone i just speak your life in your grace i declare each one by the power of your spirit to overcome in this season lord i ask that every person has ongoing encounters with you jesus as they read as they pray that they have such encounters of your glory and your goodness that out of our out of our bellies lord out of our innermost being that would flow rivers of living water fear doubt unbelief offenses things that have wounded our heart things that have made us mad father right now we lay them at the foot of the cross we lay them at the foot of the cross they're not ours to take they're not ours to carry they're not ours to pick up where to walk in love so father right now free every heart in the name of jesus from any offense from any wound fill us with love fill us with your goodness yeah free us from name calling and fill us with speaking your word with power lord we decree and we declare it in jesus nighty name everybody said amen you can be seated so my big idea is living life from overflow positions you to overcome first of all let me just say something quickly about john so john is with jesus for three and a half years he's his disciples he's one of the twelve john was at the crucifixion of jesus he um was the first one he outran peter to the tomb and um he was in the room when jesus appeared to him and when jesus appeared to him uh jesus in this new body could go through walls and what was interesting about this season was that jesus could walk with you but you may not know who he is mary didn't recognize jesus until jesus said mary and she goes for bonai teacher it's you the two disciples on the road to emmaus they walk seven miles and they're going along and they're all concerned about what's going on they're all ticked off did you know that they crucified the lord of glory today jesus oh yeah i heard about that and he's walking with them and it wasn't until they said don't go on come and have bread with us and he breaks the bread and their eyes were opened here's the deal this is a season where you need to have your eyes open so john has this amazing encounter in fact in john chapter 1 verse 14 the gospel of john it says this john says and i beheld him the one and only full of grace and full of truth i beheld him the one and only so john is the one who gives us the best description of jesus all the way through this is now in revelation he's had this experience on the isle of patmos and he's giving you he goes when i looked at it it looked as though it was the christ look it looked like him i i'm not even saying for sure but it looks like him and here's where he look he had eyes of fire the lord he he was describing the glorified christ jesus told mary said don't hang on me because i've got to go back i got it with my father in heaven he prayed in john 17 the glory that i had from the beginning that lord you'll restore that glory john is experiencing the glorified christ in revelation 1. what does it mean it means because jesus overcame you and i are designed to overcome i've waited till this point to address some stuff go ahead and put your seat belts on i'm out of my last loop on my belt after 26 pounds so you'll have a probably have about a 220 pound gift rather than at the end of the day rather than a 250 pound but couple things in this season say with me i'm designed to overcome i'm not overcoming when my when i'm offended with someone if you choose to wear a mask man wear it get a cool one we just honor you no problem you can wear a mask i'm not going to be offended with you wearing a mask if you don't want to wear a mask for whatever your reasons your rights as american don't wear a mask but if i'm wearing a mask i'm not going to get offended with you if you don't wear a mask i'm not going to put judgment on you if i go to walmart and they're asking all of us to wear masks i gladly wear a mask because they're the ones that are in authority that's their store i don't want to be out of authority i'm gonna go in there i'm gonna push my cord around and i'm just going to show them how free i am and not knowing it's the wrong spirit that's not freedom at all so what about authorities that compromise me of being god then i must be who must obey god rather than men i'm an obey god rather than men but i can put out i can put a mask on at walmart and and just honor them because i'm not going in there to make a statement i'm going in there to bring overflow i'll try it over here i'm not going in there to make a statement i'm going in there to bring overflow some of you i know see it went from such a great message to like huh i'll tell you oh have you as no no no no you're you are sealed with christ in god ah pastor what about vaccinations if you feel like the lord's wanting to get a vaccination get it if you like the lord not wanting you to have a vaccination don't get it just don't judge the people who got it and just just don't judge the people who have gotten it see how easy that is well i watched on well i watch time i saw this it's the mark of the beast that's not how the mark of the beast is described can you see how one world government though is coming into being can you see how scripture is being played out what does it do oh it just makes me scared jesus said look up for your redemption draws nigh we don't walk around scared we walk around bold confident that he who begun this good work in us he will perform it come on saints we overcome we win through god we will do valiantly it is he who treads down all of our enemies this is a season for revival this is a season for outpouring this is a season for supernatural encounters and presence and the work of god and power among us say well pastor wes i just want things to return back to the way it was just doesn't look like that's even been the case the last two thousand years huh anybody do history hello this is the season for revival for season four oh i haven't even given you my points and it's 12 18. if the worship team would come and i'm going to do them in rocket time because you need these i'm going to speak next week i've got so much that i want to give you i'm a chapter for page four but i finished in the other service man i'll tell you what you guys have brought it out of me would you stand with me the worship team could come and let me give you my four points say with me number one overflow begins with new identity in christ so you see in revelation where jesus said i made you kings and priests so that's your new identity you're a king and priest of god a king is your position your priesthood is to serve number two makes me sad that i'm going through my notes without speaking on them overflow increases the more overflow increases the overflow increases the more you encounter christ you should be in there overflow increases the more you encounter christ let's say that together yeah would you just lift your hands yeah say lord encounter me yeah more and more i need more encounters with you i want to come closer thank you lord three over say overflow is sustained from worship overflow sustained from worship lord i worship you oh thank you lord ii timothy 3 1 says but know this that in the last days perilous times will come it is clear that we're living in perilous times the time is near if the time was near two thousand years ago then the time is closer than ever today so this is not a time to fear or time to be divided disgruntled disenfranchised or dismayed it is a time like john to have a face-to-face encounter with jesus to behold him to fix and fasten our eyes upon him he is the author and the finish of our faith it is a time to come close to hunger to thirst for more to get filled and refilled with jesus this is a time for the living water to flow into us and flow out from us living water is god's love his abundant grace and his goodness that floods and fills our lives this rece this season requires wisdom from god james 1 5 says if any of you lack wisdom you should ask of god who gives you gives generously to all and finds what isn't at all to all without finding fault and will be given to you wisdom from above is heaven's wisdom wisdom flows out of worship and worship creates overflow this is a season two of clarity and courage jesus said in john 7 in in revelation 17 nation in 18 says do not be afraid i am the first and the last i am he who lives and was dead and behold i'm alive forevermore and i have the keys of hades and of death clarity and courage are overflow from worship and worship positions us to overcome and i close with this isaiah chapter 40 verses 27-32 says do do you say o jacob and speak o israel my way is hidden from the lord and my claim is passed over by my god have you not known have you not heard the everlasting god [Music] the lord the creator of the heavens and the earth neither faints nor is weary his understanding is unsearchable he gives power to the weak and to those who have no might he increases strength even the young even the young shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall but those who wait on the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint the invitation this morning is to hunger and thirst for jesus to encounter him it is the antidote for the season that this world is in jesus has come to give you life and life more abundantly his life will free you and fill you with living water the living water will create overflow for those who around you when you lift your hands with me jesus we worship you may lift up holy hands we welcome you welcome holy spirit welcome holy spirit welcome holy spirit i welcome you we worship you who worship you but you just begin to lift your voice lord i worship you i worship you i delight in you i delight in you i delight in you i worship you holy holy holy holy holy holy holy is the lord holy holy holy lift your voice with me holy [Music] [Music] holy [Music] [Music] holy [Music] holy holy [Music] holy [Music] come on lift your voice with me holy holy [Music] holy lord god almighty holy holy [Music] oh all my love all my love all my love you can have it all all my love all my love all my love you can [Music] you can you can have it all my love [Music] [Music] oh [Music] she [Music] [Applause] [Music] i just want to give opportunity pastor wiz brought a message there talking about overflow in john chapter 7 is where jesus says that those that believe in him from their innermost being flow rivers of living water maybe today is the first time that you've come to believe in jesus whether you're in this room or you're online and i want to give you the opportunity if today is that day and you're saying to yourself i need to give my life to jesus i want to begin you've got to tap into the well first before you can have the overflow and jesus is the well of life if you're wanting to give your life to jesus today raise your hand and weigh about me where i can see you and we want to pray a prayer with you anybody i'm looking up in the balcony all right i see a couple hands here right awesome wonderful i see you over there god bless you all right so for those of you that raised your hand i'm gonna i'm gonna lead you in a prayer but all of us in the room let's join them and let's pray this together let's close our eyes and focus our attention on the presence of the lord let's pray this together jesus thank you that you died for me you rose from the dead you live forever you are god and i trust you forgive me for my sin come into my life i will live for you from now on i want the rivers of your living water amen so raise your hand again if you're raising here let's give them a round of applause we've got somebody going to give you a bag got a gift bag that we want you to have that will help you in your journey in your next step with jesus god bless you we want to help you if you're online send us a message from whatever platform you're using we'll have someone reach out to you we'd love to help you in your walk with the lord before we leave if you have children you can go get them right now if you want prayer bring them back with you we want to pray for you but if our prayer partners would come to the front we're going to have some people here to pray with you today regarding overflow specifically but anything else that's on your heart is happening in your life if you're challenged with financial needs if you're challenged in your relationships at home or at work if you're dealing with a physical problem we believe that god heals and he heals right here in this room he heals today and we want to pray with you about that and if you're just looking for i just need a touch from the lord i need some overflow i need to empty some stuff out i need to just replace what's been overflowing out of me in the season i've been living and i just need a refreshing touch from the lord come on down the front right now and we're gonna have these ones pray for you we might have some more that appear as well but come on and let's get some prayer don't leave today without getting the opportunity as someone to believe with you that overflow can come into your life today and for everyone else let me dismiss you with us would you raise your hands and receive a blessing the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you the lord turn his face towards you and give you overflow in jesus name and everybody said amen god bless you what an amazing service today on overflow we believe your life is made to overflow with the goodness of god and god's going to saturate you even if he hasn't in the service i believe right now god is saturating your life he's going to every crevice every place in your heart and filling it with his spirit oh it's so good if you said yes to jesus today if you said i want to follow jesus i wanted to be the lord and savior of my life we want to know about it would you email connect lifechurch7.com and we're going to connect with you we're going to help give you some next steps on how to continue your walk this is an amazing decision you made one of the best decision of your entire life you just made it right now and we want to help you take steps to continue to follow jesus well if you're joining us online we do want to invite you to come in person to one of our gatherings at 9 or 11. we'd love to see you here and to get connected with you further we're so glad that you've joined us online now take the next step and join us in person next week as we worship god and continue the series on overflow [Music] you
Views: 254
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 5pLkc2DcMyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 9sec (5649 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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