As in the Days of Noah - Chuck Missler

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well we're going to focus on during this essential hour will be this strange period of time that Jesus talked about the days of Noah also could be called the return of the Nephilim let's just jump right into it Jesus gave us a confidential briefing on a second coming for disciples came to him inquiring about his return and he gave them an answer that's so important that it is recorded in three of the Gospels he details all the preceding events or many of them that will occur prior to Second Coming it's a - like a to chapter answer in Matthew it's also recorded in mark and Luke are 13 Luke 21 followed now he opens and he closes that to chapter briefing with a warning he first remarks in effect are saying take heed that no man deceive you we talk a lot of an endtime prophecy but we sometimes Slough over the emphasis that Jesus placed in opening and closing this briefing that deception is going to be the characteristic of that age deceit we are in a warfare with Satan and what is Satan's primary weapon deception let's keep that in focus as we go because what motivated Mark Eastman and I to undertake a book and research in these talks and what have you is the burden that we feel that there is a cosmic deception descending not just on the planet Earth but particularly on the body of Christ and most Christians are not prepared for what's coming now Jesus in this briefing also made a very strange prediction he said but as the days of Noah were so shall the days of the coming of the Son of man be now what did he mean by that and this takes us then into this strange chapter Genesis six and what makes this chapter difficult is that most Christians even serious Christians I believe have been Mis taught about this chapter so just do me a favor and try to approach this chapter with an open mind because let me point out the views I'm going to share I've held for many years but I've always regarded them as one of those things open to conjecture some people have this view I have this view and so far that's fine it's only recently I began to realize that first of all the alternative views are not really dependable I'll show you why but more to the point unless you understand Genesis 6 you will not understand much of the Old Testament much of the new and certainly have a prophetic blind spot I'm going to show you a verse before we're all through today that many of us as prophecy teachers for many decades have read and taught and not looked at carefully this is it's amazing how these verses that are so familiar to us sometimes will leap out at us with an insight that we missed for a good part of our intellectual life let's go on Genesis 6 verse 1 and 2 reads as follows and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose now I want you to notice a couple of things while I have this text on the screen I want you to notice verse 1 and 2 are one sentence that the daughters of men of the daughters that were born into men in general they weren't a subset when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them that's men in general had daughters in general you with me some people try to make you'll see I'll get into that later that the daughters of men are a specific subset there's no textual basis for that but the real issue that should hit us between the eyes what on earth is meant by the sons God coming in unto the daughters of men what's translated English Bible sons of God is in the Hebrew B'nai ha hello Henan strange term but here's the point that term is used in the Old Testament exclusively of angels job 1:6 to 138 7 being well-known examples the term while strange to our ears perhaps the sons of God is a term for a lot I we could spend all morning on why that term is so carefully and consistently used in the scripture for certain circumstances you and I in jump see we're products of John chapter 1 verse 11 as many as it believed on him he gave power to become the sons of God different issue that's used of believers in the New Testament never used of believers in the old there's a equivalent phrase in Luke 20:36 now to corroborate this view there was a book called The Book of Enoch I'm not suggesting that it was inspired canon but the point the point is the Book of Enoch as it's known in history was highly venerated by Jewish scholarship from about the 2nd century BC to about the second century AD now I'm not referencing it because it's correct I'm referencing it because it demonstrates what the vocabulary and grammar conveyed the word sons of God clearly from the Book of Enoch were understood to mean angels let me give you a more authoritative example the Old Testament was translated into Greek almost three centuries before Christ was born the product of that translation effort is called the Septuagint it is the version of the Old Testament that most of the quotes in the New Testament are taken from so it's a highly authoritative translation and it translates binaya Elohim as angels so there's no way to escape the idea that the text implies in fact expresses that angels fallen angels obviously came down and had some kind of communion intercourse with the women that were offsprings of Adam that's what the text says it's bizarre it's uncomfortable to many but that's what the text says but let's go on they came down to the daughters of Adam the Hebrew says benefit on it technically says the daughters of Adam not Cain not some subset the daughters of Adam now in verse subsequent verse here in verse 4 it goes on to say something else it says there were Nephilim I'll come back to that word in the earth in those days and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bare children to them the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown this is a very strange verse the Nephilim it's translated Giants and I'll explain why in your English Bible that the word in the Hebrew is Nephilim but while I got the verse I watching those couple of things the Nephilim were the results of this unnatural union the angels had had intercourse with women and their offspring were the Nephilim don't confuse the Nephilim with the Fallen Angels the Fallen Angels were the parents the Nephilim were the offspring were together I want you to notice the offspring are males there are children which became the mighty men doesn't speak of any mighty women and I'm not being cute here I'm right here there's that issue reasons where I'm going to highlight this vows in front of us which were men there were which were of old men ever known the word Nephilim in the Hebrew means the fallen ones it comes from a verb to fall which means to fall or be cast down to fall away or desert so Nephilim is a noun a plural noun from the verb it means the fallen ones also associated with in that verse at the end says that huh given the mighty ones the men of renown when this was translate into Greek in the Septuagint the word is de countess it was transliterated in her English Bible as Giants and they did happen to be Giants but that's not what the word means it comes from g-guys which means earth born so the Hebrew translators really said they were the fallen ones the Greek translators call them the earth born you'll see why as we go forward now as we go through Genesis chapter 6 and of course sets up this whole business of the flood Genesis 6 is the prelude to the flood of Noah and as you study the chapter carefully you find some other strange remarks in verse 9 of Genesis 6 it talks about the genealogy of Noah these are the generations of Noah we know what that means that's a very common phrase in the Old Testament Noah was a just man doesn't say he was sinless he was justified we know it later from other pastor he's justified by faith Noah was a just man and here's this strange remark and perfect in his generations and all walked with God in the English you don't pick up on this but in the Hebrew it's to mean the word is used of physical blemishes to me means without blemish sound health or without spot unimpaired throughout the Book of Leviticus it's used of offerings they had to be perfect without blemish right to me well what does this mean Noah had an unblemished genealogy as you begin to read Genesis 6 with open mind what it portrays is that as men began to multiply fallen angels came down and began to contaminate the purity of the human race with these Nephilim and the Nephilim were the source of unusual violence it became so corrupt that verse 12 of that chapter does it he said all flesh is corrupted this way upon the earth that God sends the flood to wipe it all out except for Enoch which is removed early and then the eight that are preserved through the ark let me suggest another way of phrasing the problem there was a gene pool problem in the human family tree that this is wiping out now if this is true that scripture says by mouth of two or three witnesses the thing is confirmed if this view of Genesis six is correct we ought to see it the New Testament and indeed we do in three places at least in Jude chapter 6 Jude was we believe the Lord's brother and he's talking about apostates but he makes a mystery mark he's pointing out that even the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of that great day even as Sodom Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the Vengeance of eternal fire Jude is making the point that these angels are set aside for special judgment and what he's trying to say is if they're set aside how much more will you you see athletes but the point is he makes a remark here which tells you some interesting things these angels left their first estate kept not the first eight but left their habitation I'm going to come back later to that word habitation because it has some interesting insights and it's somehow involved just as some more I did fornication going after strange flesh strange flesh the word is heteros not all o's in the Greek meaning flesh of a totally different kind second Peter first Peter 3 also has a reference to keep it moving I'll just take the one in 2nd Peter 2nd Peter says for if God spared not the Angels that sinned but cast them down to hell and the word he uses happened this week's translator in English it happens to be Tartarus I'll come back to that and delivered them under change of Darkness to be reserved in judgment and spared not the old world but saved no and he goes on Peter echoes the same thing that Jude says but he adds a couple of insights he ties it to the days of Noah these are angels that sinned where are they now they are in a special holding place they're not inhale as we think of it neither shall nor gamma something someplace else a place that Peter calls Tartarus the word Tartarus only appears here in the Greek New Testament however we know a lot about the word in the Greek vocabulary the word Tartarus is a greek term for a dark abode of woe it's the pit of darkness of the unseen world it shows up for example in Homer's Iliad and it's described as being as far below Hades as the earth is below heaven this is not just a regular place it's some place really special now I want an ale another alternative view down because many people in this audience probably I will not ask for a show of hands have been taught a different view of this passage a very commonly taught view and there are many outstanding excellent authorities that happen to hold this view but I don't i no longer believe it's very optional for us like many there are many things in the scripture where good men can have different views but I think it's important for you to consider yourself the viability of the lines of Seth view because unless you go the other way there are many other things that I don't think you'll be able to understand let me just let me just indulge me if you will the lines of Seth view is the view that this word sons of God really refers to the the faithful leadership of the Semites the daughters of Adam really refers to the daughters of Cain and they were supposed to be separate and the sin that's involved is their failure to maintain separation there is no really good answers to what the term Nephilim means by this view these that sort of frankly that doesn't have a good response but that's not not elaborated but that's the essence of the SSI view that that the sons of God really refers to the good guys the leadership the good guys and they were supposed to say separate from the Canaanites but they married the Canaanite the Canaanites the Cain night's the daughters who came and they married and had offering well there's some problems with this the text itself the sons of God is never used of believers in the Old Testament people who impute that view are bringing New Testament miss applying new Testament passages and by the way Seth was not God and Cain was not Adam and I'm not being cute here I'm saying that's what in effect they're imputing to the text and by the way there's no mention of the daughters of Elohim so you got some problems but more important there is a grammatical and antithesis between the sons of God daughters of men you see that the structure is clear in fact in Psalm 82 we also it says ye are gods and all of you are children of the Most High but he shall die like men and fall like one of the princes these antithesis is shows up in the Old Testament several Isis also the line of Seth infers that there's a separation they are supposed to keep but that's a fallacy because the lines of separate of nations didn't get separate until Genesis 11 we're talking about Genesis 6 this concept of separation was imposed upon Isaac and following not beforehand there's no text there's no textual basis for that by the way Ishmael was not told to be separate don't assume the Arabs today are descendants of Ishmael he can't prove it why because Ishmael never kept separate small point but I just thought they'd be Muslims Cheryl I don't have something to offend everyone I don't wanna play favorites but furthermore Genesis 6 verse 12 in Deitz this view because as all flesh was corrupt it doesn't say that that you know one particular group was the problem the line of Ceph also implies that or refers that the set the line of Seth was godly only Enoch and Noah's eight were spared of the flood there aren't any godly people there except those those known also the text says that the sons of God took wives of all whom they chose you don't get the impression it was a participative choice you get the impression they took lives and it doesn't sound like the two godly in terms of bread that may be pushing something why did the Seth i'ts so godly perishing the flood that's the part that's probably the real nail in that coffin and by the way Enoch who has Seth son is the one that initiated defiance of God most people don't know this because there's a mistranslation in most of our Bibles in Genesis for 25 it doesn't say then then begin began to call upon the name of the Lord as the English would render it it really says then man began began to profane the name of the Lord in the targum onkelos the target of Jonathan Dempsey Raschi other Jewish also Christian Jerome Maimonides in the 12th century the authorities that if you really get in behind that verse you'll discover that our English Bible has a misleading to rendering of that that in the days of Enosh is when apostasy began and so it's a small point but it does cloud the idea that the lines of Seth were good guys the daughters of Cain the implication the Canaanites were bad guys well what first of all there's no basis for a subset of the daughters of Adam that's that's conjecture the Canaanites were not necessarily godless if you study Cain's genealogy following Cain in Genesis chapter 4 you'll discover in verse 18 many of his descendants had the name of God in their names we don't know but if you're going to draw a conjecture it's more likely they even though he was guilty of that sin with Abel that he repented and he tried to raise his family God furn don't this idea that set facts were good guys and the Canaanites were the key Knights were bad guys is a contrivance of liberal scholarship not of the text and by the way were the daughters of Seth so unattractive I don't quite understand but the other issue is these unnatural offspring as a result of the Union what are these Nephilim now they had supernatural offspring now by the way when a believer or an unbeliever gets married they may have monsters but they don't have you know unnatural offspring and also it applies that there were no X chromosomes among the Semites there were women every now and only men every now and why was known as genealogy so distinctively highlighted in Genesis 6:9 now in the mouth of two or three witnesses as I point out in Jude six and seven first Peter 3 19 and 20 and second Peter 2 verses 4 and 5 even the unique turn using that that Greek term is fascinating that New Testament seems to very clearly corroborate what I'll call the angel view of Genesis 6 so let me just summarize we've got a problem with the text itself we've got an inferred separation inferred guidance of sulfites and inferred Canaanite subsets unnatural offspring New Testament confirmations these are the major in my mind's indictments of the so called lines of Seth view although it's held by many but here's the thing that may surprise you there's also post flood events in the Old Testament and prophetic issues that you will be blind to if you adhere to the line of Seth view let's explore some of these by the way the angel view prior to the birth of Christ was in the traditional rabbinic literature Book of Enoch as I mentioned earlier the testimony the twelve patriarchs it's a it's a not a member of the Canon but it does describe the linguistic structure of that day josephus flavius Septuagint the early church fathers followed exactly of Justin Martyr Irenaeus and the whole list held the angel view the early church believed in angels then where did the line of Seth idea begin the 5th century Sothis and Julian the apostate used the traditional belief in angels to attack Christianity and Julius africanus resorted to the Seth fight theory as sort of a more comfortable explanation there uncomfortably the angel idea understandably as we look at that it's pretty weird Cyril Alexander used the line of Seth to repudiate the Orthodox projection and here's the problem Agustin picked it up and he embraced the set theory and it became the doctrine of the Catholic Church and the sit still derives to the denominational churches and it prevailed of course is the dominant view into the Middle Ages modern scholarship and I just picked a few pendler - Han McIntosh Tillich cabling either pink Donnell grapevine house Henry Morris longer a fuckton bomb of course Hal Lindsey Chuck Smith is more recent well-known examples are angel view people if you've read Henry Morrison's definitive commentary on book of Genesis he of course goes in all this voice what's interesting also is that this idea is embodied in the traditions and the myths and legends of every ancient culture on the planet Earth they have echoes of the same idea in Sumeria in Syria Egypt Incas Mayan Gilgamesh the Persia Greece in India Bolivia South Sea Islands even the American Indians have the star beings and I think Mark Eastman will cover a lot of this this afternoon give you some examples and stuff but these this does not imply that the Genesis record are echoes of this is the other way around some people say well gee Genesis also picks up these ideas no we got it backwards just as records what happened these are echoes of those same memories as embodied by a social tradition let's just take a look at the Greeks as an example the Greek we Oliver have read about the Titans of the great ancient Greeks these creatures their mythology has people that were partly terrestrial partly celestial they have the demagogue that gods came down and they seduced the women and you know Zeus had a whole list of these gals that he's seduced and so forth they rebelled against their father Uranus after prolonged contests were defeated by Zeus and condemned to wear Tartarus how interesting I'm just speaking your vocabulary here but I think it's interesting we're tightening the Greek is shite in the Chaldean and guess what it's in the Hebrew that's kind of interesting yeah and of course there's all kinds of renderings of Zeus in the various classical and then Hercules and Atlas are Nephilim they have parents that were part human and part gods in the mythology of the Greece how interesting you know cuz now we get into some other conjectures these are conjectures but i justá-- stimulate your thinking who built the Great Pyramid at Giza no one sure some people think it's pre-flood these stones are too big even today and they're not sure you build it they couldn't build it without laser surveying it's that accurate 207 inch spacing between these hundred ton stones try that sometime there are discoveries I hear reported discoveries about the Great Pyramid that impact our understanding the planet Mars and the face on Mars that will be apparently reported in the coming few weeks or months I don't know I just hear reports the Stonehenge in Great Britain mathematics of it are closely related strangely enough to the Pyramid of Giza what's going on who built these things all kinds of conjectures and of course the face on planet Mars is deceptive all kinds of conjectures and by the way it doesn't take any imagination to recognize that discoveries about these things are going to give the new ages of field day for which the Christians are not equipped and prepared to discuss if you go through history also discover there's skeletons of giants that have been reported the ancient literature and I won't go through all of these there's 300-foot ones in the 14th century hundred and five and mentioned by Plutarch 80-foot Orion was forty six cubits in height according to planning who knows and it goes on and on so these are again provocative possibilities that may at least suggest there were some strange creatures running around loose on the earth in the past let's shift a little bit and let's recap a little bit what we think we know about angels we use that term very loosely what do we know about angels from the Bible the only authoritative source it's interesting they always appear in human form at Sodom they're always in pairs it seems to by the way it's nodding tomorrow they go down there and take care of things it's kind of interesting by the way not too we forget that in Sodom and Gomorrah the homosexuals regarded them as prizes I'm not gonna get more graphic than that but I think you understand what I'm sorry to say they appear as pairs at the resurrection in the tomb and at the ascension but always as men they look like they're described not with wings as men I'm not done by cherubim that's a special category now one of the noble angels they spoke they took men by the hand they ate meals with them why I have no idea but they definitely did you get the impression especially from Genesis 9 18 and 19 they see no the Lord Jesus with the two of these angels visit Abraham and had three measures of meal with him making the three measures meal they fellowship offering in the Jewish and Arab cultures they go into Sodom Gomorrah and they were mistaken as men by the homosexuals of the city I mean how much graphic do you have to get that the look in fact in the New Testament in Hebrews 13 were alerted that many of you have entertained angels unawares now it's the good guys because they're talking about being hot it's an admonition to hospitality it doesn't say that bad guys are running around also unawares but it doesn't say they're not who knows let's just be careful about the constraints we in our minds put upon these now you don't mess around with these guys one of them was accountable for the Passover the Death Angel Passover Egypt brats more to the point in the Old Testament we read were one of these angels after dinner one night slaughtered a hundred and eighty five thousand of the Syrian army you don't mess with angels now we have an interesting assumption well I should first of all we know they don't marry in heaven these are the angels in heaven doesn't talk about the others but what causes a lot of confusion is that Jesus made a remark it's recorded in several of the Gospels now it's the remark was addressed to the res the resurrection body of the believer jesus said for in the resurrection they need be people heaven neither marry nor are given in marriage but are as the angels of God in heaven meaning what that they don't marry why because there's no procreation necessary procreation marriage and procreation was to present the extinction of the human race subject to the death because of Adam's sin etc okay that's not the conditions prevalent in heaven so they don't marry and in heaven but I think it's presumptuous on our part to impose technology constraints on angels that have chosen to do mischief I wouldn't limit their technologies in any which way I like to go back to this word habitation in Jude 6 he uses a strange word they left their hat they kept not their first estate but left her habitation the word in the Greek is a racketeer Eon it refers to the body as the dwelling place for the spirit that's what the word means it's interesting it appears only twice in the Bible it appears in Jude 6 it's that dwelling place from which the Angels had disrobed in 2nd Corinthians 5 2 it's used the only other place it alludes to the heavenly body with which believers long to be clothed here it is where we know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God a house not made with hands eternal in the heavens for him this week groan earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is in heaven the same words used so the same word is used at what the Angels gave up to come down and cohabit with men now women and the same word is what we aspire to go up to you follow me interesting well now we get to another issue we're going to talk more this afternoon Mark Eastman was going to talk a lot about these abductions and this is probably the really hot button in recent years is this issue of abductions there are a deluge of cases being reported that are too bizarre to accept but they're too frequent and too consistent to ignore these stories are all over the map but they basically involve people who believe that they had been abducted by occupants of UFOs and medical experiments done upon them almost always involving the reproductive process they have sperm or eggs harvested they have fetuses implanted and then later harvested some of these people bear scars the stories are very bizarre and not all of them about a third of them do not involve regressive hypnosis Jacques de Molay has made the remark in one of his publications anyone that believes they've been abducted should not allow themselves to be hypnotized I'll leave that as just a provocative thought there are many churches men have people in the congregations that believe they've been abducted I've made the remark from public platforms that I don't believe a Christian can be abducted I'm probably wrong I want to amend that and say they cannot be abducted against their will if you're in Christ and you're really born-again one of the powers that's available to you or should save available to the Lord that in draws you is over these creatures they may try to bluff you but you don't accept any invitations they extend and you plead the blood of Christ to separate yourself from them however attractive it might appear at the moment because you're playing with what we believe we believe these things are demonic separate the hoaxes separate the government disinformation of which there's big funds for the ones that are real I believe are demonic by the way how wide are these there are estimates that go as high as 3% of the population of the United States believes they've been abducted this is not a trivial issue major conferences at MIT in fact we had here in Roswell John Mack himself made a presentation very interesting guy there probably no guy with better credentials in the psychiatric world 150 articles and peer-reviewed journals holder a Pulitzer Prize of past efforts who has dealt with almost a hundred of these cases himself personally has declared publicly that he believes these beings are real and that their agenda includes the development of a hybrid species do you see how that echoes at least it seems I say it's all apparently it seems to echo Genesis six again are we moving into the time that could be character as similar to the days of Noah now the in planting and harvesting of human fetuses appears to be a primary topic of these encounters something else that's the primary topic not always but frequently is the debunking of the biblical view not the debunking of the Hindu view not a debunking of the fill-in-the-blank always a debunking of the biblical view they are advert adversaries to the the biblical concepts that's exciting and the question that we have to consider seriously are these are a repetition of the strange events of Genesis chapter 6 what about the origin of demons we see in the New Testament we use the word demonic right very broadly but we speak of a demon we eat most of us have in our minds the demon has portrayed in the New Testament very frequent occurrences not a euphemism for psychiatric defects these are sentient beings that recognize jesus christ's deity even before he announced it publicly and you can go through each study demons they clearly the Bible teaches that these are real but they're always seeking embodiment they apparently don't have the ability to materialize on their own which means they're distinct from angels don't assume we generally in loose terms think remotely fallen angels demons they're all in the same bucket in broad terms maybe they are but there seems to be a distinctive difference between if the Bible portrays as angels which have at least about seven ranks portrayed in the scripture show you them being at the top and all that and these demons now question this is and I'm gonna move into conjecture but it's trying to stimulate your thinking here little bit what happened to the Nephilim in the days of Noah they drowned right okay but they were half man half angel right angels of spirit beings what happened to the spirits of the Nephilim nobody knows it is a reasonable inference that possibly they are the disembodied spirits that we encounter in the New Testament as demons now in the Hebrew Isaiah 26 verse 14 you do get the impression they're not eligible for resurrection the refa in which is the you from is a synonym for the Nephilim the ref aim will not rise why are they in eligible for resurrection very simple suggestion Jesus did not become a Nephilim and died for them now what is also strange as the Nephilim didn't finish before the flood there are post flood Nephilim like in Genesis 6:4 it says there were Nephilim in the earth in those days , and also after that comma not much is said about them but we do encounter them after the flood when Moses sends the twelve spies to recognize our Canaan and the ten of them come back and say they're giants in the land you what the word in the Hebrew is the Nephilim we tend to think well they're just exaggerating they're frightened no they were Nephilim in the land they didn't want to mess with those guys throughout the Old Testament you'll find certain tribes in Canaan the Rephaim the Amim the harem and the some zooming are expressly described as Nephilim as Giants Arba anakin the seven sons the anakin are encountered in canaan and numbers 13 odd the king of Bashan is the king of the Giants in deuteronomy 3 in joshua 12 there are many of these I'm just selecting a few remember Goliath remember David when he went across the brook to confront glass put five stones in his pocket it only took one for Goliath why did he have the other four Goliath had four brothers David was ready all for all for all five gives you an insight to the kid then you can look at your Bible from Genesis 3 to Revelation 12 and on as a war were Satan attempts to thwart the plan of God as God incrementally reveals his plan of redemption Satan is able to more focus his attack we saw the corruption of Adam's line in Genesis 6 is one of his stratagems having Fallen Angels attempt to corrupt the line to avoid the presence of a see the Redeemer God's plan for redemption involved a perfect man fulfilling the requirements that havin blue that required a one without blood a man that's uncontaminated and that was Satan's attempt to it's worth that Abraham's seed in Genesis 12 and 20 attacked the family in Genesis 50 the destruction of a male line by Pharaoh in Exodus 1 Ferriss pursuit of the children Israel the Red Sea attempted to wipe out the Jews why Satan's attempt there's a humanistic side of it as we watch the tangible as we watch Yul Brenner get ready to do that but behind the scenes we'll discover that there's a spiritual warfare going on the population of Canaan when God revealed in Genesis 12 or 6 to a brunette he was going to be destined to enter the promised land Satan says aha I've got 400 years to fix that guy's clock and he populates Canaan with the Nephilim unless you understand that you have no ability to relate to the instructions God gives Joshua that have certain tribes to wipe out every man woman and child you got to be kidding why because there's a gene pool problem and then as as God reveals it's gonna be in the house of David the house of David is uniquely singled out for Satan's attack and you can go through the whole history of the line of David and see these intrigues drone kills his brothers the arraignments knew him all except for Ezra FLI kills all except joash always there's a servant or something that hides one of the babies every time is attempt to wipe out the line their God Satan tries to thwart but God forts him and Haman's attempt nestor in the days of persia get an example let me give you one of my favorites in the in the king in david's line in the lie of judah the kings go from bad to worse until you get to jeconiah and god is so frustrated with Zechariah is economic that he pronounces a blood curse on the line of checking ayah you find it in jeremiah 20 verse 30 God says for no man of his seed shall prosper sitting upon the throne of David and ruling anymore in Judah I suspect that when that when God made that announcement in the councils of Satan they must have had a party maybe it was sort of like Roswell in last few days I don't know why because Satan must have been convinced that God now he had got over a barrel because the Messiah had to come from the house of David house and lineage of David but God just pronounced a curse none that no man of his seed shall prosper sitting upon the throne of David Jetha the Messiah was gonna sit on throne of David this is the royal line it's got to be a successor I think Satan haha we got him now I always visualized God saying to the Angels watch this one let's examine the genealogy of the Messiah Matthew being a Jew of course started with Abraham it takes it down through David Abraham to David defining that Matthew when you get to Luke Luke was a physician he may have been Jewish by the way but his orientation is that of a Gentile background and he was a doctor and he was present he was injured in jesus as the son of man so he start looping starts his genealogy from Adam Seth Enoch Kenan we went through those Tim to Noah and then he continues with Shemin goes right on through till he gets to the father of Abraham so he just starts a little earlier he starts with a time where Adam where Matthew starts labor but when Luke catches up with you the two are identical up till David right well let's take a look at what Matthew does from David he goes of course because he's the royal line he goes from David to Solomon and down through the line of David down through and he ends up with Joseph the legal father of Jesus Christ now in that line you see Jehan Kim or jeconiah who is the subject of blood curse doesn't matter because Jesus is not of the blood of Joseph what comes to the rescue here the virgin birth because when Luke goes to David he does a strange thing he doesn't go through Solomon the Royal line the heir apparent he goes through the second surviving son of Bathsheba Nathan not Nathan the Prophet Nathan the sun goes down through line down through all these characters and ends up with whom with Mary so Jesus was of the house and lineage of David heir to the throne both ways he's heir to the throne through the legal relationship with Joseph with his father he's also heir to the throne now by the way is another little footnote I'll just throw in if you get to the tour you discover in the days of Moses there was a guy that had five daughters l if I had had five daughters and he had no one to inherit and when they were talking about inheritance in the law he wanted his daughters to be able to inherit so Moses goes to God and God makes an exception Rosella fahadh if the woman has no issue and she marries within the tribe the inheritance will continue when you get to the days of Joshua these Vie of gals come to him and says Moses promised any check and indeed they did and so he makes that exception now you can look at a hundred different commentaries that talk about the Dodgers elephant and they all miss the point well that's just a quaint tribal tradition blah-blah-blah-blah wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute the claims every detail in the Torah every subtlety is relevant by design they're by design and points to Jesus Christ the daughters as the exceptions made for the daughters of Zelophehad is the thing that links Jesus Christ through Mary to the line of David because she married within the tribe how fascinating that one yacht or one tittle will pass from the law till all people feel now we can go through this Satan stratagem thing right through the New Testament with Joseph spheres Herod's attempts to kill the babes and Bethlehem when they try to throw them off a cliff and net at Nazareth and look for the two storms on the sea those storms by the way remember when you read about the storms in the gospels the guys in the boat were experienced fishermen on those waters they weren't landlubbers like you and I they were seasoned guys they were four of them were in business partnership for fishing on that Lake and they were afraid of their lives I suggest more than just the storm was going on because when Jesus he says he rebuked the sea something deeper is going on I suspect and of course the other thing is the cross and all of this is summer in Revelation 12 we'll take a look at that but Satan's not through yet now this whole warfare between Satan and the woman starts in Genesis chapter 3 Adam and Eve fell right remember Eve ate the fruit you know the story right Adam came home it was one of you guy you are i guys i know how the conversation would have gone boy kid are you in a lot of trouble you sinned I'm still close to the light I'm okay I'll pray for you Paul tells Timothy that Adam Eve was deceived Adam was not he knew what he was doing he loved her so much that he chose to be with her to choose to be chose to share her future come what may because he did they were offspring through which the Redeemer came I'm not suggesting at condoning what Adam did I'm just pointing out the model that God presents because Adam gave himself for her and by that gift she lived do you love your wife that much guys think about it it's interesting that God uses the marriage all through the scripture to communicate his most intimate truths God declares war on Satan in chapter 3 verse 15 God says I'll put enmity is speaking to the serpent up to the Nakash the shining one later becomes a servant I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed and he shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel famous verse this starts a chain of references of the Messiah three over three hundred of them fulfilled in his first coming and for every one of those there are seven unfulfilled for a sec coming but this leads to a conflict a war that was declared not by Satan but my god against Satan between two seeds from that verse comes a title a messianic title of the G of Lord Jesus Christ of the machinery the Messiah the king the seed of the woman that's a contradiction in grammar it's a contradiction biology the seed is in the woman on each human season the man woman this is a hint of the virgin birth birth back here in Genesis 3 confirmed in Isaiah 7:14 and of course in the New Testament but everybody that studies this usually overlooks the fact that there's another seed talked about the seed of the serpent that involves not only the red dragon in the revelation terms called Satan it involves a coming world leader that many people believe are going to be on the scene than in the coming years and also a false prophet that causes the entire world to worship this leader now this conflict and the angels representing those sides are active in the world today and that's what we're going to focus on tonight but it's going to happen between now and tonight this dr. mark Eastman is going to take you through the nature of UFOs and what we know about them both reported what would be you know what their message is and what the new-age view of that is and we'll return to the biblical perception of these things tonight are there UFOs in the prophecy Luke 21:26 Jesus warns us men's hearts failing them for fear for and for looking after those things which are coming upon the earth for the powers of heaven shall be shaken what does that mean and are you ready for that will you be surprised as that starts to happen let me remind you the basic challenge I want to leave you with we are being plunged into a period of time about which the Bible says more than any other period of time in history including the time that Jesus walked the shores of Galilee or climbed the mountains of Judea and the question before you personally this conference how is all of this going to affect you and your family [Music] you
Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 590,689
Rating: 4.8425956 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, christ, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute, Aliens, UFO, Area 51, Extra terrestrial, NASA, Bible, Noah, Flood, Nephilim
Id: ACfP5nOH9uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 13sec (3073 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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