Continual Expansion | Heaven to Earth | 02.21.21

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[Music] [Music] hey welcome to live church seven we're so glad that you're with us today we have some exciting things happening here so here's the life church 7 news february 23rd we're going to be having an intro to family class if you're new to life church 7 and you want to learn more about our values and the vision of life church 7 we want to invite you to come and be a part of it it starts at 6 30 and you can sign up online or on the app we welcome you to come and learn more about our life church 7 family if you have not been baptized and you want to be february 28th we are going to be doing live baptisms in both 9 00 a.m and 11 a.m services baptism is an hour declaration of an inward transformation it's a declaration to the world saying i'm going to follow jesus all the days of my life so if you want to take that next step in your relationship with the lord you can sign up to be baptized right now online or through the app february 28th is our annual vision night and if you're a member of life church 7 we want to invite you to come and be a part of this spectacular evening we're going to eat dinner together there's child care provided and we're going to be voting on some very important things that will impact our church in 2021 so if you remember we want you to rsvp office to come and celebrate all that god did in 2020 and hear the vision for 2021 ladies i want to invite you to join me and our zoe sisterhood as we go on a six-week journey to study the prophet elijah with none other than priscilla schreier this is gonna be an incredible journey and i want you to be a part of it it starts march 3rd and you can sign up today you can sign up on the app you can sign up online if you're in need of child care there's limited child care provided so you can sign up today don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to grow in your relationship with the lord and with our sisterhood i can't wait to see you there wow there's so many great things to be looking forward to let's get ready to worship jesus and get back to our service so glad that you're here with us and welcome to life church 7. hey welcome everybody welcome to church can i have you all stand those you watching online let's get ready to worship real quick as we get going those of you that are here in the building if you have young ones you have babies or kids that start getting a little squirrely during the service we have a wiggle room right out these these doors over here you can watch the service in there but man i'm excited today i am so excited for what the lord is doing today we had such an amazing first service pastor mark has such a great word the lord is really i really feel like what the lord is doing today is he's stirring up hunger and he's in he's imparting a new level of hunger in each one of us jesus said those that hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled amen how many of you are hungry for what the lord is doing that doesn't sound very hungry to me honestly [Music] i don't want to like hype anything up but there's something about our response to the lord that pulls heaven into our reality amen and so so as we get going today i just i want you to just lift your hands you can do it at home if you're watching you can do it here if you're in the car driving don't lift up your hands but here lift up your hands and just here's what i want you to do i want you to just close your eyes for a moment and i want you to imagine what is it the things that you're hungry for the lord to do in this moment what is it that you want the lord to do during this worship service what would it look like for heaven to invade this place right now what would it look like for heaven to invade your life your relationships your marriage [Music] your body and and cast out any uh sickness and illness what would it look like what are you hungering for what are you hungry for in the seven cities just begin to to to picture it to dream about it with the lord because here's here's the thing whatever we can we can picture or imagine the bible says that he can do even greater than what we can think or imagine so begin to meditate on those things as we worship him holy spirit i ask that you would invade this place holy spirit i ask that you would release such a presence a sweet presence god in your presence is fullness of joy release joy release freedom god stir up a hunger for your kingdom stir up a hunger for the the things in your kingdom that you want to bring here to earth can you just just begin to declare he's holy he's worthy lord you are worthy of our worship just say that lord you are worthy you are worthy of our worship you are worthy of our praise you're worthy of it all jesus you're worthy you are worthy you are holy you are holy let's worship together [Music] crazy that conquers all anxiety that our is [Music] see your name in the dark and it changes everything we sing with all we are and we claim your victory [Music] [Music] with all creations [Music] we praise you [Music] let faith be the song that calms the storm inside [Music] oh [Music] with all creations [Music] we praise you we pray is what freedom feels like this is what heaven sounds like we praise you we praise you this is what freedom feels like this is what heaven sounds like we praise you we praise you this is what living looks like this is what freedom feels like this is what heaven sounds like we praise you we praise you this is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is we pray we praise you we praise the name of jesus i can't hold back my praise [Music] [Music] i can't hold [Music] [Music] i can't [Music] this is what freedom feels like this is [Music] for fear [Music] is we praise you [Music] you're you of highest prices [Music] i worship you i worship you you are here working in this place i worship you i worship you you are here moving in our midst i worship you i worship you you are here working in this place i worship you [Music] my god that is who you [Music] [Music] are i worship you i worship you you are here healing every high i worship you [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Music] my god that is who you are [Music] [Music] who you are [Music] [Music] who you are jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is that is who you are that is who you [Music] who are are that is who you is who are are but that is who you are oh jesus that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are oh jesus that is who you are that is who you are [Music] yeah jesus you're holy holy holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] we worship you [Applause] [Music] that is who you are that [Music] that is who you are that and that is who you are that is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is who you are [Music] it's who you are that is who you are that is who you that is who you are that is who you are [Applause] so [Music] [Music] i've been held in your hands from the moment that awakens of god [Music] [Music] oh i will see of the goodness of god [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] of the goodness of god if your goodness is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] is you have been so [Music] good with [Music] [Music] yes lord we will sing [Music] oh [Music] of the is of god oh i'm gonna sing of the goodness of god yes [Music] tears of blood [Music] there is no [Music] [Music] what you've done it was more than enough more than enough what you've done the power of [Music] victory the sacrifice changed nails in your hands the hands that saved me what you've done it wasn't more than [Applause] enough [Music] [Applause] what you've done here [Music] [Applause] the power of your blood thank you you [Music] forever [Music] oh thank you [Music] what you've done what you've done you've done so much more than enough [Music] so much [Music] everything we need [Music] in your blood in your body oh it's more than enough oh thank you for breaking the breath of your body spilling the wine of your [Music] forever [Music] [Music] oh thank you for breaking the bread of your body [Music] forever oh thank you forever [Music] what you've done what you've done [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so much more [Music] this morning [Music] everything i need is oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you oh my heart will sing forever oh thank you thank you thank you oh thank you thank you thank [Music] for you the bread thank you [Music] [Music] ah let's lift our hands go on thank you lord would you just say thank you jesus come on all across here thank you jesus lord we lift up holy hands without wrath without doubting online lift up your hands wherever you're at unless you're driving a car and let's worship the king of kings and the lord of lords oh jesus we worship you we say thank you thank you lord thank you thank you we say thank you we worship you lord we give you praise oh thank you lord thank you lord [Music] thank you lord thank you lord [Music] last night at prayer gathering we just had a great prayer gathering and we were praying and really praying into some things that just believed that the holy spirit had for this morning that god wants to do and it was real unusual and it was an unusual prayer gathering just the glorious presence of god was there in different people god would just highlight in that group that needed physical healing and personally i just stood in for some things that i needed god to heal in my body then the lord spoke to my heart that today in this service just like in the first service as we prayed in the first service a lady by the name of anna who has suffered with a knee injury from high school for 20 years and she has a non-profit ministry and she's had to have high doses of medication and while we were praying in the first service during this time she was instantly and completely healed yeah oh so good [Applause] i want to go after just a couple things this morning number one anyone who has had it happened last night there were several people that had kind of a residual leftover um things from having coveted 19. one person was still having trouble breathing and other people ongoing fatigue and and different ones that had been months ago and i had just prayed for a person who the previous week who had been suffering in their body there was three of us that prayed at a birthday party a guy came and he was really down and two months ago he'd covered 19 and he was still not able to really go back to work and work a full day and his name's manuel and all three of us just gathered and we just prayed for him and he couldn't really describe what was happening but he told his wife he said it was like fire all through my body it was like fire and he said the next morning i got up and he was completely able to breathe and all the healing and the presence and the power of god touched him in such an amazing way [Music] [Applause] so i want to go perfect love casts out all fear god's not given us a spirit of fear but love and power and of sound mind and so if you have just struggled in this season it's just been like this oppressive thing where you've have just battled with fear in your mind or fear in your work or really that the future doesn't look it doesn't look like a a hope filled brimming glistening future some of us today have just like i don't feel like my future is much it doesn't feel like the future of this country is much and the enemy is trying to rob you of life and joy if you're here you just need physical healing you need emotional healing you've had whatever from cover there's about five things that god's about to free anyone who from so if you just raise your hand with me and i'm to pray a prayer of faith if you have healing in your body need freedom from fear emotionally you're just struggling just feel the weight of that heaviness today the lord will heal you and free your body so father in the mighty name of jesus we declare your kingdom has come your will is being done even as it is in heaven so it is right here on earth and in jesus mighty name we declare healing for each body right now physically lungs are restored the result of covered 19 is eradicated that foul thing must come under the blood of jesus christ and the finished work of the cross in jesus mighty name people that are suffering depression and in their mind and their emotions people who've lost hope in the name of jesus christ of nazareth hope returns joy returns peace returns in jesus name those are suffering lord affliction there's this mountain of affliction that has come against them and in jesus name i command that mountain to be removed and cast into the sea in the mighty name of jesus for your glory for your glory for your honor lord we give you praise we give you praise i want us to praise him would you lift your hands and i want us to praise the king of kings the lord of lords lord we give you praise we give you glory we give you honor we thank you for answered prayer we thank you that you've come to destroy the works of the devil jesus and we give you praise we give you glory lord we give you glory we give you glory holy holy holy holy how would you say holy holy holy holy holy holy holy is the lord holy is the lord we say holy is the lord holy is the lord [Music] how would you just breathe it out just say holy the whole earth is full of your glory oh we're just repeating what the word of god says holy not holy cow holy the whole earth is full of your glory oh thank you jesus could you give our worship team just a big hand and so appreciate such amazing worship thank you lord and just while you remain standing we're going to prepare and just receive of our offerings today of our tithes and offerings it's just such a big part of our worship i want to thank you for your faithfulness and giving 2020 for us at life church 7 we had a 13 increase amen isn't that awesome we're able to do the online i thank you for your giving if you give of your ties if you give of your offerings and we give we're giving to jesus we give primarily because we love him if you're online thank you for your faithfulness thank you for being a part if you don't have a home church we're so glad that you're part of this church i just encourage each one less given faith you can do it by push pay or you can do we have celebration boxes in the back but whatever you do let's give to the lord let's advance his kingdom and his purposes while you're standing would you give a great big hand clap for pastor mark as he comes to share the word of god god bless you thank you thank you wow you can go ahead and take a seat here in the room welcome to those who are watching online wow that was amazing the lord's doing something in our church right now that's really special oh we're in a series called heaven to earth and it feels like we're experiencing that [Laughter] um last week pastor west talked about heaven to earth and how prayer is how we connect heaven to earth prayer is a direct connection to heaven that god's given us as a gift and jesus taught us how to pray we're going to be in the in the book of matthew so go ahead and uh grab your bible we'll be jumping around the book of matthew but in matthew 6 verse 9 that's coming up on the screen jesus taught us to pray our father in heaven who calls somebody father it's not a trick question you guys sons and daughters so the moment we begin praying we must pray from a place of a true identity that we are sons and we're daughters our father in heaven hallowed be your name holy is your name hold somebody say holy holy is your name that's as far as pastor got last week if we stop there and and let the lord encounter us with his holiness when you encounter the holiness of god there's nothing like it it's so wonderful it's so beautiful and it's it's cleansing because his holiness is so perfect and so wonderful that you cannot stay the same his presence transforms lives so when you get in his presence you cannot say the same as hol you're undone by his holiness he cleanses you to fill you he cleanses you to fill you and then it says your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven our father has a kingdom and we are to pray that his kingdom comes it's gonna get better you guys your will be done our father has a will and we are to pray for his will to be done well i don't know what his will is well read the bible you have the holy spirit the beginning of the bible starts in a garden the end of the bible it's a city but the city is filled with the presence of god and if you read about it in revelation 21 and 22 you see that this city there's no more weeping no more pain no death there is the very presence of god there is joy there's freedom that's where this story is going so when we pray your kingdom come and your will be done now here as it is in heaven we're actually calling on god and pulling on heaven to come into reality now that we would see his presence his power released now here so a healing a deliverance a miracle someone raised from the dead a marriage restored somebody saved is a glimpse of what's true always in heaven so we just celebrated and erica her getting healed last service that is a glimpse of heaven on earth that's a glimpse of your kingdom come your will be done here as in heaven and i'm believing in this service there's there are those of you who will ask for you will receive a glimpse in your own life of heaven touching you it's available do you want it do you want it he's ready to give it to you matthew 11 we'll turn there and jesus says in matthew 11 the kingdom is forcefully advancing so we pray your kingdom come your will be done and then in matthew 11 he says it's forcefully advancing it's always advancing his kingdom is always advancing matthew 11 we pick it up with john the pap the baptist it says this so john the baptist is in prison verse two john the baptist who was in prison heard about all the things the messiah was doing so he sent his disciples to ask jesus are you the messiah we've been expecting or should we keep looking for someone else this is funny to me john the baptist grew up with jesus he knew about jesus who baptized jesus john the baptist what happened at jesus baptism this is my son whom i love in him i'm well pleased and a dove descended on jesus the holy spirit john was there for this what happened john why are you asking if this is the messiah well he's in prison sometimes we allow our experience in our current moment to affect the truth and the reality of who god is some of you you've been in a real tough season and you've allowed that tough season to begin to define who god is that isn't true let's go back to who jesus is he says so he sends his disciples john the baptist sends them and jesus told them i love jesus go back to john and tell him what you have heard and seen just tell him what you're what you're seeing and what you're hearing you don't need to make up anything just tell them what you've seen and heard and what's that verse five the blind sea the lame walk those with leprosy are cured the deaf here the dead are raised to life and the good news is being preached to the poor is that enough to show you that maybe i'm the messiah and maybe the kingdom of heaven is breaking through but no and he added verse six and he added god blesses those who are do not fall away because of me verse 7 as john's disciples were leaving jesus began talking about him which is john the baptist to the crowds what kind of man did you go into the wilderness to see was he a weak reed swayed by every breath of wind were you expecting to see a man dressed in expensive clothes no people with expensive clothes live in palaces were you looking for a prophet yes and he is more than a prophet john is the man to whom the scriptures refer when they say look i am sending my messenger ahead of you and he will prepare your way before you now listen to this verse verse 11 i tell you the truth of all who have ever lived none is greater than john the baptist what a statement what a statement jesus just said he is the best ever the goat is john the baptist he's literally saying that about john the baptist he's the greatest of all time then the next portion listen to this this is so important for us to capture yet even the least person in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he is what makes you who are in the kingdom of heaven greater than he is because the finished work of jesus christ on the cross you have direct access to the father and the holy spirit now lives and dwells inside of you that is the greatness of god revealed in us in verse 12 and from the time john the baptist began preaching until now the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing someone say forcefully advancing that sounded very forceful i know online you guys were more forceful in how you said that forcefully advancing yeah and the violent take it by force those of you like star wars the forced words there just really exciting you the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing and the violent take it by force that verse is one of the most difficult verses to translate in the bible the word for violent is the word biazo in greek and you know how many times it comes up in the bible this is it one time and is this violent thing a good thing we're christians am i supposed to be violent is this violent thing is this good or is this bad i believe what jesus is trying to say here is there is a kingdom of darkness that has pressed itself up against the kingdom of heaven but we as believers are to be violent against the darkness the darkness we see things happening in our world and we cannot just see this in a natural there's actually a spiritual thing happening in our world today that is trying to hijack what god is doing on the earth so we're going to be violent in our prayers we're going to be violent in how we live against this kingdom of darkness the kingdom is always advancing always advancing forcefully advancing meaning from jesus until now it's still advancing in 2020 the kingdom of heaven advanced today the kingdom of heaven is advancing and i get it there there are moments there are moments where it feels like like nothing's happened like it's a flat line maybe barely advancing have you ever had those moments in your life where you're like i know god's doing something but i can't feel it i can't see it and i'm just believing it you had those moments happen in your life maybe you're in that moment right now or it's just barely barely barely and there's other moments i think in history where there's like a progressive advancing here like of the kingdom but there are certain moments in history where there's a spike we call it a revival it's happened in nations it's happened in cities and like there's this collective like boom something god's doing something he's doing something so powerful and so profound and so real in this moment that i cannot believe i get to be a part of this why what would it look like to see that here in our region what would it look like to see churches not just this church churches throughout our region so filled with the power and presence of god that people are lining up around blocks to just get into the presence of god what would it look like that we were so filled with the love of god that we were flooding our neighborhoods trying to serve our neighbors wouldn't it be an amazing amazing picture that all the non-profits that are are asking for help and asking for financial support that we the church would say we're going to partner with you and helping the widows and orphans in our in our world well it was beautiful yesterday we had 23 people go sign up to volunteer at mere ministries that's helping victims of sex trafficking we had 23 people wake up at 8 in the morning to get trained so they can support i'm telling you that's what a spike looks like where people are saying i'm going to give up to help those in need i want to see that in my lifetime i don't want to live my life for just getting by i don't want to live my life for myself saying i just did all this i want to see a spike in my lifetime i want to see such a move of god in my lifetime i want to give my life to that man and if kovitz taught me anything is this is jesus is the answer to loneliness to depression to addiction to pain to suffering to heartache to fatigue to loss jesus is the answer if you've come here looking for answers i can only tell you there's one and his name is jesus christ he is the answer of what you're looking for and his kingdom is advancing and his kingdom is expanding it's growing and we want to see a spike do you want to see that in your lifetime i want to see that in our nation i want to see a spike in our region i want to see a people so hungry for the lord that we're willing to pay any price for him to transform a region for his goodness so my big idea is this write this down the kingdom of heaven is designed to continually expand in every believer and throughout the world that is a big idea the kingdom of heaven is designed to continually expand in you and throughout the world i don't know if you ever get to thinking about heaven but the more i experience the goodness and the wonder of god the more i realize there's more like the more i worship god the more i i pursue him the more unfolding there is to the dimensions of who he is i think sometimes when believers think about heaven they get kind of stuck because they're like well what will we do have you ever thought that well what would you do i actually think heaven is this continually realization that there's more and there's more and there's more and there's more and there's never a moment in heaven where we're gonna be like and that's it great let's pack the bags let's go home that's all you got god you know there's never going to be that moment it's going to be wow god that's there's more wow god i got i think about it this way um my family we have a pumpkin patch and uh and a corn maze that we do and this last year we said hey let's just do fireworks in the middle of the pumpkin patch why not what could go wrong so me and my brothers we decided let's do it let's let's do some fireworks so we we hired a guy he came out and spread everybody out and and put fi the fireworks started going you know and we had the fireworks we did it at night and and and the fire started going off and we didn't have to tell people hey everybody pay attention now stop playing the fireworks are going off there's just something about the fireworks that everybody's like whoa and it's the same way with god the moment you start to see god doing something so powerful nobody has to tell you hey look there look what god's doing you just know you just know god's doing something you just know god wow god you have my attention like during worship some of you were just so undone by the lord he's just capturing your attention and then what's so funny it doesn't matter the age young and old there's this collective ooh ah wow you know nobody had to tell anybody to uh like nobody i didn't have to say hey ooh now hey in five seconds everybody one two three let's ooh you know nobody had to say that why because there's just this wonder of wow look at that one and wow look at that one when we begin to see miracles signs and wonders heaven breaking out there's something inside that goes wow we're up 13 percent in a pandemic wow that lady got healed after 20 years oh god there's just something that happens inside of you when you begin to see what god's doing well eventually the fireworks show ended because we got we got to pay these guys so the fireworks show had to end at some point so we firework show ended and everybody like right at the end what do they do yay now let's go home all right and i'm as one of the owners yes go home leave you know come on you know show's over the show is never over in the kingdom there's no point where you have to say go go no no it's just like a constant wow god the only time the show's over is when we look away that's the only time so the enemy knows us so what does the enemy do let me let me distract you i heard one pastor say you know we used to have like demons and people shouting and screaming at our services to get attention we don't see that anymore because everybody has cell phones now so the enemies got their attention that way those of you on cell phones are now putting it away quickly oh behind me devil you know my heart for this message is that you just be captured by the love of god that's it that you just turn your attention your affection to him you know there's moses when he saw the burning bush it says in scripture that he turned aside he knew god was doing something i believe this service is just a moment for you to turn aside to the lord and just realize he he's doing something right now he's doing something in you right now just turn aside to him say okay lord whatever you want to do whatever you want to do in me the kingdom of god is forcibly advancing and i want to ask you do you feel like it's advancing in you one pastor once said he said this is when we walk in god's ways we become a target for heaven to invade so god would i be a target would our church be a target for you we want to walk in your ways god just get us in your sights get us in your sights lord we want to be a target for you now i know you're probably thinking and those of you online are probably thinking what is on the table you've been thinking the whole time i know this is a toy an orb my kids were playing with it and then they started fighting over it so i was like i gotta that guy's gotta work for a sermon so i gotta put this thing away until after the sermon because they were fighting over it and um about three weeks ago maybe maybe four weeks ago at our school supernatural ministry we're really going after the presence of the lord we were just pursuing him and um holy spirit just took over the service we worshiped for about two hours i don't know it might have been i don't know how it was probably two hours but it felt like just five minutes and my wife was sitting over here in the front row kind of by where pastor jim is over here and she was just sitting down taking it all in and she was asking the lord what are you doing you ever had god do something in in somebody else and you're just wondering like god what are you doing or it was happening in you and you're like god i know you're doing something what are you doing so rachel's asking what you're doing and he gave her a picture of an orb like this and he gave her a picture and the orb was expanding like that isn't that cool it was expanding it was a slow expansion then she saw god place this orb it was golden it was a golden orb and he was placing it inside of us and it was expanding and god's saying i'm expanding you i'm expanding your husband and i'm expanding this church in the season to become a bigger vessel and a greater vessel to host the presence of god and she says that she saw it opening there was actually like things around it that were like violently being pushed away if you're going to allow god to expand inside of you you actually have to let that violently by force push away control push away unforgiveness push away anger push away unbelief that has to go it has to go if you wanna you can live like this and have all your stuff around here or you can live like this and have a greater capacity for all that god has for you ever expanding ever expanding ever expanding so there's two ways to really posture yourself to receive from the lord and become like this two things i wrote down humility and hunger humility and hunger and in the time that i have left i just want to talk about humility and hunger in james 4 verse 6 i know i said we're gonna be in matthew most of time sorry we're going to james now and it says this god opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble so let's read this out loud together would you read after me god opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble so god opposes the proud i want you to think about this opposes the proud that means there are supernatural forces working against you when you're proud some would call it a curse so instead of expanding when you're proud you know what does that flower closes it implodes somebody wondering why am i not experiencing god what's going on well maybe there's pride there maybe but when you're humble oh this is exciting there's actually a grace that's released to you when you're humble so let's call this there's actually a supernatural force working for your good it's called a blessing blessing or curse which one would you like to live with i think we all know the answer it's easy to say it's a little more difficult to live i want to live in the blessing and how do i live in the blessing humility my wife said this i thought it was really good she said humility is the yes that allows the kingdom to expand in your life humility is the yes so about uh it was in october um i had some friends come visit us my wife and i had some friends that i was friends with in college some people that i worked with they came and visited us and they passed through over in belfair washington over in the seattle area and they pastor a beautiful wonderful church and so they came and visited us we were hanging out and talking and he both of them really um are gifted and anointed in inner healing and deliverance and so we're hanging out we're having a great time and and spending time together it's about 11 o'clock at night he said hey i want to pray for you before i go back and go to hotel and go home i said okay sweet pray for me he begins to pray for me pray pray pray at the end he's like amen and he looks me in the eye and says hey just so you know you got some stuff you need healed from and uh you should come and visit me i'm like why are you telling me this now it's 11 o'clock let's deal with this now i'm going to be thinking about this for a long time well if you want to do something about it come visit me in seattle see you later bye so i waited three months don't we do this we totally do this we know we got to do something but we just i don't know don't want to do it so what do we do we wait maybe you're in a three-month waiting period of something god told you to do and you haven't done it yet i am with you i waited three months and actually things didn't get better things got worse to the point where like i was just having serious issues with anger and self-sabotaging behavior or i would want to get close but i just sabotaged behavior uh sabotage relationship sabotage closeness and that affected my wife more than anybody and my wife at one point said you know what you're not fun you're not fun you know whatever but oh it hit me it's like i'm not fun i'm not fun maybe you're in a season right now where you know i'm not fun i'm not having fun my life's not fun there's there's cycles of brokenness and i'm just i'm circling around cycles of bondage so my birthday was last month so i said to my wife i said you know what i want for my birthday freedom let's go visit our friends in seattle so we went and visited them and as i showed up he had us do this like pre-work and all the stuff and as i showed up i was just ready i was humble i was just ready for god to break in me and as he began to to to pray and we began to minister i just got free i got free i got free of stuff that i've been carrying for years and i was just like thanking god like that song we just sing thank you i was just thanking god for what he'd done in my life i just got so much freedom there was actually demonic experience spirits that came out of me like came out of me i was delivered of things in my life even generational things in my life that just came out of me and i was free and i was just worshiping the lord and it was so beautiful and you might be like you're a pastor and you had demons yeah and i don't care what you think because i just want to be free i just want to be free listen there's got to become a place in your heart there has to be a place in your heart where you're so desperate for the lord that you don't care what it costs if you don't care what it looks like you're just willing to go after everything that god has for you you have to get a place of not caring what everybody thinks about you that fear of man has to go now in the name of jesus and you have to press into all that god has for you because he wants to expand in you his presence and his goodness so that humility in me it just it birthed the hunger just a hunger for the lord i'm so hungry for him the second thing i wrote down is hunger are you hungry for more of god if you're not you can ask him to give you hunger in fact let's just stop right now if you need more hunger just open up your hands let's pray right now holy spirit right now would you feel would you fill your church with hunger we want to hunger for your word i want to know your word lord every time i read your word when i encounter you give me a hunger for your your holy spirit i want to know your holy spirit so right now in this room every hand that's open every heart is open every humble heart grace now grace now grace for hunger in the name of jesus amen matthew 5 says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they could be filled no what does it say they will it's a promise lord phil in this room right now holy spirit we hunger and thirst for you would you fill us when you hunger for these things there's actually something that happens where you just hunger to see the move of god that we read about matthew 11 where the lame see you know the blind see the lame walk you know the dead are raised all that stuff so pastor drew who's amazing man of god just a man filled with faith he challenges me and sharpens me i love pastor drew he got a prophetic word over his life about a year ago maybe a year and a half ago now that he would see the dead raised through his prayers man that's a big word and so about a month ago a young man whose roommates with somebody in our church he actually um 21 years old he found out he had cancer and within a week of him finding out he had cancer he died and there's actually dreams and people knew that this this is a demonic thing so so we i found out he died he had died the day before and i texted drew drew was praying in our we the pastors get here in the morning we pray and he was praying god i want to see the dead raised so i texted him about 30 minutes later i said were you serious about that prayer he said absolutely before we knew it he and i were on in my truck driving to othello the family had said yes we want you to pray so we said okay god you said this word so we're gonna go for it so we went and it's coven season so the family said yes but the funeral home did not say yes so we show up the funeral home we say hey can we pray for this young man they said no we have mass no says okay lord there was a persistent widow that kept praying we're going to keep praying please lord give us an opportunity to give us a chance right then the family walks in say we want these guys to pray okay they can pray yes lord they said well the body's not prepared it won't be ready for a few days no we want the body as is we want to pray for the bod so they roll the body in so for 20 minutes me pastor drew and and dylan we're in there and we're praying we're praying praying praying praying calling on god asking god to come and do what you said is possible in your word if you said it i believe it if you said it's possible in your word i believe it so we prayed and we prayed and we prayed and and dylan and i both got a picture as we were praying for this young man we got a picture of him in heaven with jesus smiling full of joy and that's when we're like uh why would we take him from that you know he's with jesus now so was that that moment where we felt like that was it we did what we were supposed to do and we were able to go to the family and tell them we went and told them what we saw about their son with jesus so the young man did not raise from the dead but we're like if we're leading a school of supernatural ministry asking people to risk then we as the leaders better risk big and we better risk big with god and you know what i felt the lord so proud of us for risking for taking him had his word for going after the impossible because what does it say in scripture all things are possible with god and i felt the lord just his love and an act of obedience because you see what was resurrected there was my faith do you know what died that day my unbelief and are you hungering for the lord to move in such a way that you drive to a funeral home just to pray because god told you to that's the people we should be that's the people god's calling us to be and you might be like i am so far from there well great start where you're at just start right where you're at start right where you're at and he's going to fill you with hunger i'm going to ask the band to come we're going to finish out the message here and i know there's probably some of you that are like well i did pray and nothing happened i did pray i prayed i prayed hard i prayed long pastor talked to us about praying hard last week i prayed long i did you know and it didn't work that disappointment can cause you to stop praying that disappointment can stop your hunger but here's the truth we have to be okay with mystery why do some people get healed and other people don't why do some people get raised and other people don't it's a mystery isn't it it's a mystery but i know this truth all healing was provided at the finished work of jesus christ so if i'm praying for heaven to invade earth and a greater measure your kingdom come your will be done then healing's possible and even people being raised from the dead is possible there is a mystery that i can't explain the mystery of who gets healed who doesn't but i'm not going to allow disappointment or anger be my leader see when i say i prayed and it didn't happen i'm actually allowing disappointment and anger to lead my life instead of the holy spirit so at some point i have to take my disappointment my anger my hurt my unforgiveness whatever it is i have to take it to the lord and say here lord this is yours this isn't mine this is yours you paid for this i'm going to take this to the cross and allow you to heal me the kingdom of heaven is forced advancing and the violent take it by force so what do you need to get violent about today so we end the message your yes humility is the yes that allows it to expand hunger's the fuel so what's beautiful today is you don't have to wait three months like i did to have an encounter with the lord that is available to you right now so let's stand together would you stand with me god wants to expand in you he wants to expand his goodness his mercy his presence his power inside of you if you have cycles that you've gone through cycles of brokenness if you're contending for healing let's contend again if you have cycles of brokenness let's get free today the lord can deliver you of those things holy spirit's available two years ago i i went to a church and i got a prophetic word and it was me in a fenced area i was in a fenced area and this area represented my comfort what i knew everything i knew about god and there was father god at the gate with the gate open and he was looking at me and he was saying hey mark let's go out into the wilderness together and i'm in this comfort zone saying woof i kind of like this place here it's nice i know it god was saying no come with me to the wilderness come with me to the unknown where the kingdom is come with me out there and this was beautiful like picture from the lord because the lord told like he was at the gate and he was speaking to me and you're saying i will love you if you stay my love actually won't change for you whether you go or you stay i'm just inviting you i'm just inviting you to this place and he told me he said all your dreams everything you want to see all your hopes for your life are out there with me you can stay in this place because there's this invitation to go with him and then i got this warning if you go you're never going back [Laughter] you're never going back to that fenced area you're never going back for some of you today's your day to leave that comfort zone that place you've been living and you're gonna go with jesus and you're never going back to those things that comfort zone there's an expanding the lord wants to do so let's make some declarations let's make some declarations this morning and then we'll going to worship and allow the holy spirit to minister to you the first one is if you need humility you want the lord to expand into its humility and his hunger the first thing we must declare is i walk in radical humility would you just say that i walk in radical humility something you didn't say it let's say it again i walk in radical in the balconies let's say it i walk in radical humility say it till you believe it i walk in radical humility any place of pride it must go now the next one is this this declaration i am hungry for more of the presence and the power of god oh would you just declare that let's say it out loud together i am hungry for more of the presence and power of god let's say it again i am hungry for more of the presence and power of god online would you declare this i am hungry for more of the presence and power of god so come holy spirit yes holy spirit we want more of you holy spirit we ask you now to come and invade us we want to be a target lord that you'd set your sights on us that you would fill us god we want to expand more and more in this church in this hour let us see a spike god we don't want to just get by we don't want to just see it just barely going up we want to see a spike in our lifetime that our region that our city that our homes would be saved by the power and the presence of jesus we're not going to wait three months for it we're going after it today in this moment and in this hour come holy spirit come holy spirit come holy spirit come holy spirit would you invade us now yes [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you gave it all there is no greater love there is no greater love for the cross what you've done it was more than enough more than enough [Music] the sacrifice that changed history [Music] victory the sacrifice that changed history the nails in your hands the hands that saved me [Music] what you've done [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what you've done [Music] [Applause] [Music] what i've done [Music] thank you [Music] oh thank you for breaking breath [Music] oh thank you for breaking the bread of your [Music] thank body [Music] forever [Music] what you've done [Music] is [Music] would you close your eyes with me and just allow the holy spirit to minister to you [Music] just let your spirit by faith reach out connect with him in this moment including those of you who are online wherever you're watching from just steal your spirit and allow holy spirit to to bring love to you to manifest his power for you we're gonna have a moment here where we're going to pray for some people but i want to address a specific thing first for those of you today you you hear us sing that song where it says my heart will sing forever thank you perhaps your heart is heavy and and you you don't know how to sing that song because you haven't yet had an encounter personally with jesus where you made him lord of your life where he saved you and where you've had a transformation of your heart like you heard pastor mark describe today so much of what god has done in his life and you're thinking today online or in this building i need jesus i'm going to humble myself today there's a hunger in me that's unsatisfied and i need jesus to come into my life if that's you today raise your hand i want to see you thank you i see you over there down here too bless you sweetheart who else raise your hand just so i can see you i'm not going to embarrass you anything i just want to see that you're here acknowledging we're going to pray a prayer together there's a few raised their hand and those online as well you're not raising your hand probably but your heart knows i need jesus let's all pray this prayer together everyone out loud thank you heavenly father that you gave your son jesus for me and thank you jesus that your body was broken and your blood was shed that i could be forgiven and that i could know you and i could be right with you i want that today forgive me come into my life give me new life in jesus name amen there's a few that raised their hands in here today wow what an incredible service and powerful message from pastor mark so grateful for all that god's been doing in this series heaven to earth it's just been a powerful time such a great sermon today and if you gave your heart to jesus today we are celebrating with you that's the best decision you'll ever make and in fact all of heaven is rejoicing as well but we want to get in contact with you so if you could fill out a connect card online let us know you asked jesus into your heart and one of our pastors will be in contact with you to help you take the next steps on your journey with the lord so we just say thank you for joining us and if you like this sermon you can share it with others you can click share if you want more content more opportunities to grow and learn we have a whole bunch of content you can listen to on our life church 7 page on our youtube channel as well as our facebook page so check it out there's lots of things that you can learn and grow from but we are so glad you joined us today and we can't wait to see you back next week you
Views: 294
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: pzUQ0c_6wDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 49sec (5629 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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